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Nikko Sucahyo


No Author (yg ini cuma iseng kok)

Social Networking, A quantitative and qualitative research report into attitudes, behaviours and use
(Anon., 2008, p.57) A minority of users were aware that their personal details could be stolen and fall into
the hands of criminals, who could use them to build up a profile of an individual and go on to impersonate
them. In discussion some users felt that one way of dealing with this would be to post few, or fake, details
in their profile. They did not feel that this would be a significant drawback. However, there was no
evidence that these people were actually doing this, despite making the suggestion.



Chapter Authors in Edited Works (kerjaan awal)

As stated in Social Network Visualization, Jasperschelling (2007), states that the field of interaction
design has established various working methods to realize a proper human-computer interface. Persona
based scenario’s drive the design decisions that are made to arrive at a user-interface that adheres closely
to the user’s mental model. However there are various concepts and structures that should be explored
more in depth when creating an interface for a social network visualization, or rather, a visualization that
is a social interface.
(See Section 2.3 for further details).



Chapter Authors in Edited Works (kerjaan baru)

Schelling (2007), perealisasian manusia dengan interface komputer dapat dilakukan oleh berbagai
macam metode dari bagian desain interaksi. Skenario berbasis persona mengendalikan keputusan desain
yang dibuat untuk mendekati user interface yang mendekati mental model penguna. Di sisi lain, ada
beberapa konsep dan sturktur yang seharusnya digali lebih dalam saat proses pembuatan interface untuk
visualisasi social network, atau lebih tepatnya visualisasi yang menjurus kepada pendekatan social

Schelling, J. A., 2007, Social Network Visualization,

http://thesis.jasperschelling.com/thesis_jasperschelling_socialnetworkvisualization.pdf, diakses
27 Feb 2011.


More Than One Author not Cited Directly in the Text (kerjaan lama)

As stated in the introduction of this chapter, the main thoughts that drive the interface are that it is to be a
‘reflective’ interface, facilitating exploration of the common (and thus also the uncommon) ground
between users in the network. By exploring these shared contexts the users gains insight into his own
social network and make noteworthy, interesting, or amusing discoveries about his own behaviour of that
of his social environment. (Schelling, 2007; Laraqui, 2007)


More Than One Author not Cited Directyly in the Text (kerjaan baru)

Schelling, 2007, Laraqui, 2007, interface bersifat reflektif, memfasilitasi kesamaan-kesamaan serta
perbedaan-perbedaan antar user pada network. Konteks-konteks yang dibagi bersama ini membuat
social network menjadi lingkungan yang penting, lucu, menarik, atau tentang perilaku sosial diri sendiri
terhadap lingkungan sosialnya.

Schelling, J. A., 2007, Social Network Visualization,

http://thesis.jasperschelling.com/thesis_jasperschelling_socialnetworkvisualization.pdf, diakses
27 Feb 2011.

Laraqui, Jawad, 2007, How active are your friends? : Activity Based Interfaces in Online Social Networks
http://web.media.mit.edu/~laraqui/download/thesis_proposal_laraqui.pdf, diakses 27 Feb 2011.

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