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The guitar is a fretted musical instrument that typically has six strings. It is held flat against
the player's body and played by strumming or plucking the strings with the dominant hand,
while simultaneously pressing the strings against frets with the fingers of the opposite hand.
A plectrum or individual finger picks may be used to strike the strings. The sound of the
guitar is projected either acoustically, by means of a resonant chamber on the instrument, or
amplified by an electronic pickup and an amplifier. There are three main types of modern
guitar: the classical guitar; the steel-string acoustic guitar; and the Hawaiian guitar.
Traditional acoustic guitars include the flat top guitar or an archtop guitar, which is
sometimes called a "jazz guitar". The tone of an acoustic guitar is produced by the strings'
vibration, amplified by the hollow body of the guitar, which acts as a resonating chamber.
The classical Spanish guitar is often played as a solo instrument using a comprehensive
fingerstyle technique where each string is plucked individually by the player's fingers, as
opposed to being strummed. The term "finger-picking" can also refer to a specific tradition of
folk, blues, bluegrass, and country guitar playing in the United States.

ðə gɪˈtɑːr ɪz ə ˈfrɛtɪd ˈmjuːzɪkəl ˈɪnstrʊmənt ðæt ˈtɪpɪkəli hæz sɪks strɪŋz. ɪt ɪz hɛld fl
æt əˈgɛnst ðə ˈpleɪərs ˈbɒdi ænd pleɪd baɪ ˈstrʌmɪŋ ɔː ˈplʌkɪŋ ðə strɪŋz wɪð ðə ˈdɒmɪ
nənt hænd, waɪl ˌsɪməlˈteɪniəsli ˈprɛsɪŋ ðə strɪŋz əˈgɛnst frɛts wɪð ðə ˈfɪŋgəz ɒv ði ˈɒ
pəzɪt hænd. ə plæktrəm ɔːr ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl ˈfɪŋgə pɪks meɪ biː juːzd tuː straɪk ðə strɪŋz. 
ðə saʊnd ɒv ðə gɪˈtɑːr ɪz prəˈʤɛktɪd ˈaɪðər əˈkuːstɪkəli, baɪ miːnz ɒv ə ˈrɛzənənt ˈʧeɪ
mbər ɒn ði ˈɪnstrʊmənt, ɔːr ˈæmplɪfaɪd baɪ ən ɪlɛkˈtrɒnɪk ˈpɪkʌp ænd ən ˈæmplɪfaɪə. 
ðeər ɑː θriː meɪn taɪps ɒv ˈmɒdən gɪˈtɑː: ðə ˈklæsɪkəl gɪˈtɑː; ðə stiːl-strɪŋ əˈkuːstɪk gɪ
ˈtɑː; ænd ðə həˈwaɪən gɪˈtɑː. trəˈdɪʃənl əˈkuːstɪk gɪˈtɑːz ɪnˈkluːd ðə flæt tɒp gɪˈtɑːr ɔːr 
ən ɑːktɔp gɪˈtɑːr, wɪʧ ɪz ˈsʌmtaɪmz kɔːld eɪ "ʤæz gɪˈtɑː". ðə təʊn ɒv ən əˈkuːstɪk gɪ
ˈtɑːr ɪz prəˈdjuːst baɪ ðə strɪŋz vaɪˈbreɪʃən, ˈæmplɪfaɪd baɪ ðə ˈhɒləʊ ˈbɒdi ɒv ðə gɪ
ˈtɑː, wɪʧ ækts æz ə ˈrɛzəˌneɪtɪŋ ˈʧeɪmbə. ðə ˈklæsɪkəl ˈspænɪʃ gɪˈtɑːr ɒfən pleɪd æz 
ə ˈsəʊləʊ ˈɪnstrʊmənt ˈjuːzɪŋ ə ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv fɪŋgəstɑɪl tɛkˈniːk weər iːʧ strɪŋ ɪz plʌk
t ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəli baɪ ðə ˈpleɪəz ˈfɪŋgəz, æz əˈpəʊzd tuː ˈbiːɪŋ strʌmd. ðə tɜːm "ˈfɪŋgə-
ˈpɪkɪŋ" kæn ˈɔːlsəʊ rɪˈfɜː tuː ə spɪˈsɪfɪk trəˈdɪʃən ɒv fəʊk, bluːz, blugræs, ænd ˈkʌntri 
gɪˈtɑː ˈpleɪɪŋ ɪn ðə jʊˈnaɪtɪd steɪts.

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