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UC-10 —Chemical Separations Processes
for Plutonium and Uranium
TID-4500 (45th ed.)






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Contract No. W-7405-eng-26



u r mjcLEAR scimcE ABSTRACTS



for Period Ending May 31, 1965

D. E. Ferguson - Division Director

R. G. Wymer - Chemical Development
Section A Chief
R. E. Blanco - Chemical Development
Section B Chief
K. B. Brown - Chemical Development
Section C Chief
M. E. Whatley - Unit Operations Section Chief
H. E. Goeller - Process Design Section Chief
R. E. Brooksbank - Pilot Plant Section Chief



Oolc Ridge, T e n n e s s e e
operated by
for the



1.1 Hydrolysis of Uranium and Thorium Carbides
1.2 Development of P r o c e s s e s for Graphite-Base Fuel
1.3 Studies on the P r o c e s s i n g of Uranium-Plutonium Oxide Fuel
1.4 Studies on the P r o c e s s i n g of Thorium-Uranium Fuel
1.5 Chloride Volatility Studies with Uranium and Plutonium
1.6 Development of Mechanical P r o c e s s e s
1.7 Development of Close-Coupled P r o c e s s e s
1.8 Conceptual Plant Studies


2.1 Molten-Salt P r o c e s s i n g of Uranium-Aluminum Alloy Fuel
2.2 Volatilization of P u F from Molten Salts Containing High Concentrations
of Uranium
2.3 Recovery of Plutonium and Uranium from Falling Molten-Salt Droplets and
from Beds of Solid P a r t i c l e s by Fluorination
2.4 Fluidized-Bed Volatility P r o c e s s Development for Stainless-Steel- and
Zircaloy-Clad UO^ F u e l s
2.5 Design of a Fluidized-Bed Pilot Plant for Zirconium- and Stainless-Steel-Clad
UO Power-Reactor F u e l s
2.6 Sorption of P u F ^ by Metal Fluorides
2.7 Sorption of UF^ by N a F
2.8 Continuous In-Line Monitoring of Gas Streams in Fluoride Volatility Processin
2.9 Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of UF -NbF System
2.10 P h a s e Equilibria Studies Pertinent to Fluoride-Volatility P r o c e s s i n g of F u e l s
or Mixtures Containing Chromium
2.11 Volatilization of UF,, from Sol-Gel-Derived ThO -UO^
o 2 1
2.12 General Corrosion Studies


3.1 Conversion of High-Level Radioactive Wastes to Solids
3.2 Disposal of Intermediate»Level Radioactive Waste


3.3 Treatment of Low-Level Radioactive Wastes 119

3.4 Engineering, Economic, and Safety Evaluation 134


4.1 Development of Chemical P r o c e s s e s 140
4.2 Development of P r o c e s s Equipment 148
4.3 Design and Fabrication of P r o c e s s Equipment 151
4.4 Construction of the Transuranium P r o c e s s i n g Plant 152


5.1 P r o c e s s Development 157
5.2 Curium Recovery Facility: Equipment and Flowsheet Testing 160
5.3 Solvent Extraction P r o c e s s i n g of ^''^Am and ^^''Cm 161
5.4 Ion Exchange Purification and Separation of ^''^Am-^''''Cm 166
5.5 P r o c e s s i n g of ^"'AmO2 Targets 168
5.6 Development of Alternative P r o c e s s e s : Separation of Lanthanides and
Actmides 172


6.1 " ^ U Storage and Distribution Facility 174
6.2 Development of the Sol-Gel P r o c e s s 174
6.3 Development of Methods for Producing Microspheres 177
6.4 Design of the Thorium-Uranium Recycle Facility 182
6.5 Development of Equipment for the Thonum-Uranium Recycle Facility 185


7.1 Extraction of Metal Chlorides by Amines 193
7.2 Extraction of Metal Nitrates by Amines 193
7.3 Reagents for Separating Polonium(IV) from Bismuth 195
7.4 New Extraction Reagents 197
7.5 Performance of Degraded Reagents and Diluents 197
7.6 Biochemical Separations 200
7.7 Extraction Properties of Lanthanide and Actinide Complexes 201
7.8 Recovery of Rubidium from Ores 203
7.9 Recovery of Beryllium from Ores 205
7.10 Recovery of Acid by Amine Extraction 207
7.11 Recovery of Thorium from Granitic Rocks 207
7.12 Separation of Biological Macromolecules 210
7.13 Extraction of Alkaline Earths by Di(2-ethyhexyl)phosphoric Acid 210
7.14 Intermolecular Bonding in Organic Mixtures 211
7.15 Synergism in the Extraction of Strontium by Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid 213
7.16 Synergism and Diluent Effects in the Extraction of Cesium by 4-sec-
Butyl-2-a-methylbenzylphenol (BAMBP) 214

7.17 Kinetics of Extraction of Iron by Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid 217

7.18 Activity Coefficients of the Solvent P h a s e s 218


8.1 Cesium 222
8.2 Isolation of Cerium and Promethium 224
8.3 Ruthenium 226
8.4 Treatment of Waste that Contains Dissolved Stainless Steel or Large

Amounts of Aluminum Ion 226

8.5 Engineering Studies 226


9.1 Extraction from Sulfuric Acid Solutions 228
9.2 Absorption Spectra in Sulfuric Acid Solutions 230
9.3 Recovery of Protactinium 231
10.1 Radiolysis of Water Adsorbed on Silica Gel 233
11.1 Fabrication Status of the High-Temperature, High-Pressure Spectrophotometer
System 236
11.2 Spectral Studies of Ionic Systems 237
11.3 Measurement of Liquid Densities at High Temperature and High P r e s s u r e s 241
11.4 Computer Programs for Spectrophotometer Studies 242


12.1 Activities of the Three Components in the System: Water—Nitric Acid-Uranyl
Nitrate Hexahydrate at 25°C 248
12.2 Activities of Tributyl P h o s p h a t e in Mixtures Containing Tributyl Phosphate,
Uranyl Nitrate, and Water 248
12.3 Computer Resolution of Spectrophotometric Data on Uranyl Nitrate—Nitric
Acid—Water Systems 250


13.1 The Stacked-Clone Contactor 252
13.2 Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Coalescence in Liquid-Liquid Systems 253
13.3 In-Line Detection of P a r t i c l e s in Gas Streams by Scattered Light 256
13.4 Solvent Extraction Engineering Studies: Correlation of Pulsed-Column
Flooding Data 259


14.1 Studies of the Cost of Shipping Reactor F u e l s 261
14.2 Studies of the Cost of P r o c e s s i n g Fuel 263
14.3 Studies of the Cost of Preparing Fuel by the Sol-Gel P r o c e s s 266
14.4 Computer Code for Studies of Overall Power Costs 268

14.5 The TRUFIZ Computer Code 269

14.6 Manual of Shipping-Cask Design 269
14.7 Criticahty Control in Fuel Cycle P l a n t s 269


15.1 Project Coach 271
15.2 Focusing Electrophoresis for Separation of Heavy Elements 272
15.3 Hypervelocity Jet-Sampler Development 272
15.4 Feasibility of Producing Chemicals with Nuclear Explosives 272
15.5 Stimulation of Natural Gas Wells by Nuclear Devices: Project Gasbuggy 273
15.6 Magnesium Ores 273
15.7 Copper Ores 274


16.1 Fundamental Studies of Thoria Sols and Gels 275
16.2 Surface and Sintering Properties of Sol-Gel Thoria 281


17.1 Eurochemic A s s i s t a n c e Program 285
17.2 Projects for Improving ORNL Waste Systems 285
17.3 A Demonstration of the Disposal of Solid, High-Level Radioactive Waste
in Salt 286
17.4 Disposal of Radioactive Waste by Hydrofracturing 287
17.5 Construction and Startup of the High Radiation Level Analytical Laboratory 288
17.6 High-Level Alpha Laboratory 289
17.7 Storage Facility for " S y , Building 3019 289
17.8 Filter T e s t s in the Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant 290
17.9 Studies of Radiation Shields for Fission Sources 291
17.10 Irradiation and Decontamination Evaluation T e s t s on Selected Protective
Coatings 296


18.1 Continuous Fluorination of Molten Salt 300
18.2 Distillation of Molten Salt 301
18.3 Reconstitution of Fuel for a Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor 302
18.4 Chromium Fluoride Trapping 302

18.5 Alternative P r o c e s s i n g Methods for a Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor 303





1. POWER REACTOR FUEL PROCESSING impurity (up to 8 wt %), the amount of hydrocarbons
produced in hydrolysis decreased, and the produc-
In the development of new nuclear power reactor tion of hydrogen and waxes increased. The im-
concepts, fuels that can be used for long times purities were present a s WUC and W C (in
and at very high temperatures are continuously thorium).
being sought. This sometimes leads to the use of
fuels for which the chemical reactions encountered
in fuel processing are not well understood. The 1.2 Development of Processes for
development of new recovery p r o c e s s e s for such Graphite-Base Fuel
fuels is directed toward the demonstration of chemi-
cal methods and engineering practices for recover- Work on graphite-base fuels last year was devoted
ing and decontaminating the uranium, thorium, and to the development of burn-leach p r o c e s s e s for
plutonium. In the studies described here, two ap- pyrolytic-carbon-coated ThC -UC and ThO -UO^
proaches are being followed: the development of fuel particles contained in graphite. Two alterna-
both mechanical and chemical head-end methods tives were studied: (1) burning at 750°C in fluid-
designed to produce suitable aqueous feeds for ized beds followed by leaching in boiling nitric
solvent extraction and the development of non- acid and (2) submerged combustion in oxygenated
aqueous p r o c e s s e s such a s chloride volatility, dilute nitric acid at 300°C and 1500 to 2000 psi.
which may either precede or circumvent solvent The latter process is called the Pressurized Aque-
extraction or fluoride volatility p r o c e s s e s . ous Combustion (PAC) p r o c e s s .
In the burn-leach process, uranium and thorium
are recovered from graphite-matrix fuel by burning
1.1 Hydrolysis of Uranium and Thorium Carbides the graphite in a fluidized bed of alumina and dis-
solving the resultant uranium and thorium oxides
Fundamental studies of the hydrolysis of uranium in a strong acid leachant to provide feed for solvent
and thorium carbides are continuing. High-purity extraction processing. Prototype HTGR fuel com-
samples of the uranium carbides UC, U (C ) , and pacts were burned and leached in engineering-scale
UC when hydrolyzed in 4 to 16 M HNO at equipment, with 99.7% recovery of the uranium and
90°C, produced uranyl nitrate, soluble organic thorium. The burning was done in bench s c a l e in a
acids (mellitic and oxalic), and an off-gas con- 2-in.-diam fluidized bed of alumina at a rate of
s i s t i n g of NO^, NO, and CO . The samples were 20 g-moles of carbon per minute per square foot of
passive to treatment in 0.001 to 0.5 M HNO^. Tho- c r o s s section to produce a bed containing 28% of
rium carbide samples in the range of ThC to combined metal oxides. The bed was leached at
The were prepared; below ThC the samples 110 to 118°C in a 1.5-in.-diam upflow column, with
contained Th metal and ThC . The dicarbide was provision for recycling the leachant (13 M H N O ^ -
found to have the composition Th rather than 0.1 M F - - 0 . 0 4 A/A13+).
ThC 2 . When hydrolyzed in water between 25 In parallel laboratory leaching t e s t s on mixtures
and 99°C, ThC produced hydrogen and methane, of alumina and combustion ash containing 6%
and T h e produced C to C hydrocarbons and UjOg, 25% ThO^, and 69% Al^Oj, 99.5% of the
waxes. When samples of uranium and thorium car- uranium and thorium were recovered as 0.6 M
bides were prepared with tungsten carbide a s an Th(N03)_, in 5 to 7 hr in boiling ^ 4 A/ HNO3-O.O2


to 0.05 M H F - 0 . 0 to 0.1 W M{NO^)^. About 2% of fluoride, 2% of the alumina, and 16 to 85% of the
the alumina dissolved. Since coated-particle ThO - iron in the bed product was a l s o leached; u s e of
UO^ microspheres s e t t l e to the bottom of a fluidized higher HNO concentrations increased the solu-
bed, leaching t e s t s on undiluted microspheres were bility of iron. To reduce the amount of fluoride
made; complete dissolution to 0.5 M Th(NO ) was in the decladding product, the bed was pyrohydro-
achieved in 3 to 6 hr in boiling 13 M HNO^-O.OS M lyzed with steam or with 0 ^ - 3 % H^O at 200 to
H F . Lower nitric acid concentrations were much 600°C for 3 hr. About 85% of the fluorine was re-
less effective as l e a c h a n t s . moved. The beds were then leached for 10 hr in
PAC process t e s t s were made in both an auto- boiling 10 M HNO3 to produce 0.2 M HNO^-O.OS
clave and in a semicontinuous chemical reactor. M HF solutions; sufficient alumina was also
In this process, the nitric acid is not consumed leached to complex the H F . Uranium recovery
when an e x c e s s of oxygen i s present. In 24-hr amounted to 99.7 to 99.9%, and the iron content
autoclave t e s t s with HTGR fuel compacts contain- was reduced to 6%.
ing mixed thorium-uranium carbide in 2 M HNO , As to the Sulfex decladding process, hot-cell
all the carbon was burned to CO , and all the fuel t e s t s with fast-reactor fuel samples (irradiated up
dissolved when the O -to-C and NO ~-to-(Th + U) to 99,000 Mwd per ton of uranium), containing 20%
ratios were = 1 and =50 respectively. The high PuO —80% UO clad in s t a i n l e s s s t e e l , showed
NO ~-to-(Th + U) ratio i s required b e c a u s e aque- that it cannot be applied satisfactorily to this type
ous uranium and thorium nitrates hydrolyze readily of fuel, since 1.5% of the uranium and plutonium in
at high temperatures. The pyrolytic carbon coat- the fuel was dissolved by the boiling 6 M H SO de-
ings on fuel particles are not attacked until all cladding reagent. Thus, the waste solution produced
matrix carbon is oxidized. The oxidation rate for by the Sulfex process would have to be specially
unfueled moderator-grade graphite is much lower, processed to recover this l o s s . In addition, over
0.15 to 0.24 g - g " i - h r - ' , than the rate for fueled half of the ' ^ ' C s appeared in the decladding waste
graphite. In t e s t s with carbon-coated 97% ThO —
solution; the presence of this long-lived gamma
3% UO^ ^ microspheres, complete dissolution was
emitter would materially increase the c o s t of per-
obtained in 24 hr in 2 A/ HNO3 at 300°C when the
manent disposal of decladding w a s t e .
N03""-to-(Th + C) mole ratio was 100. Under simi-
Parallel t e s t s of the shear-leach process on iden-
lar conditions, only 49% of pure ThO was d i s -
tical fuel samples were very successful. The ir-
solved in 24 hr.
radiated samples dissolved at practical rates in
During the first half of last year, development of boiling 3.5 to 10 M HNO without fluoride catalyst,
a burn-leach and a burn-volatility process for which was not the c a s e with t e s t s on unirradiated
graphite-base Rover fuel was completed. UO -PuO samples. Leaching of the oxide core
from both Sulfex-declad pellets and chopped fuel
pins was accomplished in 3 hr with boiling 5 M
1.3 Studies on the Processing of
HNO . The small residue of refractory material
Uranium-Plutonium Oxide Fuel
remaining with the s t a i n l e s s s t e e l hulls retained
In the laboratory, acid-leaching studies were made only 0.13% of the uranium and plutonium originally
on stainless-steel-clad oxide fuel declad by a new in the fuel sample.
process developed under the Fluoride Volatility Related dissolution t e s t s with unirradiated high-
Processing program (see Sect. 2). In this process, density PuO microspheres in boiling 14 M HNO —
the fuel assemblies are contacted with 40% HF— 0.5 M HF resulted in the very low dissolution rate
60% O^ at 600°C in a fluidized bed of alumina. of 7 X 1 0 " ^ mg m i n ~ ' cm~^; only 8.5% of the
The cladding i s converted to " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l " PuO^ dissolved in 37 hr.
oxides and fluorides and the UO -PuO fuel to
U . O -PuO powder. A typical fluidized-bed de-
1.4 Studies on the Processing of
cladding product contained 25% U^O , 13% stain-
Thorium-Uranium Fuel
l e s s s t e e l compounds, 5% fluorine, and 67% Al O .
When leached for 5 hr in boiling 1 to 15 A/ HNO Sulfex decladding and shear-leach studies were
that was S i A/ in A1(N03)3, 99.6% of the uranium made with both unirradiated and irradiated stain-
was dissolved to produce a leachate 0.2 M in ura- less-steel-clad ThO —4% UO^ prepared by the sol-
nium and 0.6 M in fluoride. About 80 to 90% of the gel process. Hot-cell t e s t s on the dissolving of

irradiated samples [3000 to 98,000 Mwd per metric UO^-PuOj pellets with 85% 0 1 ^ - 1 5 % CCl^ was
ton of (Th + U)] in boiling Thorex reagent [13 M unsuccessful. Therefore, before chlorination, the
HNO3-O.O4 M H F - 0 . 0 4 M A1(N03)3] indicated that pellets were oxidized at 500 to 800°C in oxygen
irradiation markedly i n c r e a s e s the dissolution rate to produce U 0 -PuO powder, but only pellets
over that for unirradiated oxide. For example, more containing l e s s than 20% PuO were affected by
than 99.8% of the thorium and uranium was d i s - this treatment. Pure UjO^ was e a s i l y converted
solved in 24 hr, as compared with 75 hr for nearly to volatile uranium chlorides at 400 to 500°C.
complete dissolution of unirradiated material. The P e l l e t s containing 99% U 3 0 g - 1 % PuO^ were nearly
macro amounts of fission products from t h e s e highly unreactive at 300 to 350°C; at 400 to 500°C all
irradiated specimens were soluble in the product the uranium and 50% of the plutonium were volati-
solutions, which were 1 A/ in Th(NO ) , 10 A/ in lized in 3 to 4 hr. Complete volatilization was
HNO3, and 0.05 M in total fission products. Cyclic achieved at 600°C, but sintering and melting
dissolving, which left a 6% h e e l of undissolved (probably of UO CI ) were observed. About 3.3 x
thoria-urania, produced a 1 A/ thorium product solu- 10^ and 100 moles of chlorine were required to
tion after 5 hr. The residues consisted of undis- transport 1 g of Pu at 427 and 727°C respectively.
solved thoria-urania, cladding, corrosion products,
and contaminants from the fuel rod, such a s insula-
1.6 Development of Mechanical Processes
tion and alumina. The thorium and uranium could
be recovered from the residue by leaching with
Since second-generation power-reactor fuel a s -
fresh Thorex reagent. In the Sulfex decladding
semblies cannot be sheared satisfactorily when in-
t e s t s , there was a 0.33% loss of thorium and ura-
tact, the rods must be removed before they are
nium to the decladding solution.
sheared. Pulling single rods is too slow, and
Protactinium was successfully recovered by ad- pulling all rods at one time crumples the assembly
sorption on unfired Vycor from thorium-uranium sheath. Therefore, a device was designed and
nitrate fuel solutions prepared from specimens ir- built for pulling single rows of rods. L o o s e arrays
radiated to 75,000 Mwd/metric ton and cooled 26 of 64 pulled rods were easily sheared in the 250-
days before processing. In three hot-cell experi- ton prototype shear. Shearing t e s t s on 3-in.-diam
ments, the specimens were first dissolved in re- Zircaloy-2-clad uranium-metal annular fuel rods
fluxing 13 M HNO3-O.O5 M H F , and the protactinium were equally satisfactory. The shearing force was
was then preferentially adsorbed on columns of 82 tons; 30% of the area was sheared through be-
60- to 80-mesh unfired Vycor g l a s s . More than fore the rod was broken. A new feeding device,
99.4% of the protactinium was adsorbed, and more external to the shear, successfully replaced the in-
than 95% was eluted with 0.5 M oxalic acid. The ternal stop on the shear, which was hard to repair
protactinium was decontaminated of zirconium- with remote manipulators.
niobium, total rare-earth beta emitters, and ruthe-
A mockup was used to demonstrate the remote
nium by factors of 9, 6000, and 2800 respectively.
handling and transfer of a filled sheared-fuel basket
Evaluation of other inorganic adsorbents was between the shear and dissolver. All operations
continued. The distribution coefficients for pro- went smoothly. Also, experiments and calcula-
tactinium were measured for s i l i c a gel and Bio-Rad tions showed that the fission product heating of
ZP-1 and for 0.5- to 12-M HNO3 solutions con- stored sheared fuel will not be e x c e s s i v e and will
taining 4, 50, and 100 g of thorium per liter. The not c a u s e pressure surges in the dissolver when
coefficients ranged from 1400 to 5800 for the s i l i c a quenched.
gel and from 100 to 29,000 for Bio-Rad Z P - 1 . As Abrasive-disk sawing of Zircaloy-2 assembly end
much as 95% of the protactinium was unadsorbable fittings in air was shown to present a definite fire
by Bio-Rad Z P - 1 in the more dilute nitric acid hazard; sawing under water sprays was somewhat
solutions. safer but produced fines in a s i z e range (=400 fi)
considered dangerous. However, a 7:1 automatic
dilution by abrasive material is believed to l e s s e n
1.5 Chloride Volatility Studies with Uranium
the risk.
and Plutonium Oxides
Leaching of s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d UO sheared
In laboratory studies at temperatures up to 400 fuel in boiling 7 M HNO 3 in a 90-liter batch thermo-
to 600°C, the direct chlorination of unirradiated siphon leacher was complete in 2 hr. Leaching of

ThO^-UOj in 13 M HNO3-O.O4 A / F - - 0 . 1 M Al^* tion was contacted first with 3% T B P in n-dodecane

was much slower. The leaching rate decreased to extract uranium and then with 30% T B P in n-
with thorium loading and increased with tempera- dodecane to recover thorium. Uranium and thorium
ture. The length of the sheared section had little recoveries were 99.9 and 87%, respectively; ura-
effect on the rate. nium decontamination factors from Th, total rare
A leached-hull monitor, using delayed-neutron earths (TRE), Zr-Nb, and Ru were 16, 2.6 x 10",
activation a n a l y s i s , was developed. It has a s e n s i - 300, and 500 respectively. Thorium decontamina-
tivity of about 1 mg of " S u , 2 3 9pu^ ^^ 2 3 3u per tion factors from U, TRE, Zr, and Ru were 7 x lO'',
kilogram of leached h u l l s . This corresponds to a 16, 6, and 4 respectively. One feature of the new
loss of l e s s than 0.01% of the fuel in a typical low- unit i s that it can be shut down and restarted very
enriched uranium power-reactor assembly. quickly. Tentative flowsheets for the recovery of
U and Th either separately or together in a mixer-
settler containing three extraction, one scrub, and
1.7 Development of Close-Coupled Processes three strip s t a g e s were evolved; di-sec-butyl phenyl-
phosphonate (DSBPP) in diethyl benzene (DEB)
When uranium, thorium, and plutonium are recycled was used. About 99% U recovery was obtained,
in nuclear reactors, short-lived isotopes are built with a thorium-decontamination factor of 6000. New
up which decay rapidly through a s e r i e s of high- flowsheets, calling for either solvent extraction
energy gamma-emitting daughters. Since t h e s e i s o - (DSBPP in DEB) or ion exchange (Dowex 50), were
topes cannot be separated easily from the major developed to separate stored ^ s a y ffQjj, (-he daughter
isotopes in which they are contaminants, the re- isotopes of ^^^U. Immediately after processing,
covered fuels are very gamma active and must be the solvent extraction process resulted in a DF of
reconstituted into replacement fuel assemblies by 1000, and the ion exchange process resulted in a
remote manipulation. Thus, high decontamination DF of 2. However, after two weeks, the activity of
from fission products may not be necessary. A both products was the same. The reduction of
new program was begun this year to develop low- Pu(IV) to Pu(III) in nitrate solution was s a t i s f a c -
cost, low-decontamination p r o c e s s e s capable of torily accomplished with 4% H —Ar in a platinized-
achieving factors of 10 to 100 from fission products. alumina bed. This method avoids the use of ferrous
Emphasis has been placed primarily on seeking a sulfamate or uranous ion.
simple process which will effect reductions in
A new method was developed to remove nitrate
capital, operating, and analytical c o s t s . Attempts
from thorium-uranium nitrate solutions, a required
are also being made to close-couple the head-end step in the sol-gel p r o c e s s . The nitrate was ex-
and separations steps with subsequent operations tracted with either 0.2 M Primene JM-T in n-dodec-
such as the sol-gel process. ane or 0.2 M 1-nonyldecylamine in n-dodecane.
Laboratory experiments with thorium-uranium The nitrate-to-thorium mole ratio in the aqueous
nitrate fuel solutions in studies to substitute pre- phase approached 0.2 a s a limit. Sol-gel ThO
cipitation, ion exchange, or electrodialysis for prepared from the amine-extraction product i s now
solvent extraction were generally unsatisfactory, being evaluated. Amine extraction may be a pos-
and in all c a s e s decontamination factors ( D F ' s ) sible alternative to presently used steam denitra-
l e s s than 10 were obtained. Precipitants evaluated tion.
included dibasic ammonium phosphate, oxalic acid,
and 30% hydrogen peroxide. Ion exchangers tested
included Dowex 1, Dowex SOW, J P - 1 , and s i l i c a 1.8 Conceptual Plant Studies
gel. Although electrodialysis was also u n s u c c e s s -
ful in decontaminating fuel solutions, it may be Two conceptual plant studies were prepared dur-
useful in separating fission products in aqueous ing the past year. The first, for a small on-site
wastes into useful fractions; for example, a mixture plant associated with a 500- to 3000-Mw (electrical)
was separated into fractions containing Zr-Nb and boiling-water reactor station using slightly en-
Ru; Eu, Ce, and Sr; La; and Cs by appropriate pH riched fuel, was based on use of existing technol-
control. ogy. The second, concerning a plant for processing
A simple, efficient differential solvent extraction HTGR fuel, provided a design for a bum-leach
contactor was developed and satisfactorily tested. head-end process to be a s s o c i a t e d with a solvent
A 0.2 M acid-deficient 1.5 A/ T h - O . l M U fuel solu- extraction plant.

2. FLUORIDE VOLATILITY PROCESSING pilot-plant operations. Uranium l o s s e s ranged

from 0.1 to 0.9%, and averaged about 0.6%. De-
The investigation of fluoride-volatility processes contamination from fission products was quite
at ORNL is part of an intersite program to develop good. In one run, decontamination factors were
an alternative to aqueous methods for the recovery generally in the 10'^ to 10^ range; in all other
of values from spent nuclear reactor fuels. The runs, they ranged from 10* to 1 0 ^ ° . Chemical
program here is presently in transition between purity of the product UF was lower than desirable;
molten-salt and fluidized-bed methods. principal contaminants were fluorides of molyb-
Except for laboratory experiments on removal denum, aluminum, and sodium. Dissolver corrosion
of plutonium and perhaps protactinium from molten during the program was about 5 mils, c o n s i s t e n t
s a l t , work on molten-salt methods is finished. with previous experience. The r e l e a s e of radiation
The final study in the pilot plant was a demonstra- emitters to the atmosphere and the radiation dosage
tion of the recovery of uranium from fully irra- to personnel were controlled satisfactorily, even
diated, short-decayed aluminum-base fuel elements. though decay at the time of processing was l e s s
The AEC has announced a goal of having a than would normally be expected.
fluoride-volatility technology for processing low-
enrichment UO fuel completely developed through
" c o l d " engineering, " c o l d " semiworks, and " h o t " 2.2 Volatilization of P u F , from Molten Salts
pilot-plant programs by July 1, 1969. Our princi- Containing High Concentrations of Uranium
pal contribution to this effort will be the installa-
tion and operation of a fluidized-bed volatility
The volatilization of plutonium is an e s s e n t i a l
pilot plant in Building 3019. F i r s t priority in
part of a molten-salt volatility process for low-
pilot-plant experiments will be given to studies of
enrichment fuel. Although P u F ^ recoveries greater
the HCl process for removal of Zircaloy cladding
than 99% have been demonstrated in previous
as developed at Argonne National Laboratory.
laboratory t e s t s , 20 to 30 hr of fluorination was
Design of the pilot plant has begun. Supporting
required. This presents a serious corrosion prob-
laboratory- and bench-scale s t u d i e s are a l s o being
lem. A possibly useful method for shortening the
conducted. Thus far, laboratory s t u d i e s here have
time required for volatilization would be the main-
been mostly concerned with the u s e of H F - 0
tenance of a high concentration of uranium in the
for removing s t a i n l e s s s t e e l cladding from UO
melt by using a UF -F mixture during fluorination.
fuel elements. The retention of plutonium by
In one t e s t , with a melt containing initially 25%
alumina was studied in a miniature t e s t reactor
uranium, 32% of the P u F was evolved in 1 hr of
only \ in. in diameter.
fluorination, compared with about 15% in a previous
t e s t with no uranium present. T h e s e r e s u l t s , how-
ever, were not encouraging enough to warrant
2,1 Molten-Salt Processing of
further study.
Uranium-Aluminum Alloy Fuel

Development of a molten-salt fluoride-volatility

process for aluminum-base fuels has been com- 2.3 Recovery of Plutonium and Uranium from
pleted. Phase-diagram data for the system KF- Falling Molten-Salt Droplets and from Beds of
ZrF -AlF have been refined in the region of Solid Particles by Fluorination
interest. The effect of NaF addition to waste
salt was determined. Finally, a pilot-plant de- Additional laboratory development work was con-
velopment program was e s s e n t i a l l y completed. ducted to t e s t the feasibility of recovering fissile
This program culminated in the processing of fuel material from molten-fluoride mixtures by spraying
cooled only 25 days. the melt downward into fluorine gas at high tem-
The molten-salt fluoride-volatility process con- peratures. Such a method would reduce corrosion
s i s t s in dissolution of fuel elements in a molten and achieve the large ratio of fluorine gas to mol-
fluoride s a l t , fluorination to s e p a r a t e the uranium ten s a l t that is n e c e s s a r y for rapidly recovering
(as UF ) from the s a l t and most of the fission plutonium from power-reactor fuels. This type of
products, and further purification and recovery of molten-salt—gas contactor may a l s o be useful in a
the UF . The process proved satisfactory in continuous processing scheme.

In uranium fluorinations, volatilization of more ding agent for either Zircaloy or s t a i n l e s s s t e e l ,

than 99.9% of the contained uranium was achieved and of plutonium and uranium volatilization in the
with molten-salt droplets 150 fi or l e s s in diameter. subsequent fluorination treatment. A small fluid-
Fluorinations were made in a tower 5 ft long, and ized bed was developed to expedite some of the
the temperatures were between 550 and 650°C. t e s t s . This mini-test unit i s V, in. in diameter and
Fluorinations of five s a l t blends have been com- u s e s only about 5 to 8 g of bed material.
pleted. A correlation equation applicable to this Use of H F - 0 mixtures for decladding s t a i n l e s s
type of uranium fluorination is presented. s t e e l or Zircaloy-clad fuel results mainly in sin-
As to plutonium fluorination, five experiments tered oxides that convert only slowly to the cor-
were made in which plutonium was volatilized from responding fluorides. The oxides retain to a large
falling droplets of 50-50 mole % NaF-ZrF^ con- extent the shape of the original metal. Treatment
taining initially 0.258 or 0.0026 wt % plutonium as with fluorine rapidly converts the " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l "
P u F 3 . The extent of the best removal was 87.6% oxides to the fluoride form, with accompanying
for 75-jLi drops at 640°C. T h e s e drops had a resi- complete physical degradation to a fine powder;
dence time of about 7.3 s e c in the 52-in.-long for ZrO this is not s o . Extensive volatilization
fluorination section of the falling-drop column. of chromium fluoride occurs while fluorinating
The degree of plutonium removal was independent s t a i n l e s s steel residue.
of the initial plutonium concentration. An equation The presence of 10% or more of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l
based on diffusion control is presented for correlat- residue in a fluidized bed of alumina hinders
ing the plutonium data. fluidization during the fluorination period. This is
Another possible method for recovering uranium a l s o true of UO when it is first hydrofluorinated to
from fluoride salt without e x c e s s i v e corrosion con- UF^ or UO^F^ in the HF-O^ decladding treatment
s i s t s in fluorinating s t a t i c beds of particles. In lab- and then fluorinated in a second s t e p . Presumably
oratory t e s t s , about 99% of the uranium was removed the presence of a high fluoride content in the
from s p h e r e s , 60 to 150 /x in diameter, by fluorina- alumina bed promotes sintering and caking.
tion for 2 to 3 hr at temperatures between 450 and Good plutonium-volatilization results were ob-
480°C (solidus temperature, 512°C). However, tained with alumina beds spiked with PuO^, al-
during fluorination, the s a l t sintered into a hard, though the temperature of fluorination is quite
porous m a s s . Thus, fluorination of solid particles important. Recoveries of better than 99.5% were
does not compare favorably with the spray-fluorina- demonstrated in short-time t e s t s at and below
tion scheme and will not be investigated further. 500°C. At higher temperatures (up to 650°C),
The work with uranium is now complete; after diffusion of lower plutonium fluorides (PuF or
a few more experiments, the plutonium work will P u F ) into the alumina leads to greater plutonium
be terminated. A few similar experiments with retention in the bed, at l e a s t in short-cycle testing.
protactinium will be made in the near future. We Further development studies will be of factors
conclude that although plutonium is more difficult affecting plutonium and uranium retention in the
to volatilize from a falling drop than uranium, decladding-fluorination reactor. A related study
falling-drop fluorination is a chemically feasible is also planned of the factors that cause the bed
method for recovering plutonium and uranium from material to sinter or c a k e .
molten fluorides.

2.5 Design of a Fluidized-Bed Pilot Plant

2.4 Fluidized-Bed Volatility Process
for Zirconium- and Stainless-Steel-Clad
Development for Stainless Steels and
U O , Power-Reacfor Fuels
Zircaloy-Clad U O , Fuels

A fluidized-bed fluoride-volatility pilot plant is

Bench-scale laboratory studies have been carried being designed to study the processing of UO
out in support of development of fluidized-bed power-reactor fuels at high levels of radioactivity.
volatility processing from low-enrichment UO These studies will be made to obtain data needed
fuel clad in Zircaloy-2 or s t a i n l e s s s t e e l . T h e s e to design a full-scale commercial plant.
studies have been mainly of chemical and physical F i r s t priority will be given to processing Zir-
effects observed in the use of H F - 0 a s a declad- caloy-clad UO by reaction with HCl, followed by

a two-zone oxidation-fluorination s t e p . The use of concentration of fluorine is required in the UF -

H F - 0 is preferred for decladding and oxidizing P u F gas stream passing through an NaF bed at
s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - t y p e fuels. If results of earlier 325 to 400°C to prevent formation of an NaF-UF^
developmental studies are favorable, the use of complex.
HF-0 will also be studied for processing zir-
conium-clad fuels. Although the method for s e p -
arating UF , P u F and volatile fission products 2.7 Sorption of U F ^ by N a F
is not definite at present, thermal decomposition
of P u F ^ to solid P u F ^ , followed by distillation of Sodium fluoride is used to separate UF^ from
the UF and volatile fission product fluorides, is other volatile fluorides by a process of s e l e c t i v e
presently favored. A possibility e x i s t s that BrF sorption-desorption. Sorption data for UF • NaF,
vapor will be used instead of fluorine to volatilize WF . N a F , and M o F , - N a F that will be useful in
6 6
only the uranium, thus effecting an early separa-
defining separations-process conditions are re-
tion of the uranium from the plutonium. The plu-
ported. The capacity and durability of NaF pel-
tonium would later be converted to P u F by fluo-
lets made at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
(for about $ l / l b ) were compared with the values of
The facility is sized for a charge of about 40 kg these properties determined for the pellets pur-
of UO and 200 g or more of plutonium, depending chased from Harshaw Chemical Company at $ 5 / l b .
on nuclear-safety limitations. The primary re- Performance of the two types was the same.
actor will be 8 in. in inner diameter.
Several design studies are under way, and de- 2.8 Continuous In-Line Monitoring of Gas
sign and layout for major head-end equipment
Streams in Fluoride-Volatility Processing
items are progressing. Engineering of instrumenta-
tion has begun, as has development of a critical-
For proper control of the various phases of the
path schedule.
fluoride-volatility p r o c e s s e s , continuous in-line
Modifications to improve the containment features monitoring devices must be developed for use with
of the Building 3019 penthouse have been de- multicomponent corrosive gas streams. A spectro-
signed, and craft work is about to begin. scopic method for UF determination and a gas
chromatographic method for hydrofluorinator off-
gas monitoring are being developed.
The feasibility of using ultraviolet spectrometry
2.6 Sorption of P u F , by Metal Fluorides to continuously monitor UF concentrations in gas
streams was studied preliminarily in the laboratory.
A possible method for recovering P u F in fluo- The absorption coefficient of UF at 3686 A was
ride-volatility processing might c o n s i s t in the use found to be 5.5 liters m o l e " ' c m ~ ' for the pres-
of solid sorption similar to the manner in which sure range 10 to 100 mm Hg. An approximate value
UF is trapped on N a F . Accordingly, the sorbability of 3610 ± 1000 liters m o l e " ' c m " ' for the absorp-
of P u F on a large number of inorganic fluorides tion coefficient was determined at 2140 A for a
and alumina was examined. As yet, no sorbent previously unreported absorption peak. More work
has been found from which desorption is feasible, is needed before this method can be utilized.
at least up to 500°C. All the alkali and alkaline-
earth fluorides, with the exception of MgF , sorbed
significant amounts of P u F , indicating the exist- 2.9 Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of U F ^ - N b F j System
ence of stoichiometric complexes. Fluorides of
other elements showed that sorption was greater As a part of continuing s t u d i e s on fluoride
at higher temperatures. volatility methods of reprocessing nuclear fuels,
The most highly developed sorbent, NaF, has the separation of UF from volatile impurities by
been used at 325 to 400°C with a high degree of distillation is being considered. For this reason,
s u c c e s s in quantitatively sorbing P u F from a the vapor-liquid equilibria of UF and one such
stream of UF and fluorine, but efforts to desorb impurity, NbF are being determined. The 150°C
the plutonium at temperatures up to 600°C in isothermal equilibrium curve was determined from
dynamic t e s t s have been unsuccessful. A high total-pressure—liquid-compos ition measurements,

and an isobaric (6 atm) equilibrium curve is being was used for all t e s t s b e c a u s e of its exceptionally
determined by direct measurements of vapor and high degree of corrosivity. The results of experi-
liquid compositions. The critical constants of ments with coupons in the 4-in.-diam containers
NbF are being determined. showed that conditions could be obtained for def-
initely reducing corrosion. Argon and helium were
the most effective sparge g a s e s . In the individual
2.10 Phase Equilibria Studies Pertinent to 2-in.-diam containers, however, only slight protec-
Fluoride-Volatility Processing of Fuels tion was obtained.
or Mixtures Containing Chromium Because of the reorientation of the overall pro-
gram toward fluidized-bed p r o c e s s e s and the indif-
Studies of phase equilibria of systems contain- ferent results of the experiments, corrosion studies
ing CrF were conducted in attempts to establish as related to molten-salt p r o c e s s e s were discon-
a suitable mixture of molten fluorides for use as tinued.
a solvent in the processing of s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d
or -base fuels. Attention was focused on the solu-
bility of one constituent, chromium, and informa-
tion was obtained specifically on the 3 L i F . C r F -
3KF • CrF and NaF-CrF3 s y s t e m s . The latter was
of s p e c i a l interest because of the use of NaF as 3.1 Conversion of High-Level Radioactive
a sorbent for the volatile chromium fluorides formed Wastes to Solids
in volatility processing, and further work on this
aspect of the process will be continued. No addi- Engineering Studies. — Development of methods
tional work on the development of molten-salt for converting high-level radioactive liquid w a s t e s
solvents for " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l " fluorides is planned to solids using simulated w a s t e s was continued.
because of the emphasis on the use of fluidized- The development of the pot calcination processes
bed reactors. was successfully completed with t e s t s in 16-in.-
diam pots which confirmed the mathematical model
for predicting filling rates a s a function of pot
2.11 Volatilization of U F ^ from Sol-Gel-Derived diameter. Two successful Rising-Level P o t g l a s s
ThOj-UOj t e s t s were made using simulated Purex waste at
processing rates equivalent to the rate of waste
A possible method for recovering uranium from production from a plant processing 2 tons of ura-
thoria-urania sol-gel microspheres would c o n s i s t nium per day. These t e s t s were made with an
in the direct fluorination of the uranium from the induction heating furnace. Based on present oper-
oxide at high temperature. A small-scale examina- ating experience at ORNL with r e s i s t a n c e and in-
tion of this possibility initiated during the past duction heating furnaces, r e s i s t a n c e heating is
year demonstrated that spheres 149 to 210 /x in recommended for use with pot s y s t e m s .
diameter containing 3.9 wt % uranium cannot be An initial test of the continuous process in a
successfully fluorinated at reasonable tempera- 20-in.-diam horizontal continuous melter using a
tures. Treatment for 3.5 hr at 650°C removed only r e s i s t a n c e furnace was successful from an oper-
15% of the uranium. ational viewpoint. However, the melter failed due
to e x c e s s i v e corrosion after 250 hr of operation.
Further development of this process has been
2.12 General Corrosion Studies terminated for the immediate future.
High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal: Labo-
The relatively high rate of corrosion of both the ratory Studies. — A computer code was developed
hydrofluorinator (dissolver) and the fluorinator is a for retrieving and correlating the mass of data
serious deficiency of the molten-salt fluoride- generated in the program for developing glassy
volatility process. Work was continued on intro- melts for the fixation of high-level w a s t e s . Initial
ducing an inert gas just below the surface of the readout was obtained on ORNL melt compositions.
molten fluoride to help reduce corrosion of the Compositions received from Hanford will also be
hydrofluorinator at the molten-salt—gas interface. included in the code. Melts were prepared which
A melt of 52-37-11 mole % N a F - L i F - Z r F , at 650°C contained up to 32% total waste oxides, including

simulated fission products expected from fuel after about six months. The leach rate for '°®Ru
irradiated as high a s 35,000 Mwd/metric ton. was 7 x 1 0 " * g cm~^ d a y " ' after six months.
T h e s e materials melt at about 800°C and are suf- The products showed sufficient radiation stability
ficiently fluid at 850 or 900°C to permit their use to a dose of 10* rads. Leach rates were not af-
in a continuous melting p r o c e s s . Melts containing fected by this radiation dose.
Purex FTW-65 waste with simulated fission products Design of a pilot plant to incorporate 100 gal
from a fuel burnup of 10,000 Mwd/metric ton were of ORNL waste-evaporator bottoms in emulsified
successfully run in semiengineering-scale con- asphalt per 8-hr shift has been completed and in-
tinuous melters. In t h e s e t e s t s , phosphate vola- stallation started.
tility was generally <0.5%, sulfate volatility
<5.0%, molybdenum volatility 1 to 2%, and iron
and ruthenium volatilities 20 to 30%. Some anom- 3.3 Treatment of Low-Level Radioactive Wastes
alous results were observed.
Corronel 230, 50% Ni-50% Cr, Inconel, and Scavenging-Precipitation Foam-Separation Proc-
Nichrome V show some possibility a s substitutes e s s . — Pilot Plant Studies. — The Scavenging-
for platinum as a material of construction for a Precipitation Foam-Separation process for treating
continuous melter. Corrosion t e s t s are s t i l l in low-level radioactive waste water was studied on a
the early s t a g e s . A thermal conductivity probe pilot plant s c a l e — 300 gal/hr for scavenging-
was developed for the measurement of levels of precipitation and 120 gal/hr for foam separation.
solution, c a l c i n e , and glass in the rising-level The process c o n s i s t s in (1) precipitating calcium,
(RL-Potglass) process. magnesium, and radiation emitters in a sludge-
blanket clarification step that includes the use of
Pilot Plant Design. — Active liaison with Han-
Grundite clay for sorption of cesium and (2) a-
ford personnel on the design and startup of the pot
chieving further decontamination in a countercurrent
calcination phase of the Hanford Waste Solidifica-
foam column. The foam-separation equipment
tion Engineering Prototypes h a s continued. The
includes a 2-ft-square by 8-ft-high countercurrent
equipment is being tested to verify the design
foam column, three 2-ft-square foam stripping
before installation in the Hanford F u e l s Recycle
columns in s e r i e s for recovering surfactant from
Pilot Plant in August of 1965. Design studies
the decontaminated waste, an air-recirculation
conducted recently include pressure transients in
system to provide air for foam generation, a cen-
the pot calciner off-gas line, thermocouple s e l e c -
trifuge foam breaker, and three orifice foam breakers.
tion for the calciner and furnace, the composition
of Nuclear Fuel Services w a s t e s , a review of the It was more difficult to generate a s t a b l e foam in
furnace design, and participation in the scheduling the pilot plant foam column than it was in the
of runs for the hot pilot plant experiments. smaller columns (maximum diameter, 6 in.) used
for laboratory and engineering s t u d i e s . The foam
section was baffled to prevent foam circulation by
filling the countercurrent s e c t i o n with 1.5-in.-diam
3.2 Disposal of Intermediate-Level
Radioactive Waste
by 1.5-in.-long P a l l rings, and the concentration
of surfactant in the liquid pool at the bottom of
the column was kept much higher than it had been
Nuclear installations generate large volumes of
in the smaller columns. Under t h e s e conditions
intermediate-level radioactive w a s t e s , such a s
the foam column alone provided strontium decon-
evaporator concentrates, second- and third-cycle
tamination factors of up to 200, compared with
solvent extraction raffinates, and slurries or solids
factors of l e s s than 20 found previously.
(residues from low-level treatment p r o c e s s e s ) .
A process has been developed for incorporating The strontium decontamination factors were pro-
these w a s t e s in emulsified asphalt. Use of free- portional to the parameter V/LD (where V and L
flowing emulsified asphalt permits mixing of w a s t e s are gas and liquid flow rates, respectively, and D
and asphalt at ambient temperature or above. is an effective bubble diameter), a s in the lab-
Asphalt products containing 20 to 80 wt % solids oratory s t u d i e s . The use of the parameter V/LD
from waste have been prepared from simulated as a b a s i s for process control appears valid for
ORNL waste-evaporator bottoms. Leach rates for a large system even though the foam contains
'^'^Cs and sodium were 5 x 1 0 " ' ' g cm~^ d a y " ' bubbles that vary widely in s i z e .

A test of the entire process was made that lasted installation. Then, after p a s s a g e through an
93 hr at steady s t a t e . The overall decontamination atomic installation, the water would be decontami-
factors were 1050, 8, 4.2, 1.3, 20, 2.2, and 50 for nated, demineralized, and recycled for reuse. F e a -
Sr, C s , Ru, Co, Ce, Sb, and Zr-Nb respectively. sibility studies were made in the laboratory with
The concentrations of t h e s e elements in the treated neutral ORNL LLW. The system included: (1) clar-
product, in terms of percentage of the maximum ification of LLW using zeta-potential-controUed
permissible concentration in water, were 2, 0.6, additions of coagulant (alum) and coagulant aid
0.3, 0.1, 0.2, 0.02, and 0.0001 respectively. Thus, (activated silica), (2) demineralization and decon-
the process is suitable for use at many nuclear tamination of the supernatant by cation-anion ion
installations where low-level radioactive w a s t e s exchange (Dowex 50W-Dowex 1), and (3) treatment
contain comparable amounts of radioactivity. The with a column of activated carbon. Demineralization
scavenging-precipitation equipment was operated capacity (0.1% specific conductance breakthrough)
at a feed rate of 5 gpm and the foam-separation is expected to be as high a s 2500 volumes. Break-
system at 2 gpm. The ratio of the volume flow through of some radionuclides occurred either
rate of the liquid feed to the volume flow rate of simultaneously with bulk ionic breakthrough or
the condensed foam was 3 1 . The capacity of the soon after, as indicated by specific-conductance
foam separation system is apparently limited by measurements. Thus, continuous monitoring of
the low capacities of the air-supply equipment and specific conductance could be a convenient indi-
the centrifugal foam breaker now in use. cator of bed exhaustion. Overall decontamination
factors ( D F ' s ) ranged from 10^ to 10"* for individual
Laboratory Studies. — The two-step process for activities. For ' ° S r and ' " C s , the D F ' s were
decontaminating low-level radioactive waste water comparable to or better than those obtained in the
(LLW) was tested. This process c o n s i s t s in pre- Scavenging-Precipitation Ion-Exchange process;
cipitating and eliminating most of the hardness for ' " ^ R u and *°Co, the D F ' s were 10 to 1000
(calcium and magnesium) and radioactivity in a times higher. Thus, the proposed system appears
suspended-bed sludge column and producing further very promising.
decontamination in a foam column having an 80-
cm-high countercurrent section. Overall decon- Selective Sorption of Phosphates on Activated
tamination factors for Sr, Co, Ru, and Ce were Alumina. — To make the scavenging-precipitation
>3.7 X 1 0 ^ 2.3 to 4, 2 to 5, and 50 to 180 respec- ion exchange process economically attractive,
tively. The cesium decontamination factor was phosphates, which interfere with the precipitation
20 when 60 ppm of Grundite clay (baked at 600°C s t e p , were removed by sorbing them on activated
for 20 min) was added to the LLW during the pre- alumina. For example, results of experiments
cipitation s t e p . The height equivalent to a theo- with tap water spiked with normal and dehydrated
retical s t a g e for strontium removal in the foam phosphates showed that when the water is p a s s e d
column was about 3 cm. The ratio of surface to downflow through Alcoa F-1 activated alumina,
liquid flow rate is the crucial factor governing more than 99% of the normal phosphate can be
satisfactory strontium decontamination in the foam removed from 3000 bed volumes (BV) when the
column. The metal-ion decontamination factor in phosphate concentration is 5 ppm. Dehydrated
the foam-separation step is proportional to the ion forms of phosphate were removed to a greater ex-
distribution coefficient and inversely proportional tent. The volume reduction factor (BV of product
to the volume reduction and liquid throughput. water per BV of regenerant w a s t e ) was 2000, a
In the search for biodegradable surfactants, two very favorable ratio of throughput to regenerant
were found that exhibited very good removal of w a s t e . Of the aluminas t e s t e d , the F-1 grade was
strontium from solutions. F a s t and economical best.
analytical methods for the determination of sur-
factants and radionuclides in LLW were developed The simplicity and low cost of the process may
and tested. make it attractive for removing phosphates from
water streams that have been polluted with phos-
Water-Recycle Process. — A Water-Recycle phate builders used in household detergents. In-
P r o c e s s is being developed for low-level radio- creased levels of phosphates interfere with stand-
active waste (LLW) treatment. It is based on the ard water-treatment procedures and contribute to
demineralization of all water entering a nuclear greater t a s t e and odor problems in potable water.

3.4 Engineering, Economic, and Safety to the operation of the HFIR. Up to a milligram
Evaluations will be recovered in the Curium Recovery Facility
beginning in January 1966, and the remainder will
A detailed estimate of the c o s t s of " p e r p e t u a l " by processed through the TRU a few months later.
tank storage of w a s t e s from processing power re- Design and development work on the target ele-
actor fuels is being undertaken to e s t a b l i s h a ments, to be remotely fabricated in the TRU, is
basis for comparison with c o s t s for alternate waste under the direction of the Metals and Ceramics
management schemes. In this study the concept Division. The major p h a s e s of the project, includ-
of double containment of radioactivity is applied ing design and construction of the building, the
throughout, and in all instances the design and development of the chemical separations p r o c e s s e s ,
operation of the facility emphasize safety over any and the design, fabrication, and installation of the
potential savings in c o s t s . chemical process equipment are the responsi-
Storage of Purex and Thorex solvent extraction bilities of the Chemical Technology Division and
raffinates a s both acid and alkaline solutions is are reported here.
considered, and storage of Zirflex and Sulfex de-
cladding w a s t e s in alkaline form is postulated.
Tanks are enclosed in steel-lined concrete vaults 4.1 Development of Chemical Processes
for secondary containment and are similar to those
at Savannah River. Decay heat is removed by During the past year the recovery and decon-
circulating water through banks of coils submerged tamination of americium and curium were demon-
in the waste. strated at full-scale radioactivity levels in the
The estimated capital c o s t s of tank farms for Curium Recovery Facility (CRF); in addition,
storing acid raffinate waste range from $21 mil- americium and curium were further purified by LiCl
lion to $47 million, and farms for storing alkaline anion exchange and separated by the carbonate
raffinate cost from $27 million to $50 million. In precipitation method. This work, a s well a s lab-
terms of the electricity originally produced from oratory support given to C R F processing, is re-
the fuel, the c o s t s are 0.007 to 0.015 mill/kwhr ported in Chapter 5. Investigations were continued
and 0.009 to 0.016 mill/kwhr for acid- and alkaline- on developing and testing techniques for intra-
waste farms respectively. T h e s e c o s t s are to be actinide separations by ion exchange; additional
used in a computer code that c a l c u l a t e s the total ^''^Pu was converted to dense oxide and incor-
present-worth storage c o s t s based on the optimal porated into HFIR targets; and sol-gel methods for
tank s i z e for a given rate of interest on capital preparing actinide oxides suitable for HFIR targets
and return on investment. were studied.

An adequate solvent extraction process to s e p -

arate transcalifornium elements is not available,
and chromatographic elution from cation resin
4. TRANSURANIUM ELEMENT PROCESSING with a-hydroxyisobutyrate solution has been the
only reliable method for separating californium,
The High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the einsteinium, and fermium from each other. Since
Transuranium P r o c e s s i n g Plant (TRU) have been scale-up of this process to 10- to 100-mg quantities
built at ORNL to produce large quantities of the may be complicated because of disturbance of the
heavy actinide elements as part of the USAEC resin bed by radiolytic g a s e s , additional separa-
Heavy Element Production Program. These ma- tion methods would be desirable.
terials will be used in b a s i c research in labora- In an effort to develop a new separation system,
tories throughout the country. The HFIR is sched- the anion exchange behavior of the transcurium
uled to go critical by August and to power by elements with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
December 1965, while the installation of equipment (EDTA) and other actinide complexing agents was
in the TRU should be completed and startup pre- investigated. It was demonstrated that EDTA
parations under way by the same d a t e . Special anionic complexes of the heavy actinides, loaded
irradiations of the available ^''^Pu, being done in on anion exchange resin, can be used in a separa-
a Savannah River production reactor this year, tion scheme. Einsteinium-californium and fermium-
will produce a few milligrams of californium prior einsteinium separation factors of 1.41 and 1.90

were achieved; in a laboratory demonstration of used to prepare uniform microspheres that densify
the process, an einsteinium product fraction was when fired.
obtained which contained 99% of the einsteinium For similar reasons, a sol-gel method for prepar-
and no detectable californium or fermium. ing americium and curium oxide for incorporation
The dissociation constants of lanthanide com- into HFIR targets would be convenient, and lab-
plexes with 1,2-diaminocyclohexanetetraacetic acid oratory efforts to prepare lanthanide sols a s stand-
(DCTA) corresponded to cation exchange separa- ins for americium and curium have been initiated.
tion factors of 2.0 to 2.5 between adjacent heavy Stable lanthanide sols capable of producing dense
lanthanides and indicated that DCTA might be microspheres have been made, and the methods
useful in obtaining transcurium element separa- will be evaluated for the production of americium
tions by cation exchange. The dissociation con- and curium s o l s .
s t a n t s of the DCTA complexes with Am, Cm, Bk,
Cf, E s , and Fm were therefore determined. How-
ever, it was found that unlike the heavy lanthanide 4.2 Development of Process Equipment
elements, the Cf, E s , and Fm dissociation con-
s t a n t s are not appreciably different in this system; Engineering studies of the process equipment
cation exchange separation factors of only 1.23 are continuing in order to test equipment, make
for Es/Cf and 1.35 for F m / E s could be obtained. necessary modifications, and develop operating
High Flux Isotope Reactor targets will be made procedures. Remote mechanical handling t e s t s of
from pressed pellets of aluminum powder and equipment racks and components in a full-scale
actinide oxide, and it is e s s e n t i a l that the alumi- mockup of the processing cell are nearly complete.
num phase be continuous in order to ensure s a t i s - Flowsheet t e s t s of the Tramex solvent extraction
factory heat transfer during irradiation. When very process for separating a c t i n i d e s from lanthanides
fine actinide oxide particles are mixed with —325 were conducted in glass pulsed columns. Extrac-
mesh aluminum powder and pressed into cermets, tion of americium was consistently good; the l o s s
the oxide phase is continuous and the thermal was l e s s than 0.1%, and the stage height was 6 to
conductivity of the pellet is low. But, with oxide 10 in. Scrubbing of europium was efficient, con-
particles ranging from 20 to 200 /z in diameter, the firming previous t e s t s (decontamination factor
aluminum phase will be continuous, and conduc- greater than 2000). In the stripping column an un-
tivity will be satisfactory for irradiation in high expectedly high loss of americium caused by
neutron fluxes. entrainment in the w a s t e organic was noted. This
A process employing hydroxide precipitation for loss was reduced to acceptable values by increas-
preparing dense, coarse particles of PuO has been ing the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the
reported previously; during this past year the strip reagent from 1 to 4 A/.
process was used to prepare 180 g of ^''^Pu as The first phase of the hydraulic testing of the
PuO for incorporation into 18 HFIR targets. full-scale metal columns was completed. After
These targets are being irradiated at the Savannah temporary modification of lines and flow elements,
River Plant. design flow rates were attained, and good control
of feed rates and interfaces was possible.
As part of the preparation of PuO by hydroxide
precipitation, the dried oxide must be ground and
screened, about 25% of the resulting particles are
l e s s than 20 ji in greatest diameter and must be 4.3 Design and Fabrication of Process Equipment
recycled. Preparation of PuO by a sol-gel method
would eliminate the dissolution and valence ad- The TRU facility will be equipped with two sol-
justment necessary for recycle, and the prepara- vent extraction c y c l e s ; a head-end system, includ-
tion of uniform microspheres from a plutonium sol ing a dissolver; feed-adjustment tank and centri-
would eliminate grinding and screening. For t h e s e fuge for feed clarification; ion exchange columns
reasons, efforts to prepare plutonium sols have for cleanup and s p e c i a l separations; and miscel-
continued, and sphere-forming techniques have laneous equipment.
been investigated. This work is still in progress; Design of the equipment is nearing completion,
however, stable plutonium s o l s have been prepared and shop fabrication of the components and con-
in the laboratory, and plutonium s o l s have been necting jumper piping is nearly 80% complete. The

only equipment not yet designed is that for separat- development during this report period was confined
ing the heavy actinides (californium, einsteinium, to problems a s s o c i a t e d with full-scale processing
fermium) from each other and the equipment for in the Curium Recovery Facility at high levels of
preparing curium oxide for the recycle rods. This radioactivity.
design of the equipment, just started, has been As to process improvements, the entrainment of
held up pending completion of flowsheet develop- product during stripping operations in the Tramex
ment. and Clanex processes was markedly reduced by in-
c r e a s i n g the mixer speed and the ratio of the strip
and solvent volumes.
4.4 Construction of the Transuranium Other laboratory studies indicated that the solu-
Processing Plant
bility of the rare earths e x c e e d s 44 g/liter in a
feed solution 12 M in LiCl, 0.2 M in HCl, and 0.1
The Transuranium P r o c e s s i n g Plant was com-
M in SnCl . That concentration of rare earths is
pleted in late May, twenty-three months after start
not expected to be reached in any of the feed
of construction and six weeks beyond the sched-
solutions. Also, the radiolysis of feed solutions
uled completion d a t e . No major problems arose.
and the consequent oxidation of cerium to the
Installation of the process equipment is just under
tetravalent (extractabie) s t a t e were studied. It was
way and should be completed by late fall.
found that methanol does not consistently prevent
radiolysis nor the oxidation of trivalent cerium,
both of which must be avoided as much as p o s s i b l e .
5. CURIUM PROCESSING Other studies showed that ^'*''Cm-^''^Am solutions
received from the Savannah River Plant can be
A joint program between the Isotopes Division processed, even when the sodium nitrate content
and the Chemical Technology Division was e s t a b - is a s high a s 0.5 M.
lished to produce curium heat sources for use in
thermoelectric converters. The Chemical Tech-
nology Division is responsible for providing proc-
e s s technology, facilities, and operations to i s o - 5.2 Curium Recovery Facility:
late gram amounts of curium. Nearly 17 g of ^'''*Cm Equipment and Flowsheet Testing
was purified, separated from ^''^Am, and transfer-
red to the Isotopes Division for incorporation into Further changes were made in the process equip-
an experimental heat source and for distribution ment to incorporate piping and v e s s e l s made of
to other AEC installations. Six irradiated targets more suitable structural materials. Cold testing
of ^'*'AmO in an aluminum matrix were also was completed, and hot operation began in Novem-
processed to separate ^"^^Cm from the aluminum ber 1964. During five months of hot operation with
and fission products, but not from residual ameri- radioactive feed material, the equipment performed
cium. To d a t e , 3.56 g of purified ^''^Cm has been quite well, with the exception of several failures
delivered to the Isotopes Division, and another of the mixer-settler drive train and several failures
14 g will be processed early next fiscal year. of the feed transfer pump.
Changes in the flowsheets were made to over-
come problems arising from Zircaloy-2 corrosion
5.1 Process Development products, interfacial s o l i d s , e x c e s s i v e solvent
extraction l o s s e s , cerium oxidation and extraction,
The chemical p r o c e s s e s for isolating curium and the radiolytic effects of high power d e n s i t i e s .
include dissolving the target in dilute hydro- Final forms of the flowsheets were satisfactory
chloric acid; using the Clanex process to convert for processing ^''''Cm and were s u i t a b l e for proc-
certain feed solutions from the nitrate form to the e s s i n g ^"^^Cm up to a limit of 6 w / l i t e r (0.05 g/liter)
chloride and/or to remove aluminum; using the in the chloride (Tramex) system. In the nitrate
Tramex process to separate americium-curium from system (Clanex), power density was not limiting
fission products; and precipitating Am^ (as a up to 16 w/liter. It is hoped that higher power
double carbonate) to s e p a r a t e it from curium. Most d e n s i t i e s can be achieved in the chloride system
of the laboratory development and t e s t i n g of these with more development, thus permitting a greater
p r o c e s s e s was completed l a s t year, and process capacity for ^''^Cm. Contrary to e x p e c t a t i o n s .

adding methanol to the Tramex feed failed to in- the curium and residual 2'"Am. During processing,
hibit radiolysis of the free acid and did not prevent 1.31 g of ^''^Cm decayed. Of the remaining 5.44 g,
gassing. This is believed to be due to the presence 3.56 g of high purity was sent to the Isotopes
of impurities such a s iron, nickel, and copper in Division and 1.13 g, mostly recycle material, was
the actual process solutions but not present in the saved for process-development s t u d i e s . Radioly-
laboratory experiments. tic destruction of the SnCl reductant was much
too great at power levels above 6 w/liter. For ex-
ample, at higher radiation l e v e l s the solutions
5.3 Solvent Extraction Processing of could be processed without mechanical difficulties,
^^^Am and 244c„ but cerium could not be separated from the a c t i -
In the initial processing campaign of the Curium
Recovery Facility, 24 g of ^'*''Cm contaminated
with about 100 times that amount of rare earths 5.6 Development of Alternative Processes:
was processed; 19 g of product was recovered.
Separation of Lanthanides and Actinides
About 19 g of ^''^Am was a l s o recovered. Decon-
tamination factors of over 1000 for the rare earths
The Talspeak process s e p a r a t e s trivalent a c t i -
were achieved in one cycle when SnCl was used
nides from lanthanides and many other elements
as a reductant for Ce(IV) formed by radiolysis;
by two cycles of extraction with di-(2-ethylhexyl)-
methanol was ineffective in inhibiting acid de-
phosphoric acid (HDEHP) from l a c t i c acid solu-
struction and gassing in the feed solutions. The
tions containing sodium diethylenetriaminepenta-
americum-curium mixture was transferred to cell 3
acetate (Na DTPA). Neodymium is the l e a s t ex-
of the Curium Recovery F a c i l i t y , where it was
tractable lanthanide and californium apparently
further purified and the ^'*'*Cm was separated from
the most extractabie trivalent actinide, slightly
t h e 2 43Am.
more s o than einsteinium and fermium. Laboratory
t e s t s of a flowsheet designed for processing feed
5.4 Ion Exchange Purification and Separation solutions containing high concentrations of lan-
of 243Am.244c„ thanum were successful in separating americium
from nearly all contaminants. Preliminary t e s t s
During initial solvent extraction processing, indicate excellent removal of contaminants in feed
americium-curium product was obtained which re- preparation by extraction with tributyl phosphate
quired additional purification. Glass ion exchange followed by stripping with lactic acid.
equipment was installed in cell 3 of the Curium
Recovery Facility, and additional decontamination
was obtained by LiCl anion exchange. In addition,
^''''Cm was separated from ^'^^Am by precipitating
americium as K AmO (CO ) .
A total of 16.6 g of ^''''Cm was purified by ion FUEL CYCLE
exchange, separated from ^''^Am, and transferred
to the Source Fabrication Facility of the Isotopes The Thorium Fuel Cycle work is part of the
Division for incorporation into an experimental Thorium Utilization Program of ORNL. The over-
heat source and for distribution to other AEC lab- all objective is the development of the fuel-cycle
oratories. The ^''^Am was converted to the oxide, technology required for economical power produc-
most of which was also distributed to other AEC tion in thorium-fueled reactors. Much of the work
laboratories for use in research programs. An ad- carried out in this program by the Chemical Tech-
ditional 1.9 g each of ^''''Cm and ^''^Am were nology Division has been in c l o s e cooperation
purified and will be used for process development. with the Metals and Ceramics Division. Oxide
fuels and the preparation of microspheres of those
5.5 Processing of ^ ^ ' A m O j Targets fuels are being emphasized, but some work on prep-
aration of thorium-uranium carbides and other
Six targets of irradiated AmO containing a total systems is being carried out to exploit the ver-
of 6.75 g of ^''^Cm were processed for recovery of satility of the sol-gel process.

6.1 ^^•'U Storage and Distribution Facility ward increasing the capacity to that level. In this
laboratory, equipment and methods will be devel-
During the past year, design of a ^ 3 3 ^ gtojage oped for the production of coated microspheres of
and purification facility was completed and instal- oxides and carbides by completely remote opera-
lation was begun. Storage wells for solids such tions. T h e s e p r o c e s s e s will be conducted in the
a s " ^ U 3 0 g in amounts up to about 100 kg of " ^ U Thorium-Uranium Recycle Facility.
have been installed, and tanks and other equipment
for liquid storage are being made and installed.
With the purification facility (1 kg of ^^^U per day) 6.4 The Thorium-Uranium Recycle Facility
being fabricated and the e x i s t i n g solvent extraction
system used for Thorex process demonstration, a A major effort has been directed toward design-
versatile intermediate-scale facility for producing ing and getting construction started on the Thorium-
•^^^U highly purified from all but isotopic impuri- Uranium Recycle Facility (TURF). Construction
t i e s and attendant decay products is now available. is under way, and completion of the entire facility
is scheduled for March 3 1 , 1967. Completion of
the construction contract is scheduled for Decem-
6.2 Development of the Sol-Gel Process ber 1966. Equipment design, construction, and
testing is proceeding concurrently with the facility
In the laboratory, sol-gel process studies were construction. Equipment initially installed will
carried out on methods to control the porosity of provide a capability for producing up to about 50
thoria and thoria-urania materials and to prepare kg/day of metal-clad thorium-uranium oxide fuels.
nitrides of thorium. Experiments were also carried Enough s p a c e has been provided to permit instal-
out to prepare zirconia by sol-gel methods. lation of a versatile, close-coupled head-end
processing complex and to accommodate a com-
plete line of equipment for making coated micro-
s p h e r e s . Equipment fabrication and operation of
6.3 Development of Methods for
this facility are shared with the Metals and Ceramics
Producing Microspheres

Continuous preparation of microspheres of thoria

from a 3 A/ thoria sol was demonstrated on an en- 6.5 Development of Equipment for T U R F
gineering s c a l e in a tapered-column system employ-
ing a two-fluid nozzle at a thoria feed rate of 230 g In the Chemical Technology Division, equipment
of ThO per hour. Over 72% of the microspheres development and testing, beyond that being carried
had diameters of 230 ± 20 fi, and over 85% were in out in connection with the Coated P a r t i c l e Devel-
the range 200 ± 50. This represents excellent s i z e opment Laboratory, h a s centered about a vertical
control. In addition to the results obtained with tube calciner for oxide to be vibratorily packed
the two-fluid nozzle, encouraging results were into metal fuel tubes. The calciner meets capac-
obtained with a rotating disperser. This kind has ity, product quality, and other requirements im-
the advantage over the two-fluid nozzle in that it posed on it, but there has been a tendency for the
permits a significantly higher production rate. oxide to bridge near the top of the furnace. Present
As part of the development of a process for mak- efforts are directed toward solving this problem.
ing microspheres, equipment for a coated-particle Equipment to simulate the TURF c e l l s has been
development laboratory was designed and installed. installed, and t e s t s in this c e l l mockup have
This laboratory was built and will be operated as started.
a cooperative undertaking with the Metals and
Ceramics Division. It includes equipment for
forming, drying, calcining, and carbon-coating 7. SEPARATIONS C H E M I S T R Y RESEARCH
oxide and, eventually, carbide microspheres.
Equipment is sized to produce about 5 kg/day of New separations methods and reagents are be-
microspheres. At present the coater does not have ing developed, principally for u s e s in radiochemi-
that capacity, but development work under way in cal p r o c e s s i n g but a l s o for other purposes extend-
the Metals and Ceramics Division is directed to- ing from extractive metallurgy to biochemical

separations. The current emphasis is on solvent group B metal ions were 0.5 to 1 for mercury,
extraction technology, although other separation 0.002 to 0.005 for selenium, and l e s s than 0.001
methods are receiving a growing share of attention. for antimony, with little dependence on nitric
Reagents that were developed in the former raw- acid concentration. Continued study of nitrosyl-
materials program at ORNL have continued to ruthenium extraction by TLA suggested identifica-
show extended utility. Additional reagents have tion of the extractabie s p e c i e s at high aqueous
a l s o been discovered in more recent evaluation nitric acid concentration a s HRuN0(N03)^-H^O
studies. The present program in separations and RuNO(N03)-2H20. On dilution from 12 to
chemistry can be divided into three interdependent 3 M HNO , they hydrolyze to nonextractable s p e c i e s
types of research activity: (1) Descriptive Chemi- with first-order rate constants of 0.10 to 0.15
cal Studies (Sect. 7.1 to 7.7) of the reactions m i n " ' and 0.01 m i n " ' . They are extracted to form,
of s u b s t a n c e s to be separated and of separa- probably,
tions reagents, of the controlling variables in
particular separations, and of new compounds (R3NH)2RuNO(N03)
that may be potential reagents. (2) Develop-
ment (Sects. 7.8 to 7.12) of selected separations
into specific complete p r o c e s s e s , both where no R3NHRuNO(N03)^ -H^O .
workable process yet e x i s t s and where existing
p r o c e s s e s are l e s s than satisfactory, carried where The latter is then converted to the former with a
warranted to the point that large-scale performance rate constant of 0.075 m i n " ' .
can be predicted. (3) Fundamental Chemical
Studies (Sects. 7.13 to 7.18) of the equilibria and
reaction mechanisms involved in separation s y s - 7.3 Reagents for Separating Polonium(IV)
tems, both to increase knowledge and to help de-
from Bismuth
fine potential applications.
Several types of amines and neutral organo-
phosphorus compounds showed a potential for
7.1 Extraction of Metal Chlorides by Amines separating 2'°Po(IV) from bismuth by solvent
extraction from hydrochloric acid solutions. For
As part of a program on surveying the extraction example, from 8 M HCl, nearly all of the reagents
characteristics of many metals from various s y s - studied gave efficient polonium extractions; and
tems with representative amines data were ob- in some c a s e s , the polonium-bismuth separation
tained for the extraction of 31 different metal ions factor was greater than 1000. The data suggest a
from HCl and L i C l - 0 . 2 M HCl solutions over the number of potentially practicable process flow-
range 0.5 to 10 A/ total chloride. Combined with s h e e t s . The development of p r o c e s s e s would be
previous work, this makes a total of 60 metal ions greatly facilitated if a nonradioactive stand-in
that have been studied in t h e s e s y s t e m s . With could be found for polonium. Preliminary t e s t s
few exceptions, the extraction power of the amine indicate that tellurium will be of limited useful-
for the metal varied in the order: Aliquat 336 n e s s for this purpose.
(quaternary amine) >Alamine 336 (tertiary amine)
>Amberlite LA-1 (secondary amine) > Primene JM
(primary amine).
7.4 New Extraction Reagents

7.2 Extraction of Metal Nitrates by Amines Fourteen new substituted phenols, many of
which are structurally similar to the efficient
In survey extractions of metal nitrates by tri- cesium extractant 4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl)-
laurylamine nitrate (TLA), extraction coefficients phenol (BAMBP), were tested for their ability to
of the group IB metal ions by 0.2 M TLA in toluene extract cesium from dilute c a u s t i c solutions. Al-
decreased in this order: gold » silver » copper, though some of the phenols under certain condi-
being about 50, 0.01, and 0.0005 from 3 M HNO3 tions extract cesium more strongly than BAMBP,
and 10, 0.2, and 0.0001 from 12 M HNO3. Corre- none appears superior to BAMBP a s a process
sponding extraction coefficients for some other extractant.

7.5 Performance of Degraded Reagents experiment, the position of 16 specific t-RNA's

and Diluents in the eluate fractions was e s t a b l i s h e d by radio-
chemical amino acid biochemical a s s a y .
Studies were continued on the s t a b i l i t i e s of A sample of mixed t-RNA's was chromatogram-
alkylbenzenes, especially diethylbenzenes, and med, and the phenylalanine-accepting t-RNA frac-
of the reagent di-(sec-butyl) phenylphosphonate. tions were pooled and rechromatogrammed. The
The principal products of the reactions between bulk of the material eluted in a symmetrical ultra-
diethylbenzene and dilute nitric acid are ethyl- violet-absorbing peak which coincided with the
acetophenones and a-nitroethyl ethylbenzenes. phenylalanine radioactivity peak, indicating clean
Minor degradation products include ethylbenzoic separation. A purity of at l e a s t 74% was calcu-
acid. Very little nitration of the benzene ring was lated after making a reasonable assumption for
detected. The combined products are thermally the molar extinction coefficient of phenylalanyl-
stable to 160°C as determined by differential t-RNA.
thermal analysis (DTA). A new variation of the Experiments are under way to prepare larger
DTA method was used to determine an approximate quantities of the phenylalanine-accepting t-RNA
value for the heat of degradation of diethylbenzene for further biochemical and physiochemical in-
(50 to 70 kcal/m.ole). Degradation of a T B P - vestigations.
diethylbenzene solution did not lower its flash
point. T e s t s proved that degraded impurities, and
not the major degradation products, account for
much of the fission product extraction power of 7.7 Extraction Properties of Lanthanide
some degraded diethylbenzenes. Commercial and Actinide Complexes
alkylbenzenes made from a-olefins were not as
stable as n-nonylbenzene and diethylbenzene. Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) ex-
Undiluted di-(sec-butyl) phenylphosphonate was ir- tracts lanthanum from lactic acid solutions as a
radiated while being stirred with nitric acid, and lactate complex with varying ratios of lactate to
the fission product extraction power of the irra- lanthanum, such that the maximum loading capacity
diated material was l e s s than that of tributyl phos- of HDEHP is about 1.5 equivalents of lanthanum
phate in a comparable t e s t . Nitration of both re- per mole of HDEHP.
agents occurred, but the products have not yet
been identified. L e s s than 1 part of phenol per
250 parts of the phosphonate was detected, show-
ing little tendency for phenol formation at the 7.8 Recovery of Rubidium from Ores
potentially active s i t e ortho to the phosphorus
bond. The phenol extraction (Phenex) p r o c e s s , origi-
nally developed for recovering cesium from reactor
w a s t e s and from ores, was applied to recovery of
rubidium from alkaline-ore leach liquors. Rubidium
7.6 Biochemical Separations is extracted with 4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl)-
phenol (BAMBP) in hydrocarbon diluent and strip-
A new reverse-phase column (extraction) chroma- ped with dilute acid to give a pure rubidium s a l t .
tography system has been devised which affords
significant fractionation of the different transfer
ribonucleic acids (t-RNA's) from E. coli. The
column packing c o n s i s t s of a quaternary ammonium 7.9 Recovery of Beryllium from Ores
liquid extractant, dimethyldilaurylammonium chlo-
ride in isoamyl a c e t a t e , supported on hydrophobic Further studies of a primary-amine extraction
diatomaceous earth. The mixed t-RNA's were process for recovering beryllium from sulfuric
dissolved in the mobile aqueous phase and were acid digests of low-grade beryllium ores continued
sequentially eluted from the column with increas- to give favorable r e s u l t s . The development of a
ing concentration of NaCl in the e l u a t e . Magne- more economical stripping method, which u s e s
sium ions had a pronounced effect on the chroma- dilute ammonium fluoride solutions, has been of
tographic behavior of specific t-RNA's. In one particular interest.

7.10 Recovery of Acid by Amine Extraction

U^* + -(aHA-bNaA) ^ M A .4HA + (2-66)H* + 66Na *
y ^
A tentative process for recovering and purifying
phosphoric acid by tertiary amine extraction was
tested with a samn'e of commercial, wet-process for calcium, strontium, and barium at S A = 0.125 M
phosphoric acid. Phase-separation problems, and for magnesium at S A > 0.25 M; and
o b s t a c l e s to commercial applications, were en-
countered. M^"^ + -(aHA.6NaA) :^MA2-2HA + (2-46)H* + 46Na* ,

7.11 Recovery of Thorium from Granitic Rocks with probably some water also extracted, at lower
HA concentrations for magnesium and calcium,
In a bench-scale demonstration of an improved for strontium and barium from dilute aqueous solu-
flowsheet for treating granite, about 60% of the tion (0.5 M NaNO ), and for beryllium under all
thorium and 65% of the uranium were recovered conditions tested.
from a composite of three drill cores from the
Conway formation. The thorium and uranium were
dissolved by an acid-cure—percolation-wash treat- 7.14 Intermolecular Bonding in Organic Mixtures
ment of the crushed rock and were recovered from
solution by amine extraction. Processing costs Qualitative and quantitative information about
for treating granite of this particular composition intermolecular association in the organic solutions
are estimated at about $35 per pound of thorium- of several solvent extraction s y s t e m s was obtained
plus-uranium recovered. through infrared spectra, nuclear magnetic reso-
nance, diluent vapor-pressure depression, and
dielectric constant. Association was found be-
tween tributyl phosphate (TBP) and several di(2-
7,12 Separation of Biological Macromolecules
ethylhexyl)phosphates (SrA^, SrA2-4HA, NaA),
and between 4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl)phenol
A versatile cold room for preparing large quan-
and di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid, octanol-1,
tities of biologically important macromolecules
and acetophenone. Dielectric constants of T B P -
was designed and is being built. The facilities
water mixtures, measured at 2°C to obtain water
consist of a room controlled at a temperature of
contents significantly above the 1:1 mole ratio,
about 4°C, refrigerated centrifuges, and a variety
showed a small but definite break at the 1:1 ratio,
of auxiliary equipment. Initial activities will
indicating that the controversial association
include the preparation of purified transfer ribo-
Species TBP-H O does actually exist, although
nucleic acids (from E. coli), for which there is a
probably very weakly bound.
great need in fundamental biochemical research
7.15 Synergism in the Extraction of Strontium
by Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid
7.13 Extraction of Alkaline Earths by
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid Since previous work showed that NaA.3HA and
SrA •4HA are principal organic-phase s p e c i e s in
Extraction equilibria of Be, Mg, Ca, and Ba from the extraction of strontium from sodium nitrate
sodium nitrate solutions by benzene solutions of solutions by solutions of di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric
di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HA) were de- acid (HA) alone, an obvious hypothesis to explain
termined a s functions of pH and HA concentration, Synergism from added tributyl phosphate (TBP) is
in comparison with previously reported equilibria that T B P replaces some or all of the molecular
of strontium extraction. The order of extractability HA to form a more favorable strontium complex.
i s : Be » Ca > Mg = Sr > Ba. The suggested ex- This hypothesis was supported by (1) shift in the
traction reactions (dotted underlines for organic- extraction maximum toward higher pH, and its
phase s p e c i e s ) are relative decrease at high T B P concentration;

(2) shift of the power dependence of extraction 7.17 Kinetics of Extraction of Iron by
coefficient on pH from the s e r i e s of values ex- Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid
pected for SrA • 4HA to values expected for
S r A 2 . 2 H A - x T B P and for S r A ^ . y T B P ; and (3) Iron(III) is one of several metal ions that are
change of the power dependence of extraction coef- very slow to reach equilibrium in extraction by
ficient on HA concentration from 3 (for SrA •4HA) di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HA). The ex-
to 2 (consistent with SrA2-2HA-xTBP). If the c o - traction rate is first order with respect to aqueous
ordination number of the strontium ion does not iron concentration in acid perchlorate solutions.
change, so that T B P replaces HA 1:1, then x The rate constant k is directly proportional to the
(above) should be 2 for the formation of SrA •2HA. interfacial area but nearly independent of stirring
2 T B P in the synergistic extraction at low pH. rate. This and the relatively high activation energy
Estimates of the power dependence of extraction (=10 kcal/mole) indicate that the rate is controlled
coefficient on T B P concentration do not contradict by a chemical reaction at the interface. The rate-
this hypothesis, but they show nonlinear effects, controlling step (or the pathway) must change at
indicating that some other variable not yet ac- an extractant concentration of about 0.4 M HA in
counted for a l s o varies with the T B P concentra- n-octane, s i n c e several parameters change rather
tion. abruptly at about that concentration: at [HA] = 0.2
Af, jt « [HA]°-^ and [H"*]"', activation energy = 15
kcal/mole; at [HA] ^ 0.5 A/, A: « [HA]'-^ and
[H "*]'•*, activation energy = 10 k c a l / m o l e . The
7.16 Synergism and Diluent Effects in the rate constant d e c r e a s e s with increasing aqueous
Extraction of Cesium by 4-sec-Butyl-
perchlorate concentration, c o n s i s t e n t with an a s -
sociation quotient

Continued study of synergistic cesium extraction

by 4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl)phenol (BAMBP) Q = [FeClO^ 2 +]/[pe3 + ] [ c i o * " ] = 1 .
mixed with organic a c i d s , by means of equilibrium
distribution, infrared absorption, and nuclear
magnetic resonance, indicates that the synergism 7.18 Activity Coefficients of the Solvent Phases
is due to the availability of the proton from the
much stronger acid for the cation exchange, while Further evaluations of departures from ideality,
BAMBP molecules continue to provide most or all expressed either a s activity coefficients (y) or
of the solvation that contributes to organic-phase as apparent average aggregation numbers (n) of
solubility of the cesium. With a dialkylphosphoric real or hypothetical polymeric s p e c i e s assumed to
acid and two carboxylic a c i d s (HX), the principal be ideal, were obtained by both direct measurement
extract s p e c i e s formed at low pH are probably of diluent vapor-pressure lowering and i s o p i e s t i c
CsHX^ • 2BAMBP, CsHX^ • 2(BAMBP)2, and balancing. As previously found for tri-n-octylamine
[Cs.2(BAMBP)2]'^HX2". Comparison of diluents (TOA) and its bisulfate (TOAHS), ff for its normal
of different hydrogen-bonding capabilities showed sulfate (TOAS) was nearly independent of organic-
that in chloroform (acceptor-type, not self-hydro- phase water content up to 90% of saturation, in-
gen-bonded), extraction was somewhat lower than c r e a s i n g only from 0.85 at a = 0 to 1.10 at a =
in carbon tetrachloride (no hydrogen bonding). 0.902. The activity coefficient of TOAS in dry
In octanol-1 (donor-type, self-hydrogen-bonded) benzene decreased nearly linearly from 1 at infi-
and in acetophenone (donor-type, not self-hydrogen- nite dilution to 0.769 at 0.355 m; TOAS thus de-
bonded), extraction at BAMBP concentrations parts l e s s far from ideality than does the free
above 1 M were considerably lower because of base TOA (y = 0.628 at 0.354 m).
stronger competition from BAMBP-diluent a s s o c i a - To resolve a discrepancy between published
tion; at lower BAMBP concentrations the depend- v a l u e s , the activity of tributyl phosphate (TBP)
ence on BAMBP concentration changed from third when saturated with water at 25°C was determined
to first power, showing that t h e s e donor-type by means of an isopiestic s e r i e s . At saturation
diluent molecules can replace BAMBP molecules (a^ = 1), mole fraction ''^^J-BP ^ 0.489 and activity
in solvating the cesium BAMBPate. a = 0.515, with pure T B P as the standard

s t a t e . At lower water contents (X = 0.36), a - low (0.2 to 0.4 M) nitric acid concentrations.
X ^ „ „ ± 0 . 0 0 3 , and a = (2.073 ±"O.01)A: . Partial Separation factors with 2-ethylhexylphenylphos-
TBP W ^ ^ w phonic acid were a l s o about 2 . 5 , but precipitation
molal free energies of solution and e x c e s s partial of the extractant—rare-earths complex occurred in
molal free energies were calculated for both com- some t e s t s . Separations with a primary amine in
ponents. a sulfate system were much l e s s effective.
In continuing improvement of the equipment and
techniques for precisely measuring small vapor-
pressure differences, the possibility of using an 8.3 Ruthenium
inverted cup floating in mercury was examined by
derivation of its equation of motion and by trial A tentative process was outlined for recovering
of a preliminary model. A model for detailed t e s t - ruthenium from acid Purex waste by extracting
ing has been designed that should have about 40 with a tertiary amine and stripping with dilute
times the sensitivity of a simple mercury manometer. c a u s t i c solution.


BY SOLVENT EXTRACTION 8.4 Treatment of Waste That Contains
Dissolved Stainless Steel or Large
8.1 Cesium Amounts of Aluminum Ion
The fission product recovery p r o c e s s e s originally
In batch extraction t e s t s , contaminant metals
developed for treating Hanford Purex w a s t e s are
such a s Ca, Ba, Mo, and Tc were not extracted
being studied for application to w a s t e s of different
from alkaline solutions by 4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methyl-
compositions. In batch t e s t s , strontium, rare
benzyl)phenol (BAMBP), further confirming the
earths, and cesium were recovered effectively from
high selectivity of this extractant for cesium.
simulated " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l " w a s t e s complexed
BAMBP was degraded extensively upon contact
with tartrate and diethylenetriaminepentaacetate.
with acid nitrite solutions, but the reaction was
Complexing with relatively large amounts of tar-
avoided by adding sulfamic acid to the system to
trate also allowed treatment of w a s t e s that contain
destroy the nitrite. BABMP showed no reaction
large amounts of aluminum nitrate (wastes from the
with alkaline nitrite solutions.
TBP-25 process).

8.2 Isolation of Cerium and Promethium

8.5 Engineering Studies

Cerium oxidation with silver-catalyzed persulfate The basic engineering data for designing mixer-
occurred at maximum rate with about 2 M HNO settlers for recovering cesium from Purex-type
in the aqueous phase. More than 98% of the cerium waste by solvent extraction with a substituted phe-
was oxidized and subsequently extracted with nol, 4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl)phenol (BAMBP),
di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid in 20 to 30 min were determined in a single-stage prototype. The
at 60°C, using 1.8 moles of persulfate per mole of flow capacity of the settler was nearly independent
cerium. of mixing and at the normal flow ratios was 290
The separation of promethium from other rare gal h r - i ft~^ for extraction and 730 gal hr~^ ft"^
earths was studied with a number of different for stripping. Stage efficiencies greater than 90%
types of extractants. Batch studies indicated that, were e a s i l y attained for both extraction and strip-
in the previously developed flowsheet for separat- ping at a power input of l e s s than 10 hp per 1000
ing rare earths by extraction with tributyl phos- gal and a residence time of l e s s than 2 min.
phate (TBP) from concentrated nitric acid, flows
of scrub acid and solvent can be greatly reduced
to make the process more attractive for large-scale 9. CHEMISTRY OF PROTACTINIUM
use. In addition, promising results were obtained
with di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid. Separation Solvent extraction studies of protactinium in
factors between adjacent rare earths of about 2.5 sulfuric acid solutions were continued. Evidence
were obtained with this extractant at relatively has been obtained that in 2.5 M H SO relatively

extractable polymeric s p e c i e s occur for protactin- equipped with a digitized punched-card output. The
ium concentrations between a few thousandths and effects of nitrate complexation and hydrolysis on
a few hundredths of an mg per ml, but at higher the spectra were also investigated. Computer
concentrations l e s s extractable s p e c i e s appear. codes for the IBM-7090 and CDC 1604-A computers
T h e s e l e s s extractable s p e c i e s are probably larger were written for various types of manipulations of
polymers in slow equilibrium with the extractable spectral data, for calculating reaction rates, for
species. resolving complex spectra into individual adsorp-
Spectrophotometric studies in both sulfuric and tion bands, for spectral band model and profile
hydrochloric acid solutions are being started, and s t u d i e s , for spectral band overlap s t u d i e s , and for
preliminary data for concentrated sulfuric acid the convolute smoothing of digitized spectral data.
solutions of protactinium from three different
sources have each given a different spectrum.
Recovery of the ^ ^ ' P a borrowed from England 11.1 High-Temperature, High-Pressure
for use in preparing ^^^U has been completed, and Spectrophotometer System
all the material has now been returned to England.
The equipment used for p r o c e s s i n g the ^•'^U some A high-temperature, high-pressure spectrophotom-
three years ago was exhumed from the burial eter and a s s o c i a t e d c e l l s and other s y s t e m s were
ground, and 1.65 g of protactinium was recovered specially designed for ORNL by the Applied Phys-
from the dissolver v e s s e l . i c s Corporation, but fabrication is not yet com-
plete. The main spectrophotometer is scheduled
for delivery by August. It is anticipated that in-
stallation of the locally constructed subsystems
can be completed before the arrival of the main
spectrophotometer. The design is such that, ulti-
mately, solutions containing high levels of alpha
The radiolysis of water adsorbed on s i l i c a gel
emitters of interest in heavy-element chemistry
was investigated in an attempt to determine whether
can be studied. The spectrophotometer system
or not energy transfer from the gel to the adsorbed
will permit the study of the solution chemistry be-
water took place. G(H ) values a s a function of
havior and equilibria, reaction kinetics, and s p e c -
water coverage were measured and found to be
tral properties of elements and complex s p e c i e s in
greater than the value for pure water, indicating
solution up to the vicinity of the water critical
either energy transfer or s e n s i t i z a t i o n of the ad-
point (372°C). Work has continued on the develop-
sorbed water.
ment of equipment and techniques for studying
aqueous solutions at high temperatures and pres-
s u r e s . The prototype spectrophotometric absorp-
11. HIGH-TEMPERATURE CHEMISTRY tion cell constructed as part of the subcontract
development work has performed satisfactorily in
The major objectives of this program are to de- t e s t s at ORNL. Conditions included temperatures
velop and to exploit various spectrophotometric up to 365°C and pressures to 8000 psi, applied
techniques for studying the properties of aqueous simultaneously.
solutions, primarily those of uranium and the trans-
uranium, rare-earth, and transition-group elements.
The principal effort i s directed at construction of a 11.2 Spectral Studies of Ionic Systems
high-temperature, high-pressure spectrophotometer
and associated equipment that can be used to study Studies of the effects of ionic s p e c i e s (complex-
spectra of t h e s e elements in solutions at tempera- ing ions) and temperature on the spectra of the
tures up to the vicinity of the critical point of uranyl ion in perchloric acid systems at fixed ionic
water. A s p e c i a l autoclave and a temperature- strengths were continued. Experimental conditions
control-and-measuring system were built for meas- of interest to us are: temperature, metal ion (uranyl)
uring liquid d e n s i t i e s at high temperatures and and ligand concentrations, acidity (hydrolytic com-
pressures by means of x-ray photography. Prelimi- plications), ionic strength, and isotope effects of
nary spectral s t u d i e s of U O ^ and P u ' ' ^ i o n s were the solvents (light and heavy water). Experiments
made up to 95°C with existing spectrophotometers have been carried out for the uranyl ion in per-

chloric acid and perchlorate systems in the acid- results on uranyl perchlorate solutions agreed with
e x c e s s region, at the stoichiometric point, and in pycnometric results to within 0.4%. Up to about
the region of hydrolysis over the temperature range 300°C dilatometer results on water agree with
of 25 to 95°C at several ionic strengths and at steam-table values to within 0.5% or better, using
several uranyl ion concentrations. As the acidity a conventional thermocouple system. At higher
is lowered through the stoichiometric point into temperatures the error increased because the tem-
the region where the uranyl ion becomes progres- perature was not known accurately enough. Equip-
sively more hydrolyzed, significant spectral changes ment installed recently permits the measurement of
are observed. Also, as the acidity i s lowered, the the temperature to within about 0.05°C.
effect of increased temperature in promoting hy-
drolysis becomes more pronounced.
11.4 Computer Programs for Spectrophotometric
Improved computer techniques developed for the
mathematical resolution of complex overlapping
spectra were applied to a study of the fundamental
A generalized nonlinear least-squares computer
parameters of the absorption spectra of the UO ^ ""^
program (MR0C0S) for the mathematical resolution
ion and related systems. Our results show that
of complex overlapping spectra has been com-
some prior inferences, from unresolved spectra,
pleted. The program will resolve complex over-
concerning the U O ^ band i n t e n s i t i e s (and half-
lapping spectral bands and fine structure, and is
band widths) are in error. We have, to our knowl-
now available for the lBM-7090 computer and auto-
edge, for the first time resolved the absorption
matic off-line plotting equipment. Using this code,
spectrum of the uranyl ion by nonlinear least-
the spectra of a number of uranyl ion systems have
squares computational means over the 3300- to
now been resolved.
5000-A region into 14 absorption bands. The ef-
A set of computer programs and subroutines were
fects on the spectra of U O j ^ of the progressive
written for the CDC 1604-A computer to smooth
complexation of UO^"*^ by NO ~ were studied as a
spectral data. A least-squares convolution-smooth-
function of several experimental parameters. Even
ing technique i s employed. Output from the very
under conditions where hydrolysis effects are non-
flexible set of programs can be in many forms, in-
existent, changes of varying magnitudes are ob-
cluding binary coded decimal and binary tapes,
served, for example, in all three parameters of each
tabulations, punched cards, or CALCOMP graphi-
band with all experimental conditions invariant
cal plotting. All necessary combinations of experi-
except temperature.
mental spectral data, cell-balance data, and coni-
cal-screen attenuator data can be handled and
11.3 Measurement of Liquid Densities at
High Temperatures and High Pressures

As an important adjunct to the program for the 12. MECHANISMS OF SEPARATIONS PROCESSES
spectrophotometric study of solutions at high tem-
peratures and high pressures, a method has been The thermodynamics of solvent extraction by
devised for measuring the densities of aqueous tributyl phosphate (TBP)—hydrocarbon-diluent solu-
solutions at accurately measured temperatures and tions are being studied by means of vapor pressure
pressures up to the solution critical points. A measurements and analytical partition data. Vapor
high-temperature, high-pressure autoclave (dilatom- pressures of water and nitric acid over the three-
eter) and related facilities were designed and built component system water—nitric acid—uranyl ni-
to permit the accurate measurement of liquid densi- trate hexahydrate and corresponding pressures
ties under these conditions. The volume of a over the two-component systems water—nitric acid
weighed solution of a known composition is deter- and water—uranyl nitrate hexahydrate were ana-
mined in the dilatometei by taking an x-ray photo- lyzed by integrating the Gibbs-Duhem equation.
graph to show the position of the vapor-liquid inter- This integration was performed by using an em-
face in a calibrated section of the dilatometer. pirical four-parameter function which is then used
This system has now been completely installed to calculate the activity coefficients of uranyl
and has been operated. At 95°C the dilatometer nitrate hexahydrate. These parameters describe

the variation of water and nitric acid activities 13.2 Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Coalescence
with acid and uranyl nitrate hexahydrate concentra- in Liquid-Liquid Systems
tions with a standard deviation of about ±10%.
The work on the effect of ionizing radiation on
The distribution of uranyl nitrate and water be- c o a l e s c e n c e of drops on a plane interface was
tween T B P and aqueous uranyl nitrate solutions completed and a mechanism which explains the
was used to calculate the a c t i v i t i e s of tributyl data was postulated. Data are presented on the
phosphate by means of the Gibbs-Duhem equation. effect of temperature, liquid properties, and drop
Rational activities of T B P are tabulated for aque- diameter, as well as radiation type and intensity.
ous uranyl nitrate concentrations ranging from 0 to Alpha and fission product irradiation alone are
2.0 M. These a c t i v i t i e s , together with literature effective in enhancing c o a l e s c e n c e , apparently
data on the activities of water and uranyl nitrate by chemically disturbing the surface tension over
hexahydrate, were used to calculate the thermo- a very small region during impact.
dynamic equilibrium constant for the partition
reaction. Partial molar volumes in the organic
phase were calculated and used to c a l c u l a t e a free
energy change of —7.47 kcal/mole for the partition
reaction. Organic-phase d e n s i t i e s are presented 13.3 In-Line Detection of Particles in
as an empirical equation, with the molar concen- Gas Streams by Scattered Light
trations of water and uranyl nitrate a s the inde-
pendent variables. The detection of particles in a gas stream by
scattered light depends on the intense illumination
A generalized computer program for the resolu- of a well-defined, very small volume. Recently,
tion of spectrophotometric data into a s e r i e s of a helium-neon laser was tested to replace the other
Gaussian distributions, with least-squares-adjusted conventional light s o u r c e s , and it increased the
parameters corresponding to band area, position, signal-to-noise ratio by a factor of 2 for particles
and half-width, is described. A second nonlinear in the micron range. Also, a technique was de-
program, useful for c a s e s difficult or even impos- veloped for electronically shaping the pulse from
sible to converge by the modified Gauss-Newton the photomultiplier detector so that the pulse can
method, is also mentioned. As a result of this be satisfactorily analyzed by a multichannel pulse-
work, preliminary information is presented on the height analyzer.
variation in area of spectral bands for 0.1 M uranyl
nitrate a s a function of nitric acid concentration
(0.01 to 7.9 M).

13.4 Solvent Extraction Engineering Studies:

Correlation of Pulsed-Column Flooding Data

13. C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G RESEARCH The literature and all available sources were

exploited to accumulate data on flooding in pulsed
13.1 The Stacked-Clone Contactor columns, and 2300 data points representing 23
different chemical systems were accumulated and
A s e v e n - s t a g e s t a i n l e s s s t e e l experimental used to test over 200 proposed correlating equa-
stacked-clone contactor was used to determine tions by a multiple-regression a n a l y s i s . Up to 13
operating performance with a variety of solvent variables were used, including column diameter,
systems including 100% TBP—1 M sodium nitrate, pulse-plate spacing, hole s i z e , free area, pulse
18% TBP—3 M sodium nitrate, and hexone-water. amplitude and frequency, solution d e n s i t i e s and
The unit was run at flow ratios ( A / 0 ) as high as v i s c o s i t i e s , and interfacial tension. Most correla-
50, with good c a p a c i t i e s and stage efficiencies tions grouped the variables in dimensionless groups.
consistently over 60%. The Purex flowsheet was When equations of the type originally proposed by
successfully demonstrated, a s was the ability of Thornton and Pike were modified to include new
the device to recover more than 99.9% of the coefficients generated by the regression a n a l y s i s ,
uranium. they fitted the data well.

14. REACTOR EVALUATION STUDIES chemical explosives at the Vincentown, New

Jersey, test area under a purchase order to Frank-
This program is supported jointly by the Reactor ford Arsenal. The t e s t s showed that copper or
Division and the Chemical Technology Division iron targets were focused into hypervelocity j e t s
and includes studies on various proposed advanced- and that the target material traversed the length
reactor and fuel-cycle s y s t e m s to determine their of the test chamber at a velocity comparable to
feasibility and economics. The work in this Divi- or faster than those at which the spherical shock
sion during the past year included calculation of front develops and moves out from a nuclear deto-
the c o s t s of fuel shipping and processing and of nation.
preparing sol-gel oxide in connection with the The production of industrial chemicals by utiliz-
advanced converter evaluation, ^^^U value study, ing underground nuclear explosions does not a p -
and other reactor evaluation programs. Also in- pear economically attractive. Unless yields from
cluded were the development of computer codes the nuclear device are about a megaton, the cost
for calculating shipping and processing c o s t s and of the heat energy or pressure generated by the
the overall cost of nuclear power, and for calculat- device is much too high.
ing individual and gross concentrations and radio- Laboratory tests were started to determine the
activities of thorium, uranium, transuranium e l e - rate of exchange of tritium and hydrogen in systems
ments, and fission products produced during reactor containing methane and water. This investigation
operation at constant flux or constant power. A is n e c e s s a r y to help evaluate the feasibility of
manual on the design of c a s k s for shipping spent stimulating gas production from wells by using
fuel was published. Criticality problems and nuclear explosives.
neutron-gamma shielding problems in fuel c y c l e Studies were begun on problems that would arise
plants v/ere also studied. from the presence of radiation emitters during the
processing of ore bodies that have been fractured
by a nuclear explosive. A feasibility study is
15. CHEMICAL APPLICATIONS OF being made on the recovery of magnesium oxide or
NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS magnesium from large deposits of olivine (about
48% MgO) that may be fractured by nuclear ex-
Laboratory development of p r o c e s s e s for re-
covering transplutonium elements from the proposed Studies were begun of problems that might arise
Project Coach detonation was completed. The from the presence of radioactivity in the processing
tentative process flowsheet was tested on kilogram of copper ore bodies that have been fractured by
samples of radioactive debris from the Gnome nuclear explosives.
detonation, which is presumed to be similar to
that for Project Coach, and was satisfactory for
obtaining a primary concentrate of the transpluto- 16. PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF
nium elements. The process includes water leach- ACTINIDE-ELEMENT OXIDES
ing the debris to remove salt, which leaves a
water-insoluble residue that contains the trans- The chemistry underlying the current sol-gel
plutonium elements; then, acid leaching the water- process for making dense nuclear-fuel oxides is
insoluble residue to put the transplutonium ele- the surface chemistry of coUodial thoria and of
ments into solution; and, finally, concentrating other collodial oxides being prepared analogously.
the transplutonium elements by carrier precipitation The purpose of the Actinide Oxides Program is to
with calcium oxalate. Focusing electrophoresis determine the properties that control the behavior
did not appear promising as a method for separat- of t h e s e oxides during their preparation.
ing milligram quantities of transplutonium ele- The adsorption of nitric acid on crystalline
ments. In experiments in which lanthanides were thoria is limited to one nitrate ion per two surface
used as stand-ins, separation bands were always s i t e s , assuming equal exposure of the (100) and
overlapped. (111) faces. The free energy of adsorption is a
T e s t s to demonstrate a jet-sampler method for function of the fraction of reacted surface s i t e s ,
removing a target irradiated about a meter from a being about —5.7 kcal per mole of nitric acid at
detonating nuclear device were conducted with half of saturation. The enthalpy of adsorption,

determined from the temperature coefficient of the Laboratory Facility (also for the Analytical Chem-
surface equilibrium, is estimated to be about —7.6 istry Division); consultation to the Operations Di-
kcal/mole. vision on the construction and startup of the two
Hydrous amorphous thoria has been found to plant-waste-improvement projects; design and
undergo spontaneous crystallization at room tem- fabrication of equipment for the Health P h y s i c s
perature when allowed sufficient time, about 24 Division experiments on waste d i s p o s a l in salt
months in the present study. and w a s t e d i s p o s a l by hydrofracturing; design and
The viscosity of colloidal thoria in nitric acid installation of a ^^^U storage facility in Building
solutions at pH 2 implies that the fundamental 3019; design and installation of a test unit for
c r y s t a l l i t e s exist in the sol a s s o c i a t e d together evaluating absolute filters and charcoal b e d s in
in weak, reversible, highly unsymmetrical floes. the Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant for the Reactor
Viscometry of s o l s in pH 3.6 nitric acid a l s o im- Division; calculations, using advanced shielding
plies the e x i s t e n c e of highly anisotropic floes of c o d e s , of gamma and neutron s h i e l d s for special
crystallites which are only partially reversibly point isotropic fission s o u r c e s ; and irradiation-
dissociated. contamination-decontamination t e s t s on selected
Weight-loss data for dehydrating gels of nitrate- commercial protective coatings and p l a s t i c s .
stabilized thoria at temperatures below 600°C were
correlated by equations from absolute-reaction-
17,1 Eurochemic Assistance Program
rate theory, which showed the enthalpy and entropy
of activation of dehydration to be 10 kcal/faole
The Laboratory continued to coordinate the e x -
and —45 eu respectively. The enthalpy and entropy
change of technical information between Euro-
of dehydration were 9.1 kcal/mole and +22.2 eu
chemic and the AEC production s i t e s and National
Laboratories for the AEC Division of International
Sintering of — 400-mesh compacts of thoria-gel Affairs. E. M. Shank completed his third year at
particles at temperatures between 600 and 1100°C Mol, Belgium, a s U.S. Technical Advisor to Euro-
could not be correlated by any single-mechanism chemic during the construction and startup of the
sintering model, probably because of the existence Eurochemic fuel-processing plant. Construction
of an ultrafine (less than 1 fx) s i z e fraction, which of the plant and its auxiliary facilities is now
superimposed interparticle shrinkage on intra- about 90% complete. Cold startup will begin in
particle shrinkage. Compacts made from coarser mid-1965, and hot startup is scheduled for the end
gel particles, from which the ultrafine fraction of 1966,
had been removed, gave sintering results that
correlated with the previously established surface-
diffusion sintering model. At temperatures between 17.2 Projects for Improving ORNL Waste Systems
1000 and 1120°C, erratic growth, breakdown, and
regrowth of the grain structure of sintering thoria The Chemical Technology Division continued to
gel were observed in the early s t a g e s of sintering. supply consultation to the General Engineering
T h i s process was observed repeatedly, but its and Construction and the Operations Divisions dur-
c a u s e is still obscure. ing construction and startup of the two plant-waste-
system improvement projects. The first of t h e s e ,
the Melton Valley waste collection and transfer
system, was completed in February 1964 and is
17. ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS now in s e r v i c e . The second, the intermediate-
and high-level-waste evaporator and high-level-
During the past year, several engineering efforts waste storage t a n k s , will be completed and cold-
for others have been carried out by the Chemical tested by January 1966, This project was delayed
Technology Division. T h e s e include a continua- b e c a u s e of the late delivery of the two 50,000-gal
tion of the Eurochemic A s s i s t a n c e Program; liaison high-level-waste storage tanks. A preliminary
on the construction and startup of the High Radia- design and c o s t estimate was prepared for venting
tion Level Analytical Laboratory for the Analytical and filtering the off-gases from the six concrete
Chemistry Division; preparation of two preliminary intermediate-level-waste t a n k s , W-5 to W-10, to
design and c o s t e s t i m a t e s for a proposed Alpha the main plant s t a c k .

17,3 A Demonstration of the Disposal of Solid, contractor (H. K, Ferguson Company) during con-
High-Level Radioactive Waste in Salt struction of the High Radiation Level Analytical
Laboratory for the Analytical Chemistry Division.
A s s i s t a n c e was provided by the Division on the Installation of equipment was completed late in
experiment concerning the disposal of solid waste 1964, and the facility is in u s e . A s s i s t a n c e in-
in s a l t (Project Salt Vault). The experiment is cluded liaison on the completion of construction
being conducted by the Health P h y s i c s Division by H. K. Ferguson Company and ORNL field forces
in a salt mine at Lyons, K a n s a s . The first t e s t s and the preparation of operating and maintenance
will include the use of fully irradiated, 90-day- procedures and manuals.
cooled Engineering T e s t Reactor fuel assemblies
to simulate the heat and radiation from solid-
waste containers. All equipment for transporting 17,6 High-Level Alpha Laboratory
the fuel assemblies from Idaho to Kansas and
handling them at the mine has been designed and A preliminary design and c o s t study was made
built, and the first experiment is scheduled for for a new Alpha Laboratory Facility for joint use
September 1965. by the Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Technology,
and Metals and Ceramics Divisions, The labora-
tory would contain twenty-eight 16- by 32-ft alpha
17,4 Disposal of Radioactive Waste by laboratories, four supporting " c o l d " laboratories,
Hydrofracturing a 32- by 64-ft deep-bay area for large alpha experi-
ments, and office and service facilities. The
The engineering on the Health P h y s i c s Division facility, which would be administered by the
experiments on the d i s p o s a l of intermediate-level Analytical Chemistry Division, is estimated to
radioactive aqueous w a s t e s by hydrofracturing is cost about $5,000,000. At the request of manage-
being coordinated by the P r o c e s s Design Section ment, an alternative design was prepared in which
of this Division. In this program, the aqueous half the proposed facility was added to the High
w a s t e s are mixed with cement and clay, and then Radiation Level Analytical Laboratory and the
they are pumped at high pressure into an approxi- other half to the Thorium-Uranium Fuel Cycle
mately 1000-ft-deep hole in the ORNL test area Development Facility. This proposal was aban-
in lower Melton Valley. When sufficient pressure doned when it became apparent that s u c h an al-
is exerted, the rock strata are fractured at the ternative was considerably more expensive than
bottom of the hole, and the waste is distributed in the original proposal.
a thin s l a b around the hole, where it s e t s up a s a
concrete s h e e t .
17,7 Storage Facility for " 3 u , Building 3019
Cores of the grout s h e e t s of previous injections
have been obtained and analyzed. The mixes Oak Ridge National Laboratory now serves a s
seem satisfactory; radionuclide retention is quite a national storage and d i s p e n s i n g facility for
good, The injection facility was modified, and reactor-produced ^^^U fuel formed by neutron ir-
another injection was made to t e s t an improved radiation of thorium. Therefore, expanded storage
mix and changes in equipment and procedure. capacity for ^^^U nitrate solution was installed
Further coring will be done, and the facility will in the Building 3019 pipe tunnel, an additional
be modified for regular disposal of laboratory bank of storage wells for dry s o l i d s (^^^U 0 )
waste. was drilled into a cell dividing wall in the 3019
penthouse, and a small-scale solvent extraction
17.5 Construction and Startup of the High facility (1 kg of uranium per day) was installed
Radiation Level Analytical Laboratory in the newly constructed alpha-contained laboratory
located in the former solvent makeup room in the
The Chemical Technology Division continued 3019 operating gallery. During the past year, about
to supply the necessary technical liaison between 20 kg of stored 2 3 3jj ^ g g separated from the radio-
the Laboratory, the AEC, the designers (Vitro active daughters of ^^^U for designated AEC u s e s .
Corporation), the construction contractor (Foster The ^^^U inventory has been increased by addition
and Creighton Company), and cost-plus-fixed-fee of 40 kg containing 45 ppm of ^^^U and 80 kg

containing 200 ppm of ^^^U. Prior to the new ac- 18. M O L T E N - S A L T R E A C T O R PROCESSING
quisitions , nearly 50 kg of ^ ^ ^U with a ^ ^ ^U content
of 38 ppm was on hand. 18.1 Continuous Fluorination of Molten Salt

The most attractive process for removing the

uranium from Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR)
17.8 Filter Tests in the Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant fuel involves continuous fluorination to produce
volatile U F . Although technology e x i s t s for batch
At the request of the Reactor Division, the fluorination, corrosion rates are high. A frozen-
Chemical Technology Division designed and in- wall technique for protecting a tower in which fluo-
stalled an absolute-filter—charcoal-bed combina- rine may be bubbled countercurrent to the fuel s a l t
tion unit for testing in the Nuclear Safety Pilot is proposed. For a reference 1000-Mw (electrical)
Plant (NSPP), The system includes a Demister, reactor, the fuel stream, cooled for 1.5 days, will
absolute filter, and a charcoal bed all incorporated have a specific heat generation rate of 3 x lO'*
in a remotely removable canister, a sealed com- Btu h r ~ ' ft~^, which will give an adequate heat
pressor for gas circulation, and three May-pack flux to support a frozen layer on a cooled wall.
samplers. T h e system is designed for a flow of Experimental work has been started on a l-in.-diam
20 cfm of steam and gas at 300°F and 50 psig nickel continuous countercurrent fluorinator with a
pressure. The radioactive g a s e s and particles for salt depth of 48 in., from which mass transfer data
the N S P P t e s t s will be generated by melting ir- can be obtained.
radiated fuel elements with a plasma torch in a
steam-air atmosphere.

