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LusidOSC v1.

LusidOSC v1.0

LusidOSC is a protocol layer for unique spatial input devices

using Open Sound Control. A unique spatial input device is any
system that uniquely identifies objects (markers, tags, regions,
fingertips, etc.) in physical space. LusidOSC extends ideas
originally presented in the TUIO protocol (developed by
Kaltenbrunner, Bovermann, Bencina, and Costanza and described
in TUIO: A Protocol for Table-Top Tangible User Interfaces in
2005) but has been redesigned to enable scalability across a
wide range of sensing platforms (senseTable, reacTable,
trackMate, Nabaztag, g-speak, etc.) without the need for
additional low-level OSC profile definitions. In particular: many
parameters are now sent as strings, allowing them to be of
variable lengths; timing information enables applications to handle time-based
calculations; and all TUIO profiles have been simplified into a single profile for better
library support and application compatibility. As standards emerge, there is a good
possibility that additional parameters will be able to fit the format described here, easing
the transition to future versions of LusidOSC.

LusidOSC allows for flexibility within a single, standardized profile rather than requiring
the creation of a new profile for each type of tracking system. This design choice
enables LusidOSC libraries to remain entirely separate from the tracking system while
also enabling functionality by default with any LusidOSC-compliant application. For
example, tracking systems and applications are not required to have the same
dimensionality to function (3D positions can be used in a 2D application, and 2D
positions can be manipulated as 3D data on a surface). If, however, a large number of
applications emerge that are clearly segmented based on particular tracking technologies
or capabilities, future LusidOSC versions could support multiple profiles (as TUIO does),
but only insofar as they are necessary, thus keeping library support and application
integration as strong as possible.

Information about each sensed object is broadcast to applications via OSC (an abstract
layer on top of UDP) and provides eight components that define it in the physical world:
its uniqueID (u); position (x, y, z); rotation (a, b, c); and time (s.m). Regardless of the
sensing platform's capabilities, every object message has the same fundamental data
structure (as well as space allocated for additional platform-specific data if available),
thus allowing any LusidOSC-enabled application to function with any spatial sensing

Message Parameters

parameter OSC type notes

u string uniqueID; an object's ID written in hex format. e.x., "0x123456".
A generated ID can be given to non-ID'd things (such as fingers).
x, y, z int32 3D position; represented as millimeters with (0,0,0) at the center.
a, b, c float32 angle around the x, y, and z axis accordingly; range is [0, 2PI].
e string name of data encoding, or null string if no data.
d string data; any string, or null string if no data.
f int32 frame number
s int32 seconds since midnight Jan. 1, 1970 (UTC); a.k.a, Unix time.
m int32 microseconds (decimal part of seconds only)

For libraries and sample applications visit: http://lusidosc.sourceforge.net/

LusidOSC v1.0

Message Formats

/lusid/1.0 fseq f s m
/lusid/1.0 set u x y z a b c e d
/lusid/1.0 alive [list of every active uniqueID]

Message Order

LusidOSC messages are encapsulated in an OSC Bundle, and the order of messages
within the bundle is important. The "fseq" message is transmitted first, as it contains
information about how to compute time-sensitive calculations for object data. After the
"fseq" message, all "set" messages are sent. Finally, the "alive" message is sent to help
manage object lists by removing messages corresponding to objects that are no longer
in use. Although redundant for sensing systems that send "set" messages for each
uniqueID every frame, the "alive" message serves well in complex systems that sense
different object types at different frame rates to maintain consistent state with their


Though the default port for LusidOSC messages is 3333 (one used by virtually all TUIO
applications), users are not limited to this choice. Trackmate allows for connectivity to a
range of ports, supporting many-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many [(spatial
input device)-to-(spatial application)] configurations with very little additional overhead.
Since each OSC message begins with a protocol name (such as /lusid/), ambiguity is
eliminated between multiple protocols communicating on the same port. To be fully
compliant with the LusidOSC specification, however, applications using a non-default
port should still allow the user to specify the port (3333 being one of the possible
selections) manually.


