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Published by E.P. MASS MEDIA ADVERTISING INC. Vol. X No. 370 March 18th, 2011

While doing more with less,

the Socorro ISD continues
its Examplary work
By Joe Olvera ©, 2011
Doing more the State of Texas’
Baseball Championship
with less is Xavier de la
in 2009 – to Americas
Torres’s mantra. De la
High School Mock Trial
Torre, Socorro Independ-
Team winning the Texas
ent School District’s su-
High School Mock Trial
perintendent the past four
Competition. Unde-
years, has been working
feated in regional com-
hard to make the district
petition for three years
one of the best in Texas –
straight, the Trailblazers
for the most part, he’s
became the first El Paso
succeeding. Although he
team to take first place
wasn’t available for an in-
at the state level in the
terview for this story due
event’s 32-year history.
to Spring Break, his blog
on the district’s website
De la Torre, who came
tells the story of what he’s
to El Paso from Califor-
doing to prepare for the
nia where he was an As-
expected cuts in the
sociate Superintendent
budget due to the State of
of Human Resources in
Texas’ budget shortfall.
the Elk Grove Unified
School district outside
“We have Dr. Xavier De la Torre
of Sacramento, has had
known for some time that the
a varied and successful career,
State of Texas would face a With the influx of new stu- not only as a career educator,
budget shortfall but didn’t an- dents expected in the next two but, as a successful varsity
ticipate that it would reach the years with the expansion of
baseball and a varsity football
current estimates that project Fort Bliss, de la Torre attests coach. He was named Coach
it to be anywhere from $26 that the district is ready in of the Year on three different
billion to $28 billion,” de la every campus to welcome the occasions. He also taught in
Torre said. “As a result, and new students and to make the classroom for ten years as
according to the latest figures, their transition a smooth one.
a social studies and Spanish
the Socorro ISD is facing a Socorro ISD has, for the past teacher.
project reduction in funding four years during de la Torre’s
of approximately $40 million. tenure accomplished some De la Torre also said that in
Given this, we have been great things not only scholas- times like these, it is easy to
working since last year in tically, but in other venues as “become distracted from our
maintaining efficient opera- well. focus – educating our stu-
dents.” But, he promises par-
For example, the district re- ents that he and his officials
“During the 2009-2010 cently won $250,000 in schol- are working in partnership
school year, we reduced per- arships as a finalist for the with the Board of Trustees to
sonnel and payroll costs at the 2010 Broad Prize. Provided
work to minimize the impact
District Service Center by by the Eli and Edythe Broad on every employee. “We re-
nearly $2 million; imple- Foundation which awards $1 main committed to you, our
mented a position control sys- million to the best school dis-
Socorro family, and will keep
tem and introduced staffing trict in the state, the Socorro you informed about the
formulas to yield $3 million ISD has been a finalist the budget and any proposed
and avoid overstaffing. We past two years. In addition, changes. Your work with our
were pleased to be able to af- Socorro ISD students re- students, whether in direct in-
ford our employees modest ceived thousands of dollars in struction of support, remains
increases in compensation for scholarships from a variety of critical to achieving our goal
the year while preserving ar- colleges and universities. of becoming an Exemplary
guably the most generous
district. I am confident that
health benefits package in the The school district has ex- working together we can
region, and still managed to celled not only in scholarship, achieve it.”
maintain the lowest mainte- but, in such varied venues as
nance and operation tax rate sports – with the Socorro
in El Paso County for the High School Bulldogs taking
fourth consecutive year.”

Best in Texas:
Americas Mock Trial Team the best in Texas,
Certified Skills
The Latest Technology
and a Passion for Caring

looking forward to Nationals.

Story & Photos by Ricky J. Carrasco
‡ Lower Extremity Prosthetics
A nother El
and assistant coached by
District Attorney Jaime
Mock Trial has helped him
personally to a different level ‡ C-Leg (certified)
Paso team can now say Esparza. Almonte, who than having a district attorney
that they are the best in has taken the team to the for a father, Enrique said, “It
‡ Rheo (certified)
t Endolite (certified) The Latest Technolog y
Certified Skills,
the state of Texas. A cou- state competition for the 3 comes down to my own moti-
ple of years ago, El Paso years he has been with the vation to do better. Mock trial
had the best baseball team, said even he had helped me think on my feet, ‡ Myoelectric Arms and a Passion for Caring
team in Texas. Now, the his doubts at how suc- how to compensate for my
Americas High School cessful the team could be, mistakes.”
‡ Proprio Foot (certified)
Mock Trial team is, to “Not because I didn’t ‡ Certified/Licensed Practitioner
use the team captain think they were capable, Joshua Monarez has
Zach Fields’ words, but because it simply had already been accepted to UT- ‡ All your Orthotic &Prosthetic Needs.
“blazing new trails” for never been done before Austin and plans to study
El Paso academics. Dur- (in El Paso) and I didn’t business. “When I came in to We also specialize in Sports Bracing
ing the first week of know how capable I Americas, I was shy. Mock
March, the Americas could be as a coach. But Trial helped me to open up
team beat out 24 other after coming so close the and be able to talk to in front
teams at the state compe- Joshua Monarez, his parents and his last few years, I told the of people.” Nayell Palomino
tition, having qualified for grandparents team as they were walking plans to go to the University We listen to our patients concerns.
the state tournament by re- Two opposing into their final round against a of Chicago and study science.
maining unbeaten to El Paso teams, one acting as the Nayell was proud that so We take the time to do it right.
teams for the last 3 years. defense and one acting as many parents went to
the prosecution, are pitted support them in Dallas. We inform you about what is
The team now goes against each other and are “I think we intimidated happening and explain the process.
on to the National Champi- judged on presentation, some schools because
onships in Phoenix, Arizona, persuasive arguments, and we were always fol- We care that you are happy with
in May, the first time an El overall effectiveness in a lowed by our entourage
Paso team moves on in the 32 trial setting. The students of more than 15 parents,
your services and prosthesis.
year history of the competi- are usually judged by ac- quietly rooting for us
tion. tual adult trial lawyers and throughout the entire You are what our business
judges. competition.” is all about.
Mock Trial is a
competition where a team of Gabriel Dr. Xavier de la
students prepare and present Palomino, father of team Torre, Socorro ISD Su-
both sides of a legal case in a member Nayell Palomino perintendent also ap-
courtroom setting. Students who acted as a state’s wit- Nayell Palomino, with her parents plauded the team’s
do their own research into ness, described the overall Gabriel and Rosanna accomplishments. “I am
past and current cases, write experience from the parent’s amazed by their poise and
and present opening and clos- perspective best: “The other Dallas team that had beaten their character. I just want 1501 Arizona Suite 15-B
ing statements, present in a day, I went to jury duty. That them before, ‘Time to make them to know that we El Paso, TX 79902
courtroom environment and has been my only experience history.’” Almonte said he is couldn’t be prouder.” 915-544-2961
act under courtroom rules and with the law. These students confidently looking to break- 915-544-2963 Fax
regulations. speak with lawyers every day, ing new ground at the Na- The team receives their case
2930 Hillrise #3 1344 Zaragosa #A
deal with law and tional tournament, “I can’t for Nationals in April and Las Cruces, NM 88011 El Paso, TX 79936
present in actual believe I’m saying this, but only has a few weeks to do all 575-373-2961 915-855-6116
courtrooms to real we are looking for bigger and their research, prepare those Toll Free: 1-877-544-2961 915-855-6068 Fax
lawyers and judges. better things.” cases, and get ready to blaze
I can’t imagine the those trails. If you would like
stress it must cause Surprisingly, for some of the more information or would
them.” students, those bigger and bet- like to help sponsor their trip
In addition to their ter things do not include law to Phoenix as the Americas
school sponsor, school. Americas junior En- Mock Trial team pursues a na-
Teresa Candelaria, rique Esparza, Jaime Es- tional championship, please
the team is coached parza’s son, says that he looks call Debbie Robles, Americas
by Assistant Dis- forward to going to UT- Student Activities Director at
Americas coach Robert Almonte II and trict Attorney Austin to pursue a career in 937-2832.
Enrique Esparza Robert Almonte II business. When asked if

Last Day Bill Filings

Before the start of was to be a major change in how emergency
medical technicians (EMTs) attain accredita-
this legislative ses-
tion through testing.
sion, my office
Life Ambulance, along with many
worked very hard to
other ambulance services, would have been
prepare four bills
required by the new rules to abide by accred-
that, if passed, will
itation standards by 2013. The bill that I
have a tremendously
will take through the legislative process will
positive impact
provide somewhat of a grace period to be in
throughout the state
complete compliance. I am confident pas-
of Texas. Those bills
sage of the bill will be beneficial to the am-
deal with stopping the unlawful dumping of
bulance companies and will result in a
tires, providing new tools for TABC in han-
higher standard of EMT with less disruption
dling problem bars (2 bills), and reforming
to current levels of service.
the manifiesto process.
Staffers from the Division of
Each of the bills has been given
Worker's Compensation actually visited the
strong support by a variety of constituents
office to discuss some changes to laws under
and positive input by state agencies. These
which they are regulated. They pointed out
bills had been months in the process of
some benefit levels that had not been ad-
preparation. I am confident that they will be
justed for years even though the cost of liv-
heard on the floor and hopefully my col-
ing has risen significantly.
leagues will vote in support.
One bill amends the ceiling of the
As is the case in every session, just
wages per hour that determines the eligibil-
prior to the final hour allowable for filing
ity for benefits. A worker earning $14.50
bills, last minute requests are received. I ac-
would now be eligible as opposed to the pre-
cepted four such bills that are important to
vious level which was $8.50 per hour. This
El Paso county and to the state.
truly reflects the current levels of incomes in
The Council of Judges for El Paso
requested that we carry a bill that modifies
The last bill which was filed just
current law to reflect how the Council
before the cutoff time adjusted the impair-
processes requests for postponement of jury
ment rating to reflect a larger segment of the
duty. The bill, if passed, will consolidate the
process under the Council exclusively. This
Neither of the two bills have a fis-
will allow a much more efficient system that
cal impact on tax payers. The funding for
is good for potential jurors and good for the
these benefits is exclusively through the un-
employment insurance fund.
El Paso has a very good emer-
Overall, all of these bills will benefit El
gency services system. A major contributor
toward that end is Life Ambulance. The
company came to our office asking for sup-
port for a bill that would require a modifica- Chente Quintanilla
tion of certain Public Health rules. There State Representative

Hispanic women in El Paso

are pioneers, role models
By Joe Olvera ©, 2011
This International Women’s Month – March – out in defense of the most vulnerable in our
we must remember that El Paso women hold a society. Of course there are many more out-
back seat to no one when it comes to being standing women leaders, yet, we must not for-
role models, when it comes to exhibiting get the housewives, the ones who stay home to
strength, resolve, and intelligence. We have a raise families – a tough job in itself. Where
plentitude of women who have proved them- would we be without the lessons our mothers,
selves to be leaders, to overcome obstacles our grandmothers and other strong female
and to take on challenges that others would family members taught us?
rather eschew. Take my mother, for instance. She
El Paso County Judge Veronica Es- used to pen her name Mrs. F.J. Olvera because
cobar and Suzy Byrd are two of our most visi- she liked the way it sounded. Her name, how-
ble and prominent leaders. They are two ever, was Francisca Jimenez Olvera. She was
women who are not afraid to tackle the tough a strong, courageous woman who grew up...
issues of the day, who are not afraid to speak Continues on page 6

By: “Doppler” Dave Speelman

Spring Arrives! This Sunday, at 5:21pm, we will be welcoming in a new season.

The Vernal Equinox is one of two annual Equinoxes that we experi-
ence, the other being the Autumnal Equinox. "Vernal" comes from
the Latin meaning in the spring. Equinox comes from the Latin
meaning equal night.

The Vernal Equinox, from an astronomer's point of view, is the mo-

ment when the sun crosses directly over the Earth's equator, creat-
ing equal day and equal night. The annual seasons happen because
of two planetary occurrences:
1) A 23.5° tilt of the earth's axis, which makes the earth rotate like a
gyroscope, so it points continuously in a fixed direction-toward the
area of space near the North Star
2) The earth continuously revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit-once every 365.25 of
our solar days.
As a result, for half of the year the Southern Hemisphere is more exposed to the sun than the
Northern Hemisphere, and for the other half of the year the reverse is true. At noontime in the
Northern Hemisphere the sun appears highest in the sky during summer and lowest in the sky
during winter.
The Vernal Equi-
nox is almost ex-
actly halfway
between the win-
ter and summer
solstices, and in
the sky the sun
appears about Weather Trivia:
midway between
its highest and Question:
lowest points. It
is one of the two
During the vernal equinox, around
times during the year when day and night are almost exactly 12 hours and very close to being
equal to one another. The other day is the Autumnal Equinox, which usually falls on or near March 21st, an egg will stand on
the first day of autumn (September 22-23). its small end.
This is significant because throughout the year, the Earth is either tilted away from the sun, or
tilted toward the sun at 23.4 degrees. This tilt causes the four seasons. The hemisphere tilted
toward the sun experiences summer and the hemisphere tilted away from the sun experiences
winter. The Vernal Equinox occurs between winter and summer. In the northern hemisphere, True of False?
the Vernal Equinox is on March 20/21, and in the southern hemisphere, the Vernal Equinox is
on September 20/21.
during the vernal equinox, there's no scientific evidence to support these claims.
“Doppler" Dave Speelman is the chief meteorologist at KVIA-TV in El Paso. You can watch False. Although some people would swear that an egg will stand on its small end
his forecasts at 4, 5, 6 and 10 pm on ABC-7 (channel 6 cable). If you would like Doppler
Dave to address (explain) any weather issues you can email him at Dopplerdave@kvia.com. Answer:

Texas Honored at RE/MAX Hispanic women...