18.2 Distillation of Molten Salt

The proposed Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor will

17,9 Studies of Radiation Shields for use a fuel carrier s a l t of ' L i F and B e F . After the
Fission Sources uranium has been removed by fluorination, this mix-
ture can be partially separated from the fission
Advanced shielding codes for an IBM 7090 com- product poisons, particularly the rare earths, by
puter were used to calculate the radiation d o s e
semicontinuous low-pressure distillation. At
rates from fission sources through s h i e l d s that
1000°C the still will operate at a pressure of about
are commonly used in cell w a l l s , cell windows,
1 mm Hg, and s i n c e B e F has a vapor pressure
and shipping c a s k s . The dose rates were calcu-
100 times that of L i F , the still pot will contain
lated for various concretes, water, CH , and mix-
little B e F ^ . A 1000-Mw (electrical) MSBR would
tures of H O or CH with lead, iron, and boron for
require a processing rate of about 15 ft^ of s a l t
shield thicknesses up to 150 cm.
per day. Preliminary experimental work h a s been
directed toward the determination of the relative
volatilities of the s a l t and contaminants. A cold-
finger technique for sampling the vapor phase of
17.10 Irradiation and Decontamination Evaluation an equilibrium still was employed. The trivalent
Tests on Selected Protective Coatings rare earths had relative volatilities, with respect
to L i F , ranging from 0.01 to 0.05. Cerium tetra-
Various commercial protective coatings and fluoride showed a relative volatility of about 0.15;
p l a s t i c s were evaluated in irradiation-contamina- and C s F , RbF, SnF , and Z r F are more volatile
tion-decontamination t e s t s . Gamma radiation was than L i F and cannot be separated this way. The
used, and the irradiations were carried to the l e s s volatile fission products are accumulated in
coating-failure level, Epoxy coatings were the the still bottoms and will be discharged on a time
most resistant, and vinyl coatings were the most cycle that will probably be determined by the heat
easily decontaminated. The samples were ir- generation rate. Small prototype s t i l l s have been
radiated both in air and in deionized water in a constructed to study the problems of heat transfer,
^"Co source. condensation, and boiling.

18.3 Reconstitution of Fuel for a Molten-Salt Experimental extractions were made with various
Breeder Reactor molten-metal phases, including mixtures of metallic
lithium, magnesium, aluminum, and tin. Little
Since the carrier s a l t and U F are purified sepa- s u c c e s s was observed in assimilating rare earths
rately, they must be recombined for return to the into these metal p h a s e s . However, intermetallic
reactor. This is best accomplished continuously compounds of the form Be M were found that were
in a column in which the barren salt and U F , are highly insoluble in the s a l t phase or any metal
phase tested. T h e s e compounds form granular
introduced at the bottom, along with salt contain-
solids which are e a s i l y removed by sedimentation
ing U F , which is recycled from the top. The UF
or filtration. Studies to exploit this possibility for
first reacts with the UF^ to form a nonvolatile
fuel-salt processing are continuing.
intermediate fluoride, which is then reduced again
to U F in the upper part of the column with hydro-
gen. Three t e s t s were made in a 4-in.-diam reac-
tion v e s s e l where the off-gas could be monitored
to detect UF^ that had not been absorbed. Com-
plete absorption of the U F had occurred, to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is carrying out
limit of detection. Better data on the rate of ab- a program of basic research on the properties of
sorption and subsequent hydrogen reduction are water and its solutions under the auspices of the
necessary for optimal design. Office of Saline Water, Department of the Interior.
This program has as its long-range goal the devel-
18.4 Chromium Fluoride Trapping opment of methods for the economical purification
of water in such amounts and of such purity that
Among the problems associated with the terminal it may be used for irrigation and for drinking. Work
recovery of the uranium from the fuel salt of the in the program is under the direction of K, A, Kraus
Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) is the and is interdivisional. It is reported in part in a
separation of chromium fluoride from UF . The s e r i e s of reports issued annually by the Depart-
chromium is introduced by corrosion. Packed beds ment of the Interior. The most recent report in
of pelleted N a F at 400°C have been found to effec- the s e r i e s is Saline Water Conversion Report,
tively trap the volatile CrF . Eight t e s t s were 1964. Because the work is reported formally in
made with a sodium fluoride bed 1'/ in. in diameter the above s e r i e s , only this abstract of the work
with an effective length of 6 ft. The bed accommo- carried out by Chemical Technology Division
dated gas rates (CrF^ in fluorine) of 0.4 to 0.9 std personnel is presented in this report.
liter/min. Over periods from 2 to 5 hr, 11 to 20 g
Studies carried out in the Chemical Technology
of chromium fluoride was deposited. Different
Division have followed several l i n e s . One has
kinds of sodium fluoride pellets were tested, one
been measurements of thermodynamic properties
of which is found to be quite satisfactory for use
of water-organic liquid mixtures, in the hope that
in processing the MSRE fuel.
such mixtures will exhibit the properties of, and
so serve as models for, salt-excluding organic
membranes. This hope has been reinforced by
18.5 Alternative Processing Methods for a the finding that the distributive selectivity and
Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor the activity coefficients of inorganic s a l t s in the
mixtures are similar functions of their water con-
A scheme that may be competitive to the d i s - tents over a wide range of organic structures, from
tillation method for purifying the fuel salt is e s t e r s to amides and organic s a l t s . Correlations
reduction of the fission product poisons to form of activity coefficients and miscibility gaps with
metals that might be either assimilated into a molten dielectric c o n s t a n t s , s a l t types, and water thermo-
metal phase or filtered from the s a l t . Since the dynamic activity have contributed to the informa-
free energies of formation of the rare-earth fluo- tion necessary to e s t a b l i s h the utility of organic
rides lie between those of L i F and B e F , for re- liquids a s membrane models.
duction of rare-earths to take place it i s necessary In another line of study, methods are being
that stable intermetallic compounds be formed. sought to alter the hydrodynamic conditions near

a solid surface to promote r a t e s of mass transfer A third line of study is directed to metals and
of a solute between the surface and the circulating metal oxides and the relation of their surface
fluid. (This study is under the direct supervision properties to the adhesion of inorganic s a l t s pre-
of D, G. Thomas, Reactor Division, ORNL.) This cipitated from aqueous solution onto them. T h i s
research is specifically intended to reduce the work has shown that the adhesion of s a l t s pre-
concentration polarization problems encountered cipitated from solutions containing orthophosphate
in reverse osmosis and electrodialysis of brackish is profoundly influenced by pH and orthophosphate
w a t e r s . The study is focused upon measurements concentration. Further, a fixed stoichiometry
of mass-transfer promotion from wires or cylinders e x i s t s between the phosphate molecules which are
supported above the mass-transfer surface near sorbed on the metal oxide surfaces and the number
the edge of the hydrodynamic boundary layer. Us- of metal oxide s i t e s on the surface. The stoichi-
ing an air-naphthalene system, Thomas has found ometry was found to be determined by the shape
that such detached promoters may give average of the phosphate molecule, the concentrations of
mass-transfer rates twice a s high a s those ob- the various dissolved phosphate s p e c i e s (e,g.,
tained without the promoters, and at certain points P 0 ^ ^ ~ , H P O ^ ^ ~ , H ^ P O ^ " ) , and the geometric
the rates may be three or four times as high. array of the reactive s i t e s on the surface of the
T h e s e studies are now being extended with an solid. The kinetics of phosphate sorption on
aqueous system with properties closer to those thorium, cerium(IV), and zirconium oxides was
found in desalination p r o c e s s e s . Initial results found to be described by a rate equation which
with this system indicate that the percentage in- contains both a linear depletion term and a term
c r e a s e in mass-transfer rates in the aqueous system exponential in the extent of coverage. This is
will be at l e a s t a s high a s that observed in the interpreted to mean that the activation energy for
gaseous system, although there are not enough sorption of phosphate i n c r e a s e s linearly with
data yet to predict what the optimum conditions the quantity of phosphate sorbed.
will be or what degree of promotion ultimately can
be obtained.
1. Power Reactor Fuel Processing

Laboratory and engineering-scale development T h 0 2-U02 fuel samples irradiated to 75,000 Mwd
of p r o c e s s e s for recovering fissionable and fertile per metric ton of thorium. Alternative adsorption
material from spent power reactor fuels i s contin- s t u d i e s with silica gel and zirconium phosphate
uing. Considerable emphasis was placed on b a s i c (Bio-Rad ZP-1) were also made. Unirradiated
chemical s t u d i e s ; however, major efforts were also UO,—17% PuO„ fuel pellets were successfully
continued on chemical applications, engineering oxidized to U j O g - P u O j powder in O2 at 800°C;
development, and small-scale hot-cell t e s t i n g of p e l l e t s containing more than 20% PUO2 were
the more promising fuel-recovery processes. unreactive. The resulting U O -PuO powders
B a s i c chemical studies on carbide fuels included were then chlorinated at 500°C in 85% C l 2 - 1 5 %
nitric acid hydrolysis experiments with U C , , the CCl ; volatilization of uranium and plutonium chlo-
preparation of pure ThC, ThC^, and ThC-ThCj rides was only partially successful. Reduction of
mixtures and studies of their hydrolytic charac- Pu(IV) to Pu(III) in nitrate solution with Ar-4% H2
t e r i s t i c s in water, and the effect of tungsten was satisfactorily demonstrated. The c a t a l y s t was
carbide impurity on the hydrolysis of both uranium platinized alumina.
and thorium carbides. P r o c e s s development for Development of the shear-leach p r o c e s s with
thorium-uranium-graphite fuels included alumina unirradiated fuel elements on a full engineering
fluidized-bed burning studies on pyrolytic-carbon- s c a l e was continued. Work l a s t year included:
coated ThC^-UCj and Th02-U02 fuel particles (1) removing fuel rods from second-generation
contained in graphite. Nitric acid leaching s t u d i e s fuel assemblies by remote row pulling; (2) shearing
were conducted with the fuel a s h . Wet-combustion— t e s t s on loose bundles of fuel rods and on Zircaloy-
leaching studies in oxygen and dilute nitric acid 2-clad uranium metal (annular fuel); (3) further
at 250° C and 1500 to 2000 psi were also begun. safety evaluations on the mechanical head-end
Development of burn-volatility and burn-leach handling of zirconium fines; (4) evaluations of
p r o c e s s e s for graphite-based Rover fuel was handling problems of, and fission product heat
completed. generation in, b a s k e t s of sheared fuels; and (5)
further leaching t e s t s on sheared UO2 and T h 0 2 -
Hot-cell comparison t e s t s of the Sulfex and
UO2 fuels. Also, a monitor for determining the
shear-leach p r o c e s s e s were made with s t a i n l e s s -
residual " * U , " ' P u , or " S y content of leached
steel-clad UO2-20% P u O j and T h 0 2 - 4 % UO^
metal hulls by delayed-neutron activation a n a l y s i s
fuel samples irradiated to 99,000 Mwd per metric
was developed. The monitor i s s e n s i t i v e to a
ton of fuel. Stainless-steel-clad oxide fuels were
residue equal to l e s s than 0.01% of the fissile
successfully declad with HF-O^ at 600°C. Nitric
material before leaching.
acid leaching studies were made on the declad
A new program for developing low-decontami-
material both with and without a prior pyrohydroly-
nation close-coupled p r o c e s s e s for Th-U recycle
s i s step at 600°C (with steam or 0 2 - 3 % Hfi)
fuels was begun. Results of scouting t e s t s to
designed to remove residual fluorides formed
evaluate the capability of e l e c t r o d i a l y s i s , ion
during decladding and to reduce the solubility of
exchange, and precipitation processes were
iron during leaching.
relatively unsuccessful; therefore, the main effort
The adsorption of ^^^Pa on unfired Vycor and was devoted to the development of low-cost
i t s subsequent elution with oxalic acid was differential solvent extraction equipment and
successfully demonstrated with 26-day-cooled methods. Amine solvent extraction was evaluated


a s an alternative to steam denitration of thorium Hydrolysis of Uranium Carbides in Nitric Acid^'^

nitrate for the preparation of thorium s o l s .
Conceptual plant studies were completed for Dissolution of uranium carbides in 4 and 16 M
(1) a small-capacity (1/10 to 1/6 ton/day) fuel HNO3 at 90°C was investigated to determine the
processing plant using conventional head-end and composition of the g a s e s evolved. Other s t u d i e s
solvent extraction technology and (2) an HTGR were conducted to determine the behavior of the
graphite-base fuel processing plant employing a carbides in 0.001 to 0.5 M HNO3 solutions. Rel-
bum-leach—solvent-extraction flowsheet. atively high-purity uranium monocarbide (UC),
sesquicarbide [U^(C2)3], ^""^ dicarbide (UCj gg)
samples were used in all c a s e s . Each carbide,
1.1 HYDROLYSIS OF URANIUM AND when contacted at 90° C with 4 and 16 M HNO 3,
THORIUM CARBIDES yielded uranyl nitrate, soluble organic a c i d s ,
NO 2, NO, CO2, and t r a c e s of N2O. No hydrogen,
Uranium, thorium, and plutonium carbides are CO, or gaseous hydrocarbons (the hydrolysis
starting to b e used a s reactor fuels, both as the products with water alone) were produced. With
pure compounds and a s ingredients in fuel-graphite 4 M HNO 3, NO was the predominant nitrogen oxide,
mixtures. For example, uranium monocarbide in whereas NO 2 was the chief nitrogen oxide evolved
NaK-bonded s t a i n l e s s steel tubes i s being used in reactions with 16 M HNO 3 (Table 1.1). Between
as the second-core fuel for the Consumer's Public 50 and 80% of the carbide carbon was converted
Power (Hallam, Nebraska) reactor, and pyrolytic- to CO ; the remainder was converted to oxalic acid
carbon-coated UC2-ThC2 p a r t i c l e s in a graphite (0 to 11%), mellitic acid (2 to 9%), and unidentified
matrix are being used as fuel in the High-Temper- highly substituted aromatic compounds.
ature Gas-Cooled reactor (HTGR, Peachbottom,
The carbides were almost completely p a s s i v e
Pennsylvania). The TARGET-type reactor will
in boiling 0.001 to 0.5 M HNO 3 and in solutions
u s e undiluted carbon-coated ThC2-UC2 p a r t i c l e s
of sodium, calcium, uranyl, aluminum, and thorium
packed in longitudinal holes in graphite fuel rods; nitrates where the nitrate concentration was
plans are also under way to u s e carbon-coated 0.05 M. This behavior h a s not yet been explained.
T h 0 2 - U 0 2 microspheres a s fuel. Development
efforts on the processing of fuel carbides are
d i s c u s s e d in this section; the work on p r o c e s s Preparation and Hydrolysis of Thorium Carbides '
developments for graphite-base fuels i s reviewed
in Sect. 1.2. Thorium carbide specimens with total-C/Th
B a s i c chemical studies on the preparation and atom ratios varying from 0.8 to 2.1 (4 to 10 wt %
hydrolysis of uranium, thorium, and other carbides carbon) were prepared by arc-melting high-purity
were continued. This work included s t u d i e s on thorium metal and carbon. T h e s e specimens were
(1) the hydrolysis of U C j in nitric a c i d ; * ' ^ ' ^ (2) examined by chemical, x-ray diffraction, and
the preparation and hydrolysis of ThC, T h C j , metallographic a n a l y s e s , and their hydrolysis
and ThC-ThC2 mixtures in water; "'^ and (3) the properties studied.'*-* The thorium monocarbide
effect of tungsten carbide impurity on the hydrol- p h a s e was found over a range of compositions
y s i s of uranium and thorium carbides. from about ThC^ ^^ (4.6% carbon) to at l e a s t
ThCg gj (4.0% carbon) and probably lower. The
maximum combined-C/Th atom ratio obtained by
L. M. F e r r i s and M. J . Bradley, Off-Gases from the
Reactions of Uranium Carbides with Nitric Acid at 9(Pc, arc-melting with graphite electrodes was 1.95
ORNL-3719 (December 1964). (9.2% carbon) rather than the expected 2.00 (9,4%
L. M. F e r r i s and M. J . Bradley, " R e a c t i o n s of the carbon). Specimens with compositions varying
Uranium Carbides with Nitric A c i d , " to be published in from T h C p g g to T h C ^ g g (4.9 to 8.9% carbon)
the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
3 were two-phase mixtures of the mono- and di-
J . R. Flanary et al., Hot-Cell Studies of Aqueous
Dissolution Processes for Irradiated Carbide Reactor carbides. There was no evidence for any signif-
Fuels, ORNL-3660 (September 1964).
4 icant range of composition for the dicarbide.
M. J . Bradley and L. M. F e r r i s , " H y d r o l y s i s of
Thorium Carbides Between 25 and 9 9 ° C , " to be pub-
lished in the Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry.
^M. J, Bradley and L. M. F e r r i s , " T h e Effect of M, J, Bradley and T, M, Kegley, J r , , Correlation of
Tungsten on the Hydrolysis of Uranium D i c a r b i d e , " Composition with the Microstructures of Arc-Cast
to be published in Inorg. Chem. 4 (May 1965), Thorium Carbides, in preparation.

T a b l e 1 , 1 , Approximate Compositions of the Gases Evolved in Reactions of

the Uranium Carbides with Nitric Acid at 90 C

HNO 3 Gas C omposition (mole %)

Carbide C Dncentration

UC 4 74 12 2 12

UC" 16 7 88 0 5

"4(^2)3 4 74 8 4 14

U,(C2)3 16 26 62 1 11

4 68 11 3 18
UCi.85 16 21 65 1 13

Reaction time in this experiment was only 6 hr.

The thorium carbides reacted with water to ORNL-DWG 65-9700

produce thorium oxide and hydrocarbons,'* Thorium

monocarbide produced mostly methane, and also
two moles of hydrogen for each mole of thorium
in e x c e s s of the 1:1 thorium-to-carbon atom ratio.
E 80
Thorium dicarbide (ThC^ g^) produced C j to Cg
hydrocarbons, wax, and hydrogen. The prepon-
derance of hydrocarbons with an even number of
carbon atoms in the gas from the hydrolysis of the o
a 40
dicarbide i s to be expected b e c a u s e of the pres-
ence of discrete C^ units in the dicarbide crystal
l a t t i c e . ' Carbon spacing in the thorium monocar-
bide lattice h a s not been studied, but the carbon
is probably present a s single C units a s in uranium
0 6 0 8 \.0 1.2 (4 (6 t.8 2.0 2.2
monocarbide,* which also yields methane when TOTAL-C/xh ATOM RATIO
hydrolyzed.^ Varying the reaction temperature
between 25 and 99°C caused no change in the F i g . 1.1. Effect of C / T h Atom Ratio on the Volume of
hydrolysis products from either the thorium mono- Gas Evolved in the Hydrolysis at 80 C of As-Cast
or dicarbides, although the reactions were con- Thorium Carbides.
siderably faster at the higher temperatures. The
total volume of gas evolved decreased from 110
ml ( S T P ) / g to 49 ml/g as the t o t a l - C / T h atom ane and an increase in the amount of C2 to Cg
ratio increased from 0.81 to 1.95 (Fig. 1.1); there hydrocarbons a s the total-C/Th atom ratio in-
was no further change in volume a s the t o t a l - C / T h creased ( F i g . 1.2). Within experimental error,
atom ratio increased above 1.95. Specimens with the specimen with the total-C/Th atom ratio of
compositions between ThC and T h C j ^^ gave 2.14 (combined-C/Th ratio of 1.95) gave the same
the products expected for ThC-ThC^ ^^ b i n a r i e s , products as the specimen with the t o t a l - C / T h
showing a regular d e c r e a s e in the amount of meth- ratio of 1.95.

Effect of Tungsten Impurity on Hydrolysis

E . B. Hunt and R. E . Rundle, / . Am. Chem. Soc. of Uranium and Thorium Carbide
73, 4777 (1951).
A. E. Austin, Acta Cryst. 12, 159 (1959).
M. J . Bradley and L. M. F e r r i s , Inorg. Chem. 3, 189
Tungsten, as an impurity in uranium and thorium
(1964). dicarbides, had a pronounced effect on the hydrol-

ORNL-DWG 65-9701 y s i s reaction, causing a marked d e c r e a s e in the

amount of gaseous C2 to Cg hydrocarbons and
.r^^ an i n c r e a s e in the amount of wax and free hydrogen
20 \ ^
(Table 1.2).'*'' This emphasizes the importance
of preparing and using high-purity carbides for
n 1 1
80 hydrolysis s t u d i e s and indicates that some of
the d i s c r e p a n c i e s in the literature on carbide
60 Cj - C s H
\/ / chemistry may be caused by relatively small
amounts of impurities in the specimens used by
40 / the investigators. The tungsten in the uranium
dicarbide specimen was present primarily a s
^ 20 _^ WUC2, which was recovered as an insoluble
Q > ^
^ 1^ residue after hydrolyzing the carbide and d i s -
O O solving the resulting U 0 2 ' x H 2 0 in hydrochloric
<^ 100
C/5 acid. About half the tungsten in the thorium
=) ^
o / dicarbide specimen was recovered a s W2C after
uj 80
< ^ hydrolysis; it i s not known which chemical s p e c i e s
/ ^
of tungsten (W, WjC, or WC) reacted.
60 i ^ ^

40 \

0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 Development of p r o c e s s e s for recovering fuel
TOTAL-C/.f^ ATOM RATIO materials from spent thorium-uranium-graphite
fuels h a s included studies on the burning of
F i g , 1.2. Effect of C / T h Atom Ratio on the Gaseous pyrolytic-carbon-coated ThC2-UC2 and T h 0 2 - U 0 2
Products from the Hydrolysis at 80 C of As-Cast Thorium fuel particles contained in graphite (TARGET
Carbide. reactors, or the Peachbottom reactor). Burning

Table 1.2, Effect of Tungsten Impurity on the Reaction of Uranium and

Thorium Dicarbides with 80 C Water

W/(U or T h ) Atom R a t i o for:

Thorium Dicarbide Uranium Dicarbide

0.00005 0.09 0.00003 0.10

Volume of g a s evolved,

ml (STP) per gram of carbide 48 67 39 51

Gas composition, vol. %

Hydrogen 30 74 33 75

Methane 3 3 17 7

C™ to Cj, hydrocarbons 67 23 50 18

Carbon d i s t r i b u t i o n , 7o of carbon r e a c t i n g

Methane 1 1 4 3

C j to Cg g a s e o u s h y d r o c a r b o n s 51 30 33 20

Wax 12 52 20 52

U n a c c o u n t e d for 35 17 43 25

was done in a fluidized bed of alumina; the result- b e c a u s e it provides uniformly controlled combus-
ing mixtures of alumina and fuel oxides were tion and b e c a u s e it i s easily adapted to continuous
satisfactorily leached in HNO^, catalyzed with operation. The ThC2-UC2 fuels bum to a T h 0 2 -
HF, to recover the fuel. A pressurized aqueous UgOg ash, which i s finely divided and becomes
combustion (PAC) process is also being evaluated. dispersed uniformly through the AljO^ fluidizing
Here, the fuel is contacted with dilute nitric acid medium. The T h 0 2 - U 0 2 sol-gel microspheres do
and oxygen to produce CO 2 and a fuel nitrate not break up during burning and collect at the
solution. This i s done at a pressure of 1500 to bottom of the fluidized bed b e c a u s e of their high
2000 p s i , at temperatures up to 300°C. Develop- density. T h u s , for the latter fuel, very little of
ment of both aqueous and volatility p r o c e s s e s for the AI2O3 follows the Th02-U02 into the leaching
Rover fuels was completed. Both p r o c e s s e s step.
employ a common fuel-combustion head-end The conditions used in a typical burning run
operation. in a 2-in.-diam fluidized-bed burner are given in
Table 1.3. The product bed was green-gray and
consisted of slightly discolored A ^ O , and finely
Burn-Leach Process divided ThOj-UgOg powder; the alumina did not
powder. No sintering or clinker formation occurred,
The work on the burn-leach process for Rover and the bed material was free flowing. The s i e v e
fuels ^° h a s been modified and extended to apply a n a l y s i s of the product i s given in Table 1.4. The
the process to pyrolytic-carbon-coated ThC2-UC2 dry bulk density of the bed, 28% of which consisted
and ThOj-UOj fuels. This effort has included of fuel oxides, was 2.25 g/cm^.
engineering-scale t e s t s of fluidized-bed burning Except for a short time during startup, the off-
(alumina beds) and leaching of crushed HTGR g a s , a s shown by the LIRA infrared absorption
(Peachbottom) fuel c o m p a c t s * ' and laboratory- analyzers, consisted of more than 95% C O , and
s c a l e leaching t e s t s on both HTGR-fuel burner l e s s than 3% CO. Utilization of O2 was almost
ash and Th02-U02 microspheres. The mixed complete. Temperature control was very e a s y , and
oxide (or carbide) fuel particles are 150 to 500 no cooling was needed during most of the run.
H in diameter, and the pyrolytic carbon coatings After all the fuel had been charged, burnout of
are about 100 fi thick. the carbon took about 3 hr. During the first hour,
Burning can be done in fluidized beds of alu- the CO 2 concentration was higher than 90%; during
minum oxide or similar inert material as the heat the second hour, it fell slowly to about 60%, and
transfer agent. The fluidized bed i s preferred the CO content rose slightly. In the l a s t hour,
there was a rather abrupt d e c r e a s e in both CO2
and CO content; zero reading on the LIRA's was
Rover Fuel Reprocessing Development, June 1, reached in about 45 min.
1963, to July 1, 1964, ORNL-CF-64-12-5 (confidential).
H T After the bed was cooled, it was transferred
Unit Operations Quarterly Report for April-June,
1965 (ORNL-TM report, to be published). to a 1.5-in.-diam g l a s s fluidized-bed leacher and

T a b l e 1.3. Fluidized-Bed Burning Run Conditions for H T G R Fuel

Fuel Crushed ( Z-in.-diam) HTGR " A " fuel compacts, each containing
52 g of Th, 10 g of U, and 285 g of C; total charge 2.7 kg; 200 g
charged initially; 100 g charged every 15 min thereafter

Alumina Equal weights of 60- and 90-mesh Norton RR grade; 0.6 liter,
1.21 kg, 12 in. settled height

Temperature 750 to 775°C

O flow rate 12 l i t e r s / m i n (STP); 1.15 f t / s e c at 750°C

Product A l j O j - T h O j - U j O g ; 0.7 liter, 1.664 kg


T a b l e 1.4. Sieve Analysis of Product from with boiling reagent, more than 99.5% of both
F l u i d i z e d - B e d Burner the uranium and thorium were recovered when the
nitric acid concentration in the leachant was
Sieve Mesh Size Weight Percent 4 M or higher and the hydrofluoric acid concen-
tration was 0.02 to 0.05 M (Table 1.5). The
-30+50 21.2 presence of up to 0.1 M A1(N03)3 in the leachant
-50+60 12.7 had no adverse effect on the recoveries. Each
- 6 0 + 100 30.2 product solution was about 0.6 M in thorium, and
-100 + 140 16.4 l e s s than 2% of the alumina had been dissolved
-140 + 170 3.6 in each c a s e . Uranium and thorium recoveries
-170+200 2.5 were not acceptable when the bed material was
-200 13.5 leached with either 13 M HNO3 alone or with
2 M HNO3-O.O5 M HF (Table 1,5), indicating the
need for the fluoride c a t a l y s t and relatively high
nitric acid concentration in the leachant. L e a c h i n g
leached with boiling, circulating Thorex dis- at temperatures below the boiling point will be
solvent (13 M HNO3-O.O4 M H F - 0 . 1 M Al^"^). investigated in future s t u d i e s .
After 1 hr, the Th02-U308 was 90% dissolved; Another type of graphite-base fuel being con-
after 7 hr, dissolution was 99.7% complete. The sidered c o n s i s t s of carbon-coated Th02-U02
leached bed was finally washed with water. The microspheres dispersed in a graphite matrix.
combined leach-wash solution was 0.26 M in Th. Although no extensive experimentation with this
The maximum p o s s i b l e concentration of thorium type of fuel has yet been done, the oxide particles
in the blended stream would be about 0.35 M for are not expected to be affected during combustion
bed material of this loading (28 wt %), the limita- of the graphite matrix and should s e t t l e to the
tion being the solids-disengagement volume re- bottom of the burner b e c a u s e of their high den-
quired at the overflow. The useful range of sity.*^ All the T h 0 2 - U 0 2 microspheres could
fluidization velocity was 0.58 to 0.92 c m / s e c . then be withdrawn from the burner with very little
At l e s s than 60% bed expansion, corresponding dilution by alumina. Thus, the leaching step
to a solution velocity of 0.58 c m / s e c , the bed was would e s s e n t i a l l y involve dissolution of undiluted
not fully fluidized by the Thorex solution. T h 0 2 - U 0 2 microspheres.
The leaching equipment included a 1 Vj-in.-diam In recent t e s t s , nearly theoretically d e n s e s o l -
g l a s s column in which the bed material was gel T h 0 2 microspheres, 300 to 600 ^ in diameter,
supported on a perforated Teflon disk covered were dissolved in 3 to 6 hr in boiling 13 M HNO3—
with ^, ,-mesh A L O , . The overflow solution from 0.05 M H F (Table 1.6); the product solutions
10 2 3
were about 0.5 M in thorium. Similar r e s u l t s were
the top of the column was continuously airlifted
obtained even when the microspheres were dissolved
to a standpipe that provided head for returning
in the presence of a large e x c e s s of Norton RR
the solution through a s t a i n l e s s s t e e l heater and
alumina. In contrast to the finely divided oxide
rotameter. A hot oil jacket on the 1/'2-in- g l a s s
product from burning of fuel that contains Th-U
section permitted c l o s e temperature control of
dicarbide p a r t i c l e s , Th-U dioxide microspheres
the bed. Disengagement of solids in the 3-in.-diam
probably cannot be dissolved in a short time in
enlarged upper section of the column was s a t i s -
solutions of low nitric acid concentration (Table
factory a s long a s the solution was not permitted
1.6). In 6-hr experiments, the amounts dissolved
to boil actively. Total entrainment of s o l i d s in
increased with increasing nitric acid concentration,
the column overflow amounted to l e s s than 1% of
other conditions being the same.
the weight of leached s o l i d s , and c a u s e d no
operational difficulties.
Laboratory-scale studies have also shown that
E. L. Nicholson, L. M. Ferris, and J. T. Roberts,
excellent uranium and thorium recoveries can be Bum-Leach Processes for Graphite-Base Reactor Fuels
achieved by leaching the product bed with various Containing Carbon-Coated Carbide or Oxide Particles,
paper presented at the EURATOM symposium on "Fuel
boiling, fluoride-catalyzed nitric acid solutions. Cycles of High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors,"
The burner product bed consisted of 6% UjOg, Brussels, Belgium, June 10-11, 1965, ORNL-TM-1096
(Apr. 2, 1965).
25% T h O j , and 69% Mfiy In 5- to 7-hr l e a c h e s

T a b l e 1.5. Results of Laboratory-Scale Leaching of F l u i d i z e d - B e d Material with Boiling

H N 0 3 . H F - A I ( N 0 3 ) 3 Solutions

Bed material: 6% UgOg, 25% T h 0 2 , 69% Norton RR alumina

Leaching time: 5 to 7 hr; final solutions were about 0.6 Af in Th

L e a c h a n t Composition (Af) Amounts L e a c h e d (%)

HNO, HF Al(NO,), u Th Al

2 0.05 0 83.6 83.0 0.2

4 0.05 0 99.9 99.9 1.9

4 0.05 0.1 99.7 99.5

13 0.0 0 27.7 14.8

13 0.01 0 61.1 57.6

13 0.02 0 99.9 99.6

13 0.05 0 99.9 99.9 1.9

13 0.05 0.1 99.9 99.9

T a b l e 1.6. Dissolution of Sol-Gel T h 0 2 Microspheres in Boiling Fluoride-Catalyzed Nitric Acid

Reaction time: 6 hr

Microsphere Diameter Reagent Composition (Af) Amount Dissolved

HNO, HF (%)

250-300 2 0.05 20
420-600 2 0.05 33
250-300 4 0.05 57
420-600 4 0.05 73
250-300 13 0.05 100
420-600 13 0.05 100

Pressurized Aqueous Combustion or for the oxidation of c o a l . ^ ' T e s t s have been

of Graphite Fuels made at temperatures up to 300°C both in a batch
autoclave and in a system in which g a s e s were
Combustion of the carbon matrix and subsequent continuously admitted and removed. Most of the
dissolution of the uranium and thorium from
graphite-base fuels in a pressurized v e s s e l con-
taining nitric acid and oxygen i s being studied 13 F , J, Zimmerman, Chem. Eng. 65, 117 (1958).
a s a low-temperature alternative to the burn-leach 14rG. H. T e l e t z k e , "Wet Air O x i d a t i o n , " presented at
process. Such a process appeared potentially 56th Annual Meeting, AIChE, Houston, T e x , , Dec, 1-5,
attractive based on results reported for the Zim-
' ^ T . R. Savich and H. C, Howard, Ind. Eng. Chem.
merman process for sewage or w a s t e d i s p o s a l ' ^ • ^ ' ' 44, 1409 (1952).

T a b l e 1.7. Effects of O j / C and N 0 3 / ( T h + U) Mole Ratios on the

Combustion-Dissolution of H T G R Fuel in Pressurized Nitric Acid Solutions

Temperature: 300°C
F u e l composition; 12% Th, 6% U, 82% C

Mole Ratios Amounts Burned or Dissolved (%)

Reaction Time
Experiment No,
(hr) Oj/C NO^3/(Th + U) C Th U

1 24 0.58 63 89.3 6.0 8.0

2 24 0.71 63 91.4 8.0 19.0
3 24 1.1 57 99.6 99.9 99.7
4 24 1.6 61 100.0 100.0 100.0
5 24 1.7 11 99.9 38.0 33.0
6 24 2.0 12 100.0 50.0 53,0
7 24 1.8 32 99.6 60.0 96,0
8 6.3 2.1 57 86.8 17.0 12.0
9 6.0 1.9 113 95.0 36.0 45.0
10 24 0.0 53 44.0 0.0 2.0

effort was devoted to the nitric acid oxidation- high N 0 3 / ( T h + U) ratio was not surprising,
dissolution of unfueled graphite and simulated considering that thorium and uranium contained
HTGR fuel (carbon-coated Th-U dicarbide particles in nitrate solutions hydrolyze at high temperatures.
dispersed in a graphite matrix); however, some Previous s t u d i e s of the hydrolysis of thorium
work also was done with other aqueous solutions nitrate s o l u t i o n s ' * showed that a minimum NO / T h
and with T h 0 2-U02 microspheres. mole ratio of about 25 was required to keep thorium
In the batch autoclave t e s t s , the effects of the in solution at 300° C in 2 M HNO 3.
O j / C and N 0 3 / ( T h + U) mole ratios on the oxi- In those experiments where only about 90% of
dation and dissolution of HTGR fuel samples the total carbon was oxidized (Table 1.7, experi-
(12% Th, 6% U, 82% C) were investigated. The ments 1, 2, and 8), the residue appeared, under
coated fuel particles in the sample were about the microscope, to consist solely of unattacked
500 ^ in diameter (400-fi-diam dicarbide kernels carbon-coated p a r t i c l e s . The same behavior was
with 50-|:i-thick pyrolytic carbon coatings); about noted in 6-hr reactions with 2 and 4 M HNO . Most
90% of the total carbon was present a s the graphite of the matrix was oxidized, but the p a r t i c l e s re-
matrix. In 24-hr reactions in nitric acid solutions mained almost intact (Table 1.7, experiments 8 and
at 300°C, complete combustion of the carbon and 9).
solubilization of the uranium and thorium were Additional studies of the oxidation of unfueled
achieved only when the O 2 / C and N 0 3 / ( T h + U) graphite were made in a reactor designed for the
mole ratios were greater than about 1 and 54, continuous addition and removal of g a s e s or
respectively (Table 1.7). The pressure of the solution (Fig. 1.3). However, s i n c e the volume
system at 300°C was 1500 to 2000 p s i . Com- of gas in the reactor was minimized to avoid long
bustion of the carbon apparently occurred accord- time l a g s , most of the t e s t s were made with batch
ing to the overall reaction: C + O j — C O j . Further charges of solution and continuous flows of g a s e s
confirmation of the stoichiometry was obtained only. The graphite, contained in a b a s k e t made
from gas a n a l y s e s , which showed mainly CO 2 and with screen, was loaded at room temperature
e x c e s s oxygen, and from a n a l y s e s of the solutions, through the flanged joint, nitric acid was added
which verified that little or no nitric acid was
converted to nitrogen oxides when sufficient
^^HRP Quart. Progr. Rept. July 31, 1960, ORNL-3004
oxygen was present. The need for maintaining a (October 1960).

ORNL-DWG 6 4 - 7 2 3 6 4

- t X h — S A M P L E S OF







Fig. 1.3. Schematic Arrangement of the Pressurized Aqueous Combustion Reactor System for Processing Graph-

ite Fuels at 3 0 0 ° C and 2 0 0 0 p s i .

with t h e solid or by a high-pressure metering ature, and surface area of the graphite. T h e rates
pump, and oxygen or gas mixtures were metered for 2 M HNO^ were about twice those for 1 M
into t h e reactor from gas cylinders. The gas, HNO3, and the rates at 300°C were about 1.5 times
which bubbled up through the solution, provided those at 275°C. As the surface area of the graph-
the necessary agitation. T h e removal of gas at ite w a s increased, the reaction rate increased,
room temperature was controlled manually by a but not proportionally. In two t e s t s , the reaction
needle valve. The CO 2 content of the effluent rates were proportional to the external surface area
gas was monitored continuously by a thermal- to the 0.4 and the 0.7 power. The degree of agita-
conductivity analyzer and was also determined tion also seemed to have a pronounced effect. It
by a n a l y s e s of gas samples. Twenty-one runs was not possible to vary the agitation in this system
were made with i^- and /j-in. cubes or V i n . - without varying one or more of the other variables;
square s t i c k s of moderator-grade graphite. T h e however, several different effects could be ex-
results were analyzed in terms of reaction r a t e s : plained if agitation i s important. For the V- by
grams of graphite oxidized to CO2 per hour per '/-in. graphite c u b e s , the reaction rate constants
gram of graphite present. ( h r ~ ' ) , assuming t h e reaction to be first order,
In t h e s e t e s t s , the oxidation rates increased were practically constant, regardless of the number
with increasing nitric acid concentration, temper- of cubes present or of whether the cubes were d i s -

tributed over a larger volume by mixing them with tory s c a l e ' ^ and on an engineering s c a l e ' * h a s
s t a i n l e s s s t e e l Raschig rings. The rate constants been completed. A conceptual plant s t u d y " based
calculated for moderator-grade graphite are: on the development work has also been completed.
B e c a u s e this work i s classified, it cannot be
Rate Constant (hr~ ) reviewed here. Unlike l a s t year, when a supple-
Temperature ( C) ment to the annual report covering the Rover work
IMHNO3 2AfHN03 4AfHN03
was i s s u e d , ^ " no supplement will be i s s u e d this
275 0.06 0.10-0.15 0.19-0.25 year s i n c e the more recent work is fully covered
300 0.08-0.12 0.15-0.24 in the topical reports noted above.

Very high rates of graphite oxidation were ob-

tained in a run with an HTGR fuel specimen. The 1.3 STUDIES ON THE PROCESSING OF
high gas flow rate, the increased agitation, the URANIUM-PLUTONIUM OXIDE FUEL
friability of the specimen, and the presence of
the uranium and thorium dicarbides in the compact
may have all contributed to the higher rate. The B a s i c chemical and hot-cell s t u d i e s on the
consumption of nitric acid was greatly decreased processing of pressurized-water-reactor UO2 and
by starting the oxygen flow when the reactor fast-reactor UO2-PUO2 fuels were continued.
temperature reached 180 to 200° C and continuing A new decladding process for s t a i n l e s s s t e e l
the flow until the reactor had cooled to below fuels, in which the cladding i s destroyed with
240°. In previous runs, where the flow of oxygen H F - O j at 600°C, was developed, and leaching
was controlled to achieve operation at constant of the treated fuel in nitric acid was demonstrated
temperature, the effluent nitric acid concentrations with unirradiated fuel samples. Since the resulting
were often l e s s than 25% of the charge concen- fuel solutions contained e x c e s s i v e amounts of
trations. This was probably due to a deficiency fluorides, a preleaching pyrohydrolysis step was
of oxygen during heatup and cooldown without developed. It eliminated 85% of the fluoride a s
oxygen flow. volatile H F . Also, dissolution experiments with
Reagents other than nitric acid were briefly nearly theoretically dense PuO 2 microspheres
tested in the autoclave with HTGR fuel compacts demonstrated that they dissolve very slowly in
at 300°C. Water, NaOH solutions, 2 M N a N 0 3 , HNO3-HF; hot-cell t e s t s will be run to determine
and H2S0^-KMn04 were tried, but none was a s whether irradiated material d i s s o l v e s faster.
effective a s dilute nitric acid. Sulfex process hot-cell t e s t s on s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l -
Preliminary autoclave experiments were a l s o clad UO2-20% PuO2 fuel samples irradiated to
conducted on the dissolving of sol-gel ThOj-UOj 99,000 Mwd per metric ton of U + Pu at cladding
microspheres in pressurized nitric acid solutions. temperatures up to 700°C resulted in high (1.5%)
Complete dissolution of high-density, 300-ff-diam uranium and plutonium l o s s e s and high (60%)
97% ThOj—3% UOj ^ microspheres was achieved r e l e a s e of ' ^ ^ C s to the decladding solution.
in 24 hr in 2 A/ HNO 3 at 300°C when the N O 3 / P a r a l l e l t e s t s with the shear-leach p r o c e s s showed
(Th + U) mole ratio was about 100. Pure T h 0 2 it to be the superior processing method for this
microspheres (260 to 300 11 in diameter) were type of fuel.
much l e s s reactive. In 24-hr reactions with 2 M
HNO3 at 300°C, the amounts dissolved were 17,
20, 35, and 49% when the N O j / T h mole ratios
were 10, 30, 50, and 100 respectively. L. M, F e r r i s , A Burn-L,each Process for Recovery
of Uranium from Rover Fuel: Terminal Report of Lab-
oratory Development, ORNL-3763 (March 1965).
R. W. Horton, summary of engineering-scale d e v e l -
opment on p r o c e s s e s for r e p r o c e s s i n g of Rover fuels
Development of Processes for Rover Fuel will be i s s u e d a s a topical report (confidential).
E . L. Nicholson, private communication.
Development of a burn-leach and a burn-volatility Rover Fuel Reprocessing Development, June 1,
p r o c e s s for graphite-base Rover fuel on a labora- 1963, to July 1, 1964, ORNL-CF-64-12-5 (confidential).

Leaching of U O j from Stainless-Steel-Clad fluoride), and 69% AI2O3. Uranium recoveries

Fuel Disintegrated by H F - O j better than 99.6% were obtained by leaching for
5 hr with boiling 1 to 15 W HNO3 (Table 1.8).
Studies of the leaching of mixtures of alumina, To enhance the leaching of fluorides from the
U30g, and " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l " oxides, resulting bed and to partially complex the fluoride, A1(N03)3
from the decladding of s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d reactor was added to the leachant; but in concentrations
fuel with H F - O j , were begun. The leachant was up to 1 M, it had no effect on the recoveries.
a solution of HNO3 and A1(N03)3 in various
proportions. In this new p r o c e s s , the cladding The fluoride must be complexed to inhibit
on s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d UO2 fuels can be d i s - corrosion of s t a i n l e s s steel process v e s s e l s .
If the bed product used in t h e s e studies can be
integrated and oxidized by reaction with HF-O2
considered typical, the fluoride concentration in
mixtures (see also Sect. 2.4, fluoride volatility
the product solution will be about three times the
p r o c e s s e s ) . Reaction at 600 to 650°C, preferably
uranium concentration; in t h e s e experiments, the
in a fluidized bed of inert alumina, results (1)
product solutions were about 0.2 Af in uranium and
in the disintegration and conversion of the stain-
0.6 M in fluoride.
l e s s s t e e l cladding to oxides and (2) in the
oxidation of the UO2 to UjOg powder. The Generally, 80 to 90% of the fluoride was leached
product always contains some fluorine, present from the bed irrespective of the leachant used
a s U O j F j and " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l " fluorides. (Table 1.8). The amount of iron dissolved in-
The bed material used in most of the experi- creased from about 16 to 85% a s the nitric acid
ments was produced by contacting simulated concentration increased from 1 to 15 A/ (Table
Yankee fuel (UO2 pellets clad in type 348 stain- 1.8). If the alumina fluidizing medium i s not to
l e s s s t e e l tubes) with 40% H F - 6 0 % O2 at 600°C be reused, leaching with dilute acid would prob-
in a fluidized bed of Norton RR alumina. (We are ably be desirable to avoid large amounts of iron
indebted to J . J . Reilly and C. B. Eartlett of in the raffinates from subsequent solvent extrac-
Brookhaven National Laboratory for supplying tion. The leaching of nickel and chromium h a s
this material.) It was composed of 25% UjOg, not yet been studied. In all c a s e s , l e s s than
13% s t a i n l e s s s t e e l oxides, 5% fluorine (as 2% of the alumina was dissolved.

Table 1.8. Leaching of a Product Bed Resulting from the Disintegration of Stainless-Steel-Clad UO2 by H F - O 2

Composition of bed: 25% U 3 0 g , 13% " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l " oxides, 69% AI2O3, 5% F

Samples were leached 5 hr with boiling leachant; final solutions were 0.2 Af in U

Leachant CompcDsition (M) Amounts Diss olved (%)

Experiment No.
HNO 3 A1(N03)3 U Fe Al F

1 1 0 99.9 16 0.9 84
2 2 0 99.9 24 1.5 84
3 2 0.5 99.7 24 84
4 2 1.0 99.8 19 89
5 4 0 99.7 27 1.2 84
6 4 0.5 99.7 31 90
7 4 1.0 99.6 16 88
8 10 0 99.9 60 1.5 99
9 10 0 99.9 68 1.8 86
10 10 0.25 99.9 50 80
11 10 0.5 99.7 55 79
12 15 0 99.8 85 1.0

Pyrohydrolysis of the declad fuel prior to leach- the bed prior to leaching with dilute acid would
ing with nitric acid considerably reduced the not only minimize corrosion in the leacher and
fluoride content of the bed. In 3-hr reactions other process v e s s e l s but also would allow nearly
with steam, the fluorine content of the bed was quantitative uranium recovery without dissolving
reduced from about 5 to 0.07% a s the steam temper- much of the s t a i n l e s s s t e e l oxides.
ature was increased from 200 to 600°C (Table
1.9). A sample of bed contacted with steam for
Sulfex-Process Tests with Irradiated
3 hr at 600°C was leached for 5 hr with boiling
10 M HNO 3. The uranium recovery was greater 20% P u O 2 - 8 0 % UO2 Fuel
than 99.9%. The product solution was 0.2 M in
uranium and only 0.06 M in fluoride. About 86% Prototype fast-reactor, s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d fuel
of the fluorine had been removed by pyrohydrolysis. s a m p l e s , containing either swaged or pelleted
Also, only about 40% of the iron was leached, 20% PuO 2-80% UO2, were made and then irradi-
showing that pyrohydrolysis d e c r e a s e s the reac- ated at cladding temperatures up to 700°C to
tivity of iron somewhat (compare this value with bumups ranging from 5000 to 99,000 Mwd/metric
the data in column 5 of Table 1.8). ton. This phase of the work was done by the
Comparable results were obtained by heating General Electric Company at Vallecitos Atomic
a bed sample for 5 hr at 600°C in a stream of Laboratory. T h e s e specimens were subsequently
97% 0 2 - 3 % HjO (produced by bubbling oxygen used in hot-cell s t u d i e s at O R N L ^ ' to determine
through water at 25°C) and leaching the residual the feasibility of processing this fuel by the
s o l i d s for 5 hr with boiling 10 M HNO3. The Sulfex p r o c e s s , in which the cladding is dissolved
uranium recovery was 99.7%, and the product in H2S0^ followed by dissolution of the P u O j -
solution was 0.2 M in uranium and 0.05 M in U O j core in HNO 3 or HNO3-HF. Similar t e s t s to
fluoride. About 82% of the fluorine had been evaluate the shear-leach process for t h e s e fuels
removed by pyrohydrolysis. During leaching, are reviewed in Sect. 1.3.3.
sufficient alumina (2%) was dissolved to make In hot-cell t e s t s of the adaptability of the Sulfex
the product solution 0.05 M in aluminum. (Ade- process to this type of fuel, the s t a i n l e s s s t e e l
quate complexing of the fluoride is achieved with cladding was removed from the fuel specimens
an A l / F mole ratio of 1.) In a similar experiment, by refluxing in boiling 6 M HjSO^ for 4 hr at
the residue was leached with 2 M HNO 3 after 105°C; the s t a i n l e s s s t e e l was not p a s s i v a t e d .
pyrohydrolysis. The uranium recovery was 99.8%; L o s s e s of uranium and plutonium to the decladding
about 85% of the fluoride was removed, and, solution were e x c e s s i v e l y high in all runs and
significantly, only 6% of the iron had dissolved. averaged 1.55%. Nearly 60% of the fission product
The results of t h e s e preliminary experiments cesium from each sample also appeared in the
suggest that removal of most of the fluorine from decladding solution, something not previously
encountered in Sulfex process t e s t s .
The presence of s o much cesium in the cladding
solution is attributed to the high temperature of
Table 1.9. Fluorine Removal by Pyrohydrolysis from a the fuel samples during irradiation. The cladding
Product Bed from the H F - 0 - Disintegration of temperatures were 700°C, and the fuel center-line
Stainless-Steel-Clad UO, Fuel temperatures were considerably higher, about
2000°C. At this temperature, much of the '^^Xe
Reagent, steam; reaction time, 3 hr that forms in the PUO2-UO2 can e a s i l y migrate
to the voids in the fuel, where it decays to ' ^ ' C s
Temperature Fluorine Content of (ref, 22) and is ultimately dissolved during chem-
(°C) Residual Solids (%)

Original sample 5.3

J . H. Goode, Hot-Cell Dissolution of Highly-Irradi-
5.6 ated 2OP/0 Pu02-80fYo UO^ Fast Reactor Fuel Speci-
200 mens, ORNL-3754 (in preparation).
400 3.4 ^^B. F . Rider and C. P . Ruiz, "Determination of
Atom Percent F i s s i o n in Uranium F u e l , " Progr. Nucl.
600 0.07 Energy, Ser. IX 3(1—3), pp. 25—60, Pergamon, New
York, 1962.

ical decladding. This phenomenon h a s not been the dissolvent. The lower rate for sheared fuel
observed with other fuel samples since they have (Fig. 1.4) i s due to the much smaller area of oxide
been irradiated in water-cooled reactors, where exposed to the dissolvent.
temperatures are much lower.
Leaching of the sample irradiated to 99,000
Sulfex processing of this type of fuel does not Mwd/metric ton with 5 M HNO3 for 3 hr produced
appear economically attractive b e c a u s e the ex- a solution 0.52 M in U02(N03)2 and 0.12 M in
c e s s i v e l o s s of plutonium and uranium to the Pu(N03)^; it contained 3.60 mg of fission products
decladding solution will force the u s e of additional per milliliter. Although the bulk of the fission
processing s t e p s to recover the fissionable mate- products was dissolved in the leaching acid,
rial. In addition, the presence of over half of an insoluble residue of uranium, plutonium, and
the long-lived '•'^Cs in the decladding solution fission-product molybdenum and zirconium oxides,
would introduce additional problems in the manage- equivalent to 2.2% of the fuel oxide, remained
ment of intermediate-radioactivity-level waste after leaching. Only 0.13% of the uranium and
b e c a u s e the cooling capacity of waste storage plutonium originally present in the fuel sample
tanks for this stream was based mainly on the was found in the residue. T h e s e results suggest,
presence of ^''Co. The additional decay heat however, that some form of feed clarification i s
due to cesium would require either greater dilution required prior to solvent extraction of this type
of the decladding waste and larger waste tanks of fuel.
or u s e of expensive water-cooled tanks.

In previous s t u d i e s ^ ' ' ~ ^ ' on the dissolving of

unirradiated, high-density UO2, P u O j , and U O j -
P u O j , it was found that mixed oxides, containing
a s much a s 35% P u O j , could be dissolved in
Shear-Leach Process Tests with Irradiated nitric acid without the aid of fluoride c a t a l y s t
20% PuO2-80% UO2 Fuel only when the PuO 2 was in solid solution in the
UOj. Recent studies with unirradiated, high-
Companion hot-cell dissolution s t u d i e s with density PuO 2 microspheres of nearly 100% theo-
20% PuO 2-80% UO2 fast-reactor fuel samples retical density indicate this material to be ex-
irradiated from 9000 to 99,000 Mwd/metric ton tremely difficult to dissolve. In t e s t s with
at cladding temperatures up to 700°C indicate refluxing 14 M HNO3-O.O5 M H F , the dissolution
that the shear-leach process may be successfully rate was only 0.007 mg m i n ~ ' cm~^; only 8.5%
applied to this fuel. ^^ Dissolution rates for of the P u O j dissolved in 37 hr. Hot-cell t e s t s
both swaged and pelleted oxides were determined with irradiated samples will be made to determine
by leaching sheared s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d s p e c i - whether irradiation results in increased r a t e s .
mens and by dissolving Sulfex declad specimens
( s e e Sect. 1.3.1) in strong nitric acid (3.5 to
10 A/). Fluoride catalyst was not required in
most i n s t a n c e s . R. E. Blanco and C. D. Watson, " H e a d - E n d P r o c -
e s s e s for Solid F u e l s , " chap. 3, Reactor Handbook,
vol. II, Fuel Reprocessing, I n t e r s c i e n c e , New York,
Both swaged and pelleted oxides were dissolved 25
completely in l e s s than 5 hr at all nitric acid L. G. R u s s e l l , " P l u t o n i u m Ceramics a s Nuclear
F u e l s , " chap. 3-2, Progr. Nucl. Energy, Ser. IV 4,
concentrations greater than 3 M (Fig. 1.4). T h e Pergamon, New York, 1961.
dissolution rates were independent of the density ^^F. L. Culler and R. E. Blanco, " F e e d Preparation
for Aqueous P r o c e s s e s , " P / 1 9 3 0 , Proc. U.N. Intern.
of the oxide before irradiation (maximum, 96%), Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd, Geneva, 1958
irradiation level, and original concentration of 17, 259 ff. (1958).
W. M. Coshin, Fast Oxide Breeder — Fuel Irradi-
ation Experiments, KAPL-1784 (August 1957).
A. L. Uriarte and R. H. Rainey, Dissolution of
^^J. H. Goode, Hot-Cell Dissolution of Highly-Irradi- High-Density UO ^, PuO ^, and UO^-PuO^ Pellets in
ated 2(f7o PuO^—80% l/Oj Fast Reactor Fuel Specimens, Inorganic Acids, ORNL-3695 (April 1965).
ORNL-3754 (in preparation). 29
J . M. Gerhart, GE-VAL, personal communication.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 7 8 2 5 A ton of Th + U. Both the adsorption and subsequent

elution with oxalic acid were s u c c e s s f u l , and
^ more than 95% of the dissolved ^^^Pa was recov-
/ / 1
"^ i
ered. Silica gel and zirconium phosphate were
/ a l s o t e s t e d a s adsorbents.
Dissolution Studies on Stainless-Steel-

N I1

Clad ThOj-UOj

Hot-cell head-end studies were made to further

compare and evaluate the adaptabilities of the
/ Sulfex and shear-leach p r o c e s s e s to the processing
/ of highly irradiated s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d ThO —4%
/ UO2 f u e l s . ^ ° ' ^ ' T h e s e t e s t s were made with
i 1 sol-gel-prepared, pelleted, and arc-fused T h O j -
1 1
UO2 fuel samples irradiated in water-cooled
reactors up to 98,000 Mwd per metric ton of
Th + U. Data were also obtained on the nature
of undissolved refractory residues and on the
solubilities and rates of dissolution of the macro


1 2 3 4
TIME ( hr )

Effect of Head-End Treatment on Dissolu-

5 6 7
amounts of fission products present in the highly
irradiated samples.^^ Much of this work was done
in cooperation with General Electric s c i e n t i s t s at
Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory. ^^~^*
In the Sulfex t e s t s , sectioned fuel samples were
declad in boiling 6 M H2S0^. The uranium and
thorium l o s s to the decladding solution averaged
tion of Irradiated 80% U O 2 - 2 0 % P u O j in Boiling 3.5 to
0.33%, which is about 10 times a s great as l o s s e s
obtained in previous t e s t s with prototype Consol-
idated Edison pelleted-fuel samples irradiated
to 20,000 Mwd per metric ton of Th + U. The
sol-gel irradiation samples used in the current
L. M. F e r r i s and J . W. Ullmann, Dissolution of
The Sulfex and shear-leach p r o c e s s e s were Sol-Gel-Derived and Arc-Fused ThO^-UO^ Fuel Par-
compared in t e s t s with T h 0 2 - 4 % UOj fuel samples ticles in HNO -HF Solutions: Laboratory Studies,
that had been irradiated in a water-cooled reactor ORNL-TM-867 (May 19, 1964).
to bumups of 3000 to 98,000 Mwd per metric ton ^^M. E. Whatley et al., Unit Operations Section
of Th + U. Three types of samples were u s e d ; Monthly Progress Report for March 1964, ORNL-TM-887
(September 1964).
sol-gel, pelleted, and arc-fused. The shear-leach 32
process, even though fuel dissolution rates were J . H. Goode and J . R. Flanary, Dissolution of
Irradiated, Stainless-Steel-Clad ThO -UO^ in Fluoride-
somewhat lower, was superior s i n c e the Sulfex
Catalyzed Nitric Acid Solutions: Hot-Cell Studies on
process resulted in a thorium-uranium l o s s of Pelletized, Arc-Fused, and Sol-Gel-Derived Oxides,
0.3% to the decladding solution. In all t e s t s , ORNL-3725 (January 1965).
R. W. Darmitzel, Post-Irradiation Examination of
irradiated sol-gel T h 0 2 - U 0 2 dissolved much faster ORNL Fuel Cycle Capsules, GEAP-4397 (September
than unirradiated sol-gel oxides. 1963).
^'*D. T. Ikeuye et al., ORNL-RML Services Program
The adsorption of ^^^Pa from Th-U-Pa nitrate Progress Report for January 1964, GEAP-4472 (1964).
fuel solutions on unfired Vycor was demonstrated ^^D. T. Ikeuye et al., ORNL-RML Services Program
in hot-cell t e s t s with 26-day-cooled T h 0 2 - U 0 2 Progress Report for February 1964, GEAP-4500 (1964).
^*D. T. Ikeuye et al., ORNL-RML Services Program
fuel samples irradiated to 75,000 Mwd per metric Progress Report for July 1964, GEAP-4549 (1964),

t e s t s were originally made from T h 0 2 - U 0 2 that sol-gel fuel irradiated to 17,000 Mwd per ton
was 60% - 1 0 +16 mesh, 15% - 1 6 +200 mesh, and of Th + U, steady s t a t e was reached after four
25% —200 mesh. After irradiation and d e c l a d d i n g , 5-hr c y c l e s . The total heel was 6%, and the
the T h 0 2 - U 0 2 s i z e distribution averaged 96.7% thorium concentration in the solution was 1 M.
+10 mesh, 2.1% - 1 0 +20 mesh, and 1.2% - 2 0 The final heel was completely dissolved in two
mesh, which indicates that considerable sintering 5-hr heel-cleanout cycles with Thorex dissolvent.
and agglomeration of the fuel oxide occurred during Most of the fission products in the irradiated
irradiation. fuel samples were soluble in the dissolver solu-
The dissolution rates of the irradiated T h O j - tions; however, small amounts of Sb, Mo, Ru,
UO fuels, whether sol-gel derived, pelleted, or and Zr-Nb were found in the residues. These
arc-fused, were all nearly the same in boiling r e s i d u e s , which comprised about 0.75% by weight
13 M HNO3-O.O4 M H F , with or without 0.04 M of the initial T h 0 2 - U 0 2 , contained 0.06% of the
Al(NO ) . The Sulfex-declad specimens dissolved original T h 0 2 - U 0 2 , s t a i n l e s s s t e e l cladding
faster than the sheared samples, but only b e c a u s e fragments, corrosion products, and alumina and
larger oxide areas were available for reaction. silica (Fiberfrax insulation). To improve solvent
For example, Sulfex-declad sol-gel samples extraction, the residues should be removed from
irradiated to 17,000 Mwd/ton were 97% dissolved the feed solution.
in 7 hr and 99.8% dissolved in 24 hr. Previous
t e s t s with identical unirradiated material resulted
Studies on the Adsorption of Protactinium
in 73% dissolution in 7 hr and complete dissolu-
tion in 75 hr^° (Fig. 1.5). In all c a s e s , the d i s - The presence of 27.4-day ^^^Pa accounts for
solver solution (1 M Th(NO3)^-10 M HNO3) was a large fraction of the beta and gamma radioactivity
a satisfactory solvent extraction feed. Solutions a s s o c i a t e d with short-decayed thorium-uranium
obtained from irradiated fuel were 0.05 M in
reactor fuels. To reduce the radioactivity to
fission products.
acceptable levels for solvent extraction and to
B e c a u s e of the very long total-dissolution times ensure a more complete recovery of the ^^^U, such
found in earlier t e s t s with unirradiated fuel, a fuels are usually allowed to decay 150 to 180
cyclic dissolution procedure was d e v e l o p e d . ^ ° ' ^ ' days before processing. To avoid this long decay
With this method, steady-state conditions for period, an adsorption process for the separation
unirradiated fuel were achieved in two c y c l e s of of protactinium from thorium and uranium on
20 hr each, after which a 13% heel (13% of the unfired Vycor has been developed. ^^ Significantly,
total Th + U added in two charges) remained. The the recovered protactinium would also be a source
dissolver solution was 0.8 M in thorium. With of isotopically pure ^^^U.
During the past year, hot-cell experiments were
made to determine the effects of macro amounts
ORNL-DWG 65-10006A
of fission products and high levels of radioactivity
100 on the p r o c e s s . Additional studies were made
80 to determine the protactinium distribution coef-
- 60 ficients between thorium—nitric acid solutions
and s i l i c a gel or zirconium phosphate (Bio-Rad
3 ZP-1).
o o ARC-FUSED 3 0 0 0 Mwd/METRIC TON
» SOL-GEL 4 0 0 0 Mwd/METRIC TON
Adsorption of Protactinium on Unfired Vycor. —
• SOL-GEL 16,000 Mwd/METRIC TON Hot-cell experiments showed that protactinium
20 1 SOL-GEL 17,000 Mwd/METRIC TON can be recovered from short-decayed thorium-
uranium fuel solutions by adsorption on unfired
Vycor g l a s s . ^® Thorium-uranium fuel specimens
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
^^C/iem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 1 3 - 1 6 .
Fig. 1.5. E f f e c t of I r r a d i a t i o n on D i s s o l u t i o n of Sol-
J . G. Moore et al., Adsorption of Protactinium on
Gel-Prepored ThOj-UOj in 13 M HNO3-O.O4 M KF-0.1
Unfired Vycor: Initial Hot-Cell Experiments, ORNL-
M AI(N03)3. 3773 (April 1965).

irradiated to 75,000 Mwd/metric ton in an average had been adsorbed, corresponding to about 0.5
neutron flux of 2 x 10^* and allowed to decay mg of ^^^Pa per gram of unfired Vycor. About
26 days were dissolved in refluxing 13 M HNO^— 0.1% of the ^^^Pa was lost when the column was
0.05 M H F . More than 99% of the fuel dissolved, washed with 6 column volumes of 10 M HNO3—0.1
leaving a residue containing l e s s than 0.1% of M A I C N O J ) . Elution with 8 column volumes of
the uranium and up to 20% of the protactinium. In 0.5 M oxalic acid removed 97.7% of the adsorbed
p r o c e s s application, the protactinium l o s s e s could protactinium. About 90% of the original ^^^Pa
be minimized by cyclic dissolution. In each of was recovered at a concentration 5.5 times that
three experiments, more than 99.4% of the d i s - in the feed. The protactinium had been separated
solved protactinium was adsorbed by p a s s i n g the from zirconium-niobium, total rare-earth beta,
dissolver solution through a bed of 60- to 80-mesh and ruthenium by decontamination factors of 9,
unfired Vycor, 0.9 cm in diameter and 17 cm long. 6030, and 2870 respectively. The protactinium
The flow rate in the first experiment was 0.3 concentration profile of the effluent and eluate
ml/min but was increased to 1 ml/min for the (Fig. 1.6) was similar to that previously reported
second and third runs. The feed to the third for 2 3 i p a s o l u t i o n s . ^ '
experiment was made 0.1 M in A1(N03)3 to complex Although there were several i n c o n s i s t e n c i e s
the fluoride in the feed. noted in the protactinium a n a l y s e s , the results of
The high degree of radioactivity of the feed had the hot-cell experiments showed the feasibility
little effect on the adsorption p r o c e s s . In the of recovering protactinium from short-decayed,
third run, the feed contained Th, 69 mg/ml; U, highly irradiated thorium-uranium fuel by adsorbing
1.80 mg/ml; and ^^^Pa, 0.032 mg/ml. It was it on unfired Vycor. Additional hot-cell experi-
10.1 M in HNO3, 0.05 M in H F , and 0.1 M in ments are planned for specimens irradiated to
A K N O , ) , , and each ml contained gamma emitters
equivalent to 1.7 x 10^* counts/min. Based on ^^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
a n a l y s e s of the effluent, 99.6% of the protactinium 1963, ORNL-3452, pp. 1 3 - 1 4 .

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - < 2 ( 4

' 2
__^. — — •

« 5
T3 FE ED: (0.( M HNO3, 0.05 Af HF, 0.( M Al (NOjjj ,
69 mg/ml Th, (.80 mg/ml U
fe 2 SH-. (0 M HNO3, 0.( M t 1 ( ^ 0 3 ) 3
UJ •
OWRATE: 0.97 ml/min
z 5

tto'° _ , 2 33 D „ «v \
u ><*>Lc r*
^ 5 yT
_,„^ . • « \
/ \ \
\DS0RP1 3H-»|-.

20 40 60 80 (00 (20 (40 (60 (80 200 220


Fig. 1.6. Concentration of Pa in Column Effluents During Adsorption on Unfired Vycor, Washing, and Desorption.

5000 Mwd per metric ton of Th + U to determine Th per liter; 500 to 4200 for a concentration of 50
the upper capacity limit of unfired Vycor for g/liter; and 400 to 3400 for a concentration of 100
protactinium adsorption, the maximum concen- g/liter. Although the distribution coefficients are
tration factor obtainable with oxalate elution, higher for Bio-Rad Z P - 1 than for unfired Vycor,
and the effect of aluminum on the solubility of preliminary experiments showed that Z P - 1 i s
protactinium during the dissolution of thorium- attacked by 0.5 M oxalic acid; therefore, other
uranium fuels in 13 M HNO3-O.O5 M HF. agents must be found for eluting the protactinium
from this material.
Adsorption of Protactinium on Other Inorganic
Exchangers. - As in earlier i n v e s t i g a t i o n s , ^ "
the results of adsorption experiments with s i l i c a
gel and Bio-Rad Z P - 1 (a zirconium phosphate 1.5 CHLORIDE VOLATILITY STUDIES
exchanger) continue to show a good potential for WITH URANIUM AND PLUTONIUM
separating protactinium from irradiated thorium.
The adsorption properties of s i l i c a gel and Chlorination is being studied a s a volatility
Bio-Rad Z P - 1 were compared by contacting them method for recovering uranium and plutonium from
with 0.5 to 12 M HNO3 solutions containing 4.50 UO^-PuO, fuels. Quantitative recovery of the
and 100 g of Th per liter and ^^^Pa equivalent to uranium and plutonium and decontamination from
1 to 5 X 10* counts min~ ^ ml""'. Except for fission products by a factor of at l e a s t 50 to 100
slight minima at 3 to 5 M HNO3, the distribution is required so that the product chlorides can be
coefficients obtained with silica gel increased a s reconverted to oxide fuel, possibly by a sol-gel
the nitric acid concentration increased or a s the method. Direct chlorination with 85% 0 ^ - 1 5 %
thorium concentration decreased. The coefficients CCl_j of U O j - P u O j fuel pellets containing up to
ranged from 2100 to 5800 for solutions containing 35% PUO2 was studied briefly. In all c a s e s , the
4 g of Th per liter; from about 1900 to 4000 for a rate of reaction was too low to be of practical
Th concentration of 50 g/liter; and from 1450 to use in the temperature range of interest, 400
2380 for a Th concentration of 100 g/liter. The to 600° C.
amount of unadsorbable protactinium ranged from Prior work with UOj f u e l ' " showed that rapid
0.6 to 1.9% and was independent of the nitric chlorination could be achieved after converting
acid or thorium concentration. With Bio-Rad Z P - 1 , UOj pellets to U30g powder with oxygen at
the coefficients ranged from 100 to 29,000 for 500 to 800°C. Oxidation not only results in the
thorium solutions (4 g/liter) in which the molarity conversion of the uranium to a higher valence
of the HNO3 ranged from 0.5 to 12 M. Although s t a t e but a l s o yields a product of high specific
45% of the protactinium was unadsorbable from surface area. Similar oxidation experiments
0.5 M HNO3, l e s s than 0.4% was unadsorbable showed that UO2-PUO2 fuel pellets generally
from solutions that were ^ 3 W in HNO3. With could be converted to U3O.-PUO2 powder when
solutions containing 50 and 100 g of Th per liter the P u O j content of the pellet was 17% or l e s s
and 0.5 to 12 M in HNO3, the coefficients ranged (Table 1.10). However, pellets containing 20%
from 400 to 19,000 and 200 to 8000 respectively. or more P u O j were generally unaffected by oxygen,
At both thorium concentrations, more than 95% of even after long reaction periods at temperatures
the protactinium was unadsorbable from solutions up to 800°C. A more critical evaluation of the
1 M in HNO3. With 3 M HNO3, 3% was unadsorb- oxidation behavior of UO2-PUO2 pellets cannot
able when the Th concentration was 50 g/liter, be made s i n c e , in general, the pellets used had
and 15% when the concentration was 100 g/liter. not been carefully characterized. However, t h e s e
Nearly all the protactinium was adsorbable at preliminary data do indicate that an oxidation-
higher nitric acid concentrations. chlorination process for fuel containing more than
To complete the comparison, approximate d i s - 20% PuO^ may not be feasible.
tribution coefficients obtained for unfired Vycor Chlorination, with several reagents, of the
are: 600 to 5000 for a solution containing 5 g of U j O . - P u O , powders resulting from the reaction

^ Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, *^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 16. 1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 1 7 - 1 9 .

of U O j - P u O j pellets with oxygen was studied chlorides was achieved at 600°C with an e x c e s s
in an effort to find the best chlorinating agent. of chlorine. Calculations^^ based on equilibrium
Of the reagents t e s t e d , which included chlorine, data for the reaction'*^
CCl - N , mixtures, phosgene, and CO-CCl^ mix-
tures, a mixture of 85% 0 1 ^ - 1 5 % CCl^ (produced PuCl- 3( s_) ,+ ,V, C. L. (, ^^) _ PuCl/v)
by bubbling chlorine through liquid CCl^ at 25°C)
gave the best r e s u l t s . Pure UjOg was readily showed that about 3.3 x 1 0 ' and 100 moles of
converted to volatile uranium chlorides at 400 chlorine are required to transport 1 g-atom of
to 500° C (Table 1.11). With a 1% P u 0 2 - 9 9 % PuCl at 427 and 727°C respectively. Thus,
U30g powder, the rates of chlorination were too
low to be practical at 300 to 350°C. At 400 to
500° C, nearly complete volatilization of the T. A. Gens, Thermodynamic Calculations Relating
uranium was achieved in 3 - to 4-hr reactions, but to Chloride Volatility Processing of Nuclear Fuels. II.
The Capacity of Chlorine for Transporting Plutonium
only up to 50% of the plutonium volatilized. Tetrachloride Vapor During Reaction of U O -PuO
Complete volatilization from the hot zone of the with Carbon Tetrachloride, ORNL-3693 (October 1964).
reaction v e s s e l of both uranium and plutonium ''^R. Benz, / . Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 24, 1191 (1962).

T a b l e 1.10. Reactivity of U 0 2 - P u 0 2 P e l l e t s in Oxygen at High Temperatures

PuO 2 Content Oxidation Reaction Time Oxidation of

Experiment No. of P e l l e t (%) Temperature (*" C) (hr) UO2 t ° U3O8

1 0 400 0.5 Yes

2 0 600 3.0 Yes
3 1 600 1.0 Yes
4 1 600 3.0 Yes
5 5 600 1.0 Yes
6 17 600 3.0 Yes
7 17.8 600 1.0 Yes
8 20 600 19.0 No
9 20 800 20.0 No
10 20* 600 3.0 Yes
11 35 800 18.0 No

° T h i s pellet was fired to only 1300°C during manufacture; the others were fired at 1600 C.

T a b l e 1.11. Reaction of U 3 0 g - P u 0 2 Powders with 85% C l 2 - 1 5 % C C I 4 at Various Temperatures

Amount Volatilized (%). ^°^^^ °^ ^h "^^'^

Experiment No ^"'-'2 Content of Temperature Reaction Time per Gram-Atom of
Mixture (%) (°C) (hr) Pu Pu Volatilized

0 400 5.5 100

0 500 3.5 100
300 5.0 14 5 3X 10"
350 2.75 35 2 6 X 10*
400 4.0 99 23 8x lO''
500 3.0 93 49 1 x 10''
600 3.0 59 29 3x 10'
600 6.0 100 100 7 x 10''

failure to achieve complete volatilization of carried out over the past several years on the
plutonium chloride at the lower temperatures may process.
have been due to a deficiency of chlorine.
The optimum temperature for the chlorination of
U j O . - P u O , powders has not yet been determined Fuel Disassembly Tests
but will probably be l e s s than 500°C, where large
amounts of chlorine are required to transport Since some second-generation power-reactor
plutonium chloride. During chlorination at 500° C, fuels cannot be sheared satisfactorily without
definite evidence for sintering and some indication first being disassembled, mechanical equipment
of melting were obtained. At 600°C, formation (Fig. 1.9) consisting of a hydraulic cylinder,
of a liquid phase (possibly UO^Clj or a similar gripper head, bumper, cradle, ejector, and e l e -
compound) was always noted during the chlo- vating j a c k s was built to demonstrate multitube
rination of powders containing up to 17% PuO^. withdrawal from the " e g g c r a t e " of the Consol-
idated Edison core B fuel assembly. After the
inert end adapters are removed from a fuel assem-
bly by sawing with an abrasive disk, the remaining
" e g g c r a t e , " containing the fuel rods, i s placed
in the cradle, which in turn is placed on the rollers
on the rod puller platform and clamped into posi-
Development of the shear-leach p r o c e s s with
tion. The fuel assembly i s then forced against the
unirradiated fuel assemblies on a full engineering
ejector plate by the bumper and hydraulic cylinder
s c a l e was continued. In this process for fuels
which pushes one row of 13 or 14 fuel tubes about
clad with s t a i n l e s s s t e e l or Zircaloy-2, the
3 in. through a slot in the bumper into the jaws of
multirod assemblies are sheared in a 250-ton
the gripper head. The tubes are finally clamped
shear, either with or without disassembly, and
with the gripper head and pulled from the parent
the sheared fuel is leached in nitric acid to
assembly by a hydraulic cylinder. The procedure
produce solvent extraction feed. Significant
is repeated until the assembly i s emptied of t u b e s .
developments d i s c u s s e d in this section are
After each row of tubes is withdrawn, the assembly
summarized in the next paragraph.
is raised with elevating screws to properly align
B e c a u s e second-generation power-reactor fuels
the next row with the ejector plate and the slot
may not always be satisfactorily sheared intact
in the bumper. The loose tubes are then loaded
in the 250-ton shear, a useful prototype fuel-rod
into an open-top envelope for shearing.
row puller was built. Shearing t e s t s on bundles
of loose rods and on an annular Zircaloy-2-clad In t e s t s with this equipment, a force of 332 to
uranium-metal fuel rod were satisfactory. Studies 420 lb was required to eject a row of 14 UO^-filled
on the remote handling and fission product heat tubes from the assembly into the gripper head,
generation in b a s k e t s of sheared fuel showed that and a force of 238 to 315 lb was then required to
no serious problems exist there. Head-end s t u d i e s withdraw them. It i s expected that the force
on the safety a s p e c t s of zirconium fines indicate required to displace fuel tubes may be slightly
that a fire or explosion hazard may exist in the higher after the assembly h a s been irradiated;
removal of assembly end boxes by sawing with roughened surfaces will develop b e c a u s e of the
abrasive d i s k s . Leaching t e s t s on metal-clad formation of oxides.
ThO - U O , were concluded. A delayed-neutron
activation analysis monitor for determining the
residual fuel content of leached hulls showed Shearing Tests
that l o s s e s in the range of 0.01% can be con-
sistently detected. Shearing t e s t s with the 250-ton prototype fuel
A pictorial flowsheet of the shear-leach p r o c e s s shear were made this year on both Zircaloy-2-clad
a s applied to second-generation fuels where fuel U O j multitube fuel assemblies and on coextruded
disassembly is required is shown in F i g . 1.7. An Zircaloy-2-clad uranium metal.
optimized layout of equipment for the same fuel A stacked 8 x 8 array of unsecured Zircaloy-2-
type i s shown in Fig. 1.8. This conceptual layout clad U O , fuel tubes (0.4395 in. in outer diameter,
is based largely on the results of the developments with a 0.32-mil wall) was sheared into 1-in.






Fig, 1.7. Flowsheet for Shear-Leach Process for Second-Generation Power-Reactor Fuels.
i I \ , i I ^ ^.~i 1 k,-M(


ORNL-OWG 6 5 - 9 7 0 2



Fig. 1,8. Optimized Layout of Equipment for the Sheor-Leach Process.


ORNL-DWG 64-7235R












Fig. 1,9. Equipment for Withdrawing Rows of Fuel Rods from Second-Generation Power-Reactor Fuel A s s e m b l i e s .

lengths. It was observed that there w a s l e s s of the exposed uranium. Some sparking occurred
end closure of the brittle zirconium than with the during shearing, but there appeared to be no real
more ductile s t a i n l e s s s t e e l , which results in hazard involved in shearing this type of fuel.
the dislodgement of considerably more fuel. Some
sparking, about one to three sparks per cut, w a s
observed. The shearing force required w a s from Shear Evaluation Tests
50 to 60 tons. From t h e s e t e s t s , it appears that
zirconium-clad fuels will b e e a s i e r to shear than A rack-and-pinion feeding mechanism was
s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d fuels. installed and tested on the 250-ton prototype
Fuel assemblies consisting of 3-in.-diam shear, replacing the hydraulic system. Replace-
coextruded Zircaloy-2-clad uranium metal were ment w a s made so that the length to b e sheared
successfully sheared into \ -, 1-, 1 V-, and 2-in. from a fuel assembly could be controlled by the
lengths. One fuel assembly w a s sheared at a external feed mechanism itself rather than by an
time; the fuel w a s " g a g g e d " or clamped during internal stop inside the shear, which experience
shearing, using semicircular i n s e r t s in the fixed had shown to be difficult to repair. T h e new
blade holder and gags. There was no discernible mechanical device operated satisfactorily in
difference in the power required or appearance of shearing t e s t s with various types of fuel-assembly
the sheared s e c t i o n s when using a straight or prototypes.
tapered semicircular moving blade. The shearing Inspection of the shear after 10,100 c u t s revealed
force varied from 45 to 82 tons and was independ- an appreciable increase in the galling of the gibs
ent of length sheared. About 30% of the c r o s s (type 420 s t a i n l e s s steel) a s compared with t h e
section of the fuel w a s sheared, and the remainder galling after 7600 c u t s . It i s estimated that the
was broken. There was only a small amount of shear h a s been stroked an additional 10,000 times
wiping of the Zircaloy-2 cladding over the face for various reasons, resulting in a total of nearly

20,000 strokes. Some of the galling is attributed The thermal conductivity k (Btu h r ' ^ f f ^ " F - ^
to misalignment in the shear; this has been cor- for sheared s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d U O , i s being
rected. For the most part, the shear was operated determined experimentally to aid in the evaluation.
dry, but a lubricant, such as a molybdenum di- The measured heat transfer coefficient for d i s -
sulfide suspension in water, is desirable. The lodged UO fines in an air atmosphere, consisting
gibs were cleaned by grinding. Measurements of a mean particle s i z e of 120 fi and 38% voids,
indicated a hardness of 53 Rockwell C for the increased linearly from 0.256 Btu h r " * ff-^ o p " '
Stoody-I liners and 47 for the gibs. The liners at 200° F to 0.448 at 1600° F.
were only moderately galled. In initial calculations, a /: of 0.2 and 0.4 was
s e l e c t e d , and a typical second-generation UOj
fuel, having a specific power of 23.5 w / g and a
Remote-Handling Tests with burnup of 20,000 Mwd/ton, was chosen. The
Fuel Leaching Baskets cooling time was assumed to be 180 d a y s . It
was further assumed that a nominal 8-in.-diam
In the batch shear-leach process, a solid con- leaching basket would be filled to a depth of 6 ft
sumable liner of 10-mil carbon s t e e l i s inserted with 1-in. lengths of sheared fuel. The filled
in the perforated basket to confine the sheared b a s k e t s would be stored in an open array approxi-
fuel during shearing, storage, and transport. To mately as shown in F i g . 1.8 (item 11). Heat
avoid losing fuel, there must be a dust-tight s e a l transfer from the sealed b a s k e t s to the cell atmos-
between the liner and perforated basket. A mockup phere, at an ambient temperature of about 120° F ,
cell was built and successfully operated to demon- would occur by both radiation and natural con-
strate the feasibility of using a Magneforming vection.
machine capable of producing up to 4500 ft-lb of It was a l s o assumed that during the initial
energy to expand the liner into the groove. To 15-min contact in the acid, the carbon-steel liner
attain maximum efficiency with the Magneformer, and all dislodged UOj fines are dissolved, and
a highly conductive material was taped to the that all s e n s i b l e heat is transferred from the
inside of the liner in the area to be expanded. sheared fuel. In a leacher sized to dissolve 1
Aluminum tape with an adhesive backing was the metric ton of uranium, a maximum of about 55,000
most satisfactory. The cell-mockup operation kcal of heat would be released from a total of
a l s o demonstrated the use of a hinged Tube-Turn six b a s k e t s during this time. Assuming good
closure a s a means of sealing the top of the mixing of the leachant, a s little as 300 gal could
b a s k e t during transport; a Grayloc connector absorb this amount of energy in being heated
provided a satisfactory s e a l between the b a s k e t from 9 0 ° F to about 190°F. The mass of s t a i n l e s s
and leacher. In concluding t h e s e t e s t s , a short s t e e l in leachers of this s i z e represents an ad-
color movie was made to illustrate the simplicity ditional heat sink of about 30,000 kcal between
and feasibility of these remote manipulator oper- initial and final temperatures of 120 and 190° F
ations. respectively. Therefore, the amount of acid it
would be p o s s i b l e to flash during t h i s initial
period would probably not c a u s e any significant
Heat Transfer Tests with Fuel Leaching Baskets pressure rise. The results of this preliminary
calculation are summarized in Table 1.12.
Leaching b a s k e t s filled with sheared, highly A more exact calculation will be made pending
irradiated, spent reactor fuel will, b e c a u s e of completion of k measurements and evaluation of
heat generated by the fission products, reach the induced activity.
some s t e a d y - s t a t e temperature in storage while
awaiting transfer into the leaching equipment.
Estimates were made of the amount of s e n s i b l e Safety Studies on Finely Divided Zirconium
heat in a typical basket of s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d
UOj fuel and of the possible consequences of a To evaluate the safety of sawing and shearing
sudden r e l e a s e of this heat from several such zirconium, fuel tubes filled with UO^ were sawed
b a s k e t s of fuel in contact with nitric acid in a and sheared; the fines are being metallurgically
large leaching v e s s e l . examined.

T a b l e 1.12. Estimated Heat Release from a Basket of Fully Irradiated Sheared, Stainless-Steel-Clad
UO2 During Initial 15-min Immersion in 6 M HNO3 at 7 2 ° F

Heat R e l e a s e (kcal)
Heat Source Weight Heat R e l e a s e
(kg) (kcal/kg) 0.2 k= 0.4

U O — s t a i n l e s s s t e e l fuel quenching 261" -4510° -3550^^

Decay heat 261 -1.46 -380 -380
Mild s t e e l dissolution'^ 2.22 -997 -2210'' -2210"

U O j fines dissolution 70.2 -31.1 -2180^ -2180^

Total heat r e l e a s e -9280 -8320

Weight of 1-in. sheared lengths of UO,-SS contained in a b a s k e t liner 7.75 in. in inner diameter and 6 ft high.
Uranium weight is about 175 kg.
Basket temperature profile i s for a volume heat source; Cp for 75% UO —25% s t a i n l e s s s t e e l = 0.072 Btu lb""
deg "" Center-line temperature of fuel in basket, 7 9 0 ° F ; basket liner temperature, 435°C; b a s k e t surface temper-
ature, 355'^F; ambient temperature, 120"F.
The iron and UO would not normally dissolve at 120°F, placing the overall calculation on the conservative
''Mild s t e e l liner i s 0.010 in. thick; dissolution reaction: Fe + 6HNOj — FeCNOj)^ + 3H2O + 3NO2.
' R e a c t i o n : UO^ + 4HNO3 "* UOjCNOj)^ + 2H2O + 2NO2.

Zircaloy-2 rods (^^ in. in outer diameter) were Table 1.13. Particle-Size Distribution of Z i r c a l o y - 2
cut with an abrasive disk saw with and without Fines Produced by Wet Sawing of /^-In.-diam Tubes
coolant water, with a medium-hard abrasive blade
(Manhattan No. 225) rotating at about 10,450 sur- P a r t i c l e Size P e ] rcentage of F i n e s
face feet per minute. The rods were fed through (M) (wt %)
the saw at 3 in./min. Dry cutting of the zirconium
presents a definite fire hazard, a s evidenced by <2000 99.04
the brilliant stream of sparks and dense smoke <840 97.7
produced. Therefore, wet cutting i s recommended, <420 95.3
especially where the abrasive sawing will be done <250 90.0
in the presence of uranium metal or other materials, <149 77.5
whether pyrophoric or combustible. Of the parti- <88 62.4
c l e s collected from the dry abrasive sawing, 79 <74 55.7
and 31 wt % of them were l e s s than 400 and 44 <44 38.7
fi in s i z e respectively. The volume ratio of abra-
s i v e blade consumed to zirconium particles pro-
duced was 7.3 to 1.
Sawing with a wet abrasive disk (three water
T e s t s by the Bureau of Mines'*'' have e s t a b l i s h e d
spray nozzles directed on the s a w blade) decreased
that dry zirconium powder (90% = 6 /z) can ignite
the spark stream to an occasional spark. The
explosively and spontaneously when dispersed
amount of zirconium fines from wet sawing i s
in air at room temperature or when heated in air
twice that produced in dry cutting b e c a u s e of the
to 190°C. Since 39% of the Zircaloy-2 fines from
burning during the dry cutting. With wet cutting,
wet sawing are smaller than 44 /i, it is assumed
the weight of Zircaloy-2 particles smaller than
that a considerable amount i s in the 6-/x range and
400 fi (the s i z e range where s p e c i a l handling i s
recommended in hot c e l l s ) was 94.5% of the total
produced; 39% of them were smaller than 44 fi 44
Zirconium Fire and Explosion Hazard Evaluation,
(Table 1.13). TID-536S (Aug. 7, 1956).

should be kept under water until discarded. Once Engineering-Scale Leaching Studies
the Zircaloy-2 powders are wet, they should be
kept wet b e c a u s e powders containing 16% or l e s s Batch leaching t e s t s with sheared, unirradiated
moisture are considered particularly hazardous. s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d UO^ and U 0 2 - T h 0 2 fuels were
Special procedures must be followed in handling continued in an engineering-scale 90-liter Pyrex
the fine powder even when stored under water and s t a i n l e s s s t e e l leacher (Fig. 1.10) in which
b e c a u s e the powder s e t t l e s into a compact mass the leaching section i s 9 in. in inner diameter and
that can exclude much of the water. F i r e s have 10 ft tall. Heat is supplied by a steam j a c k e t with
started'*' when such packed powders were d i s - an inside surface area of 6.6 it^. In the leacher,
turbed. Since the Zircaloy-2 particles are highly boiling induces a counterclockwise circulation
diluted with the abrasive particles (volume ratio, through a side arm arranged to impinge dissolvent
1 to 6.6; weight ratio, 1 to 2.9), it i s probable on the bottom of the leacher; this produces the
that this dilution provides a builtin safety factor same general effect a s would be attained with an
in preventing spontaneous or static-spark reactions. air-sparge draft tube. Fuel charges in a slotted
fuel basket varied from 18 to 36 kg.
The literature on the relationship between fine- The consumable carbon-steel liner dissolved in
n e s s of the powder (and other factors) and fires about 2 min. As the liner dissolved, 14 to 38% of
or explosions shows the following: The dry pow- the core was discharged from the basket and s e t -
der i s ignitable at room temperature by s t a t i c tled to the bottom of the leacher.
electricity.'*' Powders containing 16% or l e s s T h e overall heat transfer coefficient, based on
moisture may explode spontaneously in a vac- the inside area of the jacket, is fairly constant
uum.'*'* The surface area of powders in square for both water and a solution containing 250 g of
meters per gram is within 10% of the reciprocal Th per liter at steam pressure of 20 to 60 psig.
of the average particle s i z e in microns. When For water, the coefficient varied from 164 to 180
the area per gram approaches 0.1 m^, careful Btu hr""^ ft~2 ° p - i ^ and for the thorium solution,
handling is necessary.'** Violent explosions, from 200 to 210.
which have resulted in fatal injuries, have all In one t e s t , in which UO^ was leached from
involved particles smaller than 62 /x (230 mesh).'*' 1-in.-long sheared sections of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l
Scrap finer than 20 mesh (800 fi) and coarser than cladding with boiling 7 M HNO3, total dissolution
120 mesh (125 /z) should be collected under water was attained in 2 hr. B e c a u s e UOj d i s s o l v e s
and mixed half and half with sand or grinding-wheel rapidly, variables affecting the rates were studied
grit.**' Powders that have a water content of more satisfactorily with slower-dissolving T h O , -
3 to 16% and that have been stored for a fairly UO^, using boiling (120°C) 12.7 M HNO3-O.O4
long time are the most hazardous.'** Crystal-bar M F ~ - 0 . 1 M Al^"^ a s the solvent. Typical UO^-
Zircaloy-2 irradiated to 540 Mwd showed no ap- ThO leaching data are presented in F i g . 1.11,
preciable amount of hydrogen pickup. The micro- which shows the effect of dissolution time on
hardness of Zircaloy-2 irradiated to 15.2 x 1 0 ' ^ terminal thorium loading, boilup rate a s repre-
nvt increased from 135 to 173 DPH a s measured sented by steam pressure, and a comparison of
at a 50-kg load.'*' v.- and 1-in. sheared lengths. The duration of all
t e s t s was sufficient to ensure that 99.9% of the
uranium and thorium would d i s s o l v e . With the
'*'National Safety Council Data Sheet No. 382, rev., exception of one run, all fuel was sheared to
1957. 1-in. lengths.
W. R. DeHoUander, An Evaluation of the Zirconium Leaching times for k - and 1-in. sheared lengths
Hazard, HW-44989 (Aug. 15, 1956).
47 were nearly equal (18 hr and 19 hr). Leaching
W. W. Allison, Zirconium, Zircaloy, and Hafnium times for equivalent thorium loadings in the solu-
Safe Practice Guide for Shipping, Storing, Handling,
Processing, and Scrap Disposal, WAPD-TM-17 (Rev.) tions were roughly doubled by reducing the steam
(December 1960). pressure from 60 to 20 psi. At the same steam
'**F. B. Holt and S. G. Wilson, A Code of Practice
for the Handling of Zirconium and Its Alloys, No. pressure, the time required to achieve a given
IGR-TD/S-578, United Kingdom AEC (July 1957). thorium loading was approximately linear between
M. L. Bleiberg and L, S. Castleman, Effects of 0.5 and 0.7 M Th but increased rapidly at higher
Neutron Bombardment upon the Properties of Zirconium loadings. Dissolution data obtained with a per-
and of a Zirconium-Tin Alloy, V/APD-78 (Mar. 17, 1953).

ORNL-DWG 6 4 - 4 i e 4 R 2

SHEARED FUEL 1 8 - 3 6 kg OF UOa


SLOTTED BASKET 0 015 x 0 3 4 3 in

HEIGHT I 6 V 4 in
WALL 0 0 2 5 in

' V i 6 - n - D I A M HOLES 6 3 % FREE AREA
HEIGHT l e ' / ? in
WALL 5/(6 in

3-in - I D



Fig. 1,10. Engineering-Scale 9 0 - l i t e r Batch Leacher for D i s s o l v i n g Oxide Fuel from Sheared Cladding

forated b a s k e t containing '/i-in. holes on k-in. t e s t i n g the leached hulls. Several methods for
centers (4.2% free area) were nearly the same as such monitoring were evaluated, and a prototype
the data for the slotted basket shown in F i g . 1.10. was developed and t e s t e d . It can detect about
This type of basket discharges the same amount 1 mg of " 5 u ^ " 9 p y ^ Of 233u pgf kilogram of
of fines a s the slotted basket does during the leached hulls. This corresponds to a fuel l o s s
dissolution of the liner. of l e s s than 0.01% for typical low-enriched ura-
In producing a dissolver product approximately nium power-reactor fuels. The proposed monitor
1 A/ in Th or U when using a dissolvable 10-mil- i s based on delayed-neutron activation a n a l y s i s
thick carbon-steel basket liner, the resultant and is* applicable to either s t a i n l e s s s t e e l or
solution is nearly 0.1 M in F e (about 11 g of iron Zircaloy-2 hulls.
per kilogram of core). The prototype monitor, capable of testing 20
(150 cm^ or 200 g) leached hulls at a time, was
successfully demonstrated. A larger unit, capable
Monitoring of Leached Hulls 50
of monitoring a 7-in.-diam fuel basket in s u c c e s -
sive 4-in. vertical increments (2.5 liters or 2.7 kg
To be assured that the leaching of uranium,
of hulls) i s now being made. An illustration of
plutonium, or thorium from s t a i n l e s s s t e e l or
the smaller test unit is shown in Fig. 1.12, and
Zircaloy-2 cladding in the shear-leach process
of the larger unit in Fig. 1.13.
is complete, it would be very advantageous for
In the t e s t mockup, separate chambers made of
a fuel processor to use a reliable monitor for
paraffin blocks were used for irradiating and
counting. The chambers were separated to prevent
the boron in the B F ^ neutron detection tubes from
^"W. J . R o s s , J. W, Landry, and J . E. Strain, "Moni-
toring of Leached F u e l Elements with a Neutron being depleted by the neutron flux in the irradiation
G e n e r a t o r , " Nucleonics (August 1965). chamber. Operation consisted in placing 20 hulls

ORNL-DWG 64 - 7509

10 (2 H 16

Fig. 1.11. Effect of Thorium Loading, Dissolution Temperature,and Length of Sheared Fuel in the Batch L e a c h -
ing of Unirradiated U O - - T h O - from Sheared Stainless-Steel-Clad Power-Reactor Fuel Elements.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 0 3


10 X 12 X 28 in


8 X 12 X 2 8 in


Fig. 1.12. Mockup Monitor for T e s t i n g L e a c h e d Fuel Cladding for Residual Fuel

m the irradiation chamber (in the position marked B F j counting system was only a few tenths of
" 1 " in F i g . 1.12) and irradiating them with thermal a percent b e c a u s e the BF3 tubes were unmatched.
neutrons for about 20 s e c . Within the following B a t c h e s of 20 hulls containing weighed amounts
2 s e c , the floor of the chamber (the slide) w a s of ^^^U gave t h e results indicated in Table 1.14.
opened, and t h e activated hulls were dropped into It w a s found that a 7-in.-diam basket of leached
the counting chamber (position " 2 " in F i g . 1.12), hulls must b e monitored in vertical increments
where the delayed neutrons from the activated not exceeding 4 in. This specification w a s ar-
hulls were counted for the next 30 s e c . T h e aver- rived at in the following way: The thermal-neutron
age thermal-neutron flux during irradiation w a s flux in t h e irradiation chamber (6 cm in diameter
1.89 X 10*, and t h e average fast flux (14-Mev and 8 cm long) w a s mapped by manganese d e t e c -
neutrons) w a s 1.67 x 10*. The efficiency of the tors. T h e counts obtained from ^ ^ ' U in a hull

0RNL-DW6 66-9704






Fig. 1.13. Prototype P l a n t Monitor for T e s t i n g Leached Fuel Cladding for Residual F u e l .

can be determined within a variation of ±15% when Other methods which were evaluated but which
the chamber i s filled with hulls and when the were l e s s s e n s i t i v e or completely inadequate
position of the hull that contains the ^ s s y ^g included: (1) monitoring the residual 2.18-Mev
varied throughout the volume of the chamber. gamma rays from ^^''Ce-Pr either by gamma s p e c -
Axial variation was ±15%, and radial variation trometry or by detecting the neutrons generated
±5%. The sensitivity of the instrument decreased by t h e 'Be(y,n)*Be reaction; (2) monitoring the
a s the hull was moved along the axis away from low-energy gamma and x-ray emission from ^^*U
the center of the chamber. and ^ ^ ' P u ; (3) comparing the gamma-ray emissions
It IS expected that the larger monitor (Fig. 1.13) from I3 4,i3 7(-;g g ^ j eoQoj ^^^ (4) comparing the
will retain the 1- to 5-mg ^ss^j sensitivity ob- absorptions of two gamma-ray energies, that from
tained in t h e mockup t e s t and that it will operate a ' ^ ' C s source with that from a ^""Am source.
on about a 10-sec cycle. Table 1.15 shows the The instrument may also have general u s e a s
b a s e s for t h e s e conclusions. a w a s t e monitor. For example, b e s i d e s monitoring

T a b l e 1.14. Neutron-Counting Results Obtained in Prototype Leached-Hull Monitor

Number and Type of Hulls Counted Counts per Minute

20 empty h u l l s ; t h i s i s the background 6

19 h u l l s empty and 1 with 1 mg of ^^^U 16
19 h u l l s empty and 1 with 5 mg of ^^^U 47
18 hulls empty, 1 hull with 1 mg of ^^^U,
and 1 hull with 5 mg of ^^^U 49
19 hulls empty and 1 with 100 mg of ^^^U 650

Background h a s not been subtracted.

T a b l e 1.15, Comparison of Operating Characteristics of 150-cm Prototype Monitor and Proposed Plant Model

150-cm^ Proposed
Prototype Plant Model

14-Mev neutron flux 1,,67 X 10 IQll

Thermal-neutron flux 1,89 X 10 1.3 X l o '

Neutron flux utilization efficiency, % 1.13 13

B F , counting delay, s e c 2 0

B F , counting efficiency, % 0.42 4-5

leached h u l l s , it may be useful for finding fuel started this year to develop low-cost recovery
shards in fluoride volatility processing waste methods, adaptable to remote operation, which
and for determining fuel l o s s e s in liquid w a s t e s will provide decontamination factors of 10 to 100
from solvent extraction operations. from fission products.
The processing cycle for recycle reactor fuel
will probably c o n s i s t in removing the cladding
1.7 DEVELOPMENT OF CLOSE- a n d / o r moderating material by a physical head-end
COUPLED PROCESSES p r o c e s s (e.g., shear-leach, shear-burn, e t c . ) ;
separating the neutron poisons from the fuels by
The presence of 74-year ^^^U in recycled ^^^U, a chemical method; reconstituting the fuel, prob-
1.9-year " ^ T h in recycled ^^^Th, and 13-year ably by the sol-gel route (Sect. 6); and remotely
^ ' " P u in recycled ^ ^ ' P u makes the high-decon- refabricating the fuel a s s e m b l i e s . The product
tamination processing of recycle reactor fuels solution from the decontamination step must a l s o
unnecessary b e c a u s e of the high gamma radiation meet the restrictions imposed by the subsequent
background of the daughters of t h e s e short-lived sol-gel p r o c e s s regarding the type and amount of
i s o t o p e s in t h e recovered fuel. That i s to say, impurities present.
s i n c e the recovered material must be handled by Work done this year to find a s u b s t i t u t e for
remote manipulation in any c a s e , the decontam- solvent extraction included research on methods
ination from fission products need not be great — such a s electrodialysis, precipitation, and ion
just enough to prevent their accumulation during exchange, which might provide cheaper ways of
multiple fuel c y c l e s . Therefore, a program was obtaining low-decontamination recovery of the

fuel. So far, the outlook for t h e s e methods has original solution volume at 0.4 mole of NOj per
not been promising. Therefore, a reexamination mole of Th to 60% at 4 moles of N O j " per mole
of solvent extraction chemistry and equipment was of Th.
begun in an attempt to achieve c o s t s a v i n g s Ion Exchange. - Preliminary ion exchange
through the use of simplified equipment and s t u d i e s were also made to determine if the fission
operating methods capable of obtaining lower products could be adsorbed from acid-deficient
decontamination factors. One result of t h e s e thorium-uranium solutions. When a solution that
s t u d i e s , which could reduce the subsequent w a s t e - was 0.49 M in Th, 0.025 M in U, and 0.15 M in
management c o s t s , has been the satisfactory N O , " and which contained 2.1 x 10® counts m i n " '
reduction of Pu(IV) to Pu(III) in nitrate solutions m l " of gross gamma was p a s s e d through columns
with Ar—4% H^ in a column of platinized alumina. containing various adsorbents, l e s s than 20% of
Another result h a s been the development of s a t - the activity was adsorbed on Dowex 50W and Z P - 1 .
isfactory solvent extraction and ion exchange None of the fission products were adsorbed on
flowsheets for removing ^^*Th and its daughters s i l i c a gel or Dowex 1.
from " ^ U . Electrodialysis. -^ Thorium-uranium nitrate
In the sol-gel p r o c e s s , T h O j s o l s , about 0.2 M solutions and mixed-fission-product solutions
in nitrate, are currently prepared by steam deni- were electrodialyzed in an attempt to remove and
tration of Th(NO )^ solution. An alternative separate fission products. Electrolytic p r o c e s s e s
p r o c e s s , in which the sol i s prepared by amine have an advantage over others b e c a u s e they do
extraction of nitrate from Th-U nitrate solutions, not require the addition of reagents that may give
was developed. Sol-gel materials produced by this difficulty in subsequent operations. In electro-
new method are now being evaluated. d i a l y s i s , ion exchange membranes are used to
separate the compartments of the electrolytic
cell and thereby increase the efficiency of ion
Studies of Decontamination by Precipitation, separation.
Ion Exchange, and Electrodialysis During a 6-hr electrodialysis of solutions that
were about 0.5 M in Th, 0.02 M in U, and 0.3
Scouting experiments on the use of precipitation, M in N O g " and which contained 2 x 10* counts
ion exchange, and electrodialysis of acid deficient m i n " ' m l " ' of gross gamma, 50 to 55% of the
solutions as alternatives to solvent extraction thorium and uranium and 10% of the gamma activity
to effect low decontamination of reactor fuels precipitated on the cathodic membrane. When the
from fission products were generally unsuccessful. cell was maintained at 2.5 v, the initial current
Precipitation. - Thorium-uranium precipitation was 198 ma; but during the 6-hr experiment, the
s t u d i e s were made by using dibasic ammonium current dropped to 22 ma. About 35% of the gamma
phosphate, oxalic acid, and 30% hydrogen peroxide activity, mostly ' ^ ' ' " ' ^ ' ' C s , transferred to the
a s precipitants. Dibasic ammonium phosphate cationic compartment, and l e s s than 0.1% t r a n s -
produced the most quantitative precipitation; ferred to the anionic.
however, most of the fission products were carried Attempts to separate fission product elements
with the thorium-uranium precipitate. For example, from a thoria sol by electrodialysis were a l s o
more than 99.6% of the thorium and uranium and unsuccessful, due both to limited migration of the
98.8% of the fission product gamma activity were fission products and to the instability of the sol
precipitated by adding 0.32 to 2 moles of d i b a s i c in the electrolytic field. Only 5 to 10% of the
ammonium phosphate per mole of thorium to a fission products migrated to the cathodic compart-
solution that was about 0.5 M in Th, 0.026 M in ment and none to the anodic after 5 hr at a poten-
U, and 0.37 M in N 0 , ~ and which contained 1.6 x tial of about 25 v. The positively charged ThO
10* counts min"'' m l " ' of gross gamma activity. sol migrated to the cationic membrane, where it
With solutions in which the nitrate-to-thorium precipitated. Very limited s u c c e s s in preventing
ratio was varied from 4:1 to 0.4:1, the amount of the precipitation was achieved by dilution and
thorium and uranium precipitated was independent stirring. Addition of sodium ethylenediamine-
of the nitrate concentration. However, the volume tetraacetate (EDTA) or sodium citrate increased
of the precipitate increased a s the nitrate concen- the removal of fission products to better than 30%
tration increased, ranging from about 15% of the but decreased the stability of the sol.

The EDTA complexes of the long-lived fission investigated for this application. One device
product elements have been separated — in the being evaluated is a differential extractor, which
a b s e n c e of thorium — in an electrodialysis cell is a simple one-stage mixer-settler unit in which
by varying the pH of the s o l u t i o n . ^ ' The pH's at a s t a t i c aqueous phase is maintained in the equip-
which 90% of the Zr-Nb, Ru, Eu, Ce, Sr, and La ment while the organic phase is slowly p a s s e d
transferred a s anions were < 0 . 5 , 1.4, 1.8, 2.2, through the unit. The two p h a s e s are stirred
2.4, and 3.6 respectively. Cesium remained together vigorously in the mixer section and
cationic at pH values a s high a s 11. Separation continuously circulated to the s e t t l e r , where they
into groups containing Zr-Nb and Ru; Eu, Ce, and disengage. The organic phase overflows con-
Sr; L a ; and Cs were obtained by controlling the tinuously from the equipment, and the aqueous
pH during e l e c t r o d i a l y s i s . This migration of phase is circulated back to the mixer. A back-
fission products may have application in isotope extraction unit may be operated similarly or may
production or in waste disposal but does not be modified to operate with the organic a s the
seem practical in fuel processing. s t a t i c p h a s e . Due to the nature of the contactor,
concentration of the product ion in the organic
Solvent Extraction Studies phase is at near saturation during a large portion
of the recovery cycle, thereby increasing decon-
Since largely negative results were obtained tamination from impurities. The simplicity of
in scouting t e s t s to evaluate precipitation, ion this type of contactor results in satisfactory oper-
exchange, and electrodialysis a s p o s s i b l e alterna- ation with a minimum of care and makes it adapt-
t i v e s to solvent extraction a s low-decontamination able to intermittent operation, such as one shift
p r o c e s s e s , emphasis has been increased this year per day. The simplicity of the operation also
on the development of simple and v e r s a t i l e solvent minimizes analytical requirements.
extraction equipment and flowsheets designed to
In a typical t e s t with a prototype unit, a 0.2
d e c r e a s e operating and analytical c o s t s . Cost
M acid-deficient solution 1.5 M in Th and 0.1 M
a n a l y s e s showed that no substantial capital saving
in U was contacted first with 6 volumes of 3%
can be made by decreasing the c o s t of the solvent T B P in n-dodecane and then with 7 volumes of
extraction contactor but that savings can be made 30% T B P in n-dodecane. More than 99.9% of the
by decreasing the complexity of the operation, uranium and 87% of the thorium were extracted.
thereby decreasing the number of analytical sam- The uranium product was decontaminated from
p l e s required and by having one operations crew thorium, rare-earth elements, zirconium, and
perform various t a s k s in sequence rather than ruthenium by factors of 16, = 2 . 6 x 10'', 300,
concurrently ( s e e Sect. 1.8.1). and = 500 respectively. The thorium-product de-
Work in this area h a s included the development contamination factors from uranium, rare-earth
of an efficient and reliable single-stage differential elements, zirconium, and ruthenium were 7 x 10"*,
contactor and the development of flowsheets for 16, 6, and 4 respectively. Better separation from
u s e in d e c r e a s e d - s t a g e mixer-settlers. New rare earths is expected with more radioactive
solvent extraction and ion exchange flowsheets feeds.
were also developed for the cleanup of stored
The equipment was operated easily, and oper-
^^^U, and a new method for reducing Pu(IV) to
ation was nearly automatic. Also, the unit could
Pu(III) with Ar—4% H j was demonstrated.
be stopped and restarted e a s i l y . For example,
Development of Differential Contactor. - P r e s e n t
several experiments were shut down overnight by
solvent extraction p r o c e s s e s for recovering and
turning off the solvent flow, allowing the solvent
decontaminating fissionable and fertile materials
in the system to collect in the disengaging s e c t i o n ,
from fission products u s e complex contactors that
which required about 15 min, removing the accu-
require closely supervised operation and many
mulated solvent from the tube, and turning off the
chemical a n a l y s e s . Therefore, cheaper and
mixer. The next morning the system was restarted
simpler, but l e s s efficient, contactors are being
by simply turning on the mixer and the solvent
pump. B e c a u s e of the high saturation of thorium
A. F a c c h i n i and R. H. Rainey, The Separation of in the solvent during the first portion of the thorium
Long-Lived Fission Product Elements by Using Ethyl- c y c l e , two organic p h a s e s were present, but the
enediaminetetraacetate in an Electrodialysis Cell,
ORNL-TM-1035 (1965). equipment continued to operate satisfactorily.


In both the uranium and the thorium c y c l e s , the in diethylbenzene (DEB) ( F i g . 1.15). The ex-
solvent was nearly saturated during extraction of traction product w a s stripped with water; most of
the first 75% of the material. Then, after a short the third-stage strip solution w a s recycled to t h e
transition period, the concentration in both the scrub and extraction section. T h e product solu-
solvent and the aqueous p h a s e s decreased ex- tion contained about 32 g of U and 0.16 g of Th
ponentially ( F i g . 1.14). Operating variables may per liter; the decontamination factor for uranium
therefore be controlled with a minimum of anal- from thorium was about 6000. Decontamination
yses. factors from fission products were not determined
Countercurrent Recovery P r o c e s s e s . — In ad- in this t e s t ; however, subsequent t e s t s , in which
dition to the differential extraction s t u d i e s d i s - the stage samples were spiked with fission prod-
c u s s e d above, tentative flowsheets were outlined ucts and reequilibrated, indicated that decon-
for recovering uranium alone, and for the simul- tamination factors from rare e a r t h s , zirconium-
taneous recovery of uranium and thorium in a niobium, and ruthenium of > 1000, > 100, and
countercurrent (mixer-settler) system with three > 1 0 0 , respectively, could be expected.
extraction, one scrub, and three stripping s t a g e s . The number of s t a g e s and their arrangement
The process for recovering uranium alone w a s were e s s e n t i a l l y the same for corecovery of
successfully demonstrated in a batch countercur- uranium and thorium, but the solvent w a s 1 M
rent t e s t with an 8 M H^ dissolver solution that T B P in diethylbenzene. The thorium product
contained 6.9 g of U and 216 g of Th per liter. solution w a s withdrawn from the first stripping
About 99% of the uranium was recovered with s t a g e and the uranium product from the third.
0.25 M di-sec-butyl phenylphosphonate (DSBPP) Development of Process for Purifying U. —
Since ORNL i s a national depository for ^^^U,
large quantities (several hundred kilograms) will
3 ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 0 5
soon be stored in new storage facilities being
ORIGINAL SOLUTION: 3 2 0 g Th per liter, ^
2 7 g U per liter, 2 M H N O j ^
installed in Building 3019 ( s e e Sect. 17.7). After
U EXTRACTED WITH 3 7 o T B P - N D D its initial separation from the thorium in which
it was produced, or after i t s decontamination
following u s e a s a reactor fuel, the stored ^^^U
rapidly becomes radioactive again a s a result of
the buildup of the daughters of the ^^^U contami-
nant. T h e 2.6-Mev gamma from ^os-pj jg (.j^g
controlling activity for shielding requirements,
but other daughters also emit considerable gamma
activity. Consequently, before t h e 2 3 3y jg shipped
to u s e r s , it i s advisable to remove the ^^^U
daughters immediately before shipping.
Although adequate cleanup of ^^^U can be ac-
complished in the existing Thorex solvent extraction
pilot plant in Building 3019, the procedure is awk-
ward and expensive since a large amount of thori-
um must be added as a neutron poison; the equipment
i s not geometrically safe. T h e added thorium also
s e r v e s a s a salting agent in the extraction of
the ^^^U with 3% di-sec-butyl phenylphosphonate
in diethylbenzene (DSBPP in DEB). For decon-
tamination of large withdrawals, u s e of the pilot
plant i s probably warranted on a temporary b a s i s ;
but for small shipments, new flowsheets, using
SOLVENT THROUGHPUT f VOLUMES S O L V E N T \ either solvent extraction or ion exchange, were
developed, and a new solvent extraction system
Fig. 1.14. Concentration of Uranium and Thorium using small, geometrically safe equipment w a s
During Extraction in a Differential Contactor. provided for this service.

ORNL-DWG 65-9706



(30) U 77 U 71 U 0028
SOLVENT- Th 0 78 Th 0 0 4
H+ 0 18

U 0.04 U 20 U 6 5 U 3)7 (5) U 24

Th 109 Th 5 7 Th 0 16 (30)
H+ I ( H+ 0 24



Fig. 1.15. Flowsheet for Selectively Recovering Uranium from U-Th Fuel Solution with D S B P P in D E B in a
Reduced-Stage M i x e r - S e t t l e r . Aqueous f e e d : prepared by d i s s o l v i n g u n i r r a d i a t e d U O j - T h O - fuel in 13 M HNO_ —0.04
M H F ; 8 M In H , and c o n t a i n e d . In grams per l l t e r , 6 . 9 U, 216 T h , 6.7 F e , 1.0 A l , and 0.37 Cr. Numbers In the
b l o c k s show the s t e a d y - s t a t e molar c o n c e n t r a t i o n of H and the u r a n i u m and t h o r i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n s , in grams per
l i t e r , of stage samples from batch c o u n t e r c u r r e n t t e s t . Numbers in p a r e n t h e s e s show the r e l a t i v e v o l u m e f l o w s .

