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Mohawk Voice

System Administrator’s Guide


Pre-Release Version

© 2009 Velocity Servers Inc.

Table of Contents

The Basics of System Administration................................................................................. 3

Features Available to System Administrators..................................................................... 3
Server System Parameters................................................................................................... 4
Changing System Parameters ......................................................................................... 4
The Setup System Parameters Form ............................................................................... 4
Server Parameters ....................................................................................................... 5
Channel Parameters .................................................................................................... 7
Connection Flood Control Parameters........................................................................ 8
User Parameters .......................................................................................................... 9
Provider Parameters .................................................................................................... 9
Restoring Defaults .................................................................................................... 10
Bans................................................................................................................................... 10
The Manage Bans Form................................................................................................ 11
Adding a New Ban........................................................................................................ 11
Editing a Selected Ban .................................................................................................. 12
Deleting a Selected Ban ................................................................................................ 13
Deleting All Bans.......................................................................................................... 13
Locking/Unlocking the System......................................................................................... 14
The Message of the Day ................................................................................................... 15
Channels............................................................................................................................ 16
Channel Names ............................................................................................................. 16
Adding a New Channel................................................................................................. 16
Adding a New Subchannel............................................................................................ 19
Channel Specifications.............................................................................................. 19
Channel Security....................................................................................................... 20
Channel Permissions................................................................................................. 20
Channel Description.................................................................................................. 20
Editing a Channel’s Parameters .................................................................................... 21
Connecting to a Channel............................................................................................... 21
Administering a Channel .............................................................................................. 22
Users ................................................................................................................................. 22
Registering a New User ................................................................................................ 22
Deleting a Registered User ........................................................................................... 24
Renaming a Registered User......................................................................................... 24
Editing a User’s Information ........................................................................................ 26
The Server’s INI File ........................................................................................................ 26
Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 34
Index ................................................................................................................................. 35

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 2

The Basics of System Administration

A System Administrator is a special and unique kind of Mohawk Voice user. A system
administrator is able to change and adjust more features and parameters than any other
type of Mohawk Voice user. These abilities include administering the channel tree,
creating new users and permanent channels and managing bans. They are the
administrators of Mohawk Voice, hence the name, system administrator.
A system administrator is required to have a logon password and there is always at least
one system administrator defined on any Mohawk Voice server. The first user
automatically created during a new installation of Mohawk Voice is the system
administrator “sysadmin.”
For information on Quick Start please refer to the Mohawk Voice Quick Start
Guide. For other information not pertaining to system administrators please refer
to the Mohawk Voice Users Guide.

Features Available to System Administrators

Several features are available only to System Administrators in Mohawk Voice. Many of
these are listed under the “Sysadmin Functions” menu item and drop down list in the
upper left hand corner of the Client’s screen.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 3

Server System Parameters

Changing System Parameters

As a System Administrator you have two ways to change the server’s parameters:
1) Edit the INI file…..
CAUTION: We strongly recommend that you do not manually edit the server’s INI
file as this can cause serious problems for Mohawk Voice if not done correctly.

We Recommend you use Mohawk Voice’s built-in edit feature.

Although you can edit the server’s INI file directly, most find it easier to use Mohawk
Voice’s built-in edit capability. Using this facility avoids error in editing the INI file and
ensures that the specs are mutually consistent.

The Setup System Parameters Form

A window similar to the one above will appear when the “Set System Parameters” option
is clicked in the “SysAdmin functions” drop down box. This window allows a System

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 4

Administrator to setup many of the different parameters of Mohawk voice. The window
pictured above is of a registered user. The shaded areas are only available on Mohawk
Voice registered servers.

Server Parameters

This checkbox allows you to set whether this server will be public or private. The
difference is primarily the rules regarding channel visibility and connectivity:
Channel visibility rules for all server types
• Channels marked “always visible” can always be seen.
• A system administrator always sees all channels.
• The lobby channel is always visible.
Additional channel visibility rules for public servers
• All users see all channels.
Additional channel visibility rules for private servers
• Users other than system administrators see only those channels they are
allowed to be on.
• A private server will automatically hide all of a channel’s subchannels if the
channel itself is hidden.

If checked and the user is a channel or system administrator, the administrator

status is shown to the right of the userid on the channel and user tree. The codes
are “{CA}” for a channel administrator and “{SA}” for a system administrator. If
not checked, this information is not displayed.

This button allows you to change the server’s password. Once clicked a new
window will open.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 5

Enter your new and old passwords and a an optional hint to help you remember
the password hint and click Send. The server password has now been changed.
Note that a server password is only requested if one is defined and the user
connecting does not have a personal password. This feature is available only on
registered servers.

