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Geological Maps

4.10.1 British Geological Survey (BGS) maps were obtained for review during the
Level 1 study as part of the initial SuDS infiltration feasibility assessment (see Appendix
4.10.2 The BGS 1:50,000 Solid and Drift editions 113, (Ollerton); 114, (Lincoln) and
126, (Nottingham), and the NRA 1:100,000 Groundwater Vulnerability edition 18,
(Nottinghamshire) have been consulted to give the geological summary of the site area.
4.10.3 Drift deposits can be found from north to south west following the historical
path of the River Trent; they are also present in the eastern section of the District. The
drift deposits comprise alluvium which is thought to have little to no soak-away potential
and River Gravels which are thought to have high soak-away potential. However, the
River Gravels are underlain by the solid geology of the Mercia Mudstone Group and the
Lower Lias which are considered to have little to no soakaway potential. The River
Gravels have been classified as uncertain, as neither the thickness (due to underlying
solid geology) or groundwater levels are known. Intrusive investigations are required on

a local scale to confirm the suitability of the granular deposits to accept infiltration.
These investigations will need to assess the variability of the groundwater table with
prevailing weather conditions and water levels in the main river networks.
4.10.4 The District is predominantly underlain, in it’s central area by the Mercia
Mudstone Group (MMG); this is part of the Triassic Series formerly known as the Keuper
Marl. It comprises interlaminated siltstones and sandstones with the dominant
component being mudstones. The MMG is shown as a Non-Aquifer and is thought to
have little to no soakaway potential. However local shallow sandstone bands, or local
pockets of fine grained sand/silt may allow the limited and localised use of soakaways;
this would need to be investigated by local intrusive testing.
4.10.5 The northwest and western area of the District is underlain by the outcropping
Kidderminster Formation which comprises sandstones and conglomerates which is
classified as a Major Aquifer, and is thought to have a high soakaway potential. Running
in a north to southerly trend across the central north western portion of the District is a
line of outcropping Tarporley Siltstones, which comprises interbedded siltstones;
sandstones and mudstones, which is classified as a Minor Aquifer.
4.10.6 The soakaway potential of the Tarporley Siltstones is uncertain due to the
unknown quantities and depths of the siltstones, sandstones and mudstones. The
extreme eastern portions of the District are underlain by the Lower Lias which consists of
mudstones and shelly limestones. This strata is classified as a Non-Aquifer and is
thought to have little to no soakaway potential.
4.10.7 Please refer to the tables in Section 8 for a summary of the geology underlying
the NSDC District and the potential for the application of infiltration SuDS.

Tables 8A and 8B below give a general description of each of the underlying

geological strata encountered in the study area and of the strata’s drainage potential. A
‘broad brush’ simplified indication of SuDS infiltration feasibility has been depicted
geographically in Appendix C.
Table 8A: Drift Geology

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