Laboratory experiments with the new p r o c e s s e s When the solution contained 28 g of U per liter,
showed that the ^^^U may be decontaminated from the maximum decontamination factor was about
the daughters of ^^^U either by extracting with 12, and the capacity was greater than 4.6 g of U
30% tributyl phosphate in n-dodecane (TBP in per milliliter of resin. When the solution contained
NDD) or by adsorbing the ^^*Th (the immediate 123 g of U per liter, the maximum factor was about
daughter of ^^^U) on Dowex 50W ion exchange
resin. However, solvent extraction is preferred
b e c a u s e of better decontamination. The solvent
extraction flowsheet feed stream compositions and )0^
ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 0 7

rates are as follows:


Feed: 0.43 M U02(N03)2. 0.3 M A1(N03)3; \ [ 1 11

\ \ \
1 vol 2
Scrub: 0.2 M A1(N03)3, 0.1 M Al(OH)(N03)2; O 2 \ ,o • 1ON EXCHAN GE
t-, )0'
0.1 vol r^ JX
Solvent: 30 vol % T B P , 70% NDD; 1.2 vol ° 5 H
L\ ^
About 4.5 hr after extraction, the reduction of h V\
^"^Tl activity was nearly a factor of 600 but ^ ^r
frl *0
decreased to about 100 after 44 hr and to 10 after
\\ y^ T
19 days (Fig. 1.16). ^ j ^

T h e ion exchange experiments c o n s i s t e d in

> r\ V.
/ r°Sr>
p a s s i n g solutions of various uranium concen- 2
^ / VS\ s

trations through a column containing Dowex 50W

resin, 50 to 100 mesh. T h e first day after treat-
)0'= 2 5
ment, the decontamination factor from ^os-pj ^ g g TIME (hr)
only about 2, but it increased to about 10 after
12 days (Fig. 1.16). Decontamination from ^os-pj Fig, 1.16.
Comparison of Decontamination of U
and the resin throughput capacity both decreased from the Daughters of U by Solvent Extraction or Ion
a s the concentration of uranium was increased. Exchange.

10 (Fig. 1.17), and the capacity was about 3.6 the column was about 10 min. More than 99% of
g of U per milliliter of resin. the plutonium was reduced and transferred to the
T h e s e data (Fig. 1.16) indicate that even though aqueous p h a s e . When 100% hydrogen was used,
solvent extraction provides a greatly superior some of the uranium was reduced, but there was
initial decontamination factor (nearly 1000, com- no noticeable reduction of uranium with the diluted
pared with 2 for ion exchange), the radioactivity hydrogen. The Ar—4% H j mixture i s a l s o safe
of the 2 3 3jj pfoduct for all times beyond two weeks s i n c e it i s below the explosive limit of hydrogen.
after cleanup is the same for both methods. In plant operation, the organic-aqueous mixture
Reduction of Plutonium by Hydrogen. — To from this plutonium reduction step would be fed
achieve satisfactory separation of uranium and into a partitioning column, where the separation
plutonium in the partitioning cycle of the Purex of the uranium and plutonium would be completed.
solvent extraction p r o c e s s , the plutonium i s
reduced from Pu(IV) to Pu(III). In present oper-
a t i o n s , ferrous sulfamate or uranous nitrate i s Denitration of Thorium Nitrate by Amine Extraction
normally used a s the reductant. Use of the former
introduces iron and sulfate into the intermediate- The extraction of nitrate from thorium nitrate
level waste system, which should be avoided, if and from thorium-uranium nitrate solutions with
p o s s i b l e , for good waste management. If uranous amines is being investigated in the laboratory a s
nitrate i s used, its ^^*U content must match that an alternative to the currently used steam-deni-
of the uranium in the fuel; this can lead to in- tration process for the preparation of Th (and
creased cost. In experiments done this year, an Th-U) oxide sols for u s e in the sol-gel p r o c e s s .
Ar—4% H j mixture was found to be a satisfactory In single-batch extraction experiments, an
plutonium reductant without the disadvantages of aqueous solution, about 0.4 M in Th, 0.02 M in
either of the ones presently used. U, 1.8 M in N 0 3 ~ , and 0.1 A^ in H"^ and containing
In laboratory experiments, 30% T B P (0.1 A^ in gamma emitters equivalent to 2 x 10® counts
HNO3) containing 95 g of U and 1 g of Pu(IV) min""' m l ~ ' (gross gamma) was contacted with
per liter, an aqueous solution 0.5 N in HNO3, and 0,2 M Primene JM-T in n-dodecane for 2 hr at
Ar—4% H j were p a s s e d cocurrently through a 90° C. When the initial mole ratio of amine to
column packed with alumina pellets containing aqueous nitrate was varied from 0.25 to 1.9, the
0.5% platinum. Holdup time of the solutions in nitrate became l e s s extractable a s the solution

ORNL-OWG 6 5 - 9 7 0 8

TIME ( h r )

233 208
F i g . 1.17. Effect of Feed Concentration on Separation of U from T l by Ion Exchange.

became more acid deficient. In t h e s e t e s t s , the ated with an existing solvent extraction plant,
aqueous nitrate-to-thorium mole ratio approached for HTGR fuel (ThC^-UC^-graphite).
a value of 0.2 asymptotically. L e s s than 0.5%
of the thorium, uranium, and gamma activity was
extracted with the nitrate. Increasing the contact Studies on the Design of Small Plants
time from 2 to 6 hr, or using multiple c o n t a c t s
rather than a single contact, did not reduce the A design and cost study of a small on-site
final nitrate-to-thorium ratio below 0.2. Extractions plant for processing reactor fuel is nearing com-
at room temperature led to emulsions. A 1- pletion. The plant is designed to be operated in
nonyldecylamine solution also satisfactorily ex- conjunction with a 500- to 3000-Mw (electrical)
tracted nitrate from thorium-uranium nitrate solu- boiling-water reactor station operating on slightly
tions. enriched fuel. A number of design and c o s t s t u d i e s
The thorium s o l s prepared by amine extraction already exist for chemical processing plants for
were dried and fired at 1150° C. Although both the variety of fuels from power-reactor complexes
amines yielded a product solution with nearly expected during the next decade. However, in
the same thorium-to-nitrate ratio, the solutions almost all t h e s e s t u d i e s , central plants of large
prepared by extracting the nitrate with 1-nonyldec- capacity were assumed.
ylamine contained only about )'^ as much carbon There has been recurring interest in the capital
a s those prepared with Primene JM-T. Contacting and operating cost of a small plant at a single
10 vol of 0.2 M 1-nonyldecylamine in n-dodecane power station of modest s i z e , from 500 to 3000
with 1 vol of 0.4 M Th(N03)^ for 2 hr at 90°C Mw (electrical). In the immediate future, plants
produced a sol 0.4 M in Th, 0.16 M in N 0 3 ~ , and of only relatively small processing capacity will
0.01 W in C at a pH of 5.13. When fired at 1150° be needed. Furthermore, the diversity of fuel-
for 4 hr in air, it produced a dull-gray g l a s s y oxide element d e s i g n s and the widely scattered d i s -
with a density (measured by mercury penetration) tribution of power reactors, in operation or pro-
of 9 . 8 1 , a porosity of 2.00%, and a surface area posed, may favor the small, single-purpose
of 0.004 m ^ / g . The same sol when fired in Ar—4% processing plant, operated in c l o s e conjunction
H^ produced a white oxide with corresponding with the power station, a s opposed to large,
values of 9.72, 2.66%, and 0.017 m V g . central, multipurpose plants. If the chemical
The acid-deficient thorium-uranium nitrate solu- plant i s small enough, many of i t s auxiliaries can
tions prepared in t h e s e experiments were also be t h o s e of the reactor station whose fuel it will
used in some of the fission product decontam- p r o c e s s . Stack facilities, waste treatment, main-
ination t e s t s , where precipitation, ion exchange, tenance s h o p s , and administrative facilities such
and electrodialysis were tried (Sect. 1.7.1). a s offices and lunchrooms can be shared by the
reactor and chemical plant with s a v i n g s to both.
This small-plant design study reflects operating
and maintenance procedures and standards con-
1.8 CONCEPTUAL PLANT STUDIES s i s t e n t with power-reactor i n s t a l l a t i o n s . It pro-
vides reasonably accurate cost data for fuel
The preparation of conceptual plant s t u d i e s processing in a plant operating on the s i t e of a
and cost estimates for present and new p r o c e s s e s power station, which, for the purpose of this
was continued this year. Three s t u d i e s were study, was assumed to be the Oyster Creek nuclear
made. The first, a conceptual plant for a burn- power station proposed by the J e r s e y Central
leach and a bum-volatility p r o c e s s for Rover Power and Light Company. The zirconium-
fuel, is reported e l s e w h e r e ' ^ for classification sheathed, slightly enriched fuel element of this
r e a s o n s . The second included the designing and reactor is similar to those used in previous c o s t
costing of a conventional small on-site processing s t u d i e s , making comparison with those r e s u l t s
plant (VjQ to '/^ ton of U per day) for a boiling- reasonably valid.
water reactor station of the Oyster Creek type A fairly conservative Purex-type flowsheet was
(proposed by J e r s e y Central) with an output of assumed for the 23,000-Mwd/ton, 120-day-cooled
about 3000 Mw (electrical). The third study was fuel. Equipment design was b a s e d on the rack
for a bum-leach head-end facility, to be a s s o c i - concept throughout, to facilitate both maintenance
and installation. It was assumed that most heavy servative estimates were used throughout this
maintenance would be purchased by contract, a s study, and a reasonably accurate detailed engi-
would most of the analytical s e r v i c e s , to avoid neering design estimate might well result in a
the high cost of elaborate shops, analytical somewhat lower figure. But the probable d i s -
facilities, and the corresponding staff personnel. parity does not justify the expense of a detailed
Capital-cost estimates were based on detailed design and engineering cost estimate.
conceptual equipment design and flowsheets, but
the capital c o s t s of buildings were estimated on
Design Studies on Processing of HTGR Fuel
the b a s i s of factors derived from Commission
experience. The estimates of operating c o s t s
A preliminary plant design and c a p i t a l - and
do not include in-process inventory charges or
operating-cost estimate was made for a head-end
credit allowance for the plutonium product. The
facility for processing spent HTGR fuel elements
capital and operating c o s t s are summarized in
(ThCj-UCj-graphite; s e e also Sect. 1.2). The
Table 1.16.
plant would provide for the following s e r v i c e s :
A power station consisting of two 500-Mw (elec-
trical) reactors of the Oyster Creek type will 1. receiving and storing the spent fuel elements,
discharge fuel at a rate of about 51,000 kg of 2. crushing them,
uranium per year. B a s e d on the above estimated
3. burning the graphite in a fluidized bed,
operating c o s t s , the fuel-processing unit cost is
$51 per kg of U. Similarly, assuming a burnup of 4. leaching the burner ash,
23,000 Mwd/ton and a thermal efficiency of 30%, 5. adjusting the leachant to acid-deficient con-
the fuel-processing-cost contribution to the c o s t ditions suitable for solvent extraction,
of power would be 0.29 mill/kwhr.
6. storing the adjusted leachant, and
This cost study will be completed by estimating
the capital and operating c o s t s of a supplemental 7. storing the raffinate from the solvent extraction
addition to the small plant for converting plutonium plant.
and uranium nitrates to oxides, and fabrication
of complete fuel assemblies for recycle to the This head-end facility was assumed to be located
reactor. at a conventional fuel processing plant, such a s
While it is recognized that considerable un- the one built by Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS).
certainty e x i s t s in cost estimates that are not At this plant, the uranium and thorium would be
based on detailed design and development, con- recovered separately by solvent extraction, the

T a b l e 1.16. Capital and Operating Costs for Small On-1 ite Processing Plant Using Established Technology

Capital Cost
Building structure $2,257,000
Equipment and installation 2,964,000

P l a n t total $5,221,000

Contingency (25%) 1,305,000

Startup and training (1 y e a r ' s direct operating c o s t s ) 930,000

Total capital investment $7,456,000

Annual Operating Cost

Operating cost — direct $ 930,000
Capital investment — annual charge 1,680,000

Total annual operating cost $2,610,000

E x c l u s i v e of fuel in-process inventory charges and exclusive of plutonium credit.


thorium returned to the head-end facility for decay bed burning, leaching, and feed adjustment. At the
storage, and the fission product waste concen- nominal throughput rate, such a facility could
trated for d i s p o s a l . handle the fuel from reactors having a combined
The study was made for a fuel that contains installed capacity of 10,000 Mw (electrical). The
sol-gel oxide microspheres coated with pyrolytic c e l l s for unloading and storing fuel were designed
carbon, which was assumed to be the favored for remote operation and limited remote mainte-
HTGR fuel of the future. The fuel element was nance; the chemical process c e l l s were designed
assumed to be a 4.5-in.-diam, 20-ft-long graphite for direct maintenance. Analytical, administrative,
" l o g " from which the fueled particles are not chemical supply, waste d i s p o s a l , and plant utility
e a s i l y separable; thus, provisions are made for s e r v i c e s were assumed to be provided by the
c m s h i n g and burning the entire element. Each a s s o c i a t e d solvent extraction plant (not c o s t e d ) ,
element contains 107 kg of carbon and about with appropriate enlargements where n e c e s s a r y .
10.9 kg of thorium plus uranium, before irradiation. The estimated capital cost of the head-end
After an assumed burnup of 50,000 to 80,000 facility is $9,040,000 (Table 1.17). T h i s includes
Mwd/metric ton in about six years of irradiation $1,260,000 for the second processing line, an
and six months' decay for fission product heat expenditure that could be postponed until required
reduction and protactinium decay, the element if the plant were started on a fraction of i t s design
contains about 10 kg of thorium plus uranium, the load. The standby operating c o s t , that i s , the
b a l a n c e having been converted to fission products. minimum cost of labor, u t i l i t i e s , and overhead for
The nominal processing capacity i s 40 elements maintaining the plant when fuel is not being
a day for 225 days a year. Two parallel lines of processed, is estimated to be $115,000 a year.
equipment were provided for c m s h i n g , fluidized- Additional labor and overhead c o s t s when fuel

T a b l e 1.17. C a p i t a l - C o s t Estimate for H T G R Head-End F a c i l i t y

Item Cost

Building and s e r v i c e s $ 550,000

Building equipment 130,000
Cell structure 1,295,000
Cell s e r v i c e s 565,000
Cell equipment 247,000
P r o c e s s equipment 1,098,000
P r o c e s s piping 906,000
P r o c e s s and radiation instrumentation 350,000
Outside equipment 346,000
Site improvements 50,000
Utilities 85,000

Subtotal $5,622,000

Engineering and inspection (20%) $1,124,000

Subtotal $6,746,000

Contingency (25%) $1,687,000

Subtotal $8,433,000

Interest during construction, startup c o s t s , and working c a p i t a l $ 607,000

Total $9,040,000

Installed c o s t , including contractor's overhead and profit.


is being processed are estimated at $350 a day. waste disposal, e t c . , were not estimated separately
The cost of oxygen and alumina is estimated at s i n c e they were considered to be a part of the
$846 a day for one burner line, or $1020 for two normal solvent extraction c o s t s . The c o s t s of
l i n e s . The lower unit cost for two lines is the t h e s e items should be nearly the same a s those
result of lower oxygen c o s t s at the high usage for standard metal-clad oxide fuel on an equivalent
r a t e s . The c o s t s of nitric acid, other c h e m i c a l s . throughput b a s i s .
2. Fluoride Volatility Processing

The investigation of fluoride-volatility p r o c e s s e s Building 3019. Laboratory- and b e n c h - s c a l e studies

at ORNL i s part of an intersite program to develop in support of the program will also be conducted.
an alternative to aqueous methods for the recovery F i r s t priority will b e given to the p r o c e s s using
of values from spent nuclear reactor fuels. Fluo- anhydrous gaseous HCl for removing Zircaloy
ride-volatility methods effectively separate uranium cladding. T h e use of H F - 0 for removing s t a i n l e s s
(and plutonium, when present) from fission products s t e e l and Zircaloy claddings will be studied in
by formation of the highly volatile UFg and P u F g . that order if smaller-scale t e s t s now in progress
Studies here have ranged from laboratory-scale to show that the methods based on the use of H F - 0
pilot-plant demonstrations with irradiated fuel are feasible. The development work for the fluo-
elements. ride volatility fluidized-bed method has been per-
The development of fluoride-volatility methods at formed mostly at Argonne National Laboratory
ORNL is presently in transition between the u s e (particularly the work with HCl), with l e s s e r
of molten-salt and fluidized-bed methods. Previ- amounts at Brookhaven, ORNL, and the Oak Ridge
ously, emphasis was on (1) processing molten-salt Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
reactor fuels or metallic fuels that had been dis-
solved in molten salt, and (2) on the u s e of solid T h e p o s s i b l e advantages of fluoride-volatility
sorbents for removing volatile fission product p r o c e s s e s over aqueous methods are a s follows:
fluorides from the UF produced by the reaction (1) Chopping of the fuel rods from power reactors
of fluorine with the U F ^ in the melt. Specifically, will probably not be necessary. (2) Radiation
p r o c e s s e s were developed for recovering highly damage to reagents will not be a problem when
enriched uranium from the molten salt used in the processing short-decayed fuel. (3) Problems of
Aircraft Reactor Experiment, from zirconium-clad nuclear safety are l e s s severe. (4) Fewer process-
alloys of zirconium and uranium, and, most recently, ing s t e p s are required. (5) Highly radioactive
from aluminum-clad alloys of aluminum and ura- waste from fluoride-volatility processing i s dry and
nium. Work on molten-salt methods was terminated highly concentrated.
with the successful demonstration in the Volatility
Fluidized-bed methods for processing low-enrich-
Pilot Plant of the recovery of uranium from alu-
ment UO power-reactor fuels appear more promis-
minum-base fuel elements. One exception i s a few
ing than molten-salt methods b e c a u s e of the ex-
more s t u d i e s of the removal of plutonium (and
c e s s i v e corrosion of the reaction v e s s e l expected
probably protactinium) from droplets of molten s a l t
while plutonium i s being fluorinated from a bath
falling through a fluorine atmosphere.
of molten salt. Use of a spray tower or frozen-wall
Work on the newly emphasized fluidized-bed reactor would l e s s e n this corrosion, but the s t a t e
methods begun during this reporting period was of development of both t h e s e methods i s consider-
prompted by the announced AEC goal of having a ably l e s s advanced than the fluidized-bed approach.
fluoride-volatility technology for low-enrichment
fuel reprocessing completely developed through Sections 2 . 1 , 2.2, 2.3, and 2.12 are concerned
" c o l d " engineering, " c o l d " semiworks, and " h o t " with molten-salt methods; s e c t i o n s 2.4, 2.5, and
pilot-plant programs by July 1, 1969. Our principal 2.11 are specific to fluidized-bed work, and the
contribution will be the installation and operation other s e c t i o n s deal with problems related to
of a pilot plant in several of the shielded cells of fluoride-volatility methods in general.


2.1 MOLTEN-SALT PROCESSING OF absorber are disposed of by discharge into the

URANIUM-ALUMINUM ALLOY FUEL molten fluorides from which the uranium has been
volatilized. The effect on liquidus temperatures
Aluminum-base fuels are a major portion of the of NaF addition to molten KF-ZrF - A l F , was de-
4 3
anticipated processing load from reactors fueled
termined to ascertain how much NaF could be dis-
with enriched uranium. Since the anticipated
posed of in this way.
volume of zirconium-base fuels i s too small to
The System KF-ZrF .-AlF,: Refinement of Phase-
justify a plant for processing t h e s e fuels alone,
Equilibrium Diagram. — Liquidus temperatures in a
the molten-salt fluoride-volatility process previ-
portion of the KF-ZrF .-AlF system were redeter-
ously developed for zirconium-base f u e l s ' was
mined. Very pure materials are required for such
adapted to the processing of uranium-aluminum
measurements, partly b e c a u s e the visual determina-
alloy fuel. Laboratory development and engineering
tion of the liquidus point of the melt depends on
studies of the molten-salt fluoride-volatility proc-
the appearance of a precipitate, and partly b e c a u s e
e s s for aluminum-base fuels have been reported.^'''
some impurities markedly change the liquidus
T h i s section describes additional laboratory de-
temperature. For example, near K F - Z r F , oxides
velopment and pilot-plant processing of fuel that
in concentrations up to 0.25 mole % i n c r e a s e the
had cooled for only a short time.
liquidus temperature about 5°C for every 0.01%
Development work directed toward adaptation of
oxygen (as oxide). The pure materials required
the molten-salt fluoride-volatility process to alu-
for measurements of liquidus temperatures were
minum-base fuels has been completed. Liquidus
obtained by subliming ZrF and AlF and by dis-
temperatures for the system KF-ZrF -AlF have
tilling KF from a melt with 2.3 mole % U F ^ . ^
been more precisely defined in the composition
A phase diagram of the system KF-ZrF -AlF
ranges in which melting difficulties had been
had been published previously.* B e c a u s e of dif-
encountered. Composition and temperature limita-
ficulties in keeping salt molten in the pilot plant,
tions were determined for discharging NaF into
additional data were obtained to more precisely
waste salt.
define the 550 and 600°C isotherms (Fig. 2.1).
Pilot-plant t e s t s included the processing of
"dummy" aluminum elements and of irradiated fuel *R. E. Thoma, B . J . Sturm, and E , H. Guinn, Molten-
Salt Solvents for Fluoride-Volatility Processing of
that had been cooled for as short a time as four Aluminum-Matrix Nuclear Fuel Elements, ORNL-3594
weeks. T h e pilot plant i s being decontaminated (August 1964).
in preparation for corrosion evaluation and dis- ^Chem, Technol. Div, Ann, Progr. Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 4 0 .

ORNL-DWG 65-2601
Investigation of Phase Equilibria

In pilot-plant experiments, solidification and pre-

cipitation were encountered with salt mixes that
presumably should have been molten. To l e s s e n
this difficulty, more precise liquidus values were
obtained for KF-ZrF - A l F , melts with composi-
tional ratios of pilot-plant interest.
At one stage of the molten-salt fluoride-volatility
p r o c e s s , waste NaF pellets from the movable-bed

^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, 1964,

ORNL-3627, p. 29.
^Ibid., p. 40.
^M. R. Bennett et al., " F u s e d - S a l t Fluoride-Volatility
P r o c e s s for Recovering Uranium from Spent Aluminum-
B a s e d F u e l E l e m e n t s , " Ind, Eng. Chem,, Process
Design Develop, (in p r e s s ) .
Fig. 2.1. Portion of K F - Z r F . - A l F , Phase Diagram.
''work performed by B . J . Sturm and R. E . Thoma,
Reactor Chemistry Division. C o m p o s i t i o n s in mole %.

Even though the shift from earlier data was slight ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 0 9
from the standpoint of composition, changes in
liquidus temperatures were significant. The pre- NaF ADDED TO.
c i s e location of point A was important b e c a u s e X 5 2 . 0 K F - 3 1 . 0 Z r F 4 - 1 7 . 0 AIF3
with increasing KF concentration the liquidus O 51 2 K F - 2 3 . 3 Z r F 4 - 2 5 . 5 AIF3
temperature r i s e s very steeply to the K ZrF _-
K A l F , join. B e c a u s e of the resemblance of struc-
tures of cubic K A l F , [isostructural with
(NH^)3AlFg] and K j Z r F ^ [isostructural with
(NH ) Z r F _ ] , ^ considerable solid solution e x i s t s
along this join.
Based on earlier data, we had thought that the
desirable procedure was to operate along the line 3
AB. In light of the new data, which show a sharper
temperature rise near A and l e s s room for aluminum
addition between A and B, starting with about
64-36 mole % KF-ZrF i s obviously preferable. 600
Effects of NaF on KF-ZrF^-AJFj Melts. - Sodium
fluoride was added to KF-ZrF - A l F , melts to de-
4 3
termine i t s effect on liquidus temperatures. While
this study served as part of the search for a lower-
melting solvent, capable of dissolving more AlF ,
i t s principal purpose was to determine the effect
of adding a part of the NaF in the movable-bed
absorber to the fluorinator. T h e compositions 20
chosen for the study, 52.0-31.0-17.0 and 51.2-23.3- NaF (mole 7o
25.5 mole % KF-ZrF -AlF , were approximately
those obtained at the end of the volatility process Fig. 2.2. Liquidus Temperatures at Various NaF
by, respectively, a single-step dissolution of Concentrations in K F - Z r F , - A l F , , Showing the Effect of
aluminum in 62.5-37.5 mole % KF-ZrF^ solvent N a F Discharge into V o l a t i l i t y Pilot Plant Waste Salt.
and a two-step dissolution with additional KF
provided for the second step. T h e melts were
found to dissolve substantial amounts of NaF at nonirradiated simulated fuel and with highly burned
600°C, the process temperature (Fig. 2.2). The fuel elements. The program culminated in the
liquidus temperatures were lowered to about 500°C successful processing of highly enriched fuel,
at NaF concentrations of 10 and 13 mole % for 26% burned, after only 25 days cooling. (The
the respective solvents. They were raised to amount burned i s the percentage of ^ ^ ' u fissioned.)
600°C at 17 and 20 mole % respectively. Description of Process for Uranium-Aluminum
Alloy Fuel as Studied in the Pilot Plant. - T h e
Pilot-Plant Processing of Short-Cooled process used in the pilot plant for recovering
Uranium-Aluminum Alloy Fuel uranium from aluminum-base fuels was e s s e n t i a l l y
the same a s that used earlier for zirconium-base
P r o c e s s development in the pilot plant was the fuels. Since that p r o c e s s was described last
final phase of the ORNL program to adapt the year, ^ this report will only briefly outline most of
molten-salt fluoride-volatility p r o c e s s to aluminum- the process; changes will be described in detail.
b a s e fuels. Both the process and equipment were The flowsheet showing equipment and flow pat-
e s s e n t i a l l y those used in the earlier zirconium terns that were used for processing uranium-alumi-
program. Pilot-plant s t u d i e s were carried out with num alloy fuel elements i s shown in F i g . 2.3.

R. W. G. Wyckoff, Crystal Structures, vol. II, c h a p . '^Chem. Technol, Div, Ann, Progr, Rept. May 31, 1964,
IX, p. 3 1 , I n t e r s c i e n c e , New York, 1951. ORNL-3627, p. 30.
ORNL LR DWG 5 5 2 3 6 R 6 A R


FOR S C R U B B E R — — ^ ' " y ^ '

. T ^ — - • IT

• • — F2




Fig. 2.3. Process Flow Diagram of V o l a t i l i t y Pilot P l a n t .


This flowsheet encompasses the dissolution of but allowed some of the remaining contaminants to
fuel elements in a molten fluoride salt, fluorination flow out into the off-gas system.
to separate the uranium (as UF ) from the salt One of the contaminants discharged to the off-
and from most of the fission products, and further gas system was T e F , so a tellurium trap was
purification and recovery of the UF . T h e s e s t e p s installed in the off-gas line downstream from the
are described below in the same order. fluorine scrubber. The trap consisted of nickel
Fuel atid Salt Charging. — F u e l elements, such mesh heated to 400°C, a gas cooler, and an
a s ORR a s s e m b l i e s , were lowered into the dis- activated-charcoal bed near ambient temperatures
solver and then covered with a molten fluoride ( l e s s than 50°C). Although appreciable amounts
salt at about 600°C. [The composition of the salt, of tellurium were trapped, a significant fraction
either KF-ZrF or KF-ZrF -AlF j , may be any point was carried through to the off-gas s t a c k . Some of
within the 600°C isotherm (Fig. 2.1) provided that the tellurium was released after evolution from the
it permits the desired aluminum dissolution without fluorinator had c e a s e d ; thus, the trap extended the
causing the liquidus temperature to exceed 550°C.] r e l e a s e time of tellurium to the atmosphere.
One convenient salt mixture was 64-36 mole % After fluorination and sorption were completed,
KF-ZrF , made by melting commercial K . Z r F the entire movable-bed absorber was heated to
and Z r F , . When this mixture was added as a 400°C. The U F ^ was desorbed, p a s s e d through
liquid to the heel remaining from the preceding a bed of MgF pellets for removal of technetium
run, the resulting salt had a low enough liquidus and neptunium, and condensed a s a solid in cold
temperature to operate a " s a f e d i s t a n c e " above traps.
the liquidus temperature and below the melting
Results of Pilot-Plant Runs. — T h e aluminum
point of aluminum (about 655°C).
processing program in the pilot plant included ten
Fuel Dissolution. — The metallic fuel p l a t e s dissolution runs, ten uranium fluorinations, and
were dissolved by sparging anhydrous HF through eight desorptions. The dissolution runs, in chron-
the melt at about 600°C (575°C in two runs, to ological order, were: two dummy dissolutions
620°C in run) converting the metal to AlF^ and (aluminum only), three dummy dissolutions spiked
UF . Sparging rates have ranged from 20 to 130 with UF , four runs with irradiated fuel, and a
g/min, but were generally about 100 g/min. Times dummy run for cleanout. Fluorinations and de-
required for complete dissolution ranged from 11 sorptions started with the first spiked run; but in
to 29 hr. After dissolution was complete, the salt the second and third hot runs, the salt was fluo-
was transferred to the fluorinator for uranium re- rinated in two b a t c h e s . Since the runs with non-
moval. irradiated material served primarily to establish
Uranium Fluorination. — Salt was held in the system operability, data are presented below only
fluorinator at 30 to 50°C above i t s highest meas- for the four hot runs.
ured transition temperature; the temperature of the Fuels Processed. — Two fuel elements from the
last five fluorinations was 550°C. Fluorine contact Low-Intensity T e s t Reactor were processed in the
for about l \ hr converted the U F ^ to U F ^ . The first hot run, RA-1; the burnup amounted to 24%,
volatile UF., entered the movable-bed absorber, and the elements had cooled for about 1 \ years.
leaving most of the fission products in the salt. There were two Oak Ridge Reactor (ORR) elements
Product Purification and Recovery. — The UFg in each of the next two runs; RA-2 fuel was 31%
leaving the fluorinator was further purified in a burned and had cooled for six months, and RA-3
sorption-desorption cycle. T h i s resulted in the fuel was 28% burned and had cooled for 80 days.
discharge of some contaminants to the off-gas Only one ORR element was processed in RA-4;
system, retention of some on MgF^ p e l l e t s , and this element was 28% burned and was processed
return of the remaining ones to the waste s a l t . after only 25 days of cooling.
Most of this purification was done in the movable- Uranium Losses. — After the six fluorinations,
bed absorber, which was filled with NaF p e l l e t s . the uranium remaining in the salt ranged from l e s s
The pellets in the first section, at 400°C, retained than 0.1 to 8.7 ppm. T h e s e l o s s e s , added to other
some of the fission and corrosion products but l o s s e s , resulted in nonrecoverable uranium l o s s e s
allowed the UF to p a s s through. In the next for the four runs of 0.1, 0.8, 0.9, and 0.5% of the
section, held at 150°C, the NaF sorbed the U F ^ uranium charged in the individual runs.

Table 2 . 1 . O v e r - A l l Decontamination Factors in V o l a t i l i t y P i l o t P l a n t Aluminum Program"

Nonvolatile Isotopes Volatile Isotopes
Run. Time
No. Sr" 95 9 5, 99, 131
(days) 'Cs "Ba 'Ce Zr Nb Mo Ru Sb Te°

RA-1 ~570 6X10' >4xl0' >2xlo' >9 x l o ' 1x10* Sxio'*

RA-2 175 SXIO* 2 Xl o ' >4 x 1 0 ' ° >3 x l o ' >2 x l o ' 6x10*' >1 x l o '

RA-3 80 >4X10' 4X10' >1 X l o ' >2 x 10* >6 X l O ' >4 X l o ' >7 X l o ' 2 x lo' 1x10* 7xl0' >2xia*

RA-4 25 5X10* ixio' 2x10^ >9 x l o ' 1 x lo' 5 x lo' 1x lo' 36 >6xl0* 1x lo' 6x10* 4X10*

Decontamination factor i s defined a s the ratio of quantity of nuclide in fuel per gram of uranium to quantity m product per gram of uranium.

' ^ ' S r and " S r .



Decontamination Factors. — F i s s i o n product de- and the analytical results appeared quite reason-
contamination factors ( D F ' s ) are shown in Table able. Most of the cationic contaminants, including
2.1. T h e D F ' s are satisfactory with the exception Cr, Cu, F e , Ni, and Zr, were present to the extent
of those for antimony and 67-hr " M O in RA-4. of l e s s than 50 parts of cation per million parts
Generally speaking, the D F ' s listed for the first of uranium. Boron content w a s 75 ppm, and potas-
three runs are about one order of magnitude lower sium was about 500. Three others were present
than those achieved in the zirconium program. We in macro quantities; approximate values were: Mo,
believe that this i s due, at least in part, to fluo- 0.1%; Al, 0.3%; and Na, 1%. Molybdenum content
rinating at 550°C rather than at 500. T h e reduced of the product w a s dependent on conditions of
D F ' s in RA-4 may b e due to one or more of t h e operation of the movable-bed absorber. Either the
following factors: First, if the sintered-metal temperature during absorption should have been
filter just upstream of the product cylinder had increased slightly or the bed should have been held
failed, N a F fines could have carried fission prod- at 150°C for a longer time before desorption w a s
ucts into the UF cylinder. Second, in RA-4, the started. T h e high sodium content led u s to s u s p e c t
additional HF sparge at t h e end of dissolution was that the sintered-metal filter had failed, allowing
shortened, and a higher percentage of t h e fission NaF fines to b e carried through. The high alumi-
products may have reached t h e fluorinator. Finally, num content h a s not yet been explained.
and this factor seems most significant, discharge Release of Radiation Emitters to the Atmos-
of NaF from t h e movable-bed absorber may have phere. — Some radioactivity was released through
been insufficient. In the aluminum program, 3.8 kg the stack to the atmosphere during t h e hot runs.
of NaF (about 11% of the bed) w a s discharged each Rare g a s e s were released during dissolution but
run, compared with about 6.5 kg in t h e zirconium constituted only a fraction of the maximum permis-
program. Insufficient bed discharge would result sible concentration (MPC) at ground level. T h e
in an upward migration and eventual breakthrough only other detectable r e l e a s e s occurred at the
of some fission products. time of fluorination. In RA-4, the total '"^Ru
r e l e a s e was l e s s than 3 mc, and t h e total ^^H was
Cationic Contaminants. — Cationic contamination l e s s than 10 mc. T h e total tellurium r e l e a s e w a s
of the UF product was higher than desirable. about 20 curies; of t h i s , 6 curies was 78-hr ' ^ ^ T e ,
Analyses from individual runs (and even from mul- which decays to 2.3-hr '^^I and to stable xenon.
tiple samples from the product of a single run) Again, the ground-level radioactivity during the
were too inconsistent for valid interpretation. release w a s only a fraction of t h e MPC.
After the products from all hot runs were combined Personnel Exposure to Radiation. — Radiation
for shipment, the composite product was sampled. exposure was watched closely to determine t h e

effectiveness of personnel-exposure control during in the u s e of a high uranium concentration in the

the processing of short-cooled fuel. Even during melt to act a s a fluorine carrier, an approach
the " h o t t e s t " run, exposures were reasonable and, studied during this reporting period.
with one exception, were within the maximum limits Previous work showed that more than 99% of the
for routine radiation exposure. T h i s exception P u F , could b e volatilized from molten fluoride
arose from the need for immediate handling of the o

product cylinder, principally for sampling. Radio- s a l t s in 20 to 30 hr. The use of s a l t s having a
activity from the RA-4 product cylinder was high high initial concentration of uranium ( a s UF ) was
(about 50 r/hr at contact), due primarily to 67-hr studied a s a way of increasing the rate of evolution
' % o and 6.75-day ^^^U. As a result, the operator of P u F , . At an initial uranium concentration in
handling the product cylinder at the time of the the melt of about 25%, the percentage of P u F
run received an accumulated d o s e of 150 millirads volatilized in 1 hr increased to about 32%, com-
during the week of the run. No other operator re-
pared with about 15% volatilized in an hour in an
ceived 100 for the week.
earlier t e s t with no uranium present. These
Corrosion. — Corrosion data from laboratory- and results were not good enough to warrant further
engineering-scale studies have been reported.^ work.
Measurements of corrosion in the pilot plant have
been started. F i r s t preliminary results [l36 thick- Volatilization Rate and Equilibrium Constant
n e s s readings (ultrasonic meter)] indicate that Generally Increased as Initial UF Content
dissolver corrosion during the aluminum program was Raised
averaged 5 mils; if corrosion during decontamina-
tion i s ignored, this i s equivalent to about ]/ mil Apparatus and Operation. — The t e s t s were made
per dissolution. A few readings a s high as 30 mils in nickel reactors, each 8 in. high by 1 in. in outer
are believed to indicate total depth of p i t s . diameter, containing 50 g of L i F - N a F - Z r F (31-
24-45 mole %) and about 1 g of plutonium added
a s P u F . In a s e r i e s of five 1-hr fluorination
2.2 VOLATILIZATION OF PuF^ FROM MOLTEN t e s t s , the uranium concentration in each t e s t was
SALTS CONTAINING HIGH CONCENTRATIONS adjusted by adding U F ^ to the extent of about 5,
OF URANIUM 10, 15, 20, and 25 wt %. All t e s t s were made at
600°C, with a fluorine flow rate of 100 ml/min
One of the key operations in the fluoride-volatil- (STP). R e s u l t s of the t e s t s (Table 2.2) show a
ity process i s the recovery of plutonium as the significant i n c r e a s e in the P u F volatilization rate
hexafluoride. However, P u F ^ is not easily vola- and corresponding equilibrium constant K (K is the
tilized from the molten fluoride by direct fluorina- ratio of moles of plutonium in the gas p h a s e di-
tion. One method for achieving this may consist vided by the moles of plutonium in the salt phase).

T a b l e 2.2. Effect of Uranium Concentration on Rate of V o l a t i l i z a t i o n of P u F ^ from Molten

L i F - N a F - Z r F ^ (31-24-45 Mole %) at 6 0 0 " C

Uranium in Salt Plutonium in Salt

PuF, Half-Time Equilibrium
Test (wt %) (ppir 0 D

Volatilized (hr) Constant, K

Initial Final Initial Final (%)

1 4.74 0.0004 1140 972 14.8 4.4 0.32

2 9.19 0.0015 1060 854 19.1 3.3 0.43

3 14.8 0.130 805 607 23.3 2.6 0.69

4 19.4 0.125 627 576 8.2 8.1 0.20

5 24.5 0.25 805 553 31.6 1.8 0.94


T h e cause for the erratic results in test 4 i s un- blends. R e s u l t s clearly indicate that this approach
known, but it does not appear to signify any to recovering the uranium can lead to much faster
change in the general trend of the data. The ef- removal than that provided by bubbling fluorine
fective half-time of 4.4 hr at about 5 wt % initial through a pool of the molten fluorides.
uranium i s comparable with values obtained in
With respect to the volatilization of plutonium by
t e s t s where the uranium concentration varied be-
fluorinating falling droplets of fluoride melts, five
tween zero and 0.5 wt %. At about 25 wt % uranium
laboratory experiments were made. The results
(Table 2.2), this value was reduced to l e s s than
led to the conclusion that a spray-fluorination
process for plutonium recovery i s chemically feas-
ible. Most of the plutonium work i s now complete
2.3 RECOVERY OF PLUTONIUM AND URANIUM and will be discontinued after a few more experi-
FROM FALLING MOLTEN-SALT DROPLETS ments with the low-plutonium-content salt. A few
AND FROM BEDS OF SOLID PARTICLES similar experiments with protactinium will be per-
BY FLUORINATION formed in the near future.

To study the possibility of volatilizing fissile

A laboratory investigation of the fluorination of
material by fluorinating b e d s of powdered fluorides,
UF^ and P u F ^ from falling droplets of molten fluo-
five laboratory-scale fluorinations were made.
ride was made to determine the feasibility of a
Although this approach results in much l e s s cor-
falling-drop tower.
rosion, the salt sinters at the operating tempera-
With this method, the rate of corrosion of the
ture. For this and other reasons the method had
contactor should be l e s s than that for a fluorinator
little to recommend it, and the work was terminated.
operated batchwise with the salt phase continuous.
The possible recovery of uranium from fluoride
salt by fluorination of solid salt particles was also Volatilization of Uranium from Falling Droplets
investigated in the laboratory. Compared with
bubbling fluorine through molten fluoride, this The t e s t s to study the volatilization of uranium
method also would be much l e s s corrosive to the from falling droplets of molten salt used the equip-
container. ment described last year. ' In this equipment, the
Data on uranium volatilization from falling drop- fluorination zone was 3 in. in diameter and a max-
l e t s of molten salt have been extended from the imum of 56 in. high. T h e s e additional t e s t s ex-
work reported p r e v i o u s l y ' to include five salt tended the previous information to cover the s a l t
compositions given in Table 2.3.
Chem. Technol, Div. Ann. Progr, Rept, May 31, 1964,
A correlation equation that fits the data for all
ORNL-3627, pp. 6 1 - 6 4 . five s a l t s , with appropriate changes in constants.

T a b l e 2.3. Correlation Equation Constants for Five Salt Blends

Salt Composition
(mole %) Weight Fraction Initial Liquidus Temperature
Log k
Uranium (°C)
NaF LiF ZrF, UF,

X 10

31.7 31.7 31.7 5 0.132 455 15.78 1.45

48.75 48.75 2.5 0.0542 510 21.58 2.84

48.0 48.0 4 0.0843 515 21.58 2.84

45.5 45.5 9 0.1733 550 28.79 4.35

37.4 56.1 6.5 0.119 630 40.25 7.16


h a s been developed. The equation follows, and t h e droplets are 200 fj. or l e s s in diameter. The
the values of the constants are also listed in temperature must b e about 600°C and the fluorina-
Table 2.3: tion column 5 to 6 ft long.

1 1 kt Volatilization of Plutonium from Falling Droplets

D^ The plutonium falling-drop fluorination t e s t s were
identical to the uranium t e s t s except that glove
where boxes enclosed the top and bottom of the fluorina-
D = droplet diameter, fi, tion column and the fluorination section was only
52 in. long and 3 in. in diameter. Table 2.4 sum-
T = fluorination temperature, °K,
marizes the results of five falling-drop fluorina-
t = fluorination time, s e c , tions of s a l t s 50-50 mole % in NaF and Z r F ^ ,
C o,u = original uranium concentration,' wt fraction,' containing either 2.58 or 0.026 mg of plutonium,
a s P u F , per gram of salt. Note that plutonium
C = final uranium concentration, wt fraction,
removals are much l e s s dependent on fluorination
a.,k = empirical c o n s t a n t s . temperature and drop diameter than are uranium
All data indicate that a spray-fluorination proc- removals. Also, the fraction of the plutonium
e s s for recovering uranium from molten fluoride removed i s independent of the initial plutonium
salt can remove more than 99% of the uranium when concentration.

T a b l e 2.4. Results of Fluorination of Plutonium from F a l l i n g Droplets of Molten Salt

Initial salt: 50-50 mole % N a F - Z r F , -I- P u F

4 3

Average Run Plutoniu m Concentration

Plutonium Fluorination
Temperature Sire Range (mg/g) Removal Time
(°C) Initial Final (%) (sec)

506 63-88 2.58 1.232 52.2 7.3

88-105 1,45 43.8 4.5
105-12 5 1.58 38.7 3.2
125-149 1.09 57.8 2.2
149-177 1.34 48.2 1.6

543 53-63 2.58 0.79 69.5 12.4

63-88 1.19 53.8 7.3
88-105 1.56 39.3 4.5
105-125 2.04 21.0 3.2

609 53-63 2.58 0.45 82.7 12.4

63-88 0.50 80.4 7.3
105-125 0.93 64.0 3.2
125-149 1.06 58.8 2.2

640 53-63 2.58 0.33 87.4 12.4

63-88 0.32 87.6 7.3
88-105 0.39 85.0 4.5
105-125 0.48 81.3 3.2

624 63-88 0.026 0.0156 40.0 7.3

88-105 0.0055 79.0 4.5
105-125 0.0088 66.0 3.2

The plutonium-volatilization data were s u c c e s s - ORNL DWG 65 9710

fully correlated by u s e of an equation developed
by Skelland and Wellek'" for spray extraction:
dC A
— = -k.-C ,
dt dV 60

where k, is calculated from the Sherwood number,

C = average plutonium concentration in the drop- TESTS WITH EQUIMOLAR NaF ZrF^ AT INITIAL
let, mg/g, or any convenient units, 3 20 Pu CONTENTS ( m q / q of s o l t )
O 2 58
A = droplet surface area, cm ^, A 0 026
\ [ i I L^__
V = droplet volume, cm^, and 500 550 600 650
t - fluorination time, s e c
The diffusion coefficients used in the Sherwood Fig. 2.4. V o l a t i l i z a t i o n of Plutonium from 97-/:i Drops
number were estimated by the Stokes-Einstein of Molten NaF-ZrF. Falling Through a 52-in.-High
e q u a t i o n . ' ' All other required data are from Cohen Fluorination Column.
A typical plot of the experimental data vs the Volatilization of Uranium from Static Beds of
equation-predicted line is shown m F i g . 2.4. From Solid Particles
this plot we can calculate the length of column
required to volatilize more than 99% of the plutonium The particles for use in the solid-salt fluori-
from a drop 97 ^ in diameter. At 650°C, a column nations were first formed by feeding pulverized,
20 ft long IS required. Although this is a much sieved salt through a helium-filled tower heated
longer column than would be required for similar above the liquidus temperature of the s a l t . The
uranium volatilization, it still is a practical length molten droplets were then frozen, collected, and
for a production-scale plant. resieved for use in t e s t s of the idea that uranium
could be volatilized from beds of solid p a r t i c l e s .
The fluorinations were conducted in V-in.-OD
A. H. P . Skelland and R. M. Wellek, A.I.Ch.E, J,
10, 491 (1964). nickel U-tubes.
The results of the five fluorinations are given in
^^R. B . Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E . N. Lightfoot,
Transport Phenomena, p. 514, Wiley, New York, 1960. Table 2.5 and indicate that very good uranium
' ^ S . I. Cohen, W. D. P o w e r s , and N. D. Greene, A removals are possible m 2 to 5 hr. Unfortunately,
Physical Property Summary for ANP Fluoride Mixtures, each time that good uranium removal was attained,
ORNL-2150 (Aug. 2 3 , 1956).
the powder sintered into a hard, porous m a s s .

Table 2.5. Results of Static-Bed Fluorinations

Initial s a l t 8.4 wt 7o uranium, as U F , in 50-50 mole % N a F - Z r F

Fluorination Size Range Uranium

Time Condition of Salt
Temperature of P a r t i c l e Removed
(hr) After Run
(°C) (M) (%)

400 105-125 2.0 Nil Free flowing

452 53-63 2.0 98.5 Sintered

473 63-88 3.0 98.2 Sintered

474 125-149 2.0 99.1 Sintered

480 63-88 5.0 99.3 Sintered


2.4 FLUIDIZED-BED VOLATILITY PROCESS Stainless-steel-clad fuel will be treated with

DEVELOPMENT FOR STAINLESS-STEEL- HF-O^ at about 600°C to convert the cladding to
AND ZIRCALOY-CLAD UOj FUELS the oxides of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l .
Pulverization of the UO2 fuel previously declad
This study is intended to complement chemical- with HCl can be accomplished by reaction with
process development work being done at Argonne oxygen to form U 0 and PuO , or H F - 0 can be
and Brookhaven National Laboratories on a used to form U F ^ , P u F ^ , and UO^F^. When HF-O^
fluidized-bed method of recovering uranium and is used for removing either zirconium or s t a i n l e s s
plutonium from zircaloy- or s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d , s t e e l cladding, pulverization is done by continued
low-enrichment UO power-reactor fuels. Work at treatment with HF-O to again form U F , P u F ,
Argonne is primarily on the HCl process for and U O ^ F ^ .
zirconium-base fuels, while Brookhaven personnel The oxides or fluorides of uranium and plutonium
are concentrating on studying operational problems are then converted to the volatile hexafluorides by
related to the H F - 0 process at an engineering reaction with fluorine in the same fluidized bed of
s c a l e . While the intersite goal is the development alumina. The UF and P u F are subsequently
of the overall technology for the volatility collected in a cold trap. Methods for separating
processing of low-enrichment fuels, ORNL's and purifying the two products are still tentative.
principal contribution will be a pilot-plant-scale The ANL reference flowsheet, dated January 1,
demonstration of the process with highly irradiated 1965, c a l l s for decomposing P u F to P u F at
fuels. T h e s e laboratory studies are specifically 350°C in the absence of fluorine, followed by
in support of the latter effort. distillation of the U F . Beds of NaF and MgF^
Bench-scale laboratory s t u d i e s of the proposed 6 2

fluidized-bed volatility process have been directed would be used for further purification.
mainly toward observing the important chemical The use of BrF is also being considered as a
effects and making small-scale process runs with way of separating the plutonium from the uranium
both uranium and plutonium present, in addition to early in the p r o c e s s . Gaseous BrF would react
cladding materials. Most of the preliminary work with uranium compounds to form U F without
has been carried out in a V,-in,-diam fluidized-bed reacting with the plutonium. The latter would be
unit whose s i z e is especially convenient for the removed by treatment with fluorine. Details of
plutonium t e s t s . Work on the H F - 0 decladding this process are being explored at ANL.
method for s t a i n l e s s s t e e l has been emphasized to
d a t e . Future work will extend to u s e of H F - 0 in Mini-Test Fluidized-Bed Unit
Zircaloy runs and to u s e of HCl a s a Zircaloy
decladding method. Also to be studied are factors A s m a l l - s c a l e , disposable fluidized-bed (mini-
affecting plutonium and uranium retention and bed t e s t ) unit c o n s i s t s simply of a specially machined
sintering or caking in the decladding-fluorination 30° cone bottom welded to V,-in.-OD nickel tubing
reactor. (Fig. 2.5), No disengaging section has been found
n e c e s s a r y with this unit if linear velocities of
0.75 f t / s e c or l e s s are employed. The normal
Description of Fluidized-Bed Volatility Processes
alumina bed loading is about 5 g. A principal
In fluidized-bed volatility p r o c e s s e s the de- advantage in its use is that the entire bed can be
cladding, oxidation, and pulverization are conducted taken a s a sample, thus avoiding the sampling
in a fluidized bed of alumina. The bed a c t s mainly uncertainties present in handling larger q u a n t i t i e s .
a s a medium for removing the heat derived from the
various chemical r e a c t i o n s .
Zircaloy-clad fuel will be treated with gaseous Oxidation of Zircaloy-2 by HF-O, Mixtures
HCl at about 400°C to convert the cladding to
volatile ZrCl , or the cladding will be oxidized to Boat t e s t s with Zircaloy-2 specimens (wafers
ZrO^ by reaction with g a s e o u s HF-O^ at 600°C. 0,56 in. in diameter and 0,125 in, thick) gave
In the HCl c a s e , the ZrCl will be converted to oxidation rates of 32 to 41 mils/hr at 600°C with
ZrO by reaction with steam in a separate fluidized 40% H F - O ^ , At 650°C the rate decreased to 18
bed of alumina or sand. m i l s / h r . At 600°C with 67% H F - 0 the rate was

PHOTO 6 9 5 6 0
t e s t s indicated a much greater degree of degradation
of the s t a i n l e s s s t e e l oxides than of the ZrO^.

Uranium Volatilization Tests in Mini-Test Unit

Preliminary results with the mini-test fluidized-

bed unit indicate that some loss of fluidization
occurs at UO concentrations in the alumina bed
(Norton RR, 90 to 120 grade) of only 10%. This
effect is promoted by having present an equal
weight of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l oxides formed by the
HF-0 decladding p r o c e s s . The effect is most
prevalent when 100% fluorine is introduced at
temperatures above 500°C; the effect can be
minimized by using a mixture of fluorine and
nitrogen (about 1% fluorine) for 15 to 30 min at the
beginning of a run in order to condition or convert
part of the oxide to the fluoride form.

Plutonium Volatilization in Mini-Test Unit

(tilM'>r'T*f't'l»l'Mt' fM'CI'l
1 2 3
T e s t s similar to the uranium runs were carried
out with PuO additions to alumina in the mini-test
fluidized-bed unit (Fig. 2.5). A s e r i e s of four 1-hr
Fig. 2,5. Miniature Fluidized-Bed Reactor, fluorination t e s t s were made using 5 g of alumina
(Norton RR, 120 mesh) and a fluidization gas
velocity of 0.5 fps. Starting with about 125 mg of
PuO in the bed (about 2% plutonium), the
retentions at temperatures of 450, 500, 550, and
33 mils/hr. X-ray-diffraction t e s t s on the product
600°C were, respectively, 0.4, 0.36, 4,5, and 48%
showed the presence of both ZrO and ZrOF , with
of the initial amount. Corresponding material
wet-chemical a n a l y s e s indicating a predominance
balances were 103, 101, 117, and 134%, A
of the latter. The product oxide or oxyfluoride
subsequent rerun of the 600°C t e s t , in which
seemed to have considerable strength, indicating
cross-contamination was indicated, gave a retention
that little breakup would occur in fluidized-bed
value of 18,8%. The noticeable increase in
plutonium retention on the bed with increasing
temperature indicates appreciable diffusion of
Form of "Stainless S t e e l " Oxides Resulting plutonium into the alumina particles at tempera-
from HF-O2 Decladding Step tures of about 550°C and above. Two additional
t e s t s at 550°C, in which the effect of time on
Analyses have indicated that the fluoride content plutonium retention was studied, indicated that
of type 304L s t a i n l e s s s t e e l oxide material, re- retention at that temperature reaches a relatively
sulting from HF-O^ treatment at 550 to 650°C, constant value and that removal of the plutonium
varies from 1 to 5%, dependent on the process time. is not limited by the amount of fluorine gas
The conversion from oxide to fluoride is relatively employed. The l o s s e s incurred in t e s t s of 30-min
slow due to unfavorable thermodynamics rather and 2-hr duration were, respectively, 4.88 and
than to k i n e t i c s . The opposite is true when t h e s e 4.15%. Modifications of certain conditions, such
oxides are contacted with fluorine at 600°C. Here, as increasing the particle s i z e of the alumina from
rapid conversion and physical degradation occur 120 to 90 mesh and preconditioning the 120-mesh
along with volatilization of a large fraction of the alumina with fluorine at 500°C for 30 min prior to
chromium (60 to 80%). Comparative fluorination P u F volatilization, caused no significant changes

in plutonium retention compared with results of converted to ZrO by reaction with steam in a
previous t e s t s . In the first c a s e , with 90-mesh separate fluidized bed of alumina or s a n d . Fol-
alumina at 500°C for 1 hr, 0.40% of the plutonium lowing pulverization of the UO pellets by reaction
was retained. In the second, where preconditioning with oxygen (HF-O in the c a s e of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l ) ,
was employed, the retention was 0.56 wt %. the uranium and plutonium compounds will be
Further t e s t s of this type are planned to examine converted to their hexafluorides by reaction with
the many variables of interest in the proposed fluorine. The method for separating U F , P u F ,
fluidized-bed volatility pilot plant. T h e s e will and volatile fission products is not definite at
include the effect of uranium, cladding materials, present, but thermal decomposition of P u F to
and fission products on the completeness of solid P u F , followed by distillation of the U F
uranium and plutonium volatilization. Process and volatile fission product fluorides, is presently
variables, such a s grade of alumina, bed recycle, favored. A possibility e x i s t s that BrF vapor will
temperature, and flow conditions, will also be be used instead of fluorine to volatilize the
examined. uranium first. The plutonium would then be con-
verted to P u F by fluorine, (See Sect, 2,4 for more
details of the process.)

2.5 DESIGN OF A FLUIDIZED-BED PILOT The facility is sized to process a charge of

PLANT FOR ZIRCONIUM- AND STAINLESS- about 40 kg of UO and 200 g or more of plutonium,
STEEL-CLAD UO2 POWER-REACTOR depending on nuclear-safety limitations. The
FUELS primary reactor will be 8 in. in inner diameter and
about 12 ft high and will accommodate a fuel
A fluidized-bed fluoride-volatility pilot plant element 60 in. high with a 5.4-in. square cross
( F B V P P ) is being designed for installation in section.
Building 3019. The processing of both Zircaloy-
and s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d UO power-reactor fuels Process Engineering
will be studied in the facility at irradiation levels
up to about 15,000 Mwd/ton. Design studies are under way on fuel procure-
The primary goal of s u c h s t u d i e s will be to ment and handling, on safety measures for handling
obtain data needed in the design of a full-scale plutonium compounds, on the solution of accounta-
commercial plant. Some of the specific benefits bility problems expected in the facility, and on
to be derived include the following: a determi- methods for calculating the fission product and
nation of the behavior of actual fission products in transuranium-element content of the fuel to be
the process, particularly during the purification of p r o c e s s e d . The stoichiometry of the process h a s
plutonium; acquisition of experience in operating been coded in FORTRAN for calculation by a
and maintaining a fluidized-bed processing plant digital computer. A study is under way at BMI to
under conditions of intense radioactivity; and assemble and evaluate data available for predicting
demonstration of the safety of the fluidized-bed corrosion of major process equipment planned for
fluoride-volatility method. the pilot plant.
Design studies are under way, and a preliminary In addition to the preparation of the preliminary
flowsheet (combination process and engineering) flowsheet previously mentioned, equipment design
has been prepared (Fig. 2.6). Design of the major and layout studies are under way for the primary
equipment items required in the decladding and reactor (Fig. 2.7), its off-gas filter (Fig. 2.8), and
pulverization-fluorination phases h a s started. This the pyrohydrolyzer. This work is being done at
phase of the plant should be installed during the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant by their
calendar year 1966. Engineering Development Department and Plant
Engineering Division. Fuel-charging equipment i s
being designed and incorporated into the equipment
Process Description
layout, and an instrumentation flowsheet and
The Zircaloy cladding will be removed by reaction instrument requirements are being developed. The
with either HCl or H F - 0 ; the latter reagent is project will be scheduled by the critical-path
preferred for removing s t a i n l e s s s t e e l cladding. method; development of the network diagram is
The ZrCl formed in the Zr-HCl reaction will be under way.
ORNL- DWG 65-8201




Fig, 2,6. Process Flow Diagram of Fluidized-Bed V o l a t i l i t y Pilot Plant.


ORNL-DWG 65-8199



^8-in. SCHED-40 PIPE

COILS FOR - 2 0 X 8 - i n . ECCENTRIC


-8-in. SCHED-40 PIPE,

7 f t 10 in. LONG, NICKEL


F2 INLET ( T Y P I C A L ;




O2, HF-O2, ETC.

F i g . 2.7. Primary Reactor Proposed for FBVPP,


ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 8 2 0 0


2^/4 in. OD X 4 f t ^AlgOg
WifW :


Fig. 2.8. Main Filter for Off-Gas as Proposed from Primary Reactor and Pyrohydrolyzer (FBVPP),

Building Preparation range 100 to 360°C, and the desorption character-

i s t i c s at temperatures up to 500°C. The second
Modifications to improve the containment features part of the program, now under way, c o n s i s t s in
of the Building 3019 penthouse have been designed, further quantitative testing of the more promising
and craft work is about to begin. Air locks at sorbents over a broader temperature range under
entrances are being added, and cracks will be dynamic flow conditions.
s e a l e d to help increase the difference between Static Sorption and Desorption T e s t s , — The
atmospheric pressure and that inside the penthouse, equipment for the semiquantitative s t a t i c t e s t s
c o n s i s t e d of a 3-in.-diam, 15-in.-high reactor
connected to a vacuum pump and a source of
fluorine and nitrogen. The reactor was heated at
the bottom and top. In each t e s t , up to 21 sorbents
(2 mg each) were placed in 1-cm^ dishes arranged
The possibility e x i s t s that a sorption-desorption
and supported 10 in. from the bottom of the reactor.
method can be developed for P u F similar to the
The reactor was then s e a l e d , flushed with nitrogen,
method whereby UF is sorbed by and desorbed
from N a F . A program aimed at evaluating the and filled with fluorine. The bottom of the reactor
sorption and desorption of P u F with various was heated to 600°C for 30 min to convert the
materials in both s t a t i c and dynamic t e s t s is being P u F to the volatile P u F ; during this time the
carried out. sorbents reached a temperature of 360°C, The
Examination in s t a t i c t e s t s of 31 different in- temperature at the t e s t array was then reduced by
organic fluorides and alumina showed that ap- cooling (circulating water through coils about the
preciable P u F sorption occurs only with the reactor) to 125°C in about 30 min, at which temper-
alkali and alkaline-earth elements at temperatures ature the samples remained for 15 min. The e x c e s s
up to 360°C. This agrees generally with results P u F was removed by vacuum and flushing with
of dynamic t e s t s reported p r e v i o u s l y . ' ^ Attempts nitrogen. For t h e s e sorption s t u d i e s , the samples
at desorption at temperatures up to 500°C in the were removed at this point, and the plutonium
s t a t i c t e s t s were unsuccessful. Sodium fluoride at content of each was determined by gamma counting.
350°C was shown in dynamic t e s t s to be highly Calibration with alpha counting was obtained on a
effective in separating P u F from U F when sufficient number of samples to e s t a b l i s h the
sufficient e x c e s s fluorine was present to prevent reliability of the simpler gamma-counting method.
the formation of UF . However, desorption of the Metal a n a l y s i s was used in some c a s e s (KF, R b F ,
plutonium from the N a F does not appear feasible. C s F , and B e F ) to accurately ascertain the amount
The sorption results are not favorable to the of salt involved.
development of a process specifically aimed at For the desorption s t u d i e s , the same equipment
purifying P u F . While sorption of P u F by N a F and test materials were used, except that at the
(and possibly other group I and II elements) is end of the sorption s t e p the temperature of the
feasible, recovery would require aqueous leaching test array was raised to at l e a s t 500°C over a
or dissolution. T h u s , a sorption process could period of about 1 hr, during which, at 100°C
perhaps best be employed as a means of de- intervals, the gas was evacuated down to a pres-
contaminating UF from traces of plutonium. sure of about 1 mm Hg and then replaced with a
fresh atmosphere of fluorine. Cooling and sample
a n a l y s i s were the same a s before.
Exploratory Sorption Program
The sorbents were s e l e c t e d on the b a s i s of
The first part of the exploratory sorption program, availability, c o s t , and previous sorption d a t a . ' ^
which is completed, consisted in semiquantitatively Each sorbent was tested at l e a s t twice for sorption
examining in s t a t i c t e s t s the P u F sorption and desorption; when the data appeared incon-
characteristics of 31 s u b s t a n c e s in the temperature s i s t e n t , additional samples were t e s t e d . For none
of the t e s t materials did desorption appear to have
occurred; therefore, only sorption data appear in
13 Table 2.6. T h e s e data show that significant
Chem. Technol, Div, Ann, Progr. Rept. May 31, complex formation occurs with all the alkali-metal
1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 5 9 - 6 0 .

Table 2.6. Sorption of P u F , on 31 Metal Fluorides and Alumina

Ratio of w e i g h t s , P u / m e t a l fluoride or alumina

Metal Fl uorides^

Li 0.8 Be 1 Al 0.02 Sn 0.005 Cr 0.01 Mn 0.01 Fe 0.001

Na 1.4 Mg 0.03 In 0.01 Pb 0.005 Co 0.001

K 2.2 Ca 0.3 Tl 0.002 Ni 0.005

Rb 0.6 Sr 0.5

Cs 0.6 Ba 0.4 Sc 0.01 Zr 0.01

Y 0.05 Hf 0.015

Cu 0.005 Zn 0.005 Th 0.001

Ag 0.002 Cd 0.002 La 0.02

Ce 0.02



Categorized roughly according to periodic groups.

fluorides and all the alkaline-earth fluorides bed. By comparison, 99.91% of the P u F was
except MgF . For a few of the poorer sorbents, sorbed by NaF at 400°C, with nearly all of it in
cadmium, copper, and nickel, the plutonium content the first section.
appeared to increase after the "sorption s t e p , " A desorption t e s t was run with 148 mg of P u F
and reruns verified the data. T h e s e results are sorbed on a 2-g bed of N a F . P a s s a g e of fluorine
interpreted to mean that at the higher temperatures (150 ml/min) through this bed at 600°C for 2 hr
those sorbents more readily react with P u F . (The gave 'only a 0.32% desorption, a s measured by
PuF adsorbed during the desorption t e s t was trapping on a second N a F bed at 350°C. This
derived from the fluorination of previously deposited irreversibility was confirmed in a special s e t of
P u F or P u F in the upper part of the reactor and dynamic sorption runs where 10 mg of P u F was
from desorption from other samples.) passed through a 2-g NaF bed. At 100, 200, 300,
Dynamic Sorption and Desorption T e s t s . — In 400, 500, and 600°C the respective amounts of
dynamic t e s t s , the sorption capacity of N a F (porous plutonium not trapped were 1.4, 0 , 2 1 , 0,20, 0.07,
type, made from N a F ' H F ) relative to C a F was 0.05, and 0,04%, The trapping effectiveness of
demonstrated. P a s s i n g 135 mg of P u F in a large N a F under the conditions of this t e s t appeared
e x c e s s of fluorine through a 4-g C a F bed (12 to approximately constant in the 400 to 600°C range.
20 mesh) at 100°C resulted in sorption of only The separation of P u F ^ from UF^ was studied in
39%. The concentration of the trapped plutonium in
several t e s t s in which they were passed together
the four separate 1-g sections of this bed was
with e x c e s s fluorine through 2-g beds of N a F
quite uniform, confirming that the trapping efficiency
(12 to 20 mesh) held at 350°C. In three t e s t s ,
was low. In a similar t e s t with C a F but at a
2 starting with 0,5 g of 20% P u F ^ - U F ^ , the respective
higher temperature (400°C), 67% was sorbed and sorptions for P u F on the first bed were 99,7,
there was almost twice a s much plutonium trapped 99.9, and 99.72%. The corresponding l o s s e s of
in the first section as in the l a s t section of the uranium by cosorption were 0.24, 0.34, and 0.21%.

In all the high-temperature t e s t s with N a F , a Evaluation of Pellets Mode at Paducah Gaseous

blue-green coloration was observed after P u F had Diffusion Plant
been sorbed, possibly indicating autodecomposition
of the PuFg to P u F ^ , The difficulty of desorbing P e l l e t s prepared at Paducah during the early
plutonium is possibly related to stabilization of the s t a g e s of the study had satisfactory sorption
tetravalent s t a t e in a P u F -NaF complex. The c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , but lacked the structural stability
mechanism of P u F sorption probably involves n e c e s s a r y for repeated u s e in fixed-bed sorbers.
formation of a P u F -NaF stoichiometric complex, Preliminary t e s t s of sorption c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s and
followed by reduction to P u F , and the liberation structural stability were made with the gasometric
of fluorine. system described previously,^* With this system,
the quantity of UF^ sorbed by pellets exposed to
pure U F at a pressure of about 100 mm Hg and a
prescribed temperature was e a s i l y measured. The
pellets were exposed to three cycles of sorption-
2.7 SORPTION OF UF^ BY NaF desorption, and the intercyclic changes in sorption
characteristics were measured. Degradation of
In the fluoride-volatility p r o c e s s , fixed beds of pellet structure was observed at the end of the
NaF pellets are used for sorbing U F from a gas test.
stream that may also contain fluorides of corrosion
products, fission products, or both. Data on the Later, pellets were prepared by agglomeration of
rate of removal of UF from gas streams by fixed an NaF-powder—water mixture followed by drying
beds of N a F and data on changes in pellet at 250 to 350°C and sintering at 650 to 700°C.
characteristics after repeated sorption-desorption Preliminary t e s t s of t h e s e newer Paducah pellets
are necessary for design of sorber s y s t e m s . Also, indicated good sorption characteristics and struc-
knowledge of the sorption and desorption character- tural stability. In view of these r e s u l t s , more
i s t i c s of possible contaminants in the gas stream extensive t e s t s were made, a s described below.
is necessary for selecting optimum conditions for Two s e r i e s of t e s t s were conducted to determine
operating the fixed beds of N a F to obtain the the effectiveness of the bed for UF^ removal and
desired purity consistent with reasonable uranium its capacity for UF . In t h e s e t e s t s , a quantity of
l o s s e s . At present, the pelleted N a F used in the the N a F was placed in a 2-in.-diam sorption v e s s e l
process is purchased from the Harshaw Chemical between 5-in.-long entrance and exit s e c t i o n s that
Company for about $ 5 / l b . Since the starting ma- had been filled with V-in.-diam Monel shot. A
terial, powdered N a F , i s available for about flow of 0.0043 g-mole/sec of gas having a UF^
15();/lb, a study of pellet production from N a F concentration of 1.69 mole % was p a s s e d through
powder was carried out on a subcontract b a s i s the v e s s e l . The v e s s e l was kept at a temperature
with the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant to of 100°C, and the concentration of UF^ in the off-
determine whether or not the cheaper material was gas w a s measured. The absorbed U F was then
satisfactory for process u s e . desorbed at 400°C with an F^ flow of 0.5 standard
liter/min. Three sorption-desorption runs were
Experimental determination of U F capacity and
made in each s e r i e s . The time variation of the
stability against degradation of the Paducah pellets
UF concentration in the effluent during the
has been completed. We concluded that the 6
Paducah material will perform a s well a s the second s e r i e s of runs, where an N a F bed depth of
Harshaw material for the present application. The 14.5 cm was used, is shown in F i g , 2,9. The
most important factor in making a choice between effectiveness of the bed for UF^ removal w a s
the two types will be relative cost; initial e s t i -
slightly greater during the second and third runs
mates indicate a cost of l e s s than $ l / l b for the
than during the first. Little difference in sorption
Paducah material, contrasted to $ 5 / l b for the other.
behavior was observed between the last two runs;
this indicates that little degradation of the N a F
The gasometer used for characterizing the N a F
pellets was also used to prepare and measure the 14
S. Katz, Apparatus for the Gasometric Study of
dissociation pressure of the compounds U F - N a F , Solid-Gas Reactions: Sodium Fluoride with Hydrogen
WF^ - N a F , and MoF - N a F , Fluoride and Uranium Hexafluoride, ORNL-3497 (Oct.
6 0
15, 1963).

ORNL-DWG 65-2996A MoFg . 2 N a F , the compounds U F ^ - N a F , WF^ - N a F ,

• CYCLE I, 8 R - 3 2 ~

o CYCLE 3, B R - 3 6 ]
and MoF - N a F were prepared in the gasometer.
T h e s e new complexes were made by first preparing
U F . 2 N a F , W F g - 2 N a F , and M o F g . 2 N a F by
reaction of the metal hexafluoride with thin layers
of dispersed N a F at the respective temperatures of
150, 165, and 185°C. (The sodium fluoride had
previously been dispersed by decomposition of
N a F • 4HF or U F • 2NaF.) The MF^ • 2NaF complex
was then treated with the appropriate metal hexa-
fluoride at 75°C to form the M F ^ - N a F complex.
The equations for the dissociation pressures of the
new complexes are:

log P = 11.06
^ mm

- (3.48 X 10^)/T for U F ^ over U F ^ - N a F ,

log P = 7.44
° mm
80 (20 200
TIME (mm) - (2.13 X 10^)/T for WF^ over WF^ . N a F ,

F i g , 2,9, Effect of Cyclic Sorption-Desorption on Bed log P = 7.29

Capacity for Paducah N a F P e l l e t s and a Comparison ° mm
- (1.83 X 10^)/T for M o F , over MoF - N a F ,
with First-Cycle Capacity of Harshaw NoF Pellets, ^ ' D O

Second series of tests. where P is pressure in mm of mercury, and T is

temperature in °K.
was occurring. The effluent curve for a bed of GAS STREAMS IN FLUORIDE VOLATILITY
pelleted NaF of the Harshaw type having the same PROCESSING
weight a s the bed of Paducah material i s a l s o
shown for comparison. The initial UF^ concentra- Continuous a n a l y s i s of volatile fluorides in gas
tion in the effluent from this bed is lower than that streams is of considerable importance in the
from the Paducah material, however, the final U F ^ operation of the fluoride-volatility p r o c e s s e s .
capacity i s slightly greater. The differences Proper control of the various p h a s e s of t h e s e
between bed capacities and initial rates of UF^ p r o c e s s e s and the evaluation of the equipment
removal are considered negligible for the present require that the concentration of one or more of
application. these fluorides be the primary controllable
After three cycles (BR-32, -34, -36, F i g . 2.9) variable.
the two beds of N a F were examined visually for Severe demands are made on the analytical
pellet degradation. Almost no powdered N a F was instruments used in fluoride-volatility processing.
observed, and the pellets did not appear to have The instrument must measure concentrations in
lost structural stability. Overall, the Paducah multicomponent mixtures of chemically similar
pellets were satisfactory. s p e c i e s , it must withstand the corrosive action of
fluorides, and it must accept remote calibration

Preparation of Complexes of U F , , WF,, or MoF^

with NaF and Measurement of Dissociation ^^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr, Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 52.
^®S. Katz, " U s e of High-Surface-Area Sodium Fluoride
to Prepare M F ^ ' 2 N a F Complexes with Uranium,
Supplementing the previously reported 1 5 , 1 6 0
Tungsten, and Molybdenum Hexafluorides," Inorg.
preparation of UFg.2NaF, WFg-2NaF, and Chem. 3, 1958 (1964).

and repair when used for measuring radioactive A schematic of the transfer system i s shown in
materials. The signal from the instrument should F i g , 2,10. All lines are made of V.- or ^/'-in,
be a simple function of concentration, and it copper tubing. Connections are made with Monel
should not reflect effects of any corrosive action Swagelok fittings. The N a F trap is made of nickel
by the g a s e s . and holds about 1 kg of N a F , The Sanborn pneumatic
The instruments previously used have not all differential-pressure indicator and the Robertshaw-
met the requirements listed above. We are presently Fulton Bourdon-tube gage are made of Monel,
developing an ultraviolet spectroscopic method for Valve 3, attached to the cell by a short length of
monitoring UF , and a column-chromatographic nickel tubing, is a Hoke M-482 Monel valve. All
method for monitoring H F . Both methods fulfill others are Hoke 413 Monel v a l v e s .
most of the requirements for fluoride-volatility
instrumentation. Although other volatile fluorides Before using the cell we completely removed any
have been successfully analyzed in-line by gas traces of moisture by flushing with CIF , and then
chromatography, HF presents a s p e c i a l problem. conditioned the cell with U F at 15 psig and
In laboratory a n a l y s e s it reportedly gives poor 75°C for 16 hr. The transfer system was evacuated
peaks and reacts with the column material. How- with valves 2, 3, 4, and 7 open (Fig, 2.10), flushed
ever, we feel that these effects will be minimized with U F , and then reevacuated, A sample of gas
by repeated automatic sampling, since each sample was then admitted to the cell, its pressure being
will effectively pretreat the column for the next indicated on the g a g e s . We assumed the gas in the
sample. cell to be at room temperature.

Preliminary s t u d i e s have been made to determine The Beer-Lambert law of absorption defines the
the requirements for an ultraviolet spectroscopic "molar absorptivity" of a s u b s t a n c e by the fol-
method for continuously monitoring U F concen- lowing equation:
trations in gas streams. In this study, s t a t i c
samples of U F were analyzed to confirm and
expand b a s i c data about the U F spectrum and to log ^ M = aC^z , (1)
examine the n e c e s s a r y techniques for uv a n a l y s i s .
Two peaks that might be useful in monitoring
applications were investigated; more, work is where
needed before either can be utilized.
/ = light intensity,
A fluidized-bed reactor for the HF-catalyzed
destructive oxidation of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l cladding /g = initial intensity,
material is being built, and it requires instruments
to monitor oxygen, hydrogen fluoride, water vapor, C. = concentration of s p e c i e s i, moles/liter,
and possibly CrO F in the off-gas stream. We
z = path length, cm, and
installed a dual-column chromatograph (Barber-
Colman, s e r i e s 5000) for this purpose. The instru- a *: molar absorptivity (a function of wavelength),
ment is particularly useful for this program be- liters mole~^ c m ~ ' .
c a u s e it can indicate the presence of unexpected
s p e c i e s in the off-gas and also give quantitative Three s e t s of samples of pure U F were analyzed
analyses. for a quantitative measure of its absorptivity at
3686 A. The values of molar absorptivity were
calculated by Eq. (1) from readings of log ^ Jl)
Measurement of Absorptivity of U F , In given by the spectrophotometer, the known concen-
Ultraviolet Region tration of U F , and the known path length of the
c e l l . The value of the molar absorptivity at 3686 A
The U F spectrum was measured with a Cary was calculated to be 5.5 liters mole"* c m " ' . This
spectrophotometer (model 14M). The spectroscopic value was independent of pressure in the range
cell used in this study was made entirely of 10 to 100 mm Hg. We found a previously unreported
nickel; the windows were sapphire, ''/ in, in peak for U F at 2140 A and determined an approxi-
diameter and / in, thick; and the 0-ring s e a l was mate value for the molar absorptivity — about
made of Teflon, 3610 +1000 liters m o l e " 1 c m " ' .

ORNL-DWG 6 4 - 7 6 0 3 A

( 0 - 2 0 0 0 mm OF Hg )
( 0 - 1 0 0 mm OF Hg)


F i g . 2.10, System for Transferring Gas Sample into Spectroscopic C e l l ,

2.9 VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA OF UF^-NbFj determination of critical constants has been made.
SYSTEM The experimental work still to be done includes
the remainder of the isobaric data and confirmation
During the recovery of uranium from spent nuclear of the critical c o n s t a n t s . Design, fabrication, and
fuels by a fluoride-volatility p r o c e s s , the UF is operation of equipment suitable for precise work
contaminated by other volatile metal fluorides. with t h e s e materials in the temperature and pres-
Distillation is being considered as a method for sure region shown have been very difficult and
separating the U F from those impurities; but, to time consuming.
design the distillation system, more must be known
about the vapor-liquid equilibria of the impurities
Experimental Work
and the U F , One such fluoride impurity is NbF ,
In high-bumup fuels, it would be produced in Two equilibrium stills were constructed and
significant quantities as a fission product, and it operated. The first was of an isothermal design
would also present a problem when the fuel ele- that was used to determine the total-pressure-vs-
ment contained niobium initially. Hence, an in- liquid-composition relationship at 150°C (Fig.
vestigation is under way to determine the vapor- 2.11). The data were fitted with the Scatchard-
liquid equilibria of U F -NbF in the pressure Hamer e q u a t i o n s : ' '^
region 0 to 12 atm at 80 to 250°C.
The isothermal determination of total vapor logy^ =/l +2z^[{V^B/V^)-A]z
pressure for the entire composition range is com-
plete, and experimental data points on vapor logy^ = 5 +2z^[iV^A/V^)-B]z
composition vs liquid composition at constant
pressure have been determined at a few scattered 17
points in the composition range. Preliminary G. Scatchard and W. J . Hamer, / . Am. Chem, Soc.
57, 1 8 0 5 - 9 (1935).

ORNL-DWG 65-9711
(4 ORNL-DWG 65-97(2
A^-- • - ^


B (0

§ 8
— " -
7 ^ - HAMER EQUATION A = 0 6 , B =0 7 5 - ^ 06 -
^• c 05
? 4 o
^ : o
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 (0 1 03 SYSTEM FOLLOWS D A L T O N ' S LAW
^UP (mole fraction of UFg in liquid) B THEORETICAL RELATIONSHIP,
1 1 1 1
Fig. 2.11, Comparison of Isothermal Data for U F , -
NbFj System with Scatchard-Hamer Equation Using
0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 (0
Dalton's Law Assumption.
.r^jp (mole fraction of UFg in liquid )

Fig, 2.12, Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of UF,-NbFc

where System at 1 5 0 ° C ,

Yj - activity coefficient of / ,
^ = ^ / [ x , +(7/F^)x^] , critical temperature to be between 480 and 520°C
and the critical pressure to be between 40 and
V • - molar volume of / , 50 atm.
In support of the above experiments, an apparatus
X. = mole fraction of i, for preparing and purifying about 100 g of NbF^
A,B- c o n s t a n t s , which were varied to produce per day was built. The NbF^ is prepared by
fit of data, and assuming that contacting niobium metal shavings with fluorine at
400°C. The resulting product is purified by
P=yxP° + y x P ° , distillation in an 18-in,-high packed column and
'\ 1 1 '2 2 2 '
collected overhead.
where P is total pressure and P ? is vapor pressure
of i at 150°C, With uranium hexafluoride a s
component 1, the values of A and B that gave the 2.10 PHASE EQUILIBRIA STUDIES PERTINENT
best fit were: A = 0,6; B = 0,75, This relationship TO FLUORIDE-VOLATILITY PROCESSING OF
was used to calculate (assuming that Dalton's FUELS OR MIXTURES CONTAINING
law held) the 150°C isotherm shown in F i g . 2.12. CHROMIUM^^
As soon a s the critical constants of NbF can be
determined, the x-y diagram will be recalculated by As part of an attempt to develop a fluoride-
u s e of the Lewis and Randall fugacity rule, which volatility process for s t a i n l e s s - s t e e l - c l a d or -base
provides better accuracy for vapor mixtures at reactor fuels, phase equilibria s t u d i e s were con-
pressure above 1 atm. The second equilibrium tinued in search of a molten fluoride mixture
still i s of an isobaric design and i s now being capable of dissolving the fluorides of the constitu-
used to determine both the x-y diagram and the ents of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l . Also, a brief study of the
boiling-point curve at 6 atm. phase and chemical equilibria in the system N a F -
The critical constants of NbF are being ob-
tained in an apparatus that measures the constant-
volume pressure-temperature relationship up to 18 Work performed by B . J . Sturm and R. E . Thoma,
650°C and 2000 psi. Preliminary data indicate the Reactor Chemistry Division.

CrF was made. Data from the latter study might 1000
also be useful in relation to a possible solvent
system for " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l " fluoride, but, probably
more importantly, they may be pertinent to defining HOO
the capacity of an NaF sorption trap for volatile ir
chromium fluorides produced in the fluorination of f'OO
chromium-bearing melts. hi
n 6CXJ
Work on the development of a fluidized-bed III

process for fuels that contain or are clad in 500

s t a i n l e s s s t e e l is described in Sect. 2,4, and other
studies of the chromium fluoride problem are LiF 20 40 60 80 FeFj
described in Sect. 18, "Chemical P r o c e s s i n g for mole {%)
the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment."
Fig. 2.13. The System L i F - F e F , .
As reported last year, molten K F - Z r F was an
acceptable solvent for s t a i n l e s s steel fluoride, but
the reaction between s t a i n l e s s s t e e l and HF was
quite slow. During the current report period, the phase diagram. ^^ The use of K F - L i F mixtures is
phase diagram of the L i F - F e F system was deter- suggested, therefore, as a solvent convertible into
mined, and the effect of CrF was examined across multicomponent, low-melting-point KF-LiF-NiF -
the composition section 3 L i F • CrF -3KF • CrF . F e F ^ - C r F j - C r F ^ solutions. The solubility of
Although the results were encouraging, work on CrF in the K F - L i F eutectic is expected to be low
solvents for s t a i n l e s s s t e e l fluoride will be at processing temperatures of about 600°C because
deemphasized in favor of studies more directly of the high liquidus temperatures that prevail
applicable to a fluidized-bed fluoride-volatility across the composition section 3 L i F • CrF -
process. 3 K F . C r F g (Fig, 2.14), Chromium is a minor
Some study of phase equilibria in the system constituent of the alloy, however, and i t s solubility
NaF-CrF was made as a possible guide to deter- is expected to be adequate.
mining the limit of the melting or sintering temper-
ature imposed when using N a F beds for sorbing the
Separation of Chromium Fluoride from U F .
volatile chromium fluorides. Further work on
Adsorbed by NaF
chromium fluorides will be restricted to studies
connected with the development of a fluidized-bed
Preliminary examinations were made of phase
and chemical equilibria in the system NaF-CrF
because of i t s relation to possible solvent systems
Solvents for Use with Fuels That Have a (now deemphasized) a s well as to the separation
Stainless Steel Matrix of UF from N a F sorber b e d s , A p h a s e diagram of
the system NaF-CrF , constructed from visual and
Development of a molten-salt solvent for thermal a n a l y s i s experiments, is shown in F i g . 2.15.
processing s t a i n l e s s s t e e l fuels would most
probably be based on use of one or more of the
alkali-metal fluorides to act as melting-temperature
d e p r e s s a n t s . The phase diagram of the L i F - F e F 2.11 VOLATILIZATION OF UFg FROM
system (Fig. 2.13) was determined by direct visual SOL-GEL-DERIVED ThOj-UOj
observation and thermal a n a l y s i s of molten
mixtures. The diagram is characterized by a The possibility of recovering uranium from sol-
eutectic mixture containing 38.5 mole % F e F at gel-derived thoria-urania by direct fluorination at
620°C. In the LiF-NiF^ system, F e F ^ and N i F ^ high temperature was investigated in the laboratory
were found to be nearly equal in their effects on during the past year. This work was aimed at
the liquidus.
To depress the melting point further, KF would
'^R. E. Thoma (ed.). Phase Diagrams of Nuclear
be particularly effective, a s noted in the K F - L i F Reactor Materials, p, 15, ORNL-2548 (Nov. 6, 1959).

ORNL-DWG 65-97J4

• ^

1 / 1 1

1 /

1 1 1 1
F3 \ s .
3 L i F - C rFj + LiF • 2KF • C'F3 u


Li,CrF, K,CrF, (mole%)

Fig. 2.14. Section of the System K F - L i F - C r F j : The Quasi-Binary System 3Li F'CrFj-SKF-CrFj.

developing a nonaqueous process for recovering Their diameters ranged from 149 to 210 /z, and the
fissile material from spent fuel elements. fluorination temperatures were between 480 and
Three fluorinations were conducted with thoria- 660°C.
urania (3.9 wt % uranium) sol-gel microspheres. The t e s t s showed that fluorination of uranium
from thoria-urania containing small amounts of
urania will be very difficult unless the particles
ORNL-DWG 65-97(5 are l e s s than 10 \i. in diameter. Also, better
s u c c e s s would be expected if the uranium content
1400 .---' were higher. Sintering may not be a serious
! ' ^' problem s i n c e it was nearly absent in one
1 •
.> / successful fluorination.
(200 — 1 x'
Future work will include fluorination of smaller
~ ((00 / 1; microspheres and urania-thoria of different r a t i o s .
/rS - //
/ 1
/ 1

E (000 ,' \ 1

^/ \ 1

S 900 - •

V ' 1
Uranium Not Readily Removed by Fluorinating
800 \h
T h O j - U O , Microspheres

700 Fluorinations were performed on 3- to 4-g samples

in V-in,-OD nickel U-tubes, After fluorination,
0 4
ro the samples were analyzed for thorium, uranium,
500 D
0 nickel, and fluoride.
400 The results of the three runs performed to date
20 40 60 80 CrF,
mole (%) are summarized in Table 2.7. Fluorination of the
microspheres proceeds quite slowly due to their
Fig. 2.15. The System NaF-CrFj. very low porosity and the large amount of thorium.

T a b l e 2.7. Results of Sol-Gel Microsphere Fluorinations

Initial thoria-urania composition: 3.9 wt % uranium

Fluorination Microsphere Uranium Fluorine Condition

Temperature Size Range lime Removed Penetration After
(°C) (/:i) ^'""^ (%) (fJL) Run

480 149-177 3.5 Little ~0 Same a s initial

647 149-177 3.5 15 4 Sintered

657 177-210 1.0 7 2.5 Slightly sintered

both of which impede the diffusion of fluorine into duction of an inert gas just below the surface of
the microspheres. For example, c a l c u l a t i o n s , the melt. Results of the electrochemical studies
based on the amount of uranium removed, showed and the first five of the inert-gas studies were
that the depth of penetration was only about 4 fi in summarized last year, ^' and the electrochemical
the 3.5-hr mn, and about 2.5 ji in the 1-hr run. studies were reported.^^'^^ This period, the
inert-gas studies were finished and a letter report
Experiments with coupons and inert g a s e s in
4-in.-diam Hastelloy B containers showed that
The relatively high rate of corrosion of both the
conditions could be obtained to definitely reduce
hydrofluorination and fluorination v e s s e l s i s a
corrosion. In individual 2-in.-diam containers
serious fault of the molten-salt fluoride-volatility
made of INOR-8, however, only slight protection
p r o c e s s . Studies related to the molten-salt process
was obtained. Argon and helium were more ef-
for aluminum-base fuels have been made at
fective than nitrogen, hydrogen, or a mixture of
laboratory and engineering s c a l e s here, and at
hydrogen and argon. A melt of 52-37-11 mole %
a laboratory s c a l e at Battelle Memorial Institute
N a F - L i F - Z r F , was used at 650°C for all t e s t s
(BMI). Results are mentioned in Sect. 2.1 of this
b e c a u s e of its exceptionally high corrosivity.
report. This section (2.12) is concerned with the
concluding experiments of a s e r i e s made at BMI Results of the study showed that introduction of
to determine the effectiveness of introducing an an inert gas below the surface of the salt melt
inert gas just below the surface of the salt melt in may have useful possibilities for reducing rates of
minimizing corrosion during hydrofluorination. attack by H F and molten fluorides on reaction
As a part of process development, early studies vessels. The optimum procedures for its u s e ,
(mostly on a laboratory s c a l e at BMI) were aimed however, have not been established thus far.
at determining the corrosiveness of different s a l t Apparently an engineering type of study would be
melts to various metals. Much effort has also been necessary to determine the effect of v e s s e l design,
devoted to the determination of corrosion during
engineering- or pilot-plant-scale^° t e s t s of the
^^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr, Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-362 7, p. 70,
During the last two years, two possible ways of ^ ^ P . D. Miller, L. K. Matson, and E . F . Stephan,
minimizing corrosion during hydrofluorination were Cathodic Protection of the Hydrofluorinator, BMI-X-312
(Sept. 25, 1964).
studied: electrochemical protection and intro-
L. K. Matson et al., Cathodic Protection in Fused
Fluoride Salts at 1200°F. presented at National
Association of Corrosion Engineers Conference, Mar.
E. L. Youngblood et al,. Corrosion of the Volatility 1 5 - 1 9 , 1965.
Pilot Plant INOR-8 Hydrofluorinator and Nickel 201 ^ ' ' P . D. Miller, L. K. Matson, and E . F . Stephan,
Fluorinator During Forty Fuel-Processing Runs with Corrosion Protection of the Hydrofluorinator by an Inert
Zirconium-Uranium Alloy, ORNL-3623 (March 1965). Gas Sparge, BMI-X-329 (Feb. 5, 1965).

gas flow pattern, and gas flow rate on rates of Details of equipment, test procedures, and results
attack. Because of the reorientation of the overall have been reported in ref. 24, available upon
program toward fluidized-bed p r o c e s s e s and the request to the Director, Chemical Technology
indifferent results of the experiments, corrosion Division, ORNL.
s t u d i e s as related to molten-salt p r o c e s s e s were
3. Waste Treatment and Disposal

The waste treatment and disposal development 3.1 CONVERSION OF HIGH-LEVEL

program was designed to develop a comprehensive RADIOACTIVE WASTES TO SOLIDS
waste management system for nuclear w a s t e s ,
including their final disposal, and to estimate Three solidification processes have been devel-
the cost of this operation. The effective e c o - oped in the ORNL program using nonradioactive
nomic management of radioactive effluents is a simulated w a s t e : the pot calcination process
prerequisite to the natural growth of a nuclear (Potcal), the rising-level process (RL-Potglass),
power industry. The proposed system is shown in and the continuous potglass process (Con-Pot-
F i g . 3 . 1 . High-level radioactive w a s t e s (HLW), g l a s s ) . ' " ^ The P o t c a l and R L - P o t g l a s s p r o c e s s e s
which contain nearly all the fission products, are will be tested with radioactive waste in a pilot
converted to s o l i d s . Intermediate-level radio- plant at Hanford. ( " G l a s s " includes true g l a s s e s
active w a s t e s (ILW), characterized by their gen- and rocklike crystalline products.) The primary
erally high salt content, are incorporated in concept of the pot processes is that an evaporator
asphalt; any contained water is simultaneously and a solidification unit should be used together
volatilized. Low-level radioactive w a s t e s (LLW)
are treated to remove the radioactivity, and the
decontaminated water is discharged to the envi- F . L. Culler, Jr., et al., Chem. Technol. Div. Ann.
Progt. Rept. May 31, 1964, ORNL-3627.
ronment. The recovered solids are combined
with the ILW. Both the HLW and ILW solid ^M. E. Whatley et al.. Unit Operations Sect. Monthly
Progr. Rept. May 1964, ORNL-TM-937.
products can be shipped to an ultimate disposal Waste Treatment and Disposal Semiann. Progr. Rept.
site. July-December 1964, ORNL-TM-108] (in p r e s s ) .

ORNL DWG 6 4 -8256A



99.997c, FP's < 0.017,, FP's TRACE FP's

r f



-10"^ g / c m 2 . d a y "^ 10~^ g /cm^-day
c;ni in=; Awn FPV

' '

F i g . 3 . 1 . O R N L Waste Management Program.


in a loop. Advantages of this system have been Based on t e s t s performed at ORNL, either
described previously and a flowsheet given, ^ induction or r e s i s t a n c e heating can be used for
illustrating the interchangeability of the three the Potcal and P o t g l a s s p r o c e s s e s . Resistance
pot p r o c e s s e s in a fixed loop system. heating appears to offer fewer operating problems
The development of the Potcal process has been and is recommended for the pot s y s t e m s .
successfully completed (total of 80 experiments). Pot Calcination Process. — In the P o t c a l proc-
In the final test with FTW-65-X3 (27 gal of waste e s s , the concentrated aqueous waste is fed to
per ton of uranium) Purex w a s t e , the process the calcination pot continuously, and the aqueous
was successfully demonstrated using an 8-in.-diam level in the pot is controlled by a proportional
pot and a 15-in. susceptor as a heater in an thermocouple probe. Solids build up on the walls
induction furnace. Previous t e s t s with 16-in.- radially until the pot is filled. The aqueous feed
diam pots confirmed the mathematical model for is then stopped, and the solids are heated to
predicting filling rate as a function of diameter 900°C to calcine them. The Potcal process has
and showed the impracticability of using the pot been successfully demonstrated previously with
wall a s the susceptor. In this c a s e the pot walls simulated Purex, TBP-25, and Darex w a s t e s in
failed in two t e s t s due to inability to maintain 88-in.-high pots having 6- and 8-in. diameters,
uniform heating. Based on t e s t s at ORNL with using r e s i s t a n c e h e a t i n g . ^ " ^
both heating s y s t e m s , r e s i s t a n c e heating is the Two Potcal t e s t s were made with a 16-in.-diam
preferred method. pot as the susceptor in the 150-kw furnace^
Development of the R L - P o t g l a s s process is (Tables 3.1 and 3.2). T h e s e two t e s t s resulted in
continuing in both laboratory and engineering- pot failures from local overheating of the calciner
scale studies. Principal objectives are to (1) because of the difficulties in controlling the in-
develop " n e u t r a l " glass-ceramic phosphate or duction flux and heat transfer in the nonuniformly
s i l i c a t e formulations for Purex w a s t e s (with or insulated inductive susceptor. After the failure
without sulfate) which have low melting points of the two 16-in.-diam pots, when used a s direct
and low corrosivities and (2) to more precisely s u s c e p t o r s , a 15-in. susceptor was installed in
define operating conditions in full-scale equip- the induction furnace to act a s a heat radiator.
ment, including control of dusting and monitoring Eight-inch pots were used with this susceptor.
of phase levels in the pot. Further development One successful calcination test and two rising-
of the Con-Potglass process h a s been terminated level t e s t s (see below) were made with the 15-in.
for the immediate future. susceptor and 8-in.-diam pots. The average feed
rate in the P o t c a l test was 8.8 l i t e r s / h r . The
Engineering Studies bulk density of the solids obtained from induction
heating of the calciners was 1.10 to 1.42 g/cm^
for the calcined s o l i d s . T h e s e are comparable
The engineering development program was prin-
to the bulk d e n s i t i e s of solids obtained with the
cipally concerned with t e s t i n g induction heating
resistance-heated calciner.
for the calcining and glass-forming systems con-
currently with continued development of the RL- One important result from the 16-in.-diam t e s t s
P o t g l a s s and Con-Potglass p r o c e s s e s . The was the confirmation of the mathematical model
furnace consisted of a 15-in.-diam susceptor for solids deposition. Figure 3.2 shows good agree-
contained in 16-in.-diam c o i l s . Three Potcal ment between the predicted solids filling rate and
t e s t s were made which completed the development the filling rate obtained for t e s t R-84, a 16-in. c a l -
of this p r o c e s s . Two successful RL t e s t s were cination t e s t . The average filling rates were 24 and
made using FTW-65-X3 simulated Purex waste 14 l i t e r s / h r in the two t e s t s . The filling rate in
(s=27 gal per ton of uranium processed) and in- the second test was low because the lower coils
duction heating. Further t e s t s are required to of the induction furnace failed midway through
the t e s t .
define operating conditions more closely, using
both sulfate-bearing and nonsulfate types of Purex Rising-Level Potglass Process. — In the RL-
waste a s well a s aluminum w a s t e s . A single Con- P o t g l a s s process the concentrated aqueous feed,
P o t g l a s s run was satisfactory on an operating containing glass-forming additives, is fed directly
b a s i s , but the corrosion rate was too high in into the pot, the liquid is vaporized, and the
s t a i n l e s s s t e e l equipment. solid residue is melted to a glassy solid. The

additives can be added directly to the evaporator simulated waste as well a s the final composition.
or continuously to the feed line entering the pot. The glass-forming additives were added directly
With proper glass formulation the operating tem- to the w a s t e , whereas the calcium nitrate was
perature should be 900°C or lower. As the level added through a separate addition line at a con-
r i s e s , three phases are present: liquid glass at trolled volume ratio. The amount of off-gas dust-
the bottom, a small solid interface, and a small ing and the pressure surges were small during
aqueous supernatant pool. The overhead vapors both t e s t s . The feed rate for these t e s t s varied
are condensed and returned to the evaporator, thus from 8 to 10 liters/hr, equivalent to the w a s t e
preserving the advantages of the loop concept. from processing 2 tons of uranium per day. The
Two rising-level, e s s e n t i a l l y duplicate, t e s t s dense glass formed in t h e s e t e s t s appeared to be
were made in 8-in.-diam by 9-in.-high type 304L satisfactory (Fig. 3.3).
s t a i n l e s s s t e e l pots (Tables 3.1 and 3.2). The Continuous Glass P r o c e s s . — The initial t e s t
purpose of these t e s t s was to determine the of the 20-in. horizontal continuous melter (type
amount of solids entrained into the off-gas, to 304L s t a i n l e s s s t e e l ) was successful from an
determine the magnitude of pressure surging in operational viewpoint, even though the melter
the off-gas line, to determine the approximate failed due to corrosion. The melter was operated
maximum production rate, and to examine the qual- with feed for a total of 80 hr and was held at
ity of glass made by using lithium and phosphate temperature (900 or 700°C) for 250 hr. During
as the major glass additive components. The this time the average feed rate with FTW-65-X3
feed composition in Table 3.2 shows the calcium (27 gal per ton of uranium) was 26 l i t e r s / h r , with
nitrate and glass-forming additives added to the maximum feed rates up to 50 liters/hr (26 l i t e r s / h r

Table 3.1. Pot Tests Using 18-in. Induction Furnace and FTW-65-X3 Simulated Purex Waste

Product Specifications Calcination

Test Average Nitrate
Feed Rate Bulk gal Vol Liquid Waste , , ,, -, in Solids
No. Process 2 Melt Time
(liters/hr) ^.'^"sity per ton of (ppm)
(g/cm ) uranium Vol Solid Waste (hr)

R-83 Potcal-16 24 1.3 2.56 10.6

R-84 Potcal-16 14.6 2.60 10.4 30,000

R-85 P o t c a l 8-in. 1.42 2.64 10.2 10,000

pot susceptor

R-86, R L - P o t g l a s s S-in. 2.13'= 3.1 11.3 10

-87 susceptor

R-88 R L - P o t g l a s s 8-in. 9.9 2.3' 3.33 10.5 12" 200

, f

Equivalent to tons of uranium originally processed.

Pot wall failed; prematurely terminated,
"^Low because of e x c e s s foaming.
Time to reach 900°C after liquid feed terminated.
^Viscosity was 27.5 poises at 850°C m laboratory t e s t s .
Viscosity was 15.1 poises at 900°C in laboratory t e s t s .

is equivalent to the waste from processing 6.1 tons Steel appeared to be promising materials of con-
of uranium per day). The FTW-65-X3 glass (Table struction for the horizontal melter. A new melter
3.2) melts at 750°C and has an acceptable fluidity was fabricated of type 310 s t a i n l e s s s t e e l b e c a u s e
at 850 to 875°C for use in the continuous melter of its commercial availability. The purpose of
(viscosity is 27.5 poises at 850°C and 15.1 this first continuous t e s t was to gather design
poises at 900°C). The run was terminated when operating data, to t e s t the new FTW-65-X3 glass
the v e s s e l failed at the interface level. Of the mix for compatibility, and to obtain corrosion data
corrosion specimens tested in this experiment, on a number of metal specimens.
Corronel 230 and types 446 and 310 s t a i n l e s s The 20-in. continuous melter system c o n s i s t s of
the melter located in a 90-kw Globar furnace, the
feeding equipment, the off-gas handling equipment
(which c o n s i s t s of a condenser and a gas-scrubbing
Table 3.2. Composition of Synthetic Purex Waste column), and a condensate dilution tank ( F i g . 3.4).
and the Glass Formed from It This system is very similar to the 8-in. melter re-
Simulated FTW-65-X3 w a s t e , 27 gal ported previously. The melter (Fig. 3.5) is 20 in. in
per ton of uranium diameter, 40 in. long, and h a s four water-cooled
equally spaced feed l i n e s . The operating melt level
is 3 in. deep. A baffle in the rear of the melter,
Component Concentration which has a l ' / - i n . clearance, keeps the floating
calcine from flowing into the discharge pipe. Fig-
0 riglnal Waste
ure 3.5 shows the melter, without insulation, posi-
HNO3 1.5 M tioned in the Globar furnace. The 90-kw Globar
Fe(N03)3 0.3 M

NKNOj)^ 0.03 M
0RP1L-0WG 6 4 - 7 8 8 0 A
A1(N03)3 0.15 M

Cr(N03)3 0.06 M

Na^SO^ 0.45 M
Addition to Prevent V o l a t i l i z a t i o n of Sulfate
(in Potcal Process)

Ca(N03)^ 0.20 g-mole per liter of feed

Additions to Form Glass 1500

(in R L - P o t g l a s s Process)

1.5 g-moles per liter of feed

LiOH 1.5 g-moles per liter of feed

A1(N03)3 0.5 g-mole per liter of feed

Composition of Glass

N O 3, 0.02 wt %
3+ 500
Fe 5.28 wt %

Al 3 + 8.37 wt %

Na'' 7.65 wt %
SO 21.2 wt %
(00 <50
PO 45.3 wt % RUN TIME (hr)
Li + 3.6 wt' % Fig. 3.2. Actual and Calculated Volumes of Feed vs
2+ 7.2 wt'% T i m e for Potcal T e s t R-84. Calculated volumes were
obtained by use of the radial-deposition model.

PHOTO 61(09

Fig. 3.3. Simulated Purex Glass.

ORNL-DWG 6 4 - 4 6 5 9 A


9 0 - k w G LOBAR




Fig. 3.4. Process Flowsheet of 2-in.-diam Continuous Melter.


F i g . 3.5. 2 0 - l n . Continuous Melter.

furnace has three z o n e s . The hot vapors pass that can be concentrated rapidly in a small
into the updraft condenser. The condensables area of a susceptor, which can c a u s e an ex-
p a s s down the off-gas pipe, flushing off the s o l i d s , tremely high heat flux and temperature. The
into the condensate receiver (Fig. 3.6). The feed more probable c a u s e s of uncontrolled high
system c o n s i s t s of a hold tank, which has a recir- temperatures are the failures of s e n s i n g devices
culation pump to keep solids in the suspended such a s thermocouples or power r e l a y s . If a
feed. A separate pump is used to feed the four malfunction does occur, positive feedback to
water-cooled feed l i n e s . The feed is monitored the induction coil from the overheated s u s c e p -
with rotameters and controlled manually, using tor does not occur if the insulation is adequate
ball v a l v e s . Needle and globe valves were tested to prevent e x c e s s i v e heat loss under normal
for throttling but were unsuccessful because solids operation. In contrast, the r e s i s t a n c e fur-
accumulated in the valves. nace can be safer because the heating coil
Evaluation of Induction and Resistance Heating. is hotter than the heated v e s s e l . Most com-
— Either induction or r e s i s t a n c e heating can be monly used r e s i s t a n c e coils have a failure
used for the Potcal and P o t g l a s s p r o c e s s e s . temperature of about 1250°C or lower, which
R e s i s t a n c e heating appears to offer fewer operating is lower than the melting temperature of the
problems and is recommended for the pot s y s t e m s . metals usually used for h e a t e d - v e s s e l construc-
Further evaluation is required in heating units con- tion. The failure of a r e s i s t a n c e coil in pref-
taining all of the refinements required for radio- erence to the heated v e s s e l , in c a s e of mal-
active operations to make a final c h o i c e . function of the control system, is a desirable
The following observations are made:
1. An induction furnace can be dangerous be- 2. Operations with the present induction equipment
c a u s e of the large amount of electrical power have been unpredictable. Cross coupling

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 2 5 9 0 A


//////// /fH.





F i g . 3.6. D e t a i l of Vapor C o n d e n s a t e Equipment for C o n t i n u o u s Waste M e l t e r .

between adjacent coil zones has prevented the High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal:
maximum u s e of heating capacity in a given Laboratory Studies
zone when required; up to 10 to 15% of the
energy could be transferred to, and c a u s e Laboratory studies included the development of
e x c e s s i v e heating in, an adjacent zone. suitable g l a s s e s ( " g l a s s " in this report includes
both true g l a s s e s and rocklike crystalline s o l i d s )
3 . The heat loss for the induction system was 49 for the incorporation of a variety of waste types
to 86% vs 10 to 29% for the r e s i s t a n c e furnace. derived from the Purex solvent extraction process
4. The high-frequency current from the induction (Table 3.3); the development of a computer code
for retrieval and correlation of data generated in
unit interfered with other nearby electronic
the melt developmental program at ORNL and at
other s i t e s ; the accurate measurement of melt
5. The heating units used in the ORNL t e s t s did viscosity and its correlation with the operational
not include all of the refinements such a s characteristics required of the melt in the RL-
forced air or water cooling tubes required for Potglass and Con-Potglass p r o c e s s e s ; the oper-
use with highly radioactive w a s t e s . Hence, ation of a small-scale continuous melter to study
final evaluation of such items as cost, in-cell volatilities of various elements and the corrosion
space requirements, weight, and cooling char- of materials of construction for a continuous
a c t e r i s t i c s and temperature control must await melter; and the development of a thermal con-
comparative t e s t s with radioactive w a s t e s in ductivity probe for measuring the levels of aqueous
specially designed resistance and induction solution, solid calcine, and molten glass in a
units. melter.

Table 3.3. Composition (g-moles per liter of waste) of Simulated Purex Waste Solutions
Without Fission Products

FTW-65 Waste
Constituent Representing
FTW.65-X3^ Low Iron High Iron
82 gal per ton
of Uranium

H^ 0.5 1.5 3.0 6.76

Na^ 0.30 0.9 0.6 0.20

Al^^ 0.05 0.15 0.2

Fe^^ 0.10 0.30 0.05 1.35

Cr^^ 0.02 0.06 0.006 0.005

Ni^ + 0.01 0.03 0.006 0.002

Hg^^ 0.0035 0.0105

so,^~ 0.15 0.45

po/~ 0.005 0.015 0.02
SiOj^~ 0.01 0.03

F~ 0.0005 0.0015

NO^-" ~1.0 '^^3.1 -^4.3 ~11.03

T h e FTW-65-X3 represents the h i g h e s t concentration of this waste type that can be conveniently simulated by
direct makeup from laboratory r e a g e n t s without heating the solution.
' ' j . M. Holmes, Acid 1st Cycle Waste, ORNL-TM-1013 (Dec. 7, 1964). T h e composition as listed is too c o n c e n -
trated to be a stable solution.
Enough NO ~ to balance in each w a s t e .

Glass Formulation. — Objectives of the g l a s s - 5. develop universal matrix g l a s s e s that can be

formulation development program are to: used with a wide variety of waste compositions;
6. operate safely and economically.
1. produce a glass that is not corrosive toward
conventional materials of construction; P a s t work h a s been concentrated primarily on
2. hold fission products and sulfate in the solid phosphate g l a s s e s because (1) phosphates are
product and eliminate side streams; more readily handled in acid solution than are
s i l i c a t e s , (2) low-melting g l a s s e s are more read-
3 . achieve a large volume reduction and a high ily prepared from phosphates than from s i l i c a t e s ,
concentration of waste oxides in the g l a s s ; (3) phosphate appears to be more compatible with
4. produce a solid product that is stable under sulfate retention in the glass than is s i l i c a t e ,
storage conditions, mechanically strong, insol- and (4) phosphate is compatible with the use of
uble, and a good heat conductor; phosphite a s a reductant for ruthenium.

OF?NL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 ( 6
A computer code was developed for retrieving
and correlating the data from the development
of melts for fixation and ultimate storage of highly
radioactive w a s t e s . Initial readout was obtained
on 397 ORNL melt compositions, and a search for k\ • ^ ^
meaningful correlations has begun. The code can \
accommodate all data currently generated with
respect to compositions, properties, and conditions
of preparation of such s o l i d s . Provision is made
for future entry of additional data in the code.
X\ y,. V'>„ •-.; \
The code is a l s o designed to provide a conven- \~ ^k
_. X?/. >s!
ient method for exchanging data between groups Sv-^ \
working on the problem at different s i t e s . A
\% ^k ^
^^NT-^ N
s e r i e s of compositions of the high-phosphate N
(Brookhaven) type were received from Hanford for
coding. Specific details of the computer program \
are given in a topical report now in preparation.
Melt-development studies are continuing, with
emphasis on decreasing melting temperatures,
700 800 900 (000
melt v i s c o s i t i e s , and corrosivities. For this study, TEMPERATURE (°C)
the upper limit on operating temperature of a melter
h a s been chosen a s 900°C, s i n c e the rate of Fig. 3.7. Viscosity of Phosphate Melts Incorporating
reaction of steam with s t a i n l e s s s t e e l increases Purex FTW-65 Waste.
rapidly with increasing temperature, beginning at
about 910°C.'' Most of the melt development has
been done with high-sulfate Purex w a s t e , primarily
the FTW-65-X3 type, but some work was with non-
Calculation of the amounts of fission products
sulfate Purex wastes containing very low to high
resulting from fuel burnups of 10,000 and 35,000
concentrations of iron (Table 3.3).
Mwd/metric ton, using the data compilation of
A melt previously found to be suitable for the Blomeke and Todd, ^ resulted in appreciable
rising-level method of fixation (melt 1, Table 3.4) changes in both distribution and total amounts of
was found to be too viscous at 900°C for use in fission products from the actual composition used
a continuous melter. The addition of simulated (Table 3.5). The revised compositions will be
fission products equivalent to fuel burnups of used in future ORNL work.
10,000 and 35,000 Mwd/metric ton increased both
Satisfactory melts were readily developed for
the melting temperature and the viscosity of the
fixation of nonsulfate low-iron Purex waste with
melt. Dilution of the melt with fluxing agents,
10,000 Mwd/metric ton equivalent fission products
primarily sodium, lithium, phosphate, and alu-
(melts 5 and 6, Table 3.4). Scoping studies on
minum, together with the omission of calcium,
the development of melts for the fixation of non-
reduced both the melting temperatures and the
sulfate high Purex waste are designed to lower
v i s c o s i t i e s of the melts to acceptable ranges for
the melting temperatures and the v i s c o s i t i e s , and
continuous operation, even in the presence of
to increase the volume reductions obtained using
the simulated fission products (melts 2 and 3 ,
a s reference the melts developed for the s t a i n l e s s
Table 3.4 and Fig. 3.7). Preliminary viscosity
measurements have been mad^ with a modified
falling-sphere a p p a r a t u s ' (Fig. 3.8). More data
F . L. Culler, Jr., et al., Semiann. Progr. Rept, Chem-
are necessary for definition of the viscosity ranges ical Technology Division, June 1 to Nov. 30, 1964,
required for u s e in the R L - P o t g l a s s and Con- ORNL-TM-1081; s e e also L. Shartsis and S. Spinner,
" V i s c o s i t y and Density of Molten Optical G l a s s e s , "
Potglass processes. J. Res. Natl. Bur. Std. 46, 176 (1951).
®J. O. Blomeke and M. F . Todd, Uraniam-235 Fission-
Product Production as a Function of Thermal Neutron
Flux, Irradiation Time and Decay Time, ORNL-2127,
H. H. Uhlig, Corrosion Handbook, p. 514, Wiley, Part II, vols. 1, 3, Summations of Individual Chains,
New York, 1955. Elements and the Rare Gas and Rare Earth Groups (1957).

