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Week 1

Каждое утро зарядка 9-9:30

В 11:00 сделать перерыв 5 минутную зарядку

Day 1
Всех детей делят по парам. Один сильнее по уровню, другой слабее. Им выделяется
1. Италия
2. Испания
3. Германия
4. Китай
5. Египет
6. Франция

📍 проект: презентация стран: нарисовать на ватмане основную информацию о стране

и рассказать про неё.

Capital city, etc.

🍭 Kids
Видео 1 (where are you from)


Смотрят видео, потом деткам дают основную информацию о странах и они заносят её
в проекты и рисуют флаг страны на ватмане

Grammar: Present Simple

Possible games:

1 Billionaire Countries & Nationalities Vocabulary Game


2 (Bingo game in the folder) Here is a countries and nationalities bingo game for pre-
intermediate students. Give each student a bingo card. Call out nationalities at random from
the caller's sheet. If the students have the corresponding country on their bingo card, they
cross it out. When a student has crossed out all nine countries, they shout 'Bingo'. When a
student shouts 'Bingo', the student says the countries on their card and the corresponding
nationalities. If the countries and nationalities are correct, the student wins the round. If not,
the game continues. Play several rounds with students receiving a different bingo card each
time. As an alternative or extension, students play the game amongst themselves in groups
of five with group members taking it in turns to be the bingo caller.

3 Flags game

4 Nationalities game

Day 2

💙 grammar: countable uncountable
📍 Проект: написать и сделать презентацию способ приготовления блюда.
Перед этим сделать разбор как писать (отдельно вначале прописать ингредиенты;
затем пишется рецепт, все глаголы стоят в начальной форме) раздатка основных

• 400g bacon
• 8 slices bread
• 8 slices tomatoes
• 8 slices meat
• 4 slices cheese
• 4 salad leaves
• 1 red onion
• 100ml mayonnaise
1. Toast slices of bread on an almost dry pan until slightly crisp. Toast only one side of each
slice. Spread the untoasted side with mayonnaise
2. Put a slice of cheese and a slice of fried bacon on a slice of bread.
3. Then put a few slices of cooked meat (it can be either chicken, or pork, or beef - any
meat you like).
4. Put two slices of tomatoes on the meat
5. Then a bit of red onion cut into thin semiring
6. And then a few salad leaves
7. Cover everything with another slice of toasted bread smeared with mayonnaise on the
untoasted side. Your club sandwich is ready!

Идем на второй этаж готовить сэндвичи!

Game (перед полдником) Tell your class they’ll be going to the market today

Divide your class into shoppers and stall owners. Give each stall owner a booth (a desk) and
a set of plastic fruits or veggies they must sell at $1 each. Give your shoppers $30 in play
money. Give them enough time to go around and shop for fruits and vegetables. They must
use the expressions and phrases they’ve learned for shopping.
Make a fruit salad with as many fruits as you can. Students take turns being blindfolded and
guessing the fruit they’ve been given to taste. You may divide them into teams, give them
points for correct guesses, but above all…. let them enjoy a healthy snack!

Day 3
Лексика одежда и цвета(можно дать дополнительные салатовый/малиновый и тд)
📍 проект: разделить детей на 4 группы, на ватманах представить одежду по сезонам
и аксессуары (зонтик и тд)
💙 grammar : plural nouns

-Swap Seats
This game will keep everyone hopping, even adults. To start, review what the colors are and
point out what colors people are wearing. Put chairs in a circle, enough so that each student has
his own chair. Hold up a color card, and have all those who are wearing that color swap seats.
After the students become comfortable, take one seat away after calling the color so that
someone will not have a seat after swapping. That person is then out.
-twister in English
Day 4
Лексика урока: профессии.
📍 проект : выбрать профессию и место работы. Обыграть это в школе. Каждый
кабинет- рабочее место
💙 grammar: have got/has got

Jobs song: https://youtu.be/ckKQclquAXU

Vocab: https://youtu.be/BfegL6UbX-0


Role play Teknowlodgy City: divide children into groups: hospital, fire station, cinema,
supermarket, cafe, police station. They will be given costumes
Day 5

Grammar: Can/can’t

Лексика: видео факты о животных/задания на распечатках

Рассказать разницу домашних питомцах и диких животных



Bring favorite toy and tell the class about it

Лото обычное

Кидаемся водными шариками

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