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Language and other Higher Functions; Hemispheric

Specialization 2011**
Lecturer: Dante G. Simbulan, Jr. PhD, Dept of Physiology, with Grps 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b

I. The Cerebral Cortex

Overview of the Cerebral Cortex: Basic Neural Circuitry of the 6-layered Cortex
How the Various Cortical Regions are Interconnected: Association, Commisural and Projection Fibers
Overview of Localization of Cerebral Functions: Sensory, Motor, and Integrative Higher Functions
II. Hemispheric Specialization and the Categorical Hemisphere
III. Hemispheric Specialization and the Representational Hemisphere
IV. Summary Table : Hemispheric specialization and complementation
V. Cognitive Functions of Cerebrocerebellum and Basal Ganglia
VI. Annex; Functional Areas of the Cerebral Cortex
(** Other higher mental functions, such as Learning and Memory, are taken up in detail in a separate Lecture/ Handout).

I. The Cerebral Cortex

A. Overview of the Cerebral Cortex: Basic Neural Circuitry of the 6-layered Neocortex
Cortical Layers Characteristics/ Function
(note: there are many interneurons in different layers )

Layers I – III (Molecular, Numerous stellate cells, which indicate that these three layers are
External Granular, External important for association and higher functions such as memory,
Pyramidal) interpretation of sensory input, and certain discriminative
Layer I also contains Horizontal functions.. Receives association and commissural fiber inputs;
cells of Cajal; Pyramidal cells in Pyramidal cells from these layers also send efferents to other
various layers cortical areas as association and commissural fibers. Layers I – IV
also receive non-specific afferents (reticular afferents and afferent
inputs from midline/intralaminar thalamic nuclei).

Layer IV Mainly a RECEPTIVE LAYER (thalamocortical ascending fibers

(Internal Granular Layer) end here).Mainly specific afferents from sensory pathways

Layer V Primarily efferent layers that contain nerve cell bodies whose axons
and VI (Internal Pyramidal and enter the corticospinal tract (descending fibers).. Martinotti cells in
Layer VI sends afferents to superficial layers. Main Projection
Multiform/ Fusiform Layer)
neurons to subcortical structures are pyramidal, plus fusiform cells.
In motor cortex, Betz cells are the large pyramidal cells located here

II Association/ commisural
inputs; Inter-hemispheric
III Information sharing
(Layers I – III)
Nonspecific afferent inputs
IV (Layers I – IV)

Specific Afferent inputs

V (Layer IV)

Efferent layers
VI (Layer V, VI)

Cortico-Thalamic connections,
corticospinal, corticobulbar
Cortical connections
B. How the Various Cortical Regions are Interconnected with each other, and
with subcortical regions: Through Association, Commisural and Projection



Association fibers are nerve fibers that interconnect cortical regions of the same
cerebral hemisphere.
Commisural fibers cross the midline and interconnect similar cortical regions in the
two cerebral hemispheres.
Projection fibers connect cortical areas of the cerebrum with subcortical regions.
Below are major association and commissural fibers of the cerebrum.

Association fibers on the lateral aspect of the cerebral hemispheres

A. Uncinate fasciculus (uncinate means hook-shaped) interconnects the cortex of the uncus (of hippocampal
gyrus) and temporal pole with the inferior frontal region.
B. Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus is located along the inferior portion of the extreme capsule, dorsal to the
uncinate fasciculus. It interconnects the cortex of the lateral or inferolateral portion of the frontal lobe and cortex of
the occipital lobe, with connections along the way, including the inferior temporal and fusiform gyri of the temporal
C. Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus is located along the dorsolateral border of the putamen, lateral to the
internal capsule. It underlies and interconnects the cortices of the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes and arches
inferiorly and anteriorly with connections in the temporal lobe cortex.
D. Arcuate Fasciculus curves over and around the posterior part of the insula to pass into the temporal lobe. It
is a continuation of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (synonym for superior longitudinal fasciculus).
E. Lateral Occipital Fasciculus (also known as vertial or perpendicular occipital fasciculus and as the
fasciculus of Wernicke) passes vertically through the occipital lobe and interconnects the fusiform gyrus of the
temporal lobe and the posterior part of the parietal lobe.
F. INFERIOR LONGITUDINAL FASCICLUS interconnects occipital lobe cortex and temporal lobe
cortex in the inferior and lateral portion of the hemisphere.