T a b l e 3.4. Compositions of Mixes for Producing Purex Glasses

With and Without Simulated Fission Products

Additives FTW-65-X3 Nonsulfate

(g-moles per liter of waste)

"3PO4 1.5 3.6 11.2 11.2 2.0 2.0

LiOH 1.5 2.4 7.5 7.5

NaOH 2.7 8.45 8.45

Ca(N03)2 0.2

A1(N03)3 0.5 0.75 2.35

Pb(N03)2 0.2 0.3

Wt % w a s t e oxides (theoretical)
No F P ' s 39.6 20

10,000 Mwd/metric ton F P ' s ^ 52 30 24 22

35,000 Mwd/metric ton F P ' s ' ' 30.1 32.2

Approx. mp ( C)
No F P ' s 800 700
10,000 Mwd/metric ton F P ' s 1000 800 800 800

35,000 Mwd/metric ton F P ' s 800 800

Sulfate L o s s (wt %)
No F P ' s 19.6 10.2

10,000 Mwd/metric ton 10.6

35,000 Mwd/metric ton

^Using Hanford-BNL simulated fission product composition (Table 3.5).

U s i n g ORNL simulated fission product composition (Table 3.5).
'^From thermogravimetric t e s t s , assuming total weight loss to be sulfate. Semiengineering-scale fixation t e s t s nor-
mally give a much lower value.

Steel (Darex) w a s t e . ' R e s u l t s are s t i l l in a pre- incorporated a storage chamber in which the prod-
liminary s t a g e . uct could be retained in molten form until the
Volatility and Corrosion T e s t s in a Continuous end of the d a y ' s operation (Fig. 3.9). T h e melting
Melter. — A s e r i e s of continuous fixation experi- chamber itself was 4 in. in diameter and 24 in.
ments (Con-Potglass process) were run on Purex long. Fixation rates obtained in this melter were
FTW-65-X3 waste using a s the continuous melter a s high as 7 liters of feed (waste plus additives)
a fixation pot modified by the addition of a bottom per hour; about 4 l i t e r s A r appeared to be a more
outlet with an overflow weir. Later models also realistic figure for steady-state operation. A rate
of about 1 liter/hr was used in most of t h e s e
experiments, s i n c e it was difficult to start up,
W. E . Clark and H. W. Godbee, Laboratory Develop-
ment of Processes for Fixation of High-Level Radioac- reach steady s t a t e , and operate for an appreciable
tive Wastes m Glassy Solids: Wastes Containing (1) length of time during a normal 8-hr working day.
Aluminum Nitrate and (2) the Nitrates of the Constituents
of Stainless Steel, ORNL-3612 (July 1964). Consequently, the experiments were operated on





- • ^



Fig. 3.8. Restrained-Sphere Apparatus for Determining the Melt V i s c o s i t y .

an intermittent rather than a long-term continuous experiments done under rising-level conditions.^
basis. Sulfate volatility was erratic, ranging from 0.67
The objectives of these experiments were to to 14.8%. This variation was probably caused by
investigate the volatility of various constituents upsets in operating conditions, though these were
and the corrosion of the melter during the con- not obvious at the time, possibly because of the
tinuous melting process as well as to define brevity (<8 hr) of each operating period. Con-
practical operating problems such as the required sistently, 1 to 2% of the molybdenum volatilized.
ranges of melt viscosity, the possibility of opera- Minimum values of entrainment determined from
tional difficulty from solids building up in the the total amounts of lithium, aluminum, and/or
melter, and the deposition of solids in the off-gas phosphate reporting to the condenser, off-gas l i n e s ,
line. and scrubbers were rather consistently 0,2 to
A continuous melting process requires a more 0.5% of the total solids present. It is expected
fluid (less viscous) melt than the rising-level that these solids would be retained in a loop s y s -
(RL-Potglass) process. Continuous operations tem. Operation of the melter in conjunction with
for about four days and intermittent operation for a close-coupled evaporator should hold the amount
total periods of about 38 hr without opening the of volatile and entrained solid from the loop to
melter resulted in no buildup of solids in the
melter using melt 2, Table 3.4 (Purex FTW-65-X3
•^W. E . Clark, H. W. Godbee, and C. L. Fitzgerald,
waste). The results of the studies of volatility Laboratory Development of Processes for Fixation of
and entrainment (Table 3.6) showed that iron and High Level Radioactive Waste in Glassy Solids. 3.
Wastes from the Purex Solvent Extraction Process,
ruthenium had the highest volatilities, since 20 OKNL.3640 (in p r e s s ) .
to 30% of the total amounts of these elements ^C. W. Hancher, J . C. Suddath, and M. E . Whatley,
either reported to the condensate or collected a s Engineering Studies on Pot Calcination for Ultimate
Disposal of Nuclear Waste: Formaldehyde-Treated Purex
solids in the off-gas line. The volatility results Waste for 1965 (FTW-65), ORNL.TM-715 (Jan. 6, 1965);
for iron are doubtlessly too high because severe s e e also C. W. Hancher and J . C. Suddath, Pot Calcina-
tion of Simulated Radioactive Wastes with Continuous
corrosion occurred in the s t a i n l e s s s t e e l off-gas Evaporation, ORNL-TM-117 (Dec. 26, 1961); R. E .
Blanco and F . L. Parker, Waste Treatment and Disposal
line and condenser c o i l s . High iron volatility i s , Progr. Rept. for February to April 1963, ORNL'TM-603
however, consistent with the results of earlier (Dec. 16, 1963).

l e s s than 0.1% of the solids present, especially The unavoidable presence of ruthenium in a
if a small amount of reductant is added to the s t a i n l e s s s t e e l off-gas line will doubtless a c c e l -
evaporator to lower the ruthenium volatility. The erate corrosion if the line is kept at a temperature
off-gas line may require periodic flushing in low enough to allow condensation of nitric acid.
any c a s e . Corrosion of " d r y " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l (i.e., at
~ 1 5 0 ° C ) is negligible in this off-gas, and the
corrosion of titanium in the " w e t " off-gas and
T a b l e 3.5. Simulated Fission Product Concentrations condensate is also quite l o w . ' °
g-moles per liter of waste for 333 liters of waste per ton Platinum, Corronel 230, 50% N i - 5 0 % Cr, H a s t e l -
of uranium (80 gal per ton of uranium) loys C and F , Inconel, Ni-o-nel, Nichrome V, BMI-
HAPO 20, and s t a i n l e s s s t e e l types 304L, 310,
10,000 Mwd/Metric 35,000
446, and Carpenter No. 20SCb were exposed in
Ton Equivalent Mwd/Metric Ton
the melter in the form of long s t r i p s , rods, or wires
which extended from the vapor s p a c e in the top
HanfoTdl ' Equivalent,
„-„a ORNL" ORNL"
of the melter, through the solution and calcine
l a y e r s , and into the melt. Penetration rates were
determined by micrometer measurements at numer-
Zr 0.021 0.045 0.1675 ous positions along the length of the specimens
Mo+ T c 0.025'^ 0.044"' 0.1643'^ before and after exposures.
(Mo) (0.035) (0.1321) All materials tested except platinum showed
(Tc) (0.009) (0.0322) appreciable rates of attack, the maximum gener-
ally occurring at or near the position of the melt
Y + lanthanides 0.045 0.081^ 0.2966^
interface. The high-nickel alloys, Corronel 230,
(Ce) (0.022) (0.0741)
Nichrome V, Inconel, and 50% N i - 5 0 % Cr were the
(Others) (0.059) (0.2225)
most resistant of the conventional alloys tested.
R b + Cs 0.014 0.025 0.0982 The maximum penetrations of t h e s e alloys, based on
(Rb) (0.007) (0.006) (0.02 09) exposure times at operating temperature, varied
(Cs) (0.007) (0.019) (0.0773) from 0.176 mil/hr for Corronel 230 at 900°C to
Sr + Ba 0.011 0.022 0.0832 0.945 mil/hr for Inconel at 950°C (Table 3.7).
(Sr) (0.0055) (0.014) (0.0503) Level Detection During Formation of Melt. —
(Ba) (0.0055) (0.008) (0.0329) A modified "thermal conductivity probe"^^ was
0.016' 0.084l'
used to determine the type of material ( g l a s s ,
Ru, Rh, Pd 0.028'
calcined solid, liquid, or gas and vapor) filling
0.0017 0.0068 various zones or regions in a pot during melt for-
mation. T h i s device can make use of the thermo-
T o t a l g-moles 0.144 0.2347 0.8871
couples already in the pot, so that little or no
additional paraphernalia will be required inside
P e r s o n a l communication from G. Rey, HAPO, to
BNL Waste D i s p o s a l Group, Mar. 10, 1964. F i s s i o n the pot. It h a s the additional advantage that the
product distributions are for the Plutonium R e c y c l e T e s t thermocouples do not lose their utility a s temper-
Reactor ( P R T R ) .
ature s e n s o r s . The probe c o n s i s t s basically of a
Calculated according to J . O. Blomeke and M. F .
Todd, Uranium-235 Fission-Product Production as a heat sink, which could be the wires of a thermo-
Function of Thermal Neutron Flux, Irradiation Time and couple itself, and a temperature-sensing device
Decay Time, ORNL-2127, part II, v o l s . 1 and 3, "Sum-
mations of Individual Chains, E l e m e n t s , and the Rare
Gas and Rare-Earth G r o u p s , " assuming 3 x 10 nvt
(thermal), decay time of 10 s e c , irradiation time of
3 X 10^ s e c , N ° j = 5.1 x 10^^ (2% ^^^U). ' " w . E . Clark, P . D. Neumann, L. R i c e , and D. N.
H e s s , Laboratory Development of Processes for Fixation
'^Calculated from ORNL-2127, part II, v o l s . 1 and 3 of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Glass. 4. Corro-
(see b above), assuming 10 1 3 nvt (thermal), decay time sion Studies on Candidate Materials of Construction,
ORNL-3816 (in preparation); s e e also R. E . Blanco and
of 10^ s e c , irradiation time of 10* s e c , N ° j = 1.72 X F . L. Parker, Waste Treatment and Disposal Quart.
10^® (67o ^^^U). Progr. Rept. August-October 1962, ORNL.TM-482,
pp. 1 8 - 1 9 .
' ' A U added a s MoO^.
^Added a s "didymium n i t r a t e " plus cerous nitrate. H. S. Carslaw and J . C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat
in Solids, 2nd ed., p. 345, Oxford University P r e s s ,
' A U added a s RuCl . London, I9S9.

ORNL-DWS 65-1850A










Fig. 3.9. Continuous Melters Used in Semiengineering-Scale F i x a t i o n Experiments.

such a s a thermocouple. The probe i s heated (or positions. The materials tested at various tem-
cooled), and the response of the temperature peratures in the pot were air, a magnesia powder
sensor is recorded. This response is a measure (to simulate calcined material), and a phosphate
of the effective thermal conductivity of the medium g l a s s . The heater dissipated about 20 w/lin in.
surrounding the probe. Representative results with one of the thermo-
Experiments were carried out with a probe 1 in. couples at 850°C when surrounded by each of the
in diameter and 22 in. long, concentrically located above different materials are shown in F i g . 3.10.
in a pot 4 in. in diameter and 24 in. long. T h e T h e s e results show that such a probe h a s promise
probe was heated by a Nichrome-wound heater a s a device to permit discrimination between
that extended the full length of the probe. Chro- regions filled with g l a s s , calcine, or g a s e s . A
mel-Alumel thermocouples were attached to the heater capable of dissipating more power per unit
1-in. tube at different radial and longitudinal of length than the one used in these studies will
T a b l e 3.6. V o l a t i l i t y and Entrainment of Various Elements During Fixation of Purex FTW-65 Waste
in a Continuous Melting Process

Experiment No.

Melter Discharge Open Melter Discharge Closed

Simulated fission products present Yes Yes No No

(10,000 Mwd/metric ton equiv) 700

Approximate softening temp., ° C 700 700 600 600 700 700

Maximum operating temp., ° C 875^ 850 850 950 900

Melt viscosity at operating temp., p o i s e s 10 6.5 6.5 '^4.1 7.4

Volatility and entrainment tility (condensate Volatility Entrainment Volatility Entrainment

(wt % of total present) plus scrub solution) (cond. + scrub) (off-gas lines) (cond. + s c r u b ) (off-gas lines) °^

SO, 1.4 14.8 1.1 0.73 1.16 1.0 2.16 7.19 1.69 8.88

P O 4. 0.5 0.35 0.23 0.24 2.1 2.10 0.24 0.24

Fe 3.7 2.5 1.9 8.41 12.91 31.32 15.8 10.6 26.4
f I
21.73' 16.6
Ru 3.92 20.52

Mo 0.76 0.45 1.21 1.29 0.52 1.81

Al^ 0.24 0.24

Li« 0.36 0.05 0.41

^Melt additives (g-moles per liter of waste): 3.6 H^PO^, 2.7 NaOH, 2.4 LiOH -H^O, 0.75 AKNOj)^ ' 9 H^O.
Figure 3.9a.
"Figure 3.96.
BNL-Hanford composition (see Table 3.5).
There was a short temperature excursion to 925°C.
The bulk of the ruthenium in both condenser and off-gas lines was recovered a s s o l i d s . T h e s e were collected for a n a l y s i s .
"Analyzed for as indicators of entrainment.

shorten the time required to distinguish between Pilot Plant Design

substances. T h e time required in t h e s e s t u d i e s
to make t h e s e distinctions was about 1.5 min Active liaison with Hanford personnel on the
( F i g . 3.10). A remaining problem in the use of design and startup of the pot calcination and
such a probe i s the effect of films or layers that rising-level P o t g l a s s equipment for the Hanford
will build up on the probe during the filling of a Waste Solidification Engineering Prototypes P i l o t
pot with melt. Plant c o n t i n u e s . T h i s equipment is presently

Table 3.7. Corrosion During Fixation of Purex FTW-65 Waste

in a Continuous Melting Process^

Maximum Corrosion R a t e
Scoping T e s t s : (mils/hr)
Candidate Material T = 875-900°C; Remarks
T e s t 1: T e s t 2:
Time — Variable
950°C, 900° C,
35V hr 36V hr
4 4

Platinum No attack; no weight change 0 No attack in any t e s t

Corronel 230 0.176 No marked local attack;

maximum attack at melt

Inconel Slight attack 0.943 0.508 Nearly all attack near melt

50% N i - 5 0 % Cr 0.356 0.566 Nearly all attack near melt


Nichrome V 0.288 Visible local corrosion in

and just above melt
BMI-HAPO 20 Severely attacked at melt 1.78 E x c e s s i v e corrosion at melt
interface interface
Type 446 SS 0.867 Considerable attack over
entire specimen; maximum
attack at melt interface

Ni-o-nel Slight attack Excessive Completely destroyed in melt

Hastelloy F Attack varied from slight to Eliminated in scoping t e s t s


Haste Hoy B Very severe pitting attack C o n s i s t e n t l y poor in a l l


Hastelloy C E x c e s s i v e local attack Eliminated in scoping t e s t s

Carpenter No. 20SCb Heavy pitting attack Eliminated in scoping t e s t s
Type 310 SS Heavy attack m vapor Consistently poor m vapor
Type 304L SS Attack in melt and at melt Insufficiently r e s i s t a n t for
interface construction of a continu-
ous melter

Melt 357 in computer readout. Additives (g-moles per liter of w a s t e ) : 3.6 H P O , 2.7 NaOH, 2.4 L i O H ' H O,
0.75 Al(NOj), -9 H^O. ^ ^

undergoing design-verification t e s t s . It will be
installed in the Hanford F u e l s Recycle Pilot Plant 2-in VAPOR LINE
in August of 1965.
An analog computer study was made of the
transient response to surges in vapor rate gener-
ated while feeding liquid waste to a pot calciner
operating at temperatures up to 900°C.
system currently installed for the design verifi-

cation t e s t s at Hanford is shown in Fig. 3 . 1 1 .

Vapors from the pot calciner flow through a 2-in.
vapor line to the condenser, where the steam and
nitric acid are condensed. Noncondensable vapors
flow to the evaporator through a 2-in. line which
may contain a jet. This jet would be used to PROPOSED ORIFICE-
increase vapor circulation rates if required. The
SEAL POT 8 in DIAM, 36 in HIGH-
condensate flows by gravity from the condenser
to the evaporator. A water s e a l pot is installed POT CALCINER 8 in DIAM, 90 in HIGH'
in the vent line from the pot calciner to serve as
an emergency relief valve in c a s e the normal vapor
line plugs. The maximum allowable height of
liquid in the water s e a l before it vents is 24 in. F i g . 3 . 1 1 . Pot-Calciner Vapor and Vent System.
The s e a l vent is also connected to the evaporator,
which serves as a common plenum for both the
condenser and s e a l pot v e n t s .

ORNL-DWG 65-97(7 The system was simulated on a PACE TR-10

analog computer, using the following basic assump-
/ tions :
The pressure in the evaporator would be con-
09 /
stant and at a slight vacuum.
/ 2. The normal vapor rate would be about 148
ypo\i TOER" cfm, which approximates the maximum boilup
« 0 7
/ rate from a 12-in.-diam pot calciner during the
U06 / y
y initial feeding period. The vapor-line pressure
differential at this rate would be about 6 in.
/ ' H O without installation of the jet downstream

/ /
of the condenser, and 10.2 in. H O with the
u / ^
o jet installed.
0 4
" G L A SS
/ The prime c a u s e of pressure fluctuations in
03 / / the system is the surges of vapor at i n s t a n t a n e -
/ > ous rates considerably above the normal rate.
0 2 /^.

V - -
T h e s e surges are probably due to fluctuations
in the calciner feed rate, liquid level, and wall
temperature. Vapor surges were simulated a s
<y s t e p functions in the normal vapor rate for the
20 40 60 80 (00 (20 (40 (60 (80 purposes of this study.
TIME (sec)
The level in the s e a l pot could be simulated
F i g . 3.10. T h e Response of a Chromel-Alumel Thermo- by treating the system a s a manometer with a
couple at 850°C as a Function of the Surrounding fluctuating pressure on the pot calciner s i d e
Medium when Heated at a Uniform Rate. and a constant pressure on the evaporator s i d e .

R e s u l t s of a typical run are shown in F i g . 3.12, vapor-surge frequency on the s e a l differential

where the vapor rate, pot and evaporator pressure, height. The data indicate that the system could
and manometer differential height are plotted vs take surges 70% above the normal rate without
time. This run shows that for a 30% increase in venting the s e a l . The area of the s e a l restriction
vapor rate at a 2-sec frequency, the pot pressure (4.54 in.^) is about 35% greater than the area of
increased to —20 in. H O from —27 in. H O , and the inlet pipe to the s e a l , s o no severe restriction
the manometer differential height reached 23 in. would be added to the flow of vapor through the
H O ; so the s e a l was within 1 in. of venting. seal-pot vent system.
Results of all the computer runs are summarized As a result of this study, a recommendation was
in F i g . 3.13, which shows the maximum s e a l dif- made that the jet in the condenser vent line be
ferential height as a function of the vapor rate removed and that the area under the s e a l baffle be
increase and the step-function frequency. The reduced to 4.54 in.^ in order to dampen out the
latter is expressed in terms of 0 , defined as the effects of the vapor fluctuations on the seal-pot
absolute value of the difference between an odd level.
integer, n = 1, 3 , 5, . . . , and the ratio of the s t e p - A study of thermocouple materials for the pot
function period to the natural period of the s e a l calciner and its furnace was made to determine
pot. As the period of the step function approached the most economical and reliable materials for
an odd multiple of the seal-pot natural period the Hanford pilot plant. Two c l a s s e s of thermo-
( 0 -"O), the adverse effect of vapor rate increase couple service were specified. For the furnace
was intensified. Curves B and C in F i g . 3.13 liner and susceptor, the thermocouples must be
indicate that the s e a l was l e s s likely to vent when stable for at l e a s t 100 hr at 1100°C and for 1000
the restriction caused by the I'^^-in. jet was re- hr at 1000°C. T h e s e couples will be used for
moved. Considerable improvement was obtained many t e s t s and therefore could be constructed of
by inserting an orifice with an area of 4.54 in.^ in more costly materials such a s platinum. For the
the s e a l pot at the bottom of the baffle. This pot calciner the thermocouples must be stable for
tended to dampen the manometer fluctuations, as at least 100 hr at 900°C and for very long times
shown in curve C, and also removed the effect of at temperatures below 700°C.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 3043

F i g . 3.12. Typical Computer Plot of Pot-Calciner Pressure-Transient Study.


ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 3 0 4 4

42 (6 20 24 28

F i g . 3.13. Pot-Calciner Pressure-Transient Study: Effect of Step Function on Woter-Seal Differential Height.

Thermocouples recommended were as follows: which is essentially a nickel-silicon binary alloy.

1. Furnace liner and susceptor — Pt vs Pt—10% Improved h i ^ - t e m p e r a t u r e oxidation r e s i s t a n c e is
Rh thermocouple wires sheathed in Inconel or claimed for t h e s e newer materials.
Hastelloy X, with MgO insulation. A survey^ ^ ' ' ^ of the composition and quantity
of w a s t e s to be generated at the Nuclear F u e l s
2. Pot calciner — Chromel-Alumel thermocouple Services Reprocessing Plant, near Buffalo, New
wires sheathed in type 310 s t a i n l e s s s t e e l . York, was made to enable t e s t i n g of this w a s t e
Since t h e s e thermocouples will probably be type in the hot pilot plant. Since fuels reprocessed
used only once during a calcination, they must in this plant will have very high burnups (up to
be a s inexpensive a s possible, consistent with 20,000 Mwd per metric ton of uranium), the w a s t e s
the service specifications.
Further recommendations included the use of 20
gage a s the minimum wire diameter, ungrounded J . M. Holmes, Survey of Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc.,
wires to obtain longer life, and investigation of Waste Composition'^, ORNL-TM.1013.
the new Chromel-P wire, which contains a small R. E. Blanco and F . L. Parker, Waste Treatment and
quantity of niobium and a s p e c i a l type of Alumel Disposal Semiann. Progr. Rept. July-Dec. 1964, ORNL-

will contain high concentrations of stable and The w a s t e s — incinerator a s h e s , concentrated

active fission products and will generate high aqueous solutions, or filtered sludges with variable
internal heat fluxes in the calcine or glassy s o l i d s . water content — are gradually introduced into
Compositions were obtained for two types of Purex, hot asphalt (about 240°C) with violent stirring.
Thorex, and TBP-25 w a s t e s . Most of the work at Mol has been with s l u d g e s .
Formulation of a detailed schedule for pot c a l - At Marcoule, F r a n c e , ^ ' a continuous process
cination and rising-level glass t e s t s in the hot has been developed for incorporating sludges in
pilot plant was completed recently with Hanford asphalt. The sludges to which emulsifying agents
personnel. During the initial operating phase, have already been added are mixed with hot asphalt
three pot calcination t e s t s will be run on Purex (about 125°C). The major portion (80 to 90%) of
w a s t e s having approximately 1000 to 2000, 5000, the water in the sludges is exuded and thus s e p -
and up to 6000 Btu hr~^ ft~^ of internal heat- arated from the coated w a s t e s . The residual
generation rates. Two rising-level t e s t s will be water in the asphalt mixture is boiled off and
made: one on Purex waste containing tracer levels the mixture heated to about 130°C. Since most
of radioactivity, and the other with up to 6000 soluble activity would be in the exuded water,
Btu h r ~ ' ft~^ of internal heat-generation rate. the process is applicable only to w a s t e s in which
Both sulfate and nonsulfate Purex w a s t e s will be the radiation emitters are tied up in the sludge
tested in this initial phase. T e s t s on other w a s t e s s o l i d s . At ORNL, a process (Fig. 3.14) h a s been
such at TBP-25, Thorex, and Darex will be con-
sidered during the second operating phase, which
is scheduled tentatively for calendar year 1967. P . Dejohghe, N. Van de Voorde, J . Pyck, and A.
Stynen, Insolubilization of Radioactive Concentrates
by Asphalt Coating, final report No. 2, 1st part, con-
cerning proposal 167, April 1, 1961, to March 3 1 , 1963,
RADIOACTIVE WASTE J . Rodier, G. LefiUatre, and J . Scheidhauer, Bitumen
Coating of the Radioactive Sludges from the Effluent
Treatment Plant at the Marcoule Center, Review of the
Nuclear installations generate large volumes of progress reports 1, 2, 3, and 4, CEA report 2331, 1963
intermediate-level radioactive w a s t e s (ILW), such
a s evaporator concentrates, second- and third-
cycle solvent extraction raffinates, and slurries
ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 6 5 9 A
or solids (residues from low-level treatment proc-
e s s e s ) . T h e s e wastes are characterized by their
modest levels of radioactivity, s o that heating
and radiation dose levels do not present serious
problems, and by their high salt or solids contents,
which prevent their efficient treatment by con-
ventional ion exchange, precipitation, or foam-
separation methods. The ORNL intermediate-level
waste treatment program includes development of
processes to remove the water from t h e s e w a s t e s
and to incorporate the dried solids in a cheap,
inert, insoluble material before burial or contained
storage. Incorporation of t h e s e wastes in asphalt
or other plastic and e l a s t i c substances appears
to be simple, inexpensive, and relatively insen-
sitive to the type of material being incorporated,
and, within limits, independent of local geologic
and hydrologic conditions. Asphalt has good
adhesive and coating properties and is insoluble
in water, but its sensitivity toward radiation limits
the activity level of included material.
At Mol, Belgium,^'* a batch process has been Fig. 3.14. Flow Diagram of Process to Incorporate
developed for incorporating the w a s t e s in asphalt. ILW in Emulsified Asphalt.

developed for incorporating w a s t e s in emulsified 60 wt % solids from waste flowed freely from the
asphalt. Attractive features of the process include: evaporator at 130°C. The product containing 80
wt % s o l i d s from waste was removed with diffi-
1. u s e of emulsified asphalt, which flows readily
culty at 195°C.
at room temperature;
Since the product containing 60 wt % s o l i d s
2 . evaporation at low temperatures s o that entrain- from w a s t e (Fig. 3.15) represented a good corn-
ment of activity from the evaporator and thermal
degradation of the asphalt are minimized;
3 . agitation at modest rates (100 to 500 rpm, which T a b l e 3.8. Composition of Simulated O R N L
provides adequate mixing and keeps the heated Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste Solution
surfaces of the evaporator clean; Incorporated in Emulsified Asphalt

4. operation in batch or continuous manner; Density of solution at 25°C = 1.335 g/ml

5. incorporation of soluble and insoluble activity

with equal effectiveness. Component Molarity
Asphalt products containing 20 to 80 wt % solids
from waste have been prepared. The waste used Na 6.61
in t h e s e studies was simulated ORNL w a s t e - NH * 0.19
evaporator bottoms (Table 3.8), and the asphalt 4

was an emulsified asphalt used in the surface 0.22

treatment of roads. (This asphalt emulsion is 0.35
defined in Federal Specifications SS-A-674b a s 0.056
type RS-2: a rapid-setting high-viscosity emulsi-
fied asphalt. The material used contained about OH" 2.06
63 wt % base asphalt, 35 wt % water, and 2 wt % NO ~ 4.64
emulsifying agent.) Products containing 20 to

PHOTO 67974R

1 inch

F i g . 3.15. Solids-Asphalt Product Incorporating 60 wt % Solids from Simulated O R N L ILW Solution. Nominal
composition of product (wt % ) : 47.8 N o N G j , 9.1 N a O H , 4.6 A l j C S O ^ j j , 0.4 N a C i , 0.3 N o j S O ^ , and 37.8 a s p h o l t .
D e n s i t y - 1.5 g / c m . Volume r e d u c t i o n (volumes of w a s t e per volume of product) = 2 .

promise of properties — volume reduction, v i s c o s -
ity, ductility, e t c . — it was studied in most detail. \
The process consisted in (1) adding the waste \
directly to emulsified asphalt with modest stir- \
ring — about 100 rpm, (2) boiling off the water, \
(3) raising the temperature of the product to the \
desired final temperature — usually 165°C, and
(4) draining the product into an appropriate con-
V. y
, _ c ; o n i i i M Awn ' ^ ' r < ; F R O M P R O D U C T
tainer. Although the process described above i s T A i K M R i ^ i~r\ I. OT t-rs\ \r\c-

a batch operation, it h a s been carried out with

slight variation in procedure as a continuous
Probably the best measure of how well the waste
particles have been coated with asphalt is how
r e s i s t a n t the product i s to leaching by water.
T h u s , asphalt products containing 20 to 60 wt %
solids from simulated ORNL waste-evaporator
bottoms have been leached with water for periods \
of up to nine months. As expected, these leach \ /
t e s t s indicate surface contamination of the sam- \ / 106- .

p l e s , which d e c r e a s e s rapidly during the first CONTAINING 6 0 w t % SOLIDS

\ /
several weeks ( F i g s . 3.16 and 3.17). The term f
\ ^
80 (20 (60 200 240 280
TIME (days)
ORNL-DWG 65-(4 a

Fig. 3.17. Leach Rates of Cs, Sodium, and Ru

from Asphalt Product Containing 60 wt % Solids from
O R N L ILW Solution.

\(\ l , B n wt \ SO i n s
" l e a c h r a t e " rather than " d i s s o l u t i o n r a t e " i s
used, since the asphalt matrix does not d i s s o l v e .
Leach rates were calculated by using the ex-
Vi i ; ^ ( F L OWING hj . n i
\ " • ^ J pression
\ ^« i r
\ \
> :
;Owt \ SOLIDS --
activity l e a c h e d / c m ^ / d a y
a c t i v i t y / g of product
= g cm ^ day '
\ Dwt% SC

T e s t s were made with stagnant (static t e s t ) and
flowing (dynamic t e s t ) distilled water at 2 5 ° C .
\\ The water was sampled and completely replaced
\X /y
t - / with fresh water at the end of each week.
The asphalt product containing 60 wt % solids
from waste (Fig. 3.15 and Table 3.8) reaches an
apparent steady-state leach rate for ' ^ ' C s and
sodium of 3 X 10""* g cm~^ d a y " ' in s t a t i c t e s t s ,
and about 5 x 1 0 " ' ' g cm~^ d a y " ^ in dynamic
10" t e s t s after about six months (Fig. 3.16). The
0 40 80 120 (60 200 240 280
difference between leach rates determined by
TIME (days)
gamma counting of ^^'^Cs and flame-photometric
1 37 determination of sodium in the same leachate was
Fig. 3.16. Leach Rates of Cs and Sodium from
Products Incorporating O R N L ILW Solution. negligible. The product containing 20 wt % solids

(Fig. 3.16) reaches an apparent steady-state leach A dose of 10^ rads caused it to swell very slightly
rate for ^ ^ ' C s and sodium about half that of the (Fig. 3.19), while a dose of 10^ rads c a u s e d the
product with 60% solids — 1.5 x lO""* g cm~^ material to increase about 36% in volume (Fig.
day"'. Unlike the results with the product con- 3.20). Leach t e s t s on a sample irradiated to a
taining 60% s o l i d s , the results with the product con- dose of 10* rads indicated that the irradiation
taining 20% solids are not influenced by whether h a s no effect on the leach rate.
the water is flowing or stagnant. T h e s e results Design of a pilot plant to incorporate 100 gal
suggest that there is a r e s i s t a n c e to diffusion of ORNL waste-evaporator bottoms in emulsified
due to concentration in the leachate in the first asphalt per 8-hr shift by the above batch process
c a s e (60%) that is not apparent in the second has been completed and installation has started.
(20%). The asphalt product containing 60 wt % Studies have been started to determine the long-
solids from waste reaches an apparent steady-state term effect of incorporated radioactive elements
leach rate for ' ""^Ru of 7 x 1 0 " ^ g cm"^ d a y " ' on the physical (in particular, leach rate) and
(Fig. 3,17). The fact that the above leach rates chemical (in particular, radiolytic g a s e s formed)
for '•'^Cs and sodium are 50 to 100 times higher properties by incorporating low and high concen-
than leach rates reported in Belgium''* and trations of radionuclides in asphalt samples.
F r a n c e ' ^ implies that leach rate is a function of F a c t o r s being investigated include the effect of
whether the incorporated activity is soluble or stirring rate, temperature, and time at temperature
insoluble. on the final product; of radiation dose level on
To evaluate the r e s i s t a n c e of the asphalt product leach rate; of different base a s p h a l t s and emulsi-
to irradiation, samples of the product containing fying agents on the quality of the final product;
60 wt % solids from waste were irradiated by and of solubility on the leach rate of a given com-
means of a *°Co source to absorbed d o s e s ranging pound, namely, Sr(NO^^ vs SrCO . A hazards
from 10^ to 10^ rads. A dose of 10® rads had survey and evaluation program has also been
negligible effect on the asphalt sample (Fig. 3.18). started.

PHOTO 69225

I I \ I L I \ I I


rom O R N L ILW Solution After Irradiation to 10 Rods.

F i g . 3.18. Asphalt Product Containing 6 0 wt % Solids f


PHOTO 6 9 2 2 4


F i g . 3.19. A s p h a l t P r o d u c t C o n t a i n i n g 60 wt % S o l i d s from O R N L ILW S o l u t i o n A f t e r I r r a d i a t i o n to 10 Rods.

PHOTO 6 8 2 5 6

1 inch

F i g . 3.20. A s p h a l t P r o d u c t C o n t a i n i n g 60 wt % S o l i d s from O R N L ILW Solution After I r r a d i a t i o n to 10 Rods.


3.3 TREATMENT OF LOW-LEVEL pursued." Subsequently, a foam-separation

RADIOACTIVE WASTES pilot plant for treating ORNL LLW was designed,
i n s t a l l e d , " and operated.^" No further de-
Low-level radioactive w a s t e s (LLW) c o n s i s t of velopment of the foam process for treating LLW
waters with low solids and radioactivity contents. IS planned. Decontamination of LLW in the scav-
They are customarily treated to remove radionu- enging-precipitation foam-separation pilot plant ^°
c l i d e s and then discharged to streams. The ob- was accomplished in two s t e p s : (1) precipitation
jective of the ORNL program is to develop, evalu- of calcium, magnesium, and radionuclides in a
a t e , and determine the cost of alternative p r o c e s s e s scavenging-precipitation step that included the use
for decontaminating LLW to l e s s than the maximum of Grundite clay for sorption of cesium and (2)
permissible levels permitted for w a t e r , ' ^ M P C ^ , removal of strontium and other radionuclides by
for occupational exposure (168 hr/week). The complexing with a foaming agent, dodecylbenzene
retained s o l i d s and radionuclides can be combined sulfonate, and then removing the complex by foam-
with high-level radioactive wastes for ultimate ing in a countercurrent foam-separation column.
disposal, or they can be incorporated in asphalt or The scavenging-precipitation system could be
concrete and buried in restricted a r e a s . used alone, where decontamination factors for
Two p r o c e s s e s are being studied for treating strontium and cesium of about 10 were required,
LLW: the scavenging-precipitation foam-separation or in combination with a foam system to achieve a
process and the water-recycle ion exchange p r o c e s s . strontium decontamination factor of 1000. Cesium
T h e latter differs from the previously developed IS not removed in the foam system.
scavenging-precipitation ion exchange p r o c e s s '
m that it is designed to operate at neutral condi-
tions. Since very pure demineralized water is Scavenging-Precipitation Foam-Separation Process
produced in this process, recycle and reuse of this
water appear to be more economical than to d i s - Pilot Plant Studies. — The process flowsheets
charge it and continually demineralize fresh river for the scavenging-precipitation and foam-separa-
water. The s t e p s in this process are flocculation- tion s y s t e m s are shown in Fig. 3.21a and b. The
precipitation to remove colloids, demineralization scavenging-precipitation system was run contin-
by ion exchange, and sorption of ruthenium and uously under fixed operating conditions throughout
cobalt on activated charcoal. Initial t e s t s on a the t e s t program.
laboratory s c a l e have shown satisfactory r e s u l t s , Low-level waste from the ORNL equalization
demonstrating decontamination factors greater than b a s i n ^ ' was fed at 5 gpm to a flash mixer to which
1000. Semiengineering-scale t e s t s are scheduled Grundite clay was added continuously. Caustic,
for late in 1965. sodium carbonate, and copperas were added in a
second flash mixer to make the waste 0.005 M in
Foam separation has the desirable characteristic
NaOH, 0.005 M in N a ^ C O j , and 10 ppm in iron.
that separation efficiency is almost independent
The solution (pH 11.2) flowed to a flocculator
of concentration at very low concentrations. When
a metal ion is complexed with a surfactant in an
aqueous solution and the system is foamed by bub-
bling air through it, the metal ion is removed from "W. Davis, Jr., A. H. Kibbey, and E Schonfeld, Lab-
oratory Demonstration of the Two-Step Process for
the solution on the surface of the foam bubbles. Decontaminating Low-Radioactivity-Level Process Waste
The feasibility of applying foam separation to the Water by Scavengmg-Precipitation Foam Separation,
ORNL-3811 (in preparation).
specific problem of treatment of LLW was inves-
P . A. H a a s , Engineering Development of a Foam
tigated in the laboratory,'* and the development of Column for Countercurrent Surface-Liquid Extraction of
equipment for a large-scale separation plant was Surface-Active Solutes, ORNL-3527 (to be published).
L. J . King, A. Shimozato, and J . M. Holmes, Pilot
Plant Demonstration of the Removal of Activity from
Low-Level Process Wastes by a Scavenging-Precipita-
tion Foam Separation Process, ORNL 3803 (in prepa-
Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum ration).
Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides m Air and
in Water for Occupational Exposure, U.S. Department of ^ ' K . E . Cowser, R. J. Morton, and E . J . Witkov.ski,
Commerce, NBS Handbook 69 (June 5, 1959). " T h e Treatment of Large-Volume Low Level Waste by
the Lime-Soda Softening P r o c e s s , " Proc. U.N. Intern.
" F . L . Culler, Jr., et aU, Chem. Tecbnol. Div. Ann. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd, Geneva, 1958,
Progr. Rept. May 31, 1964, ORNL-3627. P / 2 3 5 4 , vol. 18, p. 161.

ORNL-DWG 65-9718






Fig. 3.21. Flowsheets for the Scavenging-Precipitation Foam-Separation Process for Decontaminating Low-
Level Radioactive Process Waste Water. N o t i c e that the two parts of the process ore c o n n e c t e d by a s i n g l e process
line, (a) S c a v e n g i n g - p r e c i p i t a t i o n s y s t e m , (b) F o a m - s e p a r a t i o n s y s t e m .

Table 3.9. Summary of Pilot Plant Tests for the Foam System

Countercurrent foam column: 2 ft square by 8 ft high

Recovery system: three 2-ft-square by 44-in.-high columns

Low-Level Waste T e s t s
Pall-Ring-:Filled Column
Tap Water Plus Reccjvery System
Tests Open Pall-Ring-FiUed
„ , b
Column Column Preliminary
Tests 93-hr Test

Liquid feed rate, gpm 2 1-2 1-2 1-4 2

Air rate to foam column, scfm 2-6 4-6 3-6 1-8 8

Air rate to each recovery s t a g e , scfm 4-6 1-3 1

DBS m feed, ppm'^ 25-220 55-400 100-470 47-490 120

DBS in bottom of column, ppm 10-130 10-290 35-350 61-413 128

DBS in condensed foam, ppm 1200-3850 1100-3600 1900-2900 1100-5600 1940

DBS in effluent, ppm 1-7 10-115 62

Volume reduction, feed/condensed foam 35-142 17-46 14-70 10-400 31

V/LD, cm"' 120-270 135-290 60-220 138

Strontium decontamination factor 2-200^ 10-200° 1-150° 105°

' D o e s not include decontamination factor for precipitation system (see T a b l e 3.10).
Foam column without recovery system.
" T h e s e items are set conditions; others are measured r e s u l t s
Includes both foam column and recovery columns.

where the hardness constituents (calcium and diam by 6-ft-high agitated sludge blanket clarifier,
magnesium), the iron, and some of the radioactive and 2-ft-diam by 33-in.-high Permutit vertical
ions precipitated a s the carbonate and hydroxides filters.''-2^'"
to form a floe which scavenged radiocolloids and The foam system (Fig. 3.216) was designed""
other colloidal impurities from the solution. The to have a capacity of at least 2 gpm of LLW, with
softened water was separated from the solids in a a possibility that the capacity might be as high a s
slowly agitated suspended-bed clarifier. The 5 gpm. Unlike the precipitation system, the oper-
solids were discharged as a slurry to the drain ating conditions for the foam system were varied
but could be collected by filtration in an actual during the t e s t program (Table 3.9). A solution of
waste-treatment plant for d i s p o s a l . When the foam-
separation equipment was being operated, the
desired amount of clarifier effluent was pumped 22
through a deep-bed anthracite filter for final polish- R. E. Brooksbank, et at., Low-Radioactivily-Level
Waste Treatment. Part II, Pilot Plant Demonstration
ing and then to the foam column. Otherwise, the of the Removal of Activity from I^oW'Level Process
clarified effluent was discarded. Except for the Waste by a Scavengmg-Precipitation Ion-Exchange Proc-
ess, ORNL-3349 (May 20, 1963).
additional flash mixer for adding Grundite clay, ^^R. E. Brooksbank, L. J . King, and J . T. Roberts,
the equipment for the precipitation system was the " P i l o t Plant Demonstration of the Removal of Radio-
activity from Low-Level P r o c e s s Waste Water by a
same as that used for the scavenging-precipitation Scavenging-Precipitation Ion-Exchange P r o c e s s , " pre-
ion exchange process,^^ a 5-gal Alsop flash mixer, sented at the Symposium on Radionuclide Exchange on
Soils, Minerals, and R e s i n s , American Chemical Society,
a 4-ft-diam by 3-ft-high agitated flocculator, a 4-ft- Philadelphia, P a . , April 10, 1964.

sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (5000 ppm DBS) exchange process, where the waste is made 0.01
was added in the feed line to achieve the desired M in NaOH and no Na CO is used. The decon-
concentrations in the feed. The feed was intro- tamination factor for strontium averaged 12, v/hile
duced at the top of the 2-ft-square foam column that for cesium was 1 without Grundite clay and
through a distributor consisting of six ^ - i n . - I P S about 9 with it. The averages of the turbidities
pipes with six 0.078-in.-diam orifices drilled along of the LLW and the filtered clarifier effluent were
each pipe. A small deflector plate below each 4.3 and 2.3 ppm, respectively, as equivalent SiO .
orifice prevented impingement of a liquid jet on Foam Separation. — Initial t e s t s were conducted
the foam. The feed solution drained down the at design conditions with tap water. The foam ap-
column countercurrent to about 8 ft of foam that peared to be s t a b l e , and the recovery system s a t i s -
was generated by bubbling air through nine 3-in.- factorily reduced the DBS concentration from 40
diam spinnerettes (each having 3949 holes 60 fi ppm in the feed to l e s s than 5 ppm in the effluent
in diameter) immersed in a 24-in.-deep pool of (Table 3.9). However, later t e s t s (see below)
water at the bottom of the column. The foam moved showed that actually up to 200 ppm of DBS was
up the column into a vertical foam-drying section required in the feed to achieve stable foam condi-
and then into a 2-ft-square by 5-ft-long horizontal tions and satisfactory decontamination values, and
foam-drying section. Liquid drained from the foam the recovery system was not designed to handle
and was collected and returned to the foam column this increased load. It was concluded that if
through a liquid distributor located under the feed properly matched equipment i s used, the DBS con-
distributor. The drained foam p a s s e d on to a centration can be reduced to satisfactorily low
centrifugal foam breaker, where it was condensed. values in effluent to be discharged.
When the surfactant recovery system was being The first t e s t s of the foam system with LLW
used, liquid from the bottom of the foam column were largely unsuccessful because of turbulence
was pumped continuously to the surfactant recovery and i n s t a b i l i t i e s . Varying the operating condition,
system where DBS was stripped both to conserve such a s reducing the feed rate from 2 to 1 gpm,
DBS and to reduce the DBS concentration in the increasing the DBS concentration, or disconnecting
treated w a s t e . This system c o n s i s t s of three 2- the recovery system did not establish steady-state
ft-square by 44-in.-high foam-stripping columns. conditions. Strontium decontamination factors
The water from the top column flowed by gravity varied from 2 to 200 (Table 3.9).
through the s t a g e s in s e r i e s and was then d i s - The column was filled with Pall-ring packing
carded. DBS was stripped as foam by bubbling air (1.5 X 1.5 in.) to act as baffles and to prevent
to each column through 9-in.-diam Micro Metallic channeling and circular turbulence. Further t e s t s ,
s t a i n l e s s s t e e l spargers immersed in a 24-in.-deep made in the foam column alone under a variety of
liquid pool. The average mean pore-size opening operating conditions, showed that steady-state
in the spargers is 10 (j. (grade G). The foam from conditions were achieved at a feed rate of 1 gpm,
each column was condensed while p a s s i n g through 200 ppm of DBS in the feed, and 4 cfm of air; the
an orifice, and the condensate collected in a single decontamination factor for strontium was 120 to
6-in.-diam glass column header. The recovery 200. A similar t e s t using the recovery column, with
columns were maintained at atmospheric pressure 1 cfm of air in each recovery s t a g e , also showed
and the glass column at '/, atm. s t e a d y - s t a t e operation with an average strontium
Scavenging Precipitation. — The scavenging- decontamination factor of 105 (Table 3.9).
precipitation portion of the plant was operated A final demonstration t e s t was made where
continuously for 91- and 45-day periods at a feed steady-state operation was maintained for 93 hr
rate of 5 gpm of LLW. Grundite clay was added (Tables 3.9 and 3.10). Both the liquid feed rate
only during the final 93-hr test at a rate of 0.77 and the air rate were doubled to 2 gpm and 8 cfm,
lb of clay per 1000 gal. respectively, to increase the processing rate while
The total hardness of the LLW averaged 109 ppm maintaining a constant extraction factor. The
as equivalent CaCO . The total hardness of the DBS concentration was decreased to 120 ppm.
clarifier effluent averaged 2 ppm and varied from The strontium decontamination factors across the
1 to 4. This is significantly lower than the hard- foam and precipitation system were 100 and 10,
n e s s in the product from the precipitation step respectively, giving an overall value of about
(6 to 10 ppm) in the scavenging-precipitation ion 1000.

Table 3.10. Decontamination Factors During the 93-hr Pilot Plant Test
of the Scavenging-Precipitation Foam-Separation Process

Foam Recovery Foam Scavenging-

Column System System Precipitation Overall

Average 35 3 105 10 1050

Sr 13
(range) (19-59) (2-4) (56-193) (8.5-10.8) (500-1500)
Average 0.9 0.9 1.0 8.8 7.6
Cs y
(range) (0.5-2) (0.8-1.3) (0.5-1.8) (5.13) (4-11)
Co 1.3

Sb 2.2

Ru 4.2

Zr-Nb >50

Ce >20

Cesium, antimony, and ruthenium were removed

- 555 A
only in the precipitation s t e p , and zirconium-
niobium only in the foam step, while strontium, 1
cobalt, and cerium were removed in both. The data OONLY FOAM COLUMN OPERATEC
for Sb, Ru, Co, Zr-Nb, and Ce were widely scattered, 200
L 30

s i n c e they were present in very low concentra-
tions. The concentrations of Sr, Cs, Ru, Co, Ce, 100
Sb, and Zr-Nb in the treated effluent were 2, 0.6, //
0.3, 0 . 1 , 0.2, 0.02, and 0.0001% of the maximum /
permissible concentration for water respectively. 50 f
d .
T h u s , this process is suitable for use at many n/
nuclear installations where low-level radioactive
w a s t e s contain comparable amounts of radioactivity. 20 /
Higher decontamination factors could probably be
attained in equipment designed to operate at higher
V/LD ratios ( s e e below). However, this could r // •
not be demonstrated in the present equipment be- 0
5 /-
c a u s e of limitation in the air supply and the c a p a c -
ity of the centrifuge.
Parameter V/LD. — The foam-column parameter / •
2 1
V/LD (where V and L are the gas and liquid rates
in the same units, and D is the effective bubble » •
diameter) is related to the extraction factor and
50 • 100 200 <000
h a s been shown to be useful a s a b a s i s for process V / L D (cm-')
control in laboratory t e s t s . ' * Figure 3.22 shows
the relationship between the strontium decontami- Fig. 3.22. Relationship Between the Decontamination
nation factor across the countercurrent foam column Factor for Strontium Across the 2-ft-square X 8-ft-high
and the parameter V/LD for all of the pilot plant Countercurrent Foam-Separation Column and the Operating
t e s t s . T h e s e data are in good agreement with the Parameter V/LD for All Pilot Plant T e s t s .

laboratory r e s u l t s . However, the utility of this foam s t e p . ) In this way a cesium DF of 20 was
parameter as a b a s i s for process control is limited achieved (Table 3.11). The height equivalent to a
by a lack of knowledge concerning the relation- theoretical s t a g e for strontium removal in the foam
ship between effective bubble diameter and other column was about 3 cm.
process variables. Flow rates, solution tempera- The crucial factor governing satisfactory stron-
ture, gas distributor parameters, and concentrations tium removal appears to be the regulation of gas
of the surfactant and other constituents all affect and liquid flow rates (i.e., V and L respectively)
the effective bubble diameter. Figure 3.23 shows and the average bubble diameter D, such that the
the relationship that existed in the pilot plant be- ratio V/LD will exceed 150. The V/LD for the
tween air flow rates and effective bubble diameter. above»mentioned demonstration runs was in the
The line indicates only the general tendency for range 200 to 270, with an average bubble diameter
bubbles to get larger at higher gas flow rates. of 0.06 to 0.08 cm. The liquid throughput was 40
Laboratory Studies. — The two-step scavenging- to 42 gal f t - 2 h r - ^ The effect of the V/LD
precipitation foam-separation process *'^^ for parameter on the strontium DF is shown in Fig.
decontaminating ORNL low-level radioactive 3.24. These data represent flowsheet runs wherein
process waste water was successfully demon- total phosphorus concentration in the water varied
strated on a laboratory s c a l e with the foam-recycle from < 0 . 1 to ' ^ 1 5 ppm, as orthophosphate, and
option omitted. First, most of the hardness, include actual waste water a s well as synthetic
initially 110 ppm as CaCO , and most of the radia- tap water solutions. No distinction could be made
tion emitters are precipitated in a suspended-bed between the strontium decontamination factor data
clarifier (76 mm in inner diameter and 25 cm high) obtained with columns that were 53 and 80 cm in
by making the water 0.005 M each in NaOH and length. The large amount of data involved in
Na CO in the presence of 6 to 20 ppm of ferric these calculations was programmed for processing
ion coagulant. Residual soluble hardness at this by the CDC 1604 computer.
point is l e s s than 5 ppm, which is low enough to The high-speed digital computer was also used
permit efficient strontium removal in the sub- for calculating the volume reduction factor (VR),
sequent foam-separation s t e p . Next, the almost another p r o c e s s variable that h a s direct bearing
clear supernatant is pumped to a countercurrent on process cost. The strontium DF, which is a
foam column (37 mm in inner diameter and 80 cm function of foam density and linear velocity of the
high, exclusive of 10-cm-ID x 10-cm-high foam-
drainage section; the foam phase in the counter-
current section was about 50 cm in height) where ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 5 5 4 A
dodecylbenzene sulfonate surfactant is added
simultaneously to the top and bottom of the column
in a ratio of about 5:1 to a concentration of roughly
90 ppm. Most of the remaining radioactivity is t ^ ^
removed in the foam generated by bubbling air < c ^^
through the solution. Overall decontamination \. ppm DBS
-I (.5
factors (DF's) obtained for strontium, cobalt, m 1 • ^ IN POOL
ruthenium, and cerium were >3.7 x 10^, 2.3 to 4, 3
m ^^% \. o 50
-^^^ a • <00
2 to 5, and 50 to 180 respectively. The process is T a (50
> 1.0
a l s o excellent for removing cesium, provided that * 200
I D 250
about 60 ppm of baked (600°C for 20 min) Grundite LU • 300
clay i s added to the water during the hardness- V 400
precipitation step. (Cesium is not removed in the 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 3.23. Relationship Between the Effective

'^^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
Diameter of Bubbles in the 2-ft-square Countercurrent
1963, ORNL-3452, p. 86.
Foam-Separation Column and the Flow Rate of Air
^^W. Davis, J r . , A. H. Kibbey, and E. Schonfeld, Lab-
oratory Demonstration of the TwoStep Process for Through Nine 3-in.-diam Spinnerettes for all Pilot Plant
Decontaminating Low-Radioactivity-Level Process Tests. C o n c e n t r a t i o n of the s u r f a c t a n t DBS is I n c l u d e d
Waste Water by Scavenging-Precipitation and Foam
Separation, ORNL-3811 (in preparation). OS a parameter.
T a b l e 3 . 1 1 . Decontamination of Spiked O R N L LLW by the Foam Process

Feed: 0.005 M each NaOH and Na CO 1-^60 ppm Grundite clay ('^0.5 lb/10 gal) added m one run only;
3— -6 3
PO , < 0 . 7 ppm in absence of Grundite and 2.4 ppm with Grundite present
F l o w s : Surfactant feed ^ 9 0 to 100 ppm in foam column, added m a split stream with the ratio top/bottom = 5 to 5.5/1
2 1
Throughputs: Sludge column = 12 to 13 gal ft hr
2 —1
Foam column = 40 to 42 gal ft hr
Bubble diameter = 0.06 to 0.08 cm
V/LD: With no Grundite, 273 c m ~ ' ; with Grundite, 202 c m ~ '
Decontamma ition Factors
Sludge C.Dlumn Foam Column Overall
With Grundite No Grundite With Grundite No Grundite With Grundite No Grundite
Filtered^ Unfiltered^ Filtered Unfiltered Filtered'' Unfiltered Filtered'' Unfiltered Filtered Unfiltered Filtered Unfiltered

hardness 32 6 40 <8 -^^1.1 ^9 -^1 >9 41 53 30 43

Ca 29 5 34 <8 -^1.3 •^g ~1 >10 39 49 27 >40

«^Sr 20 16 70.5 42 338 212 12 13 7935 3725 630 705

'3'Cs 25 21 1.6 1.3 -x,! 1 1 1 21 20 1.3 1.3

eOCo 2.5 2.9 4.5 4.1 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.0 2.4 2.3 3.5 4

lO^Ru 1.7 1.8 1.3 1.5 3.5 3.8 1.4 1.3 4 6 1.8 2.0

'"^Ce 44 24 >775 75 6.4 4.4 -^2.2 1.3 280 118 >49 118.6

Zr-Nb (These a c t i v i t i e s were too low to measure)

F i l t e r e d effluents are expected to give higher D F ' s than unfiltered effluents, owing to removal of precipitated s o l i d s ; discrepancies are attributable
to the standard deviations of the analytical and sampling techniques.
T h e s e D F ' s are for soluble Ca and t o t a l h a r d n e s s ions only (no solids removal); this value i s the ratio of filtered sludge effluent to filtered
foam effluent a n a l y s e s .

ORNL-DWG 65-97(9 of the dye-DBS complex. The few-parts-per-mil-

D COLUMM HEIGHT, 8 0 cm, TAP WATER, FOAM CONDENSATE RECYCLED lion concentration is read directly from the stand-
ard color wheel of a Hellige comparator. Maximum
• • SAME AS ABOVE EXCEPT LLW USED INSTEAD OF TAP WATER accuracy (within 10%) for the method was attained
FEED in the neighborhood of 1 ppm. The greatest error
G GRUNDITE CLAY USED ( 0 5 l b / ( 0 0 0 gal) (about 50%) occurred at the still lower concentra-
P HIGH P o / " CONCENTRATE ( 5 TO (5 ppm ), IN ALL OTHER tion range of 0.1 to 0.2 ppm. The method was
CASES, 0 TO 5 ppm
adequate for DBS concentrations up to 2 ppm and
g was used for process control in the ORNL foam-
1 separation pilot plant.
/ A continued search for better surfactants indi-
i cated that the purportedly more biodegradable sur-
• 1 , c3 factants Nacconol 40 FX (National Aniline Divi-

r NF
sion, Allied Chemical Corporation) and Alipal LO
436 (General Aniline and Film Corporation) ex-
hibit desirable physical and chemical properties
// under foam-separation process conditions, and are
/ as good as the currently used DBS in effecting
/ strontium decontamination, for example, values of
( F / x ) 2 + °^ '•^^ order of 1.5 x 10~^ cm at a sur-
° 1 factant concentration of 0.5 times the critical
micelle concentration and at a pH of 4.
• NR
• 1 Determination of Nuclides in Solutions Con-
1 - taining Low Levels of Radioactivity. — One of
J ^r
the most difficult and expensive analyses a s s o c i -
p • B
ated with radioactive waste disposal is the
./ • determination of the amount of each of four to

f' . .
— ten radioactive nuclides when present at the very
low radioactivity levels of 10^ to 10^ /M/:ic/liter.
p •
1 The determination of nuclide concentrations by
least-squares resolution of the gamma-ray spectra
lO' 2 5 10^ 2 5 10^
V/LD with a high-speed computer was tested and was
found to provide a rapid, simple, and reasonably
Fig. 3.24. Strontium Decontamination Factor as a accurate method for these a n a l y s e s at a cost of
Function of V/LD, 5 to 25 times l e s s than that for conventional
methods.^* The savings increase with the number
of samples. The t e s t s were made with solutions
foam, varies inversely as both the VR and the foam of ^°Co, *'Sr, ^"^Ce, and ^"''Ce added a s tracers
column throughput rate, but is directly proportional to water containing ' ° S r , ^^Zr-Nb, ' " ^ R u , ' ^ ' ' C s ,
to the strontium distribution coefficient (F/x). and ' ^ ^ C s . The lowest concentration of radio-
Calcomp computer plots of VR vs strontium DF activity was about one-tenth of the lowest value
for various liquid throughput rates are given in previously determined by this technique, that i s ,
F i g . 3.25 for an assumed strontium distribution down to 10 counts/min. Evaporation by factors
coefficient of 3.4 x 10~^ c m ~ ^ up to 20 was also evaluated for improving accu-
racies of a n a l y s e s .
A limited support program for the foam-separation
pilot plant was also carried out. The need for a
cheap, rapid method for determining the concentra- ^*E. Schonfeld, A. H. Kibbey, and W. Davis, Jr., Deter-
tion of dodecylbenzene sulfonate (DBS) led to mination of Nuclide Concentrations in Solutions Con-
taining Low Levels of Radioactivity by Least-Squares
testing a methylene-blue colorimetric analytical Resolutions of the Gamma-Ray Spectra, ORNL-3744
method which u s e s a single chloroform extraction (January 1965).

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 2 0

I— \^— ^1^ II
4= 4\
V- I ™v\ ^
\ \ 1 I

\ \ 1
\ \ \

(56 gal f - 2 h |(04 \5? \ (3

- ^
\ ^
T \

4\ I \
r\ \

1 ' 1
5 Q
1- \
< 2 \ \
z. in 4
2 F -\^ \1
if ^ j-
: \ T: \
\ \ tI \
\ \ \^ \
\ \^ 1I \
\ \ i I \
\ \ \ \ \t
-A\ N\ —> -\ H
5 \ \ ^3
\ _ „"_ \1
\ \
\ \ V \ \
\ \ ^ \, \, ^
V ^s^ ^^^
"^^ - = = ^ ^ ^ ^
10' (0^ 2 5 (0^ (0^

Fig. 3.25. Strontium Decontamination Factor as a Function of Volume Reduction.

For comparison, the solutions were also analyzed of the total activity and if ^'Sr is a minor com-
by standard radiochemical methods. Agreement be- ponent.
tween the two methods was excellent for ®°Co and
^^Sr for concentrations down to about 500 /x/^c/liter Water-Recycle Process
(scatter of ± 5 to ±20%, F i g . 3.26). Agreement
between the two methods was good for ^ ' C s at The objective in developing a water-recycle
activities down to 3000 to 4000 /x//c/liter. More process is to provide a water-treatment system to
dilute solutions were successfully analyzed only treat low-level radioactive waste with a low s a l t
if they were first concentrated by evaporation. content and to return deionized, well-decontam-
The method is not recommended for determination inated water to the system, thus providing a closed
of ' ° ^ R u at activities below 1000 to 2000 niic/li- circuit. Fresh water would be demineralized before
ter, unless this nuclide constitutes a major fraction introduction into the circuit (Fig. 3.27).

Status and Progress. — So far, the prospects and total rare earths). The D F ' s for ' °*Ru and
look very promising. The process, still in the ^''Co were 10 to 1000 times a s high a s previous
laboratory stage of development, h a s provided values obtained in the ORNL development program.
decontamination factors ( D F ' s ) ranging from 100 Next, the process will be tested in a micro pilot
to 10,000 using low-level radioactive w a s t e water plant with water that simulates recycled process
(LLW) (in the hundreds for ^ " " C e , ' ^ 4 , ' °«Ru, water; that i s , it will represent water that h a s
^ " S b , and '=Zr-Nb; in the thousands for ' ^ ' C s been demineralized and then contaminated through
and ' ° S r ; and in the ten-thousand range for ® Co plant u s e . T h e results will be used to predict
LLW processing c o s t s in full-scale plants. In
the past, micro pilot plant results have been
ORNL-OWG 6 5 - 8164 largely confirmed in large-scale pilot plant t e s t s .
Experimental Work and Results. — In i t s present
s t a t e , the process c o n s i s t s in zeta-potential-
controUed ( Z P ) batch clarification, cation-anion
/ exchange, and sorption by granular activated
carbon ( F i g . 3.28). Detailed studies are being
/ made of coagulants and coagulant aids that will
r ^ produce optimum clarification for a continuous
S 6
ho' The best clarification (jar t e s t s ) was obtained
when the water was made 20 to 30 ppm in Al2(S0^)j
• ' and 0.5 ppm in SiO^, in that order ( F i g . 3.29).
(0" / Here, the average Z P of the suspended solids
in the waste changed from i t s original —14 to
/ —17 mv to + 2 . 5 mv. There were only 20 particles
(0"' (0° (O' (0^ (0^ lO"* per cm^ of membrane filter area per ml of clarified
ACTIVITY OF ^^Sr BY MANUAL-STRIPPING COMPARISON waste, contrasted to 300 for the raw waste.
WITH STANDARDS (dis m m - ' m l " ' )
Demineralization capacity (0.1% of ionic break-
F i g . 3 . 2 6 . Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating through a s measured by specific conductance)
85 with mixed-bed ion exchange (Dowex SOW—
th< Sr Content of a Solution.

O R N L - DWG 6 5 - 9 7 2 (





Fig. 3.27. Water-Recycle F l o w s h e e t .


ORNL-DWG 65-1734A
ALUM 2 0 - 3 0 ppm Al2lS04)3

6 VOL, 6 M HNO,
1 0 VOL
\ ( 0 0 - 1 3 0 ppm AS CaC03


16 VOL, 2 M NaOH
16 VOL
8 VOL, 2 M NoOH

0 8 - 2 4 VOL SLUDGE ( 3 VOL



0 0 3 - 0 0 6 VOL WET CAKE



Fig. 3.28. Simulated Water-Recycle F l o w s h e e t - Laboratory Development Using O R N L L o w - L e v e l Waste.

Dowex 1) w a s about 470 bed volumes of clarified * Co w a s removed when a column of activated
LLW (total h a r d n e s s : 100 to 130 ppm a s CaCOg) carbon formed a part of the system. A s expected,
per bed volume (BV) of cation resin; with ORNL ion exchange alone removed most of the ^^^Cs
tap water, 560 B V ' s . T h u s , in the c a s e of ORNL and ' Sr. Specific conductance can be used a s
w a s t e , the salt content of the water w a s increased a simple indicator of bed exhaustion b e c a u s e ionic
by about 20% during plant u s e , producing a cor- breakthrough precedes breakthrough of the radio-
responding 20% decrease in demineralization elements (Fig. 3.30).
capacity. Hence, an increase in demineralization With separate beds, the cation column was regen-
capacity to 2500 BV's would be predicted when erated with 6 BV's of 6 W HNO^, leaving only
treating low-level waste that contained only the 0.1% of the radioelements on the resin. Regen-
s a l t s added through plant u s e ( F i g . 3.27). As eration of the anion column w a s not s o efficient:
expected, the u s e of separate cation and anion e x - 10 BV's of 2 M NaOH left 1% behind. Other
change columns yielded a capacity equal to about regenerants may be needed.
90% of that for a mixed-bed column and resulted in a To adapt the process to continuous operation,
lower-quality (but still satisfactory) product water a study is being made of coagulant aids for im-
(0.67 micromho/cm, compared with 0.33 for the proving the settling properties of the light alum
mixed-bed exchanger). Economically, separate floe. T h e change in the mutually repelling forces
beds may be desirable because regeneration related to the Z P of the suspensoids appears to
is easier. be an important criterion, since the neutralization
The overall D F ' s achieved with the present of t h e s e forces is e s s e n t i a l to achieving optimum
system ranged from 10^ to 10"* (Table 3.12). A coagulation and clarification.^'' T h e effects of
large part of the D F ' s were obtained by clarifi-
cation and ion exchange only. Significantly more ' T . M. Riddick, Tappi, 47, 171 (1964).

ORNL-DWG 65 - 9 7 2 2


< 2


H <

(00 2 0 ppm ALUM_

+ 3 ppm S1O2 + 2 0 ppm A L U M

a. + 2 0 ppm A L U M + 20ppmALUM +20ppmALUM
+ 2 ppm S1O2 + 1 ppm SiOg +05ppmSi02

-15 -13 4- -2

Fig. 3.29. Solids Filtered Out of Treated Waste Supernatant onto a Membrane Filter at a Zeta Potential of

-2.5 mv. Jor-test conditions: 3 0 m m of f l o c c u l a t i o n f o l l o w e d by 3 0 m m of s e t t l i n g .

some coagulant aids on the Z P are summarized 3 . Activated s i l i c a , which can be added to toughen
below: the fragile alum floe, increases the amount of
1. Alum neutralizes the normally negative Z P of alum needed to attain zero Z P . The Z P of
LLW (usually ranging from —12 to —18 mv). activated s i l i c a in tap water is about —15 mv,
Sufficient alum (and other coagulant aids) which is about the same as that for the s u s -
should be added to bring the Z P to zero, with pensoids in LLW.
a tolerance of ± 5 mv.
2 . Grundite clay gives bulk to the light alum floe
and slightly decreases the amount of alum sub- 4. An organic polyelectrolyte such a s Primafloc
sequently needed to attain zero Z P . The Z P C-3 (Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia,
of Grundite clay in tap water was about —10.8 P a . ) , which can be added during the floccula-
mv, which is l e s s negative than the average tion s t e p to a s s i s t in agglomerating the floe,
Z P of the suspensoids in LLW. Also, Grundite produces greater changes in Z P upon small
clay sorbs cesium selectively.^^ additions to the waste than those produced by
inorganic coagulants such as alum. Only 0.5
ppm of Primafloc C-3 shifted the Z P from about
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 95. - 6 to + 3 mv.

T a b l e 3 . 1 2 . Decontamination Factors Obtained in the Water-Recycle Process Using O R N L Process Waste

Overall D F ' s of 10^ to lo'*

Total Bulk
Individual Isotopes Gross Gross
Rare Ions
^^'•Ce «Vo ^"Cs l"l '°«Ru l^^Sb '°Sr "Zr-^Nb Earths ^'""'"^ ^^^^ (Specific

Raw waste a n a l y s i s , dis m i n ~ m l ~ or counts min *"

P r o c e s s 1° 11.3 136 12.2 25.4 0.8 29.1 1.2 15.1 77 52 330'

P r o c e s s 2^ 10.1 70.9 23.6 126.2 44.2 3.5 52.0 0.4 32.0 52 85 290'

Overall decontamination factors

P r o c e s s l'^ 150 6500 370 200 2 0* 1500 45* 1500 390 870 1000

Process 2 340 12,000 2600 430 200 300 6300 160® 11,000 130 1200 500

Alum-silica clarification, mixed-bed ion exchange, coconut-shell activated carbon. D F V a l u e s for 0.1% specific
conductance mce breakthrough.
Not determined.
The dimensions of specific conductance are microrahos/cm.
d Alum-silica clarification, separate-bed ion exchange, bituminous coal activated carbon. DF Values for 0.2% s p e -
c i f i c -conductance breakthrough.
T h e s e are minimum v a l u e s , since the radioactivity in the w a s t e water w a s reduced to the analytical limits of
detection (background).

Selective Sorption of Phosphates T h i s study can lead to a broader application:

on Activated Alumina the removal of phosphate from water at city water-
treatment p l a n t s . For example, household c l e a n i n g
The economical operation of the Scavenging- formulations soon will no longer contain practi-
Precipitation Ion Exchange p r o c e s s depends on cally indestructible d e t e r g e n t s , but many will s t i l l
keeping the concentration of phosphates in the contain the phosphate builders. T h e s e builders
feed water below about 1 p p m . ^ ' ' ^ ° Sorption of promote i n c r e a s e d biological activity that in turn
t h e s e phosphates on a column of activated alumina r e s u l t s in u n p l e a s a n t t a s t e and odor.^^ Also,
a s a first s t e p in the p r o c e s s e n s u r e s complete phosphates complicate water clarification and
precipitation of the h a r d n e s s ions in the s c a v e n g - softening.^ ^ ~ ^ ^
ing s t e p . ^^ Recent work, reported below, shows Experimental Work and Results. — The preferred
that Alcoa F - 1 activated alumina is the c h e a p e s t process c a l l s for downflow of the feed water
and most useful sorbent.^^ through a column of the activated alumina. How-

Ibid., p. 9 3 - 9 5 .
^ F . W. Gilcreas, " S y n t h e t i c Detergents and Water
30 Q u a l i t y , " Water Works and Waste Engineering 2, 66
R. R. Holcomb, Low-Radioactive-Level Waste Treat- (1965).
ment. Parti. Laboratory Development of a Scavenging-
Precipitation Ion-Exchange Process for Decontamination ^^R. S. Smith, J . M. Cohen, and G. Walton, " E f f e c t s
of Process Water Waste, ORNL-3322 (June 25, 1963); of Synthetic Detergents on Water C o a g u l a t i o n . " / . AWWA
R. E . Brooksbank et al., Low-Radioactive-Level Waste 48, 55 (1956).
Treatment. Part 2. Pilot Plant Demonstration of the
Removal of Activity from Low-Level Process Wastes ^ ' ' j . J . Morgen and R. S. Engelbrecht, " E f f e c t s of
by a Scavengmg-Precipitation Ion-Exchange Process, P h o s p h a t e s on Coagulation and Sedimentation of Turbid
ORNL-3349 (May 13, 1963). W a t e r s , " / . AWWA 52, 1303 (1960).
31 ^^J. F . Malina, J r . , and S. Tiyaporn, " E f f e c t s of
W. C. Y e e , The Selective Removal of Mixed Phos- Synthetic Detergents on Lime-Soda Ash T r e a t m e n t , "
phates from Water Streams by Activated Alumina, ORNL- J. AWWA 56, 727 (1964).
TM-1135 (in p r e s s ) .

ORNL-DWG 65-907A
80% of the phosphates was removed initially
<oo '
- (Fig. 3.32). Apparently, saturation capacity had
not been reached after almost 40,000 BV's of
50 water had passed through the column. Although
1 complete breakthrough was evident at 33,000
1 ^-bPtUII-IL BV's, phosphate sorption resumed. It is possible
O 20 1 that the composition of the process water had
1 changed to a higher proportion of those forms of
1 phosphate for which the bed has a h i ^ e r capacity
10 1
than for the ortho form (Table 3.13).
I S b , , _ a b , Jb 1
In a similar upflow test but with Alcoa H-51
—-f 1 / alumina (surface area, 400 m^/g), the maximum
I 1
Na* + / breakthrough was 75% at 33,000 B V ' s , and 100%
< 1 / breakthrough was not reached (Fig. 3.32).
LlJ 1 The column is regenerated by first passing 1 M

NaOH through it to elute the phosphates, rinsing

:a2 + with water, p a s s i n g 1 M HNO^ through to restore
60co "^ the alumina to the acid form, and finally rinsing
106 o ^ ^
^ Ru-.^ ^ ^ .^r• 1 /;
.3- 1 // with water. ^ ' The regenerating solutions and
> 1i , washes result in a volume equal to 12 BV's
o 0 5 - y <i
1 /' (Fig. 3.33). This leads to a favorable volume
y 1
reduction factor (BV of product water per BV of
regenerant waste) of about 2000. This value is
1 // based on a 1-ppm concentration of phosphates in
0 2
the feed. A volume reduction factor of 20 is con-

0 1
200 400 600 800
WASTE PROCESSED (cation resin volumes)
ORNL-OWG 6 5 - 4 7 6 0 A

Fig. 3.30. Breakthrough of Bulk Ions and Radio-

nuclides. Specific-conductance measurements signal
imminent breakthrough of radionuclides because bulk
ions break through first.

ever, if column plugging from suspended solids

becomes a problem, then the less-efficient method
of upflow through a fluidized bed can be used.
The column can be regenerated with NaOH and
HNO solutions, in that order.
In downflow operation with tap-water solutions
containing 5 ppm of phosphates (expressed a s
PO 3 - ) more than 99% of NaH^PO^ was removed
4 ^* 2 4
from 3000 bed volumes (BV) by Alcoa F-1 alumina
(surface area, 250 m^/g), while the same per-
centage of Na^P^O^, N a ^ P j O j g , and (NaP03)g ^ 0 2 4 6 8 10 (XIO'')
BED V O L U M E S (1 BV = 2 m l )
was removed from 4000 to 5000 BV's (Fig. 3.31).
Upflow operation in a fluidized bed was l e s s
Fig. 3.31. Phosphate Sorption on Alcoa F-1 Activated
efficient. In upflow operation with actual process
Alumina. The alumina has a lower capacity for ortho-
water that contained an average of 1 ppm of
phosphate than for its dehydrated forms.
mixed phosphates and suspended s o l i d s , only

ORNL-DWG 65-^853A

o 5
to 2
n or
UJ z 1 : . ^ ^ .-^^^ '^ «-•


s (A
3 1.0
() H

o 0 4

Q 0.2

o 0
f!? 80
UJ 60
u. 40
n •7'
tn 20
20,000 30,000 40,000
BED VOLUMES ( ( B V = 2 0 0 m l )

Fig. 3.32. Alumina Sorption of Mixed Phosphotes Contained in Raw L o w - L e v e l Radioactive Waste Water by
Upflow Through a F l u i d i z e d Bed.

Table 3.13. Comparison of the Capacities of the Individual Phosphates on Alcoa F-1 Activated Alumina
with the Amount of Mixed Phosphates Sorbed from L o w - L e v e l Waste ( L L W ) by Upflow
Through a Fluidized Bed of F-1 Material

Maximum Volume of F e e d Solution Used

Equivalent Volume
F e e d Solution Phosphate
Form of Phosphate Concentration Mode of Operation Actual If Only 1 ppm Capacity
(ppm as PO ~ ) Volume of P h o s p h a t e mg a s PO
(BV's) (BV's)
g F-1 Alumina

Ortho, N a H j P O ^ Packed bed, downflow 9,500 47,500

2 min residence time

Pyro, Na^jP^O^ 5 Same 11,000 55,000 >30

Tripoly, Na^PgO^g 5 Same 12,000 60,000 >30

Hexameta, ( N a P O , ) „ ^, , 5 Same 11,000 55,000 >25

3 8.4(av)
Mixed phosphates in LLW l(av) F l u i d i z e d bed, upflow 40,000 40,000 20
2 m.in r e s i d e n c e time

ORNL-DWG 65 - 4 7 5 9 A T a b l e 3 14 Alumina Evaluation for Sorption of Mixed

Phosphates from Raw L o w - L e v e l Radioactive Waste

Conditions Upflow through a fluidized bed
Grade of Alumina''

Alcoa Alcoa Alcoa

F-1 F-20 H-51

Cost, if/lb 12 100 40

Surface area, m / g 250 250 400

Sorption capacity for mixed

phosphates, mg as PO ~ per
g of alumina 19 17 >27

Mixed phosphates eluted,

during regeneration, mg ds
3 -
PO per g of alumina 17 10 28

Regeneration-regenerant waste,
bed volumes 12 16 12

Amount of alumina dissolved

during regeneration, % of
original alumina 35

Products of the Aluminum Company of America, P i t t s -

burgh, Pa
Previously studied (see ref 31)

I 2 3 4


from the processing of power reactor fuels will
F i g . 3.33. Regeneration of Three Grades of Activated c o n s i s t in converting them to solids and disposing
Alumina. Two cycles of 1 M NaOH and one of 1 M of them permanently in s a l t mines, a possible
HNO^ were sufficient to regenerate the F 1 and the
alternative is long-term storage as liquids in
H 51 a l u m i n a .
tanks. As estimates of total fuel-cycle c o s t s
for advanced reactor concepts decline from previ-
ous highs of several mills/kwhr (electrical) to
l e s s than 1 mill/kwhr (electrical), the cost of
Sidered the minimum, according to water-treatment about 0 03 miU/kwhr (electrical) allocated to
workers. ^'^ waste management becomes increasingly signif-
A summary of the c o s t s , surface a r e a s , e t c . , icant. For these r e a s o n s , as well as for the
of the aluminas tested is given in Table 3.14. purpose of establishing a b a s i s for comparison
of the c o s t s of alternate waste management
schemes, a detailed estimate of the c o s t s of
3.4 ENGINEERING, ECONOMIC, AND SAFETY " p e r p e t u a l " tank storage of w a s t e s is being
EVALUATION undertaken.
The b a s i s of the study, the conceptual design
Although it is believed that the most responsible
of the tank farm, and the capital c o s t s that have
method of managing very radioactive liquid w a s t e s
been developed are summarized below. Detailed
cost data are being assembled for use in a com-
P e r s o n a l communication from D G Stephan, Ad- puter code that c a l c u l a t e s total storage c o s t s a s
vanced Water Treatment Program, Robert A. Taft Sanitary
Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. a function of tank s i z e for a given filling rate,

life expectancy of the tank, interest on capital, materials that they are neutralized for storage.
and return on investment. It is assumed that 0.1% of the gross fission
products and 50% of the ' ^ ^Cs appear in t h e s e
w a s t e s , together with induced ^^Zr-Nb and *°Co
Basis of Study
activity. They are stored separately in million-
As a b a s i s for this study, a fuel processing gallon tanks, the largest possible without requiring
plant having a nominal capacity of six tons of mechanical means for removing the decay h e a t .
fuel per day is assumed, handling the fuel from Purex and Thorex high-radioactivity solvent
an installed capacity of 22,400 electrical mega- extraction raffinate wastes are combined and
watts (70,000 thermal megawatts). The plant stored in tanks equipped with submerged cooling
p r o c e s s e s 1500 t o n s / y e a r of uranium converter coils. Storage of the raffinates under both acid
fuels irradiated to 10,000 Mwd/ton and 270 and alkaline conditions is considered.
t o n s / y e a r of thorium converter fuel irradiated It is assumed that the w a s t e s are produced con-
to 20,000 Mwd/ton. Of the uranium converter tinuously and are accumulated in a tank farm
fuels, 918 t o n s / y e a r are clad with 0.025-in.-thick during 20 years of plant operation. At the end of
Zircaloy, and 582 t o n s / y e a r are clad with 0.015- this accumulation period, the tank farm containing
in.-thick s t a i n l e s s s t e e l . 4,080,000 gal of highly radioactive acid w a s t e ,
In processing t h e s e fuels 120 days after d i s - or 24,480,000 gal of highly radioactive alkaline
charge from the reactors, w a s t e s of two general w a s t e , and 65,800,000 gal of alkaline cladding
categories are produced, each requiring e s s e n t i a l l y w a s t e s , is maintained for " p e r p e t u a l " containment.
permanent containment (Table 3.15). Cladding During the 20 years of waste accumulation, the
w a s t e s , consisting of Zirflex (from Zircaloy d i s - total fission product heat generation rate in the
solution) and Sulfex (from s t a i n l e s s s t e e l dissolu- tank farm rises to 1.03 x 10^ Btu/hr. Assuming
tion) w a s t e s , are so corrosive to ordinary structural no further accumulation after that time, the rate

Table 3.15. C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of Wastes

Cladding Wastes Raffinates

Zirflex Sulfex Purex Thorex

Volume, gal per kg of fuel

Acid 1.7 1.34 100 200

Neutralized 1.8 2.0 600 1200

Production rate, g a l / y e a r
Acid 2 x 10^ 7.8 X 10^ 150,000 54,000
Neutralized 2.15 X 10® 1.14 X 10® 900,000 324,000

Radioactivity after 120 days of decay,

Acid 38 28 37,000 37,000
Neutralized 36 19 6,200 6,200

Heat generation rate after 120 days of decay,

Btu hr~ g a l ~

Acid 0.42 0.3 433 433

Neutralized 0.4 0.2 72 72


drops by a factor of 4 over the next ten y e a r s , waste area. The cladding waste are stored in
and d e c r e a s e s to insignificant levels over the alkaline form in tanks of about 1.1-million-gallon
next two to three centuries. capacity. Cooling is not provided for t h e s e
w a s t e s ; each tank is ventilated individually
through a filter at the surface. In addition to
Description of Facility filled tanks, an empty tank in each area is always
maintained on standby to receive the contents of
After the desired adjustments of volume and any tank which may have failed.
acidity or alkalinity have been made in the The tanks are similar in design to those in u s e
fuel processing plant, the wastes are transferred at the Savannah River Plant. They are cylinders
through concrete-encased s t a i n l e s s s t e e l pipes having a diameter-to-height ratio of 3 , are made
to a tank farm for long-term storage. In the design of 1/2- to 1-in.-thick s t e e l plate, and are housed
and operation of this tank farm, considerations of in steel-lined concrete vaults with walls 3 to 3 /
safety took precedence over any potential savings ft thick, buried under about 10 ft of earth. Stain-
in cost. Figure 3.34 is a conceptual layout of a l e s s s t e e l is used to contain acid w a s t e s ; carbon
" c o m p l e t e d " tank farm, containing a 20-year s t e e l is used for alkaline w a s t e s . The tanks are
accumulation of w a s t e . The farm is divided into constructed in accordance with the ASME code
two a r e a s , one containing tanks of high-level radio- for unfired pressure v e s s e l s , and all welds are
active waste and their associated cooling and completely radiographed. As to the mild s t e e l
ventilation facilities, and the other containing tanks, the welds are stress-relieved by heating at
tanks of cladding w a s t e s . In this farm the high- 1000°F for 1 hr.
level radioactive w a s t e s are stored a s acid solu- Heated air is circulated through the annular
tions in million-gallon tanks grouped around three space between the tank and vault for dehumidifi-
s i d e s of an operations building containing many cation. The occurrence and severity of leaks are
of the major equipment items of the cooling and determined by monitoring for both liquid and air-
ventilation s y s t e m s . A cooling tower and pumps, borne radioactivity in the annulus. The tanks
an emergency water storage tank, a water surge have steel-lined interval columns for support,
tank, and a stack and fans are a l s o located in this and, for storing highly radioactive waste, they





>\ I

Fig. 3.34. Layout of Tank Farm for Storing Waste.


are equipped with cooling coils which serve as to a secondary water cooling circuit, and then
the primary means for removal of radioactive recycled through a 250,000-gal surge tank (500,000
decay heat. A water-cooled condenser located gal for an alkaline tank farm) to the tank c o i l s .
in the operations building s e r v e s a s the secondary Thirteen heat exchangers and one spare are pro-
means for heat removal, and steam produced from vided, each with a rated heat duty of 9 x 10®
self-boiling w a s t e s during emergencies is vented Btu/hr. They are of the shell and tube type, with
to this condenser through a 4-ft-diam off-gas header external dimensions about 5 ft in diameter and
in the top of the tank. Air, which during normal 18 ft long, and with 2000 ft^ of heat-exchange
operation is swept through the vapor space in area. Thirteen centrifugal pumps are provided
the tanks at a rate of about 600 cfm to remove for water circulation in this circuit, each with
radiolytic hydrogen, is likewise vented t h r o u ^ a rating of 600 gpm at 150 ft of water head.
the off-gas header to fibrous glass filters and a
The concentration of ionic impurities in the
50-ft-high s t a c k . Instruments are provided to meas-
water of the tank coil circuit is maintained at
ure and record the temperature, density, and
about 1 ppm by p a s s i n g a 100-gpm sidestream
liquid level of the tank contents, the concentration
through a double-bed demineralizer system.
of hydrogen in the vapor space above the liquid,
the pressure inside the tank, and to detect the Heat is removed from the secondary circuit by
presence of liquid and radionuclides in the annu- p a s s i n g the water through an induced-draft cooling
lus. The tanks are also provided with a c c e s s tower before circulating it to the heat exchangers.
holes for introducing sluicing jets and pumps for The cooling tower is rated at 1.0 x 10* Btu/hr
removing the w a s t e s when this becomes desirable. at a wet-bulb temperature of 7 5 ° F . Cooling water
Since heat l o s s e s by conduction to the surround- is circulated at a maximum rate of 20,000 gpm
ings from tanks with these design features are by five pumps (plus one spare), each capable of
relatively insignificant (7 to 8 Btu h r ~ ' ft~^ delivering 4000 gpm at 113 ft of water head.
tank surface), ^^ facilities for removal of the heat In the event of a shutdown of the primary cooling
must be provided over the period of time (from system, the wastes in storage would self-heat
70 to 200 years) required for the heat generation to their boiling point over a period of ten or more
rate in a tank to decrease to about 10^ Btu/hr. hours. When the water boils, the heat is removed
In all c a s e s , several tank lifetimes are probably by condensation of the vapor in a water-cooled
represented. In this study a cooling system was surface condenser located in the operations
designed for the first 20 years of tank farm opera- building. This condenser is sized to handle the
tion, and, when the w a s t e s are transferred to maximum heat load of the tank farm, 1.0 x 10*
new tanks from old or defective ones, smaller Btu/hr, has dimensions 6 ft by 30 ft, and has a
cooling systems designed to handle the heat loads heat transfer area of 3000 ft^. Cooling water for
at those times will be provided. the condenser is supplied at a rate of 9000 gpm
The tank contents are maintained at 140°F by from the cooling water circuit and a 2-million-
circulation of water through vertical and horizontal gallon emergency water storage tank, if n e c e s s a r y .
coils submerged in the w a s t e . To keep the pres- The condensate is collected in a 50,000-gal
sure drop inside the coils at an acceptable level tank adjacent to the condenser, and is pumped
a s well as to provide versatility of operation, back to the storage tanks to maintain the proper
the coils in each tank are arranged in banks of waste volumes and concentrations. A 1500-kw
1420-ft lengths of 3-in. sched-40 pipe. Each bank Diesel-powered electrical power plant is also
is connected to the water supply and discharge provided on-site for emergency u s e .
headers through valves that allow it to be placed
As to the acid-waste tank farms, all equipment
in service or removed, a s required.
and piping in the tank coil cooling circuit and
The water from the coils is passed through exter- in the emergency condenser circuit are made of
nal heat exchangers where the heat is transferred type 304L s t a i n l e s s s t e e l . All equipment and
piping in the cooling tower circuit are made of
carbon s t e e l . In the alkaline-waste tank farms,
^ ' j . I. Stevens, " T r e a t m e n t , P r o c e s s i n g and Future both the cooling coil and cooling tower circuits
D i s p o s a l of Radioactive Wastes at the Idaho Chemical are made of carbon s t e e l ; however, the emergency
P r o c e s s i n g P l a n t , " pp. 483—508 in Disposal of Radio-
active Wastes, vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna (1960). condenser circuit is made of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l .
Table 3.16. Summary of Capitol Costs^ for Storage of Power Reactor Wastes

Size of ( t h o u s a n d s of dollars) Unit C o s t s
of T a n k s Process $ / g a l of
(gaO Outside Outside Operations Equipment Tanks Subtotal Engineering Contingency Total Net Storage "iH^^Awhr
Facilities Services Building ^^^ p , ^ , ^ ^ n.^.^.,,,t> (electrical)''
and Piping Capacity

High-level w a s t e storage
Acid waste storage 3 2 x 10" 1400 460 1041 1444 12,000 16,345 2212 2784 21,341 5.34 0.0068
4 1.6 X 10*^ 1400 653 1041 1551 13,734 18,379 2276 3098 23,753 4.95 0.0076
5 10'6 1400 735 1041 1616 13,486 18,278 2148 3064 23,490 5.87 0.0075

8 6 X 10-' 1400 788 1041 1945 17,430 22,604 2389 3749 28,742 6.84 0.0092

21 2 X 10= 1400 2707 1041 2687 29,251 37,086 3473 6087 46,643 11.66 0.0149

Alkaline w a s t e storage 6 4.8 X 10^ 1400 527 1041 1132 17,426 21,526 2358 3583 27,467 1.15 0.0088
9 3.2 X 10^ 1400 677 1041 1059 19,244 23,421 2359 3867 29,647 1.16 0.0095

13 2 X 10^ 1400 921 1041 1183 19,752 24,297 2338 3995 30,630 1.28 0.0098

21 1.2 X 10* 1400 1425 1041 1411 22,401 27,678 2552 4535 34,765 1.45 0.0111

31 8 X 10= 1400 2092 1041 1622 24,949 31,104 2814 5088 39,006 1.63 0.0124

61 4 X 10= 1400 2473 1041 2053 33,337 40,304 3477 6567 50,348 2.10 0.0161

Cladding waste storage 61 1.1 X 10« 969 42,952 43,921 2363 6943 53,227 0.81 0.0170

^Numbers represent m i t i a l c o s t s only. They do not include replacement c o s t s .

Net storage c a p a c i t i e s are total c a p a c i t i e s l e s s the capacity of one " s p a r e tank.**
'^Based on a s s u m e d generation of 3.14 x 10 kwhr of e l e c t r i c i t y over 20 y e a r s .

Capital C o s t s to $50 million. The corresponding cost per gallon

of storage capacity varied from about $5 to $12
Capital c o s t s of tank farms with tanks varying for acid waste and from about $1 to $2 for alkaline
in s i z e from 200,000 to 2,000,000 gal for acid waste. The range in units of mills per kwhr of
raffinate waste, and from 400,000 to 4,800,000 gal electricity produced, based on 20 years of genera-
for alkaline raffinate waste, are summarized in tion, was 0.007 to 0.015 and 0.009 to 0.016
Table 3.16. For cladding w a s t e s the c o s t s were respectively. The capital cost for cladding w a s t e s
estimated for the single c a s e of storage in alkaline was $53 million, corresponding to 81<p/gal and
form in 1.1-million-gallon t a n k s . In every c a s e a 0.017 mill/kwhr.
spare tank was included. These costs consist A detailed breakdown of t h e s e c o s t s is being
only of the initial c o s t s and contain no provision incorporated in a computer code where they will
for replacement. The total c o s t s for tank farms be used with allowances for operation, mainte-
to store highly radioactive acid wastes range nance, amortization, and tank replacement to
from about $21 million to $47 million, and for c a l c u l a t e total present-worth c o s t s for " p e r p e t u a l "
alkaline raffinate waste from about $27 million storage.
4. Transuranium Element Processing

The Transuranium P r o c e s s i n g Plant (TRU) and being designed to make target rods, dissolve and
the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) are being recover transuranium elements from the irradiated
built at ORNL to provide gram quantities of many targets, and then prepare and ship the recovered
of the transuranium elements and milligram products to customers. This report summarizes the
quantities of some of the transcalifomium iso- development of the flowsheets and equipment re-
topes. These radioisotopes will be used in re- quired for t h e s e operations and progress in con-
search work by laboratories throughout the country. struction of the TRU Development of the proce-
It may be useful to briefly summarize the entire dures for making the targets is under the direc-
program. Long-term irradiation of two 10-kg tion of the Metals and Ceramics Division and is
batches of ^ ^ ' P u in a Savannah River Laboratory not reported here. Corrosion studies being done in
(SRL) production reactor has produced about the Reactor Chemistry Division are also reported
1000 g of ^"^Pu and 300 g each of ^"^Am and elsewhere.
^''''Cm. Following purification, these materials As to the Curium Recovery Facility (CRF), it
are to be further irradiated, after which the trans- has been completed and is being used to test
curium elements will be recovered as products transuranium process chemistry at full-scale
and the residual plutonium and curium isotopes activity levels, to recover multigram amounts of
returned for additional irradiation. The original ^"•'Am and ^''''Cm for incorporation into HFIR
plans were for all the additional irradiation to be targets, and to purify gram amounts of ^Cm and
done in the HFIR, but within the past year the ^''''Cm for use in thermoelectric converters ( s e e
AEC decided to accelerate production by con- Chap. 5). This facility was installed in c e l l s 3
tinuing the irradiation of a portion of the feed and 4 of the High Level Chemical Development
material in an SRL production reactor prior to Facility, Building 4507. The cell 4 complex is
operation of the HFIR. Over a six-month period used for solvent extraction processing, and the
which started in February 1965, this reactor will cell 3 complex is used to obtain additional de-
be operated at a thermal-neutron flux exceeding contamination of ^''^Am-^'*''Cm by LiCl anion ex-
2 X 10^^, utilizing a special fuel loading to change and to separate ^''^Am from ^''''Cm by
achieve this very high flux. About 525 g of ^''^Pu carbonate precipitation.
is being irradiated in three target forms: (1) six
prototype HFIR targets containing 10 g each; (2)
18 actual HFIR target rods, also containing 10 g;
and (3) the remainder in special slugs made at 4.1 DEVELOPMENT OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES
SRL. The remaining ^''^Pu has been retained for
the initial targets for the HFIR. From the SRL Development of the chemical processes has
irradiation program, nearly 10 mg of californium continued for both the preparation of oxides for
will be produced, and the first milligram is HFIR target feed material and the heavy-element
scheduled to be recovered in the Curium Recovery separations. About 300 g of ^''^Am and 300 g of
Facility, starting in December 1965. The re- ^''''Cm, along with the associated rare-earth
mainder will be processed in the TRU following fission products, were recovered from the raffinate
startup early in 1966. of the plutonium recovery step at Savannah River
Chemical p r o c e s s e s are being developed and Laboratory and transferred as a nitrate solution to
tested at high activity l e v e l s , and equipment is the CRF at ORNL. This material i s presently


being processed for americium-curium recovery. evaluate the effects of temperature, resin particle
In this processing, americium, curium, and rare s i z e , and flow rate in order to completely optimize
earths are concentrated and converted to a chloride this p r o c e s s .
solution by the Clanex process, and the actinides Dissociation c o n s t a n t s of the 1,2-diaminocyclo-
are then isolated from lanthanides and other
hexanetetraacetic acid (DCTA) complexes with
fission products by the Tramex p r o c e s s . The
the actinide elements were determined b e c a u s e
purified ^^Sp^^ ^43^^^,^ ^^ 244(^jjj ^ - j j ^^ ^^^_
previously measured dissociation constants of
verted to dense oxide in the particle size range such lanthanide complexes had shown that the
of 20 to 200 fi, made into targets by the Metals and lanthanides could be separated effectively in this
Ceramics Division, and irradiated in the HFIR for system. However, we found that the californium,
12 to 18 months. Plutonium targets are made in einsteinium, and fermium dissociation constants
an unshielded glove-box line, while americium are not appreciably different and that separation
and curium targets can be produced only after the cannot be achieved.
remote equipment i s operable in the TRU. A process employing hydroxide precipitation
The main-line HFIR-target processing method for preparing dense, c o a r s e particles of PuO
c o n s i s t s in dissolving the target in hydrochloric was used to prepare 180 g of ^''^Pu as PuG^ for
acid; separating the actinides from fission prod- incorporation into 18 HFIR targets. T h e s e targets
u c t s and aluminum by the Tramex process; separa- are being irradiated at SRL in a s p e c i a l fuel
ting the transcurium elements from americium and loading designed to maximize the flux.
curium by phosphonate extraction from dilute Laboratory efforts to prepare dense PuO ,
hydrochloric acid; separating berkelium from Am O , and Cm O by sol-gel methods are con-
californium, einsteinium, and fermium by dialkyl tinuing; s t a b l e plutonium s o l s have been pre-
phosphate extraction of Bk(IV) from concentrated pared, and t h e s e s o l s have been used to prepare
nitric acid; and isolating californium, einsteinium, uniform microspheres that densify when fired.
and fermium by chromatographic elution from a Stable lanthanide s o l s capable of producing
cation exchange resin. microspheres have now been made, and the
methods will be evaluated for the production of
americium and curium s o l s .
Status and Progress

During the past year Clanex and Tramex proc- Actinide Separations by Ion Exchange
e s s i n g was demonstrated at full-scale radioactivity
l e v e l s in the C R F . This work, as well as In an effort to find new methods for separating
laboratory support given to C R F processing, is transcalifomium elements, the anion exchange
reported in the Curium P r o c e s s i n g section (Chap. behavior of the transcurium elements with EDTA
5). The developing and testing of techniques for and other actinide complexing agents was investi-
intra-actinide separations by ion exchange were gated, a n d the dissociation c o n s t a n t s of the
continued; additional ^'*^Pu was converted to DCTA complexes with Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, E s , and
dense oxide and incorporated into HFIR targets; Fm were determined.
and sol-gel methods for the preparation of actinide Anion Exchange Separations of the Trans-
oxides s u i t a b l e for HFIR targets were studied. plutonium Elements. — The anion exchange be-
More laboratory development work is planned for havior of the transplutonium elements with EDTA
the berkelium recovery process a s soon a s and other polyamino polycarboxylic acids was
sufficient amounts become available. investigated in an effort to develop a new separa-
Since an adequate solvent extraction process tion system for t h e s e elements.
for separating transcalifomium elements i s not It was demonstrated that EDTA complexes of
at hand, the search for new and improved ion the heavy actinides may be loaded on anion ex-
exchange separation methods continues. We change resins; E s / C f and F m / E s separation
demonstrated that ethylenediaminetetraacetic factors of 1.41 and 1.90 were achieved. These
acid (EDTA) complexes of the heavy actinides, separations compare favorably with those ob-
loaded on anion exchange resin, can be used in a tained by a-hydroxyisobutyrate elution from cation
separation method, but it i s still n e c e s s a r y to resin. The transplutonium elements form an EDTA

complex of the form MeY~, with one a c e t a t e group einsteinium and 4% of the californium in a similar
free to attach itself to a strong-base functional run with the co-hydroxyisobutyrate system. It is
group of the anion exchange resin. The separa- necessary to further evaluate the effects of tem-
tions obtained are independent of the dissociation perature, resin particle s i z e , and flow rate in order
constants of the elements and appear to depend to completely optimize this process, column
strongly on the s i z e of the chelate. For this scale-up must be proved a l s o .
reason, differences in resin pore s i z e and cross Anion exchange separations based on other
linkage are important. The b e s t separations were actinide complexing agents were evaluated. The
obtained with 8 to 10% cross-linked r e s i n s . Good ligands investigated include 1,2-diaminocyclo-
separations were also obtained with Amberlite hexanetetraacetic acid (DCTA), diethylenetri-
IRA-900, which is described a s a macroreticular aminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), o-hydroxyiso-
resin.' butyrate, and nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA). Actinide
Elution peaks for fermium, einsteinium, and complexes of DCTA and DTPA did not load on
californium obtained in the EDTA system are anion exchange resin. Actinide complexes of
shown in Fig. 4 . 1 , where the conditions are a l s o ovhydroxyisobutyrate and NTA on anion exchange
shown. The E s / C f separation factor of 1.41 i s resin gave no indications that adequate separa-
comparable to that obtained in the a-hydroxyiso- tions could be obtained.
butyrate elutions, but because of tighter elution Dissociation Constants of the Transplutonium
bands, somewhat better separations were obtained Chelates of 1,2-Diaminocyclohexanetetraacetic
in this system. At the conditions listed in Fig. Acid, — The dissociation constants of the DCTA
4 . 1 , an einsteinium product fraction was obtained complexes with Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, E s , and Fm were
which contained 99% of the einsteinium and no determined by ion exchange techniques. This
detectable californium. This compares with an investigation was made because the dissociation
einsteinium product cut that contained 96% of the c o n s t a n t s of lanthanide complexes with DCTA
varied markedly from element to element, corre-
sponding to cation exchange separation factors
Robert Kunin, " A m b e r - H i - L i t e s , " Rohm & H a a s
Co., November 1963. of 2.0 to 2.5 between adjacent heavy lanthanides.
This indicated that DCTA might be useful in
separating the transcalifomium elements from
ORNL-DWG 6 4 - 8 2 5 i A
each other by cation exchange.
Dissociation constants of actinide and lan-
^6' Al
thanide complexes with DCTA are shown in

Fig. 4.2. T h e s e values were calculated from
distribution-coefficient data. Equilibrium d i s -
tribution coefficients were determined for the
transplutonium elements between ammonium-form
Dowex 50-X8 cation resin (200 to 270 mesh)
and 1.0 M NH CIG solutions, both with and
4 4
without DTPA. A weighed quantity of the resin
was tumbled for 4 hr at 25°C with a solution
COLUMN 0 1 cm^ X 2 0 cm containing radioactive tracer. Normally, equilib-
RESIN A MBERLITE I R A - 9 0 0 (100-
2 3 0 MESH rium was achieved withm l e s s than half an hour.
1 ELUATE OOH M EDT A - 0 ( M NH4AC As this plot shows, the values for Am, Cm, Bk,
AT pH 3 0
TEMPERA TURE 80 and Cf closely parallel the lanthanide values, and
FLOW RA TE 0 5 ml cm 2 m n-1 separation factors between adjacent actinides in
this s e r i e s are about 2 to 2.5. Unfortunately, this
A 40 60 80
E s / C f ( 4t

IS not true for the heavier actinides, and separa-
tion factors are only 1.2 for E s / C f and 1.35 for
F m / E s . This separation does not compare favor-
Fig. 4 . 1 . Anion Exchange Separation of E D T A Com-
ably with that for the o>hydroxyisobutyric acid
plexes of C f - E s - F m .
system, which provides a C f / E s separation factor
of 1.42.

ORNL-DWG 64-7841A

Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Lu
Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm

F i g . 4 . 2 . Actinide-Lanthanide Dissociation Constants with 1,2-Diaminocyclohexanetetraacetic A c i d .

Preparation of Oxides for HFIR T a r g e t s . — High oxide phase is continuous and the thermal con-
Flux Isotope Reactor targets will be made from ductivity of the pellet is low. But, with oxide
pressed p e l l e t s of aluminum powder and actinide particles ranging from 20 to 200 ^ in diameter, the
oxide, and it i s e s s e n t i a l that the aluminum phase aluminum phase will be continuous, and con-
be continuous in order to ensure satisfactory heat ductivity will be satisfactory for irradiation in
transfer during irradiation. When very fine high neutron fluxes.
actinide oxide particles are mixed with —325-mesh A process employing hydroxide precipitation for
aluminum powder and pressed into cermets, the preparing dense, c o a r s e particles of PuG h a s

been reported previously; during this past year Plutonium Sol Preparations. — During continued
the process was used to prepare 180 g of ^'*^Pu investigation of plutonium sol procedures, it was
a s PuG for incorporation into 18 HFIR targets. established that plutonium sols can be prepared by
These targets are being irradiated at Savannah digesting freshly precipitated Pu(GH) in suffi-
River in a s p e c i a l fuel loading designed to cient HNG to provide an NG ""/Pu mole ratio of
maximize the flux. about 1. To produce dense oxide from, such s o l s ,
When PuO powder is made by the hydroxide it i s then n e c e s s a r y to reduce the nitrate con-
precipitation process, grinding and screening centration. This is done by drying the sol, heat-
are necessary; about 25% of the oxide i s less ing the dried gel to remove nitrate, and resuspend-
than 20 /x in greatest diameter and must be re- ing the dried gel in water. Nitrate removed by
cycled. Gn the other hand, preparation of PuG this method depends on both time and temperature,
by a sol-gel method would eliminate the dissolu- and e x c e s s i v e denitration results in a nondis-
tion and valence adjustment necessary for recycle, persible product. Plutonium sols have been pre-
and the preparation of microspheres of uniform pared by this method with NG ~ / P u mole ratios
s i z e from a plutonium sol would eliminate grind- in the range of 0.08 to 0.13. However, stable
ing and screening. For these reasons, efforts to sols capable of producing dense oxide have been
prepare plutonium s o l s have continued, and produced with ratios as high as 0.3.
sphere-forming techniques have been investigated. Spectrography showed that the plutonium sol
This work is s t i l l in progress. So far, s t a b l e particles produced by digestion of the hydroxide
plutonium sols have been prepared in the labora- with dilute HNG are polymers. It is suspected
tory, and plutonium s o l s have been used to pre- that the s i z e of the ultimate sol particle is deter-
pare uniformly sized microspheres, which calcine mined by the degree of polymerization and can
to dense PuG s p h e r e s . therefore be altered and possibly controlled by
2 '^
For similar reasons a sol-gel method for pre- variations in each step of the procedure. Con-
paring americium and curium oxide for incorpora- tinued efforts are n e c e s s a r y to determine the
tion into HFIR targets would be convenient, and micelle s i z e produced by changes in procedure
laboratory efforts to prepare lanthanide sols a s and to correlate micelle s i z e and nitrate concen-
stand-ins for americium and curium have been tration with density and strength of calcined
initiated. Stable lanthanide s o l s , capable of oxide.
producing microspheres, have now been made, Initial attempts to produce microspheres from a
and the methods will be evaluated for the produc- plutonium sol were successful. T h e s e spheres
tion of americium and curium s o l s . were produced from a plutonium sol concentrated
PuO Preparation. — The hydroxide precipitation to about 100 g of plutonium per liter. The spheres
method was used to prepare 246 g of PuG which were formed by introducing sol from a syringe into
contained about 217 g of ^''^Pu. The oxide was slowly agitating drying liquid — 10% 2-octanol—
prepared in three batches and was ground to the 90% 2-methyl-l-pentanol. The particle s i z e s
desired particle-size range with a mortar and obtained after calcination at 1150°C varied from
pestle. The following average s i z e s were ob- 5 to 40 (1. To produce microspheres of more uni-
tained: - 7 0 +100 mesh, 25%; - 1 0 0 +200 mesh, form s i z e , sphere-forming equipment which fea-
35%; - 2 0 0 +325 mesh, 15%; and - 3 2 5 mesh, tures a tapered column^ was installed in a glove
about 25%. The —325-mesh fines, which are not box. This equipment was used to produce botli
suitable for HFIR targets, were recycled. PuG -ThO microspheres (made from mixed
About 203 g of this oxide, which contained 180 plutonium-thorium sols) and pure PuG s p h e r e s .
g of ^''^Pu, was incorporated into 18 HFIR Plutonium dioxide—thorium dioxide spheres
t a r g e t s , now being irradiated in a Savannah River have been produced which contain 2, 10, 20, 30,
reactor. A s p e c i a l fuel loading, designed to and 50 wt % PuG . The s i z e after calcination at
maximize the flux, is used. T h e s e rods may be 1150°C was 200 ± 20 /L( in all c a s e s , and toluene
further irradiated in the HFIR prior to initial density determinations indicate that the d e n s i t i e s
processing. were 97 to 99% of theoretical. Microphotographs

^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
1963, ORNL-3452, pp. 1 1 4 - 1 5 . 1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 1 6 9 - 7 6 .

of PuOj-ThO spheres before and after calcining and densities better than 95% of theoretical were
are shown in F i g s . 4.3 and 4.4. T h e s e s p h e r e s indicated by toluene density determinations.
contained 50 wt % PuO . Microsphere Preparations {ram Lanthanide Oxide
Plutonium dioxide microspheres were s u c c e s s - Sols. — During initial attempts to produce lan-
fully made from four separate sol preparations, thanide s o l s , various methods were investigated
which indicates good reproducibility. However, with La(N03)3, GdCNOp^, and NdCNO^)^. While
the drying medium used to produce the s p h e r e s s e v e r a l methods produced partial lanthanum s o l s
was not satisfactory. The drying rate appeared to which dried to glassy s o l i d s , a completely s a t i s -
be e x c e s s i v e , and hollow, broken spheres were factory method was not found.
produced. Satisfactory results were obtained, In early t e s t s , electrolysis of gadolinium from a
however, with the following drying mixture: nitrate solution through a cation membrane into a
59.6 vol % 2-ethyl-l-hexanol, 40 vol % 2-octanol, cathode compartment containing water provided
and 0.4 vol % "Amino O . " Microphotographs of the most favorable-appearing sol which formed in
PuO2 spheres before and after calcination at the cathode compartment. It was concentrated by
1150°C are shown in F i g s . 4.5 and 4.6. Diameters evaporation and used to prepare microspheres,
of the calcined s p h e r e s varied from 110 to 150 ji, which retained their shape after calcining at

PHCT cvOt/

Fig. 4.3. P u O j - T h O j Microspheres, U n c a l c i n e d . D i a m e t e r , 210 to 250 11.


F i g . 4.4. P u O j - T h O j Microspheres, Calcined at 11 5 0 ° C . Diameter, 180 to 210 jl.

1000°C. However, they were fragile, and micros- ides with nitrate-to-metal mole ratios of 0.03 to
copy showed e x c e s s i v e surface imperfections. 0.04. In all c a s e s , these sols have yielded micro-
During these preparations, freshly precipitated spheres that calcine to very glassy-appearing
hydroxide exhibited a strong tendency to peptize, oxide spheres at 1000°C.
an indication of sol-forming characteristics, but Photomicrographs of the praseodymium oxide
in a short time this tendency decreased. s p h e r e s before and after calcination are shown in
In recent t e s t s , similar behavior was observed F i g s . 4.7 and 4.8. They were formed by introduc-
with lanthanum hydroxides. Freshly precipitated ing a. 2 M sol from a syringe into a beaker of
hydroxides are amorphous, but upon aging they slowly agitating drying liquid (20% 2-octanol—
rapidly aggregate and are not conducive to sol 80% 2-ethyl-l-hexanol). Toluene d e n s i t i e s were
formation. Accordingly, techniques were devel- 99.5% of theoretical density for two different
oped which minimized the difficulties and per- batches of spheres that had been calcined at
mitted making stable lanthanide sols amenable 1000° C for 16 hr.
to microsphere production. This work will be continued, and attempts will
Thus, it has been possible to produce sols from be made to correlate process variables with
praseodymium, neodymium, and gadolinium hydrox- desirable product c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . In addition.

PHOTO 69070

Fig. 4.5. PuO, Microspheres, Uncalcined. Diameter, 180 to 220 fi.

equipment i s being assembled so that t h e s e column containing high-molecular-weight drying

methods can be evaluated for the preparation of alcohols and a bottom layer of concentrated
americium and curium s o l s . NH OH. Successful particle formation requires
Investigation of Sphere-Forming Techniques sufficient dehydration to form a " s e t " sphere
from Rare-Earth Nitrates. — In search of an alter- while the droplet falls through the drying alcohol
native to the sol-gel approach, scouting t e s t s were and the conversion of the nitrate to the hydroxide
made to investigate the preparation of d e n s e in the NH OH phase. Although it was possible in
oxide spheres directly from nitrate solutions. several i n s t a n c e s to produce particles that re-
Investigations were made both with La(NO ) and tained their shape after calcination at 1000°C, the
a mixture of rare-earth n i t r a t e s . The successful fired particles were irregular in shape and did not
application of such a procedure could be useful appear to be sufficiently hard and d e n s e . In most
in preparing americium, curium, and rare-earth of the preparations investigated, spheres were
product in solid form for safer shipping, and might readily obtained in the column, but they frequently
a l s o serve to prepare americium and curium oxides cracked or disintegrated while air drying at room
suitable for incorporation into HFIR targets. temperature.
According to one approach, concentrated nitrate In general, the principal difficulty appeared to
solution is introduced as small droplets into a be the formation of crystalline-appearing particles

HOTO 69069

Fig. 4.6. PuOj Microspheres, Calcined at 11 50°C. Diameter, 110 to 150/i.

rather than amorphous ones, the kind that harden rack is being tested to determine hydraulic per-
and density when calcined to the oxide at rela- formance through one complete c y c l e of solvent
tively low firing temperatures. Although all extraction at design flow r a t e s . Mass transfer
possible variables were not investigated, the data for the various flowsheets are measured in
method did not appear to be sufficiently promising a prototype set of columns located in an alpha
to warrant further investigation. laboratory to permit use of transuranium elements.


Engineering studies are being conducted to Testing of c e l l components, equipment i n s t a l l a -

develop equipment and operating procedures for tion and maintenance concepts, and various
the Transuranium P r o c e s s i n g Plant. Equipment mechanical equipment in the full-scale cell mock-
racks and other components have been tested in a up was continued in the past year and is now
full-scale mockup to determine installation and nearly complete. T e s t s of the solvent extraction
removal techniques and to solve maintenance flowsheet and equipment, in progress for the past
problems. The solvent extraction equipment two years, will continue. Satisfactory s t a g e

PHOTO 68349

Fig. 4.7. Praseodymium Oxide Microspheres, Uncalcined,

heights, t h r o u ^ p u t s , and scrubbing efficiency tested to ascertain that the required remote
were demonstrated in g l a s s prototype columns for manipulation and maintenance could be done.
the Tramex flowsheet. H i ^ product l o s s e s to The t e s t work on the equipment-transfer c a s e
the waste organic stream were observed to be and maintenance procedures for replacing an
related to a very small amount of entrained alpha seal window was completed.
aqueous phase. The hydraulic performance of the
A finished version of the TRU sampler station
all-Zircaloy-2 solvent extraction equipment rack
was installed in the mockup and t e s t e d . Only
to be installed in the TRU was tested and found to
minor modifications were n e c e s s a r y to give
be satisfactory after some minor piping changes.
satisfactory operation.
A revised version of the manipulator booting
Mockup Tests s e a l was tested and provea acceptable without
changes. Two sliding 0-rings provide the s e a l .
Testing in the full-scale mockup of the proc- The cubicle cooling system, including the filter
e s s i n g cell i s almost complete. Actual equip- system, was installed and checked for e a s e of
ment full-scale prototypes were installed and filter removal and for heat-removal c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s .