This drop down menu allows the user to select what events will be stored in
Mohawk Voice’s log. This is a useful tool for troubleshooting Mohawk Voice.

This drop down list allows you to select the audio sampling frequency to be used
by all users connected to this server. The default is 22Khz and can only be
changed on a registered server. Free servers always use 22Khz. Changes do not
take effect until the server has been restarted.

This drop down list menu allows you to select the type of audio encryption
provided to user’s of this server. Note that chat messages are always encrypted.
your level of audio encryption and is only available on registered servers. The
possible values are:
No encryption allowed. Audio data is never encrypted and this cannot be
changed by the user.
By user except for guests. Registered users can individually select whether or
not they wish their audio data to be encrypted. Guests never have their audio data
By user including guests. Any user can individually select whether or not they
wish their audio data to by encrypted.
All users except guests. All registered users always have their audio data
encrypted. Guests never have their audio data encrypted.
All users encrypted. All users always have their audio data encrypted.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 6

Audio encryption is only available on registered servers. Free servers do not
support audio encryption.
Although the process is very fast, encrypting or decrypting audio data measurably
increases the load on the computer running the Mohawk Voice client. However it
has no effect on Internet bandwidth used by Mohawk Voice. If computer
performance is a critical issue make sure you disallow audio encryption. If audio
encryption is allowed, a given user may have his or her performance impacted by
its use even if that user does not select encryption. Audio data received from other
users may be encrypted and require computer time to decrypt.
CAUTION: If you are allowing users to individually select audio encryption, be
aware that encryption, if selected, only controls audio (microphone) data sent by
the encrypting user to other users. Those other users may or may not be
encrypting their own audio data. For maximum audio communnications security
select the “All users encrypted” option.

Channel Parameters

This specifies the maximum number of permanent and temporary channels the
server will allow to be defined. Values must be integers from zero to 99. A zero
(0) value, the default, will allow any number of channels to be defined.
Defining a large number of channels will measurably increase a user’s connection
time as information regarding each channel must be sent to that user as part of the
logon process. This is particularly true on a public server where data on all
channels must be sent to the connecting user, not just information on those
channels that user can use.

This specifies the maximum number of temporary channels allowed by the server
at any one time. Values must be integers from zero to 99. A zero (0) value, the
default, will prevent temporary channels from being created by any user including
a system administrator.. Remember that temporary channels disappear when the
server is restarted.

This limits the number of channels that can be nested below the root node in the
channel and user tree. It must be a number from one (1) to seven (7). The defaullt
is to allow up to three (3) nested channels.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 7

The User Logon Channel options control how the server handles the channel that
all users are first connected to when they logon to this server. These options are
only available to registered servers, free servers always logon to the lobby
channel. The values are:
Lobby only (the default). All users logon to the lobby channel which is the first
channel defined and appearing in the tree. Note that the lobby channel may have a
different name. This is the default for free servers.
Set by System Administrator. As with Lobby only but you can specify a
different channel to be used when a user connects. You will be asked to specify
which available channel you wish to use. You can only select channels which are
active, allow guest users (whether or not the server itself allows guests), have no
channel password and allow both chat messages and audio communications.
Set by individual user. This allows each registered user to specify his or her own
logon channel. Users can only select channels which are active, allow guest users
(whether or not the server itself allows guests), have no channel password and
allow both chat messages and audio communications.

Connection Flood Control Parameters

The following parameters allow you to control the frequency of a user’s attempts to
connect to the server. If flood control is enabled, the Mohawk Voice server will not allow
more than five connection attempts in a given time period, thus preventing denial-of-
service attacks by automatically and rapidly logging on and logging off to this server. If
the connection frequency is exceeded, connection attempts will be ignored from the
offending IP address for a specified period of time.

The Connection Flood Control Parameter menu allows the System Administrator
to control how many times a specific IP address can connect in a specific time
frame. This box is checked by default and will allow you to specify the other
flood control options. If not checked, the other flood control parameters cannot be

This sets the time period during which no more than five connection attempts will
be allowed. This example shows that no more than five connection attempts from
a specific IP address will be allowed within a 60 second time period. The period
length may be any integer value from 30 to 600 seconds (five minutes).

If the user tries to connect more than five times in the time period specified above
the user will be banned from the server for the time period in seconds specified
here. This time period can be any integer value from 300 to 7200 seconds (two

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 8

User Parameters

This option controls whether the server allows guest (unregistered) users to
connect or not. By default guest users are allowed.

Provider Parameters

This allows you to change the name of the Mohawk Voice program as shown in
the Mohawk Voice client and server’s main form’s title bar and in many messages
displayed during Mohawk Voice operation.