International Convention
Continued from page 4 to 1978, and was a member of board of the University Med-
the Texas State Democratic ical Center. She has all the
... during an era when Mexi- Party Executive Committee. qualities to serve on that
can women were considered In 1974, she was elected El board, and then some. Intelli-
Las Vegas, NV - March 14, ends award is reserved for less than nothing. We all Paso County Clerk, and was gent, highly motivated, and
2011 - Texas RE/MAX agents agents who have earned $10 knew that wasn’t true, but so- appointed later by then Presi- politically astute, she has
were dominant at the 2011 R4 Million in income and have ciety would tell us that it was dent Jimmy Carter to be the helped elect to office such
RE/MAX LLC International completed 10 years of service so. We were told that the Regional Director of the men as Manny Najera,
Convention in Las Vegas last with RE/MAX. The amount woman had to be seen and Small Business Administra- Chente Quintanilla and Willie
week. Dozens of agents were of recognition for Texas not heard. tion in Dallas. Gandara.
honored for various service agents this year is hardly sur- Mexican women in Judge Chacon’s re- Then, there is my
El Paso were caught between sume is long and impressive. wife, Julieta Olvera of the
and production awards, with prising in view of the state’s
two cultures, and were not Her strength of character and House of Talamantes. My
the regional RE/MAX office, economic strength. In 2010,
considered important in either her dedication to serving the lovely wife, who still looks
RE/MAX of Texas, accepting the state gained 231,700 jobs, El Paso community has al- beautiful at 47, is a strong
one. But, she and others
a 3rd straight Region of the an annual growth of 2.3 per- fought the good fight and lowed her to work towards role-model for her children,
Year award from Children’s cent. One of the key contribu- they persevered. She, like improving the lives of Chi- Ricky, Carlos, and, of course,
Miracle Network Hospitals on tors to the employment other women, fought the canos and Mexicanos in her our beautiful daughter, Diane.
behalf of the entire state. The growth was the private sector, macho tendencies of their beloved community. Then, Julieta was born into poverty
award came after tallies which was 1.5 percent higher men. Yet, my mom managed there’s Carmen Rodriguez. A in a dusty village in Chi-
ranked Texas RE/MAX than the national average. Ro- to raise a brood of five boys younger leader, Rodriguez huahua, known as Las Parras.
agents as #1 in funds raised bust employment opportuni- and three girls to adulthood – became probably the first But she overcame those early,
for the national alliance of ties, as well as low cost of and, even then she didn’t re- Chicana mayoral candidate in tough days. She moved to El
Ronnie Matthews (R) and lent, she kept us in line, re- El Paso’s history when she Paso and met me. And, the
children’s hospitals, with a Mike Seder (L) accept top living and taxes are bringing
new record of over $402,000 more and more residents to minding us to always respect tossed her hat in the ring for rest, as they say, is history. I
production awards her because she had earned the 2005 mayoral election. begged her to marry me and,
raised in 2010. Texas as the economy recov-
orously support RE/MAX that respect. She also taught Although she didn’t win this fortunately for me, she
ers. time around, she should con- agreed.
designated charities Chil- us to honor and respect other
RE/MAX of Texas was hon- women. tinue on her political path All these women
ored again when its CEO dren’s Miracle Network Hos- The RE/MAX franchise net- Women like my until the grabs the prize – Ro- and many more whom I
Richard Filip was presented pitals and Komen for the Cure work is a global real estate driguez is a strong woman, a didn’t have space to mention,
mother were pioneers in their
with a prestigious Leadership Foundation, alongside other system with over 6,200 inde- own time. They survived strong candidate, and, of have made giant strides in a
Distinguished Service Award. community initiatives and pendently owned offices en- against very heavy odds, as course, a strong jefita. world of men. Here, however,
Filip, a licensed Texas Broker fundraisers. In production, gaging approximately 90,000 they struggled to raise chil- Another young are a few more names of
since 1969, began his rela- Texas was extremely well member sales associates who dren and to gain a foothold, leader is my friend, Dora women I admire and who
tionship with RE/MAX in represented, with a presence lead the industry in profes- recognition and support from Oaxaca. She is another El have taught me to respect
1979, introducing the in the top three in the US for sional designations, experi- the men in their lives. Some Paso woman who has made Women’s History Month –
RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon to both Individuals and Teams. ence and production while good examples of women inroads into previously men- Estela Reyes Lopez, Lucy
Perennial top producer hon- who were raised in a different only venues. Eclectic in her Acosta Reyna, Guadalupe
Texas. He later became Re- providing real estate services
orees Mike Seder, RE/MAX and difficult era are the vener- outlook and perseverance, Silva, Estela Casas, Cruz O.
gional Director and the archi- in residential, commercial, re-
The Woodlands & Spring, able Lucy G. Acosta, and Ali- Oaxaca has the distinction of Heath, Elvira Bobadillo, Lupe
tect of the company’s ferral, relocation, and asset having been not only a Vice- Castaneda, Marisa Marquez,
and Ronnie Matthews, cia Chacon. Chacon provided
explosive growth. Richard ac- management. Local commu- a series of firsts for El Paso President of the Movimeiento Belen Robles, Susie Azar and
quired full ownership in 2002, RE/MAX Legends were nity involvement is important women – she set the stage. Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan Petra O. Mendoza. All these
and under his direction, ranked #2 in US Residential to RE/MAX members who at U.T. El Paso, but she was women – they’re my friends.
She was the first
RE/MAX of Texas expanded Sales and #3 team in US Res- participate in thousands of woman elected County Judge also on the Miner’s dance They’re my heroes.
to over 265 franchise loca- idential Sales respectively. local charitable causes and of a major urban county in team – the Golddiggers. Just
tions with over 4,200 Sales Six agents from Texas were have raised more than $100 Texas. She served on the recently she was nominated Sin Fin
Associates who conducted admitted into the coveted Cir- million for Children’s Miracle Ysleta ISD Board from 1970 to serve on the very important
over $11 billion in 2010 sales. cle of Legends career award Network Hospitals. RE/MAX
Broker/Owners David and club, including Hester Bell, is also a major sponsor of the Tour of the Jewish Section of Concordia Cementery
Jaci Coan were honored as RE/MAX Beaumont; Dayton Komen Race for the Cure.
US multi-office Broker/Own- Schrader, RE/MAX Associ- The company also supports When: March 27, 2011 (Sunday) 1:00 pm
ers of the Year. Since purchas- ates; J. Carter Breed, Texas-centric charities includ- Where: Concordia Cementery - Gateway East Gate
RE/MAX Memorial Town & Admission: Free
ing their office in 2007, the ing the Texas Sentinels Foun-
Country; Sam Ferreri, Information: (915) 771-6727
Coans have taken Fort Worth dation and Happy Hill Farm
RE/MAX Top Realty; Karen Contact Person: FredMorales7@yahoo.com
by storm, opening a second Academy and Home For The one hour walking tour will focus on the following
franchise and branch office to Karapasha, RE/MAX West- more information on individuals or families:
expand their service area, and side, Realtors; and Gary RE/MAX in Texas, to view * Monument To Martyrs
have been recognized multi- Stallings, RE/MAX Vintage. listings or to find a RE/MAX * Holocaust Survivors
ple times as stewards of the agent near you, visit www.re- * Myer Moore
community. The offices vig- The RE/MAX Circle of Leg- maxtexas.com * Jake Erlich
* Sam Ravel
* Ernest And Olga Kohlberg

24/7 * Adolpf Schwartz

* Samuel & Harry Blumenthal
* Schutz Brothers
www.spotlightepnews.com * Haymon Krupp
* Krakauer, Zork & Moye Plots
Temple-Mt-Sinai-1899 at today’s cor-
ner of Yandell and Oregon streets.

Sharon Mosley
Matheson does not suggest getting
Think you can't go green with your rid of all your "non-green" clothes
wardrobe? Is it just too hard to read and buying an entirely new
all the labels, do the research and wardrobe. "That wouldn't be green
go all-out natural? Sometimes we at all," she says. "But when you do
just give up before we even get get a craving for something fabu-
started. Well, you don't have to lous, here are a bunch of ideas to
stop buying things other than ab- help you become a greener fash-
solute essentials to lessen the nega- ionista. Because going green
tive impact on the environment, should never be just a fashion
says Christie Matheson, author of statement, green really is the new
"Green Chic: Saving the Earth in black."
Style" (Sourcebooks, Inc., $12.95).
Here are a few of Mathe-
"True, consuming just about any-
thing is eco-detrimental," admits
son's tips for thinking
Matheson, who cites production, “green”:
packaging and shipping, which
take their toll, "but that doesn't — Edit, edit, edit. Go through your
mean I'm going to wear last year's closet: a tip from many fashion
designer denim for the next eight stylists and a great place to start
seasons. Please." whether we like it or not. Look at
every single thing you own and
Matheson has come up with a pare it down, so you're left with
"more realistic" plan. only the things you "love, love,
love, love to wear," says Matheson.
"Be thoughtful about the clothes "The idea is that if you love every-
and accessories you buy and the thing in your closet — even if you
habits you use when buying and end up with a third of the clothes
taking care of them," she says. you had before you started the edit-
"Along with the process of lighten- ing process — you'll have a much
ing your environmental footprint, easier time getting dressed in the
there's a surprising added bonus — morning, and you'll always look
you'll probably cut way down on stunning."
buyer's remorse. My 'why the hell
is that in my closet?' purchases are — Less is indeed more. "Crap in
close to zero since I've started your closet — pieces that don't fit,
being an eco-conscious shopper. I don't flatter, or make you feel like
get more compliments and 'where you're wearing a tent — distracts
did you find that?' questions from from the amazing stuff that's al-
my friends, including fashion edi- ready in there," says Matheson. Revenge Is ... is an eco-friendly clothing
tor friends." Continues on next page company that produces tees from a blend
of organic cotton and recycled plastic bot-
tles. Photo courtesy of Revenge Is ...