HOTO 68350

Fig. 4.8. Praseodymium O x i d e M i c r o s p h e r e s , C a l c i n e d at 1000 C.

Only minor changes were needed to give proper (aqueous/organic) of 1 1 to 2 3 and pulse fre-
service. quencies of 40 to 50 cpm Scrub s t a g e heights
agreed with previous t e s t s — decontamination of
the americium with respect to europium was
Development of Pulsed Columns greater than 2000, and the s t a g e height for the
scrub column was l e s s than 18 in.
The Tramex flowsheet for separating actinide Stripping t e s t s revealed an unexpected diffi-
and lanthanide elements was tested in glass culty Although only one theoretical stage is
pulsed columns C/^ in. in diameter and 4 ft high) required, in initial t e s t s 25% of the americium was
at throughputs equivalent to the design flow rate lost to the waste solvent. The americium was in
of the TRU columns, which are iV in. in diameter a small volume of entrained aqueous phase (0.4
and 5 ft high. The efficiency of the columns was vol %). By filtering or allowing the aqueous
determined by using ^'''Am a s a representative phase to s e t t l e over a long period of time, we
transuranium element and ' ^ ^ E u a s a typical rare established that less than 0.1% of the americium
earth. Extraction of americium was consistently was in the solvent. The entrainment was caused
good, the loss was l e s s than 0.1%. The stage by a spontaneous emulsification of the 1 M HCl
height ranged from 6 to 10 in. for flow ratios strip reagent into the solvent. This is easily

observed by placing a drop of loaded solvent on Status and Progress

the surface of 1 M HCl. Violent interfacial
activity occurs immediately. Numerous batch Design of the equipment i s 95% complete.
mixing and phase separation t e s t s were con- That remaining is predominantly associated with
ducted in an effort to find a way of preventing the special separations not presently defined
entrainment. The most successful methods were accurately by precise chemical flowsheets.
by stripping with higher concentrations of HCl or Fabrication of the process equipment, now 80%
LiCl. Pulsed-column t e s t s using 4 M HCl in- complete, is scheduled to be finished by Septem-
stead of 1 M HCl a s the stripping agent demon- ber. Almost all purchased components are on
strated satisfactory stripping. The aqueous en- hand, and all remaining fabrication jobs have been
trainment was reduced to l e s s than 0.1 vol %, scheduled in the ORNL shops.
and the americium loss was only 0.1 to 1.3%.
The first phase of the hydraulic testing of the
full-scale TRU pulsed columns was completed. Equipment Design
Temporary modifications of the aqueous s e a l
legs, solvent overflow lines, pulse r e s t r i c t o r s , Design was completed and drawings were
and solvent-pump elements permitted operation i s s u e d for fabrication of the process piping
at design flow rates for both the Tramex and for all seven process c e l l s and for the majority
Pharex flowsheets. The feed metering system of the equipment components. Design of the
was calibrated, and the flow response to pressure equipment for separating californium, einsteinium,
s e t t i n g was linear over the required range. At the and fermium i s in progress. The precipitation
design flow rate of 1 liter/hr, the standard equipment rack for the preparation of oxide for
deviation of flow at constant pressure was 6.9%. HFIR targets is s t i l l delayed, awaiting further
Good automatic control of the flows through the flowsheet development. During the past year an
c a s c a d e of three columns was demonstrated. all-Zircaloy-2 centrifuge, with operating s p e e d s
P u l s e pumping of the solvent into the columns up to 6000 rpm, was added to t h e process, for
was shown to be reliable. Early failure of the feed clarification and other operations. Design
diaphragms in the pulsers and pumps was caused and development of this equipment are in progress
in several c a s e s by meta) chips which had not in the ORGDP Technical Division. The design
been removed by the cleaning techniques used of all service and makeup equipment and instru-
previously. The problem was eliminated by using mentation outside the c e l l bank was completed.
ultrasonic cleaning of the parts before assembly. Three equipment-installation packages, includ-
ing drawings and specifications, were prepared
to define the job of installing about 80% of the
process equipment by a contractor. The remaining
4.3 DESIGN AND FABRICATION 20% will be installed by ORNL.

Equipment is being designed and built to Equipment Fabrication

process HFIR targets using both solvent extrac-
and ion exchange techniques. In this equipment In the past year the fabrication of process
the actinide elements will be separated from equipment, just under way at the beginning of
fission products produced in the irradiations and the year, progressed to approximately 80% com-
then separated as individual products. The pletion. Most of the equipment components to be
equipment i s mounted on racks to be located in installed by a cost-plus-fixed-fee contractor have
four of the nine c u b i c l e s . P r o c e s s tanks and much been completed. This equipment includes the
of the piping system are to be mounted in the nine cubicle service plugs, of which the one
tank-pit portion of the cell, behind and below the pictured in F i g . 4.9 i s typical. In this and
c u b i c l e s . All equipment, much of which is made subsequent pictures ( F i g s . 4.10 and 4.11), the
of Hastelloy C, Zircaloy-2, and tantalum, i s concept of prefabrication of piping and components
assembled with mechanical disconnects and is in shop jigs for e a s e in installation may be rather
designed to be replaced by remote or semiremote clearly envisioned. Other components, to be
techniques. installed by the contractor, which have been

Fig. 4.9. Cubicle 5 Service P l u g . The c o n c r e t e plug, shown here in the shop a s s e m b l y p g , c o n t a i n s 72 s e r v i c e
tubes and 5 e l e c t r i c a l conduits. The e n t i r e a s s e m b l y is lowered i n t o place above the c u b i c l e , after w h i c h con-
n e c t i o n s are made, remotely if required.

completed, include tank-pit service plugs, cubicle fixtures, as shown in F i g s . 4.10 and 4 . 1 1 . Dis-
service lines, the interpit piping plugs, the waste connect positions in the cell bank are accurately
and off=gas headers, and tank and equipment located in the assembly fixture, and then all
supports. piping in a given pit or cubicle is assembled in
the fixture. This procedure simplified both the
The equipment to be installed by ORNL in-
design and fabrication of individual jumpers and
cludes the process tanks, equipment racks, and
guarantees the proper fit of piping in the cell
the connecting jumper piping. Seven of the ten
bank. The fabrication of all process equipment
equipment racks have been completed. The
process tanks are being purchased, but ORNL is scheduled for completion by September.
craftsmen will install the piping n o z z l e s . Some
of the tank s h e l l s have been received from the 4.4 CONSTRUCTION OF THE TRANSURANIUM
vendors, and assembly of the piping is in prog- PROCESSING PLANT
The cubicle and pit process jumper piping is A new processing building, designated the
presently being fabricated in shop assembly Transuranium P r o c e s s i n g Plant (TRU), containing

Fig. 4.10. P r o c e s s Jumper P i p i n g , C u b i c l e 6 . A b o u t 50 lines are r e q u i r e d to connect the equipment racks and
the d i s c o n n e c t w e l l s in the floor of the c u b i c l e s . D i s c o n n e c t clamps in the p g are a c c u r a t e l y located to iAj '"''
c o r r e s p o n d i n g to a c t u a l i n - c e l l p o s i t i o n s .

nine shielded c e l l s , eight laboratories, and re- cost-plus-fixed-fee contract with the H. K. Fer-
lated service a r e a s , was designed and built to guson Company, and the remainder will be in-
provide facilities for recovering the actinide e l e - stalled by ORNL. Scheduled completion of this
ments from irradiated HFIR targets. Design of phase of the project is late fall.
the building was started in 1961, and it is
scheduled to be in operation early in 1966. The
Building Construction
details of the design have been reported in pre-
vious annual reports.
The construction of the Transuranium P r o c e s s -
ing Plant was completed by the lump-sum con-
Status and Progress tractor, Blount Brothers Construction Company
of Montgomery, Alabama, in late May, about 23
Construction of the TRU was completed by the months after the start of construction and 25
lump-sum contractor in late May 1965, only a few months after the contract was let by the Atomic
weeks behind the original schedule. Installation Energy Commission. The lump-sum-contract con-
to the process equipment is just under way. About struction consisted of the basic building, includ-
80% of this equipment will be installed under a ing the shielded cell bank, building s e r v i c e s .

PHOTO 68776A

F i g . 4 . 1 1 . P r o c e s s Jumper P i p i n g , C e l l P i t 7. The headers and i n t e r - p i t plugs are a c t u a l c e l l e q u i p m e n t . Other

equipment ( t a n k s , s e r v i c e p l u g s , cubic l e - t o - p i t line bundles) is s i m u l a t e d .

complete fire protection s y s t e m s , complete build- The glass-fiber-reinforced epoxy resin coatings,
ing, cell, laboratory glove box, and process-equip- which are applied to all concrete surfaces inside
ment ventilation and control s y s t e m s ; waste the cell bank, have provided what appears to be
accumulation and waste disposal piping s y s t e m s ; a smooth and reliable wall liner at a reasonable
furnished laboratories and storage and equipment cost, when compared with s t a i n l e s s s t e e l or
rooms; a 50-ton bridge crane in the limited a c c e s s Hastelloy liners. The effects of time and radio-
area; shielded plugs for operating cells and other active exposure will provide the final test.
radioactive environments; and liners for future
installation of bulk shielding windows and the
intercell transfer conveyor. Installation of Process Equipment
No major construction problems were en-
countered, although a scheduling problem was About 80% of the remaining equipment installa-
introduced when sandblasting and application of tion in the TRU will be done by the H. K. Fer-
protective coatings were done simultaneously guson Company under a cost-plus-fixed-fee
with other activities in the building, particularly ( C P F F ) contract with the Atomic Energy Com-
welding. The problem could have been greatly mission. The scope of that work will include the
minimized if the coatings on the cell bank roof installing and testing of the waste-accumulation
plugs had been applied outside the building. and disposal system and the off-gas scrubber;

installation of supports for process equipment available for installation in the Transuranium
located in the cell tank pits; installation of cell Processing Plant. These include the self-pro-
cubicle auxiliaries, including lighting, ventila- pelled dolly for moving heavy equipment between
tion, and cooling and service piping; fabrication the limited a c c e s s area and the loading dock out-
and installation of chemical makeup equipment side the building; the intercell conveyor and its
piping; and installation of interconnecting piping control system for transferring supplies and small
between the makeup area and the c e l l s . equipment between cell cubicles and between the
The remainder of the process-equipment installa- cell cubicles and the exterior of the cell bank;
tion requires s p e c i a l procedures; which will be the bulk-shielding viewing windows and their
developed by ORNL for initial installation and handling equipment; master-slave manipulators;
future replacement of equipment in the cell and cell-cubicle lighting and cooling equipment.
c u b i c l e s and c e l l tank pits. This equipment will
Contracts are in force for the fabrication of the
be installed by ORNL at the conclusion of the
doors and door frames for the tops of the c u b i c l e s ,
C P F F contract.
the intercell conveyor port closure a s s e m b l i e s ,
and the postirradiation carrier for transferring
Design and Fabrication of Mechanical Equipment irradiated targets from the HFIR to the TRU plant.
This equipment is scheduled for delivery to the
Several items of mechanical equipment have plant for installation by the C P F F contractor and
been purchased by or made at ORNL and are ORNL.

ORNL-DWG 65-9723

YEAR 1962 1963 1964 1965 <966






T 1

^ 1 \ \ r


Fig. 4.12. Transuranium Processing Plont Summary Schedule, April 15, 1965.

Several items of mechanical equipment are being group should be complete in August 1965. The
designed and/or fabricated s o as to be available installation of functional target fabrication equip-
at startup and are not required for the installation ment in the three-cubicle mockup located in
contract. T h e s e include a sample solution carrier, Building 4508 started in July 1964 and, according
a glove box for decontaminating process equip- to the latest schedule, is expected to be finished
ment, a carrier charging system for removing con- by November 1965.
taminated materials from the transfer area and cell All chemical processing equipment being made
bank, a waste disposal station for handling solid or bought by ORNL for subsequent installation by
waste from the p r o c e s s , and an equipment transfer ORNL will be available by September 1, 1965.
c a s e and shield for removing contaminated equip- All ORNL work i s still on a schedule compatible
ment from the cell c u b i c l e s . Design s t u d i e s have with the original project schedule. There were no
been started for a filter carrier for disposing of major unresolved procurement problems, nor were
contaminated filters from the ventilation s y s t e m s any foreseen.
of both the TRU and TURF facilities. A study For the most part, original manpower estimates
h a s also been initiated for the installation of used on the critical path schedule for the TRU
periscopes into the TRU cell c u b i c l e s . project were insufficient. This was especially
true for conceptual and early design items, where
substantial i n c r e a s e s were required to define
Critical Path Schedule many of the interconnecting and transfer opera-
tions prior to final d e s i g n . Estimates on major
The critical path schedule for the Transuranium design components were a l s o inadequate, and
P r o c e s s i n g P l a n t underwent a major updating in many small related activities were overlooked or
January 1965 to reflect changes in the course of underestimated. Manpower e s t i m a t e s for all
project work and policy. Two major updatings and design jobs increased nearly 56%. To offset this
several minor ones have been made s i n c e the increase, it was necessary to increase the design
original schedule was formulated. work force from 23 to 34.
A summary of the new schedule is shown in Increases in shop estimates were less signifi-
F i g . 4.12. Target fabrication design was very cant. Where they occurred, they resulted b e c a u s e
nearly complete in May 1965. Fabrication and certain fabrication techniques had to be developed
procurement of the remaining equipment in this for h i ^ l y specialized i t e m s .
5. Curium Processing

A joint program between the Isotopes Division alternative process methods that can be used in
and the Chemical Technology Division has been existing processing facilities, and design, con-
established to produce curium heat sources for struction, and operation of the C R F to test the
u s e in thermoelectric converters. The Chemical p r o c e s s e s and to isolate multigram amounts of
Technology Division is responsible for providing ^''^Cm and ^''''Cm. Chemical p r o c e s s e s , equip-
processing technology, facilities, and operations ment, and feed solutions used in this program are
to isolate gram amounts of curium. Product curium closely related to those for the Transuranium
in nitric acid solution is delivered to the Isotopes Element Program (Chap. 4).
Division for fabrication of the thermoelectric heat
s o u r c e s . A number of process methods, facilities,
and source materials are used for both the Curium 5.1 PROCESS DEVELOPMENT
Program and the closely related Transuranium
Element Program (Chap. 4). The chemical p r o c e s s e s for curium isolation
The Curium Recovery Facility (CRF) was include dissolving the target in dilute HCl; Clanex
originally planned for testing transuranium ele- processing to convert nitrates to chlorides and/or
ment p r o c e s s e s at high radioactivity levels, but to remove aluminum; Tramex processing to separate
modifications have been made to increase capacity americium-curium from fission products; and car-
and to improve reliability s o it can a l s o be used bonate precipitation of Am^ to s e p a r a t e americium
to isolate multigram quantities of curium free of from curium. Complete process details are d i s -
fission products. Nearly 17 g of ^''''Cm was puri- c u s s e d in later s e c t i o n s .
fied, separated from ^'*^Am, and transferred to Most of the laboratory-scale development and
the Isotopes Division for incorporation into an testing of t h e s e p r o c e s s e s were completed last
experimental heat source and for distribution to year and have been previously r e p o r t e d . ' ' ^ P r o c e s s
other AEC installations. This curium was iso- development during this report period was con-
lated from a nitric acid concentrate, containing fined to problems a s s o c i a t e d with full-scale
about 100 g of ^''^Am, 100 g of '^'*'*Cm, and 10 kg processing in the C R F at high activity l e v e l s .
of rare-earth fission products and lanthanum,
which Savannah River Laboratory prepared a s feed
Status and Progress
material for the Transuranium Element Program.
Six irradiated targets of ^'''AmO in aluminum
matrix were a l s o processed to separate ^''^Cm Product entrainment, which had been excessively
from aluminum and fission products but not from high, was reduced to reasonable proportions. In
residual americium, s i n c e it does not interfere other s t u d i e s , the solubility of rare earths in
with subsequent use of the curium. To date, Tramex feed was determined. Also, it was d e -
3.56 g of purified ^''^Cm has been transferred termined that methanol is not a dependable pre»
to the Isotopes Division, and an additional 14 g ventive of the radiolysis of the chloride solutions
of ^''^Cm will be processed early next fiscal
' F . L . Culler et ah, Chem. Technol. Div. Anr}. Progr.
The Chemical Technology Division's part of the Rept. May 31, 1963, ORNL-3452, pp. 1 3 4 - 4 3 .
Curium Program includes laboratory-scale develop- ^ F . L. Culler et aU, Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr.
ment of the chemical p r o c e s s e s , searching for Rept. May 31, 1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 1 3 6 - 4 7 .


used in the Tramex p r o c e s s . Thus, the s e q u e l s — organic phase was about 3 to 4 vol %, while
l o s s of acid and oxidation of the cerium to the europium entrainment was l e s s than 1%. Ex-
tetravalent s t a t e — cannot be consistently avoided c e s s i v e entrainment of product was observed,
through the use of methanol. This subject will however, when the mixing time was decreased
receive further attention. In another study, it from 120 to 10 s e c (Fig. 5.1). The necessity for
was shown that the time required for solvent efficient mixing indicated by t h e s e data was
extraction will be unaffected even when the sodium corroborated by cell 4 operating experience, where
nitrate concentration in the americium-curium product entrainment was reduced from 30—50% to
solutions received from the Savannah River Plant 1—5% in both Clanex and Tramex runs by in-
is as high a s 0.5 M. creasing mixer speeds and strip-to-solvent volume
ratios. This did not affect the entrainment of the
aqueous phase (1 to 2 vol %) in the organic.
Laboratory Investigation of Product Entrainment
During Clanex Stripping Operations
Solubility of Rare Earths in Concentrated
During initial high-activity-level operations in L i C I Solution
the Curium Recovery Facility (CRF), 1 to 2 vol %
of the aqueous stripping solution, containing 30 To reduce solids formation (through hydrolytic
to 50% of the americium-curium, was entrained by precipitation) in cell 4 processing at the CRF,
the waste solvent during both Clanex and Tramex it appeared desirable to increase the acid con-
stripping operations. Laboratory attempts were centration in adjusted Tramex feed. Since in-
made to duplicate this and to find methods for creased acid requires increased salting strength
preventing such e x c e s s i v e entrainment of product. to keep the distribution coefficients of the a c t i -
Batch stripping experiments were used. Partially nides sufficiently high, the solubility of rare
loaded solvent was prepared by contacting 0.6 M earths in concentrated LiCl solution was investi-
Alamine 336.HC1 in diethylbenzene with simulated gated over the range of interest. Maximum rare-
Clanex feed traced with ' ' ^ " ^ ' ' E u . Stripping was earth solubilities were not determined; however,
done by contacting the solvent with 0.3 vol of the following simulated feeds were completely
1 M HCl with an interface mixer operating at stable at room temperature:
1725 rpm.
In general, when efficient mixing and long Concentration in Concentration in
settling times were used, there was little product Const tuent Feed 1 Feed 2
entrainment. For example, with two s u c c e s s i v e
contacts when 2-min mixing times and 5-min s e t - LiCl 12 M 13 M
tling times were used, aqueous entrainment in the HCl 0.2 M 0.3 M
SnClj 0.1 M 0.1 M

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 2 4 Rare earths 44 g/liter 20 g/liter


A feed-adjustment procedure for solutions con*

taining a high concentration of rare earths was
Q. a l s o demonstrated in the laboratory. Here, the
simulated feed was 6 M in LiCl, 0.2 M in HCl,
and 20 ppm in zirconium. The rare-earth con-
centration was 20 g/liter. The solution was
concentrated by evaporation until the LiCl and
rare-earth concentrations were 12 M and 40 g/liter
respectively. The boiling point was 136°C. This
solution was allowed to cool to 100°C and was
20 40 60 80 (GO 120
MIXING TIME (sec at 1725 rpm) then diluted with an equal volume of solution
12 M in LiCl, 0.2 M in SnCl^, and 0.4 M in HCl
Fig. 5.1. Europium Stripping into 1 M HCl from 0.6 M to produce an adjusted feed that was 12 M in
Alamine 336'HCI-DEB as a Function of Mixing Times. LiCl, 0.2 M in HCl, 0.1 M in SnCl^, and 20 ppm

in zirconium. It contained 20 g of rare earths per The initial rate of production was approximately
liter. The adjusted feed was clear, and there was equal to 0.6 meq/whr.
no indication of precipitation or instability during The fact that the initial rate of production of
preparation. oxidants (0.6 meq/whr) is nearly equal to the
rate of depletion of acid (0.58 meq/whr) tends to
Cerium Oxidation and Acid Loss by Radiolysis support the hypothesis that initially the acid
in Tramex Feed Solution depletion is predominantly controlled by the
Laboratory-scale experiments are being con-
C I - +H"^+ O H — > CI +}\p .
ducted to study cerium oxidation and radiolytically
induced acid loss from high-activity-level Tramex However, as indicated by the maximum on the
feed. Cerium oxidation results from the radiolytic chlorine-production curve, two or more competitive
production of chlorine oxidants and appears to be reactions are taking place.
related to radiolytic acid l o s s . The rate of de- Ethanol was a l s o studied. While in the two
pletion of acid and the rate of production of experiments performed it effectively protected the
chlorine were determined for Tramex feed solutions free acid at concentrations a s high a s 0.3 M at
both with and without methanol present. Methanol alpha exposures of greater than 2000 whr/liter, a
and other reductants are being evaluated as black insoluble organic layer formed after an
means for preventing cerium oxidation and con- exposure of 500 whr/liter.
trolling acid l o s s . The solutions used in this With respect to preventing the oxidation of
study were samples of Tramex feed containing cerium, hydroxylamine hydrochloride was added
^''^Cm and corrosion-product impurities in 10 to to the scrubbing solutions and showed promise a s
12 M LiCl. a reductant. For example, Tramex feed 0.1 M in
In t e s t s to date, methanol has been effective in HCl was contacted with 0.6 M Alamine 336'HCl
preventing acid loss in some i n s t a n c e s and much in diethylbenzene in a batch extraction experi-
l e s s s o in others. For example, in one laboratory ment. The cerium extraction coefficient (E°) was
test with a sample of feed from the C R F , 2V vol % 1.94. The solvent phase was then scrubbed with
methanol effectively stabilized free acid for over an 11 M LiCl solution 0.1 M in NH^OH-HCl. An
two w e e k s . The acid concentration remained E° for cerium of 0.13 was obtained after 30 s e c
nearly constant at 0.05 M during the first 2400 a

whr/liter of alpha exposure. In a second ex- of contact time, decreasing to an E° of 0.01

periment, feed 0.3 M in HCl became acid deficient after 1 min of contact time. This study is still
after an exposure of 900 whr/liter. This com- in progress, and efforts to control acid loss and
pares with complete acid loss after 700 whr/liter prevent curium oxidation will be continued.
for feed that did not contain methanol. When the
concentration of free acid in this experiment had Solubility of Sodium Nitrate in Clanex Feed
decreased to 0.1 M, the rate of depletion of acid
was equal to 0.58 meq/whr, which corresponds to Since the latest shipment of ^''''Cm-^''^Am from
a G(—H) of 1.58. In all c a s e s , a decrease in the Savannah River was about 0.5 M in NaNO , the
rate of depletion of acid was observed with in- solubility of NaNO in simulated Clanex feed and
creasing exposure to alpha radiation. its behavior during feed preparation were investi-
Methanol did inhibit the production of chlorine gated. The results indicate that it should be
oxidants in Tramex feed. With 5 vol % methanol possible to handle sodium concentrations a s high
present, the concentration of oxidants (calculated a s 0.5 M in the Savannah River concentrate with-
a s chlorine) appeared to remain nearly constant out increasing the time required for solvent ex-
at l e s s than 0.1 meq/liter; however, when methanol traction.
was not present, the concentration of oxidants It was determined that NaNO solubility is
increased with increasing exposure at the be- greater than 1.5 Af in synthetic feeds 7 M in NO "
ginning of the experiment, reached a maximum at from LiNOg + A ^ N O ^ j , and 0.2 M in HNO3. This
a dose of 120 whr/liter, and decreased thereafter is for feeds that contain 20 g of rare earths per
at a rate of 0.025 meq/whr. The concentration of liter and in which the aluminum concentration may
oxidants was equal to 21 meq/liter at the maximum. vary from 0.33 to 1.33 M.

In a feed-adjustment demonstration, synthetic rugged manipulators to replace the originals.

feed that contained 7 g of rare earths per liter and All polyethylene lines were replaced with stain-
which was 6 M in HNO^ and 0.5 M in NaNO^ was l e s s s t e e l or Zircaloy-2 tubing, except for the few
concentrated by evaporation until the NaNO that could be replaced remotely.
concentration was nearly 5 M (bp = 118°C). The The Zircaloy-2 dissolver system installed in
solution was cooled to 105°C, and the 3.5 moles cell 3 was tested with nonradioactive targets and
of HNO that remained in the feed were neutralized proved satisfactory. As an adjunct to the facility
with dibasic aluminum nitrate. An appropriate in cell 4, removable boxes housing laboratory-
amount of LiNO solution was added, the feed s c a l e equipment for final-product purification and
volume was again adjusted by evaporation, and special separations were installed in cell 3 . The
0.2 M HNO was added to the adjusted feed. facility was approved for operation with radio-
Final solution concentrations were: NaNO , active materials in November 1964 and has op-
1.5 M; L i N O j , 1 M; A1(N03)3, 2 M; HNO^, 0.2 M; erated for five months, producing 19 g of ^''''Cm
and rare earths, 21 g/liter. and 4.6 g of ^'*^Cm. Soon a second ^''^Cm run
will be made. The facility will then be placed
in routine operation, producing separated ^''''Cm
5.2 CURIUM RECOVERY FACILITY: and ^"^Am. Up to a milligram of " ^ C f will be
EQUIPMENT AND FLOWSHEET TESTING recovered in early 1966.

The Curium Recovery Facility in Building 4507

was designed and built to recover gram quantities Modifications to Equipment
of americium and curium from irradiated target
materials and also from aqueous concentrates re- The layout and arrangement of the equipment
ceived from off-site. The recovered actinides will has been described previously.^'''
be used for research and for use in fabricating The modifications to and replacement of equip-
prototype thermoelectric generators. Provision was ment were concerned mainly with durability and
made for target dissolution, feed adjustment, sol- materials of construction. The polyethylene tubing
vent extraction, and product conversion to the failed at sharp bends and in the welds, particularly
appropriate chemical system a s required. Addi- in areas subject to thermal cycling, and was re-
tional equipment was provided for further purifica- placed with s t a i n l e s s s t e e l , Hastelloy C, or
tion by ion exchange and for separation of the Zircaloy-2 tubing. The glass scrubber and con-
americium from the curium. densers were subject to frequent breakage in the
Structural materials were chosen for their cor- glass-to-metal seal-transition p i e c e s and were re-
rosion resistance to the nitrate-chloride system placed with equipment made of tantalum or Zir-
featured in the p r o c e s s . The designed system caloy-2.
capacity was based on processing 2 g of '^''•^Cm Experience with the sampler showed that more
per day. A specific objective of the program in- reliable operation could be obtained by replacing
cluded early recovery of nearly 20 g of ^''''Cm, the bottle holder and elevating mechanism with
4 g of ^''^Cm, and 20 g of ^'*^Am; other objectives a V-shaped guide behind the needle blocks. This
included testing of the flowsheets developed for allowed a direct impaling of the sample bottle
separating and recovering t h e s e elements from ir- while it was held by the manipulator.
radiated feed materials. The corrosion of the original Homolite mixer-
s e t t l e r s was faster than anticipated, especially in
8 M HCl. They were a l s o subject to thermal-
Status and Progress
s t r e s s cracking. When this was discovered, de-
sign and construction of the replacement Zircaloy-2
Improved equipment has replaced several items
mixer-settlers were accelerated. T h e s e new
found deficient during cold testing. T h e s e changes
include new Zircaloy-2 mixer-settlers to replace
the Homolite ones, tantalum coils to replace
• ' F . L . Culler et al., Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr.
Hastelloy C cooling coils in the condensate catch Rept. May 31, 1963, ORNL-3452, pp. 1 3 8 - 4 3 .
tank, condensers and a scrubber made of tantalum ' ' F . L . Culler et al., Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr.
or Zircaloy-2 to replace the g l a s s ones, and more- Rept. May 31, 1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 1 4 5 - 4 7 .

mixer-settlers incorporate a pressure-reference quently leaked, contributed to the generally un-

reservoir for interface»level control and stream satisfactory performance of this pump.
preheaters in the metal block. The g l a s s phase Process Equipment. — Tantalum and tantalum-
separators were replaced with Zircaloy-2 s e p a - lined equipment has proved satisfactory in s e r v i c e .
rators integrally attached to the aqueous-phase One of the glass-lined v e s s e l s , however, appears
outlet. Several other minor design improvements to have developed a hole in the lining.
were a l s o made to reduce the chances for air Manipulators. — The rugged-duty extended-reach
locking. manipulators were superior to those of lighter
Many of the critical TRU disconnect clamps construction originally installed, but they require
were replaced with clamps of the final design. much preventive maintenance to help avoid com-
The clamp swing arm i s cam actuated by the bolt. plete failures, which result in unscheduled halting
In the older design, the swing arm rode a stud of in-cell operations. The rapid deterioration of
free of the nut. Slight corrosion made it dif- the remote "finger p a d s " in the cell rendered
ficult to break the swing arm free of the clamp in-cell handling of tools hazardous. The pads a s
body and move it out of the way of ferrules. received were originally glued improperly and
Unit equipment boxes housing laboratory-scale fell off after a few days s e r v i c e . Properly glued
g l a s s equipment for specific operations were pads, however, deteriorated rapidly in service,
made outside the cell and lowered into cell 3 presumably due to hard usage and attack by s o l -
after hot operations were started. Services to vents, and were u s e l e s s after about a week.
t h e s e boxes are supplied by temporary jumpers.

Flowsheet Testing
Performance of Equipment
Chemical problems were introduced by the inter-
Mixer-Settlers. — The mixer-settlers performed action of corrosion products from the new Zir-
well during about five months of operation with caloy-2 equipment with the slightly acid solutions
radioactive materials. However, one of the mixer used in the original Tramex p r o c e s s . Accordingly,
drives failed three times. A setscrew in the the flowsheet was modified to prevent these cor-
coupling at the drive-motor box came loose twice; rosion products from p a s s i n g from Clanex product
this defect was corrected by replacing the screw to Tramex feed. In addition, the process was
with a pin. Also, a Woodruff key sheared in the modified to reduce the concentration of the strip-
universal joint on the extraction-bank drive shaft. ping acid to 1 M b e c a u s e corrosion of the Zir-
Consequently, both the scrub and extraction bank caloy-2 mixer-settlers was unacceptably high
were driven from the scrub-bank drive. This drive when the 8 M HCl strip solution was used. With
failed later when a pin came out of one of the 1 M HCl, it was possible to back-extract zirconium
universal joints and allowed the shaft to fall from the final product with a wash of 0.5 M di-
out. Then the drive gears were reversed to drive (2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid in Amsco. These
both banks from the extraction-bank shaft. In-cell c h a n g e s , however, were not entirely successful in
repairs of the sheared key were made remotely — operation with radioactive feed materials. A fuller
a spring-steel clip was attached across two uni- discussion of this and of the use of SnCl as a
versal j o i n t s . reductant^ to control cerium oxidation and ex-
Feed-Transfer Pump. — This pump, one of two traction in the Tramex process is given in Sects.
TRU design installed in the c e l l , has failed to 5.3 and 5.5 below.
give satisfactory s e r v i c e . The failures consisted
of diaphragm rupture, stuck check valves (fouling
with a gummy substance), and recurring leaks at 5.3 SOLVENT EXTRACTION PROCESSING OF
one of the gasketed joints. The dense, viscous ^''^Am AND 2'<4cni
feed solution is difficult to pump under any cir-
cumstances, and may contain s o l i d s a s well. Feed for the process came from the long-term
The present installation includes a filter in the irradiation of 10 kg of ^^^Pu at the Savannah
pump suction line; but the high pressure drop
a c r o s s this filter, coupled with the many valved I. D. E u b a n k s , Savannah River Laboratories, private
connections in the suction manifold, which fre- communication.

River Laboratory (SRL) as a part of the Trans- the Tramex flowsheet (Fig. 5.3). The feed was
uranium Element Program. This material was prepared by evaporating e x c e s s HCl from the
processed there for separating and recovering the Clanex product and making the solution 11 M in
^''^Pu. The 24 3^^.2 4 4 Q ^ jj^gj remained was LiCl, 0.08 M in HCl, and 0.1 M in SnCl^. In early
concentrated by a precipitation a s double sulfates. runs, before we adopted SnCl a s a reducing
A nitric acid concentrate that contained all the agent in the feed,^ little decontamination from
rare-earth-element fission products a s well as '''"'Ce was obtained.
t h e s e actinides was then shipped to ORNL. Americium and curium were first extracted into
0.6 M Adogen-HCl in DEB, and the extract was
scrubbed with 11 M L i C l - 0 . 0 3 M HCl and then
Status and Progress stripped into 1 M HCl. The strip product was s u c -
c e s s i v e l y scrubbed with 0.6 M Adogen-HNO in
So far, a portion of this SRL concentrate, con- DEB and 0.5 M HDEHP in Amsco. The product
taining 24 g of ^''''Cm, has been processed to solution was continuously evaporated to a small
recover about 19 g of ^''"'Cm as purified product volume. Further purification of the ^''^Am-^'*''Cm
meeting specifications; about 19 g of ^''^Am, re- product was accomplished by ion exchange, a s
covered along with the ^''''Cm, was separated and described more fully in Sect. 5.4, and the two
purified. Early runs in this program were de- actinides were separated by precipitating Am(V)
velopmental, with the objective of testing and a s the double potassium americium carbonate,
modifying the process to optimize it for operations while the curium remained in solution. The sepa-
at the even higher radiation levels to follow in rated curium product was then converted to the
processing ^''^Cm. Off-specification product and nitrate form, and, after filtering (30-/x pores),
miscellaneous process solutions generated during transferred in solution to the Isotopes Division for
nonequilibrium operation, as well a s a spill re- reduction to the oxide and encapsulation.
covered from the floor of the c e l l , were s u c c e s s -
fully recycled for ^''''Cm recovery. After the
campaign, the cell was cleaned and prepared for
recovering gram amounts of ^''^Cm from irradiated Solvent Extraction Performance
^'"AmO targets, as d i s c u s s e d in Sect. 5.5.
After two trial runs, solvent extraction l o s s e s
of ^''''Cm averaging 1% of the feed were demon-
strated in the Clanex runs (Table 5.1). In the
Description of Process better of the Tramex runs these totaled 0.4%.
L o s s e s during extraction were successfully re-
Feed for the solvent extraction system was pre- duced by increasing the solvent-to-feed ratio to
pared from the SRL concentrate by evaporating to 3 / 1 . Stripping l o s s e s were minimized by operating
remove e x c e s s water and HNO , neutralizing the the stripping bank at near flooding conditions.
remaining HNO with acid-deficient aluminum ni- A small amount of entrainment persisted and was
trate, and then adjusting with LiNO to 7.0 M total recovered for recycle a s a settled aqueous phase.
nitrate and 0.08 M HNO^. The actinides and Almost no separation from fission products was
lanthanides in nitrate form were converted to obtained in the Clanex process (Table 5.2) except
chlorides by processing according to the Clanex for ruthenium (decontamination factor, 400). In
flowsheet (Fig. 5.2). In this p r o c e s s , americium, the Tramex cycle, a gross-gamma decontamination
curium, and the rare earths were extracted into 0.6 M factor of 500 was demonstrated; decontamination
Adogen-HCl (tertiary amine hydrochloride) in a factors for ' " ^ R u , ^ ^ ' ' E U , and ' ' " ' C e were 60,
diluent of diethylbenzene (DEB). The extract 2000, and 3000 respectively.
was scrubbed with 7 M L i N O 3 - 0 . 2 M L i C l - 0 . 0 3 M Interfacial Solids. — One of the most serious
HCl and then stripped into 1 M HCl. The stripped problems encountered in the solvent extraction
product was successively scrubbed with 1.0 M processing has been the formation of interfacial
Adogen-HCl in DEB and 0.5 M di-(2-ethylhexyl)- s o l i d s , primarily in the extraction contactor. The
phosphoric acid (HDEHP) in Amsco diluent. solids are believed to result from the hydrolysis
Separation of the ^''^Am-^'''*Cm from rare earths of Zircaloy-2 corrosion products, but may a l s o
and other fission products was done according to be due t o silica or hydrolyzable ions. To help

ORNL-0W6 65-4152A


7 tOZ M L1NO3 5 M t\ NO3 0 6 + 0 0 3 / 1 / ADOGEN-HCI

0 22 ± 0 0 2 /l^ LiCI <0\&M RARE-EARTH NITRATES 0 0 3 + 0 01 />/ HCl IN OEB
0 0 3 ± 0 01 * / HCl ~ 0 25 g / h t e r 2 4 4 c m
0 67 M A I ( N 0 3 ) 3
0 0 8 + 0 03 M HNO3 EXTRACTANT > -, ^

(MovL- MIXER S P E E D - 1 7 5 0 - 1 8 0 0 rpm

) 1 »|RAFFIN/! . WASTE

1.0 + 0 1 ^ HCl 1 /If ADOGEN- HCl IN DEB 0 5 + 0 025 M HDEHP


(540> vl MIXER S P E E D - 1 7 5 0 rpm MIXER S P E E D - 1 4 0 0 - 1 6 0 0 rpm




X X ) S T R E A M CODE ~ 2 0 g / l r f e r RARE EARTH
0 20 g/hter ^''*Cm
^XXJ ' • — S T R E A M FLOW RATIO, 1 M HCl
FEED= 100


Fig. 5.2. Curium Recovery Flowsheet: Clanex-B.

eliminate this problem, the free acid in the ex- l o s s e s exceeded 1%, and it was n e c e s s a r y to de-
tractant was increased to 0.15 M during the last c r e a s e the acidity of the extractant to get a c -
Clanex run. This decreased the rate of solids ceptable raffinate l o s s e s .
formation but did not eliminate it completely. A Separation of Cerium. — Cerium has been the
further attempt was made in TR-3 by increasing fission product most difficult to remove in the
the free acid in the extractant and in the feed Tramex p r o c e s s . Increasing the scrub/feed flow
both to 0.2 M. To compensate for the depression ratio was not effective in improving the separation
of the curium distribution coefficient by all this from cerium, but incorporating SnCl^ in the feed
acid, the LiCl concentration of the aqueous phase as a reductant to hold the cerium in the inex-
was increased to a nominal 12 M. The mechanical tractable trivalent s t a t e was s u c c e s s f u l . However,
operation of the mixer-settlers was excellent under SnCl has two disadvantages: it is extractable
t h e s e conditions, and the amount of s o l i d s formed in both valences and is a l s o oxidized by the
was greatly reduced. Unfortunately, raffinate radiolysis products of the feed solution, which

ORNL-DWG 66-4153A


II + 0 I / I / L I C I 11 t 0 2 /^/ LiCI 0 . 6 ± 0 OZ, M ADOGEN^HCI

0 0 3 t 0 01 /»/ HCl <0\A M RARE -EARTH CHLORIDES 0 0 3 + 0 01 /W HCl IN DEB
~ 0 2 g/l.ter ^''''Cm
0 0 8 ± 0 0 3 /W HCl
0 1 /t/ SnCl2
<Q 0\M NO3

^^ EXTRACTANT ^ , ., ,
NOTE p g „ ^ SCRUB - ' 24

V-L— MIXER S P E E D - 1 7 5 0 - 1 8 0 0 rpm



\ OiOA M HCl 0 6 (V^ ADOGEN • HNOa IN DEB 0 5 + 0 . 0 2 5 M HDEHP


MIXER S P E E D - 1 7 5 0 rpm j MIXER SPEED-1400-t600rpm
I !



FEED = 100


Fig. 5.3. Curium Recovery Flowsheet: Tramex-B.

Table 5.2. Decontamination Factors: Cm Program

Gross Gamma Ru Eu Ce

CL-2 3 1 1
Table 5.1. S o l v e n t E x t r a c t i o n L o s s e s of C CL-3 1 400 1 1
TR-2^ 15 10 5
L o s s e s (% of feed)
TR-2'' 200 150 200
CL-2 CL-3 TR-2 TR-3 TR-3 500 60 2000 3000

Extraction 0.8 0.5 4.2 0.2

F i r s t part of run: no reductant. P r o c e s s upset a l s o
Stripping 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 reduced decontamination factors.
Latter part of run: S n C l . reductant added to feed.

ORNL-DWG 65-4156A


F i g . 5.4. Gamma-Ray Spectrum of Cm Product

Table 5.3. ^'*'*Cm Product: Solution Purity

Constituent Specification TR-2(A) TR-2(B) TR-3

^'''Cm. g/liter 0.951 0.994 3.74

Ni, g/Iiter <1.0 0.2 0.24 0.8

Bi, Pb, Ca, Si (total), g per gram of Cm <0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02

Other cations (total), g/liter <1.0 0.10 0.06 0.69

Alkali metals (total), g/liter <10.0 19.2 7.0 13.1

form at a rate proportional to the power density of product solutions recovered from t h e s e feed ma-
the solution. t e r i a l s . Methanol may be catalytically destroyed
Radiolytic Effects. — In contrast to results re- by some contaminant in the feed that is not present
ported in earlier flowsheet development s t u d i e s , * in the product solution.
the presence of 2 vol % methanol in the Tramex
feed failed to inhibit destruction of the free acid
by radiolysis, or gassing during operations with Purity of Product
radioactive feed solutions. However, it s a t i s -
factorily inhibited gassing and acid destruction in In the ^''''Cm product from the last Tramex run,
TR-3, the principal gamma emitters were ^''^Cm,
"«Np (daughter of '^*^Km), ^^'^E.M, and '""Pr
F. L. Culler et al.. Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr.
Rept. May 31, 1964, ORNL-3627, p. 118. (daughter of ' ' ' ' ' C e ) . The latter two had been

removed to the point where they were no longer Ion Exchange Purification
the principal gamma emitters in the product. A
gamma-ray spectrum of the product is shown in The americium and curium were purified in a
F i g . 5.4, a s taken through a 1-in.-thick cadmium number of ion exchange runs performed in a
filter to remove the high-intensity, but very-low- glass column 2 in. in diameter and 14 in. high,
energy, gamma rays from ^''''Cm and ' ' ' ' ' C e . packed with 400 ml of Dowex 1-X8 resin (100 to
The chemical purity of the product was s a t i s - 200 mesh). Flow rates of 0.5 ml min""' cm""^
factory; the major contaminants were lithium, were used, and the column was kept at 65°C.
which enters the product by entrainment of the Americium, curium, and rare earths were loaded
scrub solution in the pregnant organic, and nickel, on the resin from 12 M L i C l - 0 . 1 M H C l - 2 v o l %
which follows curium quantitatively through the CH OH. Contaminant rare earths were eluted with
Tramex process. Table 5.3 shows the contaminants 5 column displacement volumes of 10 M LiCl—0.1 M
in three different batches of product. Although this H C l - 0 . 1 M NH^OH-HCl-S vol % CH3OH, and
material was transferred a s a hydrochloric acid ^''^Am-^'*''Cm product was then eluted with 2 dis-
solution to cell 3 for further processing, had it placement volumes of 8 M HCl.
been converted to the nitrate form and trans-
The americium and curium a s received from
ferred into the product shipping container with
cell 4 were contained in about 4 liters of 6 W HCl.
a reasonable volume of flush solution, it would
Column feed was prepared by concentrating this
have met the Isotope Division's specifications for
solution by evaporation to a volume of 250 ml.
ionic contaminants, as shown in Table 5.3.
One liter of 12 M LiCl was added, and evaporation
was continued until the LiCl concentration was
12 M (137°C). Concentrated HCl was added to
make the feed 0.1 M in free acid. The feed was
SEPARATION OF 243y^n,.244c„
cooled to 50°C, and 2 vol % methanol was added
During initial solvent extraction processing, to prevent acid loss due to radiolysis.
americium-curium product was obtained which re- Hydroxylamine hydrochloride was required during
quired additional purification. G l a s s ion exchange the rare-earth elution to prevent oxidation of
equipment was therefore installed in cell 3 of cerium to Ce"* , which does not elute in 10 M LiCl.
the Curium Recovery Facility, and additional de- The last two column volumes during rare-earth
contamination was obtained by LiCl anion ex- elution were collected separately to detect curium
change. In addition, ^'''*Cm was separated from breakthrough; typically the l a s t column volume
^''^Am by the carbonate-precipitation method. contained about 2% of the curium and was some-
times slightly contaminated with rare e a r t h s .
Status and Progress Of the ionic contaminants present in the feed,
Ni, F e , Cr, Co, and Cu loaded on the column.
A total of 16.6 g of ^''''Cm was purified by LiCl Nickel and copper were eluted with the rare earths,
anion exchange, separated from ^""^Am, and trans- and iron remained on the column during curium
ferred to the Source Fabrication Facility of the elution. This behavior resulted in separation from
Isotopes Division for incorporation into an experi- all impurities except chromium and cobalt. How-
mental heat source and for distribution to other ever, when impurities were present in sufficient
AEC laboratories. concentration, satisfactory rare-earth separations
The americium content in the curium product could not be obtained. It was found that 1 g of
was 0.8%, and radioactive contaminants were re- nickel would completely load the resin and dras-
duced to a degree equivalent to l e s s than 20% of tically inhibit curium loading. When large amounts
the curium gamma activity. The separated ^^^Am of impurities were present, they were partially
(17.3 g) was transferred to Building 3508 for removed before the column feed was prepared.
further purification and conversion to the oxide. Precipitation of americium-curium with e x c e s s
This purified americium oxide was then d i s - NH^OH resulted in their separation from Ni, Co,
tributed to several other AEC laboratories for and Cu, which form soluble amine complexes.
u s e in research programs. An additional 1.9 g During this processing, there w a s no indication
each of ^''''Cm and of ^''^Am were purified and of resin degradation, although the curium band on
will a l s o be used for process development. the column routinely provided a radioactivity level

equivalent to about 400 to 600 w / l i t e r . Three con- bility seriously inhibited oxalate precipitation of
secutive runs with the same resin were possible the americium. Only about a third of the americium
before the pressure drop across the column in- precipitated after the oxalic acid was added to the
creased. Two percent methanol by volume ef- AmO NO -HNO solution, and the precipitate was
fectively stabilized the acid concentration of the lemon-yellow, in contrast to the reddish-tan of
feed and greatly inhibited the formation of radiolytic Am'' oxalate. The americium remaining in solu-
gas. tion was completely stable for days and was
finally reduced and precipitated by adding
NHjOH-HCl and then heating.
Separation of Am from Cm
Most of the 17.3 g of ^''^Am which was separated
Americium-243 was separated from ^''''Cm by from curium was converted to oxide. Emission
oxidizing the Am^"^ to Am^* with NaOCl or K^S^O^ spectrography indicated that it was more than
in the presence of 3 A/ K^CG . The oxidized 99.9% pure.
americium precipitated a s K AmO (CO ) and Curium-244, which remained in the K CO fil-
was recovered by filtration. The curium in the trate, was recovered by precipitation with NaOH.
filtrate was precipitated a s the hydroxide. The The precipitated hydroxide was filtered and d i s -
KjAm02(C03)2 and the Cm(OH)g were then d i s - solved in 2 M HNO^. The high pH provided by
solved in nitric acid and stored separately. NaOH was necessary for this precipitation. Am-
Purified column product was first precipitated monium hydroxide was not effective even when
with NaOH to remove excess acid, lithium, and concentrations as high a s 4 M were used. Equip-
chromium. This hydroxide was a dense crystalline- ment difficulties encountered during the filtration
appearing material which filtered readily. Fol- of one batch of Cm(OH) were primarily responsible
lowing filtration, the hydroxide was dissolved in for the potassium and sodium present in the final
a minimum of 6 A/ HCl and added slowly to a curium product (Table 5.4). A g l a s s frit plugged
rapidly agitating 3 M K CO solution. The solu- during filtration, and it was n e c e s s a r y to dissolve
tion was digested at 80°C until americium and the curium hydroxide in nitric acid before all the
curium were completely dissolved a s carbonate K j C O j solution had been removed.
complexes. A 200% e x c e s s of either NaOCl or Several interesting effects were noted during
K S O was added, and the mixture was digested this processing: Purified ^''''Cm was stored in
for 2 hr at 80°C. Both oxidants effectively oxi- 2 M HNO at an activity level of about 50 w/liter
dized the Am^"*" to Am^ , and the pentavalent for a s long a s six weeks in a g l a s s container.
americium precipitated a s K AmO (CO ) during During this time, about 100 cm^ of s i l i c a accumu-
the digestion s t e p . However, when NaOCl was lated due to alpha attack of the g l a s s . The silica
used, a small amount of americium was apparently was granular and very easy to remove by filtration.
oxidized to Am®*, which does not precipitate. Nitric acid solutions of ^''''Cm did not evolve
About 99.5% of the americium was removed by noticeable amounts of radiolytic gas; however,
precipitation, leaving only 0.5% in solution, and gas evolution in HCl solution was s e v e r e . Meth-
about 1% of the curium was carried by the precipi- anol, which does not appear to be useful in sup-
tate. pressing radiolytic gas formation when ionic
impurities are present, was quite effective in re-
The K3Am02(COj)2 was a dense light-tan pre-
ducing gas formation in HCl solutions of pure
cipitate and filtered readily. The filter cake was
washed with 3 M K CO and then dissolved in L,m.
2 M HNO . The curium content of this material
was reduced from 1.0 to 0.02% by a second oxi- Purity of Product
dation-precipitation cycle, and final conversion
to AmO was obtained by oxalate precipitation Before processing, the Savannah River feed con-
from the nitrate solution followed by calcination centrate had a gross-gamma-to-gross-alpha ratio
at 800°C. of 4.3 X 10~^. Two cycles of solvent extraction
Pentavalent ^''^Am proved to be surprisingly processing produced product having gamma-alpha
stable in nitric acid solution. Spectrographic ex- ratios varying from 3.1 x 10~^ to 8.9 x 10~^, and
amination of 1 W HNO solutions indicated a this ratio was further reduced to 1.5 x 10~^ by
half-life of 18 days for Am^'^ at 25°C. This s t a - ion exchange purification. The only sources of

Table 5.4. Summary of Contaminants in Cell 4 Products and in Curium Product After Final Purification

Source Solutions from Cell 4 P r o c e s s i n g Final

TR-1 TR-2A TR-2B TR-3 TR-3R p^„^„^^

Curium and ionic contaminant

content, g
2**Cm 1.16 4.03 2.71 9.51 1.56 16.62
K 48.9
Li 6.4 19 38 1.9
Na 3.6 13.2
Al 0.05 0.06 0.02 <0.10
Ca 0.02 0.10 0.02 '^1 0.06 ~0.10
Co 0.2 0.06
Cr 0.03 0.03 0.1 0.3
Cu 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.6
Fe 0.05 0.06 0.6 0.3 0.09
Mg 0.01 0.01
Mo 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.3
Mn 0.02 0.03
Ni 1.3 ~1 1.2 2.6 2.0 <0.10
Zr 1.3 0.1 -^0.10
Rare earths 2.3 29.1 1.6 1.9 0.5
Gross y / g r o s s (X 9 x 10"'' 3.1 X 1 0 " ^ 2.5 X 10 8.9 X 10 1.3 X lO""* 1.5 X 10"

gamma rays detectable in the final product were recovery of the ^''^Cm. The residual ^'"Am was
^"^Am and ^"''Cm. The ^^^^m content in the not separated from the curium. At the time of
^''''Cm product was 0.8%. Detectable ionic im- dissolution, the targets contained 6.75 g of ^''^Cm,
purities before and after processing are shown which decayed to 5.44 g during the processing
in Table 5.4. The alkali-metal impurities were period. Of this amount, 3.56 g was transferred to
introduced during americium-curium separation; the Isotopes Division, and 1.13 g was transferred
and s i n c e t h e s e ions will be removed during sub- to cell 3 of Building 4507 for development work.
sequent curium fabrication procedures, no effort At the end of this campaign, the facility was
was made to remove them at this s t a g e . placed in standby, and preparations were made to
receive another shipment of ^''^Am-^'*''Cm from the
Savannah River Plant. Early in the new fiscal
5.5 PROCESSING OF ^t'AmOj TARGETS year, a second ^''^Cm campaign will process about
1 4 g o f ^^^Cm.
Gram quantities of ^''^Cm are being prepared
for heat s o u r c e s . The large quantity of aluminum
in the irradiated ^'"Am targets and the high Description of Process
specific activity of the ^''^Cm forced some changes
in the flowsheets that had been tested with ^''''Cm. Six irradiated ^""AmO targets were dissolved
in HCl and processed for •^'''Am-^''^Cm recovery.
The targets each consisted originally of about
Status and Progress 3.6 g of ^""Am a s the oxide, incorporated in an
aluminum-powder matrix. After irradiation, each
Six irradiated ^'"AmO targets, containing contained about 1.1 g of ^''^Cm and 1.0 g of
initially 21.4 g of ^""Am, were processed for ^'"Am. After the targets had been dissolved in

dilute HCl, the solution was converted to the total nitrate concentration was brought to 7.0 M
nitrate form and processed through a Clanex with L i N O j .
cycle to remove the aluminum. The Clanex product Tramex. — The actinides and lanthanides in the
was then processed s u c c e s s i v e l y through two chloride Clanex product were concentrated by
Tramex c y c l e s . The final americium-curium product evaporation, and LiCl was added to bring the
was converted to the nitrate and transferred to the s a l t strength to 11 M. The free HCl was adjusted
Isotopes Division for conversion to the oxide and to 0.2 to 0.4 M, and the SnCl^ concentration to
encapsulation. The solvent extraction flowsheet 0.1 M. Because of the high power density of the
conditions were modified to adapt and optimize target feed solution (about 18 w/liter), acid
them for processing ^''^Cm solutions at power destruction was rapid; consequently, the acid con-
d e n s i t i e s of 6 to 16 w/liter. centration in the remaining feed was adjusted
Dissolution of Target. — Three targets were d i s - periodically. Similarly, the SnCl concentration
solved at a time. They consisted of 1.124-in.-OD was a l s o adjusted periodically. The actinide
by 5-in.-long aluminum cans containing the products from the first two Tramex runs were com-
aluminum-AmO compact. Each rod contained bined and converted to Tramex feed, but in the
about 200 g of aluminum, and the aluminum basket final run the power density of the solvent ex-
used for lowering each target into the dissolver traction feed was limited to about 6 w / l i t e r . The
added an additional 22 to 24 g per target. The feed stock was heated to the boiling point, 137°C,
dissolution rate was controlled by metering 8 M just prior to use (to remove CI ), and a portion
HCl into the dissolver, which was held at 80°C. was transferred to the feed head tank, where it
There was initially enough water present to cover was diluted with two volumes of a 10.8 M LiCl—
the three targets. After all the acid was added, 0.15 M S n C l 2 - 0 . 4 M HCl solution. The s i z e of the
digestion at the reflux temperature was continued batch was limited to give a maximum exposure
for 2 hr. The evolved hydrogen was continuously of the reductant to ionizing radiation of 600 whr
diluted to below the explosive limit by purging the per equivalent of SnCl in the time required to
dissolver and solution with air throughout the process that portion of the feed.
dissolution period. As the targets dissolved, the
off-gas was continuously monitored for alpha-
particle contamination and radioiodine. Although Solvent Extraction
a moderate rise in both was observed, the amount
The Clanex flowsheet (Fig. 5.2) was modified
of iodine detected in the off-gas and the absence
to obtain improved '^Zr-^^Nb separation in
of iodine in the solutions indicated that the off-gas
processing the target feed solutions. This con-
scrubber was operating at an efficiency better
s i s t e d in (1) eliminating LiCl and HCl from the
than 99%.
scrub solution and (2) substituting 0.6 M
Feed Adjustment. — B e c a u s e of the high alu- Adogen-HNOj for Adogen-HCl in the extractant.
minum content of the targets, adjustment of the Increasing the HDEHP concentration to 0.8 M
dissolver solution to produce a s t a b l e Tramex and using diethylbenzene (DEB) a s diluent in
feed was impossible without e x c e s s i v e l y diluting wash II were done as a matter of operating con-
the dissolver solution. Instead, the solution was venience. The only change in the Tramex flow-
converted to the nitrate form and processed through sheet (Fig. 5.3) was to increase the concentration
a Clanex cycle, which has a much greater ca- of HDEHP in the DEB to 0.8 M for wash II.
pacity for aluminum. Process L o s s e s . — Solvent extraction l o s s e s
Clanex. — After the targets were dissolved, the are shown in Table 5.5. Extraction l o s s e s in the
8 M HCl solution was evaporated to about half its Clanex cycle averaged l e s s than 0.01% of the
volume and added in small increments to 15.8 M feed; in the Tramex cycle they averaged 1.2%.
HNO , held at 85°C. After each portion had been Stripping l o s s e s averaged 0.35% in the Clanex
added, the HCl was boiled off. Following this, cycle and 0.77% in the Tramex; in either c a s e ,
incremental additions of HNO^ were made and the stripping l o s s e s were more a function of the
then boiled off until the chloride content of the settling time of the organic waste than of con-
residual solution was l e s s than 100 ppm. The tactor conditions. The settled aqueous phase was
e x c e s s acid remaining was neutralized with withdrawn from the spent organic w a s t e and held
dibasic aluminum nitrate (Diban), after which the for later recycle to the p r o c e s s .

Decontamination Factors. — The decontamination measurements supported the belief that the final
factors obtained are summarized in Table 5.6. product was contaminated during a process upset
Although decontamination from ' ° ^ R u , ' ^ Z r - ' ^ N b , that caused '^Nb to be carried into the product
and ' ' " ' L a was adequate, that from ' ' ' ' ' C e was low by some finely divided s o l i d s . During the first
d e s p i t e the addition of reductant to the feed. This three-fourths of the run there was no indication of
is attributed to the rapid consumption and de- ^^Nb in the product.
struction of the reductant by direct radiolysis and Volatilization of Ruthenium. - The low '"^Ru
by radiolysis products of the solution. decontamination factor obtained by solvent ex-
Niobium Contamination. — The reduction in ' ^ Z r - traction in run TR-6 was mainly due to the fact
Nb decontamination observed in the second series that most of the ruthenium had already been re-
of Clanex-Tramex runs (CL-TR-5) is attributed to moved by another mechanism. It came about this
their plating out on the equipment and subsequent way: The feed-adjustment procedure in this run
redissolving later in the runs. Although they included periodic acidification and evaporation of
were almost undetectable in the product in the the remaining feed concentrate to a solution that
first Tramex run and throughout about 90% of the boiled at 137°C. The highly oxidizing radiolysis
second, their sudden appearance at the end of the products that formed as a result of t h e s e s u c c e s -
run resulted in the lower values reported. s i v e adjustments oxidized the ruthenium to a
In the final run, separate measurements were volatile s p e c i e s , which was then collected in the
made of the ' ^ Z r and '^Nb a c t i v i t i e s . These condensate.

Quality of Product
Table 5.5. Cm Solvent Extraction Losses

Results of Chemical Analysis. — The aqueous

L o s s (%)
^''^Cm product (chloride solution) was reduced to
CL-4 CL-5 TR-4 TR-5 TR-6 a small volume by evaporation and then converted
to the nitrate system by s u c c e s s i v e additions of
Extraction <0.01 <0.01 1.1 1.6 0.77 8 M HNO , evaporating to the original volume
Stripping 0.32 0.38 0.06 1.1 0.37 after each addition. This was continued until the
chloride content was l e s s than 100 ppm. When

Table 5,6. Decontamination Factors; Cm Program

Gro!ss Gamma 'O^Ru «5zr-'%b '^"La '^"Ce

CL-4 10 10 100

TR-4 20 40 3.6 X 10^ >100 ~1

Across both c y c l e s 200 400 4.6 X 10^ >100 -^1

CL-5 10 10 400

TR-5 15 30 200*' >100 ^1

Across both c y c l e s 150 300 9.0 X 10^ >100 ^1

TR-6^ 15 >3 X 10^-'^700'' 80

Clanex product contaminated with Zr-Nb during Tramex feed adjustment, which was conducted in the dissolver
Tramex products from TR-4 and -5 combined and p r o c e s s e d through a second Tramex c y c l e .
"^An Ru decontamination factor of "^10 was obtained in the feed adjustment s t e p prior to solvent extraction.
In TR-6, Zr and Nb a c t i v i t i e s were measured s e p a r a t e l y .

this point was reached, evaporation was con- Table 5.7. Cm Product Solution Purity
tinued to a small residual volume to reduce the
HNO content a s much a s possible. After fil- Constituent Specification Product
tration and adjustment to the desired volume with
the water r i n s e s used for clearing the transfer
^"^Cm, g / l i t e r 0.25^ 0.23
l i n e s , the composition of the final product solu-
tion was that shown in Table 5.7, which includes, HNO3, M 1-4 2.5

for comparison, the product specifications, all of Cl~. g/liter <0.1 <0.04
which were met.
Ni, g / l i t e r <1 0.28
Residual Fission Products. — The gamma-ray
Bi, P b , Ca, Si (total), <0.05 ~0.07^
spectrum of the final ^'*^Cm product (Fig. 5.5)
g per gram of Cm
shows that small amounts of ' ° ^ R u , ' ' ' ' ' C e , and
'^Nb remained. As in the c a s e of ^''"'Cm, the Alkali metals (total). <10 4.0
most prominent photopeaks were due to ^''^Cm, g/liter
while the very-low-energy peaks from ^'*^Cm and Other cations (total). 0.12
^''^Ce were filtered out. Curium-242, unlike
^'*''Cm, has measurable photopeaks in the vicinity
of 0.6 and 0.9 Mev. The fission product gamma Suspended s o l i d s . <0.0l''
a c t i v i t i e s are of importance only a s they compare g per gram of Cm
with t h e s e photopeaks and with the long " s m e a r "
of photons at higher energies due to the sponta- ^Limits energy l e v e l to = 3 0 w / l i t e r .
neous fissioning of ^''^Cm. When averaged over Only calcium and lead were reported, t h e s e at the
an appropriate region of the spectrum, the fission limit of detection. It is believed that the lead was a
contaminant in the sample.
product gammas had the intensity shown in Table
"^To be filtered through a 30-^-pore filter at time of
5.8, expressed as percentages of the curium gamma transfer.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 4 ( 5 5 A


F i g . 5.5. Gamma-Ray Spectrum of Cm Product,

Table 5.8. Fission Product Activity in Cm Product Group Separation

Energy Principal Percent of Information on the relative extractabilities of the

Range Fission Curium Gamma actinides and lanthanides has been extended to
(Mev) Products Radioactivity include einsteinium and fermium (Fig. 5.6). Since
t h e s e two elements are slightly l e s s extractable
than californium, actinide-lanthanide group separa-
0.4-0.61 '"^Ru 22
tion is determined by the separation factor between
0.61-0.75 '''''Ce 34 neodymium, the least extractable lanthanide, and
0.75-0.90 '^Nb 37 californium, the most extractable transplutonium
element. Extraction with HDEHP gives slightly
2.0-2.5 '•'''ce 70
better group separation than extraction with 2-ethyl-
hexylphenylphosphoric acid [HEH(9!))P].

activity in the corresponding region of the s p e c -

trum. This degree of purity was entirely s a t i s -
Demonstration of Process
factory for this initial campaign.
P r o c e s s conditions were modified for group
5.6 DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE separation with feeds containing high concentra-
PROCESSES: SEPARATION OF LANTHANIDES tions of lanthanum, which is added a s a carrier
AND ACTINIDES when americium, curium, and rare earths are re-
covered from dilute solutions by precipitation of
Talspeak Process mixed double s a l t s with sodium sulfate. The ex-
perimental flowsheet shown in F i g . 5.7 was tested
Laboratory studies have continued to further de- by a s e r i e s of continuous countercurrent runs in
velop and improve the T a l s p e a k ' process for mixer-settlers with feeds containing 20 g of
separating trivalent actinides from lanthanides by
lanthanum per liter spiked separately with tracer
preferential extraction of the lanthanides with
americium, lanthanum, and samarium, and with
di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) from
small groups of other elements at the 1-g/liter
lactic acid solutions containing sodium diethylene-
level. High yields of americium and high de-
triaminepentaacetate (Na DTPA). This process ap-
contamination from lanthanum and samarium were
pears to be quite promising, especially for i s o -
obtained, a s predicted from previous data. De-
lating americium-curium, b e c a u s e of the large
contamination was high from Cr, Co, Cu, Cd, F e ,
separation factors between lanthanides and ameri-
Pb, Mn, Mo, and Ni, lower from Al and Sr, and
cium-curium and because the solutions can be
poor from Ba and Zn. Silver and zirconium pre-
handled in existing extraction facilities con-
cipitated from aqueous process solutions con-
structed of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l . Large-scale t e s t s at
taining DTPA.
high activity levels have not yet been made be-
c a u s e the Curium Recovery Facility, which u s e s
the Tramex process, had been designed and was
being built when the Talspeak process was Preparation of Talspeak Feed
Extraction of lanthanides and trivalent actinides
Studies of the process during the last year
into 1 M tributyl phosphate in diisopropylbenzene
included determination of einsteinium and fermium
diluent from 2.0 M A1(N0 ) followed by stripping
distribution coefficients, investigation of the
with 1 M lactic acid can be used to prepare feed
behavior of ionic contaminants, demonstration of
for the T a l s p e a k p r o c e s s . This method eliminates
the process in laboratory countercurrent extraction
the need for adding large amounts of lanthanum
runs, and investigation of a tributyl phosphate
carrier, as is done in the sulfate precipitation
extraction method to prepare Talspeak feed.
method. Distribution coefficients were measured
in batch equilibrations to determine the behavior
An acronym for " t r i v a l e n t actinide-lanthanide s e p a -
ration by phosphorus reagent extraction from aqueous
of americium, lanthanides, and possible ionic
complexes." contaminants. Americium and lanthanide extrac-

tion coefficients were greater than 10.0, and low (<0.0001 to 0.11): Al, Ba, Cr, Co, P b , Mn,
stripping coefficients were greater than 10,000. Mo, Ni, Ag, Zn, Cu, F e , Na, and Sr. Zirconium
Good decontamination should be obtained for the precipitated on contact of the extractant with the
following elements s i n c e extraction factors were aluminum nitrate solution.

ORNL- OVIt^ 6 5 - 9 7 2 5

/ 1

/ /
m /
1 / /
/ N L A MTH<\ N I D ES
\ \
\ / \
< 10'
\\ /
'"^, . «^'

/'\ ^1

( a) H DEH = - D P B it) HEH 14,9)- D E B
^_^(/ ^^i
1 1 1 !
La Ce> Pr Nd Pen Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm
Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm

Fig. 5.6. Relative L a n t h a n i d e - A c t i n i d e E x t r a c t a b i l i t i e s by HDEHP and HEH()2fP) from Lactic Acid-DTPA


ORNL-OWG 65-9726


1 M LACTIC ACID 2 0 g L o / l i t e r IN 1 M LACTIC ACID

pH 1 5
'240') (ao^

Fig. 5.7. T a l s p e a k F l o w s h e e t for P u r i f y i n g A m e r i c i u m .

6. Development of the Thorium Fuel Cycle

6.1 " 3 u STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION kg/day of ^^^U. The small-scale columns are of
FACILITY type 304L s t a i n l e s s s t e e l with a glass end, filled
with 16-gage perforated pulse p l a t e s on V-in.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory serves a s a spacing. A rising-film evaporator capable of
storage and dispensing center for reactor-pro- concentrating final product to 200 g/liter is includ-
duced 2 3 3 ^ nuclear fuel. Expanded and improved ed. The first-cycle aqueous feed and aqueous
storage, purification, and handling facilities were raffinate tanks are unit shielded with 4 in. of
added in Building 3019 to better discharge this lead. It may a l s o be n e c e s s a r y to lightly shield
responsibility. Five cylindrical storage tanks with the extraction column.
a nominal capacity of 250 gal each are available Dry-solid storage space capacity was increased
to store ^^^U nitrate solutions (Fig. 6.1). The to about 100 kg of ^^^U as an oxide encapsulated
tanks are 3 ft in diameter and 5 ft long. in welded aluminum cans 2.77 in. in outer diam-
Separate tanks permit the storage of ^^^U solu- eter and 6.5 in. long. Eight additional storage
tion according to the level of ^^^U contaminant wells (5 in. in outer diameter and 12 ft long, lined
present, thereby allowing the material with a low with 4-in. IPS pipe) were drilled from the penthouse
^^^U content to be kept separate. Four hundred in Building 3019 into the wall between c e l l s 4 and
kilograms of ^^^U may be stored at a criticality- 5. A similar s e t of nine h o l e s 8 ft 3 in. long was
approved concentration of 180 g of ^^^U per liter already available.
with 70%-full tanks; presently, however, the con-
centration is kept to a more convenient 100 g/liter.
The tanks are made of type 304L s t a i n l e s s s t e e l 6.2 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOL-GEL
and depend on fixed nuclear poison present in the PROCESS
form of borosilicate-glass R a s c h i g rings, which
fill each tank and the emergency catch pan under The inherent simplicity of the sol-gel process
the tanks. The boron content and isotopic ratio for preparing ceramic reactor fuels provides an
of the glass are carefully specified; it must con- incentive for increasing its versatility. It appears
tain 11.8 to 12.8% B2O3, with the ' " B - t o - ^ ' B that ceramic fuel bodies suitable both for vibratory
ratio equal to 0.25. The rings are i V in. in diam- compaction into metal tubes and for inclusion in
eter, l \ in. long, and 0.219 in. thick. Thirty-one various metal and ceramic matrics can be produced
percent of the volume is occupied by the randomly readily by the sol-gel p r o c e s s . P r o c e s s develop-
packed rings. ment during the past year included s t u d i e s of
The storage tanks are unit shielded by 4 in. of methods to control the porosity of the sol-gel
lead and are in an area that h a s 3V-ft-thick con- particles, to prepare zirconia by sol-gel techniques,
crete walls. Future expansion is possible in and to prepare thorium nitride.
s p a c e adequate for an additional three and possibly
four tanks identical to those presently installed.
A 1-kg/day single-cycle, two-column solvent Attempts to Control the Porosity of Sol-Gel
extraction facility was installed in an alpha-con- Particles
tained laboratory located in the gallery of Building
3019. This system augments the existing Thorex A small percentage of voidage in sol-gel fuel
solvent extraction system, which can process 6 particles may be desirable a s traps for fission


ORNL DWG 65-3014 R2

' % .


% ,


Fig. 6 . 1 , U Storage and Purification F a c i l i t y .

product and other g a s e s . It may also be useful as thereby leaving porosity which had not been sin-
" s i n k s " for relief of strains generated by thermal tered out.
and irradiation-induced s t r e s s e s and for pressures In the method where carbon was added to the
on the element generated by accumulation of gas. T h O j sol, fragments fired in Ar—4% H^ were pro-
Of equal importance is the fact that included duced having porosities proportional to the amounts
porosity may speed up dissolution rates of the of carbon added. Although the thorium oxide prod-
fuel by providing greater surface area. uct was discolored (gray to black) instead of the
Two methods have been investigated for producing normal white, the carbon content was l e s s than
porosity in sol-gel oxides. In one, a carbonaceous 50 ppm. Some properties of the uranium-thorium
material (e.g., lampblack) was blended in the sol oxide so prepared are summarized in Table 6 . 1 .
prior to gel formation. On drying and firing, the The open porosities (right column) suggest the
carbon was oxidized to CO or CO^ and generated extent to which acid may be able to contact oxide
holes whose s i z e and number is a function of the surface during dissolution. The rate of dissolution
type and amount of carbonaceous material added. i s expected to be related to the open porosity and
In the other method, incomplete firing was used. to the surface area. A carbon-to-thorium atom

Table 6 . 1 . Properties of Uranium-Thorium Oxide Containing Controlled Porosity

Density (g/cm ')

Atom Content By Mercury Porosimetry Open Porosity

By helium
Ratio'' (wt %) Bulk'' Particle" Py cnometry (vol %) (av)

0 0835 2.74 9 16 9 53 9.92 3 95

0.0835 2.69 9.56 10 02 4.60 3.89
0.0835 2.88 9.22 9.52 9.57 3.12
0.0417 2.75 9.75 9.86 1.15 1.43
0.0417 2.71 9.59 9.76 9.77 1.71
0.0208 2.81 9.67 9.83 9.85 1.61 1.09
0.0208 2.68 9.59 9.64 9.71 0 56

Carbon added to the sol m preparation, the carbon content of the product was l e s s than 100 ppm in all c a s e s .
Only gross voids and s p a c e s between p a r t i c l e s filled with mercury at 1 atm.
"^Pores (diameter = 0.022 /i) within particles filled with mercury at 545 atm
Space within solid filled by mercury at 545 atm, calculated from the difference between bulk and particle densi-

ratio of 0.0417 would probably be preferred within Samples fired at 1000°C may be the choice within
the group listed in the table because it would be this group, s i n c e high liquid absorption and high
likely to pack to a density of 86% of theoretical mercury porosity are obtained while still maintain-
and yet dissolve 5 to 15 times as fast as oxide ing a reasonably high density. The water-absorp-
without porosity built in. tion results correlated well with water- and toluene-
In the method where no impurity such as lampblack immersion d e n s i t i e s . Dissolution of the sample
was added to the preparation, the basic sol-gel fired at 900°C was complete after l e s s than 0 5
procedure for preparing dense ThO^ particles was hr m boiling 13 M HNO3-O.O4 M H F - 0 04 M Al
followed up to the final firing step, and final firing (NO ) . The other two samples were only about
temperature was the variable studied. Three prep- 75% dissolved after 5 hr under the same dissolution
arations were fired in air at 1150, 1000, and 900°C conditions.
respectively. The properties of the products
obtained are shown in Table 6.2 Zir Sols
In these preparations, the bulk density (by im-
mersion in mercury) and particle densities (by Various methods for preparing zirconia sols are
mercury intrusion) did not appear to be very reliable being studied. For example, reduction of the
criteria for the accessibility of the oxide to the nitrate with formic acid or precipitation of the
dissolvent. A water-absorption test was applied hydrous oxide and redispersion m zirconyl nitrate
to samples ground to —100 mesh. The amount of solution produced stable s o l s . Nitrate-to-Zr02
water required to immobilize or " s e t " a sample of mole ratios of unity or greater were required to
powder was determined by titration, and the results form the s o l s by either method. Precipitation of
are given below. the hydrous oxide and repeptization with water or
dilute nitric acid failed to make a s t a b l e s o l .
Preparation Water Likewise, steam hydrolysis was not very s u c c e s s -
Firing Absorbed ful. Dehydration of the oxide appears to be irre-
Temperature (g of H O per gram of ThO ) versible at the temperatures necessary for denitra-
(°C) tion by steam (higher than 100°C).
As to the stable zirconia s o l s prepared by reduc-
1150 0.055
ing the nitrate with formic acid, the final nitrate-
1000 0 064 to-ZrO mole ratio was about 1 in both c a s e s . Sub-
900 0.097 sequently, the s o l s were formed to gel microspheres

Table 6.2. Effect of Firing T perature on Properties of ThO

Density by:
Firing Mercury Surface
Temp. Displace- Area
3 2
(°C) H^O Toluene Helium ment (vol %) (cm / g ) (m / g , Kr)

1150 9.86 9.903 9.97 9.83 0.1 0.001 0.019

1000 9.78 9.78 10.23" 10.1 3.8 0.038 0.007
900 9.38 9.66 9.48 8.5 0.56 0.006 7.1 (Ne)

Probably erroneous.

in 2-ethyl-l-hexanol and then fired to oxide spheres and opaque, with a conductance of approximately
having a density of 4.9 g/cm^. The theoretical 5 X 1 0 " ^ mho/cm. A sample with a mole ratio of
density of zirconia is 5.6 g/cm . In some of the about 0.3 was a transparent, soft gel.
preparations, the microspheres cracked on the In s o l s where nitrate-to-ZrO^ ratios were l e s s
"great c i r c l e " when fired. than 1, formate could be substituted for nitrate on
Zirconia s o l s prepared by formate reduction of an equivalent b a s i s with no apparent change in
the nitrate ion were unexpectedly flocculated by the stability of the sol.
small additions of thoria s o l . When small amounts
of zirconia sol are added to ThO sol, an initial
Thorium Nitride
flocculation is reversed on digestion and agitation.
The pH of the zirconia sol is lower than expected
Thorium nitride microspheres were successfully
from the conductivity measurement. T h e s e findings
prepared in 1 0 - g l o t s by firing thoria-carbon spheres
are indirect indicators that t h e s e zirconia s o l s are
in nitrogen at 1800 to 1850°C for 1 to 1.5 hr.
negatively charged.
Conversion of ThO^ to nitrides was complete in
In the precipitation method for preparing s o l s ,
this temperature range. When the temperature
ammonia was added to 1 M zirconyl nitrate solution
exceeded 1850°C, the spheres sintered to each
to a pH of 2 . 1 , at which point hydrous oxide solid
other. X-ray diffraction a n a l y s i s showed the
began to appear. The mixture was digested at
presence of ThN, Th^N^, and thorium carbonitride.
100°C for 20 hr and then the precipitation was
Carbon-to-thorium atomic ratios of 2 and 3.5 have
completed by dropwise addition of ammonia. The
been investigated. Much work remains to be done to
mixture was filtered on a Buchner funnel, and the
define conditions leading to a pure nitride product.
cake was washed six times with water. It was
then treated with additional zirconyl nitrate solu-
tion to peptize it to a sol. Small additions (nitrate-
to-ZrO mole ratio of approximately 0.1) produced 6.3 DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS FOR
highly viscous, opaque s o l s . Larger additions PRODUCING MICROSPHERES
caused settling to a gel. Still further addition
(nitrate-to-ZrOj ratio of approximately 1) produced Process Development
a fluid, transparent s o l .
As prepared, the s o l s of various nitrate levels Development of methods for preparing micro-
were all viscous and opaque. Specific conduct- spheres Suitable for incorporation in various types
ances at 25°C increased linearly with nitrate of matrices was a major part of the development
level. After being digested at 70 to 80°C for 16 effort during the past year. The type of microsphere
hr, the samples at high nitrate level (nitrate-to- produced by sol-gel techniques is ideally suited
ZrO mole ratios of approximately 1) were trans- for coating with carbon and other materials, and
parent and fluid, with conductances at a plateau the coated products show promise of being excel-
of about 4 X 1 0 " ^ mho/cm. The s o l s low in nitrate lent fuels and blankets for use in high-temperature
(mole ratio l e s s than 0.3) were stable, v i s c o u s . gas-cooled reactors.

The preparation of thoria microspheres was liquid, 2-ethy-l-hexanol, i s pumped by a centrifugal

demonstrated in a tapered-column system, operating pump through a Cuno Micro-Klean filter and then
continuously at the rate of 230 g of oxide per metered into three flow paths. Two of the streams
hour, starting with a 3 A/ s o l . The microspheres enter the bottom of the column system and flow
are prepared by dispersing sol at room temperature upward through a tapered glass column. One of
in an immiscible organic liquid which h a s some these streams enters the column tangentially,
solubility of water. The sol droplets must be creating a swirl in the lower half of the column;
suspended in the organic phase until enough water the second is introduced perpendicularly to the
is extracted from the aqueous sol to c a u s e gelation. column wall. T h e third organic stream is used a s
After drying, the gel spheres are calcined at a drive fluid in a two-fluid nozzle. T h e aqueous
1150°C to achieve densification prior to coating sol i s metered by a syringe pump to the two-fluid
with pyrolytic carbon. nozzle and dispersed into droplets. T h e s e droplets
A schematic flow diagram of the equipment being fall through the upflowing organic until they reach
used to produce gel spheres in the s i z e range of their fluidizing velocity. As water i s extracted
100 to 1000 /x IS shown in F i g . 6.2. The organic from the aqueous droplets, the s o l s e t s to a rigid

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 2 7


Fig. 6.2. Column for Forming Gel Microspheres and System for Recovering Solvent.

gel. The denser gelled particles require a higher containing 1.5 lb of Dowex 1-X8 ion exchange resin
fluidizing velocity. (hydroxide form). However, thoria microspheres
This column system h a s been operated contin- produced with this system do not densify at the
uously at a sol flow rate of 5 ml/min by adjusting normal sol-gel calcination temperature of 1150°C.
the organic fluidizing flow to allow the gelled An aqueous scrubbing column is being investigated
spheres to fall through the minimum column c r o s s - a s a p o s s i b l e alternative method for removing
sectional area. To operate continuously, dry 2- nitrate.
ethyl-1-hexanol is metered to the suction side of In early s t a g e s of the work, sol droplets of
the column pump at a flow rate of about 1 liter/min. controlled diameters were formed in the tapered-
The wet alcohol overflows from the column into a column system by discharging the sol through a
holdup tank, from which it is metered through a small orifice. To avoid the undesirably small
preheater and into a steam-heated s t i l l operating orifice s i z e s required for free-fall drop formation,
at about 150°C. The dried alcohol (containing a two-fluid nozzle was developed and is being
about 0.5 wt % water) from the still i s cooled to used to form the droplets ( s e e F i g . 6.3). The sol
room temperature and flows by gravity to a second is introduced in the center of a flowing organic
holdup tank. The vapors from the still are con- stream which a cts a s the drive fluid. The con-
densed and separated into two p h a s e s , a water- tinuous s o l i s accelerated to the velocity of the
saturated alcohol p h a s e and an alcohol-saturated drive fluid and then breaks up to give sol droplets
water phase. The water-saturated alcohol phase with diameters 2.0 to 2.5 times the minimum diam-
is returned to the holdup tank. eter of the sol stream. A nozzle length of 10 in.
h a s been used to ensure droplet formation before
In the course of forming sol droplets from these discharge into the tapered column.
nitrate-stabilized s o l s , nitric acid is extracted into
The variables governing droplet formation by the
the alcohol p h a s e . In some i n s t a n c e s it is felt
two-fluid nozzle are related by the following equa-
that the nitrate ion may c a u s e undesirable oxidation
of the fuel microspheres. In an attempt to remove
the nitrate ion from the alcohol, it was recycled 4/
D = Jt (1)
from the wet-organic tank to a 3-in.-diam column hV

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 2 8



5 in

2 in

0 0 1 0 - 0 0 2 0 m ID
0 0 0 5 - 0 0 1 0 in W A L L 3 in


m ma—w
1/4 in
Va - 2/16 '" ID
- ^ 1 ^ 4 in

Fig. 6.3. Devices Used in Forming Sol Droplets.


where which requires continuous, nonpulsating, accurately

metered flows of both sol and organic. With the
D = sol droplet diameter, cm,
rotary feeder shown in F i g . 6.3, about 195 g of
/ = sol flow rate, cm^/min, thoria spheres were formed with the following
V_ = maximum drive-fluid velocity, cm/min, s i z e distribution after calcination to 1150°C:
max J f ' ' 6.2 wt %, >300 fi; 30.0 wt %, 250 to 300 fi; 52.2
k = constant for a particular system, gener- wt %, 210 to 250 fi; 7.7 wt %, 150 to 210 fi; and
ally 2.0 to 2.5. 3.9 wt %, <150 ^i. For this run, the sol feed rate
Theoretically, the diameter of the droplet should was 5 cm^/min and the rotation speed was 460 rpm.
be independent of the diameter of the sol entry To prevent the sol droplets from coalescing and
tube. To form uniformly s i z e droplets with a two- sticking to the walls of the g l a s s column, a sur-
fluid nozzle, the flow of the drive fluid must be factant is dissolved in the organic p h a s e . A sur-
laminar, and therefore the sol should be injected factant concentration of 0.1 to 0 5 vol % in the
in such a manner a s to minimize disturbances. A alcohol seems to be sufficient. The following
10-in. nozzle has been used to ensure good droplet three surfactants are representative of the types
formation before discharge into the tapered column. that worked satisfactorily for certain s o l s and for
Using two nozzles simultaneously, a 3.1 M thoria droplets of a certain s i z e : Ethomeen S-15 (Armour),
gel was fed through each two-fluid nozzle at a Amine 0 (Geigy), and Span 80 (Atlas). Ethomeen
rate of 2.5 cm^/min for 4 hr. With a value of 2.4 S-15 was successful in forming thoria spheres in
for the constant k in Eq. (1), the flow rate of the all s i z e s , whereas Span 80 can only be used for
drive fluid was s e t to produce spheres with a thoria s o l s whose droplets are in the s i z e range of
diameter of 230 /J. after calcination. About 950 g 200 /J. or smaller. Larger drops distort into non-
of thoria spheres were formed, with the following spherical shapes when Span 80 is used, probably
s i z e distribution after calcination to 1150°C: 3.9 because it gives an appreciably lower interfacial
wt %, >250 ft; 72.3 wt %, 210 to 250 /-c; 13.5 wt %, tension. Thoria spheres in all s i z e s were s a t i s -
150 to 210 fi; and 10.3 wt %, <150 / i . factorily formed with Amine O and Span 80 in
combination, and for certain sols this system
Sol droplets in the desired s i z e range have also
seems to be superior. A surfactant i s necessary
been obtained with several types of rotary sol
to make the process work; however, the type of
dispersers similar to the one shown in F i g . 6.3.
surfactant required i s not highly predictable for a
A typical rotary disperser has eight h o l e s , 10 mils
new sol and a particular particle s i z e range.
in diameter, equally spaced at one elevation around
a 1 /^-in.-diam cylinder. Initially, the disperser Glass columns of several s h a p e s were studied,
was run in air so that the droplet s i z e could be and the most successful system found so far is
controlled by the hole s i z e and the centrifugal the tapered column. The present tapered column
force on the forming droplet. This procedure was has a minimum diameter of 2 in., which expands
unsatisfactory because the sol drops were shattered to 3 in. over a column length of 40 in. The other
into smaller droplets on entering the organic liquid. types were variations of a straight column with
But encouraging results were obtained by running a tapered central rod to form an annulus for organic
the disperser just under the surface of the organic flow. All the earlier column s y s t e m s had the same
liquid. This allows the shear forces in the organic defect: instability of flow. The alcohol was
liquid to have a significant part in controlling the introduced perpendicularly at the bottom of the
s i z e of the sol droplets; however, this effect may system, and a rather long converging section of
be minimized by altering the shape of the rotary column was believed necessary to develop a ver-
disperser. Preliminary investigations indicate that tical velocity profile. With the vertical flow of
the plugging of holes is not a problem and that the alcohol, the particles and sol droplets were in
droplet s i z e is relatively independent of sol feed continuous motion up and down the column. This
rate, which h a s been varied from 5 to 15 cm^/min. system a l s o produced a flow instability which
The major advantage of a rotary feeder, compared allowed both sol drops and gelled spheres to fall
with a two-fluid nozzle, is its adaptability to out of the fluidized bed. Apparently, with a slight
s c a l e up or to increased sol flow r a t e s . Also, the increase in the number of particles on one side of
sol flow to the rotary feeder is permitted to be the column, the pressure-drop—flow-rate balance
l e s s uniform than that for the two-fluid nozzle. in the upflowing alcohol caused a further shift in

the bed of particles — a shift that could be correct- phase may present problems if the alcohol is to
ed only by particles dropping out of the column. be recycled for a long time.
This flow instability was eliminated by introducing Examples of the different s i z e s of thoria spheres
the alcohol stream tangentially at the bottom of that have been formed in 2-ethyl-l-hexanol and
the column and creating a swirl, a s described calcined at 1150°C are shown in F i g . 6.4. The
earlier. Also, the rotational flow helped flatten first sample (left) was formed in a beaker at a stirrer
the vertical velocity profile by adding to the verti- speed of 1200 rpm. All the particles are l e s s than
cal component next to the wall and reducing the 40 /Li in diameter, and a high percentage of the
upward flow near the center. spheroids have diameters l e s s than 10 fj.. The
The continuous recycle of alcohol was demon- next three samples shown in Fig. 6.4 were formed
strated during numerous runs in which the water in the tapered column; compared with the first
removed by the still represented 85% of the water sample, these three are photographically reduced
in the original s o l . During a recent run, the column in s i z e by a factor of 8. The average diameters of
and distillation systems were operated three shifts these three samples are 250, 500, and 750 /J..
a day for 95 hr. The total volume of alcohol was By combining the product from several runs in
38 liters of 2-ethyl-l-hexanol with Amine O and the tapered-column system, 19,400 g of thoria
Span 80 as the surfactants. About 27 liters of microspheres were prepared for evaluation t e s t s ,
3 M thoria sol was dispersed into the tapered pyrolytic-carbon-coating s t u d i e s , and other u s e s .
column during the run, and 21.5 liters of water After calcining at 1150°C and screening, the com-
was removed from the distillation system. The bined s i z e distribution of t h e s e thoria samples
density of the thoria spheres after calcination to was:
1150°C was almost the theoretically attainable for Weight (g) Size Range (fj)
samples taken at various times throughout the run.
As the run progressed, the alcohol darkened slightly; 990 150-210
also, particle clustering began to occur. The 12,850 210-250
tendency toward clustering was eliminated by
3,400 250-297
addition of 0.1 vol % increments of Span 80. The
apparent degradation or l o s s of surfactant with 1,130 297-420
time and the presence of nitrate ion in the organic 1,030 420-500

PHOTO 67081

50/1 250fj.

F i g . 6.4. Thoria Sphen s Calcined at 11 5 0 ° C .


About 65% of these oxide microspheres were pre- erator, where the correct hydrodynamic flow pattern
pared during the previously mentioned 95-hr con- i s produced, and the second is the product collec-
tinuous run. tion pot.
Future work will be directed toward obtaining The gelled microspheres will be transferred into
uniform sol dispersion at higher sol flow rates, the drying v e s s e l by j e t t i n g from the product collec-
tion pot. This type of transfer is being studied
increasing the s i z e of the tapered column, and
because j e t transfer of gelled microspheres will
studying the effects of continuous recycle on the
be desirable when the process is later performed
organic gel-forming medium.
remotely. The drying v e s s e l has a porous bottom,
which retains the microspheres and permits the
Coated Particle Development Laboratory 2-ethyl-l-hexanol to drain from them. This dryer
design is preliminary and was chosen as the sim-
plest for permitting drying studies that will define
A laboratory for developing remote operating
parameters for design of a larger unit. After drain-
procedures and methods amenable to scaleup of
ing is complete, the v e s s e l i s heated with a steam
the sol-gel microsphere process and the coating
coil (150 to 160°C), and argon which h a s been
of the microspheres with pyrolytic carbon in batches
preheated in a coil located concentrically within
of up to 5 kg has been constructed in Building
the steam coil is introduced as a carrier gas for
4508. An objective of these studies is to define
evolved volatile materials. Three such drying
equipment and process requirements for u s e in the
v e s s e l s have been made.
Thorium-Uranium Recycle Facility (TURF). This
laboratory has been named the Coated P a r t i c l e After the drying step has been completed, the
Development Laboratory (CPDL). dried microspheres can be transported to the cal-
cining furnace in the drying v e s s e l under an argon
Three enclosures have been fabricated for sol- blanket.
gel microsphere studies in the CPDL: a 4 x 4
In general, the dried microspheres will be c a l -
X 11.5 ft enclosure for making sol-gel microspheres,
cined in a box furnace to 1150°C before coating
including solvent recovery by distillation; a 5 /
with graphite.
X 4 X 4 ft enclosure with a 2 / x 4 x 3 ft well for
All equipment has been procured or fabricated,
drying microspheres; and a 4 x 4 x 4 ft enclosure
and installation is about 90% complete.
for calcining microspheres at 1150°C in Ar—4%
Hydrosols of fuel and blanket materials such a s 6.4 DESIGN OF THE THORIUM-URANIUM
ThOj and ThO^-UO initially will be prepared RECYCLE FACILITY
elsewhere and transferred to the CPDL. Droplet
formation will be done with either two-fluid nozzles Building Design
or a rotary feeder. The two-fluid nozzles will
each produce about 1.5 kg of oxide per day; the Detailed design of the Thorium-Uranium Recycle
rotary feeder's capacity should be in e x c e s s of Facility (TURF) was begun in April 1964 and com-
10 kg/day and will exceed that of the distillation pleted in January 1965. There were few changes
equipment and dryer. in design concept from that developed in title I,
The microsphere-forming column to be used in the principal change being lowering of the floors
CPDL h a s a 9-in.-diam top section with peripheral in the two large central processing cells to provide
overflow. The diameter of the top section tapers uniform headroom of 24 ft throughout these c e l l s .
down to 4'/^ in. in l^L ft of length. The top section The fixed-price-contract package, containing 331
supports the long, gradually tapered glass section drawings and 72 specification s e c t i o n s , was for-
located below. The tapered glass section is 5V mally advertised for bid on January 28, 1965, and
ft long and reduces from 4'z to 3 in. in A \ ft of bids were opened on March 25. The low bid of
length and then i n c r e a s e s to 4 / in. again in 9 $3,240,000 by Blount Bros. Corporation was higher
in. of length. G l a s s was used for this portion of than the engineers' estimate of $3,050,700. The
the column so that the hydrodynamic flow patterns contract was awarded on May 6, 1965; completion
can be observed. i s scheduled for December 1966 for the fixed-
Located below the main body of the forming price portion of the job. Overall completion i s
column are two pots. The first i s the vortex gen- scheduled for March 3 1 , 1967.

Status of O R N L Procurement for copper, the presence of oxygen in the tank atmos-
Fixed-Price Contractor phere, and composition of the weld.
Out-of-Ceil Filters. — A filter bank is being
Those items that presented unusual problems in installed for the TURF cell ventilation and hot
design or procurement and also those requiring off-gas. The bank is quite similar to that used in
lead times that would delay the construction pro- the Transuranium Plant. However, modifications
ject were deleted from the fixed-price contract were made in the design of that system to relax
and included in the ORNL procurement list. T h e s e the construction tolerances required for proper fit
include the in-cell crane and manipulator system; of the large filter boxes. The e s s e n c e of the design
the three s t e e l shielding doors; underground stain- change is that a s t a i n l e s s s t e e l bellows is used in
l e s s s t e e l ductwork; highest-quality s t a i n l e s s s t e e l the air line at each end of the box to provide for a
pipe, valves, fittings, and eductors; viewing win- large tolerance in box dimensions (Fig. 6.6). An-
dows and window forms; special penetrations other change in design permits t e s t i n g of each of
through the cell walls; various untested items for the two s e t s of filters in each filter box after they
the cell fire-protection system; and miscellaneous are installed.
other items. So far, this effort h a s proceeded very Early in the facility design, an alternative method
smoothly, and it appears that all items can be of filter changing was considered, and its develop-
delivered to the fixed-price contractor by the ment was vigorously pursued until it became apparent
scheduled date. that the development effort could not be completed
in time for inclusion in TURF design. This alter-
native method is called the " i n c e s s a n t filter" and
Design of Mechanical Equipment Components i s in u s e at Argonne National Laboratory and the
High Radiation Level Examination Laboratory at
A mockup has been constructed to determine the ORNL, but only a s single units.
suitability of design concepts for facility and
process equipment. The mockup is full s c a l e — 10 T U R F — Cell Service Sleeves and Plugs
ft long and full cell width. It provides all s e r v i c e s
that will be available within the c e l l s . Many of Bent Service Penetration. — An essentially full-
the items described below are included as part of s c a l e mockup of the two types of bent service
this mockup. s l e e v e s was constructed in which plug development
Viewing Windows and Alpha Seals. — The require- and testing could take place. Two complete plug
ments for viewing windows are somewhat different assemblies were built for testing. One is a hydrau-
for T U R F than for other facilities constructed lic-pneumatic-type plug having four '/^-in. sched
recently. Because TURF is designed for possible 40 pipelines running to a removable plug which
u s e a s an inert-gas cell bank, it i s necessary that connects to an expendable plug at a gasketed
defective windows and alpha-seal g l a s s e s be disconnect. The expendable plug has four flexible
replaceable with a minimum of contamination of h o s e s terminating at the cell face in one portion
the cell atmosphere with air, which in turn requires of a remotely operable disconnect. The second
that the glass be replaceable from the radioactive plug assembly is an electrical plug that features a
side entirely by remote means. An alpha s e a l I'/^-in. conduit with pin-type connectors for line
similar to that used in the Transuranium P l a n t connections (Fig. 6.7). T h e s e two mockup plugs
windows was found acceptable. The test window have gone through operational changeout procedures
and the handling devices used in the mockup t e s t s and are satisfactory. Also, a technique of operation
are shown in F i g . 6.5. was established through the changeouts. Additional
The shielding for the bulk of the TURF c e l l s work will be required to develop several variations
c o n s i s t s of normal concrete, making it probable of these two types.
that zinc bromide windows can be used. B e c a u s e Stepped Service Penetrations. — One 4 x 6 in.
of difficulties encountered with s c a l i n g of the service s l e e v e and four 6 x 8 in. service s l e e v e s
copper-lined zinc bromide windows used in the were built and installed in the mockup in which plug
High Radiation Level Analytical Laboratory, some development and testing could take place. One
t e s t s h a v e been started to determine the relationship complete plug assembly was made for each s l e e v e
of this phenomenon to the method for cleaning size. Both plugs contain electrical l i n e s . The

PHOTO 69709

F i g . 6.5. T U R F Test Viewing Window and Mockup of Handling D e v i c e .

4 x 6 plug supplies power to the mockup cell light- and G was designed and fabricated by Ceil Heat
ing system. The stepped service plugs were tested Company of Knoxville, T e n n e s s e e . Two of t h e s e
through simulated operational changeout conditions fixtures were tested and proved very satisfactory.
and are satisfactory. Their cost is about one-third that of standard
A remote connector has been developed which commercial fixtures.
holds, locates, and aligns the electrical pin-type Cell Fire-Protection System. — A unique inno-
connectors for remote plugging and unplugging. vation in the design of a carbon dioxide fire-fighting
Also, the necessary handling tools and fixtures system is being used to obviate difficulties encoun-
for installation and removal of the plugs were tered with conventional carbon dioxide systems as
designed and developed during the mockup program. a result of the cooling produced by evaporation of
Cell Lighting Equipment. — The cell F lighting carbon dioxide. In our adaptation, very-low-temper-
fixture is a two-piece plug, in which a 400-W mercury ature carbon dioxide is excluded from the cells by
vapor lamp is mounted. A test fixture proved allowing the liquid carbon dioxide to evaporate in
satisfactory in simulated operational changeout the storage v e s s e l s and by subsequently heating
testing. the gas and regulating its pressure prior to d i s -
A lighting fixture for mounting the 1500-W quartz charge into the c e l l s through orifices (Fig. 6.8).
iodine lamps to be installed in c e l l s B, C, D, E, Factory Mutual's Engineering Division h a s been

ORNL DWG 65-3082

Fig. 6.6. TURF Ventilation and Off-Gas Filter Unit.

brought into the job to appraise the system as to 6.5 DEVELOPMENT OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE
i t s adequacy for an "improved-risk" classification THORIUM-URANIUM RECYCLE FACILITY
and to t e s t all components not already Factory
Mutual approved. To date, they have approved the
use of the system and all previously untested Procedures and equipment are being developed
components except the pressure-reducing valves to adapt the sol-gel process to a completely remote
and the control panel, which have not yet been operation, a s required for the Thorium-Uranium
procured and turned over to them for test. Recycle Facility (TURF).

PHOTO 6 9 7 2 8

F i g . 6.7. T U R F Service Sleeve Electrical Connector.

The portion of the process equipment for which Vertical Tube Furnace
the Chemical Technology Division has primary
responsibility is that used to produce fired thoria- The calciner for the sol-gel oxide in TURF will
urania particles suitable for u s e in power-reactor be a vertical ceramic tube furnace. A gel composed
fuel elements. This equipment will c o n s i s t of of ThO^-UO3 will be fed into the top of the tube
liquid-handling equipment for storing, transferring, and, in p a s s i n g down the tube, will be fired to
and metering the uranyl nitrate solution, and for 1150°C. The UO3 will be reduced to UO^ by Ar-H^
preparing, transferring, and metering the thoria- flowing up the tube. A test installation, including
urania sol; a sol dryer; a furnace for calcining the a prototype vertical tube furnace (VTF) (Fig. 6.9),
gel; and supporting equipment located both inside a nonheated vertical tube, and the product-removal
and outside the cell. Installation and testing of a mechanism (Fig. 6.10), was built and operated.
3-in.-ID vertical tube calcining furnace are in R e s u l t s so far show that the V T F meets require-
progress. Equipment to simulate the TURF cells ments of capacity, product quality, control ability,
h a s been installed, and experimental t e s t s in this and operability; however, the product occasionally
cell mockup were started. bridges in the tube j u s t a s it enters the h i g h e s t

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 3 0 6 6 A



Fig. 6.8. T U R F Cell Fire-Protection System - Gaseous C O j .

temperature zone of the furnace. This poses a Liquid-Handling Equipment

potentially serious question as to the reliability
of the furnace operation. Since bridging a l s o A preliminary design and layout h a s been made
frequently results in breakage of the ceramic tube, for the major items in this category. It is planned
lengthy repairs in the remote facility are a p o s s i - to mount the equipment for handling the uranyl
bility. P r e s e n t efforts are directed toward pre- nitrate solution on one frame and the thoria-urania
venting bridging and finding methods of breaking sol handling equipment on a second frame. This
bridges without breaking the tube. T h e s e recent arrangement will provide for relatively simple
efforts have been encouraging and are expected to construction and installation and for replacement
furnish procedures permitting reliable operation of of vulnerable equipment, the principal items of
the furnace. which are the transfer pumps and the control v a l v e s .
Mockup equipment to simulate the TURF cells An isometric view of this equipment layout is
h a s been installed, and experimental t e s t s of the shown in Fig. 6.11. The salient feature of the
service equipment and maintenance procedures design of the bulk of this equipment i s u s e of the
were started. Procedures for replacing the alpha maximum amountof already proved components. Items
windows and for using the stepped service plugs in this category include the uranyl nitrate pump, the
and the bent-tube service penetrations were devel- sol blend tank and pump (similar to items used in
oped or demonstrated. T e s t s of the lighting system the Kilorod Facility), the uranyl nitrate storage
and of the u s e of the closed-circuit television tank (similar to the shielded annular ^^^U transfer
system and the rectilinear manipulator for main- cask), and piping disconnects (Grayloc and TRU
tenance operations are in progress. disconnects). The novel features of the design

PHOTO 6 6 9 7 7










Fig. 6.9. Vertical Tube Calciner Test Apparatus.


PHOTO 66695







Fig. 6.10. Test Apparatus Used for Testing Feed-Control Device of Vertical Tube Furnace.

ORNL DWG 65-6149

F i g . 6 . 1 1 . T U R F Liquid-Handling Equipment.

ORNL-OWG 65-6143A




1 in X 2 m X ' ^ i n ANGLE



Fig. 6.12. TURF Tilting-Pan Dryer.

OBNL 0W8 95-3093

^ ^

Fig. 6.13. TURF Continuous Tray Dryer.


deal with specific details to permit remote main- station to station by rotating a central shaft from
tenance of the vulnerable items, sampling, and which the trays would be suspended (Fig. 6.12).
addition of thoria powder to the blend tank. Final The second design featured rectangular trays
detailing and construction will be accomplished mounted on an e n d l e s s chain, with provisions for
during the coming year. keeping the trays horizontal at all times except
during and immediately after the dumping operation
Sol Dryer (Fig. 6.13). Since it was realized that designers
of industrial dryers were better equipped to accom-
Two different versions of a tray-type dryer were plish certain p h a s e s of the design, a specification
designed. The first was a " c a r o u s e l " type in was prepared for the device and sent out to various
which wedge-shaped trays would be moved from commercial concerns for bid.
7. Separations Chemistry Research

7.1 EXTRACTION OF METAL CHLORIDES which maximum extraction coefficients were l e s s

BY AMINES than 0.1. This group includes Li, Na, K, Cs, Be,
Mg, Ca, Ba, Al, La, and Eu.
In view of the potential for increased u s e of
amine extractants, a systematic survey i s being
made of the extraction characteristics of many 7.2 EXTRACTION OF METAL NITRATES
metals from hydrochloric acid and acidified lithium BY AMINES'*
chloride solutions with representative amines.
Data are shown in Fig. 7.1 for the extraction of In survey extractions of metal nitrates by amines,
20 different metal ions from L i C l - 0 . 2 W HCl and Cu, Ag, Au, Sb, and Se were extracted from nitric
HCl solutions over the range 0.5 to 10 M total acid solutions by 0.1 and 0.2 M trilaurylamine
chloride. Extractions of 29 other metal ions were nitrate in toluene.' Of these, only gold was
reported previously.*"^ In all t e s t s the solvents strongly extracted (Fig. 7.2), with a broad maximum
were 0.1 M solutions of representative primary, near 4 M HNO and a slight decrease with increase
secondary, tertiary, and quaternary amines in of nitric acid concentration to 12 M. The extrac-
diethylbenzene. With few exceptions the extraction tion pattern of copper was very similar but lower
power of the amines for the various metals varied by a factor of 1 0 ' , while silver, in between, showed
in the following order: Aliquat 336 (quaternary a shallow minimum near 3 M HNO . The depend-
amine) > Alamine 336 (tertiary amine) > Amberlite ences of the extraction coefficients on amine
LA-1 (secondary amine) > Primene JM (primary concentration are close to first power for all,
amine). Usually, extraction coefficients were except above 3 M HNO for silver (greater) and for
slightly higher from the salt solutions than from mercury (less).
hydrochloric acids, but the shapes of the extraction Continued studies of the behavior of nitrato
curves for the two systems are similar. Metals complexes of nitiosylruthenium in amine extraction
having maximum extraction coefficients in excess used computer analysis of the variation of the
of 1000 include Sn(IV), Sb(V), Au(III), Hg(II), apparent extraction coefficient with phase ratio
T1(I), Po(IV), and U(VI). Metals having maximum to determine the mole fractions of the extractable
extraction coefficients ranging from 10 to 1000 species.'-' The results indicate that at least
include In(IlI), Sb(lII), Te(IV), Te(VI), Ta(V), two extractable species exist in 12 M HNO , the
W(VI), Re(VII), Os(IV), and Bi(lII). Metals having l e s s extractable probably being a hydrated trinitrato
maximum extraction coefficients in the range 0,1
to 10 include Rh(III), Hf(IV), Pb(II), and Th(IV).
Extraction data are not included for 11 metals for Work done by the Department of Nuclear Engineering,
MIT, under subcontract.
' p . J . Lloyd and E . A. Mason, Eqmltbnum Extraction
Characteristics oi Atkyl Amines and Nuclear Fuels
^Chem. Techno/. Div. Ann, Progr, Rept. June 30, Metals in Nitrate Systems (subcontract No. 1327),
1962, ORNL-3314, p. 104. MITNE-43 (Dec. 2, 1963); MITNE-50 (Aug. 3, 1964).
^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, 1963, ' p . J . Lloyd and E. A. Mason, Equilibrium Extraction
ORNL-34S2, pp. 1 7 0 - 7 1 . Characteristics of Alkyl Amines and Nuclear Fuels
^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, 1964, Metals in Nitrate Systems (subcontract No. 1327),
ORNL-3627, p . 179. MITNE-54 (Oct. 24, 1964).

ORNL-DWS 65-9729

4 L i C t - 0 2 M HCl Rh(in) HCl L i C I - 0 2 M HCl In (III) HCl l.iCI-0 2 « H C I Sn(IVl HCl LiCI-O 2 M HCl Sbdll)

• J
=»-=1=5=I~.^ 4 - - —

°- I—-T I I SJ I I I
. 4
0 2 4 6 6 0 2 4 6 8 to 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 6 10 0 2 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 (0
, Sll(V] T«(1V] Te(VI) HF(IV)
1 i 1 1
-i^ ^d 7< ,^ =- a}f-'°-' i-f/«o" 1-.-.
§1^ /
Ikl' ^ .-^
..^f^^^'L^-;! J 1

4rr /

0 2 4
6 8 0
To (V)
'1 4 6 8 (0 0 2 4 6 6 0
2 4 6 8 40 0 2
_ 4 _

— 4

Re (VII)
0 2 4
4 f (0 0
-^4 ^
4 6 8 0
09 (IV)
4 6
y j'
8 <0
, 3

. 4

4 ^ 4
1 > i
4 4


y -N r— .^v N>2

V ^4 ^ y »T~ " ^ ^-- ^ >< ^ ^ 2
^ ^ ^ ^ y 4
^ - ^
•^1 ^ ^ ^ \ J .

0 2 4 6
> A
( e <) <) i l(
) > 4 6 8 0
2 4 6 8 1
Pb (111
Hg (ID
.^ 4 4 - - •-- -~ -- .^. __, ^ ._ - 1
V ^ 2=
S ^
=^ ^
^ M
^^ _ 3 _ - 3 ^ 11
\ A- s
** . ^ t

^ i
• ^

:^ — 4 y ^^l"^ 11

_l ^ »^ 4
^ ^^ S:^
[.«»> lo'
s ^ ^

0 2 4 6 10 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 ( 0 0 2 4 6 1 0
2 4 6 40 0 2
4 6
U (VI)
2 4 6 e «0

Bi(ra) Po(IV)

"^ £5 \ 1

.3 —

^ \^
s |4
»• ^
^ \ ^,
3 ^ -
,__ !^
1 ' 3361'l ^0<ro-=

lir2 s ^ PRIMENE JM_I_ J
1 M
\ ^ • y
'::=: • — -y -^ - 2 ^ z^
._.. / '
• - - -- - - -- -- if 1 y^ y . ^

0 2 4 6 10 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 10 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 7.1. E x t r a c t i o n ot M e t a l Chlorides with A m i n e s . Organic p h a s e : 0.1 At solutions of (1) P r i m e n e JM ( R R R C N H - , 18 to 24 carbon atoms),
Amberhte LA-l (RR'R"CNHC,-H^j, 24 to 27 carbon a t o m s ) ; (3) A l a m i n e 336 ( R j N , R = n - o c t y l , n - d e c y I m i x t u r e ) ; and (4) A l i q u a t 336 [ R 3 ( C H 3 ) N "^i
R = n . o c t y l . n ' d e c y l mixture] mixture in d i e t h y l b e n z e n e . With A l i q u a t 3 3 6 , 3 vol % of t r i d e c a n o l w a s added to the s o l v e n t phase to prevent the forma,
tion of 0 third p h a s e . Amines w e r e in the chloride form. Aqueous p h a s e : 0.01 M m e t a l l i c ion [ e x c e p t for T a ( V ) . P u ( I V ) , T l ( l ) , O s ( I V ) . W ( V h . and
T^e(VII), where tracer amounts were used] in ftCI or L i C I — 0 . 2 M H C l solutions ( 0 . 5 to 10 M in t o t a l c h l o r i d e ) . Contact time: 10 min at a phase ratio
. 4
of I : ) .


ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 3 0 H R u N O ( N 0 3 ) ^ . H 2 0 + 2R3NHNO3

^ - ( R 3 N H ) 2 ' R u N O ( N 0 3 ) ^ + H N O 3 + H^O .



T h e isotope ^ ' ° P o , a useful heat source, is

produced by irradiating metallic bismuth. A suit-
able method for recovering the polonium must have
the capability of separating milligram quantities
of ^^"Po from kilogram quantities of bismuth.
Several solvent extraction reagents for polonium
have been examined p r e v i o u s l y , ' - ^ including al-
cohols, chelating agents, ethers, ketones, tributyl
phosphate (TBP), and tertiary amines. Tributyl
phosphate and tertiary amines showed promise for
u s e in ^ ' " P o recovery from hydrochloric acid
solutions of the composition most likely to be
produced by dissolving irradiated bismuth, that i s ,
6 to 10 A^ HCl nearly saturated with bismuth.^
Recently, t e s t s have been made with additional
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 solvent extractants, including (1) other neutral
FINAL HNO3 CONCENTRATION IN AQUEOUS PHASE ( M ) organophosphorus reagents [i.e., di-(sec-butyl)
phenylphosphonate (DSBPP), diamyl amylphos-
phonate (DAAP), tri-n-octyl phosphine oxide
Fig. 7.2. Extraction of Metal Nitrates with Trilouryl-
(TOPO)] and (2) other amine types [i.e., branched
amine Nitrate. 0 , T L A concentration 0.1 M in toluene.
primary (Primene JM), branched secondary (Amber-
• , T L A concentration 0.2 M in toluene.
lite LA-1), straight-chained tertiary (Alamine 336),
and the quaternary compound corresponding to that
complex, and the more extractable being a tetrani- tertiary amine (Aliquat 336)]. T e s t s have been
trato (possibly plus pentanitrato) complex. On dilu- made with T B P to provide a standard for compar-
tion to 3 A/ HNOj, t h e s e are hydrolyzed to a nonex- ison.
tracting s p e c i e s , approximately following first- Coefficients and calculated separation factors
order kinetics with rate c o n s t a n t s of about 0.01 for extraction of polonium and bismuth from s e p -
m i n ~ ' and 0.10 to 0.15 m i n ~ ' respectively. Once arate 8 M HCl solutions with the different reagents,
extracted, the l e s s - e x t r a c t a b l e s p e c i e s i s con- ordinarily dissolved in diethylbenzene (DEB), are
verted in the organic phase to the more-extractable shown in Table 7 . 1 . Extractions were also made
s p e c i e s , with a rate constant of about 0.075 m i n ~ ^ from solutions in which the HCl concentrations
On the b a s i s of t h e s e results, the following ex- varied from 0.5 to 10.0 M, but only the 8 M HCl
traction reactions are suggested (dotted underlines data are shown, since in most c a s e s the polonium-
marking the organic phase): bismuth separations and the polonium extractions
were near maximum at this acid concentration. It
RuNO(NO 3) 3 • 2H ^0 + R 3NHNO 3 is apparent from the data that several amines and

R3NH.RuNO(N03)^-H20 t H ^ O , I. M. Kolthoff, P . J . Elving, and E. B. Sandell,

Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, part II, vol. 6, Inter-
s c i e n c e , New York, 1964.
R NH • RuNO(NO J • H , 0 + R ,NHNO,
J . C. Sheppard and R. Warnock, / . Inorg. Nucl. Chem.
26, 1 4 2 1 - 2 7 (1964).
^ (R3NH)2'RuNO(N03)j+H2O ' H . V. Moyer, Polonium, TID-5221, p. 166 (July 1956).