With the OSC protocol outlined in this document, any application that communicates via
LusidOSC will be able to deduce uniqueID, position, and rotation information sent from
any LusidOSC-compliant sensing or tracking system. In addition, applications that use
supplemental data specific to particular tracking systems can check the encoding string
(e) and process the corresponding data (d) accordingly.

For libraries and sample applications visit: http://lusidosc.sourceforge.net/

LusidOSC v1.0

Pseudo Code for a LusidOSC Sender (Tracking System)

do once at startup:
1. initialize OSC Sender to send packets to HOST, PORT.

each time new object data is ready to send:

1. create a new OSC bundle.
2. create and add the "fseq" message to the bundle.
3. create the "alive" message, but do not add it yet.
4. for each object being tracked:
4.1. add the object's uniqueID to the "alive" message.
4.2. create and add a "set" message for the object to the bundle.
5. add the "alive" message to the bundle.
6. send the bundle

C Code for a LusidOSC Sender (Tracking System)

// Released under GNU GPLv2; this program is free software.
// Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Kumpf
// Derived from openframeworks.cc code by Matthias Dorfelt.
// Based on classes by Martin Kaltenbrunner for
// Built on top of Open Sound Control (OSC).

OscSender sender = new OscSender(); // create a new OSC sender

void setupOnce(){
sender.setup(HOST, PORT); // setup the sender for a host and port.

void objectDataUpdated(){
OscBundle oscBundle = new OscBundle(); // create a new OSC bundle

OscMessage fseqMessage = new OscMessage(); // create a new OSC message

fseqMessage.addIntArg(frameNumber); // frameNumber :: Int32
fseqMessage.addIntArg(seconds); // seconds since 1970 :: Int32
fseqMessage.addIntArg(microseconds); // microseconds :: Int32
oscBundle.addMessage(fseqMessage); // add "fseq" message to

OscMessage aliveMessage = new OscMessage(); // create a new OSC message


For libraries and sample applications visit: http://lusidosc.sourceforge.net/

LusidOSC v1.0

OscMessage m = new OscMessage(); // create a reusable OSC message

for each object sensed by tracking system {

m.clear(); // start with a new message
m.addStringArg(uniqueIDString); // unique ID :: String (in hex
m.addIntArg(objectX); // X Pos :: Int32
m.addIntArg(objectY); // Y Pos :: Int32
m.addIntArg(0); // Z Pos :: Int32
m.addFloatArg(0); // Angle around X axis ::
m.addFloatArg(0); // Angle around Y axis ::
m.addFloatArg(objectAngleRadians); // Angle around Z axis ::
m.addStringArg("tempTracker"); // Name of Data Encoding ::
m.addStringArg("120,cold,roundObj"); // Data :: String
oscBundle.addMessage(m); // add "set" message to the
aliveMessage.addStringArg(uniqueIDString); // add the ID to the
"alive" list

oscBundle.addMessage(aliveMessage); // add "alive" message to


sender.sendBundle(oscBundle); // send the oscBundle on its way!

frameNumber++; // increase frame for next time.

For libraries and sample applications visit: http://lusidosc.sourceforge.net/

LusidOSC v1.0

Pseudo Code for a LusidOSC Receiver (Application Side)

do once at startup:
1. initialize OSC Receiver to listen for packets on PORT.

each time a new OSC message is available to read:

1. check to see if it has the correct profile address (/lusid/1.0)
1.1 check to see if it is a "set" message
1.1.1 if frame is out of order, immediately return
1.1.2 update object parameters based on message data
1.1.3 if this is the first time we've seen this object add the object to our local objectList notify event listeners of new object
1.1.4 else (we have seen this object before) notify event listeners that object changed
1.2 check to see if it is an "alive" message
1.2.1 if frame is out of order, immediately return
1.2.2 for each uniqueID in the "alive" message add the uniqueID to a list for later
1.2.3 for each object in objectList (we've seen via "set" messages) if object was not included in the "alive" list notify listeners of object removed remove the object from the objectList
1.3 check to see if it is a "fseq" message
1.3.1 if frame is older than previous, immediately return
1.2.2 update frame timing information

