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370 Br Heart J 1990;64:370-5

A controlled trial of community based coronary

Hugh J N Bethell, Mark A Mullee

Abstract days of admission. A chest x ray was taken

Two hundred patients who had suffered within 48 hours of admission. By the fifth day
an acute myocardial infarction 4-6 weeks of admission a positive diagnosis of acute
before entered a randomised controlled myocardial infarction was made only if all of
trial of exercise treatment at a commu- the following criteria were met: a history of
nity sports centre supervised by a gen- chest pain typical of myocardial infarction,
eral practitioner. Eighty one per cent of progressive electrocardiogram changes, and a
the treatment group continued to exer- rise and fall in aspartate transaminase concen-
cise until they returned to work and 73% trations with at least one reading above 40
completed three months' exercise. There units/ml. Patients were excluded if they lived
were no serious complications of the more than 25 miles from Alton, if they had
exercise course. The prevalence of medical or orthopaedic problems that pre-
angina pectoris fell by 10% in the treat- cluded their taking part in the exercise course,
ment group but rose by 60% in the con- if they had insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
trol group. The perceived energy level or were in atrial fibrillation, if they had
rose by significantly more in the treat- previously been through the course, or if they
ment group than in the controls. The rise were on the investigator's personal general
in predicted maximum oxygen uptake practice list.
was significantly greater in the treat- The qualifying patients were randomised by
ment group than in the control group as order of admission into treatment and control
was the reduction in the double product groups by means of a random letter sequence.
(a reflection of myocardial workload) at The nature of the trial was then explained and
peak exercise. the patient was invited to join. At 4-5 weeks
Coronary rehabilitation in the com- after admission all patients were interviewed
munity can be both safe and effective. and examined by one of two research assistants
(one a state registered nurse, the other a state
registered physiotherapist) who measured
The benefits of exercise training for patients height and weight and, with the patient sitting
with coronary heart disease are widely recog- down, recorded resting pulse rate and blood
nised. Numerous studies of this treatment pressure. The patients were asked about symp-
have shown these effects and the mechanism toms and, if not mentioned specifically, chest
of their production in selected groups of pain. The occurrence of tight central chest pain
patients. There have, however, been very few or throat pain brought on by exercise and
large scale randomised controlled trials in relieved within a few minutes by rest was
unselected patients recovering from acute recorded as angina. The patients were also
myocardial infarction'9 and only one in the asked to express their current well-being and
United Kingdom-and that was hospital energy level as a percentage of their normal
based.6 level. One to two weeks later they underwent a
The Alton Coronary Rehabilitation Unit submaximal bicycle ergometer exercise test at
(which operates from a community centre and Alton Sports Centre. Entry to the trial was
is supervised by a general practitioner, a stopped when 200 patients had been tested. All
sports officer, and a physiotherapist) opened exercise tests were performed on a mechan-
in 1976. The purpose of the trial in this unit ically braked Cardionics ergometer with a
was to assess the results of managing patients continuous multistage test with five minutes at
after myocardial infarction. each exercise load. The starting load was
estimated to allow each patient to complete at
Health Centre, Alton least one stage but not more than three stages;
H J N Bethell Patients and methods the load was increased by 25 W at each level
Medical Statistics and All male patients aged 65 or less admitted before the end point was reached. The test was
Computing, to Basingstoke District Hospital from terminated when the patient reached 85% of
University of
Southampton, 1 December 1979 with a provisional diagnosis his predicted maximum heart rate, unless it was
Southampton General of acute myocardial infarction were recruited to interrupted by angina pectoris, multifocal ven-
Hospital the study. Fasting blood samples taken on the tricular extrasystoles, exhaustion, or excessive
M A Mullee
Correspondence to
first morning after admission were sent for breathlessness. Heart rates at the end of the test
Dr Hugh J N Bethell, Health measurement of cholesterol and triglyceride were calculated from six consecutive com-
Centre, Alton, Hampshire
GU34 2QX
concentrations. Serial measurements of serum plexes on the electrocardiographic write-out
Accepted for publication
aspartate transaminase activity and electro- (Hewlett-Packard) and for systolic pressure we
19 July 1990 cardiograms were performed on the first three used a Philips electronic analogue sphyg-
A controlled trial of community based coronary rehabilitation 371

