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Infertility rate is becoming high in India – Poly cystic ovaries

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common female endocrine disorders
affecting approximately 5%-10% of women of reproductive age (12–45 years old) and is thought to
be one of the leading causes of female infertility. The principal features are obesity, anovulation
(resulting in irregular menstruation) or amenorrhea, acne, and excessive amounts or effects of
androgenic (masculinizing) hormones. The symptoms and severity of the syndrome vary greatly
among women. While the causes are unknown, insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all
strongly correlated with PCOS.

The principal signs and symptoms of PCOS are related to menstrual disturbances and elevated
levels of male hormones (androgens). Menstrual disturbances can include delay of normal
menstruation (primary amenorrhea), the presence of fewer than normal menstrual periods
(oligomenorrhea), or the absence of menstruation for more than three months (secondary
amenorrhea). Menstrual cycles may not be associated with ovulation (anovulatory cycles) and may
result in heavy bleeding. Symptoms related to elevated androgen levels include acne, excess hair
growth on the body (hirsutism), and male-pattern hair loss. Other signs and symptoms of PCOS
include obesity and weight gain, elevated insulin levels and insulin resistance, oily skin, dandruff,
infertility, skin discolorations, high cholesterol levels, elevated blood pressure, and multiple, small
cysts in the ovaries.

What causes PCOS? - No one is quite sure what causes PCOS, and it is likely to be the result of a
number of both genetic (inherited) as well as environmental factors. Women with PCOS often have
a mother or sister with the condition, and researchers are examining the role that genetics or gene
mutations might play in its development. The ovaries of women with PCOS frequently contain a
number of small cysts, hence the name poly=many cystic ovarian syndrome. A similar number of
cysts may occur in women without PCOS. Therefore, the cysts themselves do not seem to be the
cause of the problem. A malfunction of the body's blood sugar control system (insulin system) is
frequent in women with PCOS, who often have insulin resistance and elevated blood insulin levels,
and researchers believe that these abnormalities may be related to the development of PCOS. It is
also known that the ovaries of women with PCOS produce excess amounts of male hormones
known as androgens. This excessive production of male hormones may be a result of or related to
the abnormalities in insulin production. Another hormonal abnormality in women with PCOS is
excessive production of the hormone LH, which is involved in stimulating the ovaries to produce
hormones and is released from the pituitary gland in the brain. Other possible contributing factors in
the development of PCOS may include a low level of chronic inflammation in the body and fetal
exposure to male hormones.

Complications of PCOD - Overweight, obesity, ovarian cysts, follicular cysts (type of ovarian
cysts) enlarged ovaries, subfertility (type of Ectopic pregnancy), Infertility, Insulin resistance, IGT,
Diabetes, Depression, Mood swings, Poor self-esteem etc

Common treatments and its side effects

Very commonly PCOD’s are treated with Hormonal replacement therapies which in turn on long
practice leads to anovulatory cycle which may in turn leads to female infertility.

rVita’s permanent solutions to Poly cystic ovaries

At rVita every person is analyzed on the basic principles of Ayurveda and Yoga that is Bio energy
or Prakriti, profession, age, sex, diet and life style habits etc and every person is addressed with a
personalized plan with Ayurveda, Yoga and Diet therapies. The efficacy of this personalized plan is
well analyzed with Modern diagnostic tests and scans periodically to determine the efficacy.
This personalized treatment plan is revised every fort night depends on the results from the patient.
The pro active approach and life style modification advises from rVita experts leads to the
permanent cure of PCOD/ PCOS.
Successful case study at rVita health center
Clinical findings On registration date 2 nd follow up 5 th follow up
(22.01.2010) (07.03.2010) (01.11.2010)
Lethargy ++++ ++ Nil – Fresh and Energetic
Pallor ++ Nil Nil
Irregular periods Last menses on On 40 th day Every 30 th day, regular
29.11.2009 (3 days, (01.03.2010), 3-4 days for 4-5 days
scanty and painful)
Amount of menses Scanty normal normal
Weight 62 Kg 59.2 Kg 50 Kg (Unchanged since
4 months)
Investigations 07.03.2010 18.05.2010 25.10.2010
Hb gm% 11.6 gm/dl 12.1 gm/dl 14.6 gm/dl
Prolactin 16.12 ng/dl 18.11 ng/dl 15.46 ng/dl
LH Normal Normal Normal
PSH Normal Normal Normal
Free Testosterone Normal Normal Normal
Thyroid profile Normal Normal Normal
Ultra sound scan Enlarged in volume, Ovaries enlarged with Ovaries normal, no
Increased number of cyst fair amount of cysts with visible cyst mass, No
(Peripherally ) mild stromal thickening stromal thickening,
Normal study
Follicular study Anovulatory cycle Anovulatory cycle Ovalatory cycle,
Ovulation occurs at Day

For Appointments
Dr. Gowthaman B.A.M.S., CCN., Medical Director
rVita health center, No.2, Krishnamacharya Avenue, Adyar, Chennai 600020
Land mark: Near Adyar LB road Signal, Opposite to Adyar Ananda Bhavan
Phone: 044 – 4218 7226 / 1800 425 4325
Web site: www.rvita.com

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