C Code for a LusidOSC Receiver (Application Side)

// Released under GNU GPLv2; this program is free software.
// Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Kumpf
// Derived from ofxTuioClient.h for openframeworks.cc by Matthias
// Based on classes by Martin Kaltenbrunner for
// Built on top of Open Sound Control (OSC).

int lastFrame = 0;
int lastFrameSeconds = 0;
int lastFrameMicroSec = 0;

List<LusidObj> listOfLusidObj = new List<LusidObj>();

OscReceiver receiver = new OscReceiver(); // create a new OSC receiver

void setupOnce(){
receiver.setup(PORT); // setup the receiver for a host and port.

For libraries and sample applications visit: http://lusidosc.sourceforge.net/

LusidOSC v1.0

void oscMessageReceived(OscMessage m){


// handle a SET message

if(currentFrame < lastFrame){
return; // UDP packet was old, don't update anything
// let's update our parameters from the object.
String uniqueID = m.getArgAsString(1);
int x = m.getArgAsInt32(2);
int y = m.getArgAsInt32(3);
int z = m.getArgAsInt32(4);
float a = m.getArgAsFloat(5);
float b = m.getArgAsFloat(6);
float c = m.getArgAsFloat(7);
String enc = m.getArgAsString(8); // encoding
String data = m.getArgAsString(9); // additional data
LusidObj lusidObj = listOfLusidObj.getObjectByID(uniqueID);
if(lusidObj == null){
// this is the first time we've seen this object.
lusidObj = new LusidObj(uniqueID, x, y, z, a, b, c, enc, data);
listOfLusidObj.add(lusidObj); // add the new object to the
LusidOSCEvents.notifyDown(this, uniqueID, x, y, z, a, b, c,
enc, data);
// we've seen this object before, it's just being updated/
lusidObj.update(x, y, z, a, b, c, enc, data);
LusidOSCEvents.notifyMove(this, uniqueID, x, y, z, a, b, c,
enc, data);

// handle an ALIVE message

if(currentFrame < lastFrame){
return; // UDP packet was old, don't update anything
List<String> aliveObjectIDList = new List<String>();
for(int i=0; i<m.getNumArgs(); i++){
String uniqueID = m.getArgAsString(1);
for(int i=listOfLusidObj.length-1; i>=0; i--){
// start at the end of the list and walk backwards...
// we do this since we may delete elements and we don't

For libraries and sample applications visit: http://lusidosc.sourceforge.net/

LusidOSC v1.0

// want to skip anything or try a bad index.

LusidObj lusidObj = listOfLusidObj.get(i);
// we have an object that is no longer alive.
// remove it and send an event.
String uniqueID = lusidObj.uniqueID;
int x = lusidObj.x;
int y = lusidObj.y;
int z = lusidObj.z;
float a = lusidObj.a;
float b = lusidObj.b;
float c = lusidObj.c;
String enc = lusidObj.enc; // encoding
String data = lusidObj.data; // additional data
LusidOSCEvents.notifyUp(this, uniqueID, x, y, z, a, b, c,
enc, data);
listOfLusidObj.remove(i); // now remove it from our list.

// handle a FSEQ message

// first, save last frame before we overwrite it.
// this is helpful for derived timing calculations.
lastFrame = frame;
lastFrameSeconds = frameSeconds;
lastFrameMicroSec = frameMicroSec;

// now update things to the new information.

frame = m.getArgAsInt32(1);
frameSeconds = m.getArgAsInt32(2);
frameMicroSec = m.getArgAsInt32(3);


For libraries and sample applications visit: http://lusidosc.sourceforge.net/

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