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Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734

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Applied Geochemistry
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Electrochemical study of hydrothermal and sedimentary pyrite dissolution

Ran Liu a, Amy L. Wolfe b, David A. Dzombak a,*, Colin P. Horwitz c, Brian W. Stewart b,
Rosemary C. Capo b
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The dissolution of pyrite is of interest in the formation of acid mine drainage and is a com-
Received 26 January 2008 plex electrochemical process. Being able to measure the rate of dissolution of particular
Accepted 9 June 2008 pyrite samples under particular conditions is important for describing and predicting rates
Available online 22 June 2008
of AMD generation. Electrochemical techniques offer the promise of performing such mea-
Editorial handling by B. Kimball
surements rapidly and with small samples. The oxidation of pyrite and the reduction of
Fe3+ ions and/or O2 half reactions involved in the pyrite dissolution process were investi-
gated by cyclic voltammetry and steady-state voltammetry using three pyrite materials
formed in both sedimentary and hydrothermal environments. For each sample, two kinds
of pyrite working electrodes (conventional constructed compact solid electrode, and car-
bon paste electrode constructed from fine-grained pyrite particles) were employed. Results
indicated that for both the hydrothermal and sedimentary pyrite samples the oxidation
and reduction half reactions involved in dissolution were governed by charge transfer pro-
cesses, suggesting that hydrothermal and sedimentary pyrites obey the same dissolution
mechanism despite their different formation mechanisms. In addition, the results showed
that it is feasible to use a C paste electrode constructed from fine-grained or powdered pyr-
ite to study the pyrite dissolution process electrochemically and to derive approximate rate
expressions from the electrochemical data.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of pyrite and the reduction of Fe3+ ions or dissolved O2.

These half reactions are the oxidation of pyrite:
Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide mineral in the
earth’s crust and commonly occurs in coals, hydrothermal
FeS2 ðsÞ þ 8H2 O ! Fe2þ þ 2SO2 þ
4 þ 16H þ 14e

veins, contact metamorphic deposits and sedimentary and the reduction of dissolved O2 or Fe 3+
rocks. Oxidative dissolution of pyrite has been extensively þ 
studied because this process leads to formation of H2SO4 O2 þ 4H þ 4e ! 2H2 O ð2Þ
and Fe(OH)3(s) in mine drainage waters, a significant envi-
ronmental problem in all mining regions. Fe3þ þ e ! Fe2þ ð3Þ
The dissolution of pyrite is an oxidation–reduction reac- In aqueous systems, these reactions occur simulta-
tion, as the pyrite is oxidized and the Fe3+ ions and/or O2 neously on the surface of the dissolving pyrite at rates that
are reduced at the pyrite surface. The overall reaction can satisfy the condition that the net production of electrons is
be written in terms of the half reactions for the oxidation zero. The relative contribution of O2 or Fe3+ as the electron
acceptor (Eqs. (2) and (3)) in pyrite dissolution depends on
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 412 268 2946; fax: +1 412 268 7813. the abundance of each under the particular aqueous
E-mail address: dzombak@cmu.edu (D.A. Dzombak). conditions.

