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Roszet Joie D.

February 05, 2011


First Aid
Thoughout life, you will be faced with injuries of every kind;
whether it is a simple paper cut or a severe chemical burn, every
accident must be dealt with in the right way. On this paper I will deal
with a few major categories of accidents: soft tissue wounds, like the
typical bruises, cuts and scrapes of everyday life, along with the not-
so-typical, more life threatening accidents like puncture wounds,
spurting cuts and amputations; burns, from mild sunburn to third-
degree; poisoning; choking; and, of course, "natural" encounters - bee
stings, poison ivy, and the dangers of anaphylactic shock.

First aid refers to the immediate, direct treatment of an injured

person. Anyone with a basic understanding of medical treatment can
administer aid at the first signs of trouble. Simple procedures may
include stopping blood loss by applying pressure, dressing a wound,
treating a burn with ointment, or setting a bone with a splint. Some
types of first aid, such as performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR), require an individual to receive specialized training from an
accredited first aid program.

Many minor injuries can be overcome with simple, immediate medical

attention. A small cut, burn, or blister, for instance, can be attended to
by thoroughly cleaning the injury, applying a topical antibiotic cream,
and covering it with a breathable bandage or wrap. Treating bruises,
muscle strains, swelling, and animal bites usually involves icing and
compressing the injuries, as well as taking over-the-counter anti-
inflammatory or pain medication. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-first-aid.htm
First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is
usually performed by a non-expert person to a sick or injured person
until definitive medical treatment can be accessed. Certain self-
limiting illnesses or minor injuries may not require further medical care
past the first aid intervention. It generally consists of a series of
simple and in some cases, potentially life-saving techniques that an
individual can be trained to perform with minimal equipment. The best
definition of a First Aid.

While first aid can also be performed on all animals, the term generally
refers to care of human patients.

First aid is the assistance given to an injured or sick person in

need of urgent medical assistance. First aid applies to a broad range
of medical situations and consists both of specific knowledge and
skills (for example, what to do for each type of injury or illness) and
the ability to assess a situation and make appropriate decisions (such
as when to call for emergency medical assistance).

Preparedness is a key element of first aid. While every home, auto, and
boat should be equipped with a basic emergency kit that includes first
aid supplies and a first aid manual, special circumstances may
necessitate more advanced or specific degrees of preparation for an
emergency. For example, residents of certain geographic areas where
natural disasters (such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, floods,
landslides, or tsunamis) may occur should prepare for emergencies by
assembling disaster preparedness kits such as earthquake kits,flood
kits, and evacuation kits.

Travelers should also prepare to administer first aid in the region they
plan to visit. In many developed countries, this may amount to packing
a standard first aid kit and manual with your belongings. Medicines to
prevent motion sickness and advanced awareness about the
management of traveler's diarrhea are also helpful to travelers.

In the developing world or in remote regions, a travel medicine

kit should include medicines and supplies that may not be available for
purchase as well as any specific products (such as insect repellant to
prevent mosquito and tick bites) needed for your destination. It's also
important for travelers in foreign countries to learn how to access
emergency services by telephone.

Being prepared to administer effective first aid can also involve

learning specific skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or
abdominal thrusts to assist choking victims. First aid may be required
for medical emergencies such as heart attack, stroke, or seizures as
well as for minor medical conditions like nosebleed and mild allergic
reactions. Environmental injuries (sunburn, poison ivy, heat
exhaustion, frostbite, bee or insect stings) and traumatic injuries
(strains, sprains, burns, puncture wounds, and cuts as well as more
severe internal injuries) are other situations where first aid skills can
be invaluable.

Regardless of your level of skill or degree of first aid training, if you

find yourself in a true medical emergency, always call 911 for
emergency medical assistance immediately. Likewise, if you are
involved in any medical situation that is beyond your personal abilities
to provide first aid, you should never hesitate to summon emergency
medical assistance right away.


First aid, life saved.” It may sound dramatic, but it is

often true. If you summon emergency medical services to the
scene of an incident, your actions have started the "chain of
survival." You have acted to help someone you may not even
know. First aid is helping; it' making that call, putting a
Band-Aid on a small wound; controlling bleeding in large
wounds; or staying with a collapsed person who needs
emergency personnel. You can help yourself, your loved ones
or a stranger whose life may depend on you being in the right
place at the right time with the right knowledge. We strongly
advise teenagers to take a first-aid training course from one
of the many organizations in their area. First aid--it's the
smart thing to do! http://www.livestrong.com/article/14148-first-aid/

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