Association fibers on the medial aspect of the cerebral hemispheres

A. Stratum Calcarium refers to a well-developed sheet of fibers curving around the bottom of the calcarine
fissure from the cuneus above to the lingual gyrus.
B. Cingulum (means girdle) is an association bundle of the cerebrum located within the cingulate gyrus. It
has connections all along its course with adjacent frontal, parietal and temporal lobe cortex.
Superior Occipitofrontal Fasciculus – is located along the caudate nucleus medial to the interdigitating
fibers of the internal capsule and corpus callosum. Its fibers interconnect the cortex of the occipital
and temporal lobes with those of the frontal lobe and insula (synonym for subcallosal fasciculus).

Association and commisural fibers in coronal section of cerebral hemispheres

A. Corpus Callosum (means hard body) is the thick band of commisural fibers interconnecting areas
of the neopallium (cerebral cortex and underlying white matter).
B. Cingulum E. Arcuate Fasciculus
C. Superior and Inferior Occipitofrontal fasciculi F. Uncinate fasciculus
D. Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus G. Anterior Commissure
C. Overview of Localization of Cerebral Functions (Sensory, Motor, and
Integrative, Higher Functions) Below is a partial listing of effects of lesions.
Structure Function Effects of Lesion/Ablation
Frontal Lobe Reasoning, Motivation, What would happen if lesions were made ?
modulation of emotions,
parts of speech and Effects of lesions in orbitofrontal cortex or Prefrontal
movement (motor lobotomy – inability to solve complex problems; unable to
cortex) , and problem string together sequential tasks to reach a specific goal;
solving….. decreased aggressiveness; loss of ambition and
motivation; lack of social inhibition; comprehend language
but unable to carry through a conversation; mood swings;
purposeless activities; lack of general concern.
Parietal Lobe Concerned with See also other effects in tables below and above this
perception of stimuli (Especially with regards to visuo-spatial processing; note
related to touch, that there is a dorsal (parietal) pathway from the occipital
pressure, temperature lobe in visual signal processing extending into the parietal
and pain lobe)
Occipital Lobe Concerned with many What happens if striate (primary visual ) cortex is damaged
aspects of vision ?
Temporal Concerned with See also other effects in tables below and above this.
Lobe perception and Note too that there is a ventral (temporal) pathway from
recognition of auditory the occipital lobe in visual signal processing extending into
stimuli (hearing), the temporal lobe.
(hippocampus), as well (Learning and memory functions, which involve the
as emotions (amygdala hippocampus, and various cortical areas, as well as the
and periamygdaloid basal ganglia and cerebellum, are considered in detail in a
structures) separate handout and lecture.)
Corpus Connecting bridge What is the effect of cutting this structure on the inter-
Callosum between two hemispheric transfer of information, (the surgical procedure
hemispheres was often done in treating epilepsy patients), especially if
fibers of optic chiasm were also severed ?

What are the functions of the three major association areas ? [There are other models showing
more elaborate subdivisions of the different sensory, motor, and association cortices. For more, see
section VI. ANNEX, Major Functional Areas of the Cerebral Cortex.
a) Prefrontal association area (also known as the frontal lobe association area, anterior
association area or prefrontal cortex)– rostral to the premotor area; concerned with motor
planning, language production, judgement (including control of emotions). Also known as a
central executive for working memory and other coordinating functions, including receiving
inputs from the rest of the cerebral cortex.
b) Parietal-occipital-temporal association area– (also known as the posterior association
area) between the somesthetic and visual cortices, extending into posterior portion of
temporal lobe; links several sensory modalities for visuo-spatial perception
(representational hemisphere mainly) and language (categorical hemisphere mainly).
c) Limbic association area (sometimes called also as the temporal association area) also
known as the “limbic cortex” – along the medial edge of the cerebral hemisphere, from the
lower portion of the temporal lobe to the limbic system; concerned with emotions and
memory formation. This area is associated with the limbic system (see Neurobiology of
Instincts and Emotions, previous topic.)