DEAR ABBY by Abigail Van Buren

Continued from page 7 clean, empty and waiting for ally a way to preserve the
you." planet?" asks Matheson. DEAR ABBY: While Many times the ual relations with
"And if you're distracted from "Don't comb through awful standing in a checkout line envelopes con- him. I'm 23, and
the amazing stuff that's al- — Opt for organic fabrics. secondhand shops hoping for yesterday, I witnessed a tain address he's older than my
ready in there, you might Cotton is one of Matheson's a miracle," she adds. "You cashier speak to the older labels, calen- father, who is 63!
think you need to go on a favorite ways to wear won't find what you're look- woman in front of me in a dars and What's wrong
shopping spree to save you "green." But not just any ing for there, anyway. Go to condescending manner. She notepads. with me? Obvi-
from wardrobe hatred. This is "cotton" will do, according to nice vintage and consignment kept calling her "Sweetie" As much as ously, I can't
not a green solution!" this eco-expert. "Organic cot- shops. Or consider swapping
and talking to her as if she I would have an affair
ton is grown without pesti- gently worn clothing with
were a 3-year-old. The like, I can't with my thera-
— Don't use shopping bags. cides or chemical fertilizers, your girlfriends."
Whether they're mean- woman was obviously of- afford to do- pist, and I des-
paper or plas- ing — Always institute a waiting fended, but said nothing. nate to every perately do not
tic or period. "This is good eco- I experienced this cause. Is it want to change
whether shopping advice, but it's kind of behavior often when doctors. Please
that also just plain good shop- my mother was alive. Recep- Dear Abby help. -- LOVESICK
Chanel ping advice," says Mathe- tionists, waitresses, store PATIENT IN MON-
bag looks son. "If there's even a hint clerks and others would di- wrong to use these "gifts" if I TANA
fabulous of doubt in your mind but rect their questions to me and don't contribute? It's a shame
on your the item you're totally crav- to waste them -- especially DEAR LOVESICK:
talk to me while my mother
closet door ing is expensive or, OK, isn't
stood there, perfectly capable the address labels. No one What's going on with you is
handle, give particularly eco-friendly,
them up. walk away for an hour or, of answering the questions else can use them. very common. There is a
better, a day. herself. I'm sure these people I'm sure I'm not the name for it: transference.
"If everyone in did not intend to be rude or only person who struggles While this may be embar-
New York City "Put it on hold if you think disrespectful. However, it with this moral dilemma. I'd rassing to you, I assure you
used just one less someone else will snap it up. was extremely annoying to really like your input. -- your therapist has heard it
shopping bag per Sleep on it. There's a decent both Mother and me. FEELING GUILTY IN before. It's not necessary that
year, it would elimi- chance you'll realize you Because a person NORTH CAROLINA you change doctors, but it is
nate 5 million don't really need it. And if is elderly does not mean he important that you be honest
pounds of waste and you do still want it, it's proba- or she is senile. Regardless DEAR FEELING about your feelings. (Nobody
save the city $250,000 in dis- none bly something that you really
of their mental capacity, GUILTY: The organiza- ever said therapy was for the
posal costs," says Matheson. of that seeps into the air, the love, something that belongs
older people have earned the tions that send those unso- faint of heart!)
water, the soil or your skin." in your closet."
This is an easy "green" strat- right to be treated with dig- licited mailings count on the
egy to employ. "If uber-ele- Check out organic cashmere, Sharon Mosley is a former nity and respect. -- OF- recipients feeling so guilty **
gant is the only thing that linen, silk and undyed wool. fashion editor of the Arkansas FENDED IN KINGSPORT, that they'll send something. Dear Abby is written by Abi-
works for you, consider this "Read the label. If it's or- Gazette in Little Rock and TENN. If using the unsolicited gail Van Buren, also known
the perfect excuse to invest in ganic, it will say so," she executive director of the "gifts" makes you feel guilty, as Jeanne Phillips, and was
that beautiful bag you've been says. Fashion Editors and Re- DEAR OFFENDED: I'm toss them or don't open the founded by her mother,
coveting," says Matheson. porters Association. glad you wrote. I have seen it envelope in the first place. Pauline Phillips. Write Dear
"Keep it right by your door — Consider vintage. "Who happen, too, and with people Compile a list of Abby at
and use it exclusively for knew buying a gorgeous 40- COPYRIGHT 2011
who should have known bet- those causes that you wish to www.DearAbby.com or P.O.
shopping, so it's always year-old Chanel suit is actu-
ter. And when it did happen, give to, decide what amount Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
the offender was sometimes you have to donate to all of 90069.
called on it in a way that them, divide the total and **
wasn't at all "sweet." send your checks. And as For everything you need to
In As Little As 3 to 8 Weeks Readers, if this let-
ter strikes a familiar chord,
you do, check them off your
list to make sure you won't
know about wedding plan-
ning, order "How to Have a
Nursing Assistant Classes 3 Week Training please remember that most accidentally give twice be- Lovely Wedding." Send a
senior citizens are com- cause many (not all) organi- business-sized, self-ad-
pletely in control of their fac- zations solicit more than dressed envelope, plus check
STATE CERTIFICATION ulties and treat them once a year, hoping donors or money order for $6 (U.S.
CPR CLASSES $40 accordingly. (Or risk losing a will forget they have given funds only) to: Dear Abby --
EVERY FRIDAY @ 9:00 customer.) and send more. Wedding Booklet, P.O. Box
99% STATE EXAM PASS RATE ** ** 447, Mount Morris, IL
DEAR ABBY: At least two DEAR ABBY: I am seeing 61054-0447. (Postage is in-

Emerald Nursing School

or three times a week, I re- a therapist for my depres- cluded in the price.)
Day, Night & Weekend Classes
ceive requests for donations sion. The problem is I find
18 Yrs. Experience (GJDU3DUN‡ from various organizations. myself wanting to have sex- COPYRIGHT 2011 UNIVERSAL UCLICK
Sustainable Living

“Peak Fish”
Rose Bennett Gilbert work surface as well as high
enough that you don't bump
and Beyond
your head while working or Shawn Dell Joyce
sitting at the counter.
Q: We (second husband and Ocean fish are the last wild creatures that people hunt on a
I) have accumulated a bewil- Also, I hope you've brought large scale. We used to think of the ocean's bounty as endless
dering collection of stuff, fixtures that are in the right — but recently, we have discovered its limits. Between 1950
mainly books and other items proportion for the space — and 1994, ocean fishermen increased their catch 400 percent
like pottery, hand-crafts and not overwhelmingly large or by doubling the number of boats and using more effective
— would you believe — old- pitifully too small. My advice fishing gear, according to Seafood Watch from the Monterrey
fashioned kid toys. We are is to get a ladder and try one: Bay Aquarium.
planning to turn a guest room Have someone hold the light
into a library of sorts, and we over the counter and let your
are debating between built- eye decide if it's right.
ins and free-standing book-
cases. Which would you If not, take it back and try
advise? again. Otherwise, you'll never
be a happy cook.

A: Go for the built-ins.

When they are done right, Rose Bennett Gilbert is the
they become an architectural co-author of "Manhattan
asset that will eventually en- Style" and six other books on
hance the resale value of your interior design.
home. More important, free- COPYRIGHT 2011 CREATORS.COM.
standing bookcases will only
add to the clutter, while built- Chaos confined: Floor-to-ceiling shelves archive all the
ins will help corral it, both lit- clutter in an avid traveler's home. Photo courtesy of Rob
Karosis, The Taunton Press.
erally and visually.
Oil spills in the Gulf are an environmental catastrophe,
To get the most shelf mileage hunt for other readers and self. but overfishing is causing greater devastation.
for your collections, have browsers.
your carpenter build from the But there's good news: When
floor to the ceiling. The
shelves should also be ad-
Q: We've just moved from you need protection from
acids, grease and staining,
In 1989, the world's catch leveled off at just over 82 million
metric tons of fish per year. We have reached "peak fish," and
justable, or at least varied in the West Coast to the East consider epoxy grout. Made no amount of boats will help us catch more fish. Today, only
height to accommodate all and are renovating a 1960s- with resin and hardeners, 10 percent of all large fish — both open-ocean species includ-
sizes and shapes of things. vintage ranch. I'm surprised epoxy grout will shrug off ing tuna, swordfish, marlin and the large groundfish such as
Keep them shallow, too, just a to learn that so few people in most household stains and cod, halibut, skates and flounder — are left in the sea, accord-
bit more than the depth of a this part of the country molds. The only downside is ing to research published in National Geographic.
normal book. Otherwise, choose ceramic tile for their the fact that it costs more,
you'll just be wasting floor kitchen countertops. We had about $8 per pound compared "From giant blue marlin to mighty bluefin tuna, and from
space. tile before and so did most of to $1 to $2 for regular cement tropical groupers to Antarctic cod, industrial fishing has
our friends. What gives here? grout. scoured the global ocean. There is no blue frontier left," lead
In the dazzling pictured dis- author Ransom Myers told National Geographic.
play on the shelves, there's an
intriguing mix of books —
A: It's not the tile that's Q: We've redone our "Since 1950, with the onset of industrialized
fisheries, we have rapidly reduced the resource
hardcover and paperback — causing denial; it's the grout. kitchen and added a center base to less than 10 percent — not just in some
plus collectibles gathered on Made of earth, water and fire, work island. How high above areas, not just for some stocks, but for entire
the homeowner's frequent ceramic tile is one of the old- the countertop should we communities of these large fish species from
travels. The shelves offer "a est and most popular surfac- hang the glass light fixtures? the tropics to the poles."
place for everything" in his ing materials in the world. It's We've bought two, one for
archives, writes John Con- practically indestructible and each end. "The impact we have had on ocean ecosystems has
nell, author of "Creating the highly resistant to stains. been vastly underestimated," said co-author Boris
Inspired House" (The
Taunton Press) from which That's a lot more than you can
A: As with so many details Worm. "These are the megafauna, the big preda-
tors of the sea, and the species we most value. Their de-
we borrowed this photo. say for grout. Porous and ab- of design, your eyeball and pletion not only threatens the future of these fish and the
sorbent, grout gives out, common sense are your best fishers that depend on them, it could also bring about a com-
They also manage to tame shows stains and grows mold guides. Hang your fixtures plete reorganization of ocean ecosystems, with unknown
chaos and offer a rich treasure long before you're even think- low enough to spread useful global consequences."
ing about replacing the tile it- amounts of light over the Continues on next page

Energy Express

Adventure Travel to Baja: Having a Whale of a Time

Marilynn Preston Caesar's Palace never can. whale is the size of a Volk- "HHH-A-A-AUHHH" is my
When you challenge yourself swagen beetle, and their arter- lame attempt to repeat a
outdoors — physically, men- ies are large enough for a sound I'll never forget — the
Once you've planned, exe- tally, emotionally — you dis- child to crawl through. They exhalation of a big blue whale
cuted and survived an active cover new things about can swim at speeds up to 30 rising to the surface to take a
vacation — hiking, biking, yourself, including how ef- mph, can dive down to 10,000 breath. Wow. How can I ex-
kayaking, you decide — a fortless it is to wake up at 5 feet and can hold their breath plain? The blues have a pres-
week on a beach lounger a.m. when nature is calling. up to an hour. The average ence.
seems decidedly ho-hum. length is 70 to 85 feet, but
My favorite kind of adventure they can grow to 100 feet or Energetically, you feel a mys-
Personally, I'm an adventure is the one I've never had be- more. Their life span is 60 to terious connection to an ex-
travel slut. Show me a back- fore, which is why I leaped at 70 years, possibly more, traordinary being. When they
pack, and my toes start to tin- the chance to go whale- maybe less. fluke — their huge tails rising
gle. I've been trekking in watching in Baja Mexico last high in the air as they dive
Tibet, dog-sledding in Lap- week. It wasn't just whale- They eat up to 4 tons of krill a deep — it feels like a bless-
land, rafting in Costa Rica, bi- watching — it was amazingly day — tiny, shrimp-like crea- ing. Blues are notoriously
cycling in France, scuba close encounters with the big tures — and saddest fact of calm and trusting, neither
diving in Mexico — I'll stop blue whales, the largest ani- all, they are a seriously en- threatened nor threatening,
now — and the more adven- mals to ever live on Earth, dangered species. Thanks to and their brains function more
even bigger than the di- really don't know." illegal whaling, pollution, highly then many of our
tures I take, the more enthusi-
nosaurs. And it wasn't just the "These guys are a complete fishing nets, cargo ships and elected officials.
astic I am about
blue whales; it was also a mystery," Michael says about What we do know about the killer whales, there are only
recommending them to oth-
week of inspired yoga with his pals, the big blues, after big blue whales is mind-bog- about 10,000 blue Some of the 20 to 30 blue
ers. Others being you, dear
two of my favorite teachers, more than 20 years of re- gling. They weigh whales left on the whales we saw came within
Tias and Surya Little search. "Why do they keep up to 150 tons. planet, which is why 15 feet of our little boat. So
(www.prajnayoga.net). And it coming back to Baja? When The heart of Michael and some col- close! I gasped in amazement.
Why? Because active vaca-
wasn't just deep breathing and do they give a blue leagues started the Great I imagined myself on their
tions are fun, exciting, totally
oceanic meditation, it was birth? Whale Conservancy under the backs, diving deep into my
distracting and sometimes
time on the water with a And umbrella of Earth own fears of the sea. I felt in-
life-changing. They lure you
wildly enthusiastic whale ex- where? Island In- explicably overwhelmed with
into nature, where all the
pert named, of all things, There's so stitute. joy and gratitude. This never
good stuff happens. Moun-
Michael Fishbach, founder of much we happens at Disney World.
tains, rivers, forests, deserts
— nature soothes and heals in Eco-Interactions You can do your part
a way the blackjack tables at (www.ecointeractions.com). by visiting ENERGY EXPRESS-O! BIG
www.eii.org/gwc BIG BIG LOVE
and learning

Peak Fish...
Continued from page 9
his campaign, but the best
way to get a feeling
for what magnifi-
"I've fallen in love with these
animals over the years, and I
feel I want to help save them.
To me, it's an honor to see
cent beasts them." — Michael Fishbach
they are is
to do what I was Marilynn Preston — fitness
Marine biologist Sylvia Earle says: "I don't blame the fishermen lucky enough expert, personal trainer and
for this. We, the consumers, have done this because we have a taste to do, and go out with speaker on healthy lifestyle
for fish and 'delicacies' such as shark-fin soup. Our demand for seafood ap- Michael at 6:00 in issues — is the creator of En-
pears to be insatiable ... driven by high-end appetites. I've always be- the morning on ergy Express, the longest-run-
lieved that even when there is only one bluefin tuna left in the sea, the Sea of Cortez — ning syndicated fitness
someone will pay a million dollars to be able to eat it." with the full moon set- column in the country. She
ting on one side of the bay has a website, http://marilyn-
Some seafood can be sustainably farmed. Clams are raised and the blazing Mexican npreston.com and welcomes
in special beds on sandy shores, where their harvest does lit- sun rising on the reader questions, which can
tle to disturb the ecosystem. Oysters and mussels are often raised other. And watch for be sent to MyEnergyEx-
spouts. And just listen. press@aol.com.
in bags or cages suspended off the seafloor, doing little damage as COPYRIGHT 2011 ENERGY EXPRESS, LTD.
they're harvested. Many farmed fish, such as salmon, are grown in
net pens, like cattle in a feedlot. This is as envi-
ronmentally damaging in the ocean as cattle feed lots
are on land. Additionally, mangrove forests have been cut down
and replaced with temporary shrimp farms that supply shrimp to Europe, Japan
and America until the water becomes polluted.