This allows you to set the name of the organization or company providing the

If your organization provides a link to an Internet page providing users of this

server with helpful information, enter the associated URL here. An entry in this
field is optional but if specified it must be a valid URL. As an alternative, we
recommend checking the Mohawk Voice Users Guide or our forums at
www.mohawkvoice.com. This field is only available for registered servers.

If your organization has a specific Mohawk Voice support Internet web site, enter
the associated URL here. n entry in this field is optional but if specified it must be
a valid URL. This field is only available for registered servers.

If your organization provides a “control panel” facility allowing users to manage

their Mohawk Voice use, enter the associated URL here. An entry in this field is
optional but if specified it must be a valid URL. This field is only available for
registered servers.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 9

If your organization provides an Internet web site or web page answering your
users’ frequently asked questions (FAQ) enter the associated URL here. An entry
in this field is optional but if specified it must be a valid URL. This field is only
available for registered servers.

If your organization provides your users with contact via electronic mail, enter the
e-mail address here. An entry in this field is optional but if specified it must be a
syntactically correct e-mail address. If this filed is blank, no e-mail contact
support is provided. If specified, it will be used in place of the SMTP server
address (see below). This field is only available for registered servers.

If you have not provided a contact e-mail address (above) but wish to allow
electronic mail support, you must specify the IP address for your organization’s
SMTP e-mail server. If both the contact e-mail address and the SMTP IP address
fields are blank, no e-mail contact support is available. This field is only available
for registered servers.

Restoring Defaults

If at any time a mistake is made or if you wish to restore the default settings on
this form click the Restore Default Values button pictured above, located at the
lower left hand corner of the form.

This feature allows you to ban or prohibit an individual user and/or a range of IP
addresses from connecting to the Mohawk Voice server. Mohawk Voice allows you to
manage these bans at will including adding, deleting and modifying them. There is no
limit on the number of bans you can have in effect at any one time. Conversely, there is
no requirement that you have any bans defined.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 10

The Manage Bans Form

The management of bans is controlled from this form. Click the “Sysadmin Functions”
drop down list menu and then click “Manage bans” to bring up a window similar to the
one above. From here you can add a new ban, edit existing bans or delete bans.

Adding a New Ban

To add a new ban click Add a New Ban at the lower left hand corner of the ban manager.
A window similar to the one above will appear. From here you can define a specific user
to ban.

From here select the user you wish to ban from the drop down list menu. You can
specify both a user and an IP address or address range. If you select “applies to
any user” then you must specify an IP address.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 11

You may specify the range of IP addresses you wish to ban that user from
connecting with or leave blank to ban that user from connecting with any IP
address. The range function works well if you would like to ban a user only from
connecting with selected computer(s) while the any IP option works to completely
ban that user. You can specify both a user and an IP address or address range. If
you omit the IP address then you must specify a specific user (above).

From here you may set an expiration date for a ban. This option is helpful if you
do not manage the bans very often. When the ban is created set the expiration date
and you will not have to micromanage the ban list. Leave blank if you want the
ban to never expire.

From here you may record why the ban was put in place. This field is optional.

Editing a Selected Ban

Click the ban you would like to edit and the same window as “Add a new ban” will
appear. Make your changes and click OK. The ban has now been edited.

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Deleting a Selected Ban

To delete a ban select the ban you wish to delete. Then click “delete a selected ban”

The ban has now been deleted.

Deleting All Bans

If you would like to delete all the bans currently defined, click Delete All Bans. A
window similar to the above will appear. If you wish to delete all the bans select Yes and
all defined bans will be deleted immediately. Note that there is no “undo delete all”
function so be careful.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 13

Locking/Unlocking the System
Locking the system is a feature to be used to maintain Mohawk Voice. You cannot (for
example) delete, rename or move a channel if anyone is connected to it or any of its
subchannels. If you need to do maintenance you can lock the system, send a message to
all existing users announcing a "shutdown in five minutes for five minutes," then force-
disconnect anyone still on after that time, do the maintenance on the channel(s), then
unlock the system.

To lock the system click “Lock System” from the “Sysadmin Functions” drop down list
menu. A window similar to the one above will appear. Once the system is locked no one
may connect until the lock has been lifted. To lock the system click Yes. A red message
will appear in the text message box informing you that “System is locked, users cannot
Locking a system has no effect on users already connected to the server.

To unlock the system click on SysAdmin Functions in the menu and select Unlock the
System. A new red message will appear in the text box stating “System Unlocked, users
can connect”.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 14

If you disconnect from the server without unlocking the system, the server will
automatically remove the lock.

The Message of the Day

Creating or Editing the Message of the Day

To create or edit the message of the day click “Edit message of the day” from the
“SysAdmin Functions” drop down list menu. Enter the message of the day and click OK.