momanometer calibrated from time to time Results

against a mercury sphygmomanometer. The figure shows the outcome in the 311 male
Patients on short acting fi blocking drugs patients aged < 65 who were admitted to the
stopped taking these drugs 48 hours before the Basingstoke District Hospital Coronary Care
test unless this was contraindicated. We cal- Unit between 1 December 1979 and 1 March
culated the predicted maximum oxygen uptake 1984 with a confirmed diagnosis of acute myo-
(Vo2 max) from the exercise test using the cardial infarction. Twenty eight died before
Astrand-Ryhming nomogram."' This could be randomisation and 54 were excluded for one of
done only for those who cycled for at least three the following reasons: geographical (36),
minutes at their lowest load and for those who medical/orthopaedic contraindications (seven),
were not on ,B blocking drugs at the time of the insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (three),
test. The double product (heart rate x systolic atrial fibrillation (two), previous graduates of
pressure) at the end of the test was also the course (three), and on the author's general
calculated. practice list (three). The remaining 229 were
Control patients were given a short talk on randomised-1 13 to the treatment group and
the sort of exercise that they might safely take 116 to the control group. Of the 113 treatment
unsupervised. Treatment patients entered a patients, 99 attended Alton Sports Centre for
three month course of three times a week circuit the first exercise test (five died, four refused,
training at Alton Sports Centre. The course has and five developed other problems). Of the 116
been described previously." control patients, 101 attended Alton Sports
Three months from the initial interview the Centre (seven died, three refused, and five
patient was seen again by the research assistant developed other problems). Thus of the 200
who repeated the initial interview and examin- patients in the study, 99 were in the treatment
ation. A second exercise test was performed group and 101 in the control group, and these
within the next week, supervised by HJNB, on patients comprised 85% of the infarct patients
the same day of the week and at the same time of who had survived to the time of the first test
the day as the first test and with the same and lived within 25 miles of Alton.
Mann-Whitney U tests and two-sample t COMPARABILITY OF GROUPS (TABLES 1 AND 2)
tests were used to test for differences between The two groups were comparable in terms of
the two groups (controls and treated) and age, presence of Q waves on the electrocar-
Wilcoxon signed-rank tests or paired t tests diogram, aspartate transaminase concentra-
were used to test for differences within the tion, presence of pulmonary oedema, presence
groups. Chi-squared test with Yates's correc- of complications, initial Vo2 max, and time to
tion factor and McNemar's test were also used return to work.
when appropriate. Ninety five per cent con-
fidence intervals for x' tests were calculated FOLLOW UP
according to the method described by Of the 99 treatment patients two died and four
Armitage and Berry.'2 could not be followed up. One of those patients
Most of the statistical analyses were com- who died did so between the final interview and
puted with the statistical packages SPSS-X" the final exercise test and his interview and
and Minitab.'4 examination findings are included. Of the re-

Outcome in 311 male

patients aged 65 or less
who were admitted to the
Basingstoke District
Hospital coronary unit
between I December 1979
and I March 1984 with a
confirmed diagnosis of
acute myocardial
372 Bethell, Mullee

Table I Comparability of the two groups

Mean age (yr) Median peak AST (IU/I) Pulmonary oedema on Mean initial Vo2 max -Mean time to return to
(SD) (interquartile range) chest x ray Complications* (mil/min/kg) (SD) work (wk) (SD)
Treatment group:
n 99 99 99 99 78 63
54-2 (7 2) 202 (122,327) 11% 27% 22-2 (5 0) 13-7 (3-7)
Control group:
n 101 101 100 101 80 66
53-2 (7-7) 207 (114, 302) 11% 27% 23-4 (4-8) 13-3 (3 6)
*Clinical left ventricular failure, ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, heart block, and pericarditis.