Shawn Dell Joyce is an award-winning columnist and founder of the Wallkill

River School in Orange County, N.Y. You can contact her at Shawn@Shawn-



FOCUS ON THE FAMILY with Jim Daly and Dr. Juli Slattery

“Nobody loves me!”

Q: Every now and then, my 5-year-old diatrician.
daughter cries (usually when she doesn't You also want to be careful not
get her way) and says things like, "No- to overreact when your daughter displays
body loves me!" My family has a history negative emotions throughout the normal
of depression, and I wonder if my daugh- course of daily life. If you go overboard
ter's behavior is normal or if it is a sign with consolation and comfort when she
that she is depressed. makes statements like, "Nobody loves
Juli: You are wise to be sensi- me!" you may reinforce that behavior.
tive to signs of depression in your daugh- She needs a steady supply of love and af-
ter. However, the behavior you are fection from you, not just when she is
describing sounds like a normal 5-year- showing negative emotion.
old reaction. Children are not as sophisti- **
cated in muting their feelings as we are Jim Daly is president of Focus on the
as adults. That's why they are so much Family, host of the Focus on the Family
fun to be with! Within a 10-minute span, radio program, and a husband and father
they can experience elation and devasta- down, expressing sad feelings even when of two.
tion, feel love and hatred, and think you good things are happening around her. Dr. Juli Slattery is a licensed
are both the best mom and the worst psychologist, co-host of Focus on the
mom in the world. You might also notice changes in ap- Family, author of several books, and a
Even so, a 5-year-old can be petite and sleep patterns. Depressed chil- wife and mother of three.
depressed, and it's good to know what to dren sometimes withdraw, get panicky, Submit your questions to:
look for. If your daughter were de- and lose interest in things they used to ask@FocusOnTheFamily.com
pressed, her feelings would be less situa- enjoy. If you consistently notice these Copyright 2011 Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995 Inter-

tional. In other words, she would be symptoms in your daughter, seek help national Copyright Secured. All Rights reserved.

from a professional counselor or her pe-


Jeb Haught PRICE: $29.99 eliminating any threats, while enemy can hurt Adol more
ESRB RATING: Teen Ys II requires exploring the than he hurts them, which
DEVELOPER: Epic REVIEW RATING: 3 stars land to discover its secrets. shows a total lack of strategy.
Games/People Can Fly (out of 5) The only variation is that he
PUBLISHER: EA Anyone who has played pre- can flank enemies and hit
SYSTEM: Sony PlayStation The Ys RPG series started in vious Ys titles will immedi- them for additional damage.
3 (Xbox 360, PC) 1987 and immediately be- ately notice the If players can't beat a certain
PRICE: $59.99 came popular with hardcore much-improved visuals as part of the game, they must
ESRB RATING: Mature gamers. As a result, parts one well as the new cut-scenes. In go off and "grind" enemies
REVIEW RATING: 4 stars and two were ported to nearly addition, this version contains until they reach a higher
(out of 5) every system imaginable dur- a haunting new soundtrack level. Yawn!!
ing the 80s, and remakes were that is a pleasure to experi-
Most shooters try to dazzle also made on the PC and Nin- ence. NPC dialogue has also I find the third installment on
players with new environ- tendo DS. Now "Ys I and II received a considerable boost, the PSP, titled "Ys: The Oath
ments and a cool weapon or Chronicles" has appeared on which is important because in Felghana," to be much
two, but they're all still varia- which makes the serious sto- physics make the exciting ex- the PSP, but unfortunately, the they offer hints on where to more enjoyable than "Ys I
tions of the same theme. ryline seem silly. perience even more enjoy- series hasn't aged well. go. Ignore the townsfolk, and and II Chronicles."
Whether it's fighting terrorists able! I find it ironic that you'll find yourself wasting
in the Middle East or blasting "Kill with skill" is the name developers People Can Fly Adol lives for adventure, but plenty of time just figuring REVIEW SCORING
aliens in space, I'm getting of the game, and it means crafted most of the content, he has no idea what's in store out what to do next.
tired of playing overblown much more than just accurate since keeping enemies air- for him when he's washed up SYSTEM
military shooters. That's why shooting. Budding weapon ar- borne is a major part of game on a strange shore. Merciless This factor, along with the
"Bulletstorm" sets itself apart, tisans earn points for Skill- play. Too bad the online mul- storms and vicious enemies horrendous combat, are my 5 stars = Must Have
because it reminds players shots (taking enemies out in tiplayer action focuses on have left the local village in least favorite parts of both
that they're actually playing a stylish ways), and these killing A.I. enemies instead of shambles, and he's asked to games. Instead of normal 4 stars = Pretty Good
game. points are used to upgrade other players. collect the six books of Ys to combat with melee weapons, 3 stars = Above Average
weapons. Shooting enemies unlock the ancient secrets of Adol rushes forth and slams 2 stars = Bargain Bin
Right from the beginning, earns a few points, but it's "Bulletstorm" would be their past. Ys I tasks Adol into enemies to defeat them.
1 star = Don't Bother
Grayson Hunt proves that he more fun to grab them with nearly perfect if the develop- with collecting the books and It's anyone's guess if each
isn't fit to lead the ex-peace- your electric leash, kick them ers had just replaced the lame
keeping force known as Dead through the air and shoot multiplayer modes with a RATINGS KEY
Echo. His thirst for revenge them before they hit the lengthier single-player cam-
kills most of his team and ground. Challenging moves paign. Entertainment Software Rat-
strands him on an inhabited like this, as well as kicking ing Board (ESRB)
enemies into spiked plants or
planet with only one means of
escape: cooperate with Gen- tossing them into electrical
'Ys I & II Chroni- E: Everyone
E10-plus: (Everyone 10 and
eral Serrano, the one man in wires, earn more points and cles' older)
the universe that he wants to help keep game play interest-
T: Teen (13 and older)
kill the most. Apparently, ing and fun.
DEVELOPER: XSEED M: Mature (17 and older)
everyone in the future swears
more than a drunken sailor Gorgeous visuals, excellent PUBLISHER: XSEED
describing his mother-in-law, level design and awesome SYSTEM: Sony PSP

By Dr. Tony Johnson are rarely pleasant for man or the money.
Universal Uclick beast. Pet 5. Pet-proof your home. Dogs
Avoiding me — at insurance for pets is now a re- and cats explore everything
I’m the guy you don’t want to least professionally — is the ality, and there are several and assume the world is edi-
meet in the middle of the best option, but you need to companies competing for ble unless proven otherwise.
night. No, I am not a mugger, be prepared in any case. your business. Even with in- Keeping medications and poi-
a thief or a cat burglar — I am By far the biggest surance, you should set aside sons where pets can’t reach
an emergency veterinarian. issue in emergency medicine money every month for the them is a cheap and easy way
Most of my interac- is cost. Medical expenses for unexpected. Insurance typi- to make sure we never get ac-
tions with pet owners end emergency room visits can cally refunds a portion of quainted.
with something like “Nice to run into the thousands of dol- your bill, which means you
meet you, thanks for helping lars. (The highest veterinary still have to pay up front at With a little bit of planning, a
Fluffy, and I hope I never see bill I have ever seen was the ER. little bit of luck and a little bit
you again.” Not because I around $22,000.) That the Here’s what else of preparation, you can mini-
lack social skills or have a cost is a tiny fraction of a you need to know: mize the chance that we’ll
crummy bedside manner (I similar visit to the human ER ♦ Be prepared. You Preventive, proactive pet care will help to keep your dog or cat meet. Don’t worry — you
hope not, anyway), but be- isn’t that consoling when can turn the odds in your from needing emergency attention. won’t hurt my feelings!
cause emergency room visits you’re having to scramble for favor by being prepared for Dr. Tony Johnson is
the unexpected. There’s a least once a year for a physi- a member of the Pet Connec-
good chance an emergency cal and lab tests. Diagnostic tion team and an associate
will happen: Most pets will tests can help spot problems professor of emergency and
make at least one trip to the before they develop, and they critical care medicine at the
veterinary ER during their become more important as Purdue University School of
lifetime, so it is best to know your pet ages. If you have a Veterinary Medicine.
where your local ER is lo- set of several years’ worth of
cated before the need arises.
When you go out of
town, make sure your pet sit-
normal lab tests, you will also
have a baseline “normal” to
refer to if problems arise.
ter knows how to contact you,
knows your pet’s medications 3. Pay attention to your pet’s
and knows how far you would weight, eating and drinking Connection
like to go with regard to your habits. Just a few extra Pet Connection is produced
pet’s care. A letter giving pounds can rob your dog of by a team of pet-care experts
them treatment authorization years of good life! Con- headed by “Good Morning
will also go a long way to- versely, unexplained weight America” and “The Dr. Oz
ward making the whole expe- loss can be a symptom of Show” veterinarian Dr. Marty
rience go smoothly. something bad brewing. If Becker and award-winning
♦ Practice preven- your pet starts drinking more journalist Gina Spadafori.
tive and protective medicine. water or urinating more, this The two are also the authors
Vaccines and spay/neuter de- could be a sign of several of many best-selling pet-care
cisions are hot topics right conditions, such as diabetes, books. Dr. Becker can also be
now. From an ER perspective, particularly in middle-aged found at Facebook.com/Dr-
though, there are a few points cats. MartyBecker or on
that everyone should follow: Twitter at Dr-
4. Use a leash, keep cats in- Marty-
1. If you have a dog less than doors and dogs fenced in. Becker.
two years of age, get him vac- Keep tight control on your
cinated against parvovirus. dog at all times (even the best
Most cases of parvovirus are trained dogs their can dash
preventable, and can cost up- into traffic when seeing their
ward of $2,000 to treat, sworn archenemy — the
whether your dog survives or squirrel). And an indoor cat is
not (and many don’t). far more likely to live late
into his teens than an outdoor
2. See your veterinarian at cat.
George Varga

New is old and old is new for Eric Clapton, who is now embarked on a North American tour.
At 65, this tireless rock legend is seeking new artistic vistas. As evidenced by his latest album,
2010's "Clapton," he is gaining fresh inspiration by embracing vintage jazz and blues songs
that predate his birth.

Moreover, he is doing so with so much warmth and reverence that it's clear he
has more than nostalgia — if not Georgia — on his mind. ("Georgia On
My Mind" composer Hoagy Carmichael is represented on "Clapton" by
another of his classics, "Rocking Chair.")

"I never liked young kids' music. I like old people's music," the
bearded guitarist, singer and songwriter said upon the release of "Clap-
ton" last fall.

"When I look for what I'm going to listen to, I go back-

ward. Most people are trying to figure out, 'How do
I get in the fast lane, going that way?' I'm going
in the other direction — I want to find the
oldest thing to do." SEE PAGE 19

