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 To learn the plotting of Cartesian Spherical and Cylindrical System in MATLAB.
 To learn about Radiation Pattern of Antenna.

a) Antenna

An antenna is a transducer that converts radio frequency (RF) fields into alternating currents or vice
versa. There are both receiving and transmission antennas for sending or receiving radio
transmissions. Antennas play an important role in the operation of all radio equipment. They are used
in wireless local networks, mobile telephone and satellite communication.

Antennas have an arrangement of metallic conductors with an electrical connection to receive or

transmitters. Current if forced through these conductors by radio transmitter to create alternating
magnetic fields. These fields induce voltage at the antenna terminals, which are connected to the
receiver input. In the far field, the oscillating magnetic field is coupled with a similar oscillating
electric field, which defines electromagnetic waves capable of propagating the signal for long

b) Radiation pattern of antenna

The radiation pattern of antenna is a representing the distribution of power out-flowing from the
antenna, or inflowing to the antenna as a function of directional angles from the antenna.

Antenna radiation pattern is defined for large distances from the antenna, where the spatial
distribution of the radiated power does not depend on the distance from the radiation source is
independent on the power flow direction.

c) Directional antenna

It is a radio frequency (RF) wireless antenna designed to function more effectively in some
directions than in others. The purpose of that directionally is improving transmission and receiving
of communication and reducing interference.

In consumer applications, the most common directional antenna is the used with satellite internet and
satellite television installations.

d) Isotropic antenna

An isotropic antenna is a theoretical antenna that radiates equally in all directions - horizontally and
vertically with the same intensity. The antenna has a gain of 1 dB in the spherical space all around it
and has an efficiency of 100%. The concept of an isotropic antenna is often used as a reference
antenna for the antenna gain

An isotropic antenna is an ideal antenna that radiates its power uniformly in all directions. There is
no actual physical isotropic antenna. However, an isotropic antenna is often used as a reference
antenna for the antenna gain

MATLAB program to plot radiation pattern

clear all;
close all;
tmin = input('The lower range of theta in Degree= ');
tmax = input('The Upper range of Theta in Degree= ');
pmin = input('The lower range of Phi in degree= ');
pmax = input('The upper range of Phi in degree= ');
tinc = 2;
pinc = 4;
rad = pi/180;
theta1 = (tmin:tinc:tmax);
phi1 = (pmin:pinc:pmax);
theta = theta1.*rad;
phi = phi1.*rad;
[THETA,PHI] = meshgrid(theta,phi);
y1 = input('The field pattern: E(THETA,PHI)=');
y = input('The field pattern: P(THETA,PHI)=','s');
y = abs(y1);
ratio = max(max(y));
[X,Y,Z] = sph2cart(THETA,PHI,y);
title('3 D pattern','Color','r','FontName','Helvetica','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','demi');
fprintf('\n Input Parameters: \n------------------');
fprintf('\n Theta = %2.0f',tmin);
fprintf('\n Phi = %2.0f',tmin);
%fprintf('\n FIELD PATTERN : %s',v);
fprintf('\n \n Output is shown in the figure below---------');

a. For isotropic antenna

The lower range of theta in Degree= 0

The Upper range of Theta in Degree= 180

The lower range of Phi in degree= 0

The upper range of Phi in degree= 360

The field pattern: E(THETA,PHI)=4

The field pattern: P(THETA,PHI)=2

Input Parameters:


Theta = 0:2.0f:2.0f

Phi = 0: 4:360

Output is shown in the figure below---------

b. For half wave length

The lower range of theta in Degree= 0

The Upper range of Theta in Degree= 180

The lower range of Phi in degree= 0

The upper range of Phi in degree= 360

The field pattern:


The field pattern: P(THETA,PHI)=7

Input Parameters:


Theta = 0:2.0f:2.0f

Phi = 0: 4:360

Output is shown in the figure below---------

c. For full wave length

The lower range of theta in Degree= 0

The Upper range of Theta in Degree= 180

The lower range of Phi in degree= 0

The upper range of Phi in degree= 360

The field pattern: E(THETA,PHI)=(cos(pi.*cos(THETA))+1)./sin(THETA)

The field pattern: P(THETA,PHI)=2

Input Parameters:


Theta = 0:2.0f:2.0f

Phi = 0: 4:360

Output is shown in the figure below---------

d. For Three half wavelength

The lower range of theta in Degree= 0

The Upper range of Theta in Degree= 180

The lower range of Phi in degree= 0

The upper range of Phi in degree= 360

The field pattern: E(THETA,PHI)=(cos(1.5*pi.*cos(THETA)))./sin(THETA)

The field pattern: P(THETA,PHI)=3

Input Parameters:


Theta = 0:2.0f:2.0f

Phi = 0: 4:360

Output is shown in the figure below---------

In this lab the MATLAB was used for plotting the pattern of isotropic and directional antennas for
different length. We find different radiation pattern for different wavelength in directional antenna.
Program was done for plotting radiation pattern. The input value of different angle and equation was
assigned to get different type of radiation pattern.

Hence, we practically learn about different types of radiation pattern of same antenna with different
length with respect to wavelength in MATLAB software

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