An dPrem otor

ary ic
ot ry

M ima

Som Parieto- B.
Prim ary Tem poral
Prefronta l
auditory Association
Asso ciatio n
Area Area
Prima ry
V isua l

C. Limbic

II. Hemispheric Specialization and the Categorical

Hemisphere: Cognitive Aspects of Language; Math,
Logic (Neural Circuitry of Language)
A. Language is one major fundamental process in which man differs
biologically from animals.
Since no experimental animal has highly developed language skills, the study of language is
difficult. There are no simple anatomic differences between the brains of man and other animals to
account for language, yet subtle differences between the two hemispheres of man’s brain do exist
and are related to the fact that, in adults, language functions occur predominantly in the left
dominant hemisphere

B. Language is separable into two components: conceptualization and

expression. These two components have neuroanatomical bases. See neural circuitry of
language below. 1st component: for conceptualization

2nd component:
For Expression

Neural pathway of Wernicke-Geschwind model of language circuitry

impulses from seeing
a word to saying it. Broca’s
(see similar
description in Chapt. Area (44 &
16 in Ganong) 45)
(1). From retina to lateral
geniculate nucleus; from
lateral geniculate nucleus to
primary visual cortex (Area
17) 7
(2.) From primary visual
cortex to higher order visual 5
areas (Area 18).
(3.) to angular gyrus (Area
(4. ) to Wernicke’s area
(Area 22).
(5) via association fibers 3 1
known as arcuate
fasciculus 2
(6) Broca’s area (Area 44)
(7) to Facial area of motor
cortex (Area 4) for activation
of vocal apparatus
C. Description of Language-related Areas in the Categorical
Hemisphere (in majority, the Left hemisphere)
GENERALLY, the Left hemisphere is involved in : cognitive aspects of LANGUAGE, MATH,
Language-related Structures and Functions (Left hemisphere); Language
Disorders arising from Lesions : [ APHASIAs – abnormalities of language functions (not
due to defects of vision, hearing nor motor paralysis); Lesions commonly due to embolism or blood
clot in a cerebral blood vessel. The neurological literature is rich in information about other effects
(note that effects on other primary motor-sensory functions are not included for lack of space and
Other authors may have slightly different locations for some lesion effects.

Structure Function Effects of Lesion/Ablation

Angular Gyrus Processes and interprets ANOMIC APHASIA – difficulty in understanding written
(Area 39) visual information prior to language (dyslexia or word blindness) or pictures,
transmission to Wernicke’s because visual information is not processed and
area transmitted to Wernicke’s area.
Wernicke‟s Area comprehension of visual and FLUENT APHASIA (ALSO Known as receptive or sensory
(Area 22, left auditory information aphasia) . What are characteristics ?
superior posterior
temporal lobe)
Arcuate connects Wernicke’s area Conduction aphasia (also a type of FLUENT or receptive
fasciculus with Broca’s area or sensory APHASIA). What are characteristics ?
Broca’s Area Expressive area for speech NONFLUENT APHASIA (also called expressive or
(Area 44,45 in left motor aphasia ) . What are characteristics ?
frontal cortex)
Planum This is bigger in left
temporale (left); hemisphere than in right-
(Left superior handed individuals; involved
temporal gyrus) in language-related auditory
The asymmetry is even larger
in musicians and others with
perfect pitch.

Left temporal
Area 38 (L) - Lesions: Inability to retrieve names of places and
persons . (but preserves ability to retrieve common nouns,
verbs and adjectives)
Areas 18, 20, 21 Part of a ventral (inferior - Lesions: Object agnosia –especially on left hemisphere.
(L) temporal) pathway

Two Left Left frontal lobe – Forms of Acalculia (impairment of mathematical ability)
hemisphere areas concerned with number facts arising from lesions in left (or right) hemisphere:
found associated and exact calculations. (1) Left frontal lobe lesions results in a selective
with mathematical impairment of mathematical ability .
ability Bilateral Intraparietal sulci (2) Bilateral lesions of intraparietal sulci: Another
(parietal lobe) – concerned impairment of mathematical ability also results .
with visuospatial
representations of numbers
and finger counting.
* Note:Stereognosis functions also exist in the left posterior parietal cortex (somatosensory association area) for the
contralateral side of body, with corresponding deficits (astereognosis) after lesions.
Which structures concerned with Which structures concerned with
Language ? Language



another model of a neural circuit of language processing (Petersen‟s model, 1988) . (Deaf-
mutes trained in sign language who suffer damage to their language-related left hemishere
also have an impairment of their sign language abilites. )

area is a inferior frontal
premotor cortex (Left H)
area for

TAKE NOTE that the Right (representational) hemisphere is concerned with the affective
component of language, called prosody (see next section) . What is prosody ? What is
expressive aprosodia ? See Section III, below. What is receptive aprosodia ?