Playing more classic

blues and jazz songs,
Eric Clapton returns with
a North American tour.
Photo courtesy of Terry
Gateway West Blvd/Cielo Vista Mall
Schedule good for Friday March 18th
The Lincoln Lawyer R 10:05am 11:25am
1:05pm 2:25pm 4:05pm 5:25pm 7:05pm
Take Me Home Tonight R 9:55am 5:00pm
Limitless The Lincoln
8:25pm 10:05pm Big Momma's: Like Father, Like Son
Lord Of The Dance 3D RealD 3D Show- PG-13 10:55am 1:55pm 4:55pm 7:55pm Open Nationwide 03/18/11
times: 10:25am 1:25pm 4:25pm 7:25pm
Unknown PG-13 10:20am 1:20pm 4:20pm
Runtime 105 min
Battle: Los Angeles PG-13 Digital Cinema 7:20pm 10:20pm PG-13 03/18/2011
10:00pm Standard Showtimes: 11:30am
Gnomeo & Juliet G 10:15am 4:15pm
7:15pm 10:15pm Starring Robert De Niro, Bradley Rated: R. Genre: Drama
2:30pm 5:30pm 8:30pm Just Go With It PG-13 Digital Cinema
Red Riding Hood PG-13 10:30am 1:30pm Showtimes: 10:10am 1:10pm 4:10pm Cooper, Abbie Cornish, Andrew
4:30pm 7:30pm 10:30pm 7:10pm 10:10pm
Howard, Anna Friel Michael 'Mick' Haller is a slick,
The Adjustment Bureau PG-13 10:40am Biutiful R 12:55pm 7:35pm
charismatic Los Angeles criminal
1:40pm 4:40pm 7:40pm 10:40pm Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Direc- Genre Suspense/Thriller
Beastly PG-13 10:35am 1:35pm 4:35pm tor's Fan Cut G RealD 3D Showtimes: defense attorney who operates
7:35pm 10:35pm 10:45am1:45pm4:45pm7:45pm10:45pm Synopsis Aspiring author Eddie out of the back of his Lincoln
Morra suffers from chronic writer's Continental sedan. Having spent
CINEMARK 14 - EL PASO block, but his life changes instantly most of his career defending
West side of El Paso at Mesa & I-10 when an old friend introduces him to NZT, a new pharma- petty, gutter-variety criminals,
ceutical that allows him to tap his full potential. With every Mick unexpectedly lands the case
Schedule good for Friday March 18th
Limitless PG-13 11:40am 2:25pm 5:10pm The Adjustment Bureau PG-13 11:30am
synapse crackling, Eddie can recall everything he has ever of a lifetime: defending a rich Beverly Hills playboy who is
7:55pm 10:45pm 2:15pm 5:00pm 7:50pm 10:30pm read, seen or heard, learn any language in a day, compre- accused of attempted murder. However, what initially ap-
The Lincoln LawyerR 11:00am 1:55pm Beastly PG-13 9:50am 12:05pm 2:45pm
4:50pm 7:40pm 10:40pm 5:05pm 7:30pm 9:55pm hend complex equations and beguile anyone he meets. pears to be a straightforward case with a big money pay-off
Paul R 9:30am 12:10pm 2:50pm 5:30pm
8:10pm 10:50pm
Rango PG Digital Cinema Showtimes:
10:45am 1:30pm 4:15pm 7:00pm 9:45pm Soon Eddie takes Wall Street by storm, parlaying a small swiftly develops into a deadly match between two masters of
Battle: Los Angeles PG-13 Digital Cinema Hall Pass R 11:25am 2:05pm 5:00pm 7:35pm
stake into millions. But, his accomplishments catch the at- manipulation and a crisis of conscience for Haller.
Showtimes: 11:05am 1:50pm 4:45pm 7:45pm 10:25pm
10:35pm Standard Showtimes: 8:15pm Unknown PG-13 11:35am 2:35pm 5:20pm
tention of people willing to do anything to get their hands Starring: Matthew McConaughey,Marisa Tomei,John
11:10pm 8:15pm 11:05pm
Leguizamo,Ryan Phillippe,Michaela Conlin,William H.
Mars Needs Moms PG RealD 3D Showtimes: Gnomeo & Juliet G 9:40am 11:50am 2:20pm on his stash of NZT. With his life in jeopardy and the drug's
9:35am 2:30pm 7:15pm Digital Cinema Show- 4:40pm Macy,Margarita Levieva,Katherine Moennig,Michael
times: 12:00pm 4:55pm 9:40pm Just Go With It PG-13 11:15am 2:10pm brutal side effects taking their toll, Eddie attempts to hang
Red Riding Hood PG-13 9:45am 12:20pm 5:15pm 8:00pm 11:00pm Paré,Michael Peña
2:55pm 5:35pm 8:05pm 10:55pm on to his dwindling supply of NZT long enough to outwit
Tinseltown his enemies.
Las Palmas i-10 @ Zaragosa Paul
Schedule good for Friday March 18th
Limitless PG-13 Digital Cinema Show-
times:10:50am 12:00pm 1:40pm 2:45pm
3:15pm 4:45pm 6:25pm 7:35pm 9:15pm
10:25pm 12:01am
Lord of the Dance Open Nationwide 03/18/11
Rating R
4:35pm 5:30pm 7:15pm 8:30pm 10:10pm
The Lincoln Lawyer R Digital Cinema
The Adjustment Bureau PG-13 Digital
Cinema Showtimes:11:00am 1:50pm
4:25pm 7:30pm 10:20pm
3D Starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Kristen Wigg, Bill
Hader, Jane Lynch. Genre Comedy
Showtimes:11:20am 12:45pm 2:20pm Beastly PG-13 Digital Cinema Show- Open Limited 03/17/11 Synopsis For the past 60 years, an alien named Paul
3:45pm 5:20pm 6:45pm 8:20pm 9:50pm times: 11:25am 1:55pm 4:30pm 7:20pm
11:20pm 9:45pm 12:01am Runtime 107 min has been hanging out at a top-secret military base.
Paul R Digital Cinema Showtimes: Rango PG Digital Cinema Showtimes:
10:30am 12:05pm 1:15pm 2:50pm 10:15am 11:10am 1:10pm 2:10pm
Starring Michael Flatley For reasons unknown, the space-traveling smart ass
3:55pm 5:45pm 6:50pm 8:35pm 9:35pm 4:10pm 5:05pm 7:10pm 7:55pm 10:05pm Synopsis Millions of people around the decides to escape the compound and hop on the first
11:15pm 12:05am Hall Pass R Digital Cinema Showtimes:
Battle: Los Angeles PG-13 Cinemark 11:15am2:05pm4:50pm10:30pm world have been enchanted by Lord of the vehicle out of town -- a rented RV containing Earthlings
XD Showtimes:10:05am 1:00pm 4:00pm I Am Number Four PG-13 Digital
Dance. Since its premiere in 1996, it has been captivating au- Graeme Willy and Clive Gollings. Chased by federal agents
7:00pm 10:00pm Digital Cinema Show- Cinema Showtimes: 9:20pm12:01am
times:10:55am 11:55am 2:00pm 3:00pm Gnomeo & Juliet G Digital Cinema diences and critics around the globe and has grossed over and the fanatical father of a young woman that they acciden-
5:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm Showtimes: 11:05am 1:25pm 4:15pm
ONE BILLION dollars worldwide. However, no one has ever tally kidnap, Graeme and Clive hatch a fumbling escape plan
11:55pm 6:40pm
Mars Needs Moms PG RealD 3D Show- Just Go With It PG-13 Digital Cinema to return Paul to his mother ship. And, as two nerds struggle to
had the opportunity to experience the magic, excitement, and
times:11:30am 2:30pm 5:10pm 7:45pm Showtimes: 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:05pm help, one little green man might just take his fellow outcasts
10:15pm Digital Cinema Showtimes: 10:10pm passion by being part of the performance, until now, when from misfits to intergalactic heroes.
10:25am1:20pm3:50pm6:35pm9:30pm Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Direc-
Red Riding Hood PG-13 Digital Cinema tor's Fan Cut G RealD 3D Showtimes: LORD OF THE DANCE is released in 3D for one week only
Showtimes:10:45am 12:15pm 1:45pm 10:35pm
around March 13th. Lord of the Dance tells a timeless story
based on Irish folklore of good versus evil, and through the
media of dance and music it is understood and appreciated by Battle:
Premiere Cinemas 6101 Gateway West S.15 every culture. Now, with unprecedented access to Flatley's
Schedule good for 3-18-11
performance, moviegoers will get an unparalleled sense of Los Angeles
11:05a 1:25p 3:45p 6:10p 8:30p 10:50p 10:40a 1:20p 4:00p 6:40p 9:35p the scale of the show as never seen before. The spectacular Open 3-11-11
CEDAR RAPIDS- DIGITAL (R) PAUL - DIGITAL (R) 10:40a 12:05p 1:30p
10:30a 12:40p 2:50p 5:00p 7:10p 9:25p 2:55p 4:10p 5:35p 6:50p 8:15p 9:30p new set design, lighting, special effects and costumes will Runtime 116 min
11:35p 11:00p captivate audiences and fans around the world as they behold MPAA Rating PG-13 for sustained and
10:30a 1:15p 4:00p 6:50p 9:40p 12:00p 1:15p 1:45p 2:45p 4:00p 4:45p the charismatic creator, producer, director and star, Michael intense sequences of war violence and
HALL PASS- DIGITAL (R) 11:00a 1:40p 5:35p 6:45p 7:15p 8:30p 9:30p 10:00p
4:20p 7:00p 9:40p 11:00p Flatley, dominate the stage and experience the movie event of destruction, and for language.
I AM NUMBER FOUR- DIGITAL (PG-13) THE KINGS SPEECH- DIGITAL (R) 10:30a the year. Starring Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Ro-
10:30a 11:15a 1:15p 1:55p 4:00p 4:35p 1:20p 4:10p 7:05p 10:00p
6:50p 7:20p 9:40p 10:00p THE MECHANIC- DIGITAL (R) 10:30a driguez, Bridget Moynahan, Michael Peña, Ramon Ro-
JUAREZ: STAGES OF FEAR- 35MM (R) 1:00p 3:35p 6:00p 8:30p 11:00p
10:30a 12:45p 3:00p 5:15p 7:35p 9:50p
11:45a 2:40p 5:30p 8:15p 11:00p
10:45a 1:35p 4:15p 7:00p 9:55p
Cedar Rapids Genre Action/Adventure, SciFi/Fantasy
MARS NEEDS MOMS- DIGITAL (PG) 10:50a 1:25p 4:00p 6:30p 9:00p 11:20p Runtime 86 min Synopsis For years, there have been documented cases of
10:30a 12:45p 2:55p 5:10p 7:45p 10:05p * -- denotes Pass Restricted features
R for crude and sexual content, language UFO sightings around the world - Buenos Aires, Seoul,
and drug use. France, Germany, China. But in 2011, what were once just
EAST POINTE MOVIES 12 Starring Sigourney Weaver, John C. Reilly, sightings will become a terrifying reality when Earth is at-
I-10 & Lee Trevino Schedule good for 3/18 - 3/24 Alia Shawkat, Rob Corddry, Ed Helms tacked by unknown forces. As people everywhere watch the
LITTLE FOCKERS (PG-13) THE GREEN HORNET 2D (PG-13) 12:55 3:10 Genre Comedy world's great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand
1:25|3:40|5:40|7:50|9:50 5:25 7:40 9:55
Synopsis After the death of his professional
MEGAMIND 3D (PG) 12:20|2:35|7:20 THE GREEN HORNET 3D (PG-13) 12:05 2:25 for mankind in a battle no one expected. It's up to a Marine
NO STRINGS ATTACHED (R) 12:35 2:45 5:00 4:45 7:05 9:25 mentor, a small-town, shy, naive Wisconsin
7:10|9:20 THE MECHANIC (R) 12:25|2:30|4:30|6:30|8:30 insurance agent must represent his company staff sergeant and his new platoon to draw a line in the sand
SEASON OF THE WITCH (PG-13) 4:40 9:15 THE RITE (PG-13) 12:30|2:50|5:10|7:25|9:45
at a regional insurance convention in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as they take on an enemy unlike any they've ever encoun-
TANGLED 2D (PG) 1:05|3:05|5:20|7:35|9:45 TRON: LEGACY 3D (PG)12:00 2:25 4:50 7:15
TANGLED 3D (PG) 12:10 2:10 4:20 6:35 8:40 9:40 where his mind is blown by the big city experience. tered before.
THE FIGHTER (R) 12:15 2:40 5:05 7:30 10:00 YOGI BEAR 3D (PG) 1:15|3:15|4:55|7:00|9:00

Eric Clapton PREMIERE

2200 N. Yarbrough
Schedule good for March 18,19,20 & 22
GREEN HORNET (PG-13) 12:40p 3:20p 6:00p 8:50p
Continued from page 15 record, I was thinking about LITTLE FOCKERS (PG-13) 12:15p 2:30p 4:40p 7:00p 9:10p
my grandmother a lot, and NO STRINGS ATTATCHED(R)12:10p 2:35p z 5:00p7:25p
That's precisely what he does my mother and my uncle," 9:50p

on much of "Clapton." It's Clapton noted last fall.