maining 93 patients, 73 completed- the 12 week the controls had been cigarette smokers before
exercise course, eight defaulted on return to their infarcts. By the end of the period of
work, four defaulted&--t other times, and six observation, 43 (78%) of the smokers in the
were withdrawn for medical reasons (one re- treatment group and 52 (87%) in the control
infarct, one left ventricular failure, one increas- group said that they no longer smoked.
ing angina and three orthopaedic problems). Among patients in the treatment group, of
Thus 73 completed the course and 81 con- the 42 smokers who finished the exercise
tinued to exercise at least until they retumed to course, six (14%) continued to smoke, while of
work. the 13 smokers who failed to finish the course
Of the 101 control patients, one died and one six (46%) continued to smoke (difference in
refused follow up. By the end of the 12 weeks of proportions = 0-32) (X2 = 4-19, 95% CI =
the trial, 27 of these were taking unsupervised, 0-08to0-66;df= 1,p = 004).
apparently vigorous exercise at least twice a
week. These exercises included bicycling, CHANGES IN EXERCISE TEST RESULTS
using a bicycle ergometer, press ups and sit In the treatment group, the mean predicted
ups, swimming, jogging, and weight training. maximum oxygen uptake rose significantly
from 22 16 to 27-32 ml/min/kg (paired t =
CHANGES IN OBSERVATIONS (TABLE 3) 9-69, df = 77, p < 0 001). In the control group,
There were no significant differences between the mean predicted maximum oxygen uptake
the two groups for change in frequency of also rose significantly from 23-36 to 26-16 ml/
sexual intercourse (Mann-Whitney U, p = min/kg (paired t = 5-71, df = 79, p < 0 001).
0 40), resting heart rate (t = 0-64, df = 173, The mean difference in the increase of predic-
p = 0 52), blood cholesterol (t = 0-69, df = ted maximum oxygen uptake was 2-35 ml/min/
161, p = 0-49), or triglyceride concentration kg, which was significantly greater (95% CI for
(Mann-Whitney U, p=0 88). The mean in- the difference = 0-92 to 3-78; t = 3-24, df =
crease in weight of the treatment patients was 156, p = 0 001) in the treatment group than in
significantly greater than in the control patients the control group.
(difference = 1-2 kg) (95% CI for difference = In the treatiment group the mean double
0-06 to 1-98; t = 2-09, df = 191, p = 0-04). product at peak exercise decreased significantly
Angina pectoris was present at the first from 246 to 212 (paired t =- 8-71, df = 84, p
follow up in 21 patients in the treatment < 0 001). In the control group the mean double
group and in 20 control patients. By the second product decreased from 230 to 228 (paired t
follow up angina was present in 19 (-10%) of --0 54, df = 84, p = 0 59). The decrease in
the treatment patients but in 32 (+60%) of the mean double product was significantly
the controls. The increase in the occurrence greater in the treatment group than in the
of angina in the control group was signifi- control group, difference = -32-58 (95% CI
cant (difference in proportions 0-12) = -42 19 to -22-97; t = -6-70, df = 168, p
(McNemar's x2 = 7-56, 95% CI = 0 04 to < 0o001).
0-20; df = 1, p = 0-01).
The median energy level for the treatment
group rose from 50% before the exercise course
to 95% after the exercise course with a median
In the United Kingdom, coronary rehabilita-
rise of 41%. The median energy level for the tion courses are available to few patients
controls rose from 50% to 90% with a median recovering from cardiac surgery or myocardial
rise of 25%. The median energy level was infarction. The number has grown considera-
significantly greater in the treatment group bly since the British Cardiac Society review of
than in the controls (difference = 10-00%) 1970,'5 but many existing courses were estab-
(Mann-Whitney U 95% CI = 0-00 to 21-92; p pists lished or initiated by nurses and physiothera-
= 003).
with little support, and sometimes opposi-
Fifty five of the treatment group and 60 of tion, from doctors. 6 Such courses may,
therefore, be underused and their effectiveness
is seldom measured. This trial attempted to
assess the effects of a community based exercise
Table 2 Comparability of electrocardiographic changes in the two groups
programme for patients immediately after
Anterior Inferior Lateral Q waves infarction; it showed that most patients can
participate (85% of patients who lived within
Treatment group (99) 47 45 7 73 25 miles of the sports centre took part). Nearly
Control group (101) 47 50 4 73
all the treatment group embarked upon the
A controlled trial of community based coronary rehabilitation 373

Table- 3 Changes in- important observations -of- the two groups-

Median frequency of
sexual intercourse per Median triglyceride
month (interquartile Mean resting heart rate Mean cholesterol (mmol/l) (interquartile Mean weight
range) (beats/min) (SD) (mmol/l) (SD) range) (kg) (SD)
Treatment group:
Number 94 88 81 81 94
Before 2 0 (00, 4-0) 79-5 (13 5) 6-2 (1-3) (0-9, 1-8) 1-3 75-2 (11-4)
After 1-0 (0 0,4-0) 76-5 (10-5) 6-3 (1-0) 1-4 (1-0,1 9) 76-4 (10 9)
Difference 0 0 (_ 10, 0-0) -3-0 (11-7) 1-3 (10-6) -0-2 (-0-3,0-5) 1-2 (3-0)
(after- before)
Control group:
Number 99 87 82 82 99
Before 2-0 (1-0, 60) 79-0 (12-0) 6-1 (1-1) 1-3 (0 9, 1-8) 76-9 (9-7)
After 1-0 (0-0,4 0) 74 9 (12 4) 6-1 (1-0) 1-4 (1-0,2-1) 77-1 (9 3)
Difference 0-0 (- 2-0, 0 0) -4-1 (9 5)- 0-2 (10-3) 0-2 (-0 4, 06) 0-2 (3 8)
(after -before)