Other known “:higher” functions of the Categorical hemisphere.

Left / categorical hemisphere – also involved in processing mathematical operation; effects
of lesions on the angular gyrus- also produces Acalculia

Left /Categorical Hemisphere - helps processes attentional focus on details of an image (local
shifts in attention); lesions will result in loss of this ability. (Compare with the visuo-spatial
processing functions of right hemisphere).

III. Hemispheric Specialization and the

Representational Hemisphere : Visuo-
spatial Processing , Affective Components
of Language, and other Functions

GENERALLY, the RIGHT HEMPISPHERE is involved in spatial abilities, face recognition, visual
imagery, music (although recent researchers say that musical functions shared by both
hemispheres.), as well as the affective components (prosody) of language (prosody- elements of
stress, pitch and rhythm).

Representational Hemisphere: “Non-dominant” (in majority, the Right hemisphere). Noted below
are major functions as far as higher cortical association visuo-spatial processing (object
recognition) is concerned , as well as some affective components / emotional comprehension of
language. In general, though not discussed here in detail, the right hemisphere seem to exercise
dominance over emotions and all aspects of social-emotional intelligence . This is due to its
stronger connections to the limbic system.The neurological literature is rich in information about
other effects (note that effects on other primary motor-sensory functions are not included). Other
authors may have slightly different locations for the lesions.
Below is a table showing a number of observed lesion effects of some right hemisphere cortical
association areas showing some resulting agnosias, as well as effects on affective components
(prosody) of language (right hemisphere). Fore brevity, only a few agnosias affecting some of the
sensory association areas are shown. A listing of various apraxias (inability to voluntarily carry out
actions upon command, with intact primary sensory and motor pathways) have not been included in
the table. [Agnosia - inability/ difficulty recognizing certain features of a sensory stimuli, despite
intact primary sensory cortex and specific ascending pathways. ]

Structure Function Effects of Lesion/Ablation/ Others

Temporal lobe Note: Part of visual inferior -
Portion of the temporal or ventral
posterior association pathway for recognition
area (some ex:) ) of form and color (the
“what pathway”)
Lesions in right inferior temporal (temporo-occipital)
Areas 20, 21 (R > L Face recognition (medial cortex produces prosopagnosia (inability to recognize
?) temporal lobe) faces); this is a form of visual agnosia. [Some data
suggests bilateral lesions produce this, while others
Areas 18, 37 (R) Naming colors state that right hemispheric lesions’ effects are

Areas 18, 20, 21 (L) (Naming, using, recognizing Lesions: object agnosia – especially on left
* real objects) hemisphere.
Lesions: agnosia for drawings

Areas 18, 20, 21 (R ) Recognition for drawn Lesions: agnosia for drawings.
Parietal lobe

(Left and right Stereognosis – ability to Lesions (Areas 5, 7): Astereognosis/ tactile agnosia
posterior parietal identify objects by feeling arise from lesions of the somesthetic association area.
lobe, parts of areas them with contralateral Different forms of apraxia also result due to
5, 7 – the hands, while blindfolded. disconnections of the somatosensory association area
somatosensory from the motor association areas of the frontal lobe
association area) (especially with premotor and supplementary motor

Mainly right Attention to left and right Lesions :Hemineglect – inattention to contralateral
posterior, inferior hemispace, including one’s (left) part of the body (also specifically known as
parietal lobule body and extracorporeal hemiasomatognosia or hemisomatagnosia),
space. (Note that there is a inattention to stimuli on contralateral (left) side, and
(More below for dorsal (parietal) pathway neglect of contralateral hemi-space (spatial neglect). If
right posterior of the visual system for the patient is hemiplegic arising from lesions of right
parietal cortex *) discerning motion, depth, frontal lobe areas, and additional lesions to right
and spatial information = posterior parietal (inferior) areas, anosognosia (failure
the “where pathway”.) After to recognize own hemiplegia) may result.
right hemisphere lesions,
only left hemisphere
functions focusing

Right SMA Concerned with laughter Stimulation – results in laughter

motor area)