Displaying the Message of the Day

The message of the day will appear as a window similar to the one above at each new
connection by every user or whenever the message of the day (MOTD) is changed. Users
may choose to print, copy or save any message of the day. Also they may view the
message of the day at any time by clicking the “File” drop down list menu and then
clicking “View message of the day”. The individual user may select to have the MOTD
displayed only once per connection – Controls/Program/Show message of the day. Also

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 15

if an auto-reconnect is performed and this option is set, the MOTD is not re-displayed. If
this option is not selected, the MOTD is displayed every connect or reconnect or
whenever it changes.


NOTE: You may delete, rename or edit a channel any time by right clicking on
that channel and selecting the desired function from the dropdow menu.

Channel Names
A channel name is required and is displayed in the channel tree. A channel name must be no
longer than 63 characters. The channel name can contain upper and lower case letters, digits and
embedded spaces plus the following special characters:
+ - $ [ ] # _ .' { } = < > ! ^ @ ( )
In addition, the following language-specific characters can be used in a channel name:
ÄÅÆâ ä àåæá
NOTE: If you specify leading and/or trailing spaces in your channel name they
will be automatically removed by Mohawk Voice. Regular and guest users may
not create new channels

Adding a New Channel

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 16

To add a new channel, right click on the Velocity Serves Inc root node. This will bring up
a list of options. The first is adding a new channel.

Once this option has been clicked a window similar to the one above will appear. Enter
your channel name and click OK.

Another window similar to the one above will appear. Decide on the parameters for your
channel from the options shown.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 17

From the Channel Specifications options you may chose to make a permanent or
temporary channel. A temporary channel will be deleted upon your disconnection from
Mohawk Voice. You may also allow the channel to be used or unused and the sending of
text messages to sub channels.

From the channel permissions section you may limit the types of users will be allowed on
this channel, the maximum number of users that can be connected to that channel at any
one time, the type(s) of communications allowed by the channel and whether or not the
channel allows temporary subchannels.

The channel description option allows for a brief explanation of what this channel is. This
field is optional and may be left blank.

Once you have set your channel parameters and have clicked ok your new channel will
appear in the channel tree similar to the channel “New” in the window above.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 18

Adding a New Subchannel

To add a new subchannel right click a channel in the channel tree. A list will appear,
select add new sub channel and a window similar to the one above will appear. Enter the
name of the new sub channel and click OK.

Another window similar to the one above will appear. Decide on the parameters for your
channel from the options below:

Channel Specifications

Temporary channel: There are two types of channels, permanent and temporary. A
permanent channel is retained between server executions. All record of a temporary
channel is lost when the server shuts down. Checking the box will create a temporary
channel, leaving the box unchecked will create a permanent channel. The default is to
create a temporary channel.
Note that you can limit the total number of temporary channels allowed on a given server
or even prohibit their creation. If temporary channels are not allwoed, the option is
always unchecked and cannot be changed.
Allow channel to be used: This box is checked by default, allowing the channel to be
active and used. Clearing this checkbox will prevent all user types from connecting to the
channel. If this is a public server, the channel will apear in the channel tree even though it
cannot be used.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 19

A system administrator can edit the specifications of an inactive channel.
Text messages are sent to subchannels: By default, a text message sent to all users on a
channel do not also send that message to users on the channel’s subchannels. A check in
this box will include all users on subchannels in the distribution list provided the
subchannel supports text messaging or the sender is a system administrator.

Channel Security

Show channel even if user cannot connect to itIf this is a private server, this option allows
this channel to be visible to all users even those users who cannot connect to the channel.
This option does not appear for a public server as all users always see all channels.

Channel Permissions

From the channel permissions section you may discern what types of users will be
allowed on your channel, the maximum number of users that may be connected to that
channel as well as what type of communications to allow.

Channel Description

The channel description provides for a brief explanation of what this channel is for. This
field is optional and may be left blank.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 20

Once you have set your sub channel parameters and have clicked OK your new channel
will appear in the channel tree similar to the Sub channel “Sub” in the window above.

Editing a Channel’s Parameters

A user can edit a channel’s parameters if
• The channel and its subchannels have no users connected.
• The user is a system administrator or a channel administrator with that channel on
the user’s “Administer Channels” list.
There are special rules for editing channels on private servers:
• A channel can be marked “Always visible” only if its parent channel (if any) is
marked “Always visible.”
• If a channel is inactive, all of its subchannels must be inactive.
• A channel cannot have a lower minimum access type than its parent channel.

