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DAVAO DOCTORS COLLEGE Geacral Malvar St, Davao Cty Second Meeting: November 08, 2020 Report

and Case Presentation Group 1: General Overview of Leadership and Management, 1. The emergence of
leadership theories in nursing 2. Components of effective leadership Case Analysis Please use this
format in your presentation. 1. Identify the problem. 2. Gather data to analyze the causes and
consequences of the problem. 3. Explore altemative solutions. 4. Evaluate the alternatives. S. Select the
appropriate solution. 6. Implement the solution. 7. Evaluate the results. A 55-year-old Nurse is in
dilemma having her annulment to her first love. Her work is affected very much. She comes to work late
and sometimes goes home ecarly. Sometimes she is observed as very busy on the phone talking to her
lawyers and she asks other Nursing Staff to cover her shift. Sometimes she needs to have a break and
cry. As a supervisor, you realized that the quality of patient care is suffering and is compromised, though
some nurses suggest to understand her. But sooner, everyone is starting to get stressed out. Being the
supervisor, what should be the best remedy for this lady? Below are some of the actions which can be
taken. You may have other options that you want to present as your alternative action in addition to the
options provided. Please cite and explain what is your solution for this case. a. Report to your manager
so they can arrange a better schedule suited for her. b. Request that the lady be allowed to have leave
while she settles her annulment papers. c. Tell the Manager to ask the lady to apply for her retirement
as she is already a qualificed candidate after working in the hospital for 35 years. d. Continue to ask your
colleagues to understand her situation and take turns how you can assist her.


Being a nurse is noble and essential.It is important that a nurse must be physically able, mentally
healthy, Patient-oriented, and a good team player. To remember that patient is the priority of the nurse.

The role of the nurse is to advocate and represent the best interests of the patient and to maintain the
patient’s dignity throughout treatment and care, especially when treatment decisions are being made,
this may include making suggestions in the treatment plan of patients, in collaboration with other health
professionals or co-workers.

A nurse should be able to communicate and compose herself/himself even during the time of downfalls,
and should still able to work well even under pressure without compromising the quality of care that
every patients need.

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