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Naresh I Technologies

Database Test case Document for IMS

1. Test Scope/Test Objective To test several aspects of Data Base in conjunction with the
While creation, maintenance and access of the data and the
2. Test Scenario

The data base structure, interoperability, data integrity and the data
3. Test Procedure
out put operations are tested with the following designed test cases.

4. Test Cases The following Test Cases can be used for Testing.

DB Structure Test Cases

TC Description Expected value Actual Value Result Severity Priority
1 Go to backend and check for the The design details must Same as Pass Fatal Critica
table tempmem design as per the be as per the expected l
table1 by firing following: information given in value.
SP_HELP tempmem table1
2 Check for the table members The design details must Same as Pass Fatal Critica
design as per the table2 by firing be as per the expected l
following: information given in value.
SP_HELP members table2
3 Check for the table addressbook The design details must Same as Pass Fatal Critica
design as per the table3 by firing be as per the expected l
following: information given in value.
SP_HELP addressbook table3

DB Integrity Test Cases (DB Inter Operability)

4 Go to members page and enter The record must be System is Fail Major High
the email with the values from successfully saved and not
tableA & select New member create account page accepting
radio button must be displayed. after @ two
5 Go to back end and fire the The DB should display Same as Pass Major High
following: - the recordset & must expected
SELECT * FROM tempmem have the same data as value.
WHERE Email = what has been given
‘guest@imscom’ through GUI.
6 Go to The system should Same as Pass Major High
members_createaccount.asp accept the record and expected
page and enter all the mandatory creates an account and value.
fields (As a Guest) and click on should display the
submit button. Guest Home page.
7 Go to back end and fire the The DB table must Same as Pass Major High
following: SELECT * FROM have the same data as expected
members WHERE Email= what has been given value.
‘guest@sims.com’ through GUI.
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8 Go to back end and fire the The DB should display Same as Pass Major High
following query: the recordset & must expected
SELECT * FROM tempmem have the same data as value.
WHERE what has been given
Email=’member@raj.com’ through GUI.
9 Go to The System should Same as Pass Major High
members_createaccount.asp accept the record and expected
page and enter all the mandatory should display value.
fields (As a Member) and click on member_personal.asp
submit button.(Get verification page.
Code from the query fired earlier)
10 Go to backend and execute the The database must Same as Pass Major High
queries as per the tableB display the error expected
message as per the value.
11 Go to addressbook page and System should accept Same as Pass Major High
enter all the fields and submit it the record and should expected
display the value.
12 Go to back end and fire the The DB should display Same as Pass Major High
following query: SELECT * FROM the recordset, which expected
addressbook should include the value.
record submitted
13 Go to back end and fire the The DB should display Same as Pass Major High
following query: SELECT * FROM all the records available expected
search in the search table value.
14 Go to back end and fire the The DB must accept Same as Pass Major High
following query: INSERT INTO the record successfully expected
search (Title, Description, value.
Keywords, Link)
VALUES (‘ Raj clients’, ‘ Raj
provides wide variety of
services to clients in various
countries. Current clients
include…’, ‘Raj, Clients, dnr,
kryoga, delighntnews’, ‘
15 Go to Home page and Enter the The record information Same as Pass Major High
Keyword “ Clients” in the search must be displayed in expected
keyword and click on search. the search page, same value.
as entered through DB.
16 Go to back end and fire the The DB should display Same as Pass Major High
following query: Select * from the record same as that expected
poll of the poll displayed in value.
the Home page.

DB Data Output Test cases

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17 Go to address book page after The system must Same as Pass Major High
member account is created and display “First name” & expected
observe the page “Last name” value.
automatically in the
corresponding fields.
18 Go to back end and fire the query: The DB must display Same as Pass Major High
Select * from members where the information expected
FirstName=”raj” and corresponding to the value.
LastName=”raj” auto display fields.
19 Go to edit account page and The system should Same as Pass Major High
modify the FirstName and update the record and expected
LastName and click on update display the member value.
button. personal page.
20 Go to edit addressbook page and The system should Same as Pass Major High
observe the updates. display the updated expected
FirstName and value.
LastName updated
21 Go to email preferences and The system should Same as Pass Major High
update the preference options display the updated expected
and click on continue button. preferences in the value.
middle of the members
personal page.