Connecting to a Channel
The following rules apply to all users:
• A user cannot be on a channel he cannot see.
• A user cannot be on an inactive channel or a channel for which the minimum
allowed user level is greater than their user level.
• A user cannot be on a channel not on that user’s “Channels Allowed” list.
• A system administrator is always allowed on all active channels.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 21

• A system administrator can connect to a password-protected channel without
providing the password.

Administering a Channel
A user can administer a channel if
• The user is an administrator, AND
• The user is allowed to be on the channel, AND
• The user is a system administrator OR the channel is on the user’s “Administer
Channels” list.


Registering a New User

To register a new user right click on the velocity servers root node in the channel tree. A
register new user option will appear in the menu.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 22

Once clicked a window similar to the one above will appear.

To create a password click on the create password button at the bottom of the window. A
new window similar to the one above will appear. Enter your password in the fields
provided as well as a hint in the field provided. Click send and your password has been

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 23

Deleting a Registered User

To delete a registered user click on the Velocity Servers root node in the channel tree. A
list will appear. Click delete a registered user. A window similar to the one above will
appear. Select the user you wish to delete and click ok. That user has now been deleted.

Renaming a Registered User

To rename a registered user right click on the Velocity Servers root node in the channel
tree. Or right click on the users icon in the channel tree and select rename. A list will
appear. Click Rename a Registered User.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 24

A window similar to the one above will appear. Select the user you wish to rename and
click OK.

Enter the new name of the user and click OK. That user has now been renamed. The
name you specify cannot duplicate that of any user registered on the server or any active
guest user.

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Editing a User’s Information

To update a user’s information right click on the Velocity Servers root node in the
channel tree. A list will appear. Click on Update User Info, a window similar to the one
above will appear. Update the desired information and click OK. Your information has
now been updated. A specific user can also be updated by right-licking on the user in the
tree and selecting “Edit this user’s data” from the dropdown menu.
• All users can edit their own user record (with some restrictions).
• A system administrator can edit all user’s records without restrictions.
• All users can see the channels they can be connected to (the “See Channels Allowed”
• On a public server, both the Channels Allowed” and the “Channels Administered”
buttons will show a graphic next to those channels which the user cannot be on or
(if an administrator) cannot administer.

The Server’s INI File

A Mohawk Voice server uses an Initialization file (INI file) to store information about its
options, channels, registered users, bans and other data. This fiel is read every time the
server is started.

Note: The INI file can be manipulated manually via a word processing program
such as Notepad, WordPad, MS Word etc. However we STRONGLY
recommend this not be done as manually editing an INI file can cause problems
if not done correctly. We recommend that you use our built in system parameters
form to edit this information as described beginning on page 4.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 26

Almost all of these parameters can be changed by a System Administrator using the
Mohawk Voice client program. This is the highly recommended method. Values in most
of the following sections should be added, deleted or changed only using extreme care.
The best candidates for manual changes are the [Control], [Channels] and [Users]
sections but even there care must be taken. The server does extensive validity checking
on the contents of its INI file at startup but these checks are not guaranteed to catch all
possible errors.
Also note that other values than those specified below may appear in the server’s INI file.
The meaning and allowed use of these undocumented values are undefined and may
change at any time without notice, or they may disappear altogether.
The values of shaded parameters are available only for registered servers.

Section Name Type Default Description

AudioEncryption= Integer 0 Controls the use of audio input
encryption by all clients connected to a
registered server. Allowable values are:
0 – Audio data is never encrypted.
1 – Encryption depends on an individual
user's setting but guest users audio is
never encrypted.
2 – Encryption depends on an individual
user's setting and guest users can select
3 – Audio data is always encrypted for
all users except guest users. Guest users
audio is never encrypted
4 – Audio data for all users is always
For a free server the value is fixed at 0
and cannot be changed. If specified, this
parameter is ignored.
AudioFrequency= Integer 2 Controls the audio input sampling
frequency used by all clients connected
to a registered server. Allowable values
1 – Use 11Khz sampling rate
2 – Use 22Khz sampling rate
3 – Use 44Khz sampling rate
The higher the sampling rate the higher
the sound quality but the greater the
Internet bandwidth used for audio data.
For a free server the value is fixed at 2
and cannot be changed. If specified this
parameter is ignored.
ClientName= String Mohawk Voice This string is displayed in the title bar of
the Mohawk Voice client following the
Organization string following a
connection to this server.
ControlPort= Integer 9150 This is the port (socket) number used by
this server and all of its clients to
exchange data to control a user’s
Mohawk Voice session. If this is
changed, it must be changed by all users