Table 7 . 1 . Extraction of Polonium and Bismuth from 8 Af HCl

Aqueous p h a s e s :

Polonium - 8 Af HCl with about 0.2 /ic of ^'°Po(IV'> per milliliter

Bismuth - 8 Af HCl with 0.005 to 0.01 Af ^ ' " B I ( I I I ) + trace ^ ' " s i d l l )
Mixing — Organic p h a s e s scrubbed twice with equal volumes of 8 Af HCl before extraction; extraction for 10 min
at about 25 C; organic/aqueous-phase ratio = 1

Molarity Extraction Calculated

in Coefficient, E[ 3 Separation
DEB Po Bi Factor

TBP 0.3 5.3 0.03 175

DSBPP 0.3 4.5 0.04 110

DAAP 0.3 73 0.06 1200

TOPO 0.3 >4000 0.1 >4000

Primene JM 0.1 1.2 0.02 60

Amberlite I.A-l 0.1 40 0.054 740
Alamine 336 0.1 >3000 0.9 >3300
Aliquat 336 O.l" '^3000 1.0 ~3000

For structure s e e Sect. 7 . 1 .

Contains a l s o 3 vol % tridecyl alcohol.

neutral organophosphorus compounds show poten- suggested by the survey experiments described
tial utility in polonium-bismuth separations. above. For example, one possible process could
Two other variables of major practical signifi- include extracting of the 6 to 10 A/ HCl feed with
cance, extractant concentration and choice of 0.2 to 0.3 M DAAP in DEB or n-dodecane, scrub-
diluent, were examined briefly. Extraction coeffi- bing bismuth from the pregnant organic phase with
cients for polonium from 6 to 8 A/ HCl varied with 8 M HCl, and recycling of the scrub to the feed
the third power of the free or uncomplexed T B P solution. Preliminary t e s t s have shown that
concentration (0.05 to 1.0 M in DEB), the 1.3 power polonium i s easily stripped from the solvent by
of TOPO concentration (0.05 to 0.5 A/), and the 0.5 N HNO3.
1.0 power of Amberlite LA-1 concentration (0.01
Since the process studies will require the u s e
to 0.1 M). The third-power dependency for T B P
of larger amounts of polonium, with an attendant
has been observed previously.^" As expected, a
increase in level of radioactivity, it would be
wide variation in polonium extractability was
desirable to u s e a nonradioactive, but similarly
achieved by using a variety of diluents. From
behaving, stand-in element. Cursory evaluations
8 M HCl, for example, the extraction coefficient
have been made of tellurium. It was found that
with 0.3 M DAAP varied from E ° = 160 in aliphatic
tellurium extraction coefficients with T B P and
Amsco 125-82, to 75 in DEB, to 0.5 in chloroform.
Alamine 336 were 100 to 1000 times lower at 2 M
Future studies will be made to evaluate and
HCl than were those for polonium, and were 2 to 3
compare the several possible process flowsheets
times lower at 8 M HCl. T h u s , tellurium will have
only limited utility a s a stand-in for polonium in
K. W. Bagnall and D. S. Robertson, J. Chem. Soc.
1957, 5 0 9 - 1 2 .
solvent extraction s y s t e m s .

7.4 NEW EXTRACTION REAGENTS diluent degradation have been made at ORNL, and
summaries of prior work have been published. ' ' - ' ^
Substituted Phenols This year, studies have been continued on the
s t a b i l i t i e s of alkylbenzenes, especially diethyl-
Fourteen new substituted phenols were tested for b e n z e n e s , and of the reagent di-(sec-butyl) phenyl-
their ability to extract cesium from dilute c a u s t i c phosphonate.
solutions (Table 7.2). Many of the new compounds
were synthesized (by Monsanto Research Corpora-
tion, under subcontract to ORNL) to t e s t variations Isolation and Identification of Diethylbenzene
in structure from the previously established good Degradation Products
extractants, 4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl)phenol
(BAMBP), 4-chloro-2-benzylphenol (Santophen-1), L a s t y e a r ' s report demonstrated that degradation
and 4-chloro-2(a-methylbenzyl)phenol. Although of diethylbenzenes (DEB's) by nitric acid in the
some of the new phenols, under certain conditions, presence or absence of ^°Co gamma radiation gave
extract cesium more strongly than BAMBP, none similar products. A principal p-DEB degradation
appears to have the combined extraction charac- product, 4-ethylacetophenone, was identified. The
teristics (extraction power, diluent compatibility, products containing nitrogen were concentrated
selectivity, etc.) superior to those of BAMBP. but not identified. Since that time, with techniques
Replacing the para-substituted sec-butyl group of such as column chromatography (elution from
BAMBP with a ferf-butyl or phenyl group had little alumina at room temperature with petroleum ether),
effect on cesium extraction, but replacement with infrared absorption a n a l y s i s , nuclear magnetic
a benzyl decreased extractions. Replacing the resonance spectra, and elemental a n a l y s i s , the
sec-butyl group with an n-butyl or a-methylbenzyl major p-DEB nitration product has been identified
group reduced the compound's solubility in Amsco a s l-a-nitroethyl-4-ethylbenzene. This compound
125-82 (aliphatic diluent), although cesium extrac- accounts for more than 95% of the degradation
tions were still strong. Use of an aliphatic diluent products which contain nitrogen and i s probably
i s ordinarily preferred, s i n c e cesium extraction an intermediate in the formation of the ethylaceto-
coefficients are much higher for most phenols in phenone. Some ethylbenzoic acid ( l e s s than 1% of
aliphatic than in aromatic diluents. For a s e r i e s the initial DEB) has been isolated from the reac-
of compounds with a sec-butyl group in the para tion mixture, and the ketone and nitro compounds
position, and comparing various ortho-substituted corresponding to this acid should also be present.
groups, results were b e s t with an a-methyl or Infrared absorption spectra indicate that ring
/3-styryl group in the ortho position, however, poor nitration may have occurred, but in smaller amounts.
results were obtained when the ortho group was Gas chromatograms showed that the types and
benzyl, benzoyl, or sec-butyl. Of the compounds distribution of products were similar for each of
tested thus far, the highest cesium extraction the pure o-, m-, and p-DEB isomers and for com-
( E ° = 210) was obtained with 4-chloro-2-(4-n-butyl- mercial isomeric mixtures.
benzyl)phenol, but phase-separation properties of
this compound, at least in Amsco 125-82 diluent,
are poor. Measurement of the Heat of Diluent Degradation
by Differential Thermal Analysis

When a diluent i s used in a solvent extraction

7.5 PERFORMANCE OF DEGRADED REAGENTS process, it i s imperative to know whether i t s
AND DILUENTS degradation may involve hazardous chemical re-
actions or products which are explosively unstable
In radiochemical processing by solvent extrac- under process conditions. In this regard, in co-
tion, degradation of the solvent phase can c a u s e
operation with W. H. Baldwin of the Chemistry
unsatisfactory operation. The amount of degrada-
tion varies with the materials used and with the
extent of their exposure to radiation and reactive ' ^ C . A. Blake, W. Davis, J r . , and J . M. Schmitt, Nucl.
Sc. Eng. 17, 626-37 (1963).
chemicals during the processing of the aqueous 12
feed. Studies of several a s p e c t s of extractant and Chem. Techno I. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 180.
Table 7.2. Cesium Extraction by Substituted P h e n o l s : Effects of Reagent Structure

Procedure: Phenol solution contacted for 5 mm with an equal volume of 0.01 or 0.1 Af NaOH 10"" Af in C s , plus Cs tracer

Concentration 0.01 Af NaOH 0.1 Af NaOH

T^.i »a
Phenol iyj.A UCl^L
(Af) F i n a l pH E°a F i n a l pH E°

4-sec-Buty 1-2-(a-methylbenzyl) (BAMBP) 1.0 DIPB 11.5 1.8 12.8 20

1.0 Amsco 11.7 18 12.6 100, 120
0.5 Amsco + 2% TDA 11.9 1.8 12.7 10

4-n-Butyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl) 1.0 DIPB 9.4 0.45 12.5 82

4-fer<-Buty 1-2-(a-methylbenzyl) 1.0 Amsco 10.5 2.5 12.3 92
4-Benzyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl) 1.0 Amsco 10.3 0.51 12 3 14
4-Phenyl-2-(a-methylbenzyl) 1.0 Amsco 9.6 1.4 12.6 78
2,4 bis(a-Methylbenzyl) 0.5 Amsco + 2% TDA 11.8 4.5 12.6 22
4-sec-Buty 1-2-benzyl 0.5 D I P B + 2% TDA 0.32 12.6 ppt.
4-sec-Buty 1-2-benzoyl 1.0 Amsco 10.3 <0.01 12.5 < 0 01
4-sec-Buty 1-2-(,S-styryl) 1.0 Amsco 8.7 1.2 11.7 35
2,4 di-sec-Butyl 1.0 DIPB 11.7 0.02 12.7 0.02
4-Chloro-2-benzyl (Santophen-1) 1.0 DIPB 10.2 0.6 11.7 15
4-Chloro-2-(4-n-butylbenzyl) 1.0 Amsco 10.5 3.5 12.6 210''
4-Chloro-2-hexyl-5-methyl 1.0 DIPB 10.5 0.04 12.6 0.32
4-Chloro-2,6 bis (a-methylbenzyl) 1.0 DIPB 11.7 <0.01 12.9 0.05
4-m-2,6-Dibenzyl 1.0 DIPB 11.7 0.28 12.7 2.5
4-nonyl-2-Methyl 1.0 DIPB 10.9 <0.01 12.7 0.06

Amsco = Amsco 125-82 (refined aliphatic diluent). D I P B = diisopropylbenzene. TDA = tridecanol.

Same data a s reported previously.
Very slow phase separation.

Division, a differential thermal a n a l y s i s (DTA) Extraction of Fission Products by Degraded D E B

method h a s been developed to measure heat evolved
during diluent degradation. A necessary feature T h e extraction of hafnium and fission product
of this method i s the heating of mixtures of either zirconium-niobium by TBP-diluent combinations
aliphatic or aromatic diluents, tributyl phosphate ordinarily i n c r e a s e s when the diluent i s degraded,
(TBP), nitric acid, and water in a single p h a s e . and this property i s frequently used to measure
Nitrobenzene, which does not react with any of the extent of diluent degradation. From the results
t h e s e components under the conditions of the of previous t e s t s ^ ^ of this type with nitric-acid-
t e s t s , i s used a s the solvent. The u s e of a single degraded DEB, it was concluded that the degrada-
phase has the potential drawback of giving dif- tion of contaminants in the DEB, rather than
ferent results than would be obtained in a two- degradation of DEB itself, was principally respon-
p h a s e solvent extraction system. However, similar sible for the observed i n c r e a s e in fission product
gas chromatograms were obtained for p-DEB after extraction. Recently, additional t e s t s supported
boiling with 2 M HNO for 4 hr and after heating the conclusion.
the single-phase DTA system (2.5 ml of 1.0 M For example, in one t e s t s e r i e s a poor-quality
TBP in p-DEB, 1 ml of 90% HNO3, 9 ml of nitro- isomeric DEB mixture was subjected to four
benzene) to 100°C. This i s strong evidence that degradation-purification c y c l e s . In each cycle,
the decomposition reactions were similar, although the DEB was boiled with 2 M HNO 3 for 4 hr, and
the conditions for degradation were different. The the degraded DEB resulting was purified by vacuum
quantity of DEB degrading during the DTA test distillation for u s e in the succeeding cycle. After
was estimated from the chromatogram, and the each degradation, a sample was made to 1 M with
heat evolved during i t s decomposition was e s t i - fresh T B P and t e s t e d for ' ^ ' H f extraction. T h e
mated from the thermogram. From t h e s e it was extraction coefficients decreased with each suc-
estimated that the heat of degradation of p-DEB c e s s i v e degradation: E° = 3.3, 1.1, 0.25, and
with dilute nitric acid i s 50 to 70 k c a l / m o l e . 0.13. Since the ratio of isomers changed only
Parallel t e s t s with diisopropylbenzene indicated a slightly in this experiment (m:p:o was 1:0.83:0.24
heat of degradation of about 40 k c a l / m o l e . In initially and 1:0.69:0.24 finally), the rapid decrease
comparison, the heat of nitration of benzene to in hafnium extraction i s believed to reflect a
nitrobenzene i s known to be 27 k c a l / m o l e , the s e l e c t i v e depletion of impurity.
heat of oxidation of hydrogen to water is 58 In other t e s t s it was found that neither of the
kcal/mole, and the heat of solution of hydrochloric major DEB degradation products described above
acid i s 17 k c a l / m o l e . Exothermic degradation in accounts for the high extraction power of degraded
t e s t s with n-dodecyl benzene was observed on the DEB. While the hafnium extraction coefficient of
thermograms, but the total amount of material a 1 M T B P / D E B solution boiled with 2 M HNO 3
degraded was too small to enable determination for 16 hr was 15, solutions of fresh 1 M T B P / D E B
of the heat of reaction. In another application of containing purified 4-ethylacetophenone or 1-a-
DTA, some concentrated DEB degradation products nitroethyl-4-ethylbenzene in approximately the same
(the still-pot residue from a vacuum distillation concentrations (about 10%) a s they occurred in the
of DEB that had been degraded by nitric acid) degraded DEB gave hafnium extraction coefficients
were sorbed on alumina and heated. Exothermic of 0.001 and 0.31 respectively. The extraction by
reaction began at 160°C. fresh 1 M T B P / D E B containing no additive was

Effect of Degradation on Flash Point

Stability of Alkylbenzenes Made from a - O l e f i n s
The closed-cup flash points of nitric-acid-de-
graded 1 M T B P in DEB and fresh 1 M T B P in DEB Production of biodegradable detergents h a s made
were almost the same: fresh 1 M TBP/DEB, alkylbenzenes (alkylates) derived from straight-
138°F; and 1 M T B P / D E B boiled 4 hr with 2 M chained cc-olefins available in quantity at prices
HNO 3, 140°F. competitive with n-dodecane or diethylbenzene.

Three commercial products, each prepared from the organic phase, and further t e s t s are being made
a-olefins in the C to C range, were examined to explain t h e s e results.
with regard to their stability toward nitric acid Phenyl-substituted organophosphorus reagents
degradation. As indicated by a high organic-phase have been reported** to be susceptible to formt-tion
nitrogen concentration and a contribution to high of phenol groups on the benzene ring ortho to the
^*'Hf extraction, each of t h e s e products was found attached phosphorus atom. However, infrared ab-
to degrade severely when boiled for 4 hr with sorption by the irradiated DSBPP in the 3200-wave-
2 M HNO . T h i s behavior i s in contrast to that of number region attributable to phenol groups of this
n-hexyl- and n-nonylbenzene, which have good type was negligible in a method where the lower
stability under the same conditions. limit of a n a l y s i s i s 1 part in 250.
Examination by gas chromatography of the alkyl-
a t e s used in t h e s e t e s t s showed each to have at
l e a s t 17 components. Other workers ^^ have shown 7.6 BIOCHEMICAL SEPARATIONS
that while a-olefins were used in the synthesis of
the alkylates, most of the products were secondary The transfer ribonucleic acids (t-RNA's) are
alkylbenzenes and that a high percentage of t h e s e critical components in the first s t e p s of protein
had phenyl substitution on the interior carbon s y n t h e s i s . Specific t-RNA's transport the 20 dif-
atoms of the olefin. No n-alkylbenzenes were ob- ferent amino acids to the ribosome, the s i t e of
served, and a significant amount (about 10%) of protein synthesis, following formation of the amino
more highly branched isomers and other hydro- acyl-RNA by a corresponding specific amino acyl
carbons were found. Such branching provides focal synthetase enzyme. Many biochemical and physico-
points for attack by nitric acid and explains the chemical experiments that could help elucidate
observed instability. the details of the amino acid transfer s t e p s have
not been feasible due to the lack of sufficient
quantities of highly purified specific t-RNA's.
Stability of Di-(sec-butyl) Phenylphosphonate To meet t h i s need, the biochemical separations
program was undertaken, in conjunction with the
Undiluted di-(sec-butyl) phenylphosphonate Biology Division, to investigate methods for the
(DSBPP), a solvent extraction reagent with excel- preparation of purified specific t-RNA's from E.
lent ability to separate uranium from thorium,''' coli.
was irradiated (^°Co gamma-ray source) to 100 L a s t year, progress was reported*^ on the de-
whr/liter while being stirred with 2 M HNO . The velopment of a method for recovering mixed t-RNA's
fission product extraction power of the irradiated from E. coli. This method has received additional
material was l e s s than that of irradiated T B P in attention. In the current procedure the c e l l s are
a comparable test. Each reagent was nitrated to broken with phenol to recover nucleic acids; then
the extent of about 0.05 mole of nitrogen per mole higher-molecular-weight RNA and DNA are removed
of reagent. It was interesting to find that about by an isopropanol fractionation step, final purifi-
one-third of the nitrogen was removed from both cation of the mixed t-RNA's i s achieved by a
reagents by scrubbing with strong alkalies (e.g., batch operation on a diethylaminoethyl-cellulose
1 M LiOH) and that, at the same time, the fission column. The process i s being s c a l e d up to provide
product extraction abilities were reduced to very larger amounts of mixed t-RNA's suitable for sub-
low levels. The degree of reagent nitration noted sequent separation into purified specific t-RNA's.
in t h e s e t e s t s was not predicted from previous As a result of recent studies, a new reverse-
t e s t s ' * ' ' ^ in which the reagent had been irradiated phase column (extraction) chromatography system
with a limited amount of nitric acid dissolved in

E . S. Lane and A. Pilbeam, The Radiation Decom-

position of Some Phenyl Substituted Organo-Phos-
'^W. J . Carnes, Anal. Chem. 36, 1197-1200 (1965). phorus(V) Extractant Systems, AERE-M-1284 (January
C. A. Blake et al., Comparison of Dialkyl Phenyl- 1964).
phosphonates with TBP in Nitrate Systems, ORNL-3374 17
(Jan. 8, 1963). A. D. Kelmers and M. P . Stulberg, " T h e Separation
of Transfer-RNA by Reverse P h a s e Chromatography,"
^^Chem. Technol. Div. Chem. Dev. Sect. C Monthly presented at the 49th Meeting of Federation of American
Progr. Rept. November 1959, ORNL-CF-59-11-132 (Jan. Societies for Experimental Biology, Atlantic City, N . J . ,
12, 1960). April 9 - 1 4 , 1965.

based on anion exchange properties has been Table 7 . 3 . Purification of P h e n y l a l a n y l - t - R N A

devised. It affords significant resolution of the
mixed t-RNA's and permits the preparation of Concentration
certain purified specific t-RNA's. Quaternary F a c tor
Chromatography Recovery
ammonium compounds were evaluated as extract-
Experiment (%)"
ants, s i n c e they maintain anion exchange ability Pooled Peak
at the neutral pH necessary to protect the t-RNA Fractions Fraction
from hydrolysis reactions. A s e r i e s of screening
Initial 100 1 1
experiments were carried out to s e l e c t a combina-
tion of quaternary ammonium extractant and organic After first 91 13 23
diluent compatible with aqueous t-RNA solutions. Pooled for 74
Of the combinations studied, only dimethyldilauryl- second
ammonium chloride in isoamyl a c e t a t e consistently
After second 54 24 29
gave satisfactory p h a s e disengagement. Hydro-
phobic diatomaceous earth was then chosen as the
Determined by a s s a y for phenylalanine a c c e p t a n c e
column packing to support this organic phase in after e a c h experiment, and e x p r e s s e d as percentage of
the form of a thin film. It was selected since it the initial amount of phenylalanyl-t-RNA.
i s not wetted by the aqueous phase and has a
high surface area with a minimum of porous struc-
ture. In the chromatography experiments the t-RNA phenylalanyl-t-RNA. A sample of the mixed t-RNA's
mixture was dissolved in a dilute aqueous NaCl was chromatogrammed, and the resulting fractions
solution and loaded on the column. The specific were assayed for phenylalanine acceptance. T h e
t-RNA's were then eluted sequentially by an in- main portion of the phenylalanyl-t-RNA peak was
creasing concentration of NaCl in the eluting pooled and rechromatogrammed. Following this,
solution. The presence of 0.01 M Mg^'*' in the the phenylalanyl-t-RNA was recovered in a sym-
eluting solution had a pronounced effect on the metrical ultraviolet-absorbing peak, indicating that
chromatographic resolution of t h e specific t-RNA's, it was substantially purified. The data (Table 7.3)
sharpening some t-RNA peaks and broadening show that 54% of the initial phenylalanyl-t-RNA
others. Magnesium ion i s known to interact with was recovered at a concentration 24 times the
t-RNA to change the secondary structure, and this initial concentration. T h e question of absolute
apparently alters the interaction between t-RNA purity, or the number of moles of phenylalanine
and the quaternary ammonium chloride. A mag- accepted per mole of t-RNA, cannot be accurately
nesium concentration gradient was used in the established, since the molar extinction coefficient
eluting solution, in addition to the NaCl gradient, for phenylalanine-accepting t-RNA h a s not been
to obtain satisfactory chromatographic resolution determined. When a reasonable approximate value
of 16 specific t-RNA's, a s shown in Fig. 7.3. A for the molar extinction coefficient was used, the
single peak each was obtained for alanyl-, histidyl-, material in the peak chromatography fraction w a s
isoleucyl-, lysyl-, methionyl-, phenylalanyl-, estimated to be at l e a s t 74% pure phenylalanyl-
prolyl-, threonyl-, tyrosyl-, and valyl-t-RNA's. t-RNA.
Asparagine and aspartic acid acceptance coincided Larger-scale experiments are under way to re-
in a single peak, suggesting that both were binding cover the phenylalanyl-t-RNA from 14 g of com-
to the same t-RNA. Glutamine charging was ob- mercial, mixed t-RNA's. It will b e made available
tained only with the first column-breakthrough frac- for further biochemical and physicochemical ex-
tions. If this i s glutaminyl-t-RNA it must b e quite periments.
different from the others, s i n c e it was not retarded
by the column. Two distinct arginyl-t-RNA and
five leucyl-t-RNA peaks were obtained, showing 7.7 EXTRACTION PROPERTIES OF
in one column experiment a resolution obtained by LANTHANIDE AND ACTINIDE COMPLEXES
other experimenters only after more than a thousand
countercurrent solvent extraction s t a g e s . In the development of the Talspeak process for
As a result of t h e s e data, attention was directed separating trivalent actinides from lanthanides by
toward the preparation of samples of purified extraction with di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 3 4

1.0 a:
--0.8 ?^„
- 0.6

0.2 g

1000 I
800 I
200 •
1—"—' r-
50 100 150 200 250 300

F i g , 7,3, Chromatograph of a 100-ml Sample of Commercial t-RNA on a Column 9 mm in Inner Diameter and 8 ft Long,

(HDEHP) from lactic acid solutions containing detail to explain the high loading and to determine
sodium diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (Na DTPA) what significance it might have in process use.
( s e e Sect. 5,6), it was observed that HDEHP solu- Measurable l a c t a t e was extracted in all t e s t s
tions extracted lanthanum up to a concentration (1 M HDEHP extracting from 1 M l a c t i c acid, pH 3).
of about 1.5 equivalents per mole of HDEHP, that When the concentration of extracted lanthanum
i s , to 50% higher loading than would be p o s s i b l e was l e s s than 0.01 Af, the extracted l a c t a t e concen-
with formation of a simple lanthanum organophos- tration was constant at about 0.015 M. When more
phate salt. T h e extraction was then examined in lanthanum was present, the l a c t a t e extraction

increased, for example, to 0.05 M lactate at 0.1 M 7.8 RECOVERY OF RUBIDIUM FROM ORES
La, and to 0.5 M lactate at 0.45 M La. This latter
corresponds rather closely to extraction of The phenol extraction (Phenex) p r o c e s s , origi-
L a C H O^'*', consistent with the observed high nally developed for recovering fission product
loading. cesium from reactor-fuel reprocessing w a s t e s
Since the mole ratio of extracted lactate to ex- (Sect. 8.1) and subsequently for the recovery of
tracted lanthanum varies with the absolute lantha- cesium from o r e s , ' * ' ' ' has now been developed
num concentration, this must contribute at l e a s t for recovering rubidium from alkaline-ore leach
in part to the complicated extraction isotherms liquors. The p r o c e s s , which includes extraction
found in this system (Fig. 7.4). As the organic- with a substituted phenol and acid stripping, i s
phase lanthanum concentration i n c r e a s e s from very similar to the p r o c e s s developed for recover-
about 0.03 to about 0.1 M, i t s extraction coefficient ing cesium except that a higher pH i s required
i n c r e a s e s abruptly. This i s shown by the slopes for effective rubidium extraction. Extractions of
in Fig. 7.4, and more clearly by a direct plot of alkali metals with the substituted phenols are in
the extraction coefficient in Fig. 7.5. (Similar the order: Cs > Rb > K > Na > L i , with separation
plots at other concentrations of Na DTPA show factors between adjacent members of the s e r i e s
that it d e c r e a s e s the extraction by complex forma- being in the range 10 to 20.
tion but has only minor effects on the shape of
the isotherm.) Corresponding extractions of
americium from lanthanum solutions gave a curve
(Fig. 7.5) qualitatively similar to that for lantha-
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
num, with indicated separation factors ranging 1963, ORNL-3452, p. 176.
from greater than 300 at organic lanthanum concen- 19,
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
trations below 2 g/liter to 90 at 20 g/liter. 1964, ORNL-3627, p. 188.

ORNL-DWG 65-9732
•M -[]— — —1-


^>4 r\ rP< -
< n P
10 cy n \ / '
/ /) &
IL^cL f ^
T L J ^ ,& r^ s^ ^
' LL -r xf ^J A\.J. (L T
k^r)y W •r

^0 3'.
r"^ ^ ^<sL^ r
C5 J"
A- "f
X\ cvi/i - ^ : ^ 0 . 1 M DTPA
,V -

0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0 2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50

F i g , 7.4, Lanthanum Extraction Isotherms, Organic phase: 0.3 Af H D E H P in D I P B , Aqueous phases: various
D T P A concentrations, 1 M lactic acid plus lanthanum l a c t a t e .

ORNL-DWG 65-9733
ratios were 9 . 0 / 1 . 0 / 1 . 6 5 . Decontamination factors
c ^^ = ^ -4, --
'—h+t^+-t ^ (feed to scrubbed extract) for rubidium were 47 from

- v Q
potassium and 250 from sodium.
extract contained about 5% potassium, based
T h e scrubbed

^.t\ X
^ ° > on rubidium, but a much purer product could, of
M j j D- 9
- course, be obtained by using more scrub s t a g e s .
The feed solution for the above t e s t was prepared
by dissolving Alkarb in water to a concentration
— - ; - . of 500 g/liter and adjusting this solution with
05 caustic to a pH above 14. The amount of caustic
- added was equivalent to the rubidium plus cesium
in the solution, plus about 0.8 M e x c e s s .
m 02
In selectively stripping rubidium from the extract
with acid to obtain separation from cesium, the
- 01
acid concentration and p h a s e ratio in the stripping
system are chosen so that the amount of acid sup-
0 05 t plied i s l e s s than the amount equivalent to the
AMERICIUM rubidium in the extract. T h i s procedure was not
-^ , •c k ) - & ^ 3 ^ demonstrated in a countercurrent system. How-
0 02 ii
^ ever, data from batch t e s t s in which the extract
\ od jd was cascaded against s u c c e s s i v e one-fifth volumes
0 01
01 0 2 0 5 1 2 5 10 20 of 0.1 M HCl show the e a s e with which rubidium i s
LANTHANUM CONCENTRATION IN ORGANIC ( g / l i t e r ) stripped, compared with cesium:

Fig. 7.5, Extraction of Lanthanum and Americium by Total Amount

H D E H P from L a c t o t e - D T P A Solutions, Organic p h a s e : Stripped (%)
0,3 M H D E H P , Aqueous p h a s e : 1 M l a c t a t e , 0.05 M
Contacts Cs Rb
D T P A , pH 3.3,

1 4 27

2 8 55
Recovery from Alkarb
3 15 81
Alkarb (an alkali-metal carbonate by-product of 4 73 >99
the lithium industry), which contains about 18%
rubidium, 2% cesium, and 38% potassium, is a good
source of rubidium and, to a l e s s e r extent, cesium.
Alkarb i s soluble in water to more than 600 g/liter. Recovery from Pollucite Liquors
Two process arrangements appear to be s a t i s -
factory for recovering rubidium and cesium from Raffinates from the recovery of cesium from pol-
Alkarb: (1) extraction of cesium in a primary cycle l u c i t e " contain small concentrations of rubidium
followed by extraction of rubidium in a second that are recoverable by phenol extraction. In
cycle at a higher pH, and (2) coextraction of cesium batch-extraction t e s t s at a phase ratio of 1/1,
and rubidium at high pH followed by s e l e c t i v e coefficients for extraction of rubidium from a pol-
stripping of rubidium from the extract to obtain lucite raffinate (0.35 g of rubidium per liter) with
separation from cesium. 1 M BAMBP in Amsco 125-82 were 1.3, 2.9, and 5,
In a batch-countercurrent t e s t demonstrating the respectively, at pH's of 12.4, 12.7, and 12.9.
coextraction procedure, 97.5% of the rubidium and Increasing the BAMBP concentration from 1 M to
more than 99% of the cesium were recovered from 1.5 M approximately doubled the extraction coef-
Alkarb solution with 1 M 4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methyl- ficient. An isotherm for extraction of rubidium
benzyl)phenol (BAMBP) in Amsco 125-82. Three with 1 M BAMBP in Amsco 125-82 from a raffinate
extraction and three water-scrub s t a g e s (Fig. 7.6) adjusted to pH 13 showed a maximum solvent
were used. The s o l v e n t / f e e d / s c r u b water flow loading of about 1.3 g of rubidium per liter. At

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 3 4


Cs <0002 Cs 0 042 Cs 1 0 Cs 092 Cs 0 94 Cs 0 87

1 M BAMBP IN Rb 0 76 Rb 3 4 Rb 8 6 Rb 8 7 Rb 8 7 Rb 7 6 EXTRACT
AMSCO 1 2 5 - 8 2
K 4 0 K 4 7 K 3 8 K 1 8 K 0 84 K 0 34
(90) No 0 07 0 02
No 0 08 No

Cs <0 002 Cs 0 004 Cs 0 12 Cs 0 029 Cs 0 028 Cs 0 034

Rb 0 57 Rb 3 3 Rb 12,8 Rb 6 2 Rb 6 0 Rb 5 6
RAFFINATE K 59 K 70 K 71 * k K 20 K 9 3 K 3 6
pH 13 3 pH 13 6 pH 13 8 Na 0 88
pH 13 3 pH 12 9 pH 12 6

FEED (1 0 ) H20( 1 65)

Cs 7 9 K 144
Rb 6 8 No 4 4
pF =• 14

F i g . 7,6. Batch Countercurrent Recovery of Cesium and Rubidium from Alkarb Liquor. Numbers in b l o c k s show
c o n c e n t r a t i o n s m grams per l i t e r a t steady s t a t e , numbers in p a r e n t h e s e s show r e l a t i v e f l o w s .

this pH, more than 90% of the rubidium could be tained 1 to 4 g of beryllium per liter (Fig. 7.7).
recovered in four ideal s t a g e s , while loading the The loadings at 4 g/liter in the aqueous p h a s e
solvent to 1 g of rubidium per liter. corresponded to amine/beryllium mole ratios of 6
at pH 1.5 and 5 at pH 3.5. The initial portions of
t h e s e (log-log) extraction isotherms are straight,
7,9 RECOVERY OF BERYLLIUM FROM ORES with unit slope, confirming that the intrinsic ex-
traction coefficients are independent of beryllium
The increasing demand for beryllium (for high- concentrations. Their positions agree with the
temperature alloys, atomic-reactor use, etc.) and previously reported^" strong effect of acidity on
the scarcity of high-grade ores have increased the the extraction coefficients, here increasing from
need for p r o c e s s e s capable of treating the low- about 1 at pH 1.5 to 8 at pH 3.5.
grade domestic ores. A tentative solvent extrac-
tion p r o c e s s was previously outlined for recovering
beryllium from sulfuric acid leach liquors, com- Stripping
prising extraction by a primary amine, scrubbing
with dilute sulfuric acid, stripping into 1 M H SO , The stripping reagent first tentatively chosen^''
and precipitation with ammonia.^" Further t e s t s was sulfuric acid at 0.5 to 1 Af. In a batch-counter-
of this p r o c e s s continued to b e encouraging, e s - current stripping t e s t , more than 99% of the beryl-
pecially in the development of an ammonium fluo- lium was stripped from 0.3 M amine 21F81 (loaded
ride stripping step that promises to be more eco- to the extent of 0.28 g of beryllium per liter) with
nomical than sulfuric acid stripping. dilute sulfuric acid in four s t a g e s , using about
18 lb of sulfuric acid per pound of beryllium oxide.
Loading Recent s t u d i e s indicated that dilute ammonium
fluoride solutions coupled with subsequent dilute
acid stripping would be preferred over acid alone
Isotherms for extraction of beryllium into 0.3 M
b e c a u s e of the lowered cost of reagents. Unlike
amine 21F81 [l-(3-ethylpentyl)-4-ethyloctylamine]
sulfuric acid or chloride stripping, wherein strip-
in Solvesso 100 from 1 Af sulfate solutions leveled
ping i s accomplished primarily by providing anions
off at a beryllium loading of about 0.5 g/liter, in
that compete with the beryllium sulfate complex
equilibrium with the aqueous phase, which con-
for the amine extractant, stripping with fluoride
solutions occurs through complexing of beryllium
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 190. with fluoride in the aqueous phase. Fluoride

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 3 5
1.0 J -Li 1 1

0 5 1
p ^ ^' ' i9T i-:i-t
/"^ J*W
^ 'i^ >
•^ / y
i^ if

PH / /^ y\\ 1

01 /
./^ <n
V 1 X 1
< ] y/ . ' / 1
0- 0 05 / / P'^
*'rW / ^ t- / '
/ / 1 , ^ ~-DH 2
tr 0 02 / / ^ifl •p-^ i>^ 1

pH 2 5 1
'/ >
j/pH 1 5 1 1
0 01 / \i? 1
w rr IX
/ I

^ 0 005 j-l —
1 1
0 002

0 001 [ i!
0001 001 01

Fig, 7.7. Extraction of B e r y l l i u m w i t h 0.3 M Amine 2 1 F 8 1 in S o l v e s s o 100, Aqueous p h a s e : 1M S0.^~,

c e n t r o t i o n of b e r y l l i u m v a r i e d in the range 0,01 to 4,5 g / l i t e r . Contact time: 10 min at phase r a t i o of 1 / 1 ,

requirements therefore depend on the amount of ORNL-0W5 6 5 - 9 7 3 6

beryllium rather than the amount of amine in the
system. Stripping is most effective when about
1 equivalent of fluoride for each equivalent of
beryllium in the extract i s fed to the system. With
larger amounts of fluoride, l e s s beryllium i s
stripped, presumably due to formation of some
extractable beryllium fluoride complexes. The
total amount of beryllium stripped in batch t e s t s
(Fig. 7.8) increased from 75% with a fluoride-to-
beryllium mole ratio of 1.1/1 to 96% with a ratio
of 2 . 3 / 1 , and then decreased to 80% with a ratio
of 4 . 6 / 1 . In these t e s t s , 0.3 M amine 21F81 was
stripped by contact first with an ammonium fluo-
2 3 4 5
ride—ammonium sulfate solution and then with four MOLES OF FLUORIDE PER MOLE OF BERYLLIUM
s u c c e s s i v e volumes of 0.01 M H SO . Each con-
tact was at an organic/aqueous phase ratio of 6 / 1 . Fig. 7.8, Stripping Beryllium with Fluoride Solutions,
Small amounts of fluoride, extracted in the initial Organic phase: 0,3 M Amine 2 1 F 8 1 in Solvesso 100
contact, greatly enhance the efficiency in subse- (loaded to the e x t e n t of 0,29 g of Be per l i t e r ) . Pro-
quent stripping with 0.01 M H^SO^. According to cedure: o r g a n i c phase c o n t a c t e d w i t h 0,1 M ( N H . ) _ S O .
the flowsheet being tested, the strip product s o l u t i o n s that were 0,23 to 0.93 M in F ~ , and then w i t h
solution i s neutralized with ammonia to precipitate four s u c c e s s i v e volumes of 0.01 M H.SO .. A l l contacts
beryllium and i s then filtered. Some of the filtrate 2 4
a t o r g a n i c / a q u e o u s phase ratio of 6 / 1 .

(which contains fluoride) is returned to the first placement of extracted phosphoric acid with sul-
stripping s t a g e to d e c r e a s e requirements for furic acid, present in the liquor at a concentration
makeup fluoride. of about 0.25 M. Interference from sulfuric acid
was decreased (curve c) by preferentially extract-
ing it with an amine in a prior extraction s t e p .
7.10 RECOVERY OF ACID BY Separation from sulfuric acid can also b e obtained
AMINE EXTRACTION in the stripping cycle, s i n c e the phosphoric acid
i s preferentially stripped with water. The sulfuric
A tentative p r o c e s s previously outlined^^ for the acid (and some phosphoric acid) remaining in the
recovery and purification of phosphoric acid by solvent can then b e stripped with ammonium hydrox-
tertiary amine extraction was tested with a sample ide to give a mixed ammonium sulfate—ammonium
of wet-process phosphoric acid obtained from the phosphate product. Recoveries of phosphate from
TVA Pilot Plant in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Iso- the liquor are limited to about 90%. The residual
therms for extraction of phosphoric acid from the
phosphate i s present a s metal phosphate s a l t s
TVA liquor with Alamine 336 show an increase
and, a s such, i s not extractable.
in loading of the organic p h a s e to about 70 g of
In batch extraction—water stripping t e s t s , the
H PO per liter, with increasing aqueous phos-
phoric acid concentration, and then a rapid drop-off decontamination factors for phosphoric acid were
in loading (Fig. 7.9). In t h e s e t e s t s the organic more than 100 from silica, sulfate, and aluminum,
phase was c a s c a d e d against fresh volumes of and 5 from iron. The separation from iron was
liquor. The drop-off in loadings i s caused by d i s - much poorer than expected on the b a s i s of t e s t s
with synthetic liquors. Surprisingly, p h a s e sepa-
ration was much faster in both t h e extraction and
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, stripping s t e p s when mixing was with the aqueous
1963, ORNL-3452, p. 177.
phase continuous than with the organic p h a s e
continuous. However, even with aqueous-contin-
uous mixing, separation of the p h a s e s was very
ORNL-DWG 65-9737 slow.
1 T h e s e preliminary studies were not adequate to

N define the potential of the p r o c e s s . More informa-

tion is needed about the acceptability of the
products and p r o c e s s economics, compared with
V t h o s e for competitive recovery p r o c e s s e s . Also,
unless the rate of phase separation in the solvent

extraction system can be improved, commercial
utility i s questionable for this reason alone.


As described previously. 2 2 - 2 4 granitic rocks are

100 200 300 400 500
being evaluated a s a future source for large ton-
nages of thorium (and uranium), which eventually
Fig. 7.9. Extraction of Phosphoric Acid with Alamine
336. Aqueous: wet-process phosphoric acid from TVA 22
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Repts. May 31,
containing, in grams per liter, 490 P O / , 1K4 Fe, 3.3 1961, ORNL-3153, p. 102; June 30, 1962, ORNL-3314,
Al, 0.4 Co, 4.5 Si, and 15 SO^. Organic: 0.5 M Alamine p. 182; May 31, 1963, ORNL-3452, p. 196; and May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 193.
336 in (a) 90% Amsco 123.15-107e isodecanol or (b) 23
Solvesso 100. In (c), most of the sulfate was removed K. B . Brown et al., "Thorium R e s e r v e s in Granitic
Rock and P r o c e s s i n g of Thorium O r e s , " in Proceedings
from the liquor (by extraction with Alamine 336) prior of the Thorium Fuel Cycle Symposium, Gatlinburg,
to extraction with 0.5 M Alamine 336 in 80% Amsco Tenn., Dec. 5-7, 1962, TID-7650, Book I.
123-15-20% isodecanol. H. Brown and L. T. Silver, Proc. Intern. Conf.
Peaceful Uses At. Energy, Geneva, 1955, 8, 129 (1956).

will be needed for power-reactor systems. After agglomerated ore i s " c u r e d " for several hours
t e s t s of a large variety of granitic rocks from and then percolation washed in a fixed bed. Esti-
different locations, principal interest has centered mated capital and operating c o s t s are considerably
on the Conway granite formations of New Hamp- lower, and recoveries are about the same for this
shire. These have a relatively high thorium con- leaching method compared with the method pro-
tent and respond well to p r o c e s s treatment. Based posed previously (6 hr leach with 2 N H.SO at
on surface and drill-core data obtained by Rice room temperature, and 60% pulp density).
University investigators under subcontract to Preliminary small-scale t e s t s of the acid-cure
ORNL, reserves of thorium and uranium in the outer procedure indicated that about 85% pulp density
1000 ft of the main Conway formations are e s t i - i s optimum and that, at this pulp density, the acid
mated at about 35 million and 10 million tons concentration should be 3 to 4 A'. Extending the
respectively. About two-thirds of t h e s e reserves curing time beyond 5 hr increased acid consumption
are recoverable by ordinary methods. without significantly increasing recoveries. Curing
At this time, the experimental program on evalu- the ore at about 45°C increased recoveries by
ating granites is almost complete, and final reports about 10%, compared with recoveries at room tem-
covering the exploration program, process studies, perature, but acid consumption also was higher.
and cost estimates are being prepared. IXiring the
past year, experimental studies included develop-
ment of a different procedure for leaching granite
Amine Extraction of Thorium and Uranium
and further studies on recovering thorium and
uranium from the leach liquors by amine extraction.
Thorium and uranium were coextracted effec-
tively from a Conway-granite leach liquor with a
Leaching Tests mixture of a primary amine (1-nonyldecylamine) and
a secondary amine (N-benzylheptadecylamine). The
Effective recovery of thorium and uranium from primary amine serves mainly to extract thorium,
Conway granite was obtained by an a c i d - c u r e - and the secondary amine to extract uranium, al-
percolation-wash procedure similar to those used though each extracts both metals to some extent.
in certain copper and uranium mills. The ore i s With each amine at 0.01 M concentration, extraction
agglomerated by mixing it with relatively concen- coefficients were more than 400 for thorium and
trated sulfuric acid at high pulp density, and the more than 200 for uranium (Table 7.4).

Table 7.4. Extraction of Thorium and Uranium from Granite Leach Liquor with Amine Mixture

Organic: 0.01 M 1-nonyldecylamine + O.Ol M benzylheptadecylamine in 99% kerosene—1% tridecanol

Aqueous: Conway granite leach liquor (pH 0.9) containing, in g/liter, 0.035 Th, 0.007 U, 1.32 Fe(II), 0.13
Fe(III), 0.7 Al, 0.03 Ti, 0.13 Zr, 0.18 PO^, and 0.65 F
Contact time: 1 0 min

Anailysis (g/liter)
Extractio n
Ratio (aq/oi• g ) Organic Aque^ous Coefficient, E°a
Th U Th U Th U

1 0.038 0.006 <0.001 0.00003 >38 200

3 0.10 0.021 <0.001 0.00009 >100 230

7 0.25 0.044 <0.001 0.0002 >250 220

11 0.37 0.077 < 0.001 0.0004 >370 190

15 0.44 0.089 <0.001 0.001 >440 90


Process Demonstration decylamine in 99% kerosene—1% tridecanol at an

aqueous/organic p h a s e ratio of 6 / 1 . The extract
A b e n c h - s c a l e demonstration was made of a com- was stripped in two s t a g e s with 0.25 M Na CO
plete leaching—solvent extraction flowsheet for solution at an aqueous/organic ratio of 1/8. Acid-
recovering thorium and uranium from a composite ifying the strip solution with sulfuric acid and
of three Conway-granite drill cores crushed to —20 neutralizing with ammonia gave a precipitate which,
mesh. In treating 11 kg of granite containing 59 after calcination, contained about 70% thorium-
ppm thorium and 16 ppm uranium, the overall re- plus-uranium oxides.
coveries were 60% for thorium and 65% for uranium.
P h y s i c a l operation of the percolation-wash col-
The t e s t s included mixing 1-kg b a t c h e s of crushed
umn was highly satisfactory. The effluent was
ore with a solution about 4 A^ in H SO at 85% pulp
clear, and the ore showed no tendency to deag-
density for 10 min, curing in a 2-in.-diam column
glomerate. The pressure drop in the column was
for 5 hr at room temperature, and washing in place
in the column with raffinate from the solvent ex-
traction operation (Fig. 7.10). The initial solution
collected from the column was relatively concen- Recovery Costs
trated in the metal values and was designated a s
pregnant liquor. A portion of this was fortified A new estimate of c o s t s for recovering thorium
with concentrated sulfuric acid and used for ag- and uranium from granites was prepared with the
glomerating the next batch of ore, while the re- aid of A. H. R o s s and A s s o c i a t e s of Toronto,
mainder was p a s s e d to the solvent extraction Canada. B e c a u s e of simplifications made in the
circuit. The last wash solution collected from the process flowsheet, which reduced capital and
column was stored and used for washing the next operating c o s t s , the new estimated c o s t s are more
batch of ore. Sulfuric acid consumption in leaching than 25% lower than the c o s t s estimated previ-
was 54 lb per ton of ore. More than 98% of the ously. ^^'^^ C o s t s for recovering thorium and
thorium and uranium were extracted from the uranium from granite of the composition of the
pregnant liquor (0.052 g of thorium and 0.015 g of Conway drill-core composite used in the demon-
uranium per liter) in two mixer-settler s t a g e s with stration run are estimated at about $35 per pound
0.01 M 1-nonyldecylamine—0.01 M A^-benzylhepta- of thorium-plus-uranium recovered.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 3 8



- 2 0 mesh


IN 9 9 % K E R O S E N E - 1 % TRIDECANOL

Fig. 7.10, Flowsheet for Recovering Thorium and Uranium from Granite.

7.12 SEPARATION OF BIOLOGICAL extended to a comparison with all the other alka-
MACROMOLECULES line earths except radium. Extractions from 4.0 M
(Fig. 7.11) and 0.5 M NaNO^ aqueous solutions
The recovery of biologically important sub- were measured as functions of the two variables
s t a n c e s , present in only small quantities in the aqueous-phase pH and organic-phase HA concen-
initial c e l l s , requires the treatment of large tration. T h e s e data were analyzed by the methods
amounts of the source material to obtain significant developed in the previous study of strontium ex-
quantities of the desired substance. For example, traction to obtain a fairly definite indication of
to obtain gram amounts of the phenylalanine trans- the principal organic-phase s p e c i e s involved in
fer ribonucleic acid (t-RNA) from E. coli bacteria, the extraction of each.
a facility for treating 100-kg quantities of bacteria All the curves of log E° v s pH are similar in
i s necessary. Similarly, the preparation of other shape, showing the linear portion at low pH fol-
macromolecules, for example, enzymes, also re- lowed by a maximum, a d e c r e a s e , and a leveling
quires the processing of large amounts of material. off above pH 6 or 7. The slope of the initial linear
In order to produce the amounts of specific mac- portions i s 2, consistent with cation exchange
romolecules needed for biochemical and physico- between M^ and 2H . The order of extractability
chemical studies, a large-scale facility was de- of the ions i s : Be » Ca > Mg ^ Sr > Ba. Thus,
signed and i s being built. It i s expected to be except for magnesium, the extractability i n c r e a s e s
in u s e early in fiscal year 1966. The procedures with increasing charge density on the ion. T h i s
for recovering many biological macromolecules i s the same direction of order as was found in
have a number of common unit operations, for extraction of alkali ions by the same extractant, ^^
example, processing at about 4°C to avoid degra- while it i s the reverse of the order usually found
dative reactions, centrifuging (at about 4°C) to for sorption by sulfonic or carboxylic acid r e s i n s .
separate solids, and further purifying by various In general, the maximums in the E°-vs-pH curves
types of column chromatography. Consequently, it are relatively higher and sharper for the more-
was possible to design a versatile facility for extractable ions. (The high beryllium curve in
producing a wide variety of macromolecules. The Fig. 7.11 is truncated by t h e analytical limit en-
room i s 20 ft long and 12 ft wide, and the tempera- countered.) As was previously shown, ^^ the degree
ture i s held at about 4°C. The apparatus c o n s i s t s of neutralization of HA, expressed as the organic-
of several s i z e s of refrigerated centrifuges and phase composition N a A / S A, yielding the maximum
other equipment. extraction i s related to the stoichiometry of the
The initial operation will consist in the prepara- predominant extraction s p e c i e s of M^ (present at
tion of 100-g batches of mixed t-RNA's from E. tracer concentration). T h e s e compositions are near
coli, to support the Biochemical Separations Re- N a A / 2 A = 0.33 for barium, strontium, and calcium,
search activities (Sect. 7.6). As process details consistent with complexes MA •4HA as already
for the recovery of specific t-RNA's, for example, identified for strontium, but between 0.4 and 0.5
phenylalanine t-RNA, are defined, gram amounts for magnesium, suggesting a shift toward MgA •
of these materials will also be prepared. As t h e s e 2HA.
processes are mastered, attention will be directed The dependence of extraction coefficient on HA
toward other materials, such as aminoacyl synthe- concentration varies somewhat over the range 0.015
t a s e and DNA polymerase enzymes. to 0.5 M HA (Fig. 7.12). The log-log slopes indi-
cate that in extraction from 4 M NaNO , calcium
(at high HA concentrations), strontium, and barium
7.13 EXTRACTION OF ALKALINE EARTHS BY form MA •4HA, which was the conclusion reached
DI(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PH0SPH0RIC ACID from the positions of the extraction maximums.
Calcium (at low HA concentrations) and beryllium
The study of strontium extraction by di(2-ethyl- probably form more MA • 2HA. In extraction from 0.5
hexyl)phosphoric acid (HA) in benzene^^ was M NaNO , not only calcium but also magnesium.

^^W. J . McDowell and C. F . Coleman. "Sodium and

Strontium Extraction by Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate:
Mechanisms and E q u i l i b r i a , " / . Inorg. Nucl. Chem. (in ^^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. June 30,
press). 1962, ORNL-3314, p. 112.

ORNL-DWG 65-1055R2 ORNL-DWG 65-1054R3

Fig. 7 . 1 1 . Extraction of 10 M Be, Co, Sr, and Bo,

and 0.01 M Mg from 4 M NoNOj by 0.125 M Di(2.
ethylhexyl)phosphate in Benzene.

strontium, and barium (beryllium not ascertained)

shift from MA • 4HA at high HA concentration to
MA • 2HA at low concentration.
Since the HA concentration-dependence data were DI(2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHOSPHATE CONCENTRATION [M]

obtained at low pH, where the extractant i s almost

entirely in the acid form and the power dependence Fig. 7.12. Extraction of A l k a l i Metals from Aqueous
on hydrogen ion concentration i s —2, the possi- NaNO. by Di{2-ethylhexyl)phosphate in Benzene:
bility of extraction of a metal mononitrate or hy- Reagent-Concentration Dependence.
droxide seems to be eliminated. The shift in the
association ratio A/M from 6 to 4 could reflect a
change in the coordination number of the metal or, with probably some water also extracted, at lower
more probably, replacement of a part of the HA by HA concentrations for calcium and magnesium, for
water. The suggested extraction reactions (dotted strontium and barium from 0.5 M NaNO only, and
underlines indicate organic-phase s p e c i e s ) are: under all conditions tested for beryllium.

m'^ +- (aHA • 6NaA) MA^MHA

+ {2-6b)H'' + 6bNa*

In the testing and interpretation of distribution

for barium and calcium as well as for strontium ^^
systems, qualitative or quantitative information i s
at 2 A = 0.125 M and for magnesium at S A >
frequently required about intermolecular a s s o c i a -
0.25 M;
tion between solute s p e c i e s or between solute and
diluent. Several different physical properties are
M-"" +-iaHA'bNaA) MA2"2HA used to detect such association in the organic
solutions studied in this laboratory, including
i2-4b)H^ + 4bNa* , infrared absorption, nuclear magnetic resonance

(nmr), diluent vapor pressure, light scattering, balancing against azobenzene. With the mole
relative viscosity, and, r e c e n t l y , ^ ' dielectric ratio N a A / S A constant at V and 2 A / T B P varied
constant. from 0 to 4, the apparent average aggregation
numbers varied from 1 to 3.3, rather closely con-
s i s t e n t with complete association according to the
Sodium and Strontium Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphates reaction

In t e s t s reported previously, the dielectric con- 1

s t a n t s of mixtures indicated intermolecular bonding - (NaA) + 2TBP ^ NaA • 2TBP ,
X ^
between tributyl phosphate (TBP) and the sodium
complex N a A ' 3 H A , but not between T B P and with X = 4.
(HA) [di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid], at concen-
trations up to 0.2 M, in n-octane. ^"^ In extension
of t h e s e t e s t s to other important s p e c i e s in the
HA-strontium-sodium extraction system, nonlinear
Combinations of BAMBP [4-sec-butyl-2-(a-methyl-
variation of the dielectric constant of mixtures
benzyl)phenoll with two synergizing organic a c i d s
indicated interaction between T B P and the stron-
and with three diluents of different hydrogen-
tium complex SrA •4HA and much stronger inter-
bonding capabilities were examined in several
action between T B P and the salt SrA , again at
ways for possible intermolecular association. In
concentrations up to 0.2 M. A relatively high di-
most of the t e s t s the two components were mixed
electric constant for 0.2 M SrA , 3.55 a s compared
at a total concentration of 0.5 or 2 Af, in carbon
with 2.13 for T B P and 2.04 for SrA2«4HA and
tetrachloride. Nonlinear variation of the dielectric
(HA) , supports previous suggestions that the
constants of mixtures and downfield chemical shift
strontium salt i s polymerized and hydrated. Polym-
of a single resonance for the combined acid and
erization of SrA i s also indicated by the relative
hydroxyl protons indicated hydrogen bonding of
viscosity of (HA) -SrA mixtures, which remains
BAMBP with (HA) . Infrared spectra confirmed
constant as the equivalent ratio SrA / X A in-
the association by the appearance of a new ab-
c r e a s e s from 0 to about 0.9 and then i n c r e a s e s
sorption band at 3374 c m ~ ' . The absorbances
abruptly by a factor of at l e a s t 5 a s SrA / S A ap-
plotted according to J o b ' s method of continuous
proaches 1. The dielectric constant also increased
variation indicated formation of a 1:1 complex,
abruptly as SrA / S A approached 1.
BAMBP'HA, but only in small amounts. The nmr
In connection with the dielectric measurements, spectra of BAMBP mixed with 4-phenylvaleric acid
dipole moments of several of the compounds were also indicated hydrogen bonding, but infrared
obtained over a range of concentrations inn-octane. spectra did not show a new absorption band.
The dipole moment of SrA increased approximately The nmr spectra showed a small upfield shift of
linearly from 8.3 Debye units at 0.0015 M to 12.8 the phenolic proton resonance when BAMBP was
Debye units at 0.1 M, presumably reflecting in- dissolved (0.05 to 2 M) in chloroform, and large
c r e a s e of the polymerization and hydration men- downfield shifts when acetophenone and octanol-1
tioned above. The values for the others changed were the solvents. Dielectric constants of t h e s e
only slightly with concentration: SrA • 4HA, mixtures diluted to 0.5 M with carbon tetrachloride
4 . 0 - 4 . 9 at 0.002-0.03 M; NaA-3HA, 3 . 5 - 4 . 5 at varied nonlinearly for acetophenone and octanol,
0.008-0.25 M; (HA)2, 2 . 5 - 3 . 1 at 0 . 0 1 5 - 1 M; T B P , indicating association, but linearly for chloroform.
2 . 4 - 3 . 0 at 0.015-1 M. In agreement, infrared spectra of the same s e r i e s
Strong association of T B P with the salt NaA (or of solutions showed new absorption bands (near
complete replacement of acid molecules in the 3650 cm~^) with acetophenone and with octanol,
complex N a A ' 3 H A by TBP), rather than formation but not with chloroform.
of an NaA-HA-TBP mixed complex, was indicated
by the average aggregation numbers of a s e r i e s
of mixtures in dry n-octane, measured by i s o p i e s t i c TBP.HjO

^^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,

Tributyl phosphate d i s s o l v e s water in approxi-
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 198. mately a 1 : 1 mole ratio, and there i s controversy

as to whether or not this reflects existence of an 7.15 SYNERGISM IN THE EXTRACTION

association s p e c i e s T B P • H O. In connection OF STRONTIUM BY DI(2-ETHYL-
with measurement of activities in TBP-water mix- HEXYDPHOSPHORIC ACID
tures ( s e e below), the dielectric c o n s t a n t s of the
mixtures were examined for p o s s i b l e evidence of Previously reported examination of the syner-
association. At 25°C the dielectric constant e gistic extraction of strontium by di(2-ethyl-
i n c r e a s e s along a nearly linear curve (slightly hexyl)phosphoric acid (HA) plus tributyl phosphate
convex upward) from 8.13 to 10.57 a s the water (TBP) showed up to a fourfold enhancement of the
content i n c r e a s e s from zero to saturation at 6.8 extraction coefficient E°(Sr) in an aliphatic dilu-
vol % H O (0.51 mole fraction), as compared with ent, although only slight effects in an aromatic
78.54 at 100% H^O. T h e s e results did not show diluent. * The mechanism of the synergism i s
clearly whether or not there i s a break at 0.5 mole being studied through the effects of varying several
fraction (1 : 1 mole ratio). The measurements were different conditions in the system Sr(NO ) , NaNO ,
repeated at 2°C, where the water solubility is H N 0 3 , o r NaOH/HA, T B P , n-octane.
increased to 7.0 vol % (0.53 mole fraction) to ob- In the absence of T B P , NaA-SHA and SrA^MHA
tain better definition above the 0.5 mole-fraction have been identified a s important s p e c i e s in the
point. The entire system was placed in a cold organic phase. ^^ One obvious hypothesis to ex-
room held at 2 ± 0.5°C to avoid difficulties from plain the synergism i s that T B P might replace part
temperature gradients and condensing moisture.
The results (Fig. 7.13) show a small but definite 28
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
break at mole fraction 0.505 (1 : 0.98 mole ratio) 1963, ORNL-3452, p. 182.
and thus indicate that a real (although probably 29
very weakly bound) association s p e c i e s T B P ' H O W. J . McDowell and C. F . Coleman, "Sodium and
Strontium Extraction by Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate:
does exist. Mechanisms and E q u i l i b r i a , " / . Inorg. Nucl. Chem. (in

ORNL DWG 6 5 9739

99 100

W 5

V i


y / 1
/ 1
0 505 mole FR ACTION

• .

45 50 55 60 65 70
WATER (vol % )

F i g . 7.13. Dielectric Constants of TBP-Water Mixtures at 2 ° C .


or all of the HA associated with the strontium to The corresponding t e s t s of power dependence on
give a more favorable extracted complex. If so, T B P concentration give curved plots, showing that
the position of the maximum in the E°(Sr) vs pH there i s some function not yet accounted for that
curve should shift to higher values of A ~ / 2 A and varies with the T B P concentration. Within this
hence higher pH, and the maximum should decrease uncertainty, the results suggest a negative power
(relative to extraction at high pH) or disappear, dependence on T B P concentration in the range of
since the complexing by T B P should not be af- N a A / S A between 0.05 and 0.6, rising toward -1-3
fected directly by pH. T h e s e expectations are at or -t-4 at high N a A / S A. The negative values
l e a s t partly borne out by the curves for different suggest that through that region the ratio T B P :HA
T B P concentrations (Fig. 7.14a). is greater in the average organic-phase sodium
Detailed a n a l y s e s of the effects of varying T B P s p e c i e s than it i s in the strontium s p e c i e s . The
and varying HA emphasized solutions with the latter rising values (like the i values in Fig. 7.15)
combined concentrations of T B P and HA at 0.3 M are consistent with progressive displacement of
or l e s s , since auxiliary studies indicated that HA by T B P , such as to form SrA^ • 2HA • 2 T B P and
intermolecular association between T B P and HA SrA2'4TBP.
is negligible up to at l e a s t that concentration.
Some comparisons were also made at higher con-
centrations, including undiluted T B P . Two-phase- 7.16 SYNERGISM AND DILUENT EFFECTS IN
continuous titrations with radiotracer determination THE EXTRACTION OF CESIUM BY 4-sec.
of the changing strontium distributions gave fam- BUTYL-2-a.METHYLBENZYLPHENOL
i l i e s of log £°(Sr) vs pH curves a s functions of (BAMBP)
varying T B P and varying HA (Fig. 7.14). T h e s e
data were analyzed in the manner previously de- The detailed study of the extraction of alkali
veloped for extractions by HA alone. ^ ' Values of ions (especially cesium) by substituted phenols^"
the pH power dependence i (defined by the relation was continued with investigation of the synergistic
log E°(Sr) « I pH or E°(Sr) « [H'*']"') were obtained extractions obtained by adding organic acids to
from the slopes in Fig. 7.14. T h e s e are compared BAMBP and of the effects of different types of
in Fig. 7.15, as a function of the degree of neu- diluents.
tralization of HA, with the values to be expected The organic acids examined were di(2-ethyl-
for each of several possible organic-phase stron- hexyl)phosphoric acid (HA), monoheptadecyl tetra-
tium s p e c i e s . (These s p e c i e s might also contain propenylsuccinic acid (HS), and 4-phenylvaleric
T B P , which would not affect the value of i.) The acid (HV). T h e s e two carboxylic acids differ con-
experimental points curve across the lines for the siderably in that the alkali s a l t s of HV distribute
different s p e c i e s in a manner consistent with the principally to the aqueous p h a s e . T h e s a l t s of HS
working hypothesis of replacement of HA by T B P . and HA, and the acid forms of all three, remain in
The pH dependence values i were combined with the organic phase. The coefficient E°(Cs) for ex-
the extraction coefficients to examine the depend- traction of cesium by BAMBP-HV mixtures is
ence of extraction on the concentrations of HA and nearly independent of pH through the range 7.5
of T B P , by means of plots of log E°(Sr)[H'^]' vs to 10 and varies with the third power of the BAMBP
log [HA].j,gp and vs log [ T B P I ^ ^ ^ . At low pH the concentration (0.2 to 2 M BAMBP in CCl ). In this
power dependence on HA concentration is 2, indi- region the HV e x i s t s entirely a s the salt, and the
cating reaction of strontium with 4HA (two dimers) principal extraction reaction i s probably
instead of with 6HA, a s in the absence of T B P .
If the coordination number of the strontium is un- Cs "^ -f V~ f 3BAMBP ^ CsV • 3BAMBP , (1)
changed, this suggests SrA ^ • 2HA • 2TBP. When
more than about 10% of the HA is neutralized where the dotted underlines indicate the organic
( N a A / S A = 0.1), the power dependence on HA phase. Two other reactions may also be involved:
concentration d e c r e a s e s ; and at N a A / S A = 0.4 it
becomes l e s s than 1. However, the corresponding
HA: Sr ratios cannot yet be calculated b e c a u s e the
degree of aggregation of HA and NaA in the pres- B. Z. Egan, R. A. Zingaro, and B . M. Benjamin,
" E x t r a c t i o n of Alkali Metals by 4-sec-Butyl-2-a-methyl-
ence of T B P has not yet been determined. b e n z y l p h e n o l , " Inorg. Chem. (in p r e s s ) .

ORNL DWG 6 5 2414R2

4 5 5 0 5 5


ORNL DWG 65 2413R2

40 45 50 55 60


F.g. 7.14. Strontium Extraction from 3 M N a N O . and 0.5 M NoCI Solutions by Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Act
Tributyl Phosphate Mixtures, (a) HA concentration constant at 0.1 M, (t>) T B P concentration constant at 0.2 M,

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 4 1
ORNL-DWG 65-24I0R2


y I I I

TBP / 0 4 / 1 ? RAMRP
_ CONCENTRATIONS ,• DH 3 0 - 3 2
t- ^ 0 M
» \ 0 M
li 0 'o M o •/
° 0 05M •z.

0 02 04 06 08 10

Fig. 7.15. Influence of TBP on pH Dependence of
o /
Strontium Extraction by Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric -^ 0 01 /
Acid. Concentrations: 0 . 1 A? H A - I - 0 0.05 M, A 0.5 M, oo
y^ >^*'
• 1.0 M T B P in n - o c t a n e , e x t r a c t i o n from 3 M NaNO,; 1
A 0.1 M HA in undiluted TBP, extraction from 0.5 M
y y pH 5 4 - 5 6
NaCl. The dashed lines show the dependences expected
for formation of the strontium c o m p o u n d s , as shown or y
/ y
in a d d i t i o n a l a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h TBP.
0 001
0 01 01 1

Fig. 7.16. Synergistic Cesium E x t r a c t i o n by BAMBP

Cs'^-H V~-1-4BAMBP ^ [Cs.4BAMBP]^V" (2) plus Organic Acids. Di(2»ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid

(HA) and heptadecyl tetrapropenylsuccinic acid (HS)

and, at high BAMBP concentrations where it is
i n C C I ^ ; 1.3 X 1 0 " M Cs initial.
considerably dimerized,

C s ' ^ V " +2(BAMBP)2 ^ [ C s M B A M B P l ' ^ V " . (3)

At low pH, where the HV remains entirely in the Cs"^ -t- (HX)^ + 2(BAMBP)2
organic phase, the reagent dependence changes
to second power with respect to total BAMBP ?=^ C s H X 2 ' 2 ( B A M B P ) 2 + H ' ^ , (5)
concentration and becomes first power with respect
to the HV concentration. When HV i s replaced by CS'^-H(HX)2 + 2 ( B A M B P ) 2
HA or HS, the dependence on BAMBP concentration
remains second power, but the dependence on ^ [Cs.2(BAMBP)2]'"HX2-+H*, (6)
organic acid concentration i s l e s s than first power,
and appears to shift slightly at about 0.2 M ( F i g . where HX represents HV, HA, or HS. Equilibrium
7.16). Both carboxylic and phosphoric acids are (5) implies a coordination number of 6 instead of 4;
dimerized in carbon tetrachloride. The equilibrium 6 is probably reasonable for the large cesium ion,
reaction i s probably especially at low organic-phase cesium concen-
trations. Infrared spectra and dielectric constants
Cs'^-)-(HX), + 2BAMBP of mixtures indicate that a 1: 1 HA-BAMBP adduct
i s formed in carbon tetrachloride solution, although
^ CsHX2'2BAMBP-FH'^ (4) to only a small extent (cf. Sect. 7.14). No inter-
action between HV and BAMBP was indicated.
and perhaps also Nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectra indicate

ORNL-OWG 6 5 - 9 7 4 2
increased strength of hydrogen bonding on addition
of the organic acids to BAMBP and show that the
acid and phenolic protons are in rapid exchange.
The second part of the current cesium extraction
s t u d i e s , to help resolve the effects of BAMBP-
BAMBP and BAMBP-diluent association on the
BAMBP-cesium association, i s a comparison of
diluents of different hydrogen-bonding c a p a b i l i t i e s .
B e s i d e s carbon tetrachloride (no hydrogen-bond
formation), t h e s e are octanol-1, a hydrogen-bonded
donor-type molecule; acetophenone, a non-hydrogen-
bonded donor-type molecule; and chloroform, a non-
hydrogen-bonded, acceptor-type molecule. The
chemical shifts in nmr spectra confirmed the ex-
pectation of strong hydrogen bonding by a s s o c i a -
tion of the phenolic proton with the alcohol and
ketone oxygens, and some hydrogen bonding by
association of the phenolic oxygen with the hydro-
gen of chloroform. (Infrared spectra and dielectric
constants of ternary mixtures in carbon tetrachlo-
ride indicated association of BAMBP with aceto-
phenone and with octanol, but not with chloroform.)
In agreement with t h i s , cesium extraction coef-
ficients by BAMBP in chloroform diluent are paral-
lel to those in carbon tetrachloride and somewhat
lower, while those at high BAMBP concentrations
in octanol and acetophenone are considerably lower
(Fig. 7.17), reflecting the competition for the
BAMBP by i t s strong a s s o c i a t i o n with the donor
diluents. Moreover, at lower BAMBP concentra-
tions the dependence of £ ° ( C s ) on BAMBP concen-
tration drops from third to first power. T h i s i s
ascribed to substitution of donor diluent molecules
0.03 0.1 1
for the donor BAMBP molecules in solvation of BAMBP CONCENTRATION {M)
the cesium BAMBPate.
Fig. 7.17. Effect of Diluent Type on Cesium Ex-
traction by BAMBP. Initial aqueous cesium concen-
7.17 KINETICS OF EXTRACTION OF IRON BY tration, 0.010 to 0.015 M. Extraction coefficients
DI(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PH0SPH0RIC ACID normalized to pH 12.1.

Kinetic measurements continued in the extraction

by di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HA) of iron(III),
ai^ important representative of several very slow pendence at low and high concentrations (Fig.
extraction equilibria with this reagent. As in the 7.18). The log-log slopes are about 0.3 below
t e s t s previously reported, ^ ^ the extraction rate 0.2 M HA and nearly 1.5 above 0.5 M. The rate
i s first order with respect to aqueous iron concen- constant also i n c r e a s e s with decreasing aqueous
tration under all conditions t e s t e d . The rate con- acid concentration. When the data of F i g . 7.18
stant, k = —d log [Fe]/dt, i n c r e a s e s with increasing are replotted (log-log) against the aqueous per-
HA concentration, but with different power de- chloric acid concentration, a nearly straight line
is found at each HA concentration, with s l o p e s
31 Ann. Progr. Rept, May 31,
changing from about —1 at [ H A ] = 0.1 to about —1.8
Chem. Technol, Div, at [HA] = 1.0.
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 204.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 4 3
acid dependence and HA concentration dependence
(Fig. 7.18), indicates a shift of rate control b e -
tween s t e p s or between paths at about 0.4 A/ HA.


- 0 005

Diluent vapor-pressure lowering, determined by

direct differential pressure measurement and by
isopiestic balancing, has continued to be used
for investigation of departures from ideality in
< 00005 the behavior of organic solutions of solvent extrac-
tion systems. T h e s e departures from ideality are
001 002 0 05 01 02 05 1 2 calculated either a s activity coefficients, or a s
apparent aggregation numbers of real or hypothet-
ical polymeric s p e c i e s assumed to behave ideally.
Fig. 7.18. Effects of Extractant Concentration and
Acidity on Rate of Iron Extraction. Initial iron con-
centration, 0.002 M; ionic strength constant at 2 M
Trioctyiamine Sulfate
( H C I O ^ 4- N a C I O ^ ) ; 2 5 ° C ; d i l u e n t , n - o c t a n e .

In continued testing of the possible effects of

water content on aggregation of amine s a l t s , t h e
apparent average aggregation number n of tri-n-
T h e rate constant d e c r e a s e s with increasing octylamine normal sulfate (0.2 m, in benzene) was
aqueous perchlorate concentration, log-log slope found to i n c r e a s e slightly with increasing water
- 0 . 6 with 0.1 M HA and 0.05 M aqueous acid. If activity, but still remaining c l o s e to 1:
this should be attributed entirely to ferric per-
chlorate association (rather than to effects of ionic
strength per s e ) , it would fit an association quo- ° 0.33 0.50 0.75 0.902 1
tient Q = [FeC10^^'^]/[Fe^"^][C10^-] = 1, in com- TOAS 0.85 0.85 0.99 1.09 1.10
parison with values of 0.6 to 6 from various 3.60 3.67 3.69 3.59 3.50
sources. ^^ TOAHS
1.15 1.02
Several a s p e c t s of the t e s t results indicate that
the extraction rate is controlled by a chemical
reaction at the interface. The extraction rate The normal sulfate values, like those for the bi-
varies directly with the interfacial area in other- sulfate^'' and the dry, free-base amine, are from
wise identical t e s t s [phases stirred on each isopiestic balancing. The value for water-saturated
side of a relatively quiescent interface, ^^ k = free-base amine i s from direct vapor-pressure dif-
0.0036(cm Vcm^)with 0.1 M HA and 0.02 M aqueous ference measurements.^^
acid], but it is almost independent of the stirring Since the apparent average aggregation numbers
rate. Moreover, the activation energy calculated of tri-n-octylamine and i t s sulfate s a l t s h a v e not
from rates measured at 25, 40, and 60°C was 10 yet resolved the anomalies in i t s mass action
kcal/mole with 1 A/ HA and 15 kcal/mole with behavior, the variations of the actual activity
0.1 M HA, consistent with rate control by a chem- coefficients of the organic-phase s o l u t e s are being
ical reaction and rather higher than would be determined. Activity coefficients were previously
expected for rate control by diffusion. The dif- reported for t h e free-base trioctyiamine in dry
ference in activation energy at high and low HA
concentrations, together with the differences in ^'*Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
1964, ORNL-3627, p. 207.
3 2, ^^K. A. Allen and A. L. JMyers, Abstr. No. 68, p. 27R,
R. H. Home, Nature 181, 410 (1958).
139th ASC Meeting, March 1961; recalculated m ORNL-
J. B. L e w i s , Chem. Eng. Sci. 3, 248 (1954). 3785 (in p r e s s ) .

b e n z e n e , ^ * and for water in benzene solutions of The activity of T B P was calculated, with pure
mixtures of TOA, TOAS, and TOAHS. ^^ The ac- T B P a s the standard s t a t e , by rearrangement and
tivity coefficient of the normal sulfate TOAS h a s integration of the Gibbs-Duhem equation for a two-
now been measured at concentrations up to 0.58 m component system:
in dry benzene by i s o p i e s t i c balancing (Fig. 7.19).
The apparent molal volumes were determined to b e
89.4 ml per mole of benzene and 857 ml per mole
of TOAS. Contrary to the original expectations,
In a„
J „
X )a
w-^ w
' (2)

the sulfate salt shows rather l e s s departure from

The function X / ( I — X )a i s e s s e n t i a l l y linear
ideality than does the free-base amine. Similar
v s a between 0 and 0.53 and concave upward from
measurements are in progress with the bisulfate
there to a ^ = 1 (Fig. 7.20).
For integration of Eq. (2), the lower and upper
portions of the curve were fitted by least squares
to a linear and a cubic equation:
Activities in TBP-Water Mixtures
X / i l - X )a = 0.4774 + 0.29550 a , (3)
To resolve a discrepancy between published w ^ w' w w ' ^ '
values, the activity of T B P when saturated with
X /(1-X )a = - 0 . 1 7 1 7 6 + 3.3821 a
water at 25°C was determined by a s e r i e s of i s o - w' ^ w' W V
p i e s t i c measurements of water solubility v s water
- 5.0377 a^ -h 2.879 a^ (4)
activity, via the Gibbs-Duhem relation. The con-
centration of water at saturation in T B P (the sol-
The resulting values of ^ are nearly equal to
ubility at a = 1 ) i s 3.58 M, or mole fraction X =
their corresponding mole fractions, a
0.511, and it d e c r e a s e s as the water activity de- TBP
0.003 for X between 0 and 0.4. At saturation
c r e a s e s . Below a = 0.75 (X "0.36) it conforms
with water, X T B P 0.489 and a^^^ =0.515.
almost exactly to Henry's law:
The a c t i v i t i e s and activity coefficients of water
and T B P are summarized as their partial molal free
a^ = (2.073 ± 0.01) X^ (1)

^^Chem. Technol. Div, Ann, Progr. Rept. May 31,

1963, ORNL-3452, p. 187. ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 4 5

I 0

ORNL-DWG 65 - 9 7 4 4

.• / "
• •>•
0 6
^^ •
'• •

0 01 02 03 04 05 Of

Fig, 7.19. Activity Coefficients of Tri-n-octylamine

and Its Normal Sulfate in Dry Benzene, 25 C. Isopiestic F i g , 7.20. Water Solubility in Tributyl Phosphate as
vapor balancing: TOA vs triphenylmethane, TOAS vs a Function of Water A c t i v i t y . For i n t e g r a t i o n of the
azobenzene. Gibbs-Duhem relation. X = mole fraction of water.

energies of solution and their e x c e s s partial molal Sensitive Differential Manometer

free energies at 25°C (Fig. 7.21). The e x c e s s par-
tial molal free energies are positive for both: 31 cal In continuing improvement of the equipment and
per mole of T B P and 397 cal per mole of water techniques for precisely measuring small vapor-
in the water-saturated T B P . Since positive devia- pressure differences,^^ the possibility of using an
tions usually correspond to differences in molec- inverted cup floating in mercury for the sensing
ular attractive forces and negative deviations to element was examined by derivation of i t s equation
compound formation, these results support con- of motion^* and by trial of a preliminary model.
clusions that bonding forces between water and The equation giving the pressure difference A a s
T B P are very weak direct evidence of T B P ' H O a function of the observable change in height of
association at 2°C from dielectric measurements the float zyi above a fixed reference i s :
(cf. Sect. 7.14).
1 - A^/A^
A = p^ AA { - I - 1 (5)
A A /A A
t 0' m 1

^''Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,

1964, ORNL-3627, p. 206.
ORNL-OWG 6 5 - 9 7 4 6 ^*W. J . McDowell, R. M. F u o s s , and C. F . Coleman,
" A Precision Inverted, Floating-Cup Manometer for
Differential Vapor P r e s s u r e M e a s u r e m e n t s , " submitted
400 for publication in Chemical Engineering.

3 GO ORNL-OWG 65-50(A





0 5 06 0 7 0 8 0 9 ( 0

Fig. 7.21. Partial Molal Free Energies of Solution

and E x c e s s P a r t i a l Molal Free Energies in TBP-Water F i g . 7.22. Schematic Diagram of Floating-Cup Dif-
Mixtures. f e r e n t i a l Manometer.

where the ^ ' s are horizontal a r e a s corresponding showed a twentyfold increase in sensitivity over
to the radii marked in Fig. 7.22, p is the density a simple mercury manometer. A model is being
of mercury (or other sealing liquid), and g is the made with target dimensions of r = 6 cm, r = 0.5
acceleration of gravity. When A^ is much smaller cm, r. = 4 cm, and wall thickness = 0.0508 cm. For
than A (the lower entry tube occupies negligible t h e s e dimensions the term neglected in Eq. (6)
area), and A. is nearly equal to ^4 (the cup wall is should be only 1.00018, and the sensitivity (with
very thin), Eq. (5) simplifies to: mercury) should b e about 40 times that of a simple
mercury manometer. This model will b e used to
A = pg A/<r^/r^2 _ 1) . (6) check for possible nonreproducible effects (e.g.,
variable interfacial tension and changing contact
A preliminary mockup with a s t a i n l e s s steel cup angles), and to t e s t the suitability of readout
of approximately 4 cm radius, floating in mercury. devices.
8. Recovery of Fission Products by Solvent Extraction

The objective of the fission product recovery 8.1 CESIUM

program is to develop p r o c e s s e s applicable to
large-scale recovery and purification of fission R e s u l t s continued to be favorable in the develop-
products from reactor-fuel-processing w a s t e s . The ment of the Phenex p r o c e s s ' " ^ for recovering
program includes b a s i c chemical research, develop- cesium from alkaline solutions by extracting with
ment of recovery methods, and development of substituted phenols and stripping with dilute acid.
engineering procedures to carry out these opera- Nearly all recent t e s t work was with 4-sec-butyl-
tions. Large quantities of certain fission products 2-(a-methylbenzyl)phenol (BAMBP), which has
are being requested for industrial, s p a c e , and other more attractive extraction properties than other
applications, and there is evidence that the demand phenols examined. The studies included further
will increase. Also, a s i d e from their utility for examination of the selectivity of BAMBP for cesium
recovering useful fission products, the recovery over contaminants and evaluation of its chemical
methods developed are of interest for fractionating stability.
w a s t e s to e a s e certain waste-disposal problems.
Since its inception the principal emphasis in Extraction Selectivity
this program has been on the development of s o l -
vent extraction methods because they are particu- The high selectivity of BAMBP for alkali metals
larly versatile and readily adaptable to large-scale was further confirmed by measuring the extract-
operations. Thus far, a solvent extraction process ability of some metals that had not been tested
using di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) previously. Coefficients for extraction of Ca, Ba,
has been successfully developed for recovering Mo, and Tc with 1 M BAMBP in Amsco 125-82
' ° S r and mixed rare earths. A modification of this were all l e s s than 0.01 under conditions (sodium
process has been developed and operated in plant nitrate—sodium tartrate solution, pH 11.7) where
s c a l e at the Hanford Atomic Products Operation. the cesium coefficient was 3 .
New p r o c e s s e s have also been developed in the
laboratory for recovering cesium with substituted
phenols and for recovering zirconium-niobium and Stability of BAMBP
possibly yttrium and ruthenium. The combination
of t h e s e developments with previous studies on In previous studies^ with simulated feeds, BAMBP
rare-earths separations and on the recovery of demonstrated good radiation and chemical s t a b i l -
technetium, neptunium, and plutonium affords an ities under conditions expected for the cesium
integrated solvent extraction flowsheet for the recovery flowsheet. In agreement with Hanford
recovery of nearly all valuable components from results, however, e x t e n s i v e degradation (with loss
waste liquors. Current studies are aimed at con-
solidating, optimizing, and completing t h e s e de- Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. June 30,
velopments and at devising new p r o c e s s e s that 1962, ORNL-3314, p. 120.
might provide even greater advantages in opera- '•'ibid.. May 31, 1963, ORNL.3452, p. 189.
tions and cost. ^Ibid., May 31, 1964, ORNL-3627, p. 209.

222 ^'

of cesium extraction power) occurred when BAMBP and then subjected to a standard cesium extraction
was contacted with acid nitrite solutions. Intro- t e s t . Treatment with 0.1 M HNO for seven days
duction of nitrite into the nitric acid stripping had no apparent effect on the extraction properties
system is p o s s i b l e by entrainment of the aqueous of the solvent, but treatment with 0.1 M HNO^
liquor in the organic extract and by radiolytic that w a s 0.01 M in NaNO increased the extraction
decomposition of nitric acid in the stripping coefficient by a factor of 2 or 3 . Spectrophotometric
system. Further s t u d i e s , therefore, are being made examination of the treated solvent showed an
to better define conditions under which significant absorption peak at 371 mp., which Hanford chemists
reaction with nitrite occurs and to forestall the have found to be indicative of nitrated BAMBP.
reaction if p o s s i b l e . Indications are that degrada- Extensive degradation occurred on contact with
tion can be avoided. 0.1 M HNO3-O.I M N a N O j . After a few nours
Table 8.1 shows data for t e s t s in which 1 M contact with this solution, the cesium extraction
BAMBP in Amsco 125-82 was contacted for several coefficient was 3 to 5 times higher than for un-
days at room temperature with various solutions treated solvent, but extending the contact time to

T a b l e 8 . 1 . Chemical Stability of BAMBP

Solvent-treatment c o n d i t i o n s : 1 M BAMBP in Amsco 125-82 contacted at 25°C with aqueous solutions of

composition shown. At each sampling time, the aqueous phase was replaced with fresh aqueous p h a s e .
Samples of the treated s o l v e n t were scrubbed with 1 M NaNO solutions (pH 12) and subjected to s t a n d -
ard cesium extraction t e s t s .

Contacting Conditions
Contact Cesium
Aqueous Solution Time Extraction
(days) Coefficient, ° E °
HNO3 (M) NaNO2 (M) NH^SOjH (M)

No treatment 4.2, 4.8, 4.9

0.1 1 4.7
3 4.7
7 5.4

0.1 0.01 3 10.7

5 10.3
7" 11.6

0.1 0.1 0.1 23

0.8 16
4" 0.09

0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 5.1

1 5.6
5 4.3

Simulated Hanford tank-farm supernatant: 8 M Na '*', 3 M 0.1 4.7

NO ~. 3 M N O • , 1 M C O j ^ , pH 10.4 0.8 6.9
4 8.3
7" 12.6

Extraction a t a p h a s e ratio of 1/1 from solution 3 Af in NaNO and containing 0.1 g of cesium per liter (and Cs
tracer) at pH 12.
Spectrophotometry showed a strong absorption p e a k at 371 mfi.
'^No absorption peak at 371 mil.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 4 7
four days almost completely destroyed the extrac-
tion power. This effect was efficiently counter-
acted in another test, however, by adding sulfamic
acid to the 0.1 M HNO^-O.l M HNO^ solution to 0.15 M/ /Q.\ M
destroy the nitrite. With this procedure, extrac-
tion coefficients for solvent samples contacted
for up to nine days were the same as for untreated
solvent, and no indication of BAMBP nitration . J / ^

was found by spectrophotometry. Also, there was

no apparent degradation when the solvent was / 0 . 0 5 M KgSgOg
contacted for seven days with simulated Hanford
tank waste supernatant that was 3 M in nitrite at
a pH of 10.4.
1 \ \/

The above results emphasize that contact of

BAMBP with acid solutions containing nitrite 0 10 20 30
should be avoided. As a precaution against nitrite OXIDATION TIME ( m i n )
attack, it seems advisable to add a small amount
of a nitrite-destroying agent, such as sulfamic Fig. 8 . 1 . Oxidation of Cerium with Silver-Catalyzed

acid, to the strip solution. Persulfate at 60 C . Procedure: s o l i d K - S ~ 0 „ added to

s o l u t i o n 2 M in HNO3 and c o n t a i n i n g , in grams per l i t e r ,
8.0 C e ( l l l ) , 3.8 L a , 2.8 Pr, 2.5 N d , 1.2 Sm, 0.3 E u , and
2 AgNO-. Amount of cerium oxidized determined by
extraction of cerium from sample of o x i d i z e d solution
with 0.3 M D 2 E H P A in A m s c o 125-82 at a phase r a t i o
The most useful rare-earth isotopes are ' ' ' ' ' C e
of 1 / 1 .
and ^''^Pm. Studies of methods for separating
them from the mixed-rare-earths product derived
from the di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid recovery phase 3 M in HNO , 60% of the cerium was oxi-
process were continued. dized in 10 min and 92% in 20 min.

Cerium Oxidation and Extraction Promethium Separation

In studies described previously^ on separating The isolation of promethium from the other rare
cerium from other rare earths by oxidizing it with earths (after cerium removal) was studied with
silver-catalyzed persulfate and extracting with several types of solvent extraction reagents includ-
D2EHPA, good recoveries were obtained only when ing tributyl phosphate (TBP), D2EHPA, 2-ethyl-
the oxidation was performed at elevated tempera- hexylphenylphosphonic acid, and amines. Results
tures and with the solvent phase present. In t h e s e were best in the first two s y s t e m s .
t e s t s , the nitric acid concentration in the aqueous Separations with TBP. - The ability of T B P
feed was 1.3 M. It has now been established that to separate t h e individual rare earths in a con-
the oxidation rate is at a maximum when the aqueous centrated nitric acid system is well known'' and
phase is about 2 M in HNO^. At this acidity, is the basis of a process^'® developed for isolat-
nearly complete oxidation can be obtained with ing promethium from other fission product rare
the solvent p h a s e absent, and this procedure is earths. Since this process was developed for
preferred to avoid extended contact of the solvent
with the hot oxidizing solution. In tests with a
' ' D . F . Peppard et aU, ]. Phys. Chem. 57, 2 9 4 - 3 0 1
mixed-rare-earth feed 0.055 M in cerium and 2 M (1953).
in HNO J, more than 98% of the cerium was oxidized
Boyd Weaver and F . A. Kappelmann, Purification of
(and subsequently extracted with D2EHPA) in 20 Promethium by Liquid-Liquid-Extraction, ORNL-2863
to 30 min at 60°C, using 1.8 moles of persulfate (Jan. 29, 1960).
(0.1 M S^Og^-) per mole of cerium (Fig. 8.1). T. A. Butler, Radioisotopes Phys, Sci. Ind., Proc.
Conf. Use, Copenhagen, 1960, vol. II, p. 413, IAEA,
Under the same conditions but with the aqueous 1962.

small-scale promethium recovery, and s i n c e flow- rare earths for extractions with D2EHPA in toluene.
sheet conditions were chosen to permit operation However, extractions of rare earths with D2EHPA
in 20-stage mixer-settler equipment then available, in this diluent are very weak, and results of con-
the specified flowsheet is not necessarily optimum tinuous-extraction t e s t s * in which D2EHPA in an
for large-scale promethium recovery. Preliminary aliphatic diluent (Amsco 125-82) was used for
t e s t s indicate that, with a modest increase in the separating promethium from neodymium were not
number of s t a g e s , the flows of T B P and scrub encouraging owing to the low separation factor
acid per unit of promethium can be greatly reduced (i.e., 1.6) obtained. Recently, this system was
to make the process more attractive for large-scale reexamined, and it now appears that a practicable
use. process using D2EHPA can now be outlined. In
In batch t e s t s with a simulated mixed-rare-earths this p r o c e s s , separation factors between adjacent
feed traced with ''^'Nd and '''^Pm, the Pm/Nd rare earths of about 2.5 are realized by maintaining
separation factor increased from 1.7 to 2.1 with a relatively low acidity (0.2 to 0.4 W) in the ex-
increase in aqueous nitric acid concentration from traction and scrubbing s y s t e m s . The Amsco 125-
10 to 14 M (Fig. 8.2). Other t e s t s showed no 82 diluent is modified with an aromatic diluent
significant change in the Pm/Nd separation factor such a s diisopropylbenzene to depress the rare-
as the T B P concentration was changed from 100 earth extraction coefficients. This improves
to 60 vol % by dilution with Amsco 125-82, Also, process control by allowing use of more concen-
both the promethium extraction coefficient and the trated D2EHPA solutions than is otherwise pos-
Pm/Nd separation factor were fairly insensitive sible (without obtaining e x c e s s i v e l y high extrac-
to changes in loading of 100% T B P in the range of tion coefficients at t h e s e low acidities), thereby
5 to 25 g of rare earths per liter. minimizing loading effects. The process appears
Separations with D2EHPA. — P e p p a r d ' reported to have appreciable advantage over the TBP—
a separation factor of about 2.5 between adjacent nitric acid process s i n c e separation factors are
higher and the required aqueous-phase acidity is
much lower (0.3 M vs 12 A/ HNO^). Demonstration
' D . F . Peppard et a/., / . Inorg. Nucl. Chem. A, 344— runs in mixer-settler equipment are planned to
48 (1957); ibid. 5, 1 4 1 - 4 6 (1957), ibid. 7, 2 7 6 - 8 5 (1958).
verify the feasibility of the p r o c e s s .

ORNL-DWG 65-9748 Separations with 2-Ethylhexylphenylphosphonic

Acid. — In extractions from 0.75 M HNO with 2-
ethylhexylphenylphosphonic acid in diisopropyl-
benzene, separation factors between adjacent
^ P m / N d { SEPARATION FACTOR) —3 rare earths were about 2.5. Rare-earth extraction
coefficients with this reagent are considerably
< higher than those obtained with D2EHPA under

comparable conditions. However, precipitation
of rare earths occurred in some t e s t s , indicating
a relatively low solubility of the rare-earths —
/' extractant complex in the diluent, which may limit
potential process usefulness of this extractant.
\ Separations with Amines. — In extractions of
^^^< .^^Pm rare earths with a primary amine (Primene JM)
4 from acid sulfate solutions and from acid sulfate
solutions containing chelating agents, the separa-
tion factors were too low to be of process interest.
9 10 11 12 13 14

Fig. 8.2. Extractions of Rare Earths with 100% TBP.

1 4R
Aqueous p h a s e : nitric acid solutions containing Pm B. L. P e r e z and R. E. McHenry, Solvent Extraction
Separation of Neodymium and Promethium Using Di(2-
and Nd t r a c e r s and, in grams per l i t e r , 13 N d , 3.6
ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid as Extractant, ORNL-TM-
Sm, and 0.25 E u . Contact: 2 min at 1/1 phase r a t i o . 184 (1962).

8.3 RUTHENIUM or preferably sodium diethylenetriaminepentaacetate

(Na DTPA). In a batch countercurrent test with
A number of potential ruthenium extractants were adjusted simulated Darex w a s t e , better than 99%
tested with simulated Purex feeds, but none per- of the strontium, cerium, and europium were ex-
formed a s well as the tertiary amines. Extraction tracted with 0.3 M D 2 E H P A - 0 . 1 5 M T B P - A m s c o
of ruthenium with a tertiary amine and stripping 125-82 in five extraction and two scrub s t a g e s .
with c a u s t i c apparently represents a practicable The f e e d / s o l v e n t / s c r u b (0.2 M HNO ) ratios were
flowsheet, although expected recoveries are low, 5 / 5 / 1 . The simulated waste solution (1.25 M in
possibly not exceeding 25%. In preliminary t e s t s Fe(III), 0.38 M in Ni, 0.18 M in Cr, 0.75 M in HNO3,
of methods for separating ruthenium from techne- 0.0035 M in Sr, and about 0.01 M in 2 RE) was
tium (which tends to follow ruthenium in this flow- adjusted before extraction by adding 2 moles of
sheet), ruthenium was quantitatively precipitated tartrate and 0.5 mole of Na DTPA per mole of
as mixed oxides by adding a small amount of iron, chromium, and nickel and raising the pH to
ethanol to a simulated strip solution and boiling. 4.0 while diluting by a factor of 5. Cesium was
Nearly all the technetium remained in solution. extracted effectively from the raffinate from the
Hot-cell t e s t s with an actual waste solution are strontium—rare-earths recovery step with 1 M
planned to determine if ruthenium will behave as BAMBP in Amsco 125-82. In batch t e s t s , cesium
in tests with the simulated w a s t e s . extraction coefficients were 1.8, 8.6, and 15,
respectively, at pH's of 1 1 . 1 , 12.1, and 12.4.

8.4 TREATMENT OF WASTE THAT CONTAINS Waste That Contains Large Amounts of
With simulated waste that contains large amounts
The present fission product recovery p r o c e s s e s of aluminum (TBP-25 waste, 1.7 M in Al^"^), pH
were developed for treating w a s t e s similar to the adjustment of the uncomplexed waste solution with
Purex w a s t e s produced at the Hanford facility. caustic caused precipitation of aluminum above
Studies were recently begun to determine if the pH 0.0, although the solution was adjusted to pH 3
present p r o c e s s e s can be adapted to other reactor with NH OH without precipitation. Adding 2
fuel processing w a s t e s or if other p r o c e s s e s will moles of sodium tartrate per mole of aluminum and
be required. adjusting the pH with caustic gave stable solu-
tions up to pH 10. Other complexants tried, in-
cluding EDTA and fluoride, were not so effective.
Waste That Contains Dissolved Stainless Steel
In batch extractions (2-min contact) of tartrate-
complexed feed with 0.3 M D 2 E H P A - 0 . 1 5 M T B P -
Preliminary t e s t s showed that strontium and rare
Amsco 125-82, strontium extraction coefficients
earths can be recovered from " s t a i n l e s s s t e e l "
reached a maximum value of 2 at pH 4. Cerium
reactor-fuel reprocessing (Darex) w a s t e s by the
coefficients, which ranged from 20 to 48 in the pH
di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) extrac-
range of 2 . 3 to 3.9, were at maximum at about pH 3 .
tion process provided that some changes are made
in the feed-adjustment procedures. Adding two
moles of tartrate per mole of iron, chromium, and
nickel and diluting by a factor of 4 or 5 gave feeds 8.5 ENGINEERING STUDIES
stable up to a pH of about 12. Although smaller
amounts of citrate gave more stable feeds than The flow capacity and efficiency of a single-
tartrate at lower p H ' s , heavy precipitation occurred stage mixer-settler (mixer 6 in. in diameter and 6
on adjustment to pH 12. Strontium extraction from in. high; settler 6 in. in diameter and 26 in. high)
these feeds in the pH range of 2 to 5 was ineffec- were determined using a substituted phenol
tive because of e x c e s s i v e extraction of chromium (BAMBP) for recovering cesium from simulated
and nickel. However, interference from t h e s e ele- Purex IWW. This equipment is a satisfactory
ments was overcome by adding complexing agents prototype for obtaining the data necessary for
such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) design and scaleup of mixer-settlers. The flow

capacity is limited by flooding, with the dispersion ing, and 420 for organic continuous. Entrainment
going out with either the aqueous or organic stream was l e s s than 0.5 vol % in both streams. Since
from the s e t t l e r . The depth of the dispersion band recycle of the minor phase is not n e c e s s a r y to
increased exponentially with increased flow but obtain low entrainment, the flowsheet can be run
was nearly independent of the speed of the agitator at the normal flow ratios s e t by the equilibria to
in the mixer. For extraction at the normal flow obtain the maximum flow capacity of the s e t t l e r s .
ratio ( A / 0 ) of 5:1 and with aqueous-phase-con- Stage efficiencies greater than 90% were easily
tinuous mixing, the flow capacity (total flow) was attained for both extraction and stripping. The
290 gal/hr per square foot of settler area. With efficiency data for a range of throughput and
recycle of solvent to obtain a 1:1 ratio in the mixing-power input in Table 8.2 show that, for
mixer, the capacity with organic-phase-continuous extraction, 100% s t a g e efficiency was obtained
mixing was 130 gal hr~^ ft~^. Entrainment in with 2.3 min residence time in the mixer at a power
both streams was low (less than 0.5 vol %) with input of 2.2 hp per 1000 gal. L e s s than 1 min of
either mode of operation. For stripping at the residence time was required at 9 hp per 1000 gal.
normal flow ratio of V and with organic-phase- The s t a g e efficiency for stripping was slightly
continuous mixing, the flow capacity was 730 gal l e s s than for extraction at the same mixing condi-
hr" ft- Recycle of the aqueous phase to ob- tions. The efficiency increased from 82 to 92%
tain a 1:1 ratio gave a lower flow capacity: 320 when the residence time was increased from 0.77
gal hr~* ft~^ for aqueous-phase-continuous mix- to 1.5 m.in at a power input of 6.6 hp per 1000 gal.

T a b l e 8.2. Stage Efficiency of Mixer-Settlers for Recovery of Cesium by 1 M B A M B P in Amsco 125-82

3+ 3+
Aqueous feed: Adjusted simulated Purex lWW,-pH 13; contained (moles/liter) 0.17 Fe , 0.033 Al ,
0.003 Cr^"^, 0.003 Ni^"*', 3.0 Na, 1.5 N O ^ " , 0.33 SO^^~, and 0.33 tartrate

Strip solution: 0.2 M HNO

R e s i d e n c e Time
Flow Ratio, m Mixer Power Input Efficiency
A/O (min) (hp per 1000 gal) (%)

Extraction, Aqueous P h a s e Continuous

5/1 2.3 2.2 100

5/1 0.92 2.2 85
5/1 0.92 9.0 100
1/1 2.0 1.8 99
1/1 0.55 1.8 98

Stripping, Organic P h a s e Continuous

1/5 1.5 6.6 92

1/5 0.77 6.6 82

9. Chemistry of Protactinium

The purpose of this program i s to study the Variation of the phase-volume ratio from 0,5 to
chemistry of protactinium, with emphasis on 5 (organic p h a s e / a q u e o u s phase) (T points.
systems potentially applicable to separations Fig. 9.1) showed that the fraction of the protactin-
p r o c e s s e s . Protactinium h a s an extreme tendency ium that extracted was nearly independent of the
to hydrolyze, and present knowledge does not phase ratio. As the protactinium concentration
permit handling it reliably above trace concentra- in the aqueous phase was decreased by dilution
tions in most chemical systems. Studies of the at constant acidity, the concentration of the prot-
behavior of protactinium in sulfuric acid solu- actinium extracted into the organic phase re-
tions were continued, utilizing primarily the mained relatively constant, and the concentration
solvent extraction method. Studies in hydro- in the aqueous phase dropped sharply (A points,
chloric acid solutions are being initiated. Ex- Fig. 9.1). T h e s e observations indicate that part
ploratory spectrophotometric measurements in of the protactinium in 2.5 M H SO is in a
both sulfuric and hydrochloric acids were relatively inextractable form which is in slow
initiated, and absorption peaks not previously re- equilibrium with s p e c i e s that are extractable.
ported were observed for certain protactinium The rate of extraction was investigated more
solutions in 18 M H^SO^. carefully by mixing 2 ml of both the stock protac-
The purification and recovery of the ^ ^ ' P a tinium solution and the organic phase for speci-
borrowed from England for u s e in preparing fied times and then withdrawing samples of each
^^^U were completed, and all this material has phase (Fig. 9.2). After 1 min of mixing (and 1
been returned to England. min for centrifuging and sampling), the concen-
tration of protactinium in the organic phase was
only 0.08 mg/ml. After a second minute of
9,1 EXTRACTION FROM SULFURIC mixing (total elapsed time, 7 min), the concen-
ACID SOLUTIONS tration increased to 0.12 mg/ml. The amount
Studies of the extraction of protactinium from extracted continued to i n c r e a s e with time to
sulfuric acid solutions have continued, with 0.34 mg/ml after 3 hr, 0.8 mg/ml after 5 days,
emphasis on the i n c r e a s e in extraction with in- and finally to 1.1 mg/ml (vs 2.9 mg/ml in the
creasing protactinium concentration. Much more aqueous phase) after 3 to 6 weeks (V point,
data have now been obtained for i t s distribution Fig. 9.1). T h e s e r e s u l t s s u g g e s t that the con-
between 2.5 M H SO and 0.03 M trilaurylamine centration of protactinium in the readily ex-
in diethylbenzene, especially at relatively h i ^ tractable form in the stock solution is something
concentrations (Fig. 9.1); all points in the graph l e s s than 0.08 mg/ml, probably around 0.02 to
represent equilibrium measurements. Most meas- 0.04 mg/ml; and that the inextractable s p e c i e s
urements were made with a carefully purified are slowly converted to extractable ones. The
stock solution containing 3.6 mg of protactinium increase in extraction with time (Fig. 9.2) i s a
per ml (0,016 M) in 2.50 M H^SO^. This solution measure of the rate at which extractable s p e c i e s
was s t a b l e for at least four months. Equilibra- are formed.
tions were carried out in g l a s s . After a number of extraction experiments, the
Initial measurements showed that extraction organic and aqueous p h a s e s were separated and
from the stock solution increased very slowly for contacted with a new volume of the opposite
periods of at least several weeks. phase. R e s u l t s showed that each of the two




1 / A •

10 — 10 / = a s
^A am
< .of." • •
^ -1 — 10
Q- 10

10 /
" 1 0



10 /

10 10-^
10 10 10 10
dis mm m f

10 10 10 ' 10 10 10

Fig. 9,1. Effect of Protactinium Concentration on D i s t r i b u t i o n ,

phases contained a protactinium s p e c i e s that b e - as much as 100 times l e s s in the strip solution
haved in an entirely different manner from that in than in the original extraction. Equilibrium was
the other p h a s e . The second extraction (x points. generally reached in a few hours at most. Dilu-
F i g . 9.1) w a s generally very similar to the first, tion of the organic phase (constant amine concen-
with extraction increasing slowly for some days. tration) resulted in re extraction of part of the
Successive extraction experiments indicate that stripped protactinium. Most of the measurements
the amount of protactinium extracted from the gave an extraction coefficient ( E ° ) of about
aqueous phase i s primarily dependent on the 30 (Fig. 9.1), at least for aqueous-phase protac-
time of equilibration, and i s little affected by tinium concentrations from about 0.007 to 0.03
dilution of the organic phase or by substitution of mg/ml. At higher and lower concentrations,
a new organic phase, so long a s the protactinium where other, l e s s extractable s p e c i e s are pres-
concentration i s greater than a few hundredths of ent in the aqueous phase, lower extraction
an mg per ml in the aqueous phase. coefficients were observed. T h i s value of 30
Stripping experiments gave protactinium d i s - probably represents the extraction coefficient of
tribution r e s u l t s quite different from those of the protactinium s p e c i e s we have been calling
extraction experiments (• points, F i g . 9.1); the " e x t r a c t a b l e s p e c i e s , " and it is the dominant
equilibrium aqueous-phase concentrations were s p e c i e s in the organic phase in equilibrium with

ORNL-DWG 64-I1364A

10 10

F i g , 9,2, Rate of Extraction of Protactinium.

aqueous solutions that contain more than 0.01 9,2 ABSORPTION SPECTRA IN SULFURIC
mg/ml of protactinium. Both this observation ACID SOLUTIONS
and the kinetic data indicate that the concentra-
tion of this extractable s p e c i e s in 2.5 M H SO The preceding interpretation of extraction data,
reaches a maximum value at about 0.03 mg/ml. based on postulating polymeric s p e c i e s of protac-
If more protactinium i s present, it exists in tinium existing in sulfuric acid solutions, is
relatively inextractable forms in quite slow supported by the published spectrophotometric
equilibrium with the extractable s p e c i e s . data, which show that B e e r ' s law is not obeyed
T h e s e data, together with those reported last in the concentration range 10~ ^ to 10~^ mg/ml
year (all summarized in F i g . 9.1), support the in 2.2 M H SO solution.^ However, the range
following interpretation: In 2.5 M H SO con- of parameters covered was rather limited. The
taining protactinium at concentrations less than reported spectra show a major absorption peak
0.004 mg/ml, extraction coefficients are very in the range 212 to 220 mjn, depending on con-
nearly constant; therefore, the complexity of the centrations, but the measurements extended to
protactinium s p e c i e s is the same in both p h a s e s . only slightly below 210 mfi. A more compre-
At slightly higher protactinium concentrations, hensive study of the spectra of protactinium was
the extraction coefficient i n c r e a s e s sharply, initiated, utilizing a Gary model 14 spectrophotom-
indicating that extracted s p e c i e s are polymeric, eter modified for safe handling of alpha-active
relative to the average protactinium s p e c i e s in materials. This instrument permits measurements
the aqueous phase. At still higher protactinium to shorter wavelengths, possibly to 185 m/x.
concentrations, there is scatter in the data, but Only preliminary r e s u l t s are available, but they
extraction coefficients d e c r e a s e a s the protac- indicate that the method of sample preparation
tinium concentration i n c r e a s e s , indicating in- h a s a marked influence on the spectrum of the
creasing polymerization in the aqueous phase. solution.
Kinetic measurements support the proposal of The stock solution from the solvent extrac-
extensive polymerization of protactinium at high tion t e s t s described above (3.6 mg/ml of prot-
concentrations in the aqueous phase and indicate
actinium in 2.50 M H SO ) gave a single, rather
that these larger polymers are in slow equilibrium
with the smaller polymeric material which is
relatively more extractable. ' R . Guillaumont et al., Compt. Rend. 248, 3298

broad peak at 203 m/x, with a molar extinction We hope to learn why t h e s e two solutions give
coefficient of about 10"*. T h e spectrum of a different spectra and why both give s t i l l a third
solution resulting from adding 150 /xl of this spectrum after heating. Subsequently, the effect
solution to 5 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid of both sulfuric acid and protactinium concen-
showed a peak at 225 m/x, with a molar extinction trations will be studied.
coefficient of 2 x lO''. Almost the same spectrum
was obtained when protactinium from the stock
solution was precipitated with ammonium hydrox- 9.3 RECOVERY OF PROTACTINIUM
ide and the hydroxide was dissolved in concen-
trated sulfuric acid, and also when the hydroxide The recovery of the ^^*Pa borrowed from
was ignited to 600°C before dissolving it in con- England for u s e in preparing ^^^U was completed.
centrated sulfuric acid. The recovery from p r o c e s s solutions was com-
An entirely different spectrum was obtained pleted and reported last year, but the amount of
from a concentrated sulfuric acid solution of some protactinium in the final products was somewhat
protactinium oxide of somewhat uncertain history l e s s than expected. A review of the records
(it had been carried through the usual anion ex- indicated that the most likely place where a
change purification procedure, but it contained significant amount of protactinium could have
s u b s t a n t i a l amounts of impurities, probably de- been lost was in the equipment used for the orig-
rived from g l a s s ) . This material gave a well- inal 2^^u recovery program about three years ago.
defined peak at 250 mji, a valley at 210 mfx, and The reason for this i s that the ^^^U activity was
increasing absorption down to 190 m/x, indicating s o high that it completely masked the protactinium
a second peak at shorter wavelengths. The molar activity. The equipment u s e d for the ^^^U pro-
extinction coefficient for the 250-m/x peak was gram was exhumed from the burial ground, and the
about 2 X 10^. Precipitating the protactinium polyethylene dissolver v e s s e l and two polyethyl-
from t h i s solution (as the hydroxide) and re- ene resin columns were recovered. No other
dissolving it in concentrated sulfuric acid caused component gave a significant radiation reading.
only small c h a n g e s in the spectrum. Upon dilu- T h e resin columns gave gamma readings of 1 to
tion with water the 250-m/M peak diminished 2 r/hr, indicating that they contained little
rapidly and disappeared at an acid concentration
protactinium. However, the resin was removed
of about 12 M. Subsequently, peaks grew in at
and leached with HCl-HF solution, but almost no
275 and 232 m/x.
protactinium was found. T h e dissolver v e s s e l
T h e spectra of both solutions, however, were gave radiation readings over 100 r/hr, much
changed substantially by heating to the fuming higher than expected. Some of the radioactive
temperature of sulfuric acid. A much sharper material appeared to be loose inside the v e s s e l .
peak at c l o s e to 200 m/x appeared, and the peaks The dissolver w a s cut in two in a hot cell and
at 225 or 250 m^ decreased greatly. Drastic leached three times with 9 N H C l - 4 N HF solu-
heating was required to bring about this change — tion. A total of 1.65 g of ^ ^ ' P a was recovered,
heating in a boiling water bath for 1.5 hr had no nearly all in the first leach and l e s s than 1% in
effect. The sharpest peaks were observed after the l a s t . There was also some ^^^U and attend-
fuming the sulfuric acid to dryness and redissolv- ant ^^^U daughter activity, resulting in very
ing the r e s i d u e . However, there i s some question high gamma activity.
about t h e s e spectra, especially with regard to T h e s e solutions were processed through the
any quantitative interpretation, because any u s u a l anion exchange purification procedure,
small amounts of organic material are decom- u s i n g HCl-HF solutions for ^^^U removal.
posed by fuming sulfuric acid, resulting in a Finally, the protactinium was extracted with
somewhat brownish solution in some c a s e s . either di-isobutylcarbinol or Alamine 336 and
Such solutions do absorb light in the ultraviolet stripped with HCl-HF solution. The protactinium
region of the spectrum; but in numerous t e s t s of was precipitated with ammonium hydroxide,
blanks, no sharp peaks have been observed filtered, and fired at 500°C for 3 hr. The product
except at 320 m/x, and, in particular, no peak weighed 2.85 g, and alpha a n a l y s i s showed that
similar to that at 200 m/x for the protactinium 1.65 g was ^ ^ ' P a . There were no other signifi-
solutions h a s been observed. cant alpha a c t i v i t i e s . Impurities accounted for

about 1 g of this material, and emission spectra got into the product, and, in particular, how so
showed the major impurities to be Al, Ca, Na, much calcium, the major impurity, followed
and Si, with smaller amounts of B, Ba, F e , Mg, protactinium through the purification cycle. This
T i , and no detectable niobium. It is not under- product h a s been shipped to England, completing
stood how such large amounts of these materials the recovery operation.
10. Irradiation Effects on Heterogeneous Systems

10.1 RADIOLYSISOF WATER ADSORBED of hydrogen evolution was not constant but varied
ON SILICA GEL with the total irradiation time (Fig. 10.1) for three
different types of adsorbents. From the maximum
The study of irradiation effects on heterogeneous rate of hydrogen evolution, G(H-) values were
s y s t e m s has been focused on the radiolysis of computed, based on the energy absorbed by the
water adsorbed on silica gel. In some c a s e s the entire sample and based on the energy absorbed
radiolysis of a material in the adsorbed s t a t e by the water alone. The fraction of the energy
proceeds with an apparent G value much higher absorbed in the water is assumed to be proportional
than that for the pure material. This has been to the weight percent of water present, s i n c e the
interpreted a s an energy transfer from the adsorbent electron d e n s i t i e s of silica gel and water differ
to the adsorbed p h a s e . Several years ago we ob- by l e s s than 10%. During an experiment the water
served in our laboratory that the silica gel—water content remained constant to within a fraction of
system showed such an effect. Accordingly, this 1%.
system, whose surface characteristics have been
studied by many investigators and are fairly well Results
known, was s e l e c t e d for further investigation to
find out if energy transfer really occurred, and if Measurements have been made on three s i l i c a
s o , to attempt to determine the mechanism. Such gels and on porous g l a s s . The properties of t h e s e
an energy transfer, a s well a s being of fundamental materials are given in Table 1 0 . 1 . Maximum hy-
interest, could have application to chemonuclear drogen production rates were determined for each
p r o c e s s e s and to radiation processing in the pres- adsorbent at various water c o n t e n t s , and G(H )
ence of c a t a l y s t s . values were computed, based on the maximum
r a t e s . The results in terms of surface coverage
are shown in F i g s . 10.2 and 10.3. More data for
Experimental the porous g l a s s are desirable, but the entire
batch of material was used in making the meas-
The radiation source contains 80 curies of ' " S r - urements reported, (A fresh sample of adsorbent
' ° Y and delivers 700,000 r a d s / h r to the silica-gel is used for each point to avoid problems con-
sample. ^ The sample is held in a disk-shaped nected with cumulative irradiation time,) A second
s t a i n l e s s s t e e l container with a 2.5-mil-thick batch prepared by the same recipe gave only half
window which can be brought into opposition with the hydrogen yield,
the source-capsule window. A layer of silica-gel A coverage of 0.12 mg of H O per m^ of gel
granules about 1.3 mm thick (approximately 0.5 g) represents a surface that is completely covered
i s used. with silanol groups (Si-OH), Additional water is
The rate of water radiolysis was determined by only physically adsorbed and e a s i l y removed.
periodic measurement of the amount of hydrogen Producing a monolayer of physically adsorbed
accumulated in the chamber. Hydrogen appears to water would require between 0,12 and 0,24 mg of
be the only detectable gaseous product. The rate H O per m^ of surface, depending on how many
water molecules bridge two adsorption s i t e s . For
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, 1964, t h e s e calculations, it is assumed that there are
ORNL-3627, pp. 2 2 0 - 2 3 . eight hydroxyl groups per 100 A^ of surface.