exercise programme: 81% continued to exer- increase in physical work capacity produced by
cise until they returned to work and 73% a short course of physical training is caused by
completed the course, despite the fact that peripheral adaptations rather than improved
Alton Sports Centre is 15 miles from the centre cardiac function.2"'0 There is an alteration in
of population. This figure is similar to that of the distribution of blood within the working
Carson et al who found that 70% of 151 muscles and an increase in their capacity to
exercising patients completed a hospital based extract oxygen, associated with an increase in
exercise programme.5 Higher compliance rates the number and size of mitochondria, mito-
(85-100%) have been achieved in selected chondrial enzyme content, and capacity to
patients referred for exercise." 17-20 One metabolise various energy substrates.3' 32 The
problem in assessing the results of exercise result of these changes is an increase in the
training in randomised trials is the tendency for arteriovenous oxygen difference of the blood
control patients to take up exercise-the so- flow to and from the working muscles.28 s'"
called drop-ins.21 In our case 27% of the Any given exercise load requires less blood to
controls were taking apparently vigorous exer- fuel it, with a reduction of demand on the heart
cise by the end of the trial, though this was and a lower heart rate.35 '6
probably much less intensive and effective than The reduction of exercise induced heart rate
the supervised exercise in the treatment group. and blood pressure produced by exercise train-
As with most other controlled trials of exer- ing of cardiac patients is a very important
cise for coronary patients, there was- no dif- effect, because the heart rate- x systolic pres-
ference between the groups for blood pres- sure product (the double product) is a direct
sure, 7 22 23 cigarette smoking,577 blood choles- reflection of myocardial workload and oxygen
terol,4 5 24 and time to return to work.' 4 5It was demand.3739 The double product at sub-
surprising that there was no difference between maximal workloads does not decrease sponta-
the groups for change in triglyceride concen- neously after infarction because the fall in heart
trations, which are reduced for up to 48 hours rate response is matched by an increase in
by vigorous exercise.25 We made no attempt to blood pressure response.404' Because the con-
relate the time of blood sampling to a previous trol patients in this study showed no change in
exercise session. double product at submaximal workload it is
Unfortunately the exercise testing of patients likely that their improved fitness was largely
could not be blind because HJNB performed due to spontaneous cardiac recovery and that
all the tests and supervised all the exercise the unprompted exercising of the drop-ins was
sessions. Heart rate measurements were taken relatively ineffective. The appreciable fall (by
from an electrocardiographic write-out and 14%) in the submaximal double product
should not have been subject to bias. However, among the treatment group was reflected in
it is possible that peak systolic blood pressures, their reduction in clinical angina compared
read from an analogue electronic sphygmo- with the controls, an effect that has been
manometer, were subject to observer bias. demonstrated in other controlled trials.2342
The improvement in physical fitness of the However, in this trial the symptom of angina
control patients as measured by the predicted was determined from the patient's history
maximum oxygen uptake, was expected. The given to a research assistant who also helped at
recovery of the heart from the immediate exercise sessions. A standardised questionnaire
effects of the infarct produces a spontaneous was not used and the findings of this symptom,
improvement over the first three months26 which showed a larger than expected difference
associated with an increase in stroke volume.22 between the two groups at the end of the
The large number of drop-ins, perhaps a result course, may have been biased.
of the Hawthorne effect,27 probably had little Nearly all reports on the results of coronary
effect on the increased fitness of the controls rehabilitation have emphasised the great
(see below). The greater improvement in fit- improvement in well-being and in psycho-
ness among the treatment group testified to the logical health it engendered. Few, however,
effectiveness of the exercise regimen, and was have quantified this improvement, and those
of a similar order to that achieved in hospital who have measured the psychological impact of
based rehabilitation programmes.2 3'5 This rehabilitation have shown either no change' or
374 Bethell, Mullee

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W A Jolly studied electrocardiography with

Einthoven in 1908. On his return to Edinburgh
in 1909 he and W T Ritchie recorded the first
electrocardiogram showing atrial flutter. When
he took up the chair of physiology in Cape
Town in 1911 he brought with him the first
electrocardiograph to be installed in South
Africa; it is seen with him in this photograph.
Source: Department of Physiology, University
of Cape Town.

....,.I..,| _ i _ -.I.

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