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Exercise: lniensity of Competition in the Gqming


R€d E d€dipd@ ot lh€ g'nitra irduEy bet *, Rr:lond b Oe quedm Lb{

ir. odd b 6rJuE !h. inmiry
ot thc ft'@ .ad den imDad d ,n€ p;6Eb i,y rhlr cd
t ei..d in lrle in.lniF

T|]E G {lNG tNDUsrRy, TrnEs oF ExpANstoN AND coMpErrfioN

n rdu h n!.ld.. rn.1u.. .oD wrgs., ni - r J coa Et ... totrc 6 no.

'"eJ hodmrtuB dd n otu dd I..L{ rffiab ,* o". ,h. t-, .i yeB. ,n- Ls
guirg ndsdt I3s noft n\d hipGd in siz., due to geoBbphiot er?ansior i.b ns re
ains duils de Lr 1930s dd any r990s, tuc[ s tne nveb..aesi,os;a tn" Mid_*.."d
So.dl ed tne derelopned.f oldd D.rL.6 sucn,s 14 Veg,s da Admiic Circ. Cxsi.o
bling rmm6 fd hc tlm r5"/"
.tt l"S"li""d S-hri.g;-".\ r- of *a f-.
Indir csstrm €dbling d lppb\lD{) ,).o. D6p,F m p:.r A,oerh n"*,a b rdu.rr..ev€J:l
dtLdgs n6 dn' .ortu. LUmpJlrs t[jr d. trde o edr h t@spb6B. fte"; nd"de
Edud oF.rg. o.n6 go8flth( MA6. d,or *p&cm ,I/, ytued D L* r eCr. r
6. tm o' D+,Eolii... dd r nN rl)m of (IDpcnrioo
dmugb tn,me- g:mbrS sa.'
The rdl.dol in e.o8rpLi. erprroo FF b.d be6e rcwq.h,e"i*. ,pp-*d
leF geblns. As ofjdy i 9t9, t!. t s mjo' rs rpFovd of smioA ty . jeqi"l"@
ffid i. aJlor i md tqa\. b:ddrrion. p,mrg popo dls b,re bd j{!d"E; Dhdid".no "",
T.s. ]\lrhough ssrsid. 3pprorrl ha.ot b..n SrD&4 MtcLign vot6 rpprded x ref.rd_
dm for r}!e aevelopmmr ol up io tbEe crsioos id De@n in N""-t- r9SC. *tth tl. fftt
SeNe of rhis slov.tom n gmi.g rppbyals in .s $ts, groetn hrs oc.@d in deyel
op.d l@tions, wirh Ls vegr x'd Admrlc cir, leding tn. my. _{s oa hidl99r, tnele vde
rpprcrituEly 235 eshos h Ia vegs in Ae orgorT;f 6inm Mt! tuut
Smi.g tuue
of L lei tr oJlion Atlj]trb.''1 r lq Mh l) bl/h qo 6r grlm8 Ecnie\ sr.b?, in h.
Sourl bd l\tdr6' b,vr ?rnd6 h. obbs or N.,b@, e.Da.. .no rheft re nG mor
t!{ 50 limir.l-sbles esos i. Colonao md Sourb Dxto6 The am6er of esims mehkd
d Nro ( .1m-trr Lnd hs utrr'cd'o too
:lhc groFtn h d€vclopcd, hths tlm rd, lostions h.s fore<t op€s@6 b 6nd sars b
m!€ dlcn a&cilirie uique. spcciel ri.ha ud recrims de wrF dai$*"*e o*
tom bc odr -u' erod",$r t.. \.c"..bp b- * .".
- h rpD-. n ";"
e m.liesalcdil.. sotu 6hc fods on goups of csbhes by g.oshpb,;;g,.,i.
cff n&qlLh b!.br\dsaot HrFuo+,. Gmo,pLrere;ph"" ;.d-\€h,*. -.h "JB"yd
pl,e6 d rher dtse. toe ses DLv"- . ! nd . o- D.brs ,. ,]r fillr]s
rtr*f i" "10. Drsrr -dpcd.o^ d.rpDu.cd -d;c,s., ".riv
dc o'o 6re o' u dolM,1' pr/.,r to'a4L.qhert,tb"b.e-"botit.*
s.sron 6 tor6 Atrcdns cmpeririy. Sroieqy

