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1 Directed Numbers

1. Evaluate each of the following.

(a) 13 × (–10) (b) –7 × 3
= =

2. Solve the following problems.

(a) Palm oil is pumped into an empty tanker at 200 litres per minute. How much palm
oil is in the tanker after 5 minutes?
(b) Siti takes 4 vitamin tablets a day from a box of vitamin tablets. How many tablets
are eaten by Siti after 30 days?

3. Find the value for each of the following.

(a) –144 ÷ (–12) (b) –28 ÷ 4
= =

4. Solve the following problems.

(a) During a TV Quiz open to home viewer, a total of RM2884 was given out in 7 minutes.
How much money was given in a minute?
(b) 210 m3 water was pumped out from a swimming pool in 12 minutes. How much
water was pumped out in 2 minutes?

5. Find the values for each of the following.

(a) 15 – (–4) + (–7) (b) –8 + 0 – (–15)
= =
(c) 8 + 2 – (–10) (d) –6 + 5 – (–1)
= =
(e) 4 – (–2) – 17 (f) 15 – (–2) – (–3)
= =
(g) 25 – 2 + (–9) – 1 (h) 3 + (–8) + (–7)
= =
(i) –6 + (–5) + (–7) – (–4) (j) 5 + (–8) – (–9) + 7
= =

1 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

6. Find the product for each of the following.
(a) –3 × (–8) × (–4) (b) 6 × (–6) × 7
= =

7. Compute each of the following.

(a) 168 ÷ (–7) ÷ (–4) (b) 150 ÷ (–5) ÷ 6
= =

8. Compute each of the following.

(a) 6 × (–12) ÷ 9 (b) 15 × (–4) ÷ 12
= =

9. Evaluate each of the following.

(a) –7 + 18 ÷ (–2) (b) –19 × 3 – 47
= =
(c) 21 ÷ (–7) + (–12) (d) 16 + 0 × (–15)
= =
(e) 21 – 24 ÷ (–3) – 10 (f) 81 ÷ (–9) – (–5) × 4
= =
(g) 30 ÷ (–5) × 8 – (–13)

10. Solve the following problems.

(a) (–15) is subtracted from (– 42). The difference is divided by 9. Find the quotient.
(b) Hot-air is pumped into a hot-air balloon at 50 ml per second. Some hot-air leaks out
at 15 ml per second. How much hot-air is there after — 1 hour?
11. Complete the following number line.
–4 –3 –2

12. Arrange the following fractions in descending order.

1 , –2 —
–4 — 1 , –3 —
2 , –1 —
1 , –2 —
4 4 5 2 2

7 + –2 —
13. Evaluate –5 —
12 1 13 2 and simplify the answer to the lowest term.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 2

14. Evaluate each of the following and simplify the answers to the lowest term.
1 × 1—1 7 ÷ – —
(a) –3 —
8 15
(b) —
12 1 14 2 1 ÷ –1 —
(c) –1 —
2 1 18 2
= = =
7 ÷ 1—
1 8 ÷ – —
(d) – —
24 6
(e) —
15 1 25 2 1 ÷ –6 —
(f) 2 —
7 1 14 2
= = =

15. Complete the following number line.

–8 –7

16. Arrange the following decimals in ascending order.

3.2, –2.5, –3.6, 4.1, –1.2

17. Evaluate each of the following.

(a) –4.1 + (–1.6) (b) –4.61 – (–8.32) (c) –(–6.32) – 1.48
= = =
(d) –(2.15) – (–3.82) (e) –0.1 – (–0.08) (f) –3.24 + (–8.178)
= = =

18. Evaluate the following.

(a) 1.8 ÷ (–0.2) (b) –4.92 ÷ 1.2 (c) –6.3 × 2.6
= = =
(d) –11.4 ÷ (–5.7) (e) 24.96 ÷ (–3.2) (f) –17.3 × –0.4
= = =

19. Evaluate each of the following.

(a) 1.3 – 7 — (b) —7 + (–6)
5 15
= =

20. Evaluate each of the following.

3 ÷ 1.2
(a) –5 — 2
(b) –13.5 × 1 —
5 3
= =

3 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

21. Evaluate the following.
2 – (–0.7) × 2 —
(a) 31 —
5 4 16 1 – 2 ÷ 8—
(b) 4.811 —
6 2 1
= =

22. Mr. Chan’s shop lost 3.5% of his customers every month for 5 months. After a sales
3 % per month for the next 7 months. What is
promotion, the customers increased by 2 —
the average change of customers in that year?

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 4

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