233 --

ORNL-DWG 65-2985A
1 i '1


(S) LAB PREP S1O2 4 7

6 7^ ^ /T\

/ x ^
4 N ^
\ •>.V ^^^^^1 ~J

(sr ^ \
• ^ ^

6 8 10 12 30 32

F i g , 1 0 , 1 , Effect of Irradiation Time on the Hydrogen Y i e l d from the Radiolysis of Adsorbed Water,

Table 1 0 , 1 , Properties of Adsorbents any energy transfer p r o c e s s . (The total hydrogen

production rate drops off, also showing that the
Specific Average Mean deactivation is not merely a dilution of the energy
Surface Pore Pore transfer effect with additional water.)
Adsorbent Area Radius Radius Figure 10.3 shows the results calculated a c -
(mVg) (A) (A) cording to the amount of energy absorbed in the
total sample. It is interesting that the sharpness
F i s h e r silica gel. 682 10.1 6.9 of the maximum d e c r e a s e s with increasing specific
untreated surface area. (Perhaps the curve for the Fisher
s i l i c a gel should be drawn with a rounded top
Laboratory-prepared 227 50.7 50.1
instead of a point — this may be better for the
silica gel
curves in Fig. 10.1 also.) The interesting impli-
Porous g l a s s 155 23.8 23.1 cation of these curves is that in the presence of a
F i s h e r silica gel. 65 24.5 23.5 solid that has a large specific surface area, the
NH^OH washed (3(H) value is greater than that measured for pure
and fired water, even when it is calculated according to the
amount of energy adsorbed by the entire s i l i c a -
gel—water sample. The G(H ) value for water is
about 0.45. The (3(H) value for the hydrogen-
radical yield is 2.9, and the G value for the de-
Water is not adsorbed monolayer by monolayer in a struction of water^ {G{-1\^0)\ is 3.6. Thus, a
nice orderly fashion, but the calculations give G(H ) of 1.8 would imply complete utilization of
values that can be used a s rough guides. all of the energy absorbed by both the s i l i c a gel
Figure 10.2 shows that at low coverages the and water to produce one half of a hydrogen mole-
G()\^ values calculated, based on energy ab- cule for every water molecule destroyed. Our
sorbed in the water alone, rise sharply with water maximum observed (3(H) of 1.72 is very close to
content. As additional layers of water are added, this value.
the G(H ) values d e c r e a s e . The decrease is very
s t e e p for material of high specific surface area,
possibly because of the very small pore s i z e . It ^A. O. Allen, The Radiation Chemistry of Water and
Aqueous Solutions, pp. 44—48, Van Nostrand, Princeton,
is apparent that the additional water " d e a c t i v a t e s " New J e r s e y , 1961.

ORNL-DWG 65-2984A

Fig, 10.2. G(H2) Values for the Radiolysis of Adsorbed Water - Calculated from the Energy Absorbed by the
Water O n l y .

ORNL-DWG 65-2983A

o FISHER Si02 682
• LAB PREP SiOj 227



Fig, 10,3, G ( H . ) Values for the Radiolysis of Adsorbed Water - Calculated from the Energy Absorbed by the
Entire System,
11. High-Temperature Chemistry

The purpose of this program i s to develop and design and development were completed this year.
exploit various spectrophotometric techniques for The prototype absorption c e l l , fabricated by APC,
studying the properties of aqueous solutions, and other equipment were delivered to ORNL by
primarily those of uranium and the higher transura- the subcontractor. The program for the construc-
nium, rare-earth, and transition-group e l e m e n t s . tion of the spectrophotometer system was started
A spectrophotometer, associated c e l l s , and other in September 1964.
systems have been specially designed for ORNL The spectrophotometer system is being con-
by the Applied P h y s i c s Corporation to aid in these structed by the Applied P h y s i c s Corporation, the
studies. The system is being constructed by Engineering and Maintenance Division at Oak Ridge
Applied P h y s i c s and ORNL; installation is sched- Gaseous Diffusion Plant (ORGDP), and the Special
uled for July—August 1965. The design is such Projects Shop at the Y-12 Plant and is scheduled
that solutions containing high levels of alpha- for completion by July 1965. The main s p e c -
active elements of interest in heavy-element trophotometer is scheduled for delivery in August.
chemistry can be ultimately studied. The system It is anticipated that installation of the locally
will permit the study of the solution chemistry constructed subsystems can begin by July 1 so that
behavior and equilibria, reaction kinetics, and most all such work can be completed prior to
spectral properties of elements and complex s p e c i e s arrival and installation of the main spectrophotom-
in solution up to the vicinity of the critical point eter.
of water, 372°C. Subsequent divisions of this The test facility for experimentation with the
section present various areas of work relevant to absorption cell was operated during part of this
this protram, their current s t a t u s , and the overall past year. It can be used for the hydrostatic and
relationship of the various parts to the project gas-pressure testing of the c e l l s or other equip-
as a whole. ment to at least 10,000 psi with the absorption
cell at the maximum temperatures anticipated and
up to the critical point of water. Adequate moni-
11.1 FABRICATION STATUS toring, recording, linear temperature programming,
OF THE HIGH-TEMPERATURE, and other control equipment for the efficient oper-
HIGH-PRESSURE SPECTROPHOTOMETER ation of the t e s t facility are a v a i l a b l e . T e s t i n g
SYSTEM of the prototype cell was completed during the
first part of this fiscal year. A number of changes
The program for the absorption spectrophotometric were made to the APC design of the prototype
study of aqueous solutions at high temperatures cell. Each change or improvement made in the
and high pressures has been d i s c u s s e d previous- design is either the result of experimental work or
ly.^""^ A high-temperature, high-pressure s p e c -
trophotometer, associated high-temperature, high- ^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
pressure absorption c e l l s and other equipment, and 1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 2 2 4 - 3 0 .
related subsystems have been especially designed ^Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. June 30,
1962, ORNL-3314, pp. 1 8 7 - 9 0 .
for ORNL under subcontract by the Applied P h y s i c s
*Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
Corporation (APC), of Monrovia, California. The 1963, ORNL-3452, pp. 2 1 1 - 1 5 .
^Anal. Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Nov. 15, 1963,
J o i n t program with the Analytical Chemistry Division. ORNL-3537, pp. 3 9 - 4 5 .


detailed theoretical calculations and s t r e s s analy- ion are given in a later section (Fig. 11.4). The
s i s . Interrelated effects have a l s o been considered. error plot for this spectrum is shown in F i g . 11.2.
A schematic layout of the absorption cell and The a s t e r i s k s represent the experimental data
the related pump loop and heating system for the points, which were obtained at 5-A intervals from
spectrophotometer system and a photograph of the 3325 to 5000 A. In F i g . 11.1, only every third
prototype cell and component parts have been data point is plotted, for clarity. Figure 11.1 is a
presented previously. A schematic layout of the CALCOMP plot and is part of the direct computer
principal components and s p e c i a l features of the output of program MRp'C0S (Sect. 11.4.1).
spectrophotometer system has a l s o been presented The complicated spectrum of the uranyl ion
previously. between 3300 and 5000 a r i s e s from several vibra-
tionally perturbed electronic transitions; 14 distinct
absorption bands are observed in this wavelength
11.2 SPECTRAL STUDIES OF IONIC SYSTEMS interval. Each band overlaps the adjacent bands
and results in the rather ill-defined summed s p e c -
Uranyl Ion in Perchiorate Media trum observed (see Sect. 11.4.3). This overlapping,
coupled with the fact that the individual transitions
Initially we chose to work with pure perchiorate react in different ways to changes in temperature
systems because they are not only of intrinsic or solution parameters, complicates the spectra
interest but a l s o serve a s reference data for spectral and their interpretation even further. With this
studies of the uranyl ion in s y s t e m s containing overlapping, it was formerly impossible to obtain
complexing a g e n t s . Experiments were carried out the parameters (position, intensity, and width) of
for the uranyl ion in perchloric acid and in per- any given single absorption band or transition by
chiorate systems in the acid-excess region (to ordinary computational procedures. However, com-
10 M acid), at the stoichiometric point, and in the puter techniques recently developed for the math-
acid-deficient region up to a hydroxyl number ematical resolution of complex, overlapping s p e c -
(average number of hydroxyls bound per uranyl tra were successfully applied to a study of the
ion) of 1.1 over the temperature range of 25 to fundamental parameters of the absorption spectra
95°C at several ionic strengths and at several of the uranyl ion and related s y s t e m s .
uranyl ion concentrations. Resolution (Sect. Even under conditions where complexation or
11.4.1) of the absorption spectra of uranyl (0.01 hydrolysis effects are nonexistent or very minimal,
M) perchiorate into the individual absorption bands changes are observed, for example, in all three
h a s been completed at 2.9, 0.98, 0.5, 0.3, 0.014, parameters of each band with all experimental
0.009, and 0.002 M e x c e s s H ^ including about conditions invariant except temperature. The
16 temperatures at each acidity. Many experiments spectra obtained for the uranyl ion in different
at higher a c i d i t i e s have a l s o been carried out. complexing systems (e.g., sulfate) represent the
Studies of the results and correlation of the results summed absorption (for each transition) of the
with the experimental parameters are under way possible s p e c i e s : uncomplexed UO^^ , UO^SO^^,
for the various uranyl concentrations, a c i d i t i e s , U02(SO^)22-, U 0 2 ( S O ^ ) 3 ' ' - , and any hydrolyzed
temperatures, ionic strengths, e t c . All the digitized s p e c i e s present, if acid-deficient conditions e x i s t
data (about 700 spectra) have been preprocessed in the particular solution. Changes in the individ-
(smoothed) and prepared (CDC 1604 computer ual band parameters are the result of the effects of
programs; s e e Sect. 11.4.4) for resolution with complex-ion formation on the spectral bands which
program MR0C0S on the IBM-7090 computer. represent the electronic and vibrational parameters
To s e r v e a s a reference and orientation for present of the parent ion. T h e s e c h a n g e s , as will be
and future d i s c u s s i o n s relevant to this subject, shown later, are very dramatic (see Sect. 11.2,3),
an example of some recently obtained absorption- The positions of the bands all shift toward the
spectrum results are presented here for uranyl red, linearly with increasing temperature. P l o t s
ions in perchiorate solution. The results are for of the temperature vs the wavelength of maximum
the uncomplexed and unhydrolyzed s t a t e . We will absorption appear nearly parallel for the various
consider hydrolyzed s p e c i e s as a s p e c i a l c a s e of bands and show temperature coefficients of about
complex ions. The spectrum is shown in F i g . 11.1, 0.12 to 0.25 A / ° C (0.69 to 1.3 c m - V ° C ) . The
and pertinent resolved parameters for the uranyl band intensities are either nearly invariant or show

ORNL DWG 65-3035

0.1900E 02

0.1710E 02 —

0.1520E 02 —

0.1330E 02

O.imOE 02 —

^ 0.9500E 01

0.7600E 01 —

0.5700E 01

C.3800E 01 —

0.1900t 01 —

3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200

F i g . 1 1 . 1 . Spectrum of U O _ ( C I O . ) , . Comparison of the e x p e r i m e n t a l and the n o n l i n e a r l e a s t - s q u a r e s calculated

2+ +
spectrum s h o w i n g the r e s o l v e d b a n d s . Wavelength m o d e . U O - c o n c e n t r a t i o n = 0.00915 M; H c o n c e n t r a t i o n = 0.014
M ( H C I O ^ ) ; temperature, 2 5 . 0 ° C ; /^( = 3.00 ( i o n i c s t r e n g t h ) .

a slight linear increase with increasing temper- few points concerning the interpretation of U O ^
ature. The half-band widths exhibit moderately spectra are in order. Many areas of conflict are
large increases with temperature; they appear to reported in the literature. A theory of the uranyl
be linear but have somewhat varying temperature ion explaining its spectroscopic behavior is only
coefficients. All the bands show an increase in rudimentary. Much of the work is rather empirical,
the integrated absorption (area), to varying degrees, and very little published work e x i s t s on either the
with an increase in temperature. correlation of experimental facts with theory or the
interpretation of the spectra of the uranyl ion and
Theoretical Interpretations its actinyl a n a l o g s . The importance and inherent
of the Spectra of Uranyl Ion Systems difficulty of the extension of such work to the
higher actinide elements beyond uranium are
In view of several fairly recent reports and the obvious. As a result of the lack of properly devel-
new information yielded by our recent r e s u l t s , a oped analytical techniques for obtaining accurate

ORNL DWG 65-3032

INTERVAL 5 fl ^.0«(OBS.-CflLC.) ( ( 3 6 5 (2)

0.2762E-00 —

0 2071E-00

>- 0 1381E-D0

o 0 6904E-01
o 0
5r —f\hiY'^/^ —
o - 0 6904E-01


tn -0 1381E-00

-0 2071E-0G

- 0 2762E-00

'31000 29800 28600 27400 26200 25000 23800 22600 21400 20200 19000

Fig, 11.2. Least-Squares Fitting Error for the Resolution of the U02(CIO.)2 Absorption Spectrum, Wavelength
mode, UOj2 + concentration = 0.00915 M; H concentration = 0.014 M (HCIO^); temperature, 25.0 C; fl = 3.00 (ronic

v a l u e s for parameters of the electronic and vibron- The previously a s s u m e d a r e a s for the underlying
ically perturbed transitions which must be con- bands do not conform to the band definition ob-
s i d e r e d , much of the work to d a t e h a s been carried served in the experimental spectrum and could not
out with inferred or empirically chosen v a l u e s .
The utilization of properly resolved and analyzed °S. P . McGlynn and J . K. Smith, " T h e Electronic
Structure, Spectra, and Magnetic Properties of Actinyl
s p e c t r a will make a significant contribution in Ions, P a r t i . T h e Uranyl I o n , " presented at the Symposium
this regard and yield considerably greater accuracy. on Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy, American Chem-
ical Society Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, Apr. 16, 1960,
We t e s t e d a theoretical model previously proposed / . Mol. Spectry. 6, 1 6 4 - 8 7 (1961), s e e a l s o : " P a r t II.
Neptunyl and the Ground States of Other A c t i n y l s , " / .
from the theoretical works of McGlynn and Smith ^ Mol. Spectry. 6, 1 8 8 - 9 8 (1961), S. P . McGlynn and
[using a UO (NO ) (aqr) spectrum] for assignment W. C. Neely, " E l e c t r o n i c Structure, Spectra, and
Magnetic Properties of Oxycations. III. Ligation
of the 3320- to 5000-A spectrum to a first-excited- Effects on the Infrared Spectrum of the Uranyl I o n , "
s t a t e triplet perturbed by two higher energy s t a t e s . / . Chem. Phys. 35(1), 1 0 5 - 1 6 (1961).

sum up to the spectrum. We tested the previously s t a t e ; other fluorescence transitions form higher
proposed division of the visible absorption bands levels decaying radiationlessly. T h i s , in part,
into a triplet state and found that the ratios of the confirms the proposal of a triplet s t a t e for the
lifetimes of the absorption transitions did not uranyl ion. More detailed experimental work in
correspond to the calculated ratios for the per- the low-uv spectral region and with complexed
turbation of the triplet regions 1 and 3 by singlet systems is needed to aid in a further refinement of
region 4. Significantly, by the use of very accurate the model. This work is in progress.
data, with the perchiorate system, we found an
additional band, 13, in the near-ultraviolet region
of the visible, which has been found to be part of The Effects of Nitrate Complexation
the same transition as represented by the bands in and Hydrolysis on the Spectra of the Uranyl Ion
the 3325- to 5000-A region. A close examination
of the profile and structure of the experimental and We studied the effect of nitrate complexation on
the resolved spectrum led us to propose a different the spectrum of U O ^ over the range 0 to 3.5 M
assignment of bands into the various levels of a (with NaNOj) at 25°C and at 0.05 M U O ^ ^ ^ The
proposed triplet, consisting of bands 1—3, 4—8, ionic strength fi was held at 3.00 with NaClO^ up
and 9—13, as triplet regions 1, 2, and 3. We to 2.5 M N 0 ^ ~ , and at 4.00 at higher nitrate
attempted to resolve by computer techniques the concentrations. The acidity was held at 0.100 M
uranyl absorption spectrum according to the pre- e x c e s s HCIO to prevent hydrolytic perturbations
viously proposed model, ^ but this model was of the spectral bands (see below). A s e r i e s of
converted by the nonlinear least-squares computer spectral studies were a l s o made at 0.01 M U O ^ ,
method to the same resolved absorption bands with nitrate concentrations up to 1.85 M, a t / i = 3.00,
that we found. and 0.1 M H C I O , . This yielded N O - / U O , ^ " ^
4 -^ 3 2
The oscillator strengths and lifetimes of the
ratios ranging from 0 to 185. Marked changes in
three main regions were calculated and analyzed.
the various band parameters from the resolution of
In agreement with the type of model previously
the spectra were observed and appear to occur in
proposed, we calculated from perturbation theory
some c a s e s at different band positions than at
the lifetime ratios of regions 1 and 3 of the triplet
0.05 M U O ^ . The experimental facts clearly
a s perturbed by the band of lower energy of the
show that the effects of nitrate complexation are
two uv transitions, assumed previously and at the
not reflected in " g e n e r a l " changes in the observed
same present time to be singlet s t a t e s . This
spectra, as might be inferred from a cursory exam-
yielded lifetime ratios for regions 1 and 3 of the
ination of an unresolved, observed, or " s u m m e d "
triplet perturbed by region 4 that agree to within
spectrum, and clearly preclude the use of intensity
15% of those ratios calculated, which is considered
measurements on an observed or experimental
excellent agreement. The perturbation of triplet
spectrum as quantities to be used in calculations
region 2 by the higher lying energy uv band, region
concerning the distribution of complex-ion s p e c i e s .
5, is probable, though less certain. We found a
Obviously, certain of the excited levels are more
multiplet splitting of 3200 c m " ' for the triplet,
involved in the bonding making up the complex
which is in reasonable agreement with the theoret-
ion than are other l e v e l s .
ical value of 3050 c m " ' , and is somewhat closer
A s e r i e s of resolved spectra of the U O ^ system
than the value (2500 c m ~ ' ) found for the previously
have a l s o been obtained for progressively more
proposed band-distribution model. ^
hydrolyzed U O ^ solutions in pure perchiorate
Fluorescent spectra of UOj^ in perchiorate
solutions at 0.2178 M UO^^"^, ii = 3.00, tempera-
solutions were studied, and six bands were ob-
ture = 25°C. The acidity range in this s e r i e s ranged
served (Fig. 11.3). The first or highest energy
from the acid-excess region (2.346 M HCIO^)
band occurs at the center of our proposed triplet
stepwise to the stoichiometric point and then in
region 1, and the spacing between the first two
very fine s t e p s into the acid-deficient or hydrolytic
higher energy fluorescence bands is almost exactly
region (to 0.035 M e x c e s s 0 H ~ or a hydroxyl
equal to the spacing between the first two lowest
number of 0.161). A second s e r i e s of experiments
energy absorption bands, 1 and 2, and is in good
were conducted at a lower U O ^ concentration
agreement with the fact that the fluorescence
(and constant jn = 3.00) of 0.00915 M, at hydroxyl
spectrum arises from the lowest lying excited
numbers up to 1. At each hydroxyl number, a

ORNL-DWG 65-5922


0.7000E 02

0.6300E 02 —

0.5600E 02 —

0.4900E 02

z 0.4200E 02

0.3500E 02

Q_ 0.2800E 02

0.2100E 02

0.1400E 02 —

0.7000E 01

23000 22300 21600 20900 20200 19500 18800 18100 17400 16700 16000

Fig, 11.3. Fluorescence Spectrum of the Uranyl Ion in Perchiorate Medium. Comparison of the experimental and
the nonlinear least-squares calculated spectrum showing the resolved bonds, Wavenumber mode, UO- concentra-
tion = 0,218 Af; H'"' concentration = 2.346 M (HCIO.); temperature, 28°C; /x = 3.00 (ionic strength).

s e r i e s of spectra were obtained at about 11 temper- begin at about 0.03 M e x c e s s acid, due apparently
atures from 25 to 95°C. Progressing into the to self-hydrolysis of the U O j ^ ion.
hydrolyzed region, the effects on the spectral
bands become more marked, and, considering the
area of visible region in its entirety, there is an 11.3 MEASUREMENT OF LIQUID
area increase with progressive hydrolysis. In DENSITIES AT HIGH TEMPERATURE
marked contrast to the results of the nitrate exper- AND HIGH PRESSURES
iments, there is generally an intensity and area
increase for all the bands; no bands have been As an important adjunct to the program for the
found to d e c r e a s e in area. The effects of hydrolysis spectrophotometric study of solutions at high

temperature and high p r e s s u r e s , a method was known accurately enough. From about 300°C to
devised ^ for measuring the d e n s i t i e s of aqueous the critical point, the expansion (or specific
solutions at temperatures up to about 300°C and volume) of water is extremely temperature s e n s i t i v e
at the requisite pressures. A knowledge of solution and increases rapidly. Consequently, it is n e c e s -
densities vs temperature is required to calculate sary to know the temperature to within 0.1°C or
the ionic concentration of solutions at temper- better in order that accurate corrections can be
atures up to the critical point of water (372°C) made for the amount of water transferred to the
from the known or measured concentration values vapor phase. Some equipment installed recently
of the solutions prepared for study. From room permits the measurement of the temperature to
temperature to the critical point, water increases within about 0.05°C, and we will be able to main-
nearly threefold in volume, and the increase is tain good accuracy all the way to the critical
particularly marked at temperatures higher than point. Work with the much more accurate temper-
about 250°C. ature-monitoring system i s in process.
A s p e c i a l high-temperature, higji-pressure auto-
clave (dilatometer) and related facilities have been
designed and built^ to permit the accurate meas- 11.4 COMPUTER PROGRAMS
urement of liquid densities at high temperature and FOR SPECTROPHOTOMETER STUDIES
high pressures. The design and mode of operation
of the present system are such that densities of Mathematical Resolution of Complex
solutions can be determined at 370 to 371°C, Overlapping Spectra and Spectral Fine Structure
within a maximum error of 0.6%. The autoclave
can be operated up to 5000 psi at 400°C. A generalized nonlinear least-squares computer
The liquid volume of a weighed solution of a program (MRJ3C0S) for the mathematical resolution
known composition is determined in an autoclave of complex overlapping spectra has been com-
constructed from titanium; the density is deter- pleted.^ All our original goals for this major
mined from the weight of the solution and the computer program have been met. The program, a
position of the vapor-liquid interface a s measured significant extension and modification of our
via x-ray photography. General characteristics earlier programs of this type, will resolve complex,
and a photograph of a disassembled view of the overlapping spectral bands and fine structure and
autoclave before welding have been presented is now available for the IBM-7090 computer and
previously. automatic off-line plotting equipment. Some of the
many different types of output and calculated
The densities of about 25 uranyl perchiorate
quantities that may be obtained are shown in
solutions that had been studied spectrophotomet-
F i g . 11.4 for the resolution of the spectrum of
rically were measured pycnometrically to 95°C.
For comparison with the high-pressure dilatometer
r e s u l t s , a solution of uranyl perchiorate was meas- For a particular mathematical function a s the
ured at temperatures from 25 to 400°C. At 95°C, spectral band model, three parameters, position,
the dilatometer results agreed with the pycnometric height, and width, define the band in its entirety.
results to within 0.4%. A set of trial parameters for the initial iteration of
The density of water was measured at numerous the nonlinear least-squares spectral resolution
temperatures up to the critical point. Agreement program is arrived at a s follows: Estimates are
with steam-table values was obtained to within made of the three parameters for each band in the
0.5% up to about 275 to 300°C, using a conven- spectrum by s u c c e s s i v e approximations, starting
tional thermocouple temperature measuring and at the long-wavelength end of the spectrum. Trial
recording system. At higher temperatures, the runs on the computer are made. If the trial param-
error increased because the temperature was not eters are not too far off, the program will converge
with s u c c e s s i v e iteration; otherwise it will diverge.
These approximations are repeated until an approx-
N. A. Krohn and R. G. Wymer, "X-Ray Method for imate s e t of parameters is obtained which will
Determining Liquid D e n s i t i e s at High Temperatures
and P r e s s u r e s , " Ana/. Chem. 34, 121 (1962).
In collaboration with T. G. Rogers, Chemical ^In collaboration with E. C. Long and O. W. R u s s of
Technology Division summer student, 1962, 1963, and the Central Data P r o c e s s i n g Center, Scientific P r o -
1964. gramming Section, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 3038


tiawTK PEMCMioaaTE sPEcmaM A s - a - a ^ U f . o.DOVis a M I A N V L , O . O U N A C I D , SPECtauH SEaias CODE NuHaaa

uMim »«E watja t a i M P w i u r r ana Miairaoiis. — »a-a-25-i>i



aaan m s l T E c a i AM» EaaaaiEi BANO INTE»»IT<Ea _ HALF-aAWD MIDTHS


.MBOE 02
T.22II2E 02
T.370DE 00 T.tll72E D2
fc.MBQE 00 7.37IDE 02
r.fZTSE 01 2.l>a»<E DO a.«s«3E-oa T.atTIE 01 a . l M B E 00 6.07A7E 02
i.m.ir-Bi I.10A2E 01 t.A5l3E DO ->.02Me 02
13 9 . t 2 M C 03 >.0278E-0I 2^91T3E Ok 3 . t i a 3 E 00 a.S37BE 01 37*IB3fOO I.B589E-0I S.7i|70E 02
J l 3J«i7l> BT 3.«H0i-«l ».ni»tE o> 3.73Tn> nn a . U M E 01 iJ4SB£-02 i,ll«ie_D3_

6TIHDA« rnrlATCON - l.ia65E-02

2 . M t 3 E 01 •,U27E-OI NUMEa »o»ta
e.TBtaa 01 3.M37E CO
i . w c a a 02 2 . M 2 W 01 1- 2 i.ra7Ta 02 7.«17Sa M •kitiaa-m 2.IB2aE 00
2- 3 • .HfSa 02 7.3IIA3B 09 2.oa»i no
. f s c t a 02 1.911082 01 3- « I.MC7a 02 «.T7Bia 02 •.3<trE-01 i.«s««f no
B-MSW n? iWCtE 01 «- 5 i.»(Ta n» «.7«<li 01 i.n7a> nn
. u i o a 02 2 . m 4 E 01 •> 6 l,2172E 02 7.W3ta 01 •.79aat-o< 2.0I2M DO
t.Bn»R. nj L_L_ 1.10708 02 7.18811 n« a.»ii«E-o« 2.n3n> on
f 2 . S I I U 02 2.3kl«E 01 t- a .iii«a 02 7.C8Sn 02 •.r«Mf-ot t.02T«E 00
IS i.WIW ni a- 9 7.IR371 08 a.aaM8-na a.ntiTP no
It 2.00888 02 «.>B9<E 00 9-10 1.0*290 02 7.M21E 02 f(.ua9E-oa 2,19988 00
18 9.»788 02 I.8B8H 01 lO-CI T.iasse 02 tt.asak8-08 2.0k79E on
IB 2.aaC9B 02 I.U2B8 01 ll-« I.OSJBB 02 »,Ma3B 02 1,111 soa-Di 2.9kOa< DO
- a 2.«ti»« in 18-13 7.M]A«8 Ql A.iaaAa 02 T.MaaE-a2 I.7M0P m
2 . » l 3 e DI IS-lt I . I O t t E 02 9.732U 02 l.20SkE-OI 2.7BISE 00

'(UO2) - 0 00915 M H - OOU Af, |i = 3.00 (ionic itrengtli), temporotui. = 25 0"C, coll optical potd length =


liatlTt ARE NUIAR A « M R P T L « 1 H AND a A V E « I J a « f R « . — AA-a-25-l>l





I 2.S9a2c oa 3.B299E 10 418M7E 03 2,99I3E 00 9,8B22E 01 2.B3B7E-ai 9.0820E-03
» t - « ^ n » an auBBSE 01 ?.A«L9t n n t.n9S7E ni 2.at398-02
l.20<T< Ok i.ittn
CI «L9397E 09 2.7330E DO « , 3 0 I I 8 01
i.aastE DO 9.ai6IE-02
>.a71» M 7.«29Af nn «W>aB7» 03 2.Bi«aE nn ».»9>»» ni 2.3«3>a DO l.l»2nE-nl
i.daotc o» 2,8«oiE ao *L2«U8 09 >900aE 00 a . t a a i E ot 9.3»0aE DO l39«E-02
tjiBir on ?.«Tna an MHWr D9 2.9Ba3» nn >.aa«7E ni
T.I m i DD a.n?7nE-n2
7 >.ta»9C Ok aioiME DJ 3,a7«OE 00 T.D92IE 01 t.260BE 00 I.27OBE-0I B.BBOIE 02 1.77838 01
R » . a M i » nk a.9tllE Di 3.mR» no T.29>3E Bl t.^lQnl DD l.kRRAE-ni T.33«5t 02 JiieakUU
t 2.«2IM i t I.SOIIC tl 4,B>I13E 09 9L291tE 00 7,t9aBE 01 2.t«»0E 00 I.2923E-DI 7.k22DE 02 9.k077E 01
_u ».8nia» B« » . I H H t ID ^L7B2>E 03 3.3kBiE OB T.7i9»E ni 2.9*971 DO t . D H W - D i T.»T«kI 02 5.ia05tJU
2 , > 7 9 H 0« 9.C709E to SIBOatt 09 3.k379t 00 7.9290E 01 2.»<76aE 00 9,»902f-a2 t.07«9E 02 I.7296E DI
»-«<««. lit l.tWlat DI «.<BMR ni «.<ian. nn B . H T J E ni j.Atm n ; 8.Ak»E-n2 i.9tt0e 02 i . WaiE
t Bl
13 l , 8 t B I C OB 3.B279C CO 3l«M9< 3,«IS9E 00 3.k999E 00 I.T7ITE-01 9.BB92E 02 1.07078
07801 B.6BI2E 01
X,kU> «.»HM na <.7MR» nn I.B922I ni 2 . 9 t « l » - B » l.LOm 01 9.kSS9E 00 l . 2 1 t U 02
I n . .Qt^ApAt BE n E W l A T M M t •


l , 0 « 0 » 02 >.Bi97E 00 t,aas«E-07
s.aniw nj I.H8BI DI I.ABTtE-Bt
a , f M t i D2 9,I19CB 01 S,79t9E-0B I- 2 I,mil Di 7.k««8E 02 9.299«E-D2 2.I3»9E n
I.89981 03 I.2IB71 02 8-i8a»E-ea 8- 3 i^naioa nj 7.ia<»a n2 Z.OSiM OB
9.ni3l 03 9.7S«9f Ot l,i2S0<-09 l,3ieM 02 a.T«3ia 02 «L9B3«E-Dt 1.93291 00
B.8HB8 ni i-.UME 02 8.29818-09 a- 9 i-iTkaa ni 6.W1II 02 ltkOITE-01 •9371p nn
k,8k39a 03 ,«*IE Ot 8,aiMt-09 .IHTI 02 7.09971 02 e.TklOE-OI 2.01138 DO
l-3»iia n3 I.B97I1 ca i.kaana-B^ IJIBiTB n2 t.BBfRB 08 BLTTlki-na >.n>311 Ml
t , a M n 09 i.mn 01 tilfT9t 02 r.oriii 01 a.TTIIE-01 2,0!2kl DO
l.9«««« n» 1.BM91 08 I.nana n? 7.l«tlB 08 Bk84898-08 j.OkkTT nn
i . t o i n 01 7 , t l t i E 01 a.999aE-o< 1,0*931 02 a,7t9H 02 Bk94998-01 2.2043E 00
i.B»8»B 02 i.iiaai-BB ».a«9B8 ni T.MABa 08 av93i4a-na Z . O i t H OD
2 nt
. l l t n 03 i . i t s a t 02 9,IUtE-0« K.'tl tjiatti 02 • . H I 7 B 02 kOaMB-DI 2 . 9 i a j a 00
9.MA11 nk i . M t » 8 na 9.Al>7E-09 •8^13 l-wiaa ni t . g a i l B 08 7t.79lt8-nB kllUU
Uiaila 02 9.77B4I 02 l.2ia>E-fll 2.79k7E DO

* ( U O j ) - 0.00915 M, H * - 0.014 M , |i • 3 . X (Ionic ttunglt.), t , n , p „ a h j r . « 2 5 . 0 ' C , e l l optical polh l.ngth - 10.000 cm. •!LLt?r/mol..(ciii) .

Fig. 11.4. P a r a m e t e r s from t h e N o n l i n e a r L e a s t - S q u a r e s Computer R e s o l u t i o n of t h e A b s o r p t i o n Spectrum of

UO, in P e r c h i o r a t e M e d i a ,

begin to converge. Then, s u c c e s s i v e iterations in some spectral regions (e.g., the ultraviolet-
will result in more nearly correct parameters, visible) conform more nearly to Gaussian character,
until the preset least-squares convergence criteria while other s u b s t a n c e s in other regions (e.g., the
are met. The resolved bands then permit one to infrared) are more nearly of a Lorentz-function
study various parameters of individual transitions shape; however, most bands do not fit either type
without interference from overlapping bands. precisely. Consideration has been given to the
most appropriate function for representing the
A recently written spectral s y n t h e s i s code,
shape of a single spectral band and to what factors
SPECSYN (part of program MR0C0S), also facil-
contribute to the broadening of the " l i n e " into a
itates the deduction of the initial input band
band in the condensed systems that liquid rep-
parameters. This program synthesizes a spectrum,
over any given range, from one's estimates of the
individual band parameters of an experimental
Computer Programs. — Work with the Voigt
(or theoretical) spectrum and a spectral band model
function led us to combine the two functions (G
chosen (Sect. 11.4,2). It tabulates the data and
and L) in a manner such that the fraction of
then plots the individual bands and resulting
Gaussian and Lorentzian character of a band can
synthesized spectrum on the CALCOMP plotter;
vary from 0 to 1. This fraction is an independently
then, if desired, it plots the observed spectrum for
variable parameter in the nonlinear least-squares
comparison on the same graph. The program u s e s
procedures, in addition to the height, width, and
the same input parameter and observation-tape
position of the individual bands that comprise the
format used by the nonlinear least-squares spectral
observed summation curve. To illustrate the
resolution program. Any plotting interval (either
difference in the character of an absorption spectral
on a cm~^ or angstrom b a s i s ) can be u s e d . This
band using a Gaussian, a Lorentzian, and the
SPECSYN mode of operation helps one to arrive
50-50 G-L combination function that we have
more quickly at acceptable input-parameter e s t i -
derived. F i g . 11.5 shows a band of identical
mates for the least-squares matrix program than
parameters of width, height, and position, but with
do trial and error procedures.
a change of model. The pronounced broadening of
A small part of the tabulated output for the the " w i n g s " may be noted as one adds Lorentzian
particular c a s e of U O ^ under consideration from character, a s opposed to the rapid decrease of the
program MR0C0S is shown in F i g . 11.4. This Gaussian. The combined function has been
gives the resolved band positions (represented in programmed and incorporated into M R 0 C 0 S . This
various energy units), intensities, and half-band function, the Gauss-Lorentz combination function,
widths for all 14 bands at this temperature, with is in its effect very similar to the Voigt function.
the a s s o c i a t e d s t a t i s t i c a l errors for each parameter However, it is in a form such that it does not
calculated from the nonlinear least-squares analy- require one to choose a fixed G / L ratio for a band
s i s of the spectrum. The table is shown in two fitting but will permit the complete variance of
parts, with positions and half-band widths on a the G/L ratio as an independently variable param-
wavelength and wavenumber b a s i s and with the eter in the nonlinear least-squares calculations.
intensity parameter (height) on a molar absorptivity
basis for both c a s e s . The complete format of data In some studies of UOj^ spectra complexed by
output from MRpC0S can be obtained with more nitrate, where one would perhaps expect to observe
data than that shown here, including detailed data Lorentz-type broadening as a result of solution
for the iterative nonlinear least-squares fitting and and complexation interactions, the combination
other relevant calculations. A discussion of the G-L function used for the resolution has given a
operational procedures involved in MR0CjZ)S is slightly smaller sum of squares (with the G-L
beyond the scope of a progress report. fraction parameter freely varying for all bands) in
the resolution than the pure Gaussian model.
Lorentz-type broadening character was added
Spectral Band Model and Profile Studies predominantly to certain of the bands. It appears
that this function will be very useful for studying
Functions Useful for Representing Spectral complexation and many different types of broadened
Bands. — The literature shows that some s u b s t a n c e s spectral bands.
ORNL DWG 65-3080

\ 1 r~ T T T T T

0 4950E-00 —
0 H100E-00 —

y 0 2750E-00 o 0 2750E-00

•I 0 22D0E 00 — = 0 2200E 00

5600 5680 S8>40 5920 6080 6160 62110 6320 6H00 liODO IWOO 5200 5600 61100 6800 7200 7600 9000

F i g . 11.5. Spectral Bands Illustrating the Difference in Band Contours when Generated with a Gaussian, a Lorentzian, or a Gaussian-Lorentzian (50-
50%) Combination Function. I d e n t i c a l band parameters of p o s i t i o n , i n t e n s i t y , and w i d t h generated w i t h computer program MR0C,|3S in the S P E C S Y N mode.
The broadening and very gradual i n t e n s i t y decrease in the " w i n g s " and the somewhat more narrow top caused by the a d d i t i o n of L o r e n t z i a n character may
be n o t e d .

ORNL DWG 65-3081





0 6800E 01 —



Fig» 11.6. Spectral Bands Illustrating the Effects Caused by Band Overlap. Upper set - two bonds of equal
w i d t h and an i n t e n s i t y r a t i o of 2 : 1 ; lower set - equal w i d t h and h e i g h t . The summed spectrum and the band contours
o b s e r v e d are caused by p r o g r e s s i v e l y c l o s e r s p a c i n g s and were generated w i t h computer program MRj0Cj2fS in the
S P E C S Y N mode. The p r o g r e s s i v e l y more undefined character and i n c o r r e c t p o s i t i o n i n d i c a t i o n s of one or both of the
bands w i t h d e c r e a s i n g s p a c i n g may be n o t e d .

Spectral Band Overlap Studies Convolute Smoothing

of Digitized Spectral Data
In work involving measurements on absorption
s p e c t r a , it is frequently difficult to detect the The output of digitized spectral data from a
presence and/or position of a band or bands of spectrophotometer system gives absorption or
relatively low intensity, overlapped by bands of intensity data as a function of wavelength. At
higher intensity or larger width, and of e q u a l - intermediate to high absorbances, and at low light
intensity bands at c l o s e s p a c i n g ? . For spectral l e v e l s , the " n o i s e " a s s o c i a t e d with the output
bands located well apart in a spectrum, the posi- from the spectrophotometer may be significant,
tions along the energy axis can usually be located particularly when a multiplier phototube or detector
with reasonable precision. The more severe the is used. With a strip-chart recording, the noise is
overlapping, the more the shape characteristics usually manually averaged out before the data is
of one or more of the bands become obscured. hand reduced. However, for a digital s y s t e m , any
It is particularly difficult to assign a precise given abs or banco point punched out on a card or
position to a band of relatively low intensity tape may contain a contribution from a noise pulse.
overlapped by a larger band because it appears in This noise contribution must be removed before the
the obscured spectrum a s a shoulder or inflection data can be further analyzed by various types of
or even as an asymmetry of the larger band. Almost mathematical techniques or other procedures
invariably, the overlapping produces " a p p a r e n t " utilizing digital computation.
changes in the wavelengths of maximum absorption A s e t of computer programs and subroutines
that are observed. In tabular presentations of s p e c - have been w r i t t e n ' " ' ' ^ for the CDC 1604-A com-
tral data from nonresolved spectra this is one of puter to smooth spectral data. A least-squares
the major sources of error. convolution smoothing technique is employed.
To aid in developing facility for deducing ap- This technique and the gross general features of
proximate values for the parameters of the under- the program were briefly described previously.^"'
lying band structure in complex overlapped spectra, The programs are very versatile in that all probable
we are using program JAR0C0S (operating in the combinations of experimental spectral data, optical
SPECSYN mode; s e e Sect. 11.4.1) to generate cell-balance data, and conical-screen attenuator
overlapped spectra of two or more bands of various data can be handled and smoothed. Several dif-
height, width, and degree of separation. A library ferent programs have been written to handle various
of such plots which can be uniformly correlated is combinations of s p e c t r a l data, cell-balance data,
being developed and will be made available for and attenuator-suppression data.
general u s e . The data output may be obtained in various
Figure 11.6 shows part of the results of two forms under program options. This includes:
such calculations of overlap effects for two bands tabulated data on the off-line printer, CALCOMP
of equal width moved progressively closer together curve plotting of the rough and/or smoothed spectral
— in one c a s e of equal intensity and then for a data, output as a smoothed card deck, and the
2:1 intensity ratio. Marked variations in the shape preparation of a binary-coded-decimal (BCD)
of the summed curves (which would correspond to magnetic t a p e . The smoothed output data are
a portion of an observed or experimental spectrum) compatible with the input format requirements of
may be s e e n , together with displacement of the the nonlinear least-squares program MR0C0S.
maxima of the " p o i n t of inflection" of the composite
curve from the maxima of the component c u r v e s . In collaboration with T. G. Kabele, co-op student
Many such forms of the summed curves can be from Northwestern University, January—March 1963;
part-time, summer, 1963.
obtained — forms that would not have been expected
a priori. In collaboration with R. P. Rannie of the Math-
ematics Division of ORNL.
12. Mechanisms of Separations Processes

The thermodynamics of solvent extraction by 12.2 ACTIVITIES OF TRIBUTYL PHOSPHATE

tributyl phosphate (TBP)—hydrocarbon-diluent IN MIXTURES CONTAINING TRIBUTYL
solutions are being studied by means of vapor PHOSPHATE, URANYL NITRATE, AND WATER
pressure measurements and analytical partition
data. The multicomponent systems under study The distribution of uranyl nitrate (UN) and water
include the three-component system containing between 100% T B P and an aqueous phase con-
uranyl nitrate, nitric acid, and water, and the taining uranyl nitrate hexahydrate (UNH) was de-
three- and four-component systems containing termined by chemical analyses of both p h a s e s
T B P , hydrocarbon diluent, water, and uranyl ni- after equilibration at room temperature (25 ±
trate or nitric acid. 2°C). These data were used as a b a s i s for calcu-
lating the activities of TBP in this three-compo-
nent two-phase system. The calculations are
based on the Gibbs-Duhem equation, on the
a c t i v i t i e s of H O and UNH in the two-component
aqueous solutions, and on the fact that T B P i s
only very slightly soluble in aqueous UN solu-
AT 25° C
tions ( l e s s than 0.0016 mole/liter).
Partial pressures of water and nitric acid over Rational activities of T B P were calculated from
solutions containing water, nitric acid, and uranyl data obtained by graphical integration of the
nitrate hexahydrate (UNH) were measured at Gibbs-Duhem equation for aqueous UN concentra-
25°C by use of the vapor transpiration technique tions (equilibrium) ranging from 0.04 to 1.75
for solutions 0 to 2.3 m in UNH and 1 to 14 m in moles/liter. These activities are listed in Table
HNO . T h e s e data were analyzed in terms of 12.1.
activities in the two-component systems w a t e r - The equilibrium involved in the reaction between
nitric acid and water—uranyl nitrate hexahydrate T B P and UNH is described by the reaction
by using an integral form of the Gibbs-Duhem
UO^^^ •eHO(aq)+ 2m^-\aq)
equation. A four-parameter functional representa-
tion describing the variation of water and nitric
acid activities with acid and UNH concentrations + 2TBP(or) —> U 0 2 ( N O p 2 " 2TBP(or)
was obtained. The same parameters are contained
in an equation (obtained by u s e of cross-differ- + 6H0iaq) , (1)
entiation) that describes the variation of the UNH
activity coefficient with acid and UNH concentra- with a thermodynamic equilibrium constant (molar
tions. s c a l e ) as shown in Eq. (2):
Standard deviations of calculated water and
nitric acid activities were about ±10%. In spite
of these uncertainties, this work should be of
considerable use in analyzing solvent extraction ^Vyu2T= [UNH] [TBP] 2 • ^^^
data and may be useful in future studies of the
interactions between the two solutes of a ternary Square brackets indicate activities; ""^^ ^ is the
system. molar concentration of the complex U02(NOj)2 •


Table 1 2 . 1 . Rational Activities of T B P in T B P . U 0 2 ( N 0 3 ) 2 . H 2 0

Solutions at 25 + 2 ° C

Aqueous UO (NO ) Aqueous UO (NO )

Concentration Concentration
Activity Activity
(m) (m)

0 0.515

0.05 0.504 1.05 0.0402

0.10 0.467 1.10 0.0362
0.15 0.413 1.15 0.0326
0.20 0.357 1.20 0.0294
0.25 0.306 1.25 0.0266
0.30 0.262 1.30 0.0241

0.35 0.226 1.35 0.0218

0.40 0.195 1.40 0.0198
0.45 0.170 1.45 0.0180
0.50 0.148 1.50 0.0164
0.55 0.130 1.55 0.0149
0.60 0.114 1.60 0.0136
0.65 0.101 1.65 0.0124
0.70 0.0890 1.70 0.0114
0.75 0.0790 1.75 0.0104
0.80 0.0702 1.80 0.00959
0.85 0.0626 1.85 0.00881
0.90 0.0559 1.90 0.00812

0.95 0.0500 1.95 0.00748

1.00 0.0448 2.00 0.00691

2TBP in the organic phase; and y ^ j T ^^ ^*^ centration ratio °'C^^/°'C^^p (Fig. 12.1), or
molar activity coefficient. Activities of UNH and
H O were calculated from equational representa-
ln(Kl/y^^^)=A^B^^, (3)
tions of the activity coefficients of UNH and the
a c t i v i t i e s of water published by Davis and
others.' Activities of T B P were interpolated
from the data of Table 12,1, and the concentra-
tion of the complex °^C was assumed to be exp A = K y y , " : , „ (4)
•2' - ' U 2 T
equal to the concentration of UN in the organic
phase. It was observed that the right side of and
Eq. (2) was an exponential function of the con-
-P ^ S T T UN
T ^ 1 =_> ' vU"2' T / 3 ' U 2 T - (5)
V . Davis, Jr. et al., J. Phys. Chem. 69 (July 1965). \ ""TBP /

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 4 9 This equation reproduced measured organic-phase

d e n s i t i e s , with a standard deviation of 1.7 mg/ml,
• over the UN concentration range 0 to 1.53 M (0 to
1.9 m).


A generalized nonlinear l e a s t - s q u a r e s computer

program for the resolution of spectrophotometric
data has been written and t e s t e d . The mathemati-
20 cal b a s i s of the program is the Gauss-Newton
0.« 0,20 0.30 0.40 0.50
method, modified to control parameter changes by
minimizing the sums of squares of the residuals a s
Fig. 12.1. The Quotient ^o^^UU °^ ° Function of a function of the fractional change allowed in the
Organic-Phase Loading. correction vector. This program was able to re-
solve spectrophotometric data obtained for uranyl
The superscript w indicates the activity coeffi- nitrate—nitric acid solutions 0.1 to 1.4 M in
cient of the complex UN • 2TBP at infinite dilu- uranium and 0.01 to 2 A/ in HNO into the contri-
tion in water-saturated T B P . Values of K'^2^y^^^ butions of 13 Gaussian bands in the wavelength
and B, found by least-squares a n a l y s e s , are region 3400 to 5000 A.
198.7 and - 2 . 7 7 1 , with standard deviations of At higher acid concentrations (up to 8 M) the
4.7 (2.4%) and 0.083 (3.0%) respectively. bands in certain regions of the spectrum become
Partial molar volumes of H O , UN, and T B P indistinct, and the modified Gauss-Newton pro-
were determined from organic-phase density and gram is no longer able to converge to the minimum
concentration data. The partial molar volumes, in variance in absorbance. A SHARE program for
milliliters per mole, were calculated as 17.3, least-squares estimation of nonlinear parameters
92.6, and 273.9, with estimated standard devia- was obtained and modified for use on the CDC
tions of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.5 respectively. The data 1604-A computer. This program performs an opti-
indicate that t h e s e partial molar quantities are mum interpolation between the Gauss-Newton
independent of concentration changes for organic method and the gradient method ( s t e e p e s t descent),
(equilibrium) uranyl nitrate concentrations ranging the interpolation being based upon the maximum
from 0.038 to 1.53 moles/liter. The partial molar neighborhood in which the truncated Taylor
volume of the complex VSO^iNO^)^ • 2TBP, calcu- s e r i e s gives an adequate representation of the
lated from the above data, is 640.6 ml/mole. The nonlinear model. ^ With this program, spectral
free energy change for the partition reaction [Eq. data for 0.1 M uranium and 0.01 to 8 M nitric acid
(1)] is estimated to be —7.47 k c a l / m o l e . have been resolved. It is anticipated that the re-
An empirical equation representing the densities mainder of the spectral data (0.25 to 1.4 M ura-
of organic p h a s e s (equilibrium) containing uranyl nium and 2 to 8 M nitric acid) will also be re-
nitrate, water, and T B P was obtained by fitting solved with the aid of this computer program.
measured density data to an equation with molar Figure 12.2 gives some preliminary information
concentrations of UN and H^O as independent on the variation in band area as a function of
variables [Eq. (6)]: nitric acid concentration at constant uranium con-
centration (0.1 M), It is anticipated that this type
0.9724(1000 - 17.34 °'C„ „ of data will yield information on complexation of
the uranyl ion by nitrate in aqueous nitric acid.

-92.51-0^^)+ 18-C„^o
^D. W. Marquardt, / . Soc. Ind. Appl. Math. 11, 431
+ 394 °'C /lOOO . (6) (1963).

ORNL-DWG 65-9750
(OM^t U; 0.006-W HNO,)
2 4692
3 4539
4 4394
5 4269
6 4146
7 4026
8 3917
9 3810
iO 3701
H 3602 Fig. 12.2. Variation in Resolved Spectral Band Areas
of 0.1 M Uranyl Nitrate as a Function of Nitric Acid

^ ^ 5

^ .
— 6-1 -3
-^^^ 7
— 7-t
5 i . r , / /
/ ^ fi 9

4 '
v ^

^^ y^.
; 1

rT r^
^''/Vv ^^
9 <

" 1 , ^ , >:^
V\ N. 10

10 \
/ \^ v
\ / ^ r^
3 • / -•^ 11
.1 •

2 , >
2 4 6
HNO3 CONCENTRATION (moles/liter)
13. Chemical Engineering Research

Chemical engineering research i s an aggregate last annual progress report.' The development
of studies which, while generally pertinent to the h a s proceeded to the u s e of a seven-stage stain-
Division's applied programs, are fundamental in l e s s s t e e l experimental model to explore the
nature or pursue attractive new i d e a s . The u s a b l e range of system properties and operating
fundamental studies usually arise from interesting conditions.
effects noted during work on programs with more Operability of the device at flow ratios ( A / 0 )
specific commitments. On the other hand, work as high as 50 was demonstrated by extracting
begun on new i d e a s frequently becomes part of uranyl nitrate from 3 M NaNOj with 18% T B P in
applied programs a s the work matures. Amsco, with performance equivalent to that at a
The work reported this year includes: the opera- flow ratio of 3. The entrainraent of organic in
tion of the stacked-clone contactor with a variety the aqueous raffinate was considered low in that
of solvent s y s t e m s (including 100% T B P and it comprised l e s s than 0.5% of this stream when
hexone) to show a wide range of applicability; four polishing clones were used. However, at a
further experimental work with the effect of radia- flow ratio of 15, this entrainment amounted to
tion on the c o a l e s c e n c e of liquid droplets, which 5% of the organic solvent fed. Operation at ex-
clarifies the significance of the most important treme flow r a t i o s a l s o presented a problem in
variables and provides a b a s i s for an explanation; interface control b e c a u s e the rate of response in
the adoption of a laser light source for the de- one direction w a s s o different from the rate of
tection of aerosol particles in a gas stream by response in the other. At high A / 0 ratios, inter-
light scattering and a technique for manipulating face control w a s nicely effected by using the
the pulse from the light detector to give a more clone adjacent to the disengaging chamber ex-
meaningful signal; and a comprehensive treatment clusively for interface control, introducing the
of all the available data on flooding of solvent aqueous feed into the second clone rather than
extraction pulsed columns to t e s t over 200 pro- into the disengaging chamber. A s p e c i a l , smaller
posed correlating equations. clone worked well in this service.
T e s t s of several minor equipment variations
were tried, but they served only to strengthen
13.1 THE STACKED-CLONE CONTACTOR confidence in the Mark X design (Fig. 13.1).
T e s t s proved that the performance of the newer
The stacked-clone contactor, a high-speed s t a i n l e s s s t e e l model is equivalent to that of the
solvent extraction device, was developed for
previous plastic experimental contactor.
application to radiochemical processing and
Studies made at progressively higher T B P con-
features high flow c a p a c i t i e s , high extraction
centrations {1 M NaNOg salting) from 5 through
efficiencies, low contact time per s t a g e , and low
40% showed similar throughputs of about 4 l i t e r s /
solution holdup. It c o n s i s t s of a c a s c a d e of
min ( A / 0 = 3) at stage efficiencies of about 65%.
axially aligned liquid cyclones, each of which
For pure T B P , the throughput dropped to 1.6
a c t s a s a single countercurrent extraction s t a g e .
liters/min, and extraction of uranium was com-
Counterflow in each s t a g e is created by the in-
duced underflow effect. The development of the
functioning components with an identification of
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31,
an optimum configuration was reported in the 1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 2 3 5 - 3 9 .


somewhat low, being 1.6 liters/min for extraction

ORNL-DWG 64-8277 ( A / 0 = 0.45) and 2.2 liters/min for stripping
( A / 0 = 1.88). T h e s e flows represent uranium
c a p a c i t i e s of 140 and 95 kg/day respectively.
The most important physical properties of the
solutions affecting flow capacity appear to be
interfacial tension, viscosity of the aqueous
phase, and the density difference between
p h a s e s . Data in Table 13.1 reflect the importance
of t h e s e properties for several extraction s y s t e m s .
T e s t s with aqueous phases consisting of 1 A/
NaNOj, 0.8 M A1(N03)3-0.5 M HNO3, or 1.25
M ^^^'^0^, with a 38% T B P - A m s c o organic
p h a s e , exhibit significant trends. The flow
capacity of a hexone—acetic acid system was
unusually high, considering the physical proper-
t i e s involved, being 7 liters/min ( A / 0 = 3). This
-UNDERFLOW CHAMBER system h a s exhibited high flow c a p a c i t i e s in
-VORTEX FINDER other solvent extraction contactors and may point
out the e x i s t e n c e of some other intrinsic property
n e c e s s a r y to describe flooding behavior.
-TYPICAL FEED STAGE CLONE In spite of the striking behavior of the hexone
system, a first attempt to correlate flow c a p a c i t i e s
with physical properties is shown in Fig. 13.2.
-CHIMNEY A dimensionless correlating parameter based on
previous solvent extraction work was employed. ^
As additional s y s t e m s are tested, it i s hoped that
-TYPICAL POLISHING CLONE a better correlation will evolve, preferably one
based on fundamental physical laws upon which
the stacked-clone contactor operates.



Fig. 13.1. Clone Shapes, Underflow Chambers, and Work on the effect of ionizing radiation on the
Other Functioning Components of the Stacked-Clone c o a l e s c e n c e of drops on a plane interface was
Contactor. completed, and a mechanism which explains the
data was postulated.
The data are presented in Table 13.2. In the
absence of radiation, average drop lifetimes on a
A deviation from the practice of operating at an plane interface of the same phase show the ex-
extraction factor near unity to facilitate s t a g e - pected variations with temperature, liquid proper-
efficiency calculations for both extraction and t i e s , and drop diameter. The lifetimes are con-
stripping operation was made for the purpose of trolled by film drainage and are somewhat longer
demonstrating the complete solute-recovery in t h e s e experiments than those reported in the
capabilities of the contactor. With 30 and 60% literature.
T B P and appropriate flow ratios to give extrac-
tion factors higher than 5, uranium removal from a
feed containing 18 to 20 g of uranium per liter J . D. Thornton, '*Liquid-liquid Extraction Part
was greater than 99.9%. XIII: The Effect of P u l s e Wave-Form and P l a t e
Geometry on the Performance and Throughput of a
The Purex flowsheet was successfully demon- P u l s e d C o l u m n , " Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs. 35, 316
strated in the unit, although the throughput was (1957).

Table 13.1. Effect of Solution Physical Properties on the Flow Capacity of the
Stacked-Clone Contactor at 40 C

Flow Capacity
Ap, Density fl , Aqueous-Phase y, Interfacial
Aqueous P h a s e Organic P h a s e Difference Viscosity Tension
(g/cm) (centipoises) (dynes/cm) A/O = 3 A / O = 10

1 M NaN03 5% T B P - A m s c o 0.285 0.73 18.5 3.95 4.97

2 MNaNO, 5% T B P - A m s c o 0.329 0.80 18.6 4.27 4.84

I M NaNO, 18% T B P - A m s c o 0.255 0.73 13.5 3.08 4.42

2 MNaN03 187.. T B P - A m s c o 0.299 0.80 13.5 3.43 5.33

3M N a N O , 18% T B P - A m s c o 0.361 0.92 13.6 4.00 5.50

1M NaNO, 30% T B P - A m s c o 0.228 0.73 11.1 3.64 5.03

1M NaNO, 40% T B P - A m s c o 0.207 0.73 10.0 3.52 4.92

3.d M NaN03 53%, T B P - A m s c o 0.315 0.99 10.8 3.64 5.03

3.6 M NaNO 3 61% T B P - A n ico 0.298 0.99 10.5 3.27 4.33

2 M NaNOj 100% T B P - A m s c o 0.132 0.80 8.6 1.71 2.38

3.6 M NaNO, 100% T B P - A m s c o 0.225 0.99 9.6 1.84 2.55

0.8 M A1(N03)3, 38% T B P - A s m c o 0.305 1.24 8.9 1.86

0.5 M H N O ,

1.25 M N a ^ C O j 38% T B P - A m s c o 0.262 1.31 6.7 1.43

2 MHNO, 30% T B P - A m s c o 0.249 0.76 8.6 2.53 3.19

0.01 M HNO, 30% T B P - A m s c o 0.181 0.68 9.2 2.23 2.75

0.005 M CH3COOH Hexone 0.205 0.66 7.4 6.96 a

^At 25" C.

ORNL-OWG 65-9751
V AI(N0,1,-HN0,-TRP

• H N O j - T B P - t PUREX)
0 ) 0
-0, 0

• .^
< •
5 0 l-v
O 0
• ^ - A ,

10 6 8 10^ 2 4 6 8 10 6 8 10

F i g . 13.2. Initial Flow-Capacity Correlation. Temperature, 40 C; Mark X contactor.

Table 13.Z Summary of Coalescence Runs

Average Lifetime
D, Diameter
System Temperature (°C) Pressure of Drop 0 , Flux (jiD Probability


Water/benzene 25 1 atm 0.487 14.7

0.512 16.5
0.552 24
0.643 33 200° 900* 0.0

0.3 M UNH/heptane 25 1 atm 0.416 4.5 2.0 6.02 1.0

1.0 3.01 0.66
0.3 0.905 0.13

0.2 M LiCl/heptane 25 1 atm 0.388 3.8 2.0 5.70 0.2

0.8 2.30 0.16
0.4 1.148 0

0.3 M UNH/hexane 25 1 atm 0.490 5.2 1.30 5.43 1.00

6-in. vacuum 4.7 1.22 5.09 0.92
11-in. vacuum 5.4 1.15 4.80 0.78
15-in. vacuum 4.9 1.11 4.63 0.78

0.3 M UNH/hexane 10 1 atm 0.499 6.4 0.90 3.90 0.83

25 0.490 5.2 1.30 5.43 1.00
40 0.483 3.7 0.86 3.49 0.70
50 0.480 3.4 0.81 3.26 0.59

0.3 M UNH/hexane 25 1 atm 0.595 10.4 0.74 4.56 0.74

0.532 6.65 0.69 3.40 0.69
0.490 5.2 1.30 5.43 1.30
0.454 4.0 0.59 2.12 0.59

7 0.5M LiNO^/hexane 25 1 atm 0.490 18 1.08 11.68 0.0

11-ln. vacuum 20 1.04 11.23 0.0
25 1 atm 0.522 7.35 1.01 12.39 0.22
12-in. vacuum 7.75 0.88 10.8 0.17

0.3 M UNH/hexane 25 1 atm 0.490 5.2 1.30 5.43 1.00

0.3 M UNH/heptane 0.416 4.5 2.0 6.02 1.00
0.3 Af UNH dec an e 0.499 6.6 0.87 0.378 0.66

0.3 M UNH-Na Lauryl 25 1 atm ~0.15 1.58 0.619

0.3 M UNH/hexane-ethomeen T 25 1 atm -^-0.21 27 1.43 1.21 0.0

F a s t neutrons.
Recoil protons.

Of particular interest in t h e s e experiments are It appears that about 5 fission t r a c k s / s e c or

the results of irradiating the apparatus with neu- about 50 alpha t r a c k s / s e c will ensure c o a l e s c e n c e
trons during an experiment with the aqueous phase on impact. As w a s also reported last year and
either 0.3 M in ^^'U or 0.2 to 0.5 M in ^Li. As subsequently verified, raising the temperature,
had been reported last year,^ c o a l e s c e n c e on going to more (or l e s s ) volatile solvents, and
impact occurs with some probability during irradia- pulling a vacuum on the system all have no de-
tion. Additional experiments show this probability tectable effect on the probability of c o a l e s c e n c e .
to increase linearly with the product of neutron T h e s e negative results have been taken a s
flux, macroscopic cross section of the target evidence that nucleation of a vapor bubble at the
nuclide, and square of the diameter of the drop interface i s not the process that d e s t a b i l i z e s the
(Fig. 13.3). T h i s product, with concentration in drop and i n i t i a t e s c o a l e s c e n c e .
moles per liter and cross section in barns, turns The proposed mechanism is a s follows: (1) a
out to be very nearly equal numerically to the fission fragment (or alpha particle) i s generated
number of particle tracks originating within 10 fi so its track approaches or c r o s s e s the interface
of the front hemisphere of the drop, every second. at a small angle, this interface being the one
upon which the drop r e s t s . (2) Many of the free
Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, radicals left in the wake of the fission fragment
1964, ORNL-3627, p p . 2 3 9 - 4 1 .
(or alpha particle) diffuse to or across the inter-
face before recombining. (3) In crossing the
ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 5 2
interface, about half will leave a hydroxyl group
attached to a hydrocarbon molecule in the other
p h a s e . (4) This molecule i s surface active, will
move into the interface, and will cause a marked
decrease in interfacial tension over a small area.
This area will expand and diffuse away after a
few s e c o n d s , but, while in existence, a c t s as a
local "weak s p o t " in the interface. (5) On the
surface of a drop, to maintain pressure equilibrium,
the local radius of curvature must decrease pro-
,° = 0
portionally to the decreased local interfacial
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 (4 (XIO ) tension, producing a bulge. (6) If this bulge is
•t>D^:rC, DROP IRRADIATION RATE (particle tracks per drop face per sec) properly situated on the leading face of a drop,
the flow of the continuous phase over it at im-
Fig. 13.3. Coalescence Probability on Impact vs pact will amplify the bulge by Bernoulli lift. (7)
Drop Irradiation R a t e . Ripples propagate from the bulge in the c l a s s i c a l
mechanism of Helmholtz interfacial instability, as
shown schematically in F i g . 13.4. (8) This dis-
ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 5 3 turbance grows and provides several points at
DESCENDING which the film can rupture and start the c o a l e s -

The particle-size distribution and concentra-

tion of an aerosol can be determined by measuring
the frequency and intensity of light reflected by
AQUEOUS PHASE individual particles in a gas stream which p a s s
through an optically s e n s i t i v e volume if the
Fig. 13.4. Schematic Representation of Radiation- particle concentration is low enough to prevent
Destabilized Drop During Impact with Plane Interface. coincidence of particles in the sensitive volume.

An aerosol spectrometer based on this principle of used in a detection cell previously described.^
aerosol characterization will have application in First, a conventional 100-w tungsten-filament
the Gas-Cooled Reactor program, where it i s lamp was focused and stopped down by s l i t s to
desirable to be able to determine aerosol concen- about 0.5 mm square. This produced a beam
tration and s i z e distribution in the flowing gas about 0.5 mm square at the detection point. The
coolant, and in other p r o c e s s e s where a e r o s o l s are second type of primary light used was a focused,
important. continuous neon-helium laser operating with a
The experimental program i s directed toward the hemispherical configuration in a TEM mode
development of a detection cell usable a s an in- at about 1 mw (Fig. 13.5).
line instrument and the development of s u i t a b l e Monodispersed latex aerosols in the diametral
electronic components for a n a l y s i s of the detec- s i z e range 0.37 to 1.37 n were formed by atomizing
tion-cell signal. latex hydrosols and introduced into the detection
c e l l . Measurements of the electrical signal were
made from photographs of an o s c i l l o s c o p e attached
Detection Cell

The main emphasis in the development of the

detection cell h a s been on the production of a
well-defined, small, i n t e n s e primary light source. Chem. Technol. Div. Ann, Progr. Rept, May 31,
Two t y p e s of light s o u r c e s have recently been 1964, ORNL-3627, p. 242.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 5 4










F i g . 13.5. Detection C e l l Used in Experimental Program. Arranged for e i t h e r a t u n g s t e n - f i l a m e n t lamp or a

neon-helium laser.

to the preamplifier of the photomultipller signal. A n a l y s i s of P h o t o m u l t i p l l e r Signal

The average pulse heiglits for the aerosols had
The electronic analyzing system will have the
almost a linear dependence on particle diameter,
capability of measuring the magnitude and number
and the signal-to-noise ratio varied from 1.5 to of s i g n a l s produced by the detection c e l l . The
7.0 with the tungsten light and from 3.2 to 24.4 best system to date is composed of a preamplifier
with the laser light (Table 13.3). The signifi- to give signal strength, an amplifier with both
cantly higher signal-to-noise ratio for the laser integration and differentiation to shape the signal
was achieved by both an increase in light in- for triggering the analyzer, a triggering device
tensity at the detection volume and a d e c r e a s e in that allows the miUtichannel pulse-height analyzer
background noise due to the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of to interrogate the signal at the proper time, and a
coherent light. Thus, the laser appears to be the 400-channel pulse-height analyzer for determining
best light source. signal strength and distribution (Fig. 13.6).

Table 13.3. Maximum Signal Voltage from the Photomultipller Preamplifier Measuring
Scattered Light from L a t e x Aerosols

Standard Deviation Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Average Particle Average Maximum of Maximum Signal of Average Maximum
Diameter Signal Voltage (v) Voltage (v) Signal Voltage
(11) T u n gsten-Filament
Tungsten-Filament Tungsten-Filament
Laser T O
Lamp Lamp Lamp

Filtered air (noise) 0.009 0.010 1.0 1.0

0.37 0.029 0.015 0.010 0.005 3.2 1.5

0.57 0.056 0.027 0.015 0.022 6.2 2.7

0.87 0.11 0.042 0.035 0.014 12.2 4.2

1.37 0.22 0.070 0.15 0.019 24.4 7.0

50 signals sampled for each particle size.


12 to 25 signals sampled for each particle size.

ORNL-DWG 65 - 9 7 5 5

' i

1 PRE-

RELATIVE f / \ / \
SIGNAL V y V / ^»-.
CUADC "^^ ^ 1^


F i g . 13.6. Electronic System for Analyzing the Detector Signal.


13.4 SOLVENT EXTRACTION ENGINEERING properties such a s interfacial viscosity would

STUDIES: CORRELATION OF PULSED-COLUMN improve the correlations. The definition and
FLOODING DATA measurement of such variables should be one aim
of future research.
Although pulsed columns are widely used in The correlating equations generally put the
radiochemical solvent extraction processes, variables together in the form of dimensionless
correlations of performance with system variables groups, following the previous works of Pike®'^
have been inconsistent, diverse in form, and and Thornton.* Provision was made to divide the
generally unreliable. A study h a s been undertaken data into s u b s e t s for special purposes, such a s
to accumulate all the available data in the litera- t e s t i n g the s t a t i s t i c a l significance of a new
ture (2300 data points representing 23 different group as a correlating parameter. For this, data
chemical systems) and to u s e t h e s e to test the
various correlating equations by employing a
multiple-regression a n a l y s i s . More than 250
F . P . P i k e et al.. The Application of Statistical
equations h a v e been tested. The experimental Procedures to a Study of the Flooding Capacity of a
data include: aqueous and organic continuous Pulse Column. I. The Behavior of the System Tri-
chloroethylene-Water. II. Statistical Design and
operation, with and without m a s s transfer occurr- Analysis (by G. E. P . Box and J . S. Hunter), ORO-140
ing, in columns containing sieve-plate cartridges (1955).
and nozzle-plate cartridges fabricated from either ^ F . P . P i k e , The Flooding Capacity of a Pulse
Column on the Benzene-Water System, ORO-141
metals or p l a s t i c s . The data also include runs (1954).
made with " z e b r a " - t y p e cartridges, where opera- J . D. Thornton, "Liquid-Liquid Extraction Part
tion i s aqueous continuous in portions of the XIII: The Effect of P u l s e Wave-Form and P l a t e Geom-
etry on the Performance and Throughput of a P u l s e d
column and organic continuous in other portions, C o l u m n , " Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs. 35, 316 (1957).
and where both metal and plastic pulse p l a t e s may
be in the same column. Only data involving non-
sinusoidal wave p u l s e s were omitted.
In the operating region where flooding is caused T a b l e 13.4. Range of Variables Tested
by insufficient pulsation, flow c a p a c i t i e s can be
Representative of 1111 flooding points obtained with an
accurately predicted from only the flow ratio and
aqueous-continuous system containing metal sieve
the pulsing conditions.^ Flooding in the emulsion
p l a t e s and no m a s s transfer
region, however, i s more complex. Indeed, the
data are l e s s accurate b e c a u s e pulsed columns
Variable Units Range
may run for considerable time at c a p a c i t i e s ex-
ceeding flooding before the phenomenon becomes
Continuous p h a s e
obvious. Many reported flooding data are, there-
fore, in error on the high side. Further, the man- Flow flAr 0.840-414.0
/ 3
ner in which flooding occurs may vary from one Density g/cm 0.994-1.403
chemical system to another and from one pulsed Viscosity centipoises 0.791-22.2
column to another. Consequently, the correlations Dispersed p h a s e
start from attempts to explain the behavior of Flow ft/hr 1.38-352.0
individual droplets and extend into the empirical Density g/cm^ 0.684-1.454
technique of curve fitting. Viscosity centipoises 0.411-5.69
In the development of the correlating equations, Interfacial tension dynes/cm 3.70-42.0
up to 13 variables were used, including the column
P u l s e amplitude in. 0.095-3.15
diameter, pulse-plate spacing, hole s i z e and free
area, the pulse amplitude and frequency, solution P u l s e frequency cycles/min 6.80-420.0
d e n s i t i e s and v i s c o s i t i e s , and interfacial tension. Hole diameter m. 0.02-0.188
It i s p o s s i b l e that the inclusion of additional
Column diameter in. 1.00-12.0

F'ulse-plate free area % 8.10-62.1

Chem. Technol. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, P u l s e - p l a t e spacing in. 0.50-4.0
1964, ORNL-3627, pp. 2 4 4 - 4 6 .

from a single pulsed column and chemical system digital computer, using a general-purpose multiple-
having replicated data points were used. The regression program.
coefficients for each correlating equation were Several of the correlations predicted flooding
evaluated by using only the experimental data within the error of the data. New coefficients
involving no mass transfer, continuous aqueous were generated for the previous correlation of
p h a s e , and metal s i e v e plates (1111 data points). Thornton (emulsion flooding region only) that
For t h e s e data points, the range of each of the allow greater confidence in the u s e of this equa-
13 basic variables i s shown in Table 13.4. The tion. Finally, new equations modeled after
coefficients obtained with t h e s e data were then P i k e ' s but with additional terms, which predict
used in t e s t i n g the fit of the other data s e t s . flooding in both regions, have been developed;
The a n a l y s i s was performed with the CDC-1604 t h e s e offer greater accuracy.
14. Reactor Evaluation Studies

This program is supported jointly by the Reactor of ^^^U and ^-^^Th in the reactor; t h e s e nuclides
Division and the Chemical Technology Division remain in the uranium and thorium product streams
and includes studies on various proposed advanced- from the processing plant and subsequently decay
reactor and fuel-cycle s y s t e m s to determine feasi- to form gamma-emitting daughters. The code is
bilities and c o s t s . The work in this Division designed to calculate the radioactivity of t h e s e
during the past year included calculation of the daughters based on given concentrations of ^^^U
c o s t s of fuel shipping and processing and of and ^^^Th at the time of reactor shutdown and on
preparing sol-gel oxide in connection with the the time intervals from shutdown to reprocessing
advanced converter evaluation,^ with the ^^•'U and shipping, ^fter calculating the radioactivity,
value study, ^ and other reactor evaluation pro- the code d e s i g n s a cask with the required shield-
grams. Also included were the development of ing.
computer codes for calculating shipping and T h e s e features of the code were used in the
processing c o s t s and overall cost of nuclear study undertaken by the Reactor Division to de-
power, and for calculating individual and gross termine the effect of ^•'^U content on the value
concentrations and radioactivities of thorium, of ^^^U. Shipping c o s t s were calculated for all
uranium, transuranium elements, and fission products parts of the fuel cycle. This included the cost of
produced during reactor operation at constant flux shipping fresh fuel elements, spent fuel elements,
or constant power. A manual of the design of and fuel chemicals, such as uranyl nitrate solu-
c a s k s for shipping spent fuel was published. tion and thorium nitrate c r y s t a l s . Several c a s e s
Criticality problems and neutron-gamma shielding were considered, involving (1) no recycle of ura-
problems in fuel-cycle plants were also studied. nium or thorium, (2) recycle of uranium only, and
(3) recycle of both uranium and thorium. Various
total nuclear-electric c a p a c i t i e s also were con-
14.1 STUDIES OF THE COST OF SHIPPING sidered, s i n c e c o s t s tend to l e s s e n markedly as
REACTOR FUELS shipping capacity i n c r e a s e s . Two types of fuel
element were studied, the SSCR and the HTGR.
L a s t y e a r ' s annual report described the develop- The designs were identical with those used in the
ment of a computer program, NORA, for calculating advanced converter evaluation. ^ The major assump-
the cost of shipping and processing spent fuel. tions used in calculating the shipping cost are
This year, NORA was extended to cover the listed in Table 14.1.
shipping of gamma-active fresh fuels and fuel Some of the results of this study are shown in
chemicals. This was done to make the code more Table 14.2 (fresh fuel elements) and in F i g s . 14.1
useful in the study of thorium-^^•'U fuel c y c l e s , and 14.2 (fuel chemicals). The concentrations
in which the processed fuels are gamma-radio- of ^^^U and ^^*Th are given in parts per million
active. This activity results from the formation of total uranium plus thorium at the time of re-
actor shutdown, except where otherwise noted.
It was assumed that c a s k s would be shared among
M. W. R o s e n t h a l e* al., A Comparative Evaluation of 15 identical reactors of 1000 Mw (electrical) each.
Advanced Converters, ORNL-3686 (January 1965).
Figure 14.1 shows shipping c o s t s calculated for
^M. W. Rosenthal et al., The Fuel Value of U-233 in
High-Temperature Gas-Cooled and Spectral-Shift Re- uranyl nitrate solution contaminated with ^''^U
actors (ORNL report in preparation). and its decay products. Casks were assumed to


Table 1 4 . 1 . Assumptions Used in Shipping Cost Calculations

1. C a s k s are shared; maximum c a s k utilization i s 80% (20% idle time)

2. C a s k s are purchased; c a s k cost is $1.00 per pound of c a s k weight
3. Fixed charge rate on c a s k s is 22%/year
4. Property insurance per trip is 0.0004 times the value of c a s k and contents
5. Maximum allowable loaded weight is 220,000 lb
6. C a s k s are empty on the return trip
7. Shipment is by rail. Shipping d i s t a n c e s are 1000 miles each way for fresh fuel and 500 miles
each way for fuel chemicals. Freight r a t e s a r e :

500 miles: Empty $0.0121/lb

Full $0.0129/lb

1000 miles: Empty $0.0181/lb

Full $0.0193/lb

8. Round trip time is 12 days for 500 miles and 16 days for 1000 miles
9. Handling cost is $500 per round trip

Table 14.2. Shipping Costs for Fresh SSCR and H T G R Fuel Elements

Distance — 1000 miles each way

Shipping Cost (dollars per kilogram of U + Th)

Shipping Capacity
Recycle Uranium Only Recycle Uranium and Thorium
Element (metric tons of No
2 3 2, 232,
Type U + Th shipped Recycle 20 ppm " ^ U 100 ppm "'•'"^U 20 ppm ^^^U
per year) U + Th U +Th 0.1 ppm ''^"Th 1.0 ppm 2 2 8 T h

SSCR 15 1.00 1.30 1.51 1.53 1.82

60 0.75 0.94 1.09 1.10 1.31
240 0.50 0.67 0.78 0.79 0.94
960 0.49 0.65 0.76 0.77 0.92

HTGR 15 2.50 5.85 7.19 8.17 9.44

60 2.30 5.10 6.26 7.12 8.22
240 2.15 4.97 6.12 6.94 8.02
960 2.10 4.95 6.10 6.92 8.00

have an inside diameter of 2 ft and an i n s i d e length boron. The t h i c k n e s s of the lead shielding varied
of 12 ft. Each cask c a r r i e s 800 liters of solution from 2.5 to 7.5 in., depending on ^^^U concentra-
containing 200 g of uranium per liter. Criticality tion. In F i g . 14.1 it should be noted that the " ^ U
control is achieved by dividing the inner container concentration h a s been e x p r e s s e d in parts per
with parallel p l a t e s s p a c e d V, in. apart. The p l a t e s million of uranium, rather than of uranium plus
are of s t a i n l e s s s t e e l , V in. thick, containing 1% thorium.

ORNL-DWG 65 9756
-—• Advanced Converter Fuels
30 In support of the advanced converter evaluation
program,' fuel processing cost estimates were
made for six types of advanced converter re-
/ a c t o r s . (1) uranium-fueled pressurized-water (PWR),
» assumed to include also boiling-water, (2) thorium-
fueled spectral-shift-controlled (SSCR), (3) uranium-
fueled, pressure-tube, heavy-water-cooled and
-moderated (HWR-U), (4) thorium-fueled, heavy-
water (HWR-Th), (5) thorium-fueled high-temperature
gas-cooled (HTGR), of the " T A R G E T " type, and
(6) uranium-fueled sodium-graphite (SGR).
The cost estimates are summarized in F i g s .
1000 2000 3000 4000
ppm"^U/U 14.3 to 14.5. T h e s e estimates represent an up-
dating of the preliminary numbers presented in
232, last y e a r ' s annual report. Figures 14.4 and 14.5
F i g . 1 4 . 1 . Effect of U Content on Cost of Shipping
are based on a 15% annual fixed-charge rate (FCR)
Uranyl Nitrate Solution.
on total capital investment, this rate is about equal
to that applicable to the first privately financed
commerical reactor-fuel processing plant. Nuclear
ORNL DWG 6 5 9757
Fuel Services (NFS). ^ At an FCR of 22%, which
would be more typical for most privately owned
chemical companies, the unit c o s t s would be
. .t> • about 25% higher.
— . n— "
T h e s e cost estimates for the evaluation were
made for hypothetical future nuclear power econo-
mies of 15,000 Mw (electrical) of a given reactor
type, with all the fuel from that reactor type being
processed in a single-purpose plant designed to
exactly match its load. Thus, the differences in
annual throughput rate and nominal daily capacity
shown in F i g s . 14.3 and 14.4 are caused by dif-
ferences in burnup, thermal efficiency, and d i s -
charge batch s i z e for the various reactor types.
0 02 04 06 08 10
Table 14.3 shows the estimated processing con-
tribution to nuclear power cost a s a function of
228 the s i z e of the industry, from 5000 to 20,000 Mw
F i g . 14.2. Effect of T h Content on Cost of Shipping
(electrical). In this table, the burnup values are
Thorium Nitrate Crystals.
held constant at approximately the economic
optimum indicated by consideration of overall
fuel cycle c o s t s at 15,000 Mw (electrical), though
Figure 14.2 shows shipping c o s t s for thorium the optimum burnup would be higher for an industry
nitrate tetrahydrate c r y s t a l s . Inside diameter and of smaller s i z e , and vice versa. All other things
inside length of cask were assumed to be 3 ft and
15 ft. Each cask carries 2520 kg of thorium in
four s t a i n l e s s steel drums. The thickness of the
^ " C h e m i c a l P r o c e s s i n g P l a n t , " hearing before the
lead shielding ranges from 5 to 7 in., depending on Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 85th C o n g r e s s ,
2 2 8Th content. May 14, 1963, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1964.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 5 8
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


(metric tons/day)

F i g . 14.3. C a p i t a l , Operating, and Ultimate Waste-Disposal Costs for Single-Purpose Processing Plants Serving a
15,000-Mw(electrical) Nuclear-Power Industry. Superscripts on H T G R l a b e l s refer to a l t e r n a t i v e p r o c e s s i n g schemes
(see t e x t ) .

being equal, the power cost of processing de- sidered: (1) mixed thorium-uranium fuel, a s with
c r e a s e s with increasing burnup, thermal effi- the other reactors; (2) thorium and uranium in
ciency, and batch size, is lower for uranium fuels separate particles before irradiation, with the
than for thorium, and is lower for metal-clad thorium-plus-bred-uranium particles processed
oxides than for carbon-carbide-graphite or sodium- separately from the high-burnup-uranium particles;
bonded fuels. The combined interplay of all these and (3) separate particles as in (2) but with the
considerations in this study was to minimize dif- high-burnup-uranium particles discarded directly
ferences in cost per kwhr (electrical), although the to waste disposal instead of being processed, on
c o s t s in dollars per kilogram of fuel varied widely. the b a s i s that their high ^^*U content makes re-
For all fuels except HTGR, all the uranium and cycle of this uranium to HTGR reactors undesirable
plutonium, or thorium and uranium, in one process- from the overall economics and physics points of
ing batch (assumed to be the same as one reactor- view. Scheme (2) c o s t s more than scheme (3) and
discharge batch) were dissolved together and then would have to be justified on the b a s i s of a market
partitioned and decontaminated by solvent extrac- value (for reactors other than HTGR) in e x c e s s of
tion. For HTGR fuels, three alternative schemes the additional cost of $1 to $2 per fissile gram
proposed under the TARGET concept were con- recovered.

Table 14.3. Fuel Processing Costs as a Function of Number and Type of Reactors

The s u p e r s c r i p t s 1, 2, 3 refer to three alternative HTGR p r o c e s s i n g schemes ( s e e text).


Burnup, Mwd/metric ton 21,000 11,100 22,000 28,800 27,800 58,000

Thermal efficiency, % 31.1 26.8 43.6 31.2 26.1 44.4

Batch s i z e , metric tons 33.9 19.5 12.2 66.3 13.5 7.89

P r o c e s s i n g cost, mills/kwhr (electrical), 15% F C R

5 reactors^ 0.332 0.396 0.321 0.357 0.381 0.306

10 reactors 0.201 0.237 0.195 0.212 0.232 0.184'
15 reactors 0.154 0.177 0.144 0.159 0.173 1.149^

20 reactors 0.125 0.136 0.104 0.116 0.125 0.099'

Number of 1000-Mw (electrical) reactors.

ORNL-DWG 65-9759
200 ORNL-DWG 6 5 9 7 6 0
0 30

^ H T C R'
too HVVR^u^^J--^
\ .
^ H T GR^
^r:;: ^J^TGft2
\ \ 'iv?— - ^

en (

u X ^
10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
WR-Th FUEL BURNUP (Mwd/metnc ton)

k Fig. 1 4 . 5 . Power Cost of Fuel Processing in a 15,000-
-- \ Mw(electrical) Advanced-Converter Nuclear Economy.
Based an a 15% f i x e d - c h a r g e rate on c a p i t a l . Super-
scripts on H T G R labels refer to a l t e r n a t i v e processing
10 schemes (see t e x t ) .
100 200 500 1000 2000
THROUGHPUT RATE (metric tons/yr)

in that they would predict higher c o s t s than the

Fig. 14.4. Fuel Processing Cost as a Function of actual NFS pricing formula for a plant of comparable
Throughput Rate in Single-Purpose Plants Serving a
fuel-processing capability, and a l s o in penalizing
1 5 , 0 0 0 - M w ( e l e c t r i c a l ) Economy. B a s e d on a 15% f i x e d -
thorium fuels for their known p r o c e s s i n g d i s -
charge rate on c a p i t a l . Superscripts on HTGR labels
a d v a n t a g e s vis-a-vis uranium while not granting
refer t o a l t e r n a t i v e p r o c e s s i n g schemes (see t e x t ) .

W. H. Farrow, J r . , Radiochemical Separations Plant

T h e s e c o s t e s t i m a t e s were based on modifica- Study. Part II. Design and Cost Estimates, DP-566
(March 1961).
t i o n s of previous e s t i m a t e s of processing-plant
c o s t s , by Du P o n t , ' ' and of ultimate w a s t e - d i s p o s a l J . O. Blomeke et al.. Estimated Costs for Manage-
ment of High-Activity Power Reactor Processing
c o s t s , by ORNL.^ They are conservatively high Wastes. ORNL-TM-559 (May 13, 1963).

any cost credit for potential advantages such as and hence its average unit c o s t s over i t s life will
the possibility that only one solvent extraction be higher than the calculated equilibrium c o s t s .
cycle will be sufficient s i n c e the thorium-uranium This " s t a r t u p p e n a l t y " can be appreciable for
recycle scheme may require remote fabrication plants, such as spent-fuel processing plants, which
anyway. On the other hand, they may not be quite have a high ratio of capital cost to operating cost.
so conservative in assigning only a moderate In the c a s e of the NFS plant, the USAEC is pro-
head-end cost penalty to SGR and HTGR fuels on viding a " b a s e l o a d " during the first five years
the assumption that present development programs of operation, permitting a pricing policy based on
will be successful. T h e s e estimates for the a full load for an assumed 15-year plant life. The
advanced converter evaluation agree with those USAEC has indicated a willingness to provide a
made earlier for large desalination reactors,^ b a s e load also for a second private processing
except that the earlier estimates made l e s s plant, but this type of support cannot be assumed
allowance for turnaround time between batches and for all future plants in a private competitive
for ultimate w a s t e disposal and used a 7.7% economy.
fixed-charge rate (for municipal or similar fi- A study of optimum processing plant size, timing,
nancing). and location in a growth economy has been started.
A computer code will be developed to calculate
the minimum cost strategy as a function of input
Costs in an Expanding Economy assumptions regarding growth curve, cost-scaling
factors, financing conditions, regulatory and com-
The cost studies described above assumed an petitive conditions, e t c . As a first step in this
" e q u i l i b r i u m " economy with the spent fuel equiva- study, an economic evaluation of HTGR head-end
lent to 5000, 10,000, 15,000, or 20,000 Mw (elec- processing c o s t s was made for the design and cost
trical) of a given reactor type being processed in estimate presented in Sect. 1.8.2 of this report.^
a plant designed to match its load and operating This head-end facility could handle the fuel from
at constant full load. A dynamic economy starting up to 10,000 Mw (electrical) of HTGR reactors,
small and growing large over a number of years but a reasonable estimate is that it might be ten
cannot automatically expect to experience process- years after the first commercial-size HTGR begins
ing c o s t s a s low as those equivalent to a static to discharge fuel before the HTGR industry reaches
economy of the same s i z e at any given time. A 10,000 Mw (electrical). A present-worth economic
processing plant must be built at a particular a n a l y s i s , similar to that of Rosenthal et al.,^
time and with a particular design capacity. It indicated head-end capital and operating unit
may be able to increase its actual capacity charges varying from l e s s than $30/kg for a plant
somewhat over a period of time as a result with a full load for 15 years to more than $130/kg
of technological improvements and inherent over- for the same plant with a growing load for only
capacity in its b a s i c design, but it cannot be 7 y e a r s . It was indicated that the plant s i z e was
bulk initially to match a small reactor economy and not optimum for the growth curve assumed, but the
then be expanded incrementally each year at optimum s i z e has not yet been calculated.
marginal additional cost to keep up with the load
as the reactor economy grows. Thus, in general
a processing plant will be oversized initially, 14.3 STUDIES OF THE COST OF PREPARING
enough so that it can eventually achieve unit FUEL BY THE SOL-GEL PROCESS
c o s t s low enough to give it an economic life long
enough to permit it to recover its capital invest- The value of ^^^U a s fuel in reactors, compared
ment plus an acceptable rate of return on invest- with the alternative u s e of ^^^U at a known price,
ment and still meet actual or potential competition depends not only on the physics characteristics of
from other plants. Since such a plant must start ^^^U itself, compared with t h o s e for ^^^U, and
up on l e s s than a full load, its average load over of the reactor in which it is used but a l s o on any
its life will be l e s s than its equilibrium capacity.

E. L. Nicholson, L. M. F e r r i s , and J. T. Roberts,

Bum-Leach Processes for Graphite-Base Reactor
^Chem. Tech. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. May 31, 1963, Fuels Containing Carbon-Coated Carbide or Oxide
ORNL-3452, p. 24. Particles, ORNL-TM-1096 (Apr. 2, 1965).

cost differences in the fuel c y c l e s of ^•'•'U and of equilibrium recycle conditions. The four s c a l e s
^^^U outside the reactor. Since it is believed of operation considered were 15, 60, 240, and 960
that the sol-gel process will play an important metric tons of thorium plus uranium per year. The
part in thorium fuel c y c l e s , a detailed c o s t study sol-gel product was assumed to be urania-thoria
of preparing fuel by this process was made for the fragments for the SSCR and urania-thoria-carbon
2^^U value study. 2 spheroids for the HTGR.
Three flowsheets, representing different recycle T a b l e s 14.4 and 14.5 present a summary of all
conditions, at four different s c a l e s of operation the estimated capital and operating c o s t s . T h e s e
were considered separately for the SSCR and c o s t s are based on:
HTGR reactor types. Flowsheet 1 was for no
1. selection of process equipment b a s e d on pilot-
recycle; that is to say, fuel was prepared from
plant-proved technology except for a few s t e p s
^^^U and unused thorium. Flowsheet 2 was for
such as spheroidization, where bench data
fuel preparation from unused thorium and for re-
were used;
cycle of the ^•'^U. Flowsheet 3 was for recycle
of both thorium and ^^^U. Two s u b c a s e s of 2. on-stream efficiency of 85%, or 310 d a y s / y e a r
flowsheet 2 were considered, one for ^^^U con- for production plus facility cleanout between
taining relatively low concentrations of ^^^U, different fuel compositions;
typical of early s t a g e s of recycle, and the other 3. loss of heavy metal and in-process recycle a s
for relatively high concentrations of ^^^U, typical shown on flowsheets.

T a b l e 14.4. Sol-Gel Cost Summary: SSCR Reactor

Total Cost
Operating Cost
(dollars peT kilogram (Df U + Th)
Throughput Flowsheet Capital Cost (dollars per kilogram
(metric t o n s / y e a r ) Figure^ (thousands of dollars) of U + Th) 22% 1570
Capital Cha rges Capital Charges

15 1 900.6 25.83 39.04 34.84

2 985.5 25.84 40.29 35.69
2 high 1696 25.84 50.71 42.80
3 1456 25.79 47.14 40.35
60 1 1250 7.14 11.72 10.27
2 1375 7.15 12.19 10.59
2 high 2589 7.15 16.64 13.62
3 2231 7.10 15.28 12.68
240 1 2228 2.61 4.65 4
2 4049 2.63 6.34 5.16
2 high 4644 2.63 6.89 5.53
3 4045 2.58 6.29 5.11
960 1 4765 1.17 2.16 1.91
2 7694 1.18 2.94 2.38
2 high 8864 1.18 3.21 2.56
3 7510 1.13 2.85 2.30

1: no recycle
2: recycle uranium only, low U concentration
2 high: recycle uranium only, high 2 3 2 U concentration
3: recycle uranium and thorium

Table 14.5. Sol-Gel Cost Summary: H T G R Reactor

T o t a l Cost
Operating Cost (dollars per kilogram of U + Th)
Throughput Flowsheet Capital Cost (dollars per kilogram
(metric t o n s / y e a r ) Figure^ (thousands of dollars) of U + Th) '^'^'^° ^^'''°
Capital Charges Capital Charges

15 1 909.8 25.83 39.18 34.93

2 990 25.84 40.36 35.74
2 high 1109 25.84 42.11 36.93
3 1458 25.79 47.18 40.37

60 1 1338 7.14 12.05 10.49

2 1449 7.15 12.46 10.77
2 high 1660 7.15 13.24 11.30
3 2349 7.10 15.61 12.97

240 1 2377 2.61 4.79 4.10

2 2750 2.63 5.15 4.35
2 high 3228 2.63 5.59 4.69
3 4260 2.58 6.48 5.24

960 1 5091 1.17 2.35 1.97

2 6385 1.18 2.64 2.18
2 high 7720 1.18 2.95 2.39
3 8854 1.13 3.16 2.51

1: no recycle
2: recycle uranium only, low 232,U concentration
2 high: recycle uranium only, high U concentration
3: recycle uranium and thorium

Additional information, including detailed flow- Some progress has already been made in develop-
s h e e t s and itemized breakdowns of estimated ing such subroutines. The purpose of the overall
c o s t s , is given in refs. 2 and 8. code will be to facilitate the optimization of the
It can be seen that substantial unit cost re- fuel cycle and the evaluation of competing reactors
duction is achieved by going to the higher s c a l e s by comparison of power c o s t s . By power cost
of production. The cost penalty for recycling here is meant a constant cost in mills per kilowatt-
^^^U and thorium, compared with the alternative hour applicable over the entire life of the reactor
of using ^^^U and unused thorium, is about 30%. project. This cost represents the income that
must be received in order to pay off the investment
in the specified number of years, while earning
14.4 COMPUTER CODE FOR STUDIES OF the specified rates of return on stocks and bonds
OVERALL POWER COSTS and providing for all operating e x p e n s e s .
As a first step in this study, a code was written
A study was begun for developing a computer (POWERCO) that c a l c u l a t e s power cost from
code that would calculate power cost by using given annual component c o s t s (fabrication, ship-
subroutines for calculating fabrication c o s t s , ping, etc.). The calculation is based on the
shipping c o s t s , chemical processing c o s t s , e t c . fundamental requirement of investment payout. The
code makes provision for straight-line or sum of
^ F . E . Harrington and J . M. Chandler, A Study of the y e a r s ' digits depreciation and for four optional
Sol-Gel Fuel Preparation Costs for SSCR and HTGR
Reactors, ORNL-TM-1109 (Apr. 6, 1965). modes of bond repayment.

The payout of investment is given by a tabulation The b a s i c mathematical equations for trans-
that shows the gradual decline of the outstanding uranium and fission-product isotope production at
capital investment to zero over the life of the constant flux and at constant reactor power have
project. Each year the amount of outstanding in- been developed. F i s s i l e materials considered
vestment i s diminished by an amount equal to the were " S y , 235^^ 239py^ g^^J 24 1py_ jl^g fgj^ilg
c a s h income minus the sum of cash expenses and materials considered are ^^^Th and ^^^U, with
earnings. Once a complete schedule of cash the buildup of the other even-numbered uranium
expenditures h a s been e s t a b l i s h e d , the power cost and plutonium isotopes a l s o taken into account.
can be easily calculated, using the criterion that The TRUFIZ program will be coded in FORTRAN-
the investment must become zero at the end of the 63 for the CDC 1604A computer at ORNL. A
project. This procedure is fundamentally equiva- variety of problems of interest will be run.
lent to the present-worth method of accounting for
expenses and incomes, which derives its validity
from the payout calculation described. By c a l - 14.6 MANUAL OF SHIPPING-CASK DESIGN
culating power cost in this way, it i s not necessary
to depend on the fixed-charge»rate concept. How- A report covering the design of shipping c a s k s
ever, the true fixed-charge rates on depreciable for the transport of radioactive materials h a s been
and nondepreciable capital can be derived from the issued a s ORNL-TM-681. The topics covered
results of the calculation. The true magnitude of include criticality and nuclear safety, heat transfer,
the average fuel working capital can a l s o be de- structural integrity, shielding, contamination regu-
rived. The code c a l c u l a t e s and displays t h e s e lations, and accidents a s applied to shipping
figures. B e c a u s e t h e s e are rigorously compatible c a s k s for radioactive materials.
with the true power cost, they can be used as a The document is being reviewed, after which it
check against more conventional methods of de- will be released to the public.
termining fixed-charge rates and fuel working
One of the results observed thus far is that the 14.7 CRITICALITY CONTROL IN FUEL
fixed-charge rates and fuel working capital for a CYCLE PLANTS
given project will depend on the mode of bond
repayment specified. Also, the fixed-charge rate Criticality calculations were made with the DTK
on nondepreciable capital may exceed that on neutron transport code to determine allowable
depreciable capital, a s already indicated by the s i z e s of dissolver b a s k e t s for various UO and
Oyster Creek a n a l y s i s ' and by Rosenthal et al,^ UO -ThO fuels, allowable s i z e s of unpoisoned
The next phase of the study will be to develop regions in tanks packed with borosilicate-glass
and incorporate the codes for generating the com- Raschig rings, safe dimensions of furnaces for
ponent c o s t s . This will include a time-cycle coating fuels with pyrolytic carbon, and the re-
code for calculating the time points at which the activity of arrays of fuel elements in c a s k s de-
various c a s h expenses are paid. Both the magni- signed by the MYRA and NORA c o d e s . Briefly,
tude of the expenditures and the timing of their the results are a s follows:
occurrence will be considered during the optimiza-
tion procedure. 1. Boron poison may be incorporated in the walls
of the dissolver basket to largely negate the
effect of reflection by a dilute fissile solution.
14.5 THE TRUFIZ COMPUTER CODE 2. The reactivity of tanks containing fissile solu-
tion and borosilicate-glass R a s c h i g rings i s
A computer code (TRUFIZ) is being developed to not appreciably increased by including 2-in.-ID
calculate individual and gross concentrations and unpoisoned pipes, at an edge-to-edge spacing
a c t i v i t i e s of the transuranium and fission product of 12 in., within the tank.
isotopes produced in nuclear reactors.
3. An 18-in.-diam fluidized-bed furnace for coating
100- to 300-,i-diam microspheres of 10% " ^ U ^ -
J e r s e y Central Power and Light Company, Report on 90% T h e with a 120-ix layer of pyrolytic carbon
Economic Analysis for Oyster Creek Nuclear Electric
Generating Station ( F e b . 17, 1964). was calculated to be subcritical under normal

and abnormal process conditions, including 5. Arrays of CETR, Yankee Atomic, and SSCR
flooding with water. fuel elements in c a s k s designed by the NORA
4. Large numbers of 4- to 6-in.-diam canisters code are subcritical. The elements are en-
containing ^•''U-carbon-H O may be arrayed closed in a boron-poisoned network that serves
compactly if there is 2 to 3 in. of boron-foam the dual purpose of absorbing neutrons and
glass between c a n i s t e r s . conducting heat to the surface of the cask.
15. Chemical Applications of Nuclear Explosions

The purpose of this program i s to provide re- lated to the development of a s u i t a b l e neutron-
search and development in selected areas of the producing device. Laboratory development of
Plowshare Program, especially those areas re- p r o c e s s e s for recovering transplutonium elements
quiring knowledge of chemistry or metallurgical from the salt debris was completed, and further
engineering to determine feasibility. Areas in work was deferred until a suitable device i s
which research was performed last year included developed.
(1) completion of flowsheet development for the The isotopes to have been produced by the shot
recovery of transplutonium elements produced by would have been dispersed into 10,000 to 35,000
a nuclear detonation in s a l t (Project Coach); tons of debris, which would have been mined
(2) electrochromatographic methods for separating about a year after the detonation to allow time
individual transplutonic elements; (3) hyper- for fission product d e c a y . B e c a u s e shipping
velocity-jet sampling a s a means of removing a c o s t s for large tonnages of the radioactive debris
specimen after irradiation in the neutron flux of a are high, an on-site chemical plant for concen-
detonation but ahead of the detonation shock trating the actinides to a primary concentrate
wave; and (4) a feasibility study of synthesizing would have been required. The primary concen-
chemicals by a nuclear detonation. Other a r e a s trate would then have been shipped to an existing
of the Plowshare Program in which laboratory AEC s i t e for final processing.
studies were initiated are: the measurement of the Laboratory development of a process for re-
rate of exchange of tritium with natural g a s , which covering transplutonium elements that were to
is one of the phenomena expected in the stimula- have been produced by Project Coach was com-
tion of gas production from wells (Project Gas- pleted. The tentative process flowsheet was
buggy), and studies of the distribution of fission tested on kilogram samples of the Project Gnome
products in ore d e p o s i t s , including their effect shot debris, which i s of high s i l i c a t e content and
on chemical processing methods used for final is presumed to be similar to the debris expected
recovery. In ore recovery applications, emphasis from the proposed Coach shot. The recovery,
is being placed on recovery of magnesium oxide or according to the flowsheet, c o n s i s t s in (1) leach-
magnesium from olivine ores in the Appalachian ing the salt with water to i s o l a t e the water-
region, and copper from copper ores of the Rocky insoluble residue, which contained 99% of the
Mountain region. transplutonium elements; (2) leaching the residue
with boiling hydrochloric or nitric acid to dissolve
the transplutonium elements; and (3) concentrat-
15.1 PROJECT COACH ing the transplutonium elements by " c a r r y i n g "
on a calcium oxalate precipitate that can s u b -
sequently be converted to the oxides. R e s u l t s of
In Project Coach it was proposed that a 5- to
two demonstrations with kilogram samples of
10-kiloton nuclear device designed for producing
Gnome debris indicated that the process could
maximum neutron fluxes be detonated underground
recover 80 to 95% of the transplutonium e l e m e n t s .
in a bedded-salt formation near Carlsbad, New
Difficulties encountered in centrifuging the
Mexico, for producing milligram or larger quanti-
colloidal silica and washing the centrifuge cake
ties of transcurium elements. The Coach detona-
were resolved by adding gelatin to aid in the
tion was originally planned for 1963, but it was
dehydration of the s i l i c a . Thus, dense and
postponed b e c a u s e of technical difficulties re-


reasonably washable centrifuge c a k e s were ob- a detonating nuclear device were conducted at the
tained. The transplutonium elements were con- Vincentown, New J e r s e y , test area under a pur-
centrated by a factor of 500 to 1000 in the oxalate chase order i s s u e d by ORNL to Frankford Arse-
precipitate, based on their concentrations in the nal. Copper or iron targets (25 mm in diameter)
original salt debris. were focused into j e t s , using explosive charges,
and were directed along the axis of a f l i ^ t
chamber 18 in. in diameter and 55 ft long. Fo-
cusing was accomplished, and the target mate-
rial traversed the length of the chamber at rates
Focusing electrophoresis did not appear comparable to or faster than those at which the
promising a s a method for separating heavy ele- shockfront develops and moves out in a nuclear
ments in milligram amounts. The l i t e r a t u r e ' had detonation. Measurements made at the point
indicated that focusing electrophoresis was where the j e t s emerged from the flight chamber
applicable to the final isolation of elements such indicated that a coherent long-range jet was ob-
as einsteinium and fermium. In focusing e l e c - tained and that more than 50% of the target mate-
trophoresis, ions are focused to their isoelectric rial was present in the jet at that point.
points on strips of filter paper. The position of Recently, 13 larger cones (90 mm in diameter)
the isoelectric point is a function of the pH containing gold targets (2 g) were prepared for
gradient and complexing-agent concentration jetting because the gold simulates a transplu-
along the strip. The concentration profiles are tonium target better. It is planned to irradiate the
adjusted by suitable choice of acid concentration gold targets at ORNL to incorporate ' ' * A u
in the anode compartment and complexing-agent tracer. Also, a target retriever was constructed at
concentration in the cathode compartment. the exit of the flight chamber. In it, each j e t
In the present study, HCl was always used in will be slowed by p a s s i n g through several feet of
the anode compartment, and the complexing agents gel and then through several feet of water. That
ethylenediaminetetraacetetic acid (EDTA), portion of the gel that contains jet particles (the
nitriloacetic acid (NTA), diethylenetriamine- jet track) will be separated and mixed with the
pentaacetetic acid (DTPA), and 1,2-cyclohexyl- water and then p a s s e d through a Millipore filter
diaminetetracetic acid (DCTA) were tested in the to collect the jetted p a r t i c l e s . The filter will
cathode compartment. Applied voltages used be analyzed at ORNL to determine the fraction
were 200 to 400 vdc, and currents were 5 to of the gold target recovered. The '^^Au tracer
20 ma. Lanthanide pairs — Y-Ce, La-Sm, Ce-Gd, provides a s e n s i t i v e means of locating the jetted
Pm-Dy, Ce-Pr, and Ce-La — were used as stand- gold anywhere in the system but decays soon
ins for transplutonium elements. In all c a s e s , enough not to interfere with subsequent activation
focusing was observed, but separation bands analysis of the filters at ORNL.
were always overlapped, indicating poor separa- It is believed that this t e s t will demonstrate
tion. Variation in the length of the time the that a target can be accelerated and moved faster
voltage was applied beyond about 30 min, and than the Shockwave from a nuclear explosion to a
changing of reagent concentrations in the e l e c - receiver at l e a s t 100 m away, and that over 50%
trode compartments, did not significantly im- of the target can be recovered at the receiver.
prove separations. Equilibration of filter paper
strips with anode and cathode solution for 17 hr
before u s e did not improve separations either.
DEVELOPMENT A very brief cost a n a l y s i s showed that the
application of nuclear explosions to the produc-
T e s t s to demonstrate a jet-sampler method for
tion of chemicals is uneconomic. The chief
recovering a target irradiated about a meter from
disadvantage is the very high unit cost of the
power produced, u n l e s s very large devices are
E . J . Schumacher, Chem. Div. Ann, Rept. for 1963,
UCRL-10624, pp. 2 0 8 - 1 4 . used (Table 15.1). Assuming industrial power

T a b l e 1 5 . 1 . Estimate of Unit Power Costs Using Underground Nuclear Explosives

1 kiloton = 10^^ cal = 1.16 X 10* kwhr

Unit P<Dwer Cost (m i l l s A w h r )

Drill Estimated Estimated Device Device*"
Cost of AEC Total
Yields Device Service Depth Drilling Operations 100% 30% Total Power
(kilotons) Charge Cost* Cost" Heating Heating Cost at 100%
($) (ft) ($)
($) ($) Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency

1 350,000 150,000 450 100,000 500,000 1,100,000 301 1000 950

10 350,000 150,000 970 150,000 750,000 1,250,000 30.1 100 108

100 460,000 290,000 2100 300,000 1,000,000 2,050,000 3.96 13.2 17.7

1000 570,000 430,000 4500 600,000 2,000,000 3,600,000 0.49 1.63 3.1

' E s t i m a t e d cost according to G. W. Johnson, Excavation with Nuclear Explosives, UCRL-5917 (Nov. 1, 1960).
A nuclear device h a s about 30% heat efficiency for reactions that require a temperature of 1000°C.

to cost 4 to 6 mils/kwhr at the bus bar of con- (e.g., methane) initially present in the cavity.
ventional steam plants, economically competitive B e c a u s e of the extreme temperatures and pres-
production of chemicals with nuclear explosives s u r e s at the instant of detonation and shortly
would have to result (1) from the fact that re- thereafter, this can be measured realistically only
action products could be mined from the bomb in an actual nuclear t e s t . However, laboratory
debris more cheaply than the reactants; (2) from t e s t s , recently begun, may provide an indication
the use of the earth a s a " f u r n a c e , " thus elimi- of the tritium distribution to be expected. Vari-
nating costly process equipment; or (3) from the ables to be studied include temperature, pressure,
extreme pressures and temperatures produced by concentration of g a s e s , and possible catalytic
the device but not available through conventional effects of the minerals surrounding the test cavity.
technology. There i s a possibility that reaction Another important consideration i s whether the
products such a s water-soluble s a l t s or g a s e s eventual exchange of tritium between groundwater
might be mined more cheaply than reactants that and the methane after well production i s started
require conventional mining methods, and that is a significant factor in determining the quality
the u s e of the earth as a " f u r n a c e " could elimi- of the g a s .
nate some production equipment. Nevertheless,
when c o s t s of decontaminating the product from
fission products are considered, t h e s e possible 15.6 MAGNESIUM ORES
advantages appear to b e more than offset. An
extensive literature survey of high-temperature A survey h a s been started to determine whether
a n d / o r high-pressure chemical reactions did not the Plowshare Program can benefit the mineral
uncover any likely economic applications, industry, and therefore the economy, of the
Appalachia region. Based on d i s c u s s i o n s with
representatives from the TVA and the U.S.
15.5 STIMULATION OF NATURAL GAS Geological Survey. It was concluded that one
WELLS BY NUCLEAR DEVICES: possibility might be the recovery of magnesium
PROJECT GASBUGGY products (and perhaps by-product nickel and
chromium) from olivine d e p o s i t s in this area.
In feasibility s t u d i e s of the stimulation of gas T h e s e deposits contain hundreds of millions of
production from wells by nuclear devices (Project tons of e s s e n t i a l l y unaltered olivine (about 48%
Gasbuggy), it is important to consider the relative MgO), and the deposits are sufficiently large to
distributions of tritium gas (produced by the de- consider use of nuclear explosives. As a b a s i s for
vice) to the groundwater and to the natural gas evaluating current process possibilities based on

up-to-date technology, prior work done by TVA i s the ore, is being studied for the AEC by the U.S.
being reviewed. If it i s concluded that a poten- Bureau of Mines and Lawrence Radiation Labora-
tially profitable area of investigation e x i s t s , tory. Oak Ridge National Laboratory will cooper-
olivine samples will be obtained, and process ate by studying problems that might arise from the
development studies will be started. introduction of radioactive contaminants into the
processing c y c l e . Until copper ore that has been
broken by nuclear explosives is available, simu-
15.7 COPPER ORES lated broken ore, leach solutions, etc., will be
prepared in the laboratory. A standin sample of
Fracturing of copper ore deposits with nuclear domestic ore from the Sierra Copper F l a t s , New
explosives, followed by in situ leaching to recover Mexico has been obtained from the Bureau of Mines.
16. Preparation and Properties of Actinide-Element Oxides

The immediate purpose of this program is to the agglomerates is in progress. Studies of the
determine the microstructural, surface-chemical, adsorptive capacity of the thoria surface for uranyl
and colloid-chemical properties of thoria that ion in nitric acid and the extension to urania of the
control its behavior in relation to sol-gel p r o c e s s e s . colloid characterization methods developed for
Techniques which have been developed for studying thoria have begun.
thoria are to be extended to urania and plutonia a s
well as to other actinide-element oxides.
Experimental Work


Adsorption of Nitric Acid on Colloidal Thoria. —
Figure 16.1 shows values of an apparent equilibrium
Progress and Status " c o n s t a n t " K at 26°C vs the mole fraction of
surface adsorption s i t e s that reacted with nitric
The adsorption of aqueous nitric acid on colloidal acid. Data from three s e t s of experiments are
crystalline thoria has been determined and ex- shown a s being representative of a larger body of
pressed in terms of thermodynamic quantities. data. The constant K is defined by
T h e s e data are consistent with the assurnption
that the thoria has a surface-adsorption capacity of ,, (H^) ( 0 . 5 - 0 )
one nitrate ion per two surface s i t e s on cubo-
octahedral particles, which manifest t h e s e two
types of faces about equally. Hydrous amorphous
precipitated thoria has been found to undergo where (H ) is the hydrogen ion concentration in
spontaneous crystallization at room temperature in the interparticle fluid outside the electrical double
water when aged over a period of months. Simple layer and 6 is the mole fraction of surface s i t e s
desiccation in dry air at room temperature or that have adsorbed nitric acid. The moles of
warming to 90°C shortens the time s c a l e of this surface s i t e s were calculated from the surface area
aging effect from months down to hours. The (determined by the BET method) of a gel made from
s o l i d s fraction at which the sol s e t s to a gel, the the sols on which the adsorption measurements
sol viscometric behavior, and the surface capacity were made, and the consistency of this area was
for peptizing adsorbents are profoundly altered by checked to within normal experimental error,
this transformation. roughly ±5%, against the area predicted for particle
Application of various particle-size and particle- s i z e s as forecast by x-ray line broadening. The
shape-determining measurements to colloidal density of surface s i t e s per unit area is more
crystalline sol-gel process thoria leads to apparent compatible with the assumption of equal exposure
discrepancies whose resolution then l e a d s to the of (100) and (111) faces than with the assumption
postulation that nearly centrosymmetric single that only one kind of face is exposed. A site
c r y s t a l l i t e s of thoria agglomerate weakly, and to density of 11.4 micromoles/m^ was assumed,
some extent reversibly, into stringy agglomerates. based on averaging the calculated surface density
Currently, further viscometric work to define of metal ions in the cubic and octahedral faces of
better the agglomeration forces and the s h a p e s of a thoria crystal. This value compares with 10.6


ORNL-DWG 65-9761 within experimental error over most of the range;

such departures a s might be genuine differences
appear to have arisen in correcting for the changes
in available area of the sample a s the flocculation
s t a t e or available area of the colloid changes with
surface coverage. In addition, these thorias,
prepared in different ways, may p o s s e s s real

differences in surface heterogeneity.
Data scatter has been such that numerous
replications have been required to distinguish the
/ • ^ proposed " f l a t " in the coverages between about
r-' " / 0.16 and 0.36 from a simple uniform decrease
/ / • across the range. This flat corresponds to a free
/ /
/ energy change of —5.7 kcal/mole for adsorption.
By applying the Clausius-Clapeyron equation to
/ adsorption data over the temperature range 0 to
1 /
/ / 90°C, the corresponding enthalpy was estimated to
o be —7.6 kcal/mole and the entropy of adsorption
about —7 eu. The rather small entropy of ad-
/ sorption implies little loss of freedom of the
- /-
nitrate upon adsorption. In comparison, the entropy
for hydration of thoria gel is —22 eu,'' implying
/ i » pH AND CONDUCTIVITY OF Dl LUTE SUSP'ENSIGNS strong ordering and l o s s of freedom.
c3 pH OF SUPERNATAfJT LIQUID Aging of Colloidal Thoria. — Although thoria is
one of the least soluble and most refractory
oxides, hydrous amorphous thoria is able spon-
taneously to undergo profound morphological
changes upon extended aging at room temperature
0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.48
either in acid media of low ionic strength or in
alkaline media of high ionic strength.
Fig. 16.1. Change in Apparent Surface Equilibrium Figure 16.2 is an electron micrograph of the
" C o n s t a n t " as a Function of Surface Coverage at 26 C. predominantly fibrillar particles of freshly precipi-
tated thoria. The particles in the upper left are
derived by Spaepen et ah ^ and with a value of clumped agglomerates of the fibrillar particles,
about 1.4 by Sowden et al.^ if an equivalence of which are seen more distinctly in the main field of
two surface s i t e s per adsorbed nitrate is assumed. the photograph. According to Dobry, Mathieu-
Data at surface coverages greater than 6 = 0.3 Sicaud, and Guinand,^ the occasional spheroidal
were taken by analyzing the centrifu gates of particles are " r o l l e d - u p " fibrillar p a r t i c l e s .
s u c c e s s i v e ultracentrifugations of a stable thoria Figures 16.3 and 16.4 are photomicrographs of this
s o l . At lower coverages the sols are not s t a b l e , same thoria after two years of aging at room tem-
and a n a l y s e s of the supernatant liquid over settled perature, the former at about pH 3 in dilute nitric
thoria particles were employed. The differences acid and the latter at about pH 8 in 1 A/ NH NO .
4 3
between t h e s e data and those of Sweeton^ are The fibrillar particles have disappeared, and
compact crystalline particles have appeared. The
^G. J . Spaepen, R. T. Wember, and M. E . Wadsworth,
Adsorption of Silicic Acid on Thoria — Determined by freshly precipitated thoria exhibited an amorphous
Infrared Spectroscopy, T e c h . Rept. V, Contr. 1075 x-ray diffraction pattern, whereas the aged samples
(June 30, 1959).
^R. G. Sowden, B. R. Harder, and K. E. F r a n c i s , B. D. Chun, M. E . Wadsworth, and F . A. Olson,
Electrophoretic Studies of Thoria and Plutonia Dehydration Kinetics and Equilibrium Water Vapor
Suspensions, P t , 2, AERE-R 3269, Harwell, F i g . 3 Adsorption by Thoria Gel, Tech. Rept. XX, Contr.
(March 1960). 2176 (July 3 1 , 1963).
Reactor Chem, Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Jan, 31, ^A. Dobry, S. Guinand, and A. Mathieu-Sicaud, /.
1963. ORNL-3417, pp. 1 2 2 - 2 3 . Chim. Phys. 50, 5 0 1 - 6 (1953).