TANGLED (PG) 12:05p 2:25p 4:45p 7:00p 9:25p
THE FIGHTER (R) 6:10p 8:45p Schedule good for 3/18 - 3/24
easily his most relaxed "Those were the three chief THE MECHANIC (R) 12:25p 2:40p 4:55p 7:15p 9:35p
THE RITE (PG-13) 12:00p 2:25p 4:50p 7:15p 9:40p
recorded outing since 1992, influences in my life, and YOGI BEAR (PG) 12:00p 2:05p 4:10p TUESDAY: $1 DRINK, $1 13 (11:00 Fri,Sat & Sun)
when his all-acoustic "Un- those were the people I was has long regarded his per- POPCORN, or $5.00 OFF 1:25 4:20 7:00 9:35 (12:00
plugged" album helped singing to, really." formances as an opportunity much more open approach to ANY REGULAR COMBO FRI/SAT)
recharge his career (and won it; it can go anywhere — and ALL SEATS ALL SHOWS BEASTLY PG-13 12:00
to stretch out, instrumentally, $5.00 EVERY TUESDAY!! 2:25 5:05 7:30 10:00 (12:15
six Grammy Awards in the The album also features two while his albums emphasize I think it needs to go any- FRI/SAT)
process). The focus of "Clap- songs popularized more than the songs at hand. where." LIMITLESS PG-13 (11:00 RANGO PG (10:50 Fri,Sat
ton" is on the songs and his 70 years ago by jazz FRI-SUN)1:45 4:25 7:00 & Sun) 12:00 1:30 2:45
warm vocals, not the fiery piano/vocal giant Fats Waller, "That's something I've always Eager to delve deeper into the 9:30 (12:10 FRI/SAT) 4:15 5:30 7:05 8:30 9:50
guitar solos for which he "My Very Good Friend the strived to do," Clapton told rich jazz and blues legacies PAUL R (11:30 FRI- (11:15 FRI/SAT)
gained acclaim in the 1960s Milkman" and "When Some- me in a 2005 San Diego that inspire him, Clapton will SUN)2:00 4:30 7:10 9:45 THE ADJUSTMENT BU-
with The Yardbirds, John body Thinks You're Wonder- (12:15 FRI/SAT) REAU PG-13 (11:00 Fri,Sat
Union-Tribune interview. perform April 8 and 9 at New LINCOLN LAWYER R & Sun) 1:40 4:20 7:00 9:40
Mayall's Bluesbreakers and ful." Then there's "That's No "You can only really stretch, I York's Jazz at Lincoln Center. (11:00 FRI-SUN) 1:50 4:40 (12:15 FRI/SAT)
Cream. Way to Get Along," which can only do that now, in con- He'll be accompanied by a 7:30 10:15 HALL PASS 12:00 2:25
was written in the late 1920s cert. I think on record it nine-piece band led by Jazz at LORD OF THE DANCE 3D 4:50 7:15 9:40 (12:10
Fourteen songs strong, "Clap- by the Rev. Robert Wilkins would throw everything out Lincoln Center artistic direc- PG (11:20 FRI-SUN) 1:50 FRI/SAT)
ton" teams its namesake with, (and provided a template for of proportion if one song had tor Marsalis, with whom 4:30 7:10 945 12:10 JUST GO WITH IT PG-13
among others, New Orleans- the 1968 Rolling Stones song Clapton first collaborated at a (FRI/SAT) (11:00 Fri,Sat & Sun) 1:30
a really long solo and the oth- MARS NEEDS MOMS 3D 4:10 7:00 9:45 (12:10
bred jazz trumpet giant Wyn- "Prodigal Son"). ers didn't; the overall picture 2003 JALC concert, which PG (10:50 Fri,Sat & Sun) FRI/SAT)
ton Marsalis, fellow Big Easy gets redefined. If it's an also featured B.B. King and 1:05 3:20 5:35 7:50 10:05 GNOMIO & JULIET 3D G
music icon Allen Toussaint Those seeking to hear Clap- album of songs, then that has Willie Nelson. MARS NEEDS MOMS 2D *3D SURCHARGE AP-
and Trombone Shorty. The ton's extended six-string for- to be the priority. ... PG 12:00 2:30 5:05 7:45 PLIES (11:00 Fri,Sat &
album includes versions of ays should look to his That 2003 show found Clap- 10:10 Sun) 1:00 3:10 5:20 7:30
the jazz standard "Autumn concert, not the new album, "When I'm making a record, ton and company performing BATTLE: LOS ANGELES 9:45 (12:00 FRI/SAT)
Leaves" and Irving Berlin's especially since this is his Jimmy Cox's 1923 chestnut PG-13 (11:00 Fri,Sat &
we're trying to preserve the Sun) 12:00 1:45 2:45 4:30 MOZART'S “THE MAGIC
"How Deep Is the Ocean?" first tour in recent memory perspective of the piece. "Nobody Knows You When FLUTE” LIVE THURSDAY
5:30 7:15 8:15 10:00 (11:00
with a band that doesn't in- That's the most important pre- You're Down and Out,".. 12:20 FRI/SAT) 3/24/2011 @ 1:00 PM
"When I was making this clude a second guitarist. He rogative. On stage I have a Continues on next page

Calendar of upcoming events for

El Paso/ Southern New Mexico
are from March 18th
thru March 24th. 2011
If you want your upcoming event listed in SPOTLIGHT’S Out & About section, please send all your relevant data by e-mail to:

Low Brow Palace — March 20, with guests Braids souri. The orchestra will per- at The Plaza Theatre. This Music Festival — The
112 Robinson. Showtime is 8 and Cloud Nothings. Toro y form selected pieces of or- year’s tour features David first ever music festival and
p.m. and tickets are $8, unless Moi’s notable songs include chestra tunes and feature the Marez, Ram Herrera, and canned food drive in honor of
listed otherwise. Available on the easy-going “Blessa,” “Ta- music of Shade Records Shelly Lares backed by Bill the Bob Marley Movement is
line at ticketbully.com. Infor- lamak” and “You Hid” from recording artist Billy Townes. Gallarza and his band. Tick- 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
mation: 443-8464. his 2010 debut album Also featured will be musi- ets: $20 and $55, plus service Sunday,March 20, at Grif-
“Causers of This.” Tickets: cians from the Modern Ses- charge. (Ticketmaster). fin’s Independent Records,
$10. sion Group. 9533 Dyer. The non-profit Directed by Vanessa Keyser.
Tickets: $15 ($10 students ‘Vivencias’ — Club de event features live reggae Showtime is 8 p.m. Friday
EPYSO and Billy with ID). Advance tickets España, Paso del Norte pres- music from Border Roots and and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sun-
available at the temple or day. Tickets: $10 ($8 seniors,
Townes — El Paso Youth from Garcia at 820-2952, pg-
ents the flamenco perform- Radio La Chusma as well as
ance at 7 p.m. Saturday, DJ Nicky Spun, Mr.B @ Yo $7 military and students with
Symphony Orchestra, di- garcia@miners.utep.edu or March 19, at Chamizal Na- Service Percussion. The event ID). Information: 532-1317,
rected by Maestro Phillip shaderec@aol.com. Informa- tional Memorial, 800 S. San will also feature a car show, elpasoplayhouse.com.
Gabriel Garcia, presents “A tion: 533-4409. Marcial. Admission: $10 ($5 Texas Honeys live models, The rollicking tale is com-
Night on the Town with Billy
students). Information: 532- food vendors and more. Ad- plete with mistaken identities,
Townes” at 7:30 p.m. Friday,
• Toro Y Moi — The elec- March 18, at Scottish Rite
‘Tejano Legends’ — 7372. mission is one canned good mismatched lovers and travel-
tronic “chillwave” recording The Tex-Mex music style tour item for area food banks. In- ing doctors.
Temple Theater, 301 W. Mis-
artist performs Sunday, is 8 p.m. Saturday, March 19, One Love Reggae formation: 850-3868 or
griffinrecords.com. ‘The Somewhat True
Tale of Robin Hood’

Eric Clapton
Continued from page 19
Moody Bible Insti-
tute Male Chorus —
The male chorus from the
- Kids-N-Co. presents a
comic retelling of the famous
outlaw March 20-April 11,
.. along with the 1925 Louis Armstrong & The Hot Five 12- Chicago-based institute per- at Kids-N-Co. Performance
bar blues "I'm Not Rough" (on which Clapton handled the forms at 6 p.m. Sunday, Center. Fridays and Saturdays
guitar part originally done by Lonnie Johnson). March 20, at First Baptist and 2:30 p.m. Sundays. Tick-
Church in El Paso, 805 Mon- ets: $7 ($5 children, seniors,
"There's no limit for what I can attempt to do," Clapton said tana. Admission is free. Infor- students and active military);
last fall. "I think the next thing I'd like to do is to play some mation: First Baptist:
Latin stuff, or else go into that New Orleans jazz thing. That available at the door one hour
533-1465. before show. Advance reser-
intrigues me, because what I do will fit in there — I can play
The group will also perform vations accepted for groups of
electric guitar as if it were with Louis Armstrong & The Hot
Five. Wouldn't that be great?" at 2 p.m. that afternoon at St. 10 or more. Information: 351-
Paul’s United Methodist 1455 or kidsnco.org.
STEVE GADD's PICK-SIX Church, 225 W. Griggs, in
Las Cruces. “March Madness An-
Now on tour with Eric Clapton, American drum legend Steve tiques, Collectibles, Art
Gadd first recorded with the English guitar great on Clapton's Speaking Rock En- & Western Memorabilia
1998 album, "Pilgrim." He has since played on at least eight
other Clapton albums and accompanied him on several tours. tertainment Center Show&Sale” Saturday-
Chances are good, though, that many pop-music fans have — 122 S. Old Pueblo Road. March 26th, 9am-5pm &
heard Gadd's sublime drumming on some of nearly 1,000 al- Godsmack performs at 9 p.m. Sunday,March 27th,10am-
bums he's performed on over the past 40 years. Sunday, March 20. Admis- 4pm. At The El Maida Shrine
sion is free. Ages 18 and Auditorium, 6331 Alabama
Here are six of the best-known songs that feature Gadd's im- older welcome; 16 and older Str., El Paso, TX
peccable percussive touch: for outdoor shows. Informa- 79904(Near William Beau-
tion: 860-7777 or speaking- mont Hospital ,Off Fred Wil-
— With Paul Simon: "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" rock.com. son)Over 160 Tables, Free
— With Steely Dan: "Aja"
Appraisals! Free Parking!
— With Rickie Lee Jones: "Chuck E.'s In Love"
— With Van McCoy: "The Hustle" ‘Leading Ladies’ - Great Food Concession &
— With Leo Sayer: "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" Ken Ludwig’s comedy is Beer & Wine Bar Both days!
— With Al Jarreau: "Spain" March 18-April 9 at El Paso Admis. $3.00 Mili $2.
COPYRIGHT 2011 CREATORS.COM Playhouse, 2501 Montana. Info.915-443-0824 or 915-

SPORTS increase by $5 March 14-19. is free. Information: 568-0259

No race day registration. In- or betreuunginelpaso.com.
formation: Chris Rowley, All proceeds will be donated
Lace Up for Kids — 478-5663. Online registration to charity organizations to
The Millennium Optimist at benefit the following projects
Club will host the 5k Run and raceadventuresunlimited.com. on both sides of the interna-
1-mile Fun Walk at 8 a.m. tional border: Centro Com-
Saturday, March 19, at As- Coyote Classic XC munitario del Espirito Santo
carate Park. All pre-registered A.C, Centro Santa Catalina
runners and walkers receive Mountain Bike Race and the colonia in Horizon
race t-shirt. Refreshments — The annual race starting City.
available at finish line. Tro- the New Mexico off Road Se-
phy to Overall Male and Fe- ries is 10 a.m. Sunday, March
20, at Franklin Mountains
Desert View Women
male; medals to Top 3
finishers in male & female State Park. Race lengths are Basket Social — Gift
age groups. baskets will be raffled at the
Pre-registration: $20 ($25 11th annual “Spring Fling”
day of race). Pre-register by basket social and charity raf-
March 15 at raceadventure- fle noon to 3 p.m.
sunlimited.com. Mail-in reg- Saturday,March 19, at Desert
istration (through March 11) View United Church of
to “Millennium Optimist Christ, 11160 Montwood.
Club,” c/o 10600 Montwood, This year’s theme is “Orient
79935. Early packet pickup Express.” Refreshments will
noon to 7 p.m. March 18 at be served during intermission.
Up & Running, 10600 Mont- Admission: $5 (includes
wood. Race day pickup is 7 to chance to win up to 12 gift
7:45 a.m. at the start line. $1 16-30 miles, with categories baskets). Extra tickets are $3.
entry fee at Ascarate Park. In- for expert, sport, beginner and Information: 593-1169 (Mon-
formation: 821-2269 or 204- single speed. Pre-registration day through Friday 8:30 a.m.
5504. for each race is $25 by March to 12:30 p.m.).
Proceeds benefit the club’s 14; $35 by March 18. USA
scholarship program and Cycling License required; CDA Vendor and
other local youth projects. available for $10. Informa-
tion: Chris, 544-2453,
Craft Fair — The
bikeco1@aol.com or fixe- Catholic Daughters of Amer-
St. Patrick’s Sham- ica and TNT will host their
donbikes.com. Online regis-
rock 5K — St. Patrick’s tration at
A.C.T.S. will host the com- newmexicosportsonline.com.
petitive 5K run/walk at 8 a.m. Staging area is the Bowen
Saturday, March 19, at St. Ranch Round House; 2.6
Patrick Cathedral, 1118 N. miles north of U.S. 54 on
Mesa. Registration: $20 ages Martin Luther King Jr. (FM
15 and older; $15 ages 10 to 3255).
14 and per person teams of 10 Packet pick-up is noon to 6
or more; free for age 9 and p.m. Saturday, March 19, at
younger. Free t-shirt for first The Bicycle Co., 3800 N
250 registrants. Online regis- Mesa Suite D-5.
tration at raceadventuresun-
limited.com. ALSO THIS WEEK

German Spring
Women’s Club His- Bazaar — The German
toric House Catholic Church of Fort Bliss
Run/Walk – Woman’s hosts its annual bazaar 11 monthly craft fair noon to 4
Club El Paso hosts the 10K a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, p.m. Sunday, March 20, at
and 5K competitive run and March 19, at the German Catholic Daughters Hall, 801
5K/1 mile fun run and walk at Community Center (Soldaten- Magoffin, featuring crafts, an-
7:30 a.m. Sunday,March 20, stube), Building 5095 at Fort tojitos and music. The
at the Woman’s Club, 1400 N. Bliss. Hobby craftspeople “Fundraising for a Cause” fair
Mesa. Proceeds benefit the will display and sell their var- helps local charities and the
historic clubhouse. Goodie ious decorations, handmade Leukemia and Lymphoma
bags and t-shirts for first 200 greeting cards, quilts to Foundation. Fairs will be held
participants. Refreshments at woodcraft products. German monthly through December.
finish line. Registration (by bratwurst, waffles, beer, cof- Admission is free. Informa-
March 12) $25 10K; $20 5K fee, cakes, pastries and cook- tion: 532-1839.
events; $15 1-Mile walk. Fees ies also available. Admission

SOUTHERN demonstrations on the latest

tools and materials, including
NEW MExICO “living green.”