22 Go to Home page and enter the System should display Same as Pass Major High
Keyword “Raj” in the search corresponding expected
keyword & click on search button information in the value.
search page.
23 Go to back end and fire the query The DB must display Same as Pass Major High
SELECT * FROM search the records same as expected
WHERE Keywords LIKE '%raj%' those displayed through value.

5. Test Data:

Table 1

Count Field Name Data type Length Constraints

1 ID Int 4 Primary key,
Unique (Not for
Replication) &
Not Null
2 Email varchar 45
3 Code varchar 10
4 Ipaddress varchar 25
5 Vdate varchar 35
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Table 2

Coun Field Name Data type Length Constraints

1 MemID Int 4 Primary key,
Unique (Not for
Replication) &
Not Null
2 Email varchar 45 Not Null
3 AccountType varchar 20 Not Null
4 VerificationCod varchar 10
5 First name varchar 25 Not Null
6 Last name varchar 25
7 Password varchar 12 Not Null
8 Ipaddress varchar 25
9 Ldate varchar 35
10 Recent Login varchar 35
11 Admin read bit 1

Table 3

Count Field Name Data type Length Constraints

1 MemID Int 4 Foreign key,
Unique (Not for
Replication) &
Not Null
2 HintQ varchar 50 Not Null
3 HintA varchar 50 Not Null
4 Phone varchar 25 Not Null
5 DOB varchar 12 Not Null
6 Gender varchar 15 Not Null
7 Company varchar 57
8 URL varchar 57
9 AddLine1 varchar 75 Not Null
10 AddLine2 varchar 75
11 City varchar 25 Not Null
12 State varchar 25 Not Null
13 Country varchar 25 Not Null
14 Zipcode varchar 12
15 NewsLetters varchar 25
16 Egreetings varchar 25
17 WallPapers varchar 25
18 ScreenSavers varchar 25
19 PhotoAlbums varchar 25
20 SpecialOffers varchar 25
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21 EmailsHTML varchar 25
22 Lupdate varchar 35

Table A
Input System Response
1) abc@ab.com System should accept.
2) abcd@abc.com` System should accept.
3) rajrajsun@raj.com System should accept.
4) guest@raj.com System should accept
5) member@raj.com System should accept

Query Response
1) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax near ‘,’
FirstName, LastName, Password) values ”
2) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax”.
FirstName, LastName, Password) values
3) Insert into members (Email, AccountTy, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect column name
FirstName, LastName, Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’, ‘Account Ty’ ”
4) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax”
FirstName, LastName, Password, Date) values
(‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’, 0,’raj’,’raj’,’raj’,’02/02/2006’)
5) Insert into members Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax near
FirstName, LastName, Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’, ‘Email’ ”
6) Insert into members (Email AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax near
FirstName, LastName, Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’, ‘Account Type’ ”
7) Insert members (Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax”
FirstName, LastName, Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’,
8) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, VarificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax near
FirstName, LastName, Password values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’, the keyword ‘values’ ”
9) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax”
FirstName, LastName Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’,
10) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax”
FirstName, LastName, Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’,
11) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “Incorrect syntax”
FirstName, LastName, Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’,
12) Insert into members (Email, AccountType) DB displays “String or binary data
Values (‘asdf@sdfsd.dfgsdf’, ‘Guestguestguestguestguest’); would be truncated. The statement
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has been terminated.”
13) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, VerificationCode, DB displays “String or binary data
FirstName, LastName, Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’,’Guest’, would be truncated. The statement
0,’raj’,’raj’,’bunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn’) has been terminated.”
14) Insert into members (Email, AccountType, FirstName, DB displays “String or binary data
LastName, Password) values (‘raj@raj.com’, ’Guest’, would be truncated. The statement
’rajxcvbcvbcvxbcvbcvbryertyertyertyerttyrt’,’raj’,’sun’) has been terminated.”

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