^^ ^ * P EM-3501

* ,

* '*§*•'**


• ' *
* ! • > - » •

... i*


V .

»; j^- jk..'*

•••• •<-:k

-*,. *-"*;> .^i ^::

. » • - • • *
^.: ^^
t. '^.-fc.'.. * - ='21 .'*'«V •w*-«V \«flfc. •

%. » _ .''^•f- \ C ' ^ •**• '••*B* • * *' '«'^j:

F i g . 16.2. Fresh Hydrous Amorphous Precipitated Colloidal Thoria P a r t i c l e s .


F i g . 16.3. Thoria Spontaneously C r y s t a l l i z e d from Amorphous Thoria in Acid Media.


F i g . 16.4. Thoria Spontaneously C r y s t a l l i z e d from Amorphous Thoria in


show crystal diffraction lines whose widths than at pH 2, ranging from 35 to 57, and corre-
correspond to crystal diameters of 43 and 36 A sponded to prolate spheroidal axial ratios of about
respectively. Despite the larger crystal s i z e , 20 to 1. They were not, however, reproducible in
however, recrystallization was l e s s complete in time nor when the temperature of the sample was
the acid sample than in the alkaline sample. cycled between 20 and 30°C. The s o l s at pH 3.6
Viscosity of Dilute Thoria Sols. — The v i s - (interparticle fluid) appeared to be undergoing
c o s i t i e s of thoria sols (116-A c r y s t a l l i t e s ) in the very slow, partially irreversible flocculation
concentration range of 0.08 volume fraction solids leading to floes of greater and greater axial ratio
and lower were investigated at pH 2.0 and 3.6. in time. T h e s e floes could be reverted toward
The former pH corresponds to near surface satu- smaller axial ratios by holding the sol at 30°C,
ration with nitrate, with 6 approximately 0.49, and but the reversion was not sufficient to reproduce
the latter to 6 approximately 0.30, which is at the the initial values prior to room-temperature aging
lower limit of sol stability. The values of reduced of several w e e k s .
viscosity U??/?? )—l]/(^ are tabulated (Table 16.1)
Characterization of Thoria Sols by Electrometric
for various solids volume fractions ^ and for
Apparent-pH Measurements. — The apparent pH of
various temperatures, along with the corresponding
the sol is commonly used to define the s t a t e of
nominal prolate spheroidal axial ratios for the
thoria sols for empirical process control in the
particles as calculated by the method of Simha. ^
sol-gel p r o c e s s . This apparent pH can and usually
The viscosity at the highest solids volume fraction
does differ more than tenfold from the true pH of
probably reflects particle-particle interaction
the interparticle fluid outside the electrical double
rather than particle shape.
layer in a s o l . The relation between the apparent
Reduced v i s c o s i t i e s in the pH 3.6 medium were electrometric pH and the real pH of the equilibrium
even higher at comparable solids volume fraction interparticle fluid can be roughly estimated by u s e
of the ideal Donnan equilibrium
R. Simha, "Effect of Shape and Interaction on the
Viscosity of Dilute Solutions of Large M o l e c u l e s , "
P r o c . Intern, Rheol, Congr,, 1st Congr,, 1948, pp. 11—68,
11-76, North-Holland, 1949. pH^ = 2 pH^ - lo^ i o ( N 0 3 -

Table 16.1. Reduced V i s c o s i t i e s of Dilute 116-A-Crystallite Thoria Sols at pH 2

Solids Volume Fraction, Temperature Reduced Nominal Prolate

(°C) Viscosity Spheroide il Axial Ratio

19.88 9.6 7.7

3.9 X 1 0 ' 25.25 8.0 6.7
33.18 6.5 5.5

19.87 9.0 7.4

3.9 X 10" 25.24 8.7 7.3
33.20 8.7 7.3

19.87 10.1 8.1

8.8 X 10" 25.24 9.9 7.9
33.40 9.9 7.9

21.19 12.9 9.6

25.30 12.8 9.5
1.9 X 10"
25.35 12.8 9.5
33.23 12.6 9.4

7.5 X 10" 19.87 31 '17


ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 9 7 6 3
where pH i s the apparent sol electrometric pH,
pHjj is the pH of the equilibrium interparticle
fluid, and (NO ~ ) is the nitrate molarity of the
Data from F i g s . 3.14 and 3.15 of ORNL-3385^
were recalculated in terms of surface coverage and
are compared in F i g s . 16.5 and 16.6 with the
apparent pH values predicted by nitrate a n a l y s e s
and the independently derived surface equilibrium
data (Fig. 16.1), using the Donnan equilibrium.
Considering that a single value of K was used a s
a b a s i s for calculation and the likelihood of
interferences which were not evaluated, such a s
preemption of some surface adsorption by carbon
dioxide adsorbed from the air, the agreement is

D. E . Ferguson, Status and Progr, Rept, for Thorium

Fuel Cycle Development, Dec, 31, 1962, pp. 39—40.

ORNL-DWG 65-9762

0 0.125 0.250 0.375


Fig. 16.6. Comparison of Thoria Sol Apparent-pH

Dilution Data with Predicted Apparent pH from the Ideal
Donnan Equilibrium.



The work reported here was done under sub-

contract with the University of Utah, M. H.
Wadsworth in charge.

Progress and Status

Weight-loss data for the low-temperature (below

600°C) dehydration of thoria gel has been fitted to
equations derived from absolute-reaction-rate
theory in terms of energies of activation. The free
01 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
energy, enthalpy, and entropy of activation of
dehydration are 27 k c a l / m o l e , 10 k c a l / m o l e , and
Fig. 16.5> Comparison of Thoria Sol Apparent-pH — 45 eu respectively. The enthalpy and entropy of
Titration Data with Predicted Apparent pH from the dehydration were found to be 9.1 k c a l / m o l e and
Ideal Donnan Equilibrium. + 22.2 eu respectively. Equipment for making

dilatometric measurements that will permit con- T = absolute temperature,

verting t h e s e weight l o s s e s into volume changes is
IV = original sample weight, and
being assembled and tested.
The kinetics of shrinkage during the calcination tsw - change in sample weight at time t.
of crushed, compacted ( — 400 mesh) thoria gel at
The enthalpy and entropy of activation were
temperatures between 600 and 1100°C could not be
found to be 10 kcal/mole and —45 eu respectively.
correlated either with previous shrinkage data for
The enthalpy and entropy of dehydration, derived
large gel fragments or with any of the rational
from equilibrium water vapor pressure over the gel,
sintering models, probably b e c a u s e of super-
were +9.1 kcal/mole and +22.2 eu respectively.
position of intra- and interparticle sintering.
This weight-loss data will be converted to volume
Sintering of crushed, compacted thoria gel after
change when the dilatometric studies are made.
the ultrafine fraction had been removed gave
Sintering of Thoria Gels at Temperatures Be-
results consistent with a grain-boundary-diffusion
tween 600 and 1100°C. — Attempts to reproduce
the sintering behavior of single thoria-gel particles
Initial grain-growth studies in thoria gels being
using compacts of crushed gel yielded data that
calcined at temperatures between 1000 and 1120°C
did not correlate with any known single-mechanism
show erratic growth and breakdown of large grains
sintering model. The very high percentage of
before the onset of normal grain growth. The
particles l e s s than 1 /x in s i z e in the — 400-mesh
activation energy for normal grain growth is 35.6
gel powder of the crushed gel compacts leads to
the belief that intra- and interparticle sintering
Infrared spectroscopy of thoria gels that have
were being superimposed in the gel-shrinkage data
been predried at 225°C in vacuum suggests that all
for the compacts. By using a —100 +400-mesh
water except surface hydroxyls is removed by this
particle size cut for making compacts, it was
treatment and that possibly about 20% of the
possible to confirm that the earlier anomalous
surface hydroxyls are removed. Three 0 —H
results were due to the presence of ultrafine
stretching frequencies are found for the thoria gel
p a r t i c l e s , which promoted significant interparticle
in this condition, one corresponding to free, in-
sintering. With the larger-particle-size cut, the
dividual O —H groups and the others to hydroxyls
isothermal shrinkage rate became consistent with
in some form of association. Further work to
a grain-boundary-diffusion sintering model.
characterize the surface hydroxyls and adsorbed
water is under way; deuterium oxide, alcohols, and Initial Grain-Growth Studies of Thoria Gel. —
ammonia adsorbents are being used. Thoria gel calcined in nitrogen at temperatures
from 860 to 1000°C shows the normal grain-growth
pattern characteristic of small grains that increase
Experimental Work steadily in s i z e . Between 1000 and 1120°C,
however, an eiratic growth of large grains which
The shrinkage of crystalline sol-gel-type thoria subsequently break down into smaller grains was
gels at temperatures below 600°C has been shown observed. Figure 16.7 shows electron micrographs
to be a dehydration process whose weight l o s s was of replicas of gel fracture surfaces which show
fitted to the equation this anomalous pattern of grain growth. Pre-
calcination temperature, precalcination time, and
calcination atmosphere were found to influence
\w^-Aw/ h this type of grain growth and breakdown. Under
reducing conditions, more than one cycle of growth
and breakdown could sometimes be observed in a
where AF"'' is the activation free energy of de-
single sample. Following this initial erratic
hydration, 27 kcal/mole,
growth pattern, normal grain growth ensued, with
k - Boltzmann's constant, an activation energy of 35.6 kcal/mole for sintering
at 1000 to 1100°C. It is thought that nitrate,
h - P l a n c k ' s constant,
which was detectable by infrared spectroscopy for
R - the gas constant, samples calcined for a s long a s 30 min at 1000°C,
t - time, may be related to the foregoing erratic behavior, or

PHOTO 69018A

F i g . 16.7. Electron Micrographs of Thoria Fired in Nitrogen Atmosphere at 1 1 2 2 ° C for (a) 5 min, (6) 15 min,
(c) 30 min, (d) 60 min, (e) 90 min, and ( / ) 210 min. 28,000x.

perhaps large transient shrinkage stresses are crystal face. Additional reversibly sorbable water
involved. could be removed by heating to 450°C in vacuum,
Infrared Spectroscopy of Thoria Surfaces. — The but complete dehydration was not achieved.
primary goal of this work is to describe the Shifts in band i n t e n s i t i e s with degree of hydration
chemical and physical s t a t e of the water and and of band frequencies upon exchange of the
nitrate adsorbed on thoria in g e l s . Other adsorbates surface hydroxyl with deuterium oxide suggest
being studied are deuterium oxide, methanol, and that some surface hydroxyls are comparatively
ammonia. Thoroughly wetted thoria gels show a isolated from neighboring hydroxyls and that some
broad adsorption band for O — H stretching, ex- are associated in c l u s t e r s . Adsorption of ammonia
tending from 3800 to 2400 c m - ^ This band is on a partially denitrated thoria surface led to
resolved into three bands at 3735, 2650, and 3515 absorption bands at 2910, 2820, 2790, and 1110
cm~^ upon heating the gel for 20 hr at 225°C. c m ~ ' . The bands correspond neither to ammonia
Use of the extinction coefficient of hydroxyls on nor to ammonium ion, and heating the sample to
silica gel (10^ cm'^/mole) to estimate the amount 245°C does not remove all the ammonia. T h e s e
of hydroxyl on the thoria yielded 10 hydroxyls per data suggest that the ammonia may have undergone
100 A^, which is reasonably c l o s e to, but some- relatively strong chemisorption on the thoria,
what below, the value of 12.7 hydroxyls estimated perhaps forming a coordination compound with the
for dihydroxy thorium surface s i t e s in the (100) thorium ions on the surface.
17. Assistance Programs

The Chemical Technology Division provided of information between Eurochemic and the several
a s s i s t a n c e to others on several projects. The AEC s i t e s included in the program. In addition,
Eurochemic A s s i s t a n c e Program was continued. the Laboratory i s supplying the s e r v i c e s of the
Under this program, the Laboratory is coordinating U.S. Technical Advisor, E. M. Shank, who will
the exchange of information between Eurochemic remain at Mol, Belgium, during the construction
and the various AEC s i t e s and is currently supply- and startup p h a s e s of the Eurochemic plant.
ing the U.S. Technical Advisor to Eurochemic During the past year, 493 USAEC-originated
during the construction and startup periods. The documents and 89 drawings and miscellaneous
Division continued to supply technical liaison items of information were sent to Eurochemic.
between the Laboratory, the AEC, and the Ten Eurochemic documents written in English
construction and cost-plus-fixed-fee contractors were received, reproduced, and distributed. In
for the High Radiation Level Analytical Labora- addition, one Eurochemic report and eight Saint
tory. Consultation on construction of the two Gobain design reports written in French v/ere
plant-waste-improvement projects was continued. translated, retyped, reproduced, and distributed.
A s s i s t a n c e on alpha-laboratory design included R. Rometsch, formerly Research Director and
the preparation of two design studies for a 32- Acting General Manager, was appointed General
laboratory Alpha Laboratory Facility. Engineer- Manager of Eurochemic. It appears from present
ing a s s i s t a n c e was provided the Health P h y s i c s construction progress that cold testing of the last
Division on two large experiments: disposal of process units (solvent extraction) can begin by
intermediate-level radioactive waste by hydro- January 1966 and that the Eurochemic plant may
fracturing and disposal of high-level radioactive start hot operation near the end of 1966.
waste in s a l t . To provide additional ^^^U storage
space in Building 3019, the design and installa-
tion of a facility for storing 400 kg of ^^^U as 17.2 PROJECTS FOR IMPROVING ORNL
uranyl nitrate solution were completed. A facility WASTE SYSTEMS
for t e s t i n g combinations of absolute filters and
charcoal beds in the Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant The Chemical Technology Division continued
was designed and is being installed. Advanced to provide consultation to the General Engineer-
shielding codes were used to calculate the gamma ing and Construction and the Operations Divisions
and neutron radiation dose rates from fission on several projects for improving ORNL w a s t e
sources through shields of concrete, water, CH , s y s t e m s . The recently completed low-level waste
and mixtures of H O or CH with lead, iron, and (LLW) and intermediate-level waste (ILW) collec-
boron up to 150 cm thick. Irradiation-contamina- tion and transfer systems in Melton Valley were
tion-decontamination evaluations were made on put into s e r v i c e in November 1964, when about
selected protective coatings and p l a s t i c s . 5000 gal of ILW from the Nuclear Safety Pilot
Plant was received into the central ILW collec-
tion tanks in Melton Valley. The LLW system
17.1 EUROCHEMIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAM was tested by transferring water from the High
Flux Isotope Reactor waste ponds to the emer-
The Laboratory continued to coordinate the gency impoundment basin and to the LLW treat-
Eurochemic Assistance Program for the exchange ment plant. The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment


facility and the Transuranium P r o c e s s i n g Plant K a n s a s , i s scheduled to begin operation in

are scheduled to be connected to the Melton September 1965. The engineering design and
Valley waste systems during 1965. equipment development was coordinated in the
Installation of piping and equipment for the Chemical Technology Division. Although all
ILW evaporator. Building 2531, was 70% com- major items of equipment were designed and
plete when this work was stopped January 1, fabrication started last fiscal year, system im-
1965, because of a delay in delivery of the two provements and ancillary devices were designed
s t a i n l e s s s t e e l , water-cooled, 50,000-gal high- this year to ensure greater reliability and safety
level-waste storage tanks to be housed in the of the operations. The demonstration i s unique
evaporator facility. Because the sampling room in that radioactive materials are transferred from
for the entire facility will be situated above the shipping cask on the surface to the mine-
the storage-tank vault, the evaporator cannot be floor storage area, 1000 ft below, without the
operated until the vault h a s been sealed. The use of hot-cell facilities. About 2,000,000
tanks were received and installed in the vault in curies of activity will be transferred at six-
March, and work on the project was resumed on month intervals over a two-year period.
April 5. The project is scheduled for completion A shielded waste transporter (Fig. 17.1), con-
by December 31, 1965. A request for $1,825,000 s i s t i n g of a standard two-wheel construction
(a $125,000 increase) has been submitted for the tractor coupled with a special trailer and radia-
evaporator and storage tanks and for the Melton tion shield, was built, tested, disassembled,
Valley w a s t e systems. The original request was transferred into the mine, and reassembled. The
for $1,700,000. shield will handle waste cylinders up to 12 in.
Criteria were prepared by the Chemical Tech- in diameter and 9 ft long. The shield thickness
nology Division, and a design study and cost is about 9 in. lead equivalent and weighs about
estimate were made by the General Engineering 25 t o n s . The machine can be maneuvered with
and Construction Division, for equipping the six e a s e within the narrow confines of the mine and
20-year-old central concrete waste tanks (W-5 will allow precise placement of the solidified
through W-10) of the ILW system with an off-gas waste in the storage h o l e s . In the current experi-
manifold and filter to the ORNL cell-ventilation ments, solid waste is simulated by two 90-day-
system. This study resulted in detailed plans cooled Engineering T e s t Reactor fuel elements
and specifications for providing a 500-cfm sweep hermetically sealed in a canister.
of air at 0.30 in. (water gage) negative pressure The fuel-element canister incorporates a me-
through each tank and thence through filters to chanical- and a weld-seal design, either of which
the central stack. The estimated cost is $49,600; will p a s s the most rigid helium leak detection
this might be reduced to l e s s than $40,000 by t e s t s . Four thermocouples measuring the central
simpler p l a n s . A recommendation that this project plate temperatures of the fuel elements are pro-
be completed was made to the Director of Radia- vided by a special ribbon-type thermocouple
tion Safety and Control. Because t h e s e tanks assembly.
now vent directly to the atmosphere in the center A shipping cask was modified and provided with
of the main ORNL area, fumes of organic solvents water cooling to dissipate the 7 kw of heat from
in aqueous waste tend to accumulate in tank W-5, fourteen 60-day-cooled elements. Engineering
and the radioactivity level of the other five tanks t e s t s were run to prove the design; electric
will increase tenfold when they become receivers heaters were used to simulate decay heat. T e s t s
of concentrate from the new ILW evaporator. showed that the cask was capable of easily
handling a 100% thermal overload. Two 24-hr
t e s t s were conducted without circulation of
17.3 A DEMONSTRATION OF THE DISPOSAL OF coolant and indicated that no damage to the cask
SOLID, HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE or r e l e a s e of radioactive material should occur
WASTE IN SALT under t h e s e conditions. The hazards a n a l y s i s was
accepted and approved by the AEC and the Bureau
Project Salt Vault, a Health P h y s i c s Division of Explosives. A cold test of loading of the fuel
field demonstration of the disposal of high-level at Idaho showed that no major difficulty would be
solid radioactive waste in a salt mine at Lyons, involved in remote welding of the canister closure.

PHOTO 68530

m M

F i g . 1 7 . 1 . Shielded Waste Transporter for Carrying Solid Radioactive Waste Containers in Project Salt V a u l t .

Several design changes in the cask and canister method for permanent disposal of intermediate-
were made to simplify hot-cell loading operations. radioactivity-level waste solutions. T h i s method
c o n s i s t s of the mixing of the waste solution with
cement and other additives and the injection of
17.4 DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE the resulting grout into a shale formation at a
BY HYDROFRACTURING depth of 700 to 1000 ft below the surface. The
injected grout forms a thin horizontal sheet
The Chemical Technology Division continued to several hundred feet a c r o s s and irregular in s h a p e .
supply engineering consultation and liaison to the The grout then solidifies to fix the radioactive
Health P h y s i c s Division in the design, construc- w a s t e s in the formation. An injection facility was
tion, and operation of a prototype hydrofracturing built, and a s e r i e s of five injections was made in
facility for disposing of aqueous intermediate- the spring of 1964 to t e s t the operation of the
level waste in lower Melton Valley. The shale- equipment, the performance of the mix, and the
fracturing experiment i s designed to test a new underground behavior of the grout s h e e t .

Four inspection wells in the vicinity of the first integrated to give a direct reading of the ratio of
s e r i e s of waste injections were cored to a depth solids to liquid.
of 1000 ft. Samples of the several grout s h e e t s Several types of explosive charges were s a t i s -
recovered from the cores were analyzed to evalu- factorily tested in an abandoned well to evaluate
ate the mixes used in the various test injections. the feasibility of using t h e s e charges to slot the
In addition, cores from these wells helped estab- casing of the injection well before each injection.
lish the geological features of the injection zone An injection of 100,000 gal of waste solution
and supplied limited information on the under- was made to evaluate the behavior of a mix con-
ground dispersion of the grout s h e e t s . taining relatively little cement (a cheap mix), to
Unexpectedly, the grout s h e e t s that formed evaluate the plant modifications for controlling
during the injections were mostly south of the the proportioning of mix and waste solution, and
injection well; no grout sheets were found in the to further evaluate the use of explosive charges
wells 100 ft north (N 100) and 125 ft northwest to slot the casing of the injection well. Cores
(NW 125) of the injection well, and the grout will be obtained from the grout sheet of injection
s h e e t s from only two injections were found in the 6 to aid in evaluation of the mix. Following this,
NE 125 well. Grout sheets from all five injec- the facility will be modified for use in the regular
tions were found in the S 100 well. The grout disposal of Laboratory waste.
s h e e t s of all injections were essentially horizon-
tal and parallel. Evidence of the formation of
multiple grout sheets during a single injection
was found only for injection 5 in well NE 125; in
this well the grout sheet of injection 5 was found HIGH RADIATION LEVEL ANALYTICAL
in four main layers within a vertical distance of LABORATORY
about 2 ft.
The High Radiation Level Analytical Laboratory
An analysis of samples of the grout s h e e t s (HRLAL) h a s been in continuous operation since
indicated that the grout is denser and stronger December 1964. Consultation and liaison to the
than laboratory samples with an equivalent compo- Analytical Chemistry Division by the Chemical
sition, that considerable underground mixing Technology Division were continued during the
occurs between the grout injected early and the startup period. All H. K. Ferguson Company con-
grout injected late, and that the amount of cement struction and all ORNL installation and modifica-
in a mix can be reduced (thereby reducing the tion work were completed in February 1965. The
cost) without adversely affecting the mix. Almost Ferguson construction during the past year con-
no e s c a p e of radioactive constituents occurred sisted primarily of the installation of radioactive
during the coring of the grout s h e e t s of injections and p r o c e s s waste drains, a new road around the
5 and 4; no flow of water was observed from t h e s e building, a stack-area fence, and winterizing
grout s h e e t s . A backflow of several thousand gal- improvements to the cooling towers. The ORNL
lons of water containing a trace of ^^''Cs was
installation and modification work consisted of
noted when the grout sheet of injection 3 was
the installation of cell manipulators, stack and
cored; this resulted from improper control of mix-
liquid-waste monitors, health p h y s i c s instrumen-
ing during the injection, and subsequent separation
tation, absolute filters, e t c . ; topsoiling and seed-
of water from the grout. Even here, however,
ing of the construction site; and performing
nearly all the injected radionuclides were re-
numerous miscellaneous modifications to operating
equipment and instrument systems. All the Fer-
The injection facility was modified to incor- guson and most of the ORNL work was performed
porate changes in the mix-proportioning equip- under the HRLAL construction directive (CL-256).
ment so that mixes with lower ratios of cement to Other significant accomplishments for the year
waste could be handled. A mass flowmeter, a de- included: (1) setting up of a programmed main-
vice that continuously weighs the flow of solids, tenance schedule for all building and p r o c e s s
was installed on the solids feed stream, and a equipment, (2) training of operating personnel,
liquid flowmeter was installed cm the waste (3) preparation of numerous operating procedures
stream. Signals from these instruments are and emergency procedures, (4) procurement of

replacement equipment and spare parts for critical a critically safe concentration of 180 g of ^^^U
p r o c e s s equipment, and (5) the preparation of data per liter with 70% full tanks; presently, however,
s h e e t s for routine operation and inspection. the concentration i s being kept at a more con-
venient 100 g/liter.
The t a n k s are made of type 304L s t a i n l e s s
17.6 HIGH-LEVEL ALPHA LABORATORY steel and depend on the use of fixed nuclear
poison, present in the form of borosilicate-glass
Preliminary design and cost evaluation s t u d i e s Raschig rings, which fill each tank and the
for a high-level alpha laboratory were continued
emergency catch pan underneath the t a n k s . The
and have culminated in the preparation of a budget
boron content and isotopic ratio of the g l a s s
submission. The laboratory, which will be
are carefully specified; the B O content must be
administered by the Analytical Chemistry Division,
between 11.8 and 12.8%, with the isotopic ' ° B - t o -
i s estimated to cost about $5,000,000. It will be
' ' B ratio equal to 0.25. Thirty-one percent of the
located in Melton Valley and will occupy an area
volume of the tank is occupied by randomly
of about 45,000 ft^. In addition to office, ser-
packed g l a s s rings.
vice, and CO Id-laboratory support facilities, the
The storage tanks (Fig. 17.2) are unit-shielded
building will contain twenty-eight 16- by 32-ft
by 4 in. of lead and are located in the 50-ft
alpha laboratories and a 32- by 64-ft high-bay
length of pipe tunnel opposite c e l l s 3 and 4. They
area, providing analytical, chemical, metallurgi-
are separated from the rest of the pipe tunnel by
cal, and chemical engineering facilities with
concrete walls 3V ft thick. Enough s p a c e re-
capabilities for handling up to 100 curies of
^^^Pu equivalent and a l e s s e r amount of alpha- mains for three and possibly four more tanks
gamma- or alpha-neutron-emitting materials. identical to those presently installed.
A 1-kg/day, single-cycle, two-column solvent
At the request of management, alternative de-
extraction miniature facility was installed in an
s i g n s were evaluated; t h e s e include subdividing
alpha-contained laboratory located in the Building
the integrated facility into two parts and attaching
3019 gallery. This system augments the existing
each as additions to the High Radiation Level
Thorex solvent extraction system, which can
Analytical Laboratory (Building 2026) and the
p r o c e s s 6 kg of ^^^U per day. The small-scale
Thorium-Uranium Fuel Cycle Development Facility
columns are of type 304L s t a i n l e s s s t e e l , with a
(Building 7930). It was concluded that this alter-
native would result in too much duplication of g l a s s end, filled with 16-gage perforated pulse
facilities and that the overall cost would be con- p l a t e s on \-in. spacing. Micro-bellows pumps
siderably higher than for an integrated facility. supply controlled flows within the system up to
30 ml/min, and a rising-film evaporator capable
of concentrating the final product to 200 g/liter
17.7 STORAGE FACILITY FOR " ^ U , i s included. The first-cycle aqueous feed and
BUILDING 3019 raffinate tanks are unit-shielded with 4 in. of
lead; it may also be n e c e s s a r y to lightly shield
Since ORNL now serves as a national storage the extraction column.
and dispensing agency for reactor-produced ^^^U Dry-solid storage-space capacity for ^U was
nuclear fuel, expanded and improved storage, increased to about 100 kg of ^^^U as an oxide
purification, and handling facilities were added encapsulated in welded aluminum c a n s . Eight
in Building 3019 to better discharge this responsi- additional storage wells, 5 in. in outer diameter
bility. Five conventional cylindrical storage and 12 ft deep, lined with 4-in. (iron pipe s i z e )
t a n k s with a nominal capacity of 250 gal each pipe, were drilled from the penthouse in Building
(3 ft in diameter and 5 ft long) have been in- 3019 into the dividing wall between c e l l s 4 and
stalled in the pipe tunnel to store ^3 3 ^ ^g nitrate 5. A similar set of nine holes 8 ft 3 in. long were
solutions. put into the dividing wall between c e l l s 3 and 4
The separate tanks permit the storage of ^^^U the previous year.
solution according to the level of ^^^U contami- During the p a s t year, about 20 kg of stored
nant present, thereby allowing the more desirable ^^^U was separated from the radioactive daughters
low- U-content material to be kept separate. of " ^ U for designated AEC u s e s . The " ^ U
Four hundred kilograms of ^^^U may be stored at inventory has been increased by the addition of

ORNL DWG 65-3014 R2

23 3
F i g . 17.2. Layout of U Storage F a c i l i t y , Building 3019.

40 kg containing 45 ppm of ^U and 80 kg con- a charcoal bed incorporated in a remotely re-

taining 200 ppm of " ^ U . Prior to the new movable canister (Fig. 17.3), a sealed compressor
acquisitions, nearly 50 kg of ^ U with a ^U for gas circulation, and three May-pack samplers.
content of 38 ppm was on hand. The Demister is designed to remove entrained
moisture from steam-air mixtures generated during
reactor accident conditions. Calculations
17.8 FILTER TESTS IN THE NUCLEAR SAFETY indicate that i t s efficiency for removing 1- to
PILOT PLANT 5-fx-diam droplets i s greater than 99%. The abso-
lute filter will remove radioactive particles
A system was designed and installed by the larger than 0.3 fi in diameter, and the charcoal bed
Chemical Technology Division for testing abso- will remove elemental iodine and iodine compounds
lute-filter—charcoal-bed combinations in the
Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant (NSPP) operated by
A. H. P e t e r s , Application of Moisture Separators
the Reactor Division. Major components of the and Particulate Filters in Reactor Containment,
system include a Demister, absolute filter, and DP-812 (December 1962).

ORNL-DWG 65-1646



F i g . 17.3. Filter Canister for F i l t e r T e s t s (Nuclear Safety Pilot Plant).

such as methyl iodide. Radioactive g a s e s and The compressor will be one designed and built
particles for the NSPP t e s t s will be generated by by the Reactor Division for in-pile service.
melting irradiated fuel elements with a plasma Impeller speeds up to 12,000 rpm will b e obtained
torch in a steam-air atmosphere. The system is by varying the input power frequency externally
designed for a flow of 20 cfm of steam and gas with a variable-speed motor-generator s e t . This
at 300° F and 50 psig pressure. will eliminate the need for a bypass valve to con-
The Demister design i s based on the work of trol the flow through the system. The compressor
P e t e r s . ^ It contains a 2-in.-thick style 321 SR will be positioned downstream of the canister, a s
York Demister^ mat of Teflon^ fibers (0.8 mil in shown in Fig. 17.4. Three May-pack samplers
diameter) woven together with s t a i n l e s s steel will be used for sampling the g a s e s p a s s i n g
wires (6 mils in diameter). Velocities through through the canister. Samples will be taken from
the Demister will be up to 8 fps, and the pressure the containment v e s s e l to determine the system
drop will be l e s s than 1.0 in. H O . The absolute inlet conditions. Other sample points will in-
filter will be a circular Flanders style 7061R-q clude, downstream of the Demister, the absolute
filter with aluminum separators and glass-fiber filter and the charcoal bed. Block valves will
filter medium containing a binder to provide high be provided for isolating the samplers from the
wet strength. The pressure drop across a clean canister and also for isolating the system from
filter will be about 1.8 in. H , 0 . Two Flanders the containment vessel during periods when the
filter-test equipment i s not in operation.
11-in. charcoal b e d s packed with coconut-shell
activated carbon (Pittsburgh, type P C B , —12 +30
mesh) will be used for the final cleanup s t a g e in
the canister. A standard chloropicrin t e s t will be 17.9 STUDIES OF RADIATION SHIELDS
specified for the charcoal beds before delivery by FOR FISSION SOURCES
the vendor.
Calculations were made of the spatial radiation
dose r a t e s from point isotropic fission sources in
Registered trademark, O. H. York Co., Inc.
various shield materials commonly used in cell
Registered trademark, E. I. du Pont de Nemours
and Co., Inc. walls, cell windows, and shipping c a s k s . T h i s

ORNL-DWG 65-1315





F i g . 17.4. Schematic Flow Diagram for F i l t e r T e s t s (Nuclear Safety P i l o t Plant).

work i s an outgrowth of the study of advanced S A G E ' ' for capture gammas. The effect of fission
shield calculational techniques that was begun spectrum was explored, and dose rates were
in support of the shield design of the Trans- calculated for shields of water, CH (paraffin,
uranium P r o c e s s i n g Plant and radioisotope power polyethylene, oil, etc.), mixtures of H O and
sources for space applications. T h e s e data and CH with other elements, and several concretes.
the calculational techniques are directly appli- 2

cable in our continuing design of shields for

sources that emit neutrons from spontaneous
J . Certaine, E. de Dufour, and G. Rabinowitz,
fission. Nucl. Sci. Eng. 12, 446 (1962).
The b a s i c tools used in the shield a n a l y s i s ' B . G . Carlson et al., DTF Users Manual, UNC
were an IBM-7090 computer and four codes for Phys/Math-3321 (1963).
calculating the spatial distribution, energy ®E. D. Arnold and B. F . Maskewitz, SDC-A Shielding
Design Code for Fuel Handling Facilities, ORNL-3041
spectrum, and dose from neutrons and photons: (in preparation).
RENUPAK'* for fast neutrons, DTK^ for neutrons ^M. R. Fleishman, A SANE-SAGE Users Guide,
of low energy, SDC for primary gammas, and UNUCOR-634 (1963).

Codes 0 ORNL-DWG 65-19A

RENUPAK solves the neutron transport equa-

tion in an infinite homogeneous medium using a
moments method. In these calculations, point
fission sources and spherical geometry were
chosen, and the spatial moments were fitted
exponentially to obtain the spatial energy-differ-
ential flux of neutrons having energies from 1 kev
to 18 Mev in lethargy s t e p s of 0 . 1 . The elemental
cross s e c t i o n s were obtained from the United Nu-
clear Corporation.
DTK i s a one-dimensional multigroup program
for solving the neutron transport equation by the
S method. T h e s e calculations were made by
using the S approximation, spherical geometry,
and 18-group cross s e c t i o n s . The spatial thermal-
neutron flux and neutron capture rates were calcu-
lated by using a finemesh and initial flux g u e s s e s
estimated from RENUPAK r e s u l t s .
SDC u s e s tabulated attenuation coefficients
and buildup factors to evaluate the semianalytic
shielding formulas for homogeneous s h i e l d s . 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
/-, DISTANCE (cm)
Nine energy groups were used to approximate the
gamma source from fission, including prompt
gammas and those from fission products at satura- F i g . 17.5. Fast-Neutron Dose Rate in Water and

tion. Hydrous-Iron-Ore Concrete as a Function of the Dis-

SAGE i s a Monte Carlo code for solution of the tance from a Unit Point Isotropic Fission Source of
235.. , 252p,
gamma transport problem in spherically symmetri- U and v.f.

cal multilayer geometry. Splitting and " R u s s i a n

r o u l e t t e " are used for importance sampling. The
spatial distribution of neutron captures from DTK spectrum for ^^'U and a similar fit of the ^^^Cf
results and published capture-gamma spectra^ spectrum. The spectra are:
were used as source input.

for " ^ U , N{E) = 0 . 4 5 3 e - ^ / ' ' - ^ " sinh ( 2 . 2 9 £ ) ' / ^

Effect of Fission Spectrum

for " ^ C f , N{E) = 0 . 3 7 3 e - ' ' - « « ^ sinh ( 2 . 0 £ ) ' ' ' ^ ,
Most of the b a s i c calculations of neutron pene-
tration in the shield materials were made by using where N{E) is the fraction of neutrons per unit
the ^^^U thermal-fission spectrum. T h e s e data energy range emitted in fission, and E i s the
were then used as a point of departure for other neutron energy in Mev.
similar spectra, A comparison of the effect of The fast-neutron dose rate at a d i s t a n c e of 125
the fission neutron spectrum on the fast-neutron cm in water i s 2.5 times higher from the ^^^Cf
dose rate in water and hydrous iron ore concrete spectrum than from U. At the same distance
i s shown in Fig. 17.5. T h e s e dose rates from a in the hydrous iron ore concrete, the dose rate
unit point isotropic fission source were calculated from the '^^^Cf spectrum i s only 1.65 higher than
with the RENUPAK code by using the Cranberg from the ^ U spectrum. It is to be expected
that the dose rate from the ^^^Cf spectrum will
tend to approach the dose rate from the ^''^U
E. P . Blizard and L. S. Abbott, Reactor Handbook,
III B, Shielding, p. 98, Interscience, 1962. spectrum in shields having appreciable quantities

of moderate to high atomic number elements, which neutron flux in water with the transformed ex-
have large inelastic scattering cross sections in perimental results reported by T r u b e y . '
the Mev region. Fast-neutron dose rates in CH and mixtures of
H O and CH with other shield materials, a s
calculated with RENUPAK, are shown in F i g .
17.8. The hydrogenous shields with 50 vol %
Water, C H , , and Mixtures
iron or lead are qjpreciably more effective than
water in attenuating fission neutrons.
The fast-neutron, primary-gamma, and capture-
gamma dose rates and thermal-neutron flux in
water and CH^—5 wt % boron as calculated by the
RENUPAK, DTK, and SDC codes are shown in
F i g s . 17.6 and 17.7 A ^^^U fission spectrum i s
The calculated spatial dose rate from fast
assumed. In water, the capture-gamma rays are
neutrons and primary and capture gammas and
2.23-Mev photons from capture in hydrogen. In
the thermal-neutron flux in normal concrete
the borated paraffin, the predominant gamma rays
(type H, Table 17.1) are shown in Fig. 17.9.
are the 0.478-Mev gamma from capture in ^°B and
Because of the relatively low density of normal
the 2.23-Mev gamma from hydrogen. The calcu-
lated dose rates are sufficiently accurate for the
shield calculations of interest based on the D. K. Trubey, Calculation of Fission-Source
comparison (Fig. 17.6) of the calculated thermal- Thermal'Neutron Distribution in Water by the Trans-
fusion Method, ORNL-3487 (1964).




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

r, DISTANCE (cm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
r, DISTANCE (cm)

F i g . 17.7. Fast-Neutron, Primary-Gamma, and Cap-

Fig. 17.6. Fast-Neutron, Primary-Gamma, and Capture- ture-Gamma Dose Rate, and Thermal-Neutron Flux in
Gamma Dose Rate, and Thermal-Neutron Flux in Water C H j - S wt % Boron (Density 1,00 g / m l ) as a Function
as a Function of the Distance from a Unit Point Iso- of the Distance from a Unit Point Isotropic Fission
235 5 (235,,
tropic Fission Source of U.
oource ot U.

ORNL-DWG 6 5 - 2 0 A ORNL-DWG 65-904A


10- N
^ \ 1
- H , 0 - 52.4 vol % Fe
(4.56 g cm"')
\ \ \ 1 1 1
o 10"

V ^y-«—CH2-5O vol % Pb
S/V^N (6.13 g c m " ' )
0) 10"

{0.9!I g cm 3 , / \
10- 5

\ \
•A \

Ch 2-52.4 vol %
(4.53 g cm" )
k^ \ ^
\ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
r, DISTANCE (cm)

10" \ ^ ^
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
F i g . 17.9. Fast-Neutron, Primary-Gamma, and Cap-
r, DISTANCE (cm)
ture-Gamma Dose Rate, and Thermal-Neutron Flux in
Normal Concrete as a Function of the Distance from
F i g . 17.8. Fast-Neutron Dose Rate In Various 235,
a Unit Point Isotropic Fission Source of U.
Hydrogenous Materials as a F u n c t i o n of the Distance
23 5
from a Unit Point Isotropic Fission Source o f U.

T a b l e 1 7 . 1 . C o m p o s i t i o n of C o n c r e t e s A s s u m e d for S h i e l d A n a l y s i s

Type of Concrete

Hydrous Hydrous Hydrous Hydrous
Iron Ore Iron Ore Iron Ore Iron Ore Limonite Ferrophos-Serpentine Magnetite-Serpentine Normal

Elemental Density,
H" 0.0215 0.0160 0.0108 0.00538 0.0370 0.0208 0.0122 0.0200
o 1.304 1.261 1.218 1.176 1.113 0.7805 1.180 1.116
F e , Cr, Mn, V 1.960 1.960 1.960 1.960 1.189 1.355 1.181
Si, Al, Mg, S, P 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.165 1.044 0.457 0.491

Ca, Ti 0.128 0.128 0.128 0.128 0.227 0.196 0.458 0.612

S. 0.118

Total 3.522 3.473 3.425 3.377 2.731 3.396 3.288 2.357

^Cross sections for the underlined element were used in calculating the fast-neutron dose.

ORNL-DWG 65-15A irradiated samples contaminated with a mixture of

radioactive nuclides. The investigation was made
primarily to evaluate various protective coatings
for u s e in hot laboratories and fuel-processing
1 0)""<
' '^••••?i
- = • % 1 - facilities at ORNL, where they are used in hot
c e l l s , transfer areas, laboratories, and general
W ^\ \ service areas. The most severe exposure will
10"^= - be incurred by coatings on the concrete surfaces

ia)-3 -
"mx ' '' ' of hot c e l l s , where they will be subjected to high
radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, and neutrons)
and periodic submergence in deionized water.

'm\ 1
The anticipated level of gamma radiation i s from
10•* to 10^ r/hr and of neutron exposure from 4.2 x

10"- 4
-'mx'J \p
- -
10 to 2.1 X 10 neutrons cm ^ sec"
the coatings must also withstand abrasion from
heavy wheeled carts, etc., and the attack of
cleaning reagents. Performance data on only some
Some of

J; 10"- 5 A of the better coatings are reported here. P l a s t i c s

(not coatings) were also tested for service in hot-
\ ^
10"° -- - \>x" cell areas where experimental chemical-process-
development studies are conducted; data on t h e s e

V materials are reported elsewhere.^"

Epoxy, modified phenolic, polyester, vinyl, and
-7 inorganic coatings were evaluated both in air and
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 in deionized water to obtain comparative ratings
r, DISTANCE (cm) after an exposure to ionizing radiation in a Co
gamma source at i n t e n s i t i e s from 0.9 to 2.08 x
F i g . 17.10. F a s t - N e u t r o n Dose Rate in V a r i o u s Con- 10^ r/hr. The results indicate that the epoxy,
c r e t e s as a F u n c t i o n of the D i s t a n c e from a U n i t P o i n t modified phenolic, and inorganic zinc protective
235 coatings are more resistant to gamma radiation
I s o t r o p i c F i s s i o n Source of U.
than the other generic types t e s t e d .
The vinyl coatings, although not as resistant
to radiation as the epoxies, were more resistant
concrete, capture gammas are the primary con- than anticipated and should be useful in many
tributor to the total dose when the concrete applications, particularly since they display good
thickness e x c e e d s 110 to 120 cm. decontaminability. A summary of the top-rated
The calculated fast-neutron dose rates in other coatings for r e s i s t a n c e to radiation i s given in
concretes, of assumed composition given in T a b l e s 17.2 and 17,3. Table 17.2 gives data for
Table 17.1, are shown in Fig. 17.10. The calcu- use when the coatings are submerged in deionized
lated fast-neutron dose rates are very dependent water and Table 17.3 for exposure in air. The
on the hydrogen content of the concretes, and, to irradiation values given in the last column are
a l e s s e r extent, on the total density. the radiation levels at which the coatings were
judged to have failed to provide a seal for the
coated concrete or metal surface they were
17.10 IRRADIATION AND DECONTAMINATION designed to protect.
EVALUATION TESTS ON SELECTED The polyamid-cured epoxy coatings were more
PROTECTIVE C O A T I N G S ' " resistant to radiation than the other organic

Protective coatings and other p l a s t i c materials

G. A. West and C. D. Watson, Gamma Radiation
were evaluated for radiation damage and decon- Damage and Decontamination Evaluation ol Protective
taminability. A Co gamma source supplied the Coatings and Other Materials for Hot Laboratory and
Fuel Processing Facilities, ORNL-3589 (February
radiation, and 3 M HNO was used to clean 1965).

Table 17.2, Gamma Irradiation L e v e l s at Which 12 Epoxy, Modified Phenolic, and Vinyl Protective
Coatings Failed when Immersed in Deionized Water

Trade Name Manufacturer Type Irradiation

Tygoweld No. 54060 U.S. Stoneware Co. Epoxy 4.81 X 10 r

No. 74-66 System^ Amercoat Corp. Epoxy 4.78 X 10 r
Plasite 7155 Wisconsin Protective Coating Co. Modified phenolic 4.5 X 10^ r
No. 66-66 System Amercoat Corp. Epoxy 1.0-3.6 X l o ' r
Coroline 505.2* Ceilcote Co. Epoxy 1.34-3.0 X 10^ r
UC 9647* Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Epoxy 2.33 X 10^ r
UC 12168* Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Epoxy 1.83-2.33 X 10 r
Phenoline 368-300 System" Carboline Co. Modified phenolic 1.02-1.14 X 10 r
Phenoline 300-302-300 System* Carboline Co. Modified phenolic 1.02-1.14 X 10 r
Series A David E. Long Corp. Vinyl 8.79 X 10* r
86-99-99 System Amercoat Corp. Vinyl 6.9 X 10 r
86-33HB System Amercoat Corp. Vinyl 6.6 X 10* r

^Fiberglas-impregnated for structural strength.

Table 17.3. Gamma Irradiation L e v e l s at Which 9 Epoxy, Modified Phenolic, Inorganic,

and V i n y l Protective Coatings Failed when Irradiated in Air

Trade Name Manufacturer Type Irradiation

No. 74-66 System Amercoat Corp. Epoxy >1 X 1 0 " r

No. 56-66 System Amercoat Corp. Epoxy > l x lo'^r

Phenoline 368 System Carboline Co. Modified phenolic >1 X lO^S
Colma Protective Coating Sika Chemical Co. Epoxy > l x 10'°r
No. 1680 over Dimetcote No. 3 Amercoat Corp. Inorganic >lx i o ' \
No. 86-99 System Amercoat Corp. Vinyl 6.6 x l o ' r
Rustbond Primer No. 6C, Polyclad Carboline Co. Vinyl 4.9X 1 0 %

933-1, Polyclad 1200-20 System

No. 38-88 System Amercoat Corp. Vinyl 4.38 X lo'r

Series A David E, Long Corp. Vinyl 4.28 X w\

Impregnated with F i b e r g l a s .

coatings when immersed in deionized water. by radiation when exposed in air than when
However, this ultimate resistance depends on the immersed in deionized water.
type and amount of fillers, additives, and anti- If a coating is reinforced with Fiberglas fabric,
oxidants used, and the curing conditions. In it is generally more resistant to radiation in
general, all coatings tested were less affected water exposure and retains its resistance to im-

T a b l e 17.4. Decontamination Factors Obtained from Irrodiation-Contamination-Decontommation

Tests with Four Protective Coatings

Trade Name Manufacturer Type Total Decontamination Factor


RO-221 Primer, TP-216 Seal U.S. Stoneware Co. Vinyl 9.3

with a silicone r e l e a s e agent
No. 66-66 System* Amercoat Corp. Epoxy 6.3
Nukemite 40 Amercoat Corp. Vinyl 4.5

Rustbond 6C Primer, Polyclad Carboline Co. Vmyl 3.6

933-1, Polyclad 1200-20

Impregnated with F i b e r g l a s .

pact better than an unreinforced coating. How- tested, and decontamination was done by flush-
ever, Fiberglas fabric does not appear to extend ing the contaminated spot with water, scrubbing it
the useful life of a coating irradiated in air. On with 3 M HNO , and counting the residual radio-
the other hand, dispersion of Ti'iberglas filler did activity. The coatings were also evaluated by
not seem to improve a coating's resistance to visual observation, physical comparison, and
gamma radiation in either water or air exposures. measurement by coating-evaluation instruments
The color of the coating does not appear to affect before and after the radiation-decontamination
i t s r e s i s t a n c e to radiation. Light colors are u s e - t e s t s . The decontamination factors achieved in
ful for light reflection up to about 5 x 10* r of these t e s t s for the four most decontaminable
gamma radiation. Most of the vinyl coatings were coatings are shown in Table 17,4. In general,
more r e s i s t a n t to radiation in air than in previously the vinyl and glossy epoxy coatings were the
reported t e s t s . e a s i e s t to decontaminate. Decontamination i s
To evaluate the decontaminability of the protec- accomplished best on (1) a hard, smooth, non-
tive coatings, a solution of mixed fission products porous, and acid-resistant coating or (2) hard,
having a total activity of 0.86 to 3.0 r/hr was nonporous undercoats with a seal coat that i s
easily removed by reagents.
dried on the surface of each irradiated material
18. Molten-Salt Reactor Processing

Among the long-range projects of the Oak Ridge several strong points. Without dwelling on these
National Laboratory is the development of a here, we immediately single out the characteristic
Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR), which will that the MSBR, having a fluid fuel and blanket,
u s e thorium as a fertile material. When compared lends itself to continuous processing for recovery
with other reactor types, this concept displays of newly produced U from the blanket and

ORNL-DWG 65-3016A


F i g . 1 8 , 1 , Major Unit Operations in Processing the Fuel and Blanket Streams of a Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor.


removal of fission product poisons from the core. 18.1 CONTINUOUS FLUORINATION OF
T h e s e are mandatory operations for a successful MOLTEN SALT
thermal breeder. Since fluoride s a l t s have been
selected as the most suitable fuel solvent, we Fluorination converts the uranium tetrafluoride
have available to us, in attacking these problems, in the salt to volatile hexafluoride according to
the maturing technology of fluorine chemistry and the reaction:
particularly our experience with the Molten-Salt
Volatility P r o c e s s . UF ^ + F 2 - ^ UF g .

A paper study and a preliminary cost estimate

Since some fission and corrosion products (Mo,
were made of a chemical processing plant for a Ru, Nb, Cr, T e , and T c ) also form volatile fluo-
1000-Mw (electrical) Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor, rides, the g a s e s are p a s s e d through traps of MgF
which is to be a two-region system utilizing an and NaF pellets at 400°C. T h e s e sorbers retain
L i F - T h F ^ (71-29 mole %) blanket and an L i F - the contaminants while passing UF , which is
B e F -UF^ (about 68.5-31.2-0.3 mole %) fuel subsequently collected in a cold trap at —70°C for
stream. The study employed a new approach to recycle t o the reactor fuel stream.
chemical processing plant design by integrating Previous experience with batch fluorination of
the processing and reactor plants into the same UF in molten salt showed that nearly complete
physical structure to avoid duplication of services volatilization of U F , can be obtained at reason-
and facilities and to reduce operating c o s t s . Proc- o

e s s i n g of both streams will be carried on contin- able rates by sparging the salt with fluorine. The
uously to minimize the holdup of fissile and fertile major problem a s s o c i a t e d with making this step
materials. The entire plant for processing both continuous i s corrosion, which appears prevent-
fuel and fertile streams can be installed in two able by use of a frozen layer of salt on the v e s s e l
c e l l s located adjacent to the reactor cell, having wall or by use of gas-phase-continuous fluorination
a combined area no greater than 1100 ft^ and in which the salt is sprayed as droplets into
headroom of about 40 ft. fluorine gas.
Previous technology includes t e s t s on a batch
The most attractive process for the fuel s a l t frozen-wall fluorinator in support of the molten-salt
c o n s i s t s of fluorination of the salt to remove the fluoride volatility process. Internal heat genera-
uranium, which is subsequently purified by sorp- tion was provided by r e s i s t a n c e heating, using
tion on N a F . The residual salt is processed by nickel electrodes and 60-cycle ac power. This
vacuum distillation to recover the L i F and BeF , system was operable with gas flowing through an
concentrating fission products in the still bottoms. unheated line that entered the fluorinator at a
The fuel salt i s reconstituted by continuously point below the surface of the molten salt.
sorbing the UF directly in the d i s t i l l a t e . The It should be noted that electrodes will not be
blanket processing c o n s i s t s only in the removal necessary for a fluorinator operating on the fuel
of product uranium by fluorination, since the fis- stream from an MSBR since adequate internal heat
sion products will accumulate at a rate small generation will be provided by decay of fission
enough to permit their economical removal by a products in the s a l t .
purge stream. A schematic diagram of the major For the reference 1000-Mw (electrical) reactor
process steps i s shown in F i g . 1 8 . 1 . it was necessary to cool the fuel stream for 1.5
days to reduce the specific heat generation rate
An MSBR power station operating at 1000 Mw to 3 x 10'* Btu hr~^ ft~^ to facilitate temperature
(electrical) would require a fuel stream processing control. '
rate of about 15 ft^/day and a fertile stream rate To get adequate uranium recovery with reason-
of 105 ft^/day. It i s estimated that the fixed able fluorine utilization, countercurrent contact
capital cost would be $5,500,000 and that the of the salt with the fluorine seems n e c e s s a r y ,
direct operating cost could be $604,000 per year. which logically s u g g e s t s the use of a tower. The
behavior of such a system is being explored in
C. D. Scott and W. L. Carter, Molten Salt Breeder
a l-in.-diam nickel fluorinator having a salt depth
Reactor Fuel and Fertile Stream Processing, ORNL- of 48 in. and a salt feed tank with sufficient
3791 (1965).
volume to maintain a salt flow of 20 ml/min for

an 8-hr period. A l t h o u ^ this experimental unit v e s s e l containing salt brought to the desired
corrodes rapidly, it will yield m a s s transfer data. temperature and pressure (Fig. 18.2). This method
had the virtue of being rapid and relatively simple
and was capable of producing results accurate
18.2 DISTILLATION OF MOLTEN SALT within a factor of 2. The s u c c e s s of the method
was largely attributed to the fact that condensation
T h e expensive ^LiF and BeF can b e recovered was rapid enough to prevent any selection, while
from the fluorinated fuel salt semi continuously by sufficient liquid phase was used so that its com-
distillation. This approach was originally sug- position did not change appreciably. The fact
gested by M. J . Kelly of the Reactor Chemistry that the major constituent was the more volatile
Division, who demonstrated the feasibility of worked to minimize the experimental error, which
distillation.^ The uranium-free s a l t may be fed i s thought to be in the same order a s the analytical
continuously to a still pot that accumulates the error.
l e s s volatile fission products while the BeF
T h e fission product contaminants of main con-
and ' L i F are boiled off. B e c a u s e the vapor
cern are the rare earths. Of t h e s e , the ones that
pressure of B e F is 100 times that of L i F , the
will be present in the largest amount or that will
still pot will contain little B e F ^ . At 1000°C,
present the largest neutron loss are Nd, Sm, Pm,
the still will operate at a pressure of about
Pr, Eu, La, and C e . Initial experimental t e s t s
1 mm Hg. The still bottoms will be discharged
have been made on all of t h e s e rare-earth fluorides
with a c y c l e time probably determined by the heat
except Pm. T h e results show that the average
generation of the accumulated fission products.
relative volatilities of the trivalent rare earths
F i s s i o n products Z r F ^ , SnF^, RbF, C s F , and in L i F varied from 0.01 to 0.05 (Table 18.1).
CdF are more volatile than L i F and will not be There appears to be a trend toward d e c r e a s i n g
separated from the carrier s a l t by distillation;
but the others, including the high-cross-section
rare earths, are l e s s volatile and can be separated. ORNL-DWG 65-7817A
T h e current experimental work h a s been directed CHILLED AIR IN
toward the determination of the relative volatilities
of the rare-earth fission products with respect to AIR OUT
L i F . The relative volatility a is defined a s :



where A and B refer to two components, and y and

X are the vapor phase and liquid phase mole
fractions respectively. When component A is
present in small quantities, the ratio of the mole
fractions of B in vapor and the liquid approaches TUBING
unity and
' / 4 - i n . COLD FINGER

AB ^yA/'^A'

and the relative volatility becomes a form of

Henry's law constant. The lower the relative
volatilities of the fission products with respect
to L i F , the more effective will be the separation.
The experimental apparatus included a cold
finger to condense the vapor phase in a small 1-in. NICKEL PIPE

W. R. Grimes, Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Kept.

Jan. 31, 1965, ORNL-3789. Fig. 18,2. Equilibrium Still with Cold Finger,

Table 1 8 . 1 . Relative V o l a t i l i t i e s of Rare-Earth reduction of UF into a molten-salt phase con-

Fluorides in Lithium Fluoride taining UF . This could be carried out contin-
uously in a column in which the barren s a l t and
Rare- Liquid UF are introduced at the bottom, along with some
Test Average Relative Volatility
Earth Mole salt containing UF , which i s recycled from the
Fluoride Fraction 900°C 950°C 1000°C 1050°C top. As the salt and U F progress up the column,
the U F , will be absorbed in the s a l t and be re-
1 CeF^ 0.0067 0.133 0.167 0.208
duced to an intermediate fluoride, which i s further
2 SmFj 0.01 0.033 0.009 reduced to UF as it p a s s e s into a hydrogen
3 NdFj 0.01 0.025 0.016 reduction section. T h e introduction of hydrogen
also provides the HF-H sparging usually given
4 PrF3 0.001 0.038 0.020 0.014
to makeup s a l t and thus prepares it for return to
5 EuFg 0.001 0.041 0.037 0.028 0.012 the reactor after filtration.
6 CeF^ 0.01 0.043 0.033 0.018 Initial t e s t s indicate that the sorption step is
very rapid. It may be desirable, however, to keep
7 LaF3 0.001 0.035 0.024
the fluoride content of the intermediate fluoride
8 LaFg 0.01 0.051 0.027 0.011 0.008 below that equivalent to UF to minimize cor-
T e s t s were made in a 4-in.-diam reaction v e s s e l ,
the off-gas of which was conducted to two NaF
traps: One trap was used only during UF addi-
relative volatility with increasing temperature.
tion to the salt, and the other for collecting all
Cerium tetrafluoride showed a relative volatility
other HF or UF . Three runs were made in which
of about 0.15. Scouting t e s t s with C s F showed
UFg was bubbled into 5320 g of Z r F ^ , 863 g of
it to have a relative volatility somewhere between
L i F , and about 61.8 g of UF . At the operating
6 and 16.
temperature of 600°C, the molten salt depth in the
T h e s e results compare favorably with some of
v e s s e l was 12 in.
M. J. Kelly's data^ taken from a batch distillation
After sparging the salt with nitrogen, UF was
test in which an MSRE-type salt was used, from
introduced at a rate of 1.5 g/min for about 30 min.
which average relative volatilities of 0.05 and
Material balances were obtained from samples of
0.02 for L a F and SmF , respectively, were
the molten salt and the t r a p s . For the second and
third runs, analyses of the sodium fluoride trap
T h e s e relative volatility values are high enough
gave the amount of U F , that escaped absorption.
to warrant serious consideration of a rectification
It was concluded that complete absorption of the
UFg had occurred, to the limit of detection.
Data on the oxidation s t a t e of the uranium after
18.3 RECONSTITUTION OF FUEL FOR A absorption are not conclusive, showing complete
MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTOR reduction to UF during the first and second t e s t s
and the equivalent of 60% reduction of the UF
Since the carrier salt and UF are purified to U F ^ during the third. It is likely that reaction
separately, they must be recombined for return with the metal container w a s significant.
to the reactor. Previous technology includes dry
reduction in a tall column where the UF ^ and 18.4 CHROMIUM FLUORIDE TRAPPING
hydrogen are introduced into an H ,-F flame to
Among the problems associated with the terminal
produce a dry UF powder. Such a process would
recovery of the uranium from the fuel s a l t of the
not be desirable here because of the difficulties
Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) is the
in handling s o l i d s . An alternative that has been
separation of chromium fluoride from UF ^. The
demonstrated by preliminary experiments to be
chromium, which will be present as a result of
feasible u s e s the simultaneous absorption and
corrosion during fuel-salt treatment, will be vol-
atilized as CrF^ or C r F , when the s a l t i s fluori-
4 5
M. J. Kelly, ORNL, unpublished data. May 21, 1965. nated with fluorine to produce UF . Packed beds

of pelleted NaF at 400°C have been found to found for the Paducah material. T h e loadings
effectively trap the chromium. observed for the Paducah material are considered
In each of eight t e s t s , the chromium-containing adequate for application in processing the MSRE
gas stream was generated by bubbling fluorine fuel; however, the possibility of interaction of
through a 3-kg charge of nominal 38 mole % U F , with the C r F . - N a F complex should be ex-
6 5
ZrF - 6 2 mole % NaF at 650°C to which had been
4 plored. Typical profiles for the distribution of
added about 60 g of CrF ^ The t e s t s used gas chromium on the sodium fluoride beds are shown
rates of 0.4 to 0.9 std liter/min for 2 to 5 hr, for the two types of pellets in F i g . 18.3.
during which time 11 to 20 g of chromium fluoride
was volatilized. Three NaF beds having a di-
ameter of 1 k in. were used in s e r i e s , giving a
total bed length of 6 ft. Two types of NaF pellets
were used: V-in. cylindrical p e l l e t s obtained from
While the fluorination-distillation route to proc-
the Harshaw Chemical Company, which had a
e s s i n g the fuel s a l t i s attractive, it is recognized
surface area of 1 m^/g and a void fraction of
that there may be other schemes which are more
0.45, and ^/ -in.-diam pellets produced at the
direct and more economical.
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion P l a n t , which had a
The obvious alternative would be to remove the
surface area of 0.074 m ^ / g and a void fraction of
high-cross-section contaminants from the s a l t
0.277. A maximum loading of 0.04 g of chromium
per gram of NaF was observed for the Harshaw rather than vice versa. T h e suggested methods
material, and a maximum loading of 0.136 g of for effecting this can be grouped as follows:
chromium per gram of sodium fluoride was observed (1) exchange of the detrimental elements in the
for the Paducah material. T h e chromium was s a l t for innocuous ones in a fixed solid phase
concentrated near the external surface of the such as a refractory oxide or carbide; (2) con-
Harshaw p e l l e t s , but much deeper penetration was trolled reduction either by an electrode or by a
metallic reductant, with assimilation of the poi-
sons into either the electrode or a separate molten
metal p h a s e ; or (3) the u s e of reduction or the
ORNL-DWG 65-3008A
addition of a reagent to precipitate the poisons
for removal by filtration. T h e potential simplicity
of contacting a molten metal with the molten s a l t
h a s led to serious exploratory work on the second
\ ,
v ~-
method; however, insolubility of rare-earth—beryl-
lium intermetallics h a s led to work in the third
\ ^ method, which couples attractive chemistry with
the formidable engineering problem of collecting

\ • RUN CR-2
0 RUN CR-3 finely divided particles from the molten s a l t .
\ A RUN CR-4
Referral to the standard free energies of forma-
A RUN C R-7 tion at 1000°K of the fluorides of interest shows
\ \
* LiF to be t h e most stable with the lowest free
\ energy. The alkaline-earth fluorides are next
stable, and the rare-earth fluorides lie between
\ \ \
the alkaline-earth fluorides and B e F ^ . Thorium
X\ \
and uranium fluorides come next, then zirconium,
PELL ETS chromium, zinc, iron, and the metals of increasing
nobility. From simple electrochemistry one would
^ ^ expect that to reduce the rare earths the uranium
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
and beryllium must first be reduced. T h i s picture
can be altered by the formation of complexes
Fig. 18.3. Relation Between Chromium Loading and or intermetallic compounds. It appears, however,
Distance for Sodium Fluoride Pellets Supplied by that circumventing the reduction of uranium is
Harshaw Co, and Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, so unlikely that removal by fluorination prior

to subsequent treatment of the carrier salt is however, shows that, in each c a s e , either an
necessary. undesirable ion had been introduced into the salt
or substantial reduction of beryllium had occurred.
Experimental extractions were made by melting
It was further observed that significant amounts
about 6 g (3 ml) of 67-33 mole % L i F - B e F ^ con-
of black particles accumulated at the interface
taining "cold s p i k e s " of La (0.7%), Gd (0.5%),
and Sr (0.2%), together with an equal volume of for the most successful runs. T h i s material was
the metal extractant in a mild steel or graphite isolated in one c a s e and identified as Be La.
crucible 0.6 in. in diameter and 3 in. long. A Subsequent study showed that all the rare earths
protective atmosphere of pure argon at 5 psig was and many other metals form intermetallic com-
provided in a containment v e s s e l of nickel tubing pounds of the form Be^^M, which are highly in-
1 in. in diameter and 8 in. long, supported verti- soluble in either the salt phase or any metal phase
cally and heated by a conventional split-tube tested.
electrical resistance furnace. T h e nickel v e s s e l A s e r i e s of experiments exploring the utility of
was shaken gently for a contact time of 12 to 90 these compounds was made by contacting s a l t s
min, then given about 30 to 60 min for settling, similar to those used in the metal extraction runs
after which the two phases were allowed to freeze. with powdered beryllium. From 60 to 90% of the
T h e crucible was then sacrificed, and the salt trivalent rare earths were removed when the metal
and metal phases were broken apart, when pos- was present at 13 times the stoichiometric re-
sible, at the interface. In all c a s e s , some cleanup quirement (temperature: 550 to 600°C). Rare
of the blackened surfaces of each phase by filing earths with a stable divalent s t a t e , such a s
and wire brushing was necessary prior to sampling. europium, and the alkaline earths were not af-
fected. Preliminary t e s t s using lithium metal as
The results from 11 such extractions (Table a reductant indicate that this is a superior route
18.2 show that only very strong reductants such to the formation of Be M precipitates. The solids
as the Al-Mg-Sn metal or high-lithium-content formed are granular and are easily separated by
alloys appeared successful. Closer scrutiny. either filtration or sedimentation.

Table 18.2. Liquid Metal Extractants for the Decontamination of Barren MSR Core Salt

Conditions: graphite crucibles, except where noted; argon atmosphere (1 ppra O ) at 5 psig
Initial salt composition: Li B e F containing 0.7 wt % La, 0.87o Gd, 0.27o Sr as fluorides

Loss of
Equilibrium Beryllium
Distribution Ratio,
Run Initial Alloy Conditions Inventory K — C /C Remarks
No. Composition (at. %) to Metal D m e t a r salt
Temperature Time
La Gd Sr
(°C) (mm) Phase

1 81 A l - 1 9 Li 700 35 0.22 1.7 1.1 0.008 Poor phase separation;

alloy heterogeneous;
p ~ p
alloy ^ salt
2 6 5 A l - 3 5Mg 650 12 0.05 3.3 1.7 0.11 Samples heterogeneous;
'alloy ^salt
3 20 A l - 2 0 Mg-60 Sn 580 50 0.60 10.0 5.0 5.0 Al, Mg, and Sn found m
salt, 5% each; two alloy
p h a s e s , Mg Sn found in
each, K 's all same in

Table 18.2.(continued)

L o s s of
Equilibrium Beryllium Distribution Ratio,
Run Initial Alloy Conditions Inventory K:„ = C , / C ,. Remarks
No. Composition (at. %)
Temperature Time to Metal D metal' salt
La Gd
(°C) (mm) Phase

4 0.38 C e - 1 . 1 L i - 9 8 . 5 Sn 560 80 2.0 6.6 5.9 0.056 r a l l o y >P

' f ' s a l t ' Be l o s s
largely in interface crud,
r e c o v e r i e s : 69% Ce,
88% La, 92% Gd, 52% Sr
5 3.5 C e - 1 0 . 5 L i - 8 6 Sn 560 20 0.15 1.07 0.4 3.0 < 5 0 0 ppm Sn in s a l t , re-
c o v e r i e s : 6% La, 6%
Gd, 88% Sr, 110% Ce
6 100 Sn 570 90 0.004 0.0007 0.0001 0.0004 Recoveries: 86% La,
99.8% Gd, 94% Sr
8 20 L i - 8 0 Sn 510 64 0.004 0.05 0.01 0.01 < 5 0 0 ppm Sn in s a l t
9 22 L i - 7 8 Sn 660 65 0.040 1.6 0.5 0.2 Alloy filtered into s a l t ,
C e F 4. also in s a l t here,
K ^ ( C e ) = 0 . 5 , alloy het-
erogeneous, r e c o v e r i e s :
126% La, 72% Gd, 67%
Sr, 142% Ce
10 50 L i - 5 0 Sn 550 250 0.002 1.0 0.02 0.17 0.1% Sn m s a l t
11 50Li-50Sn 822 60 0.002 0.012 0.0016 0.53 2% Sn in s a l t , phase s e p a -
ration good, olive-
colored surface deposit
on alloy

12 50 L i - 5 0 Sn 520 30 0.009 2.2 0.55 2.0 < 5 0 0 ppm Sn in s a l t , alloy


13 70 L i - 3 0 Sn 800 30 0.020 0.01 0.005 0.14 Mild s t e e l crucible, recov-

e r i e s : 8270 L a , 9 1 % Gd,
70% Sr, some alloy d i s -
persed in s a l t

14 99 L i - 1 Sn 560 60 3.8 3.0 2.6 1.1 Mild s t e e l crucible,

''^alloy ^salt
15 100 Li 550 20 0.33-0.8 1-20 1.2 Mild s t e e l crucible, low
K r e s u l t s are for bulk
metal, high ones for
black intertacial crud,
Be loss probably higher
than in run 14 since
Be La identified in
dark s a l t by x-ray
19. Water Research Program

Work by the Chemical Technology Division on to the Office of Saline Water, and only an abstract
the Water Research Program is reported directly appears in this report (see the Summary).

Publications, Speeches, and Seminars


Goeller, H. E., E. M. Shank, and W. M. Sproule, List of Information Sent to and Received from the Euro-
chemic Co., January 1, 1964, Through June 30, 1964 (Categorized), ORNL-TM-685, Suppl. 2 (August
Goeller, H. E., E. M. Shank, and W. M. Sproule, List of Information Sent to and Received from the Euro-
chemic Co., July 1, 1964, Through December 31, 1964 (Categorized), ORNL-TM-685 ( F e b . 26, 1965).
Salmon, Royes, A Computer Code (CDC 1604A or IBM 7090) for Calculating the Cost of Shipping Spent
Reactor Fuels as a Function of Burnup, Specific Power, Cooling Time, Fuel Composition, and Other
Variables, ORNL-3648 (August 1964).
Salmon, Royes, " E c o n o m i c s of Irradiated Fuel S h i p m e n t s , " Chem. Eng. Progr. Symp. Ser. 61(56) (1965);
presented at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting, Boston, Mass., Dec. 10, 1964.


Coleman, C. F . , " P r o p e r t i e s of Organic-Water Mixtures. II. Solubilities and Activity Coefficients of

Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride in N,N-Dialkylamides Containing Water," / . Phys. Chem.
69, 1377 (1965).
Thomas, D. G., " F o r c e d Convection Mass Transfer. Part II. Effect of Wires Located Near the Edge of
the Laminar Under layer on the Rate of Forced Convection from a F l a t P l a t e , " to be published in
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal.


Krohn, N. A., " T h e Design and Calibration of an 80 Curie ' " S r Beta Irradiator," to be published in
Krohn, N. A., " T h e Effects of Radiation on Heterogeneous C a t a l y s t s , " presented at T e x a s Women's
University, Denton, Tex., J a n . 15, 1965.


H a a s , P . A., and H. F . Johnson, " A Model and Experimental R e s u l t s for Drainage of Solution Between
Foam B u b b l e s , " presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting in Chicago, Aug.
3 0 - S e p t . 4, 1964.
Ryon, A. D., and R. S. Lowrie, Efficiency and Flow Capacity of Pulsed Columns Used for the Separation
of Uranium from Thorium by Solvent Extraction with Di-sec-butylphenylphosphonate, ORNL-3732
(January 1965).


Scott, C. D., " A n a l y s i s of the Combustion of Graphite-Uranium F u e l s in a Fixed Bed or Moving B e d , "
presented at the American Chemical Society Meeting, Chicago, Aug. 31—Sept. 4, 1964.
Scott, C. D., and J. M. Holmes, Emergency Environmental Control System for the Tunnel Grid Shelter,
ORNL-TM-1067 (Jan. 18, 1965).


Bond, W. D., "Chemistry of the Recovery of Transplutonium Elements from Underground Nuclear Explo-
sions in Rock S a l t , " presented at T e n n e s s e e Academy of Science, Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 27—28,
1964, to be published m Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science.
Bond, W. D., Production of Tritium by Contained Nuclear Explosions m Salt. II. Laboratory Studies of
the Reduction of Alkaline Earth Sulfates by Hydrogen, ORNL-3334, Part II (August 1964).


Egan, B. Z . , R. A. Zingaro, and B. M. Benjamin, " E x t r a c t i o n of Alkali Metals by Substituted P h e n o l s , "

presented at 20th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Shreveport, L a . ,
Dec. 3 - 5 , 1964.
Egan, B. Z . , and R. A. Zingaro, " E x t r a c t i o n of Alkali Metals by Substituted P h e n o l s , " Research and
Technology Concentrates of Chem. Eng. News 42(50), 39 (1964); presented, under the ORNL Traveling
Lecture Program, at the University of South Florida, Tampa, F e b . 23, 1965, at Florida Atlantic
University, Boca-Raton, F e b . 25, 1965; to be published in Inorganic Chemistry.
Egan, B. Z . , R. A. Zingaro, and B. M. Benjamin, " E x t r a c t i o n of Alkali Metals by 4-sec-Butyl-2-(a-
methylbenzyl)phenol (BAMBP)," to be published in Inorganic Chemistry.


Culler, F . L., J r . , Rover Annual Report, ORNL-3627, Suppl. 1 (CONFIDENTIAL).

Culler, F . L., Jr., Rover Report for May-June 1964, ORNL-TM-934 (August 1964) (CONFIDENTIAL).
Culler, F . L., Jr., Rover Report for July-August 1964, ORNL-TM-975 (October 1964) (CONFIDENTIAL).
Culler, F . L., J r . , Rover Report for September 1964, ORNL-TM-986 (Oct. 30, 1964) (CONFIDENTIAL -
Culler, F . L., Rover Report for October-November 1964, ORNL-TM-1046 (Jan. 2 1 , 1965) (CONFIDEN-


Arnold, W. D., and D. J. Crouse, "Radium Removal from Uranium Mill Effluents with Inorganic Ion
E x c h a n g e r s , " to be published in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
Arnold, W. D., D. J . Crouse, and K. B. Brown, "Solvent Extraction of Cesium (and Rubidium) from Ore
Liquors with Substituted P h e n o l s , " to be published in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
Blake, C. A., "New Developments in Chemical Separations by Solvent E x t r a c t i o n , " presented at Travel-
ing Lecture No. 7, Savannah State College, Savannah, Ga., Nov. 10, 1964.
Blake, C. A., "Solvent Extraction Research at the Chemical Technology Division of the Oak Ridge
National L a b o r a t o r y , " presented at the Chemical Engineering Division Seminar, Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, 111., J a n . 8, 1965.

Coleman, C. F . , "Amine Extraction in R e p r o c e s s i n g , " International Atomic Energy Agency, At. Energy
Rev. 2(2), 3 - 5 4 (1964).
Coleman, C. F . , " P r o p e r t i e s of Organic-Water Mixtures. II. Solubilities and Activity Coefficients of
Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride in N,N-Dialkylamides Containing Water," to be published
in Journal of Physical Chemistry.
Horner, D. E., D. J. Crouse, K. B. Brown, and B. Weaver, " R e c o v e r y of F i s s i o n Products from Aqueous
Solutions by Solvent E x t r a c t i o n , " Metallurgical Society Conference Series. Metallurgical Society of
AIME, Unit Processes in Hydrometallurgy (Aqueous Purification), Dallas, Texas, February 25—28,
1963, ed. by M. E. Wadsworth and F . T. Davis, Gordon and Breach Science P u b l i s h e r s , 150 Fifth
Avenue, New York.
McDowell, W. J . , and C. F . Coleman, "Investigation of P o s s i b l e Intermolecular Bonding in Some Mixtures
of Phosphate Extractants by Use of Dielectric M e a s u r e m e n t s , " presented at the T e n n e s s e e Academy
of Science Meeting, Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 2 7 - 2 8 , 1964.
McDowell, W. J . , and C. F . Coleman, "Sodium and Strontium Extraction by Di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate:
Mechanisms and E q u i l i b r i a , " presented at the 148th National American Chemical Society Meeting,
Aug. 30—Sept. 4, 1964, Chicago, to be published in the Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry.
Myers, A. L., W. J. McDowell, and C. F . Coleman, " D e g r e e of Polymerization of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phos-
phoric Acid and Sodium Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate in Wet Benzene by Differential Vapor P r e s s u r e
Measurements," / . Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 26, 2 0 0 5 - 1 1 (1964).
Roddy, J. W., and C. F . Coleman, "Activity Coefficients of Reference Solutes for I s o p i e s t i c Measure-
ments in Organic S o l u t i o n s , " presented at T e n n e s s e e Academy of Science Meeting, Memphis, Tenn.,
Nov. 2 7 - 2 8 , 1964.
Weaver, B . , and F . A. Kappelmann, Talspeak: A New Method of Separating Americium and Curium from
the Lanthanides by Extraction from an Aqueous Solution of an Aminopolyacetic Acid Complex with a
Monoacidic Organophosphate or Phosphonate, ORNL-3559 (August 1964).


Bond, W. D., and J . W. Landry, Chemical Applications of Nuclear Explosions (CANE) — Progress Report
for July 1 to September 30, 1964, ORNL-TM-963 (Oct. 5, 1964).
Bond, W. D., and J. W. Landry, Chemical Applications of Nuclear Explosions (CANE): Progress Report
for October 1 to December 31, 1964, ORNL-TM-1040 (Jan. 26, 1965).
Brown, K. B., Chemical Technology Division, Chemical Development Section C, Status and Progress
Report on Separations Research and Development, ORNL-3785 (April 1965).
Burch, W. D., Transuranium Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending August 31, 1964, ORNL-3739
(May 1965).
Whatley, M. E . , Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report, June 1964, Chemical Technology
Division, ORNL-TM-936 (Sept. 23, 1964).
Whatley, M. E., Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report, August—September 1964, Chemical
Technology Division, ORNL-TM-1027 (March 1965).
Whatley, M. E., Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report, October 1964, Chemical Technology
Division, ORNL-TM-1069 (May 1965).
Whatley, M. E . , Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report, February 1965, Chemical Technology
Division, ORNL-TM-1094 (May 1965).


Blanco, R. E., "Aqueous Reprocessing Chemistry for Irradiated F u e l s . Proceedings of a Symposium,

April 23—26, 1 9 6 3 , " to be published in Nuclear Science and Engineering.
Bradley, M. J . , and L. M. Ferris, " T h e Effect of P h a s e Distribution on the Hydrolysis of Uranium Mono-
carbide-Dicarbide Mixtures," to be published in the Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry.
Bradley, M. J., and L. M. Ferris, " T h e Effect of Tungsten on the Hydrolysis of Uranium D i c a r b i d e , "
Inorg. Chem. 4, 597 (April 1965).
Bradley, M. J., and L. M. F e r r i s , "Hydrolysis of Thorium Carbides Between 25 and 9 9 ° C , " / . Inorg.
Nucl. Chem. 27, 1021 (May 1965).
Bradley, M. J., J. H. Goode, L. M. Ferris, J. R. Flanary, and J. W. Ullmann, " R e a c t i o n s of Reactor-
Irradiated Uranium Monocarbide with Water and Aqueous Solutions of NaOH, HCl, and H j S O ^ , " Nucl.
Sci. Eng. 2 1 , 159(1965).
Bradley, M. J., and T. M. Kegley, Jr., "Correlation of Composition with the Microstructures of Arc-Cast
Thorium C a r b i d e s , " to be published in Journal of the Electrochemical Society.
Bradley, M. J., Merle D. P a t t e n g i l l , and L. M. Ferris, " R e a c t i o n s of Thorium Carbides with Aqueous
Sodium Hydroxide S o l u t i o n s , " to be published as a note in Inorganic Chemistry.
Culler, F . L., Jr., et al., " A d v a n c e s in Aqueous P r o c e s s i n g of Power Reactor F u e l s , " presented at the
Third International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, Aug.
31—Sept. 9, 1964; to be published in the Proceedings.
Ferris, L. M., A Burn-Leach Process for Recovery of Uranium from Rover Fuel: Terminal Report of
Laboratory Development, ORNL-3763 (March 1965) (CONFIDENTIAL).
F e r r i s , L. M., and M. J. Bradley, " R e a c t i o n s of the Uranium Carbides with Nitric A c i d , " presented at
the 149th National Meeting, American Chemical Society, Detroit, April 4—9, 1965; / . Am. Chem. Soc.
87, 1710 (April 1965).
Flanary, J. R., J. H. Goode, M. J. Bradley, J. W. Ullmann, L. M. F e r r i s , and G. C. Wall, Hot-Cell Studies
of Aqueous Dissolution Processes for Irradiated Carbide Reactor Fuels, ORNL-3660 (September 1964).
Flanary, J. R., J. H. Goode, M. J. Bradley, L. M. F e r r i s , J. W. Ullmann, and G. C. Wall, "Head-End
Dissolution P r o c e s s e s for UC and UC-PuC Reactor F u e l s , " Nucl. Appl. 1, 219 (1965).
Flanary, J. R., J. H. Goode, A. H. Kibbey, J. T. Roberts, and R. G. Wymer, Chemical Development of
the 25-TBP Process, ORNL-1993, Rev. 2 (October 1964).
Gens, T. A., Thermodynamic Calculations Relating to Chloride Volatility Processing of Nuclear Fuels.
II. The Capacity of Chlorine for Transporting Plutonium Tetrachloride Vapor During Reaction of
U^Og-PuO^ with Carbon Tetrachloride, ORNL-3693 (October 1964).
Gens, T. A., and G. J. Atta, Thermodynamic Calculations Relating to Chloride Volatility Processing of
Nuclear Fuels. The Gas-Phase Reduction of Uranium Tetrachloride to the Trichloride with Carbon
Monoxide, ORNL-TM-829 (Apr. 22, 1964).
Goode, J. H., Changes in Uranium Isotopic Composition of Irradiated ThO^-UO^ Fuel Samples, ORNL-
TM-1024 (Jan. 4, 1965).
Goode, J. H., and J. R. Flanary, Dissolution of Irradiated, Stainless-Steel-Clad ThO -UO^ in Fluoride-
Catalyzed Nitric Acid Solutions: Hot-Cell Studies on Pelletized, Arc-Fused, and Sol-Gel-Derived
Oxide, ORNL-3725 (January 1965).
Moore, J. G., J. H. Goode, J. W. Ullmann, R. H. Rainey, and J. R. Flanary, Adsorption of Protactinium
on UnfiredVycor: Initial Hot-Cell Experiments, ORNL-3773 (April 1965).
Nicholson, E. L., L. M. Ferris, and J. T. Roberts, Burn-Leach Processes for Graphite-Base Reactor
Fuels Containing Carbon-Coated Carbide or Oxide Particles, ORNL-TM-1096 (Apr. 2, 1965).

Nicholson, E. L., L. M. F e r r i s , and J. T. Roberts, " B u r n - L e a c h P r o c e s s e s for Graphite-Gas Reactor

F u e l s Containing Carbon-Coated Carbide or Oxide P a r t i c l e s , presented at the EURATOM symposium
on " F u e l Cycles of High-Temperature Gas-Cooled R e a c t o r s , " B r u s s e l s , Belgium, June 1 0 - 1 1 , 1965.
Roberts, J. T., L. M. F e r r i s , E. L. Nicholson, R. H. Rainey, and C. D. Watson, " R e p r o c e s s i n g Methods
and Costs for Selected Thorium-Bearing Reactor Fuel T y p e s , " ORNL-TM-1139 (May 14, 1965);
presented at the International Atomic Energy panel on " T h e Utilization of Thorium in Power R e a c -
t o r s " at Vienna, Austria, June 14—18, 1965.


Bennet, M. R., G. I. Gathers, R. P . Milford, W. W. P i t t , J r . , and J . W. Ullmann, " A Fused-Salt Fluoride-

Volatility P r o c e s s for Recovering Uranium from Spent Aluminum-Based Fuel E l e m e n t s , " presented
at the 148th American Chemical Society Meeting, Chicago, Sept. 3, 1964; to be published in Industrial
and Engineering Chemistry, Process Design and Development.
Carr, W. H., R. E. Brooksbank, S. Mann, and R. P . Milford, " R e c o v e r y of Uranium from Spent Zirconium-
Based Reactor F u e l s in the Oak Ridge Volatility Pilot P l a n t , " presented at American Chemical
Society Meeting, Chicago, Aug. 31—Sept. 4, 1964.
Carter, W. L., and J. B. Ruch, A Cost Estimate for Bulk Disposal of Radioactive Waste Salt from Proc-
essing Zirconium-Uranium Fuel by the ORNL Fluoride Volatility Process, ORNL-TM-948 (Sept. 25,
Katz, Sidney, " A Laboratory Evaluation of the Chemical and P h y s i c a l Phenomena Associated with Cyclic
Sorption-Desorption of Uranium Hexafluoride on Sodium F l u o r i d e , " presented at the American Chemi-
cal Society Meeting, Chicago, Aug. 31—Sept. 4 , 1964.
Katz, Sidney, " U s e of High-Surface-Area Sodium Fluoride to Prepare MF • 2NaF Complexes with Uranium,
Tungsten, and Molybdenum H e x a f l u o r i d e s , " Inorg. Chem. 3, 1598 (1964).
Mailen, J. C , " V o l a t i l i z a t i o n of Uranium a s the Hexafluoride from Drops of Molten Fluoride S a l t , "
presented at the American Chemical Society Meeting, Chicago, Sept. 2, 1964.
McNeese, L. E., and S. H. Jury, "Removal of Uranium Hexafluoride from Gas Streams by Sodium Fluoride
P e l l e t s , " presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, Aug. 31—Sept. 4,
McNeese, L. E., and C. D. Scott, Reconstitution of MSR Fuel by Reducing UF^ Gas to UF^ in a Molten
Salt, ORNL-TM-1051 (Mar. 1 1 , 1965).
Milford, R. P . , Proposed Design of a Fluidized-Bed Fluoride-Volatility Pilot Plant for Installation at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL-TM-972 (Oct. 26, 1964).
Youngblood, E. L., R. P . Milford, R. G. Nicol, and J. B. Ruch, Corrosion of the Volatility Pilot Plant
INOR-3 Hydrofluorinator During Forty Fuel-Processing Runs with Zirconium-Uranium Alloy, ORNL-
3623 (March 1965).


Baybarz, R. D., " A l p h a Radiation Effects on Concentrated LiCl-HCl Solutions and the Use of Methanol
a s an Inhibitor of Acid L o s s , " to be published in Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry.

Baybarz, R. D., " D i s s o c i a t i o n Constants of the Transplutonium Element Chelates of Diethylenetriamine-

pentaacetic Acid (DTPA) and the Application of DTPA Chelates to Solvent Extraction Separations
of Transplutonium Elements from the Lanthanide E l e m e n t s , " to be published in Journal of Inorganic
and Nuclear Chemistry.
Baybarz, R. D., "Anion Exchange Separation of the Transplutonium Elements with Ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic Acid ( E D T A ) , " presented at the Symposium on the Chemistry of the Heavy and Other
Artificial Elements, Detroit, Apr. 5—9, 1965.
Burch, W. D., " T h e ORNL Transuranium Program," presented at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne,
111., F e b . 12, 1965.
Mackey, T. S., Development of an Air-Operated Metal-Diaphragm Pump for the Transuranium Processing
Facility, ORNL-TM-995 (Oct. 16, 1964).
Yarbro, 0 . O., TRU Disconnect Ferrule and Clamp Details, ORNL-TM-1097 (May 1965).


Blomeke, J. 0 . , and J. T. Roberts, "Waste Management," to be published in Annual Review of Nuclear

Clark, W. E., L. Rice, and D. N. H e s s , Evaluation of Hastelloy F and Other Corrosion-Resistant Struc-
tural Materials for a Continuous Centrifuge m a Multipurpose Fuel-Recovery Plant, ORNL-3787,
(April 1965).
Davis, W., Jr., P . S. Lawson, and H. J. deBruin, " A c t i v i t i e s of the Three Components in the System
Water-Nitric Acid-Uranyl Nitrate Hexahydrate at 2 5 ° C , " presented at the 149th National Meeting
of the American Chemical Society in Detroit, Apr. 4 - 9 , 1965, / . Phys. Chem. 69 Quly 1965).
Davis, W., Jr., A. H. Kibbey, and E. Schonfeld, "Laboratory Demonstration of the Two-Step P r o c e s s
for Decontaminating Low-Radioactivity-Level P r o c e s s Waste Water by Scavenging-Precipitation and
Foam Separation," ORNL-3811 (in press).
Davis, W., Jr., and H. J. deBruin, "New Activity Coefficients of 0 - 1 0 0 Percent Aqueous Nitric A c i d , "
/ . Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 26, 1 0 6 9 - 8 3 (1964).
Holmes, J. M., Survey of Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., Waste Compositions, ORNL-TM-1013 (Dec. 7, 1964).
Milford, R. P . , E. F . Stephan, L. K. Matson, P. D. Miller, and W. K. Boyd., " C a t h o d i c Protection in
Fused Fluoride Salts at 1 2 0 0 ° F , " presented at the NACE Conference, St. L o u i s , Mo., Mar. 1 5 - 1 9 ,
1965, to be published in Corrosion.
Rainey, R. H., and A. Facchini, The Separation of Long-Lived Fission Product Elements by Using
Ethylenediaminetetraacetate m an Electrodialysis Cell, ORNL-TM-1035 (Feb. 17, 1965).
Schonfeld, E., "Effect of Impurities on Precipitation of C a l c i u m , " / . Am. Water Works Assoc. 56(6)
(June 1964).
Schonfeld, E., and W. Davis, Jr., "Softening and Decontaminating Waste Water by Caustic-Carbonate
Precipitants and Filtration in a Slowly-Stirred Sludge-Blanket Clarifier: Laboratory Development
and Semi-Pilot-Plant T e s t i n g , " submitted for publication in the Journal of the Water Pollution Con-
trol Federation.
Schonfeld, E., Equilibrium Constants and Concentrations m the Reactions of Nitrogen and Oxygen at
400° to5000°K, ORNL-TM-968 (Oct. 5, 1964).
Schonfeld, E., A. H. Kibbey, and W. Davis, Jr., Determination of Nuclide Concentrations m Solutions
Containing Low Levels of Radio-Activity by Least-Squares Resolution of the Gamma-Ray Spectra,
ORNL-3744 (January 1965), presented at the Eighth Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear
Technology, Gathnburg, Tenn., Oct. 6 - 8 , 1964.

Schonfeld, E., A. H. Kibbey, and W. Davis, Jr., " T h e Determination of Nuclide Concentrations in Solu-
tions Containing Low L e v e l s of Radioactivity by Least-Squares Resolution of the Gamma-Ray Spec-
t r a , " to be published in Analytical Chemistry.
Schonfeld, E., "Improved Accuracy in Determination of Radionuclide Concentrations Containing F a s t -
Decaying Isotopes by Least-Squares Resolution of the Gamma-Ray S p e c t r a , " presented at the 1965
International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation A n a l y s i s , College Station, T e x . , Apr. 19—22,
Whatley, M. E . , C. W. Hancher, and J. C. Suddath, " E n g i n e e r i n g Development of Nuclear Waste Pot
C a l c i n a t i o n , " Chem. Eng. Progr., Symp. Ser. 60(53) (1964).
Yee, W. C , and W. Davis, Jr., " E f f e c t s of Gamma Radiation on Cation Exchange R e s i n Under Simulated
P r o c e s s i n g C o n d i t i o n s , " presented at the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, San F r a n c i s c o ,
Nov. 3 0 - D e c . 3, 1964; Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 7(2), 446 (1964).


Chandler, J. M., and F . E. Harrington, A Study of Sol-Gel Fuel Preparation Costs for SSCR and HTGR
Reactors, ORNL-TM-1109 (Apr. 8, 1965).
Clinton, S. D., "Sol-Gel P r o c e s s S t u d i e s , " presented at the Chemical Engineering Division Seminar,
Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, Dec. 18, 1964, and at the Naval Research Reserve Com-
pany 6-3 at ORINS Science Teacher Training Building, F e b . 10, 1965.
Clinton, S. D., " E n g i n e e r i n g Design Problems for Irradiation of Nuclear Fuel S p e c i m e n s , " presented
at the University of Cincinnati Graduate School Seminar, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mar. 1 1 , 1965.
Ferguson, D. E., O. C. Dean, and D. A. Douglas, " T h e Sol-Gel P r o c e s s for the Remote Preparation and
Fabrication of Recycle F u e l s , " presented at the Third International Conference on the Peaceful
Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, Aug. 31—Sept. 9, 1964; to be published in the Proceed-
Helton, D. M., A Survey of the Literature on Hydrated Actinide Oxide Sols and U(IV) and U(VI) Hydrolysis
Reactions, ORNL-TM-1052 ( F e b . 5, 1965).
Kelly, J . L., A. T. Kleinsteuber, S. D. Clinton, and O. C. Dean, "Sol-Gel P r o c e s s for Preparing Sphe-
roidal P a r t i c l e s of the Dicarbides of Thorium and Thorium-Uranium M i x t u r e s , " to be published in
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Process Design and Development.
Nichols, J. P . , R. E. Brooksbank, and D. E. Ferguson, " R a d i a t i o n Exposures in F a b r i c a t i n g ^^^U-
Thorium F u e l s " (Revised), to be published in Nuclear Applications.
Wymer, R. G., Preliminary Studies of the Preparation of UO^ Microspheres by a Sol-Gel Technique,
ORNL-TM-1110 (Apr. 19, 1965).


Campbell, D. O., " S t u d i e s of the Behavior of Protactinium in Sulfuric A c i d , " presented at the Colloquium
on the P h y s i c a l Chemistry of Protactinium, Institute of Radium, P a r i s , F r a n c e , July 1965.


Arnold, E. D., Handbook of Shielding Requirements and Radiation Characteristics of Isotopic Power
Sources for Terrestrial, Marine, and Space Applications, ORNL-3576 (April 1964).

Arnold, E. D., "Shielding Requirements and Radiation Characteristics of Isotopic Power Sources for
Terrestrial, Marine, and Space A p p l i c a t i o n s , " presented at the 1964 Annual Meeting of the American
Nuclear Society, San Francisco, Nov. 30, 1964.

Blanco, R. E., H. W. Godbee, and J. M. Holmes, Trip Report: TVA Fertilizer Plant at Muscle Shoals,
Wilson Dam, Alabama, ORNL-TM-1016 (Dec. 9, 1964).
Blanco, R. E., Production of Hydrogen, Fertilizer, and Other Industrial Chemicals m a Multipurpose
Atomic Reactor Complex for Distillation of Sea Water, Technology Seminar, ORNL-TM-1076 (Apr.
23, 1965).

Davis, L. P . , "Deposition of Submicron-Size P a r t i c l e s in Ventilation D u c t s , " presented at the Inter-

national Symposium on Surface Contamination, Gathnburg, Tenn., June 8—12, 1964.
Guthne, C. E., and J. P . Nichols, " P o s s i b i l i t i e s and Consequences of Major Accidents in Radiochemical
P l a n t s , " presented at the American Nuclear Society Meeting, Philadelphia, June 1 4 - 1 9 , 1964.
Haws, C. C , " A New P r o c e s s for Preparing Nuclear Reactor Fuel E l e m e n t s , " presented at the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati Graduate School Seminar, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mar. 11, 1965.
Landry, J . W., " T h i s Atomic World and Peaceful Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented to the Traveling Ex-
hibit Managers of the American Museum of Atomic Energy, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Aug. 17, 1964.
Landry, J. W., " P r o j e c t P l o w s h a r e , " presented at U.S. Army Nuclear Science Seminar, Oak Ridge
Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Aug. 18, 1964.
Landry, J . W., " P r o j e c t Plowshare and Its Mining A p p l i c a t i o n s , " presented at joint meeting of the
Mining E n g i n e e r s ' Society, Minerals and Metallurgy Society, and American Nuclear Society at the
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Sept. 30, 1964 (sponsored by the ORNL Traveling Lecture Pro-
Landry, J . W., " P r o j e c t Plowshare, or How I Learned to Love the H-Bomb," principal a d d r e s s , presented
at Eighth Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology, Gathnburg, Tenn., Oct. 6—8,
Landry, J . W., "Scientific and Industrial Applications of Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented at Thermo-
nuclear Division Seminar, ORNL, Oct. 22, 1964.
Landry, J . W., " P r o j e c t P l o w s h a r e , " presented at the Fifteenth Annual U.S. Navy Nuclear Sciences
Seminar, Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Nov. 30—Dec. 12, 1964.
Landry, J . W., " P r o j e c t P l o w s h a r e , " presented to Oak Ridge Section of Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Dec. 10, 1964.

Landry, J. W., " T h e Peaceful Atom and Project P l o w s h a r e , " presented to the Fountain City Methodist
Men's Club, Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1964.
Landry, J . W., "Industrial and Scientific U s e s of Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented at the annual dinner
meeting of the E a s t T e n n e s s e e Chapter, Health P h y s i c s Society, Oak Ridge, Tenn., J a n . 16, 1965.
Landry, J. W., " P r a c t i c a l Uses of Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented to the Eaton Crossroads Runtan
Club, Eaton Crossroads, Tenn., J a n . 19, 1965.
Landry, J . W., "Some P o s s i b l e Industrial Applications of Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented at the Chem-
ical Technology Division Section-C Seminar, ORNL, F e b . 4, 1965.
Landry, J . W., " P r o j e c t Plowshare — The Research and Development Program on Peaceful Nuclear
E x p l o s i v e s , " presented at the Instrumentation and Controls Division Seminar, ORNL, F e b . 11, 1965.
Landry, J . W., "Industrial Applications of Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented at the T e n n e s s e e Valley
Authority Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor Seminar, Oak Ridge, Tenn., F e b . 2 3 , 1965.
Landry, J. W., "Industrial Applications of Nuclear Explosions and Waterway D e v e l o p m e n t s , " presented
to the U.S. Naval Reserve, Knoxville, Tenn., Mar. 3, 1965.

Landry, J . W., " B i g B l a s t s for Big B u s i n e s s , " presented to the Knoxville Chapter, Society for Advance-
ment of Management, Knoxville, Tenn., Mar. 9, 1965.
Landry, J . W., " P r a c t i c a l U s e s of Nuclear D y n a m i t e , " presented to Lenoir City Rotary Club, Lenoir
City, Tenn., Mar. 11, 1965.
Landry, J . W., " C o n s t r u c t i v e Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " an interview on Areascope, WBIR-TV, Knoxville,
Tenn., Mar. 14, 1965.
Landry, J . W., "Constructive Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented to Knoxville Sertoma Club, Knoxville,
Tenn., Mar. 24, 1965.
Landry, J . W., " I n t o Plowshares and S p a d e s , " presented to Kingston Rotary Club, Kingston, Tenn.,
Mar. 30, 1965.
Landry, J . W., Counseling and Plowshare literature was given to the Girl Scouts of America, Oak Ridge,
Tenn., for a Plowshare s c i e n c e project, J a n . 26, F e b . 14, Mar. 7, and Apr. 10, 1965.
Landry, J . W., " P e a c e f u l Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented to noon luncheon of T e n n e s s e e Association
of Student Councils Convention, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Apr. 23, 1965.
Landry, J . W., "Industrial and Civilian Applications of Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented at Union Carbide
Corporation Paducah Gaseous Diffusion P l a n t , Paducah, Ky., May 18, 1965.
Landry, J . W., " P r o j e c t Plowshare: The Peaceful U s e s of Nuclear E x p l o s i v e s , " presented under the
a u s p i c e s of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Traveling Lecture Program at a joint seminar,
Roanoke College and U.S. Naval Research Reserve, Roanoke, Va., May 20, 1965.
Long, J . T . , Engineering for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, Chapter 1 1 , "Auxiliary E q u i p m e n t , " book
sponsored by AEC and written by J . T. Long.

McCorkle, K. H., " S o l s and Gels: The Colloidal State of M a t t e r , " Intern. Sci. Technol. 39 (March 1965).
Meservey, A. B . , " O R N L Decontamination R e s e a r c h , " presented at Vallecitos Meeting of Dec. 3 and 4,
1964; presented at the winter meeting of AEC-sponsored Reactor Decontamination Information Ex-
change Group, Vallecitos, Calif., Dec. 3 and 4, 1964.
Meservey, A. B. "Decontamination and Film R e m o v a l , " Chap. 6 in Decontamination of Nuclear Reactors
and Equipment, ed. by J . A. Ayres (HAPO), to be published by AEC.

Nichols, J . P . , " C a l c u l a t i o n s of Concrete Shields for F i s s i o n S o u r c e s , " presented at the Eleventh

Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Gatlinburg, Tenn., June 21—24, 1965.

Shappert, L. B . , Results of Impact Tests Performed on 55-gal Drum-Type Birdcages, ORNL-3735 (De-
cember 1964).
Shappert, L. B . , Preliminary Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Design, ORNL-
TM-1001 Qanuary 1965).
Shappert, L. B . , " R e s u l t s of a T e s t i n g Program for Unirradiated F i s s i l e Material C o n t a i n e r s , " presented
at the International Symposium on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, Sandia
Corporation, Albuquerque, N. M., J a n . 12—15, 1965.
Shappert, L . B . , Manual for AIChE Nuclear Engineering Division Symposium Chairman (March 1965).
Shappert, L. B . , " R e s u l t s of a Testing Program for Unirradiated F i s s i l e Material C o n t a i n e r s , " in
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Mate-
rials, SC-RR-65-98 (April 1965).
Shappert, L. B . , A Guide to the Design of Shipping Casks for the Transportation of Radioactive Mate-
rial, ORNL-TM-681 (April 1965).
Shappert, L. B . , and K. W. Haff, " T h e International Symposium for Packaging and Transportation of
Radioactive M a t e r i a l s , " Nucl. Safety 6(4) (1965).

Shappert, L. B . , and J . W. Langhaar (coeditors), " N u c l e a r E n g i n e e r i n g , " part XIV, Chem. Eng. Progr.
Symp. Ser. 61(56) (1965).

Watson, C. D., "Radioactivity Decontamination Procedures Used in the United S t a t e s , " Summary for
Eurochemic Hot Laboratory Program Planning Committee, Oct. 8, 1964.














re EowPMEwr










UC-10 - Chemical Separations Processes
for Plutonium and Uranium
TID-4500 (45th ed.)


1. Biolo gy Library 197. J . P. Hammond

2-4. Central Research Library 198. C. S. H a r r i l l
5. Lciboiratory Shift Supervisor 199. A . Hollaender
6. Reactor Division Library 200. R. W. Horton
7-8. ORNL - Y-12 Technical Library 2 0 1 . A . R. Irvine
Document Reference Section 202. W. H. Jordan
-28. Lciboratory Records Department 203. M. T . K e l l e y
29. Lciboi-atory Records, ORNL R.C. 204. J . A . Lane
-3L E. L. Anderson 205. C. E. Larson
32. S. E. Beall 206. R. E. L e u z e
33. Arnold Berman 207. M. H. L l o y d
34. D. S. Biiiington 208. R. S. L i v i n g s t o n
35. C. A. Blake 209. H. G. MacPherson
36. R. E, Blanco 210. R. A . McNees
37. E. P. Blizard 2 1 1 . R. P. M i l f o r d
38. J. 0 . Blomeke 212. D. R. M i l l e r
39. C. J. Borkowski 213. E. C. M i l l e r
40. R. E. Brooksbank 214. K. Z . Morgan
41. G. E. Boyd 215. L . Nelson
42. J. C. Bresee 216. E. L. Nicholson
43. R. B. Briggs 217-218. R. B. Parker
44. K. B. Brown 219. R. E. Pahler
45. F. R. Bruce 220. R. H. Rainey
46. W. D. Burch 221. J . T . Roberts
47. W. H. Carr 222. A . D. Ryon
48. G. 1. Gathers 223. A. Rupp
49. J. M. Chandler 224. H. Seagren
50. W. E. Clark 225. M. J . Skinner
51. C. F. Coleman 226. A. H. Snell
52. J . A. Cox 227. J. C. Suddath
53. D. J . Crouse 228. E. H. Taylor
54. F. L. Culler 229. V. C. A . Vaughen
55. W. Dcivis, Jr. 230. W. E. Unger
56. D. A. Douglas 231. B. J . Young
• 186. D. E. Ferguson 232. C. D. Watson
187. L. M. Ferris 233. B. 5. Weaver
188. J, R. Flanary 234. A. M. Weinberg
189. J. L. Fowler 235. M. E. Whatley
190. J. H. Frye, Jr. 236. G. C. Williams
191. J. H. Gillette 237. R. G. Wymer
192. H. E. Goeller 238. J. J. Katz (consultant)
193. A. T. Gresky 239. C. W. J . Wende (consultant)
194. W. R. Grimes 240. P. H. Emmett (consultant)
195. P. A. Haas 241. C. E. Winters (consultant)
196. Richard Hamburger


242. R. W. McNamee, Union Carbide Corporation, New York

243. Sylvania E l e c t r i c P r o d u c t s , Inc.
244. Research and Development D i v i s i o n , A E C , ORO
245. Dr. Barendregt, Eurochemic, M o l , Belgium
246. Giacomo C a l l e r i , C N E N , c / o V i t r o v i a B a c d i s s e r a s , M i l a n o , I t a l y
247. D. J . C a r s w e l l , Radiochemical Laboratory, The New South Wales U n i v e r s i t y of T e c h n o l o g y ,
P . O . Box 1, K e n s i n g t o n , Sydney, N.S.W., A u s t r a l i a
248. E. C e r r a i , Laboratori CISE, C a s e l l a P o s t a l e N. 3986, M i l a n o , Italy
249. David Dyrssen, The Royal I n s t i t u t e of T e c h n o l o g y , Department of Inorganic Chemistry,
Kemistragen 37, Stockholm 70, Sweden
250. Syed Fareeduddin, Indian Rare Earths L t d . , Army and Navy B u i l d i n g , 148 Mahatma Gandhi
Road, Bombay 1, India
251. J . M. Fletcher, United Kingdom Atomic Energy A u t h o r i t y , A t o m i c Energy Research E s t a b l i s h -
ment, H a r w e l l , Berks, England
252. W. A . Graf, Manager, P l a n t D e s i g n , A t o m i c Products D i v i s i o n , General E l e c t r i c Company,
Box 450, Palo A l t o , C a l i f .
253. H. Irving, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, U n i v e r s i t y of L e e d s , L e e d s , England
254. T . Ishihara, Chemical Engineering Laboratory, Japan A t o m i c Energy Research I n s t i t u t e ,
T o k y o , Japan
255. A. S. Kertes, Hebrew U n i v e r s i t y , Jerusalem
256. Jorgen K l i t g a a r d , Eurochemic, M o l , Belgium
257. Y. Marcus, Israel A t o m i c Energy C o m m i s s i o n , Tel A v i v , Israel
258. E. Glueckauf, A t o m i c Energy Research E s t a b l i s h m e n t , H a r w e l l , B e r k s , England
259. P. Regnaut, C . E . N . Fontenay-aux-Roses, B o i t e P o s t a l e No. 6, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Seine, France
260. R. Rometsch, Eurochemic, M o l , Belgium
261. A. J . A. Roux, Director of A t o m i c Energy Research, South A f r i c a n Council for S c i e n t i f i c and
Industrial Research, Box 395, P r e t o r i a , South A f r i c a
262. Jan Rydberg, Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Chalmers T e k n i s k a H o g s k o l a , Gibroltargotan
5 H, Goteborg, Sweden
263. M. Shaw, A E C , Washington
264. Erik Svenke, Director, Department of Chemistry, A t o m i c Energy Company, Stockholm 9, Sweden
265. D. G. Tuck, U n i v e r s i t y o f Nottingham, Nottingham, England
266. B. F. Warner, United Kingdom A t o m i c Energy A u t h o r i t y , Production Group, Windscale and
Colder Works, S e l l a f i e l d , Seoscale, Cumberland, England
267. R. A . Wells, Dept. of S c i e n t i f i c and Industrial Research, N a t i o n a l Chemical Laboratory,
Teddington, Middlesex, E n g l a n d
268. M. Z i f f e r e r o , Comitate N a z i o n a l e per I ' E n e r g i a , Nucleare, L a b o r a t o r i o Trattamento Elementi
Combustibi l i , c / o I n s t i t u t e di Chemica Formaceutica e T o s s i c o l o g i c a dell ' U n i v e r s i t a ,
P i a z z o l e d e l l e Scienze, 5, Rome, Italy
269. M. Claude Jean Jouannaud, Department Head, Plutonium E x t r a c t i o n P l a n t , Marcoule (Gard),
270. Prof. L o u i s Gutierrez-Jadro, Director de Planta P i l o t o s e I n d u s t r i a l e s , Junta de Energio N u -
clear, Ciudod U n i v e r s i t a r i s , Madrid (3), Spain
271. W. G. Belter, A E C , Washington
272. J . A . Lieberman, A E C , Washington
273. W. H. Regan, A E C , Washington
274. H. Bernard, A E C , Washington
275. P. Schmid, Federal I n s t i t u t e for Reactor Research, Wurenlingen, A G , Switzerland
276-514. Given d i s t r i b u t i o n as shown in TID-4500 (45th ed.) under Chemical Separations Processes for
Plutonium and Uranium Category (75 copies — C F S T I )

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