Right frontal cortex Gives emotional quality Expressive aprosodia/ or dysprosody – flat tone or
(approximately of voice/ gestures of one’s own voice and gestures; no emotional feelings
mirroring Broca’s (prosody) in speech or gestures
area on the
contralateral side)
Right posterior Comprehend prosody of Inability to comprehend prosody (emotional tone ) of
parietal cortex* other people’s voice/ other people’s voice or gestures (Receptive or
(approximately gestures sensory aprosodia/ dysprosody)
mirroring Wernicke’s
area on the
contralateral side)
Representational or right hemisphere – also involved in processing mathematical
operation; effects of lesions on the angular gyrus- also produces Acalculia.

Representational or right hemisphere - helps processes attentional focus on over-all

pattern of an image (global shifts in attention); lesions will result in loss of this ability. Compare
with the visuo-spatial function of left hemisphere focusing on details of object/ image.
(Stuttering – associated with right cerebral dominance, and widespread activity in cerebral
cortex and cerebellum.)
This is reflected in emotional RIGHT FLAT TONE
expressive aspects of speech FRONTAL OR
and emotional comprehension CORTICAL VOICE
of language dependent on the LESION
right hemisphere.

( others: temporal-parietal
Inability to


This is as far as language and visuo-spatial processing functions are concerned;
some aspects of emotions are also noted. (Note that there are other differences not
noted here, but abundant in the neurological literature. Other authors may indicate
slightly different location of lesions depending on source of scientific papers, but within
the affected cortical association area.)


cognitive aspects of language; details of visuo- affective components of language; global aspects
spatial processing of visuo-spatial processing

1.Associated with right-


2.Majority OF ADULT population– left Majority of adult population use -right hemisphere as the
hemisphere is the categorical (language) hemisphere representational hemisphere..

3. Concerned with cognitive aspects of Language and Concerned with prosody of Language; laughter and
Speech capabilities (review aphasias arising from lesions affective components of language (expressive and
of various language-related areas of left hemisphere) . receptive prosody)
Compare with right hemisphere the following:
a) Lesions in left frontal cortex (Broca‟s) result in Compare effects with left hemisphere lesions.
expressive or motor aphasia (nonfluent aphasia) a) Lesions in right frontal cortex expressive or
b) Lesions in Wernicke‟s area result in receptive or motor aprosodia
sensory aphasia (fluent aphasia ) b) Lesions in right posterior parietal cortex  receptive
or sensory aprosodia
CATEGORICAL (LEFT ) HEMISPHERE for affective components of language; global aspects
cognitive aspects of language; details of visuo- of visuo-spatial processing
spatial processing

4. Categorize spatial relations (above, below, left, right): Concerned with attention on more than one attribute of a
focused on one attribute of a stimulus at a time, which stimulus (e.g. color and size) ; attention on one attribute
also mobilizes the representational hemisphere; when mobilizes both hemispheres. When intact, attention to
intact, attention to only right hemispace. both left and right hemispace.

Object identification in contralateral side of body in general Object identification (gnosia) in general using various
using various sensory modalities; it is the neural substrate sensory modalities; neural substrate for stereognosis –
for stereognosis. For example, tactile perception. ability to identify objects by feeling them (parietal lobe).

Both L and R: Posterior parietal lesion (somatosensory Both L and R: Posterior parietal lesion (somatosensory
association cortex)  astereognosis/ tactile agnosia to association cortex)  astereognosis/ tactile agnosia to
contralateral side. contralateral side.

Visual agnosias arising from lesions Visual agnosias arising from lesions
1. Both or right side lesions (inferior temporal lobe) 1. Both or right side lesions (inferior temporal lobe)
stronger than left: lesions  prosopagnosia stronger than left: lesions  prosopagnosia
(prosophenosia) , which is the inability to recognize faces. (prosophenosia) , which is the inability to recognize faces.

2. Specific: some form of visual agnosia unique for the 2. Specific: Lesion (right posterior parietal lobe) 
left hemisphere arises from lesions of the angular gyrus, Hemineglect or inattention to contralateral (left) side)
which results in pure word blindness (alexia/ dyslexia) results ; also manifested as hemiasomatognosia, spatial
found in anomic aphasia (inability to understand written neglect, and/ or anosognosia (see previous table).
language or pictures).

