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February 28, 2011

Beloved Missionaries:

The days are starting to get warmer. The rainy/wet season of the Philippines is coming to a close and
the beginning of the warm summers days are ahead. In the United States, we would be thinking of
spring. I love spring! That͛s the time when flowers starts blooming again, the snow is finally melted,
and the new grass is once again sprouting. The dark wintry days are being replaced by blue skies, crispy
air, and clear days.

in 1820 when fourteen-year-old Joseph Smith asked God which, if any, church was
true. His own words record:

͞So, in accordance with this, my determination to ask of God, I retired to the woods to make the
attempt. It was on the morning of a beautiful, clear day, early in the spring of eighteen hundred and
twenty. It was the first time in my life that I had made such an attempt, for amidst all my anxieties I had
never as yet made the attempt to pray vocally.͟

differentiating feature of our religion is that we profess and believe that Joseph Smith, an
uneducated farm boy from a poor family in rural New York, was a prophet of God. The same holy title --
with the same reverence and expectation --attributed to Moses, Elijah, Abraham, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Ezekiel and Daniel. To those of the established Christian churches and communities, this is blasphemy.
They rebel quickly and vigorously against this claim ʹ for if it be true, then all else is false.

Our religion is therefore a radical departure from the mainstream. It creates confusion and discomfort
with many enemies and also many investigators.

 h h  our invitation to ask God if Joseph Smith was indeed His prophet for His children
in this dispensation, the walls of resistance and disbelief come tumbling down. And they are replaced
with peace, understanding, knowledge and vision. We testify to all that Joseph Smith was called of God
to be His prophet and to restore God͛s truth and God͛s plan to the earth.

A prophet is a person who has been called by and speaks for God. As a messenger for God, he receives
commandments, prophecies, and revelations from God, which he imparts to God͛s children. Teachings
of ancient and modern prophets provide an anchor of eternal truth in a world of shifting values and help
us avoid misery and sorrow.

A prophet is a righteous man with great faith who is called and chosen by God. The Lord reveals truth to
him through the Holy Ghost and commands His prophet to teach truth to all people.
Those who believe God͛s words, as revealed through His prophet, are blessed.

Truth is knowledge of things as they really are, were, and will be. It does not change with conditions or
time. Thus, it is the same in every age and culture. God is the source of all truth and wants all of His
children to know the truth; thus, He reveals the truths necessary for salvation through prophets and
apostles. He can reveal truth to you personally through the scriptures and personal revelation.

Christ͛s Church has always been built on the foundation of apostles and prophets, who direct the Church
by revelation. The Lord called Joseph Smith as the first prophet and head of this last dispensation. His
successors who lead The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today are also prophets and
apostles. The President of the Church today, Thomas S. Monson, is a living prophet.

All prophets are special witnesses of Jesus Christ. Apply this test to Joseph Smith. Consider these two
verses from section 76 of the Doctrine and Covenants:

͞14 Of whom we bear record; and the record which we bear is the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
who is the Son, whom we saw and with whom we conversed a in the heavenly vision.
23 For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the
Only Begotten of the Father.͟

I found the following chart that shows various truths and knowledge that has been expanded or
clarified for us thru the prophet Joseph Smith. You may find it useful. It helps provide some idea on
what and how prophets can help us, and why we need constant revelations, therefore, a living prophet.
In all that we do, we preach of Christ, we testify of Christ, and His Atonement. We
testify that THIS IS HIS CHURCH, established and organized under the powers of the Holy Priesthood.
We testify that HE leads the church, stillOï   T be constant and firm in testifying of
the Restoration. The Restoration did take place. I know it. You know it. We need to make sure this is
one of the basic foundations of the testimony that we are helping our investigators build.

Yes, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. All others after him were also prophets of God.

President Thomas S. Monson is the Lord͛s anointed today. Let us not be shy
in proclaiming that as well.

This week, I would like each of you to be particularly mindful of this.

Make it a HABIT to ALWAYS testify of the Restoration, EVERY TIME you bear your testimony.



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