‘World Famous Lip- Southwest Senior There's a distinct levity that comes with the solar transit
into Aries. The vernal equinox brings us back to the open-
izzaner Stallions’ — Expo — The expo for area ing curtain, and a fresh new story is about to begin. This is
a chance to question your own logic and take an objective
The Dancing White Stallions seniors is Friday and Satur- look at your beliefs. You might find that what you took for
granted as "fact" has more to do with the culture in which
perform at 2 and 7:30 p.m. day, March 18-19 at the Las you were brought up than the reality of the matter. Con-
Saturday, March 19, at Cruces Convention Center, sider what is in your heart.
NMSU’s Pan American Cen- 680 E. University Ave. in Las ARIES (March 21-April 19). Some people can't seem to help
ter. The horses have per- Cruces. Seniors can receive but do exactly the opposite of what you tell them to do. Maybe
it's stubbornness or a simple misunderstanding — either way,
formed for more than 26 information on available re- you'll need a backup plan. Try reverse psychology. You'll get
sources in the area such as what you want by asking for the opposite. It doesn't make
million people throughout the sense, but it will work.
world. Tickets: $21.50- travel for seniors, home care,
$29.50; $11.75-$29.50 ages support groups and other serv- TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Sometimes it is possible to pro-
mote yourself and build a relationship at the same time. Not
12 and under and 60 and ices. Admission: $2; all ad- this week. You must choose one or the other. If you act out of
mission proceeds benefit self-interest, the relationship might suffer. And if you choose
over.(Ticketmaster). to build the relationship, you will need to swallow some of
The show emulates the Span- disabled American veterans. your pride and soften your stance.
ish Riding School of Vienna, Call for times. Information:
(575) 526-0108. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You may wonder where a rela-
Austria, in its presentation of tionship is going. You have more control over this than you
Lipizzans, and maintains a think. Your unyielding kindness and unconditional love will
ACROSS 8 Speak nonsense guide this relationship to a stable place. But you can only
9 Comedienne Allen
traditional as well as enter- Antique and Col- truly project those qualities if you are satisfied inside your-
1 Stately tree taining performance of these self. First, do what you need to do to be happy.
4 Merger partner of the AFL 10 Dress shape lectible Show — The
horses’ history that goes back
7 Neighbor of Uru. 11 Tourist hub American Legion’s 8th annual CANCER (June 22-July 22). Listen only to the voices that
12 Author of “Waiting for more than 425 years. That his- will do you the most good. These voices may come from a
10 “___, amas,...” show is March 19-20, at boss, mentor or partner, or they may come from books or your
Lefty” tory includes the dramatic res-
13 Small shark American Legion Hall, 1185 own head. Weed out any unhelpful noise so that you can eas-
14 Debacle cue of the horses by Gen. ily home in on the best, brightest, most cheerful and loving
15 Sang like a canary guidance available.
17 Half masks 16 Blackwood’s game George S. Patton, Col. Reed
18 Cupidity 20 Material and the U.S. Army’s 42nd LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You will be observed by someone
19 Fasten 22 Trash Squadron at the end of World who will consider how you might fit into an organization or
24 Reproductive cell War II. personal network. Your talents and assets — as well as the
20 Voting district smallest details, like the micro-expressions of your face or the
21 Cooked slowly 25 Evaluate position of your body — will make a difference in this assess-
26 Attorney Dershowitz ment. It is your chance to shine.
23 Conceptions
27 SW news source
Spencer Theater for
24 Prophetic VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There are those who spend more
27 Panhandle 30 Chameleon Performing Arts — time thinking about how to get out of unpleasant scenarios
32 “___ creature was stir- Airport Hwy 220 in Alto, than it would take to go through them. Not wanting to be so
28 Fortitude foolish, you'll face life head on, handle what needs doing and
29 Bayonet ring...” N.M. (about 12 miles north of confront all obstacles directly. Because of this, you'll increase
33 Fitted seam your good fortune this week.
31 Termini downtown Ruidoso). Free
34 Kind of terrier
35 Marathoner Pippig public guided tours are 10 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When painting a wall, using a
36 Gone forever 37 Tic-tac-toe winner
a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays primer may seem like a step that could be skipped. It is actu-
39 Hardwood 38 Dye ally essential to a quality outcome. The same is true in matters
41 As one
(except show dates). Informa- of communication. Start with commonalities. Lay a positive
40 Choice list tion: (575) 336-4800, (888) groundwork as a kind of conversational primer. The outcome
42 Foreign, in combos 44 SA rodent depends on starting out with good feelings.
46 King in Egyptian mythol- 818-7872 or
43 Suffix with pod
ogy spencertheater.com. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You're a passionate person.
45 Goddess of night
48 Caucasus native, per- When you give your love, you give it all. In moments, you'll
47 Stretch out experience the kind of intensity of feeling that is so character-
49 Dr. Alzheimer haps Mountain Living istic of you. You may even feel like your survival is based on
49 Improvise another person. You'll quickly recover, though, and realize that
52 Large org. under Boutros-
50 Tarzan’s swing Home & Garden this could not be further from the truth.
53 Clear 51 East, to Erhard Show — The 9th annual SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You have a certain ge-
nius when it comes to the art of persuasion. You have a way
55 Fills fowls 52 Coll. Bruin show is March 18-20 at the E. Madrid, in Las Cruces, of casually introducing potentially touchy topics and making
59 Gridiron pitchout 54 Defense acronym Ruidoso Convention Center. with more than 25 dealers. it safe for others to communicate honestly. You stay positive
56 Imbroglio so that you will not trigger any resistance or fear in others.
60 Unaligned More than 200 experts and re- Free appraisals offered and You'll be promoted for these talents this week.
57 Karma
61 Unpublished works tailers from four states present food available for purchase.
62 Marked by thin lines 58 Murdered CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You read signals. You un-
new products and ideas. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. derstand others by their actions and behaviors, not by what
63 Proscribe 60 Stamp on bad checks
Hours are 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 they declare. You know better than to fall in love with the po-
64 Arlo, to Woody tential of people instead of the current reality. Share your
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 11 p.m. Sunday. Admission: $2. wisdom. You'll save another person from heartbreak and im-
65 Charge
a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Infor- Information: (575) 640-7173. prove your own love life in the process.
66 Evergreen
mation: (575) 808-0655 or AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You are self-directed. You de-
DOWN nmmtnliving.com. Mesilla Valley Con- termine what you want in your personal life, and you take ac-
tion to make it happen. It may frustrate you when others react
1 Icelandic epic The show features hand- cert Band — The 95- to your choices as though they should be consulted as to your
2 Ransack crafted furniture, accessories every move. For you, freedom to create your own life is a
piece band performs at 3 p.m. basic need.
3 Controlling gp. and art, educational seminars
Sunday, March 20, at
4 Belt and workshops, building and PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). This week you'll be celebrating
NMSU’s Atkinson Music the fact that every human on earth is different. You'll be de-
5 Sunshine line design, gardening and land- lighted when you encounter people whose lifestyles, back-
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scaping, architects and remod- grounds and points of view seem worlds away from your own.
prise mission is free. Information: You'll be inspired by uniqueness, and you'll appreciate your
eling experts, professionals in own individuality, as well.
7 Edgar or Emmy (575) 646-2421.
home sales and financing and


A lot of golfers think they ABOUT THE WRITER

should “clear” their front hip,
Dr. T.J.
which usually means to turn it Tomasi is a
out of the way, as if hip turn teaching
was a passive, ancillary move professional
in Port St.
not much related to power — Lucie, Fla.
you clear your hip much as Visit his
you would clear the decks of Web site at
an aircraft carrier in prepara-
tion for landing a jet fighter. is no amble in these hips.
But there are several prob- Rather, his core is a source of
lems with this concept: (1) It is power.
not a passive event; you don’t Note how Trahan’s left leg
just rotate your hips out of the has straightened at impact as
way, and (2) The hips don’t part of the core firing. This
clear around behind you — drives the left hip up vs.
they fire at the target line. around. If the hips simply spin,
The photos below show D.J. there is no efficient energy
Trahan at this year’s Honda dump into the ball.
Classic. In the first photo, Also note that in the second
Trahan’s left hip is slightly photo, Trahan is no longer in
lower than the right. At im- his sit-down position. When
pact, in the second photo, his he loses his crouch, energy
left hip is much higher than flows down the shaft and into
his right hip. His hips haven’t the ball.
cleared; they have fired. There Continues on next page

In the early rounds of this year's Honda Classic, D.J. Trahan

demonstrates the “core-rect” delivery of power to the ball as his hips
(core) fire at the target line. Note how Trahan's left hip goes from being
slightly below his right hip in the photo at left to being much higher in the
photo on the right. It's the tell-tale sign that his hips don't simply turn out
of the way of his swing; they fire energy into his club's impact with the H O M E O W N E R S - R E N T E R S I N S U R A N C E AVA I L A B L E
ball. FREE QUOTES • 6560 Montana Ave., Suite 6. El Paso 915-779-2489

Slammer in
the slammer
Long-hitting Jim Thorpe, who re-
Hard pan refers to areas
cently served time for tax evasion, of ground on the golf course
was not exactly confined in an
Alcatraz-type setting often portrayed
that are extremely hard-
in the movies, nor should he have packed. If you use a wedge
been, since his offense was about as
white-collar as they come. At the
with too much bounce, you’ll
Federal Prison Camp in Alabama, the skull the shot off hard pan.
inmates have a movie theater, a weight
room, basketball courts, swimming
pools and two golf courses. Of course,
inmates do not have access to the
courses, which would be a little much,
but they can work on them. Continued from page 23
Thorpe says he gained 20 pounds,
so apparently he didn’t take Arise from the sit-down position at the right time and
advantage of the weight room, and you’ll feel the shaft bow as the power flows on through.
the food couldn’t Spinning your hips in a vain attempt to clear them is a

Caryn Levy/PGA TOUR

have been too drain on power and accuracy. Unfortunately, there are
bad. Maybe he teachers who demonstrate the correct hip turn by placing
took a cue from a shaft over their hips, then rotating their hips so the shaft
the Paul moves in a circle, all the while explaining how you must
Newman movie clear your hips to make room for the club. At least the
“Cool Hand demonstration matches the concept, but both are wrong.
THORPE I prefer to talk about the core rather than the hips, and as
Luke,” where
Luke ate 50 eggs at one sitting to set we’ll see in next week’s lesson, the core (hips) doesn’t ro-
the prison record. tate to the left of target until well after the ball has gone.

Golf will boom because

of the boomers
Q: Somebody told me that golf isn’t down that discretionary dollar. The boomers have money and
the need to compete while staying active. These
much and that it will do even better in coming
demographics make them the perfect candidates
years. How can that be true in this downturn? —
for lessons, schools and a host of other golf prod-
ucts, especially how-to golf books.
A: Downturns come just before upturns, Golf is a multibillion-dollar industry that will
and in golf the biggest source of new, financial- grow bigger as more boomers hit the links. There
ly well-heeled golfers is the generation known is an endless array of infomercials selling every-
as the baby boomers, the teenagers of the ’60s thing from putters that stand up by themselves to
and ’70s. In this country, it’s said that a boomer anti-slice drivers, all dedicated to the driving force
turns 50 every eight seconds. They currently behind these products and programs: boomers
make up a third of the population (about 78 who want to play better golf.
million), and they are streaming into golf as
they reach an age when the more strenuous (To Ask the Pro a question about golf, e-mail
sports lose their appeal. him at: TJInsider@aol.com.)
Golf is healthy, so it’s a good investment of their

YipFixx putting aid

This training aid helps with the alignment of your eyes and the
length of your put-
ting stroke. You
line up the ball
with the top bar,
set the stroke
length, and then
make your stroke.
It doesn’t get much
I use alignment
tools when I teach
putting, as well as
tees placed strate-
gically in the — Bubba
ground to control Watson, after
the length of the being asked
stroke. This device is all-in-one, and it stows easily in your
bag. Plus you don’t need an engineering degree to assemble it. what he expects
Find out more about the YipFixx at www.startingtimegolf.com. from Rickie
The price is $25. Fowler in 2011


Race: Jeff Byrd 500
Where: Bristol Motor Speedway
Race: Scotts EZ Seed 300
Where: Bristol Motor Speedway
Race: Kroger 250
Where: Martinsville Speedway

When: Sunday, 1 p.m. (ET) When: Saturday, 2 p.m. (ET) When: April 2, 2 p.m. (ET)
2010 winner: Jimmie Johnson (right) 2010 winner: Justin Allgaier 2010 winner: Kevin Harvick

By RICK MINTER / Cox Newspapers

Carl Edwards last month
in Phoenix sitting in the
No. 99 Ford, pictured

‘The Fords
below (NASCAR photo)

are back’
(NASCAR photo)

Ford teams make good showing early on; Roush credits shop
mong the trends third win in the past five Concord, N.C., where his Roush agrees that the lat- the judgments that we’d standings.