3. Specific: Lesions (areas 18, 20, 21)  object 3. Specific: Lesions (areas 18, 20, 21, temporal lobe) 
agnosia, which is the inability to recognize real objects agnosia for drawings.
reported in left hemisphere.

5.a. Normal fcn: Encodes high-spatial frequencies –the a. Normal fcn: Encodes low-spatial frequencies – the
“details” of Image” --- local shifts “global view;” overall pattern of image.
b. Effects of lesion below: b. Effects of lesion below:

Left hemisphere functions dominate after right hemisphere

6. hemisphere
a. Normal (intact)functions dominate
: Concerned after left
with mood a. Normal: Concerned with feedback from the environment
control feedback). The left hemisphere is
lesions. lesions.
(“external feedback”); the right hemisphere is a realist ,
an “optimist”. or „pessimist‟.
b. Extensive b. Extensive lesions result in: apathy, patients unconcerned
Lesions result in:  depression (as patients disturbed
about their disability). [ Right hermisphere functions about their disability, and even euphoric. [Left hemisphere
dominate with extensive left hemispheric lesions, which functions dominate with right hemispheric lesions].
“realistically” / pessimistically assesses disability.]

Concerned with face recognition;

Lesion (inferior temporal lobe of right hemisphere) 
prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces)

Note: In the intact, normal mental state, there is a “check-and-balancing” actions of both the left and right hemispheres as they
receive, process, and send response signals . Lesions, neurotransmitter imbalances, conduction failure or disconnections, arising from
various causes, can lead to derailment of hemispheric complementation and specializations. General principle of lesion studies:
example, when lesions occur in right hemisphere, the functions of the left hemisphere becomes more apparent, while the functions of
the lesioned hemisphere diminishes. This is true for the reverse. Sometimes both hemispheres contribute equally to a certain higher
mental function. Degree of structural damage is manifested in the magnitude or degree of mental functional dysfunction.

V. Cognitive Functions of Cerebrocerebellums and

Basal Ganglia

Basal Ganglia: The caudate nucleus, possibly because of its frontal cortical connections, have
some cognitive roles. Lesions of the caudate nucleus disrupt performance on tests involving
object reversal and delayed alternation. The right caudate nucleus seem to be involved in
language processing, as shown by evidence where lesions produce a dysarthric form of aphasia
that resembles but different from Wernicke’s aphasia.`
Cerebrocerebellum (neocerebellum): involved in planning and programming movements,
together with the motor cortex and associated frontal areas.
The cerebellum seem to be also involved with pure cognitive tasks independent of
motor functions: a patient damaged in the right cerebellum (due to a blocked posterior inferior
cerebellar artery) could not learn a word association task. Also, it was observed in other subjects
using magnetic resonance brain imaging technique that the dentate nucleus increased its
activity when subjects were required to evaluate sensory information consciously.


CEREBAL CORTEX (see also Section I C).
Functional designation Lobe Specific Location
Primary Sensory Cortex
1. Somatosensory Parietal Postcentral gyrus (Areas 3,1,2)
2. Visual Occipital Banks of calcarine fissure
3. Auditory Temporal Heschl’s gyrus
4. Olfactory Where is olfactory cortex ?
orbitofrontal cortex ?
5. Gustatory/ Taste Anterior part of insular
cortex; also, face area of
the parietal lobe
Unimodal sensory association
1. Somato-sensory assoc. Parietal Posterior parietal
Visual assoc. Occipitemporal Inferolateral surface of occipital
and temporal lobes
2. Auditory assoc. Temporal Superior Temporal Gyrus

Multimodal sensory association

1.Posterior association area Parieto-temporal/ occipital Junction between lobes

2.Anterior (prefrontal) association Frontal Prefrontal cortex, rostal to

area premotor areas on dorsal and
lateral surfaces.
3.Limbic association area
Temporal, parietal, frontal Cingulate gyrus, hippocampal
formation, parahippocampal
gyrus, amygdala

Motor association cortex

1. Premotor (motor preparation Frontal Rostral to primary motor cortex
and programs)

Primary Motor cortex Frontal Precentral gyrus

Which association area in the categorical hemisphere is Wernicke’s area located / Broca’s area ?
Which association areas in the representational hemisphere are specialized for visuo-spatial
perception ?
Which association area functions as a central executive ?

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