oro of ITT Cor?or io4 ral mergea vilh Seood Liging Co1Postion and SNood ljd8
ing T $ Corpomdon Thc nw 6tr, SMood/ITT, beme on olthc sorlds Lr8et hoel
md Stug corpontjons. Hfton Hoteb rmincd tl. ..xt IiJge* conPetiror vith aPPloxi_
mterr 40% 6l op.nting flenues Eon gdng oPdriors. Hd.I\ Etuddtud! In , Mi
nge Resos, CkN Cnos, Trmp Hoel dd Crsno, Inc, dd MGNI CBnd lon L\. ndr
gr;up of @npetibB Tnse de priffnt 6Sag3l in $€ gDinS indcttt ln Mmh 2000,
ifci{ crrd rdoDr.d n sourd bl'y Mirng€ Rcso6, Lc, tlus corti'ma tle consoliditio!
dnon\d cl{ftIistic df the Ctni.g indlsdt i. ihe irrue io joint vdd$, ttPic.lly b.
Nem r Llgt edin8 @bPdt dd 2 srouP of loc.l P?hEs. Difidnr 6seb, suci as e:l .sbie
omeBhiP, rca$ to ePl6l. er"erimce, md Politic,l mectiotu 6..mbin d ir
ii6e j;ms The g1oFLrr orNative Am€ricmrr*d shG s,rso de*ing oPPortuirles aor
6ino comFnies tl:t c@ot ou N2tive ,{nedcan ftiltie $u. do dlo under con
A n€v fon of cohpeddon qisb ln the Sfjng Ldnsrt in the fo@ of himet betitg
S.ne denrnd for gdbring my be siphoded off by nd Intdd sir€s; hlrlFer, lonB_tm ef
fecs of tljs fon of gmblilg sjn depedd od the lfterihood of it bcrg ontolled or de@ed bv
regtl1tion. cUftar\', esiro opeeb6 ms! cmPh vith eidsiYe saniis Egul"tiots, ol]rtr
tlc sbE or cosq ls€I. Tltcsc tglr.rions ftguire extdslve rePoaing Th. bvs, nedfrimi
ind 3upeFlort pro.edues m cmcded ;L\ Ptventus un lbbl. P6oc aloh nring in_
dndce or iNoheDsr vith Brhing. Additio.,r legulrtioN cova the miltenmc ol @ndds
oyd 6ndol pncdc.s of lic.nsees. The dcnelized mtue of rle l.@.1 Lov*d, 3nd ib
globrl iach tuL. ! .lif6ont for bv dfo!@t ofdci,ls to hi"€ acce$ b records ol Inbct
siE usxg€. Wlne o.rinc brrckj,ck bblB and virtu r sbt mchin.s my anb soh. of tb. vin-
di.gs rbr Fodd othegis€ go b ediloffl U.S. esiros, utious factors, sucn 6 d. t@orenes
oa bebng tbrough . p6o.n c@puftr rnd @nens 2bout leg'liiy, sedity, dd obainilg vin
mg., wdl oi. ro or Bmbbg, .€$ turud"ol" .omDeti@
The h!ge$ supplq of slot m.!in6 is ltunoel Gde Tecbnologr, wbicl) hol& 2 ?2olo
shdc ot t!. U.S. m,rlet dd ?4% of rle tuchincs i! i6 hme sbt oa N.v1& AltLougL IGT
fetl beLind ir dmloping flsht rN wideo slo. mchhs, it Las ds.IoPed ctase reLrionshiPs
wirh 6d6 tLroWL ih 3c@dtinS 3oftqd€ tL1t leeps Ecord of tlt moret rh.t G won md lo$
on each slot ha.hine. Close wi! WMS Induse;s recddy 6led a hvsut €dn* rGT,2ccGirg
tlc @nprt of giving rmy a(rcuting sofiqdc in dcbsSe ao! tht 6iro s promne to buy rt
le$ 75% oaib ganes 6oh IGT

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