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 27

Section Name Type Default Description
or they will be unable to connect. Values
can range from 1024 to 65535.
DataPort= Integer 9151 This is the port (socket) number used to
communicate audio data between the
server and its users. This value is sent to
each user during the connection process
so it can be freely changed if necessary.
Values can range from 1024 to 65535.
EMailAddress= String <empty> This is the full e-mail address of the
server provider’s organization and, if
specified, is made available to each user.
If specified, SMTPServer must also be
FloodBanPeriod= Integer 600 If FloodControl is True, and more than
five connections are made from an IP
address to the server in FloodPeriod
seconds, the IP is banned from
connecting for this many seconds.
Values can range from 300 to 7200
seconds. If FloodControl is False, this
must have a valid value but it is
otherwise ignored.
FloodControl= Boolean True If True, each IP is monitored and if
more than five connection attempts are
made in FloodPeriod seconds, the IP
address is banned from connecting for
FloodBanPeriod seconds. If False,
FloodPeriod and FloodBanPeriod must
have valid values but they are otherwise
ignored and there is no limit on how
frequent a given IP address can try to
connect to the server.
FloodPeriod= Integer 60 If FloodControl is True, an IP is limited
to five connection attempts in this many
seconds. Values can range from 30 to
600 seconds. If FloodControl is False,
this must have a valid value but it is
otherwise ignored.
InfoPort= Integer 9152 This is the port (socket) number used by
the server to receive and reply to status
requests from non-Mohawk Voice
programs. If changed, all programs
using the status feature must also be
changed. Values can range from 1024 to
LogLevel= Integer 3 This controls the amount of event, user
request and server reply information
included in the server’s log. Values may
range from 0 to 5 with the levels having
the following meanings:
0 = No logging whatever
1 = Log only server errors
2 = Log only important messages
3 = Log only normal messages and
4 = Log everything but debug messages
5= Log everything, including debug

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 28

Section Name Type Default Description
A value of 5 will generate a lot of log
messages, the log file will grow in size
very quickly and the server will be
slowed. This level should not be used
unless you are actively debugging a
Organization= String Velocity Servers This string is displayed in the title bar of
Inc. the Mohawk Voice client before the
ProgramName string following a
connection to this server.
Password= String <empty> If not empty, this is a string of
hexadecimal digits representing the
server’s encrypted password and must
not be altered. If empty, there is no
server password defined.
PasswordHint= String <empty> Any message you wish to send to the
user who requests a hint when being
asked for a server password. If Password
is empty, this value is ignored.
PublicServer= Boolean True If True, this is a public server and all
users can see all active channels. If
False, only those channels which are
user can connect to are displayed in the
channel tree.
RawPassword= String <empty> If not empty, this is the server’s plain-
text password (case sensitive) and it
overrides and replaces any value
specified by the Password parameter.
This value is never written to the INI file
so it is a “one time only” feature
designed to allow the server’s password
to be easily changed without requiring
access to a client program or a system
administrator user.
ShowAdminStatus= Boolean False If True, this causes system and channel
adminstrators to be identified in the tree
by appending {SA} or {CA}
immediately after the user name. This is
in addition to identifying those types of
users in the mouse “hover over the
node” text.. If False, these codes do not
SMTPServer= String <empty> If not empty, this is the Internet domain
name of the server provider’s SMTP e-
mail server used to allow users to send
e-mail to the server provider. If
specified, EMailAddress must also be
URLControlPanel= String <empty> If not empty, this is the Internet domain
name of the server provider’s control
panel. If specified, this information is
made available to the client program
when a user connects. This value is
URLFAQ= String <empty> If not empty, this is the Internet domain
name of the server provider’s Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) web page. If
specified, this information is made
available to the client program when a

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 29

Section Name Type Default Description
user connects. This value is optional.
URLHelp= String <empty> If not empty, this is the Internet domain
name of the server provider’s Mohawk
Voice help web page(s). If specified,
this information is made available to the
client program when a user connects.
This value is optional.
URLWebSite= String <empty> If not empty, this is the Internet domain
name of the server provider’s web site.
If specified, this information is made
available to the client program when a
user connects. This value is optional.

