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 Drinks…Watch  what  you  drink  

Material  compiled  by  Leonardo  Mohamad  II  Level  ARU  Rugby  Coach.  http://miblogderugby.blogspot.com      

Most parents wouldn't dream of giving their kids a mug of coffee, but might routinely serve
soft drinks containing caffeine. Foods and drinks with caffeine are everywhere, but it's wise to
keep caffeine consumption to a minimum, especially in younger kids.

What is Caffeine?
Caffeine is a drug that's naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. Caffeine
is also made artificially and added to certain foods. It is is
found in coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks and some

Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central

nervous system and may increase an individual's alertness
and concentration. It is the only psychoactive drug (drug which
affects the mind or mood) that is legally available to children
and adolescents. While caffeine is generally considered safe
for consumption in moderation by adults and children,
concerns have been raised about the health effects of children
consuming large quantities of caffeine.

How Caffeine Affects Kids

The 2007 Australian Child Nutrition Survey estimated the
daily caffeine intake of Australian children. Children aged 2-3
years consumed 3.4mg of caffeine daily and 4-8 year olds
consumed 8.1mg of caffeine. Caffeine intake increased to
19.2mg in the 9-13 year age group and 41.7mg amongst 14-16 year olds. On average, boys
consumed slightly more caffeine than girls.

In both kids and adults, too much caffeine can cause:

• jitteriness and nervousness
• upset stomach
• headaches
• difficulty concentrating
• difficulty sleeping
• increased heart rate
• increased blood pressure

Especially in young kids, it doesn't take a lot of caffeine to produce these effects.
Other reasons to limit kids' caffeine consumption include:
• Kids who consume one or more 12-ounce (355-milliliter) sweetened soft drink per day
are 60% more likely to be obese.
• Not only do caffeinated beverages contain empty calories (calories that don't provide
any nutrients), but kids who fill up on them don't get the vitamins and minerals they
need from healthy sources, putting them at risk for nutritional deficiencies. In
particular, kids who drink too much soda (which usually starts between the third and
eighth grades) may miss getting the calcium they need from milk to build strong
bones and teeth.
• Drinking too many sweetened caffeinated drinks could lead to dental cavities (or
caries) from the high sugar content and the erosion of tooth enamel from acidity. Not
convinced that sodas can wreak that much havoc on kids' teeth? Consider this: One
12-ounce (355-milliliter) nondiet, carbonated soft drink contains the equivalent of 10
teaspoons of sugar (49 milliliters) and 150 calories.
• Caffeine is a diuretic that causes the body to eliminate water (through urinating),
which may contribute to dehydration. Whether the amount of caffeine in beverages is
enough to actually cause dehydration is not clear, however. It may depend on
whether the person drinking the beverage is used to caffeine and how much caffeine
was consumed that day. To be on the safe side, it's wise to avoid excessive caffeine
consumption in hot weather, when kids need to replace water lost through
• Abruptly stopping caffeine may cause withdrawal symptoms (headaches, muscle
aches, temporary depression, and irritability), especially for those who are used to
consuming a lot.
• Caffeine can aggravate heart problems or nervous disorders, and some kids may not
be aware that they're at risk.
One thing that caffeine doesn't do is stunt growth. Although scientists once worried that
caffeine could hinder growth, this isn't supported by research.

Foods and Beverages With Caffeine

Although kids get most of their caffeine from sodas, it's also found in coffee, tea, chocolate,
coffee ice cream or frozen yogurt, as well as pain relievers and other over-the-counter
medicines. Some parents may give their kids iced tea in place of soda, thinking that it's a
better alternative. But iced tea can contain as much sugar and caffeine as soda.

A recent trend which has created considerable concern amongst health professionals is the
regular consumption of caffeinated energy drinks by children. Most energy drinks contain
approximately 80mg of caffeine per 250ml can or about the same amount as a cup of coffee.
However, some energy drinks contain as much as 300mg of caffeine. In Australia, legal loop-
holes mean that energy drinks sold as "dietary supplements" can contain more than the 80mg
of caffeine usually prescribed as the maximum caffeine quantity.

Teenagers and Energy drinks?

Energy drinks are highly caffeinated
beverages that come in a variety of brands,
flavours and sizes. They are often advertised
to boost physical and mental energy but do
not provide any special health benefits.
Energy drinks typically contain other
ingredients that include sugar, artificial
sweeteners, amino acids, vitamins and herbs.
At present, they are sold in most stores
alongside soft drinks, juices and sports drinks.

Energy drink “shots” are a concentrated form

of energy drink. These have a high amount of
caffeine in a smaller, 60-90mL serving size.
Common brand names of energy drinks
• Red Bull®
• Amp Energy®
• Rockstar Energy®
• Rockstar Energy Shot®
• Monster Energy®
Energy drinks are not the same as sports drinks like Gatorade® and Powerade® which do not
contain caffeine and are formulated to rehydrate the body after intense exercise.