A that have emerged

after the first three
races of the 2011 Sprint
races dating back to the final
two events of 2010.
Edwards finished second
cars are prepared.
“It’s just a joy to drive
these race cars right now …
est string of success has its
roots back at the shop.
“The team worked espe-
make and for somebody
that falls down and for run-
ning over pieces of debris on
He said he considers him-
self a better driver now
than he was in ’08.
Cup season is the strength to Bayne at Daytona and ” he said. “The Fords are cially hard over the winter the race track – our Fords “The biggest difference
of the Ford contingent. won the pole at Phoenix, back, and we’re strong. on things that they recog- have never run better, and I between then and now from
Rookie Trevor Bayne where he led 21 laps before That’s due to a lot of work nized had been strengths,” can’t wait to see how this my perspective is … I feel
drove the Wood Brothers’ being involved in a crash from [team owner Jack he said. “They tried to make year unfolds, so I’m really like I have a better under-
Ford to victory in the season- with Kyle Busch. Roush and crew chief Bob those stronger. And things excited to see what we have standing of how the sport
opening Daytona 500. Edwards said after win- Osborne] and the guys back that were lacking a little in front of us.” works. And I think that I’m
Chevrolet-driving Jeff Gor- ning at Las Vegas that his at the shop, [team manager] bit, they worked extra hard This season marks Ed- more prepared to use these
don won the second race at job has been made a lot eas- Robbie Reiser. Everyone has to try to correct those defi- wards’ best start since 2008, fast race cars and do a bet-
Phoenix, but Carl Edwards ier because of the hard work worked really well together, ciencies. when he won a series-lead- ter job to try to win this
and his No. 99 Ford roared going on back at the Roush and it’s just great to drive “Right now as I look at ing nine Cup races and fin- championship,” he said.
back at Las Vegas to get his Fenway Racing shops in these race cars.” our program – except for ished second in the Continues on next page

‘The Fords 1. Tony Stewart

113; Leader

are back’
Continued from page 26 Motor Speedway.
2. Kurt Busch
113; Leader
3. Carl Edwards
106; behind -7
“It’s something that “That’s going to be a
4. Juan Montoya
Jack and I have talked a wild race, it always is,”
lot about over the years. Edwards said. “But I be-
106; behind -7
There is definitely a lieve for the reasons we 5. Ryan Newman
process to becoming the were good at Phoenix, I 103; behind -10
best you can be at this think we’ll be pretty good
level because all the guys at Bristol. But you never 6. Paul Menard
are so savvy. really know. 96; behind -17
7. Martin Truex Jr.
“So I feel like I’m in a “We’ve won two races 95; behind -18
better position now than I there, so we’ve had good
was three years ago to get runs, but we’ve had terri- 8. Denny Hamlin
all the points we can and ble days there, too, but I 95; behind -18
all the wins we can this think everyone goes to
9. A.J. Allmendinger
year.” Bristol and just hopes
they have a good points
94; behind -19
Next up for Edwards day and have a 10. Dale Earnhardt Jr.
and the Sprint Cup Series chance to win.” 91; behind -22
is this weekend’s Jeff
Byrd 500 at Bristol 11. Mark Martin
91; behind -22
Trevor Bayne during a
recent visit to the Henry 12. Jimmie Johnson
Ford Museum. 87; behind -26
(NASCAR photo)

Forester - Subaru’s all-weather

In the ever so crazy
sport-utility vehicle market,
some manufacturers opt to make
their SUV bigger than others,
fancier than others or just sim-
ply make their SUV go where
no other vehicle can go. Subaru
on the other hand, chooses a to-
tally different approach. They
resort to keeping their SUV sim-
ple but able and it shows in their
Forester. form, the Forester has a class- good thing. Unfortunately, it
leading 8.7 inches of ground also tends to be a little on the
The Subaru Forester may look clearance – which comes in boring side.
like a wagon to some and an handy when having to negotiate
SUV to others. It is really a through deep snow or climb up In the back, the Forester has a
combination of both, providing a trail. And being a Subaru, all- 60/40 split fold-down seat and
a car-like ride with SUV capa- wheel drive is standard on every seating for three. The rear has
bilities. Having gone through a Forester. an easy to lift rear gate that has
full redesign in 2009, the a low load height, which is great
Forester sports a rounded box Slide inside the Forester and the for loading in groceries or
look with squared off corners feeling is more car-like than camping gear. And you will be
and tall glass – a far cry from SUV. The front seats are sup- able to pack a lot in there, for
what the competition is pushing portive and comfortable and the the Forester can take in 33.5
out these days, with a rounded gauges are nicely arranged in cubic feet of cargo space behind
look and low side windows. the instrument cluster. The cen- the back seat. Fold the back
The Foresters styling cues, ter console houses big, easy to seats down and that increases to
while not the most elegant, pro- use controls and there are plenty an impressive 68.3 cubic feet.
vide for excellent outward visi- of storage bins – something I’m
bility. real big on. Everything in the Pop the hood, and you will find
Forester is very straightforward one of Subaru’s signature en-
Even with its car-based plat- and easy to access – which is a gines – a horizontally opposed -
flat 2.5 liter four-cylinder.
Choose one of the three 2.5X
trim packages and the engine
puts out 170 horsepower and
170 ft-lbs of torque. But opt for
one of the three 2.5XT packages
and an intercooled turbocharger
is added, bumping horsepower
up to 224 and torque up to 226.
Without the turbo, the Forester
can be had with a manual or an
automatic transmission. With
the turbo, the Forester only
comes with the automatic,
which, by the way, is only a
By The Numbers:
I found my 2.5XT Touring, the
2011 Subaru Forester 2.5 XT top trim level, to be extremely
easy to live with. Rated at get-
Base Price: $29,995.00
ting 19 mpg in the city and 27
Price as Tested: $30,768.00 mpg on the highway, the
Layout: front-engine / all-wheel drive (AWD) Forester is not as thirsty as other
Engine: 2.5 liter DOHC Intercooled Turbo 4-cylinder SUVs, which makes it easier on
Transmission: 4 - speed automatic the buyer’s pocketbook when at
Horsepower: 224 hp the gas pump – important these
Torque: 226 ft-lbs torque days with the continued rise of
EPA Fuel Economy:19 city / 24 highway mpg fuel.
[Questions/Comments/Feedback can be sent via email to
car@delorean.net] Continues on page 30

2011 season off to ‘dynamic start,’ says France

back well into last year where, as you cited or too down.” their skills. It’s not just giving them the
know, we made a number of changes in the France also weighed in on one of the ini- opportunity, it’s giving them the right op-
new car, which is not a new car anymore, tiatives close to his heart – the sport’s di- portunity.
but to get the car racing as good as we pos- versity program. “I will tell you Darrell Wallace is a young
sibly can.” “We’ve had to change the program to African-American driver that’s winning.
But France didn’t try to say that every- maximize it,” he said. “We’ve ended up He’s doing that now.
thing was rosy again. partnering up with Revolution Racing, “We’re going to have a breakthrough in
“There are still some challenges for us which has given some of these talented, di- that area. It’s going to be on my watch, and
and for many, many sports, many compa- verse drivers a better opportunity to show I’ll be very proud of that when that occurs.”
nies with still an uncertain outlook
for the economy,” he said. “As we said
all along, we’re not economists, we’re
not building around a doom-and-
gloom, robust economy, we’re doing
what we think we need to do in gen-
eral terms.”
Jeff Gordon broke a 66-race winless streak last
One issue hanging over the sport is
month in the second race of a new season, which rising fuel prices, which could impact
shows tentative signs of improvement for the sport attendance, since a great many race
overall. (NASCAR photo) fans drive to races. “Obviously fuel
prices are never helpful to our fans or
NASCAR chairman Brian France of- anybody who needs to drive to an
fered an early season update on the state event, or anywhere,” France said. “So
of the sport during a teleconference last those things are always out there.”
week, telling reporters that the Sprint Cup It was pointed out to France that
Series is off to a strong start. while early season ratings are up sub-
He said the 2011 season started “with a stantially over last year, they’re not
very dynamic Daytona 500, having a really that much different from 2009.
young star born, having the iconic 21 Wood “I’ve always said ratings are a func-
Brothers team in Victory Lane, with 74 tion of many things: the competition,
lead changes, very interesting way the how you’re viewed at the time by the
competition played out during the Daytona fan base in a given moment, how the
500.” actual race is playing out,” he said.
From there it was on to Phoenix, where “There are all kinds of things that go
Jeff Gordon broke a 66-race winless streak into it.
and another record was set for lead “No one around here is celebrating.
changes, along with improved attendance We’re obviously pleased we’re up dra-
and TV ratings compared to last year. matically in our ratings, but we know
“Obviously, the competition has never that is an ebb-and-flow thing. We’re
been better,” France said. “That’s been focused on a lot of things that will
brewing in terms of going in the right di- give us growth down the road. We’re
rection for a number of months, dating going to work on those, not get too ex-

Busch makes drag race debut
NASCAR driver Kurt Busch had an most the same as Enders’ 6.538. His top
impressive debut in the NHRA’s Pro speed was 211.59 miles per hour; hers
Stock division, even was 211.69.
though he lost in the “It was the best graph we’ve put to-
first round of elimina- gether in all of our testing, in all of our
tions at the Gatorna- rounds here in Gainesville,” Busch told
tionals in Gainesville, reporters. “We hit all the shift marks.
Fla. We just came up short.”
Busch, driving a He said coming up short in drag rac-
Dodge Avenger, quali- ing – he came up about 10 feet short at
fied 12th, an accom- the finish line – isn’t quite the same as
plishment in itself for it is in NASCAR.
his first professional “What’s amazing is just three hun-
drag race. But he lost a close race with dredths of a second in this game of drag
Erica Enders. racing puts you back in the trailer,” he
He was a little slower that Enders said. “This is a tough sport. I have much
leaving the starting line and was unable more respect after showing up in
to make up the difference. Gainesville and doing all the test runs.
His reaction time of .049 seconds was “I wish I had more time to do NHRA
a tick slower that Enders’ .021, but his racing. This is a lot of fun.”
elapsed time of 6.541 seconds was al-

Forester ... NUMERICALLY

Continued from page 28

Around town the turbo powered Forester had far more

than enough grunt to scoot in an out of traffic, and the
four-wheel independent suspension did a fantastic job
Laps led by Kyle
in providing a car-like ride. And the Subie will oblige
to any road conditions that may come its way, thanks
to its impressive all-wheel drive system. If there was
1,218 Busch in last 12
Sprint Cup races at Bristol, top
any complaint to the ride of the Forester it would have among drivers
to be that it was a little noisy than most SUVs.

When it comes to safety, every Forester comes loaded

with plenty of features like front-seat side airbags and
front and rear side curtain airbags. Traction control,
4,899 Laps run in the
top 15 by Jeff
Gordon in the last 12 Cup races at
stability control and electronic brake force distribution Bristol, the most of any driver
is also standard on all Foresters.

Laps run in the

Subaru has aimed the Forester at those people that
want a functional, all-wheel drive vehicle that drives
like a car – yet won’t break the bank. That’s a task
2,662 top 15 by Carl
Edwards in the
that the Forester handles quite easily.
last 12 Nationwide series races at
-- Christopher A. Randazzo Bristol, leading all drivers

Another Truck win for
9 Points separating Truck series
points lead Matt Crafton and
fifth-place Johnny Sauter

Considering his personal record in the Camp-
ing World Truck Series, Kasey Kahne might
want to think about competing more often.
Kahne drove a Toyota owned by fellow Sprint
Cup driver Kyle Busch to victory last Saturday
at Darlington Raceway. It was his second truck
win at Darlington in two truck starts and his
third in the series in just four career starts. He
finished second to Elliott Sadler at Pocono in the
one race he didn’t win.
At Darlington, Kahne led 95 of 147 laps and Kasey Kahne driving the No. 18 Toyota truck to victory
held off Todd Bodine and Ron Hornaday Jr. at this weekend at Darlington. (NASCAR photo)
the finish to seal the win.
the wall. We had a good run down the back and
“I came here this weekend wanting to win …
some good laps after that.”
that was the plan,” Kahne said in his winner’s
Kahne and others noted that there was a sur-
interview, adding that he had to work hard for
prisingly strong crowd at Darlington for a stand-
the victory in the closing laps. “This is a tough
alone truck race. The official estimate was
series. These guys do an awesome job, and that
20,000 fans.
restart there with Todd [Bodine] … our truck
“The crowd here was great tonight,” Kahne
was really good once I could get rolling. He tried
said. “It was a lot of fun to race in front of such a
to get me all the way up to the wall and I think
good crowd. I love Darlington. This is an awe-
he got himself loose by trying to squish me into
some race track.”

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