Section Name Type Default Description

ChannelList= List Lobby A list of full channel path names
specified in the [Channel_xxx] sections
where each “xxx” is full path name.
When the server is installed, a single
channel (“Lobby”) is defined and
appears in this list. This list is managed
completely by the server and it should
not be modified.
MaxChannels= Integer 0 This is a positive integer value giving
the maximum number of channels that
can be defined for use by the server. If
the value is zero (0) there is no limit on
the number of channels.
MaxNextLevel= Integer 3 Mohawk Voice supports nested
channels. This specifies the maximum
nest level permitted and it must range
from one (1) to seven (7). If you reduce
this value, you must be sure that no
currently defined channel’s nest level
will exceed the new value.
MaxTempChannels= Integer 0 This is a positive integer value which
specifies the total number of dynamic
channels that can exist at any one time.
If this value is zero, there is no limit
except that dynamic channels count
against the limit (if any) specified by
UserLogonType= Integer 0 This value controls whether or not a
logon channel can be specified on a by-
user basis. Allowable values are:
0 = Lobby channel only - everyone logs
on to the Lobby channel and any user-
specific logon channel value is ignored.
1 = May be set by a system
administrator only - If a user has a logon
channel defined, that channel is used; if
not, the user connects to the Lobby.
2 = May be set by an individual user: As
with a system administrator only setting
but the user can change the logon

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 30

Section Name Type Default Description
Active= Boolean True If True, the channel is active and user
scan connect to it (provided other
restrictions do not prevent the
connection). If False, the channel may
be visible but cannot be used.
AllowAudio= Boolean True If True, the channel supports audio I/O.
If False, no audio is active when
connected to this channel and the user
will not be able to use the microphone or
hear any other user on the speakers.
AllowDynChannels= Boolean True If True, this channel may have dynamic
subchannels created provided limits on
the number of channels, the number of
dynamic channels, and the channel nest
level are not exceeded and the user is
authorized. If False, this channel can
never have dynamic subchannels.
AllowMessages= Boolean True If True, this channel supports text
messaging. If False, text messages
cannot be sent or received when
connected to this channel.
AlwaysVisible= Boolean False If True, this channel is always visible to
all users even if this is a private server.
If False, the channel may not be visible
depending on the type of server and the
type of user connected.
ChannelNotes= String <empty> This is any text which desired to help
describe the channel or for any other
purpose. It can be displayed in the
channel tree but is otherwise ignored. Its
use is optional.
MaxUsers= Integer 0 This is a positive integer specifying the
maximum number of users that are
allowed to be connected to this channel
at any one time. If the value is zero (0)
there is no limit on the number of
simultaneous connections.
MinUserType= Integer 0 This specifies the minimum user type
allowed for this channel as follows:
0 = All users can connect.
1 = Guest users cannot connect .
2 = You must be a channel or a system
administrator to connect.
3 = Only system administrators can
Name= String *No Name This is the channel’s full name and
should not be modified.
Password= String <empty> If not empty, this is a string of
hexadecimal digits representing the
channel’s encrypted password and must
not be altered. If empty, there is no
channel password defined.
PasswordHint= String <empty> Any message you wish to send to the
user who requests a hint when being
asked for this channel’s password. If
Password is empty, this value is ignored.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 31

Section Name Type Default Description
Propagate= Boolean False If True, audio data will be sent to all
users on the channel the originating user
is connected to and all users connected
to subchannels of that channel. If False,
only users on the originating user’s
channel will receive audio messages.
RawPassword= If not empty, this is the channel’s plain-
text password (case sensitive) and it
overrides and replaces any value
specified by the Password parameter.
This value is never written to the INI file
so it is a “one time only” feature
designed to allow the channel’s
password to be easily changed without
requiring access to a client program or a
system administrator user.

Section Name Type Default Description

AllowGuests= Boolean True True if the server is to allow guest
(unregistered) users. If False, guest users
are not allowed to connect.
MaxUsers= Integer 10 This is the maximum number of
simultaneous users allowed to be
connected to the server. The default for
a registered server is zero (0) meaning
the maximum allowed by Mohawk
Voice, currently 500. For a free server
the fixed limit is ten (10).
UserList= List SysAdmin A list of user names specified in the
[User_xxx] sections where each “xxx” is
a unique user name. When the server is
first installed, only a single system
administrator user (“SysAdmin”)
appears in this list. This list is managed
completely by the server and it should
not be modified.

Section Name Type Default Description

ChangePassword= Boolean True True if the user can change his or her
own password. False if the user cannot
change the password.
DenyList= List <empty> If not empty, a list, separated by
commas, of the full channel paths of
channels this user is not allowed to
connect to. Ignored if the user is a
system administrator.
EMailAddress= String <empty> If not empty this is the user’s e-mail
EncryptAudio= Boolean False True if audio data send by this user is to
be encrypted. Note that this only selects
encryption for audio input (microphone)
data. Audio data received by a user may
not be encrypted. For complete audio
data security, all users participating on a
channel must have EncryptAudio set to

