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4/9/2021 provectus/swiss-army-kube: This repository provides the minimal set of resources, which may be required for startin…

provectus / swiss-army-kube

This repository provides the minimal set of resources, which may be required for starting
comfortably developing the process of new IaC project

Apache-2.0 License

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akastav … 12 days ago

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Quickstart • Modules • Configure Deployment • Troubleshooting • Contributing •


Swiss Army Kube - Free IaC Tool for Easy

EKS Kubernetes Cluster Deployment.

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4/9/2021 provectus/swiss-army-kube: This repository provides the minimal set of resources, which may be required for startin…

Swiss Army Kube (SAK) is an open-source IaC (Infrastructure as Code) collection of

services for quick, easy, and controllable deployment of EKS Kubernetes clusters on
Amazon for your projects. With Swiss Army Kube, cluster configuration and provisioning
takes just a fraction of time normally spent on manual deployment via AWS management
console. SAK automates deployments, making them repeatable, consistent, and less error-

Swiss Army Kube uses Terraform to describe the desired state of your infrastructure
(resources that need to be provisioned like IAM roles, ASG, Route 53, subnets, etc.) and
build a Kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2 instances.

SAK provides example directories that you can use as easily modifiable templates to set up
your cluster deployment configuration in minutes. All you need is to edit a couple of files to
include modules and set variables. This way you can quickly configure and provision
multiple dedicated EKS Kubernetes clusters with different configurations of modules,
variables, networks, and Kubernetes versions.

We believe that any developer or organization should be able to focus on their applications
without having to worry too much about the nitty-gritty of infrastructure deployment.

Currently, Swiss Army Kube is available for the Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)
for Kubernetes cluster only. We plan to expand to other platforms soon.

Key Features

Provision an AWS EKS cluster in minutes
Use existing project structure to set up your infrastructure
Configure your deployment in a single .tfvars file
Add and configure modules in a single .tf file
Deploy with a couple of Terraform commands

Manage your cluster with Terraform and Kubernetes CLI commands
Easily edit, reconfigure, rerun or destroy resources
Use handy scripts that make your work faster

Configure and deploy as many projects as you need fast and easy

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4/9/2021 provectus/swiss-army-kube: This repository provides the minimal set of resources, which may be required for startin…

Scale deployments by adding new modules

Reduce your cloud infrastructure spend with spot instances
Maximize your workload cost-efficiency

How it Works
Configure and deploy as many projects as you want.

1. Sign up for Amazon account

Create and configure an IAM user
2. Install Prerequisites
Clone this repository
Install prerequisites via script (MacOS users) or manually (other users)
3. Configure your EKS cluster deployment using one of the examples/ directories as a
project template
Configure modules and variables
4. Deploy your EKS Kubernetes cluster with Terraform commands
5. Configure kubectl to manage your Kubernetes cluster
6. Manage your EKS Kubernetes cluster and deploy your containerized apps on it

Get Started

Visit our Quickstart to install and configure prerequisites, set up your project deployment
with desired modules and configurations in *.tf files, and deploy your infrastructure with
Terraform commands:

terraform init
terraform plan -out plan
terraform apply "plan"

After deployment, manage your cluster with Terraform and Kubernetes CLI commands or
AWS management console.


Contributing to Swiss Army Kube is very welcome. Currently, we're looking for contributions
to the documentation of Modules. All you need is being comfortable with GitHub and Git. To
get involved with documentation, please read our Contributing Guide.

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4/9/2021 provectus/swiss-army-kube: This repository provides the minimal set of resources, which may be required for startin…

Swiss Army Kube is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Releases 8

v0.1.1 Latest
20 days ago

+ 7 releases


No packages published

Contributors 19

+ 8 contributors


HCL 99.6% Other 0.4%

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