Energy drinks have more caffeine than soft drinks. Caffeine gives energy drinks their
stimulating effect. The amount of caffeine ranges from the amount found in 1 cup (240ml) of
coffee to the amount found in 3 cups or more. See Table 1.
Size Caffeine Sugar Calories
(ml) (mg) (g) (kcal/)

Cola 355 36-46 40 143

240 119-181
Coffee 0 2
355 177-268

Red Bull® 355 113.6 39 156

Monster Energy® 473 164 53 197

Rockstar Energy Drink

75 200 - -

Nos® 650 343 74 296

* Table 1 Caffeine and sugar content of select drinks

Some energy drinks have more caffeine than the amount stated on the label. Ingredients
such as yerba mate, guarana and black tea are natural sources of caffeine. Caffeine from
these sources is not always included in the amount listed on the label.

Health Canada states that healthy adults can safely have up to 400mg of caffeine per day
(300 mg for women of childbearing age). Having more caffeine than this can make you
irritable and nervous and may cause headaches and sleeplessness.

Children should not drink energy drinks because the high caffeine content exceeds daily limits
for this age group. Teens should limit caffeine due to the side effects. A healthy diet for
children and teens does not include caffeine.

Health experts are also concerned about the trend of combining energy drinks with alcohol.
According to an April 2006 study in the medical journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
Research, the addition of caffeine can make alcohol users feel less drunk, but motor
coordination and visual reaction time are just as impaired as when alcohol is drunk by itself.
The Australian Medical Association said mixing energy drinks with alcohol could be leading to
the increase in drunken night violence.

As with all soft drinks, ‘energy’ drinks, because of the high sugar content, can lead to
problems with excessive weight gain. This is more likely for teens who often consume large
quantities of drinks in order to partake in sedentary activities such as late night computer
gaming sessions.

The high sugar content in the drinks is also being linked to dental problem. A recent study
conducted by the Australian Dental Association with consumer group Choice found that
energy drinks had higher acid levels than most other fizzy drinks. Unlike tooth decay that is
caused by bacteria, acid can directly damage the enamel surface of teeth causing dental

It is very important that adults advise teens that:

• Caffeine dehydrates the body so teens should always drink water with caffeinated
• Energy drinks and alcohol are not good to consume together and can place people in
dangerous situations.
• Consistent regular consumption of caffeine can create physiological dependence,
which can have unpleasant side effects.
• Teens who have sedentary lifestyles i.e. many hours on the computer, are at
significant risk of obesity if they drink energy regularly.
Is there evidence that these energy drinks increase energy?
There is limited evidence that consumption of energy drinks can significantly improve
physical and mental performance, driving ability when tired and decrease mental
fatigue during long periods of concentration.

Cutting Caffeine
Can you keep kids caffeine-free? Absolutely! The best way to cut caffeine (and added sugar)
is to eliminate soda. Instead, offer water, milk, flavored seltzer, and 100% fruit juice. For
added convenience, serve water in squeeze bottles that kids can carry around. You can still
serve the occasional soda or tea — just make it noncaffeinated. And watch for hidden
caffeine by checking the ingredient list on foods and beverages.

If your teen has taken up coffee drinking,

one cup a day can easily turn into several
(as most adults know), especially if your
teen drinks it to stay awake during late-night
study sessions.

The best way to reduce coffee caffeine

intake is to cut back slowly. Otherwise, kids
(and adults) could get headaches and feel
achy, depressed, or just downright lousy.

Try substituting noncaffeinated drinks for

caffeinated sodas and coffee (water,
caffeine-free sodas, and caffeine-free teas).
Keep track of how many caffeinated drinks
your child has each day, and substitute

one drink per week with a caffeine-free

alternative until he or she has gotten below
the 100-milligram mark.

Someone cutting back on caffeine may feel

tired. The best bet is to hit the sack, not the
sodas: It's just a body's way of saying that
more rest is necessary. Don't worry —
energy levels will return to normal in a few days.

Feel free to let kids indulge in a sliver of chocolate cake at birthday parties or a cup of tasty
hot cocoa on a cold day — these choices don't pack enough caffeine punch to be harmful. As
with everything, moderation is the key to keeping your kids' caffeine consumption under

• Caffeine and your child. Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD. February 2009

• Medical Dictionary.
• Energy Drinks and Teenagers: Do You Understand the Risks?
• by Chris on August 25, 2010

• What are energy drinks? http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthfiles/hfile109.stm

• Karrie Heneman & Sheri Zidenberg-Cherr. Energy Drinks. Nutrition and health info sheet.
Publication 8265. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural resources.

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