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 32

Section Name Type Default Description
True. Guest users cannot select
encrypted audio.
FullName= String <empty> A string giving the user’s full (or real)
name. This value is optional.
LastConnected= Time <none> The data and time the user last
connected to the server. This value is
maintained by the server and should not
be altered.
LogonChannel= String <empty> The full path name of the user’s logon
channel. If empty or if UserLogonType
is zero (0), the Lobby channel is always
used. If specified and UserLogonType is
greater than zero, the user is logged on
to the specified channel.
NotAdminList= List <empty> If not empty, a list, separated by
commas, of the full channel paths of
channels this user is allowed to
administer. Ignored if the user is not a
channel administrator.
Password= String <empty> If not empty, this is a string of
hexadecimal digits representing the
user’s encrypted password and must not
be altered. If empty, there is no user
password defined.
PasswordHint= String <empty> Any message you wish to send to the
user who requests a hint when being
asked for his or her password. If
Password is empty, this value is ignored.
PWRequired= Boolean False True if this user is required to have a
password. False if a password is allowed
but not required. Note that a system
administrator is always required to have
a password.
RawPassword= String <empty> If not empty, this is the user’s plain-text
password (case sensitive) and it
overrides and replaces any value
specified by the Password parameter.
This value is never written to the INI file
so it is a “one time only” feature
designed to allow the user’s password to
be easily changed without requiring
access to a client program or a system
administrator user.
UserActive= Boolean True True if the user is active and may
connect to the server. If False, the user
cannot connect and is treated by the
server as a Guest User if guest users are
allowed to connect (see AllowGuests).
UserNotes= String <empty> An optional string displaying any
information desired.
UserType= Integer 1 A positive integer specifying the type of
user, as follows:
1 = Registered (normal) user.
2 = Channel administrator
2 = System administrator
Note that guest users exist only for the
duration of their connection to the server
and never appear in the server’s INI file.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 33

Section Name Type Default Description
BanCount= Integer <none> The total number of currently active
bans, used to generate the “nnn” in
[Ban_nnn] sections.

Section Name Type Default Description

BanExpires= Time <none> The date and time the ban expires.
BannedBy= String <none> The id of the user establishing the ban
BannedIP1= String <none> If not empty, specifies the IP address or
the start of an IP address range that is
banned from connecting to this server. If
this value is empty, BannedUser must be
BannedIP2= String <empty> If not empty, specifies the ending IP
address of a range of IP addresses that
are banned from connecting to this
server. The total number of banned IP’s
in a range must be less that 65,637.
BannedOn= Time <none> The date and time the ban took effect.
BannedUser= String <none> If specified, this is the username which
is banned from connecting to this server.
If not specified, BannedIP1 must be
BanReason= String <empty> Any text describing the reason for the

Section Name Type Default Description

Top= Integer <none> The top edge of the server’s form in
Left= Integer <none> The left edge of the server’s form in

Ban – The ability to Banish a user banish a user, an IP address or a range of IP addresses
indefinitely or for a specific time period.

Bind – A specific set of keys that when pressed in a specific order will perform a
function associated with it.

Channel Administrator – A Mohawk Voice user with a higher privilege level than a
regular user. They have access to administer a specific channel or set of channels.

INI File – The INI file is an ANSI text file used to specify the parameters controlling the
operation of Mohawk Voice server. For a free server it is located in the user’s (or

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 34

system-wide) application data folder. For a registered server it is located in the same
folder as the server’s .exe file.

MOTD – Message of the Day. A Message that they System Administrator can set that
will appear when a user initially connects and optionally ever time it is changed during
that connection.

Permanent Channel – A channel that will remain in the channel tree until it is deleted
by a system administrator.

Private Server – A server that will only display channels that a given user can connect to
and the users on those channels.

Public Server – A server that will display all available channels and all user connected to
those channels regardless of whether or not a user can connect to those channels..

System Administrator – The Highest form of Mohawk Voice User. They have access to
all channels and features.

Temporary Channel – A channel that will be deleted when the server terminates. It is
not preserved in the server’s INI file.

User – A single login created for one person in Mohawk Voice.

Connecting to a Channel
• A user cannot be on a channel he cannot see.
• A user cannot be on an inactive channel or a channel for which the minimum
allowed user level is greater than their user level.
• A user cannot be on a channel not on that user’s “Channels Allowed” list.
• A system administrator is always allowed on all active channels.
• A system administrator can connect to a password-protected channel without
providing the password.
Administering a Channel
A user can administer a channel if
• The user is an administrator, AND
• The user is allowed to be on the channel, AND
• The user is a system administrator OR the channel is on the user’s “Administer
Channels” list.

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 35

The channel edit form was displaying the “Show channel even if user cannot connect to
it” checkbox even when connected to a public server where all channels are visible.
Changed to hide this option unless connected to a private server. The option’s setting
remains unchanged regardless of the current server type, it will be ignored on a public

Mohawk Voice System Administrator’s Guide Page 36

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