0883-2927/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734 2725

The kinetics and the mechanisms of pyrite dissolution sions for pyrite dissolution, the electrochemical technique
in water have received considerable attention. The rate of has the advantage of requiring less experimental time and
pyrite dissolution has been most often studied by monitor- not requiring a large amount of pyrite material.
ing aqueous phase concentrations of Fe or S species re- Most electrochemical studies of pyrite dissolution have
leased under various ambient pressure and temperature used hydrothermal pyrite samples because they are readily
conditions (Lowson, 1982; McKibben and Barnes, 1986; available and well characterized. However, sedimentary
Moses et al., 1987; Moses and Herman, 1991; Williamson pyrite is the dominant form of pyrite found near and in
and Rimstidt, 1994; Paschka and Dzombak, 2004; Liu coal-bearing strata and is the major contributor to acid
et al., 2007). In general, the rate of pyrite oxidation in- mine drainage (AMD) generation in coal mining regions.
creases with the concentration of Fe3+ ions and dissolved Moreover, most previous electrochemical studies of pyrite
O2, and decreases with the concentrations of Fe2+and H+ dissolution have been conducted using solid electrodes,
ions in solution. Various empirical expressions for the rate with the pyrite electrode prepared by cutting a cubic sub-
of pyrite dissolution have been proposed by different sample of solid pyrite from a large sample and mounting
researchers in laboratory studies (Table 1). Electrochemical the subsample into epoxy resin. Such studies have not been
measurements, especially cyclic voltammetry and steady- conducted with sedimentary pyrite, as a sufficiently large
state voltammetry (Peters and Majima, 1968; Biegler and sample typically is not available to make the electrode.
Swift, 1979; Meyer, 1979; Ahlberg and Broo, 1997; Lin In this study, the oxidation and reduction half reactions
and Say, 1999) combined with surface analytical tech- of three pyrite samples from both hydrothermal and sedi-
niques (Turcotte et al., 1993; Kelsall et al., 1999; Chernysh- mentary origins were investigated using the electrochem-
ova, 2004), have been employed to study the oxidation of ical approach and the results were used to derive
pyrite. These studies focused on pyrite oxidative dissolu- dissolution rate expressions for each material under the
tion products under various aqueous conditions: SO2 4 , conditions studied. Sedimentary pyrite usually consists of
Fe(OH)3(s), Fe2+ and Fe3+ have been identified as the reac- fine-grained materials that must be separated from parent
tion products in aqueous solutions, with elemental S and rock. Lazaro et al. (1995) and Almeida and Giannetti
other polysulfides as intermediates on the pyrite electrode (2002a,b) developed a practical carbon paste electrode by
surface. The reaction products were found to vary with ap- using powdered mineral material which can reproduce
plied potentials, electrolyte composition, and solution pH. data obtained from conventional constructed compact
Because the three half reactions given in Eqs. (1)–(3) crystal electrodes. In the present study, C paste electrodes
can occur independently, they can be studied separately for pyrite powders were fabricated and their performance
in an electrochemical cell, and rate expressions for the compared to that of conventional solid electrodes to exam-
individual half reactions can be established according to ine the feasibility of the C paste electrode for use in pyrite
electrochemical kinetic theory (Bard and Faulkner, 2001). dissolution studies. By comparison of these rate expres-
Holmes and Crundwell (2000) used the electrochemical sions to the empirical rate expressions for the same mate-
approach, which involves studying pyrite oxidation and rial obtained by fitting batch reactor data (Liu et al., 2007),
reduction half reactions separately, to examine the kinetics the feasibility of the electrochemical approach for routine
of pyrite oxidation. The rate expressions derived in their study of the rate of dissolution of particular pyrite samples
paper were consistent with the reported empirical rate under particular conditions was examined.
expressions for oxidative dissolution of pyrite by both
Fe3+ ions and O2. A kinetic expression for the rate of the 2. Experimental materials and methods
overall reaction can be derived from the rate expressions
for the half reactions by setting up the condition that the 2.1. Materials
net production of electrons is zero at the mixed potential.
Compared to traditional batch reactor dissolution experi- Three massive pyrite samples (one hydrothermal and
ments used to provide the basis for empirical rate expres- two sedimentary) were used in the present study. The

Table 1
Empirical rate expressions for the dissolution of pyrite obtained by previous batch reactor studies

Study pH Temperature Rate law: r FeS2 ¼  d½FeS


Oxidation by dissolved oxygen Oxidation by ferric iron

0:70 þ 0:10
Smith and Shumate (1970) 2–10 20–35 °C k½O2  ½H  –
Mathews and Robins (1974) 0.1–1.2 30–70 °C k½O2 0:81 –
McKibben and Barnes (1986) 2–4 20–40 °C k½O2  k½Fe3þ 0:50 ½Hþ 0:50
Williamson and Rimstidt (1994) 0.5–3 25 °C k½O2 0:50 ½Hþ 0:11 k½Fe3þ 0:30 ½Fe2þ 0:47 ½Hþ 0:32
Ciminelli and Osseo-Asare (1995) 1.5–12.5 50–80 °C k½O2 0:50 ½Hþ 0:1 –
Paschka (2001) 3–6 25 °C k½O2 0:5 ½Hþ 0:43 k½Fe3þ 0:3 ½Fe2þ 0:6 at pH 3
Liu et al. (2007) 3–6 25 °C k½O2 0:5 ½Hþ b (b varied from –
0.21 to 0.14 with different samples used)
Garrels and Thompson (1960) 0–2 33 °C – k½Fe3þ f½Fe3þ  þ ½Fe2þ g1:0
Mathews and Robins (1972) 0–1.5 30–70 °C – k½Fe3þ f½Fe3þ  þ ½Fe2þ g1:0 ½Hþ 0:44
Wiersma and Rimstidt (1984) 2 25–50 °C – k½Fe3þ 
Rimstidt and Newcomb (1993) 2 25 °C – k½Fe3þ 0:62
2726 R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734

hydrothermal pyrite, Hy_3 was obtained from Great South 2.3. Electrochemical experimental procedures
Gems & Minerals, Inc. in Ellenwood, Georgia and it origi-
nated in Logrono, Spain. Sedimentary pyrite sample The solid pyrite electrodes were prepared by sequen-
Sed_2 was obtained from the Carnegie Mineral Show, Pitts- tially polishing with 300, 600 and 1200 grade silicon car-
burgh, PA (2004) and it originated by fossil replacements in bide paper. After polishing, the electrodes were rinsed in
New Albany Shale in Manon County, Indiana. The other deionized water and washed with acetone to remove any
sedimentary pyrite sample, Sed_coal_1, originated within species that may have remained on the electrode surfaces.
coal seams in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. X-ray The electrodes were then further polished with a 0.5 lm
diffraction analysis confirmed all three samples to be alumina polishing compound and rinsed with deionized
pyrite, FeS2(s), with no traces of marcasite. However, water before placing in the electrochemical cell. The C
Sed_coal_1 contained a small amount of quartz, while paste electrodes were rinsed with deionized water, ace-
Hy_3 and Sed_2 were relatively pure pyrite. tone, and deionized water again before placement in the
For the construction of the solid electrodes, each pyrite electrochemical cell.
sample was cut into about 0.5 cm  0.5 cm  0.5 cm cubic The electrochemical behavior of each electrode was
shape, and one side of the cube was affixed to a bare Cu investigated using cyclic voltammetry. The procedure for
wire with Ag conductive glue (Electron Microscopy Sci- cyclic voltammetry measurements consisted of (1) prepar-
ence, Hatfield, PA). The cube was then mounted in epoxy ing a fresh H2SO4 solution at the desired concentration, (2)
resin with one surface exposed. placing the solution and the electrodes in the electrochem-
For the construction of C paste electrodes, pyrite sam- ical cell, (3) de-aerating the solution by passing high purity
ples were ground and wet sieved to isolate a desired size N2 gas through the solution for at least 15 min, and (4) car-
fraction using the method described in Wolfe et al. rying out the electrochemical measurements. The three
(2007). Particles less than 45 lm in diameter were em- electrodes were connected to the PGSTAT100 potentiostat,
ployed to construct C paste electrodes using a modified and then the applied potential range was set at desired val-
version of the procedure of Almeida and Giannetti ues and a scan rate of 20 mV/s was used.
(2002b). A Cu rod with diameter 6.4 mm was immersed The current–voltage behavior of the individual half
in a mixture of 1.0 g graphite and 1.2 g paraffin wax heated reactions was investigated using steady-state voltamme-
at 70 °C. Then 20.0 mg of powdered pyrite was placed in a try. The procedures for the steady-state voltammetry mea-
Teflon cavity with diameter 9.0 mm and the extremity of surements were similar to those used for cyclic
the rod covered with the hot mixture was immediately voltammetry: after connecting the three electrodes to the
pressed on the pyrite particles placed in the mould. The re- potentiostat, the applied potential was set at the desired
sult was a pyrite disk with diameter nearly 7.0 mm, which value and held for at least 2 min. This measurement was
covered the graphite surface almost completely. The lateral increased in small increments over the desired potential
parts of the electrode were then covered with Teflon tape range, and the corresponding current was recorded at
to prevent contact with solution. Schematic representa- these potentials.
tions of the solid and C paste electrode construction can
be found in Almeida and Giannetti (2002b) and in Appen- 2.4. Microscopy techniques
dix C of Liu (2007).
Analytical grade reagents were used in the experiments. A scanning electron microscope (PhilipsXL30 FEGSEM,
Ultrapure water (P17.2 mX) was used to prepare all the FEI Company, Hillsboro, Oregon) was used to examine
solutions. Ultra high purity N2 and O2 gases were used. the surface of pyrite solid electrodes after polishing, as well
as the surface of the pyrite C paste electrodes before and
2.2. Apparatus after oxidation. Fig. 1 shows the SEM micrographs of the
solid electrode and of the C paste electrode containing pyr-
Pyrite oxidation and reduction half reactions and kinet- ite particles less than 45 lm for sample Sed_2 before and
ics were studied by cyclic voltammetry and steady-state after 1 h of oxidative dissolution in 1 mM H2SO4 solution
voltammetry measurements carried out in a standard 3 – at 0.8 V vs. SCE. Note that the amount of exposed area of
electrode cell. The cell consisted of a pyrite working elec- graphite/paraffin binder in the C paste electrode exposed
trode, a Pt wire counter electrode, and a saturated calomel is minimal for both before and after the 1 h duration of
reference electrode. The calomel reference electrode was the electrochemical dissolution. The surface of the C paste
placed in a Luggin-Haber capillary (Bard and Faulkner, electrode was almost fully covered by pyrite particles both
2001). All potentials were referenced to the saturated calo- before and after the 1 h dissolution. This means the pyrite
mel electrode (SCE). The three electrodes and the electro- particles immobilized on the graphite/paraffin mixture
lyte solution were placed in a glass beaker on a hot/ were mechanically stable and could endure during the
magnetic-stir plate, which provided constant temperature electrochemical measurements.
control and continuous agitation of the solution. An Eco
Chemie Autolab (Eco Chemie B.V., Utrecht, The Nether- 2.5. Pyrite electrode surface area estimation
lands) PGSTAT100 potentiostat/galvanostat system con-
trolled by General Purpose Electrochemical System (GPES) SEM micrographs (Fig. 1) showed that the surface of
software (Eco Chemie B.V., Utrecht, The Netherlands) was polished pyrite solid electrode (SE) was relatively smooth
used to perform the voltammetry. The electrode potential and flat, while the surface of C paste electrode (CPE) was
and current were recorded with the GPES software. rough, containing numerous small particles and voids.
R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734 2727

tion processes on various electrodes in aqueous

phosphate buffer around pH 7. In cyclic voltammograms,
the peak current is directly proportional to an electrode’s
effective surface area. By comparing the peak currents of
a pyrite electrode and a glass C electrode, the effective sur-
face area of a pyrite electrode can be determined. Details
are given in Liu (2007), Appendix E). The results were as
follows: 0.23 cm2 for Hy_3 SE, 0.22 cm2 for Sed_2 SE,
0.11 cm2 for Sed_coal_1 SE, 0.08 cm2 for Hy_3 CPE,
0.22 cm2 for Sed_2 CPE, and 0.21 cm2 for Sed_coal_1 CPE.
These results indicated that the electrochemically active
areas for the C paste electrodes were in the same range
as those of the solid electrodes. These areas were used to
obtain current density values in the cyclic voltammetry
and steady-state voltammetry measurements.

3. Results

3.1. Cyclic voltammetry of solid electrodes and carbon paste


Cyclic voltammograms obtained from the solid elec-

trodes and C paste electrodes of pyrite samples Hy_3,
Sed_2, and Sed_coal_1 in 20 mM H2SO4 at 25 °C are shown
in Fig. 2. The results indicate that within the electrode po-
tential region of 0.6 to 0.6 V vs. SCE, both the oxidation
and reduction rates were very slow, with observed cur-
rents less than 1 mA. Above 0.6 V vs. SCE, the oxidation
rates increased. These results are consistent with several
other studies (Flatt and Woods, 1995; Kelsall et al., 1999;
Almeida and Giannetti, 2002a,b; Antonijevic et al., 2005)
and can be explained by the two-step oxidation reaction
model proposed by Lin and Say (1999): the first reaction
step involves the oxidation of pyrite to S starting at
0.36 V vs. SCE (0.6 V vs. SHE (Standard Hydrogen Elec-
trode)), and the second reaction step is the oxidation of
the S to ðSO4 2 starting at 0.66 V vs. SCE (0.9 V vs. SHE).
In the Lin and Say (1999) study, an oxidation peak around
0.61 V to 0.71 V vs. SCE (0.75–0.95 V vs. SHE), depending
on the scan rate, was observed and was interpreted as
the oxidation of the S film on the pyrite surface, a product
of the first reaction step. Although in this study there was
no distinguishable oxidation peak below 0.6 V vs. SCE for S
Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of SED_2 pyrite electrode surfaces: (a) polished
solid electrode (SE), (b) carbon paste electrode (CPE, with particles film formation, due to the high stability of the pyrite sur-
<45 lm) before 1 h oxidation in 1 mM H2SO4 at 0.8 V vs. SCE and (c) CPE face in this region, the relatively high currents observed
after 1 h oxidation in 1 mM H2SO4 at 0.8 V vs. SCE. Note: all the grains upon increasing the voltage beyond 0.6 V vs. SCE is sugges-
shown in (b) and (c) are pyrite particles. tive of oxidation of a surface film formed at lower poten-
tials (Ahlberg and Broo, 1997). The reduction peak
Thus, the geometric surface area of a C paste electrode was between 0.4 V and 0.2 V vs. SCE can be interpreted as
larger than that of a solid electrode, although the differ- two possible reactions: (1) the reduction of S formed elec-
ence could not be evaluated quantitatively from an SEM trochemically during the oxidation scan, and (2) the reduc-
micrograph. However, the effective surface area of an elec- tion of FeS2(s) to form FeS(s) and H2S (Hamