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he defines what he & W have done in Lyrical Ballads.

They often talk about poetry

& they distinguish 2 cardinal ideas: involving the sympathy of the reader &
giving interest by imagination,so he talks about feelings & imagination.they
write in a different way.C tells about fantastic,supernatural events,but he
wants to give them the semblance of reality & he does it by the willing
suspension of disbelief.W,on the other hand,talks about things of everyday life
& gives them the charm of novelty,he makes them look extraordinary and new,so
looking the common things by a different point of view.So,C&W have the opposite
work.The first talks about ghosts & spirits as ordinary things,the second talks
about flowers & natural elements as extraordinary things.

the mariner stops a wedding guest & he narrates his tale.He & his fellow
mariners cross the line & reached the Polar Regions after a violent storm.then
an albatross appeared & helps them to returned northward but the mariner without
any reason killed him.his shipmates justifying his crime,when the fog dears &
the a good breeze starts blowing,becomes his accomplices.as a consequence all
die except the mariner that is forced for the lest of his life this story.

WAS is a ballad closer to traditional ballads,but both are a litterary

ballads,not folk ballads,ended down from generation to g.the rime..:Not all the
stanzas have 4 lines,also with five or six & the rhyme scheme is not very
regular.the stoty is very long & complex & the content is different,it is not
mainly about love but has supernatural themes & presents a moral at the
end.characters are more complex & the atmosphere is mysterious & more tragic,in
WAS not so tragic even if topic is death.

The are 2 interpretations of this ballad.the 1^ is religious,in this case the

mariner(which represents humanity)is a sinner,he crosses the line(limit that
divides ethic & moral behaviour from sim) & arrives in a place where all the
natural orders are subverted(green ice).this may refer to original sin in the
Garden of Eden.tha albatros (christ) that cames & saves them so,when the mariner
killed its without an appearent reason he commits a crime against god 6 agaist
nature & for this Now the he is condemned to his own personal purgatory,he is
forced to confess his sin for the rest of his life,telling this story.The 2^
instead is an “aesthetic” in:the mariner reppresents tha poet that is able to go
beyond the limit,that breaks the bounds of convention & the albatros in this
case reppresents the immagination.the w.g in the 1^ symbolizes all the people
who can profit from the telling of the story to not commit the same crime
again,in the 2^ instead the public that read the poet's works

James I:1603,absolute monarchy,made king by God,the parlament loses its power,the puritans more
power in parlament,they dislike AM and also onstentation and pompuos attenggiamnti.Charles
I:AM & imposed taxation without the parliment consent=civil war(1642) between the royalists &
parliament,guided by oliver cromwell that won & instaured a republic(commonwealth).this
controversy has a positive effect education(books & pamphlets).Then Charles II:from france,royal
navy was strerghtened,colonization & commerce were expanded in CA,IN,NW,in pa 2 groups:tories
& whigs,founded royal society.James II:he wanted to impose the catholic religion to
england=glorious revolution (1688).the religious & political controversy had a strong influence on
culture & literature(argoumentative prose,political,religious writings started to develop).restoration
drama:commedy of manners,william congreve.18th period of stability & prosperity,william orange
throne,but sings the bill of rights,then george I hanover,foreign,not influence,costitutional
monarchy,with an anglican church,a parliament,colonisation & economy.coffee houses:discusses
about various themes,contributed to the development of journalism & to the levelling of culture in
Pre-romantic poets:thomas gray's & robert burns
1^ romantics:blake,wordsworth,coleridge 2^ romantics:byron,shelley,keats
samuel richardson:pamela & clarissa henry fielding:tom jones
Alexander selkirk,RC(1719)is the account of the life of a man shipwrecked on a
desert island,passive & active in his fight against the water,sometimes seems
powerless,but he instead tries to swimm & he hold fast by a piece of a rock-
detailed, factual, no figurative & the first-person narrator guide the reader
completely & resembling a private diary-values tipical in the puritan tradition:
hard work,self improvement & devotion,robinson is the hero & embodies the values
of the self made-man,is able to create his fortune by relying only his abilities
& common sense,rappresent a middle-class man & recreates the values & rules of
the society when he teaches english & the christian religion to friday,his
servant. this justifying the spontaneous hierarchy & the superiority of english
man over colonized people.

classical:an elegy was a poem mourning someone's death,in english literature was
a poem that reflecting of human mortality-a rular landscape at twilight-
death,tired,darkness,silance-poor paesans: simple,hymble,unevenful life famuos:
powerful people, fame,pompous life-frail memorial:it reminds the living of the
dead,there is a link of affection between them-C: formal language; R:
melancholy, personal poetry, rural setting, common, humble characters,homely
feelings...the poet learning,generosity,friendship & faith made is life
satisfying nor fame & fortune.
foscolo:both treat the theme of death and consider it as a social leveler,but
the gray's conclusion is more pessimistic,the italian poet thinks that tombs are
among the dearest illusion of mankind;different is the setting(rural in
gray,urban in f)the tombs & the people they celebrate(humble tombs & simple
farming people in gra;magnificent monuments & famous,powerful people in f),the
dominant mood(melancholy in gray,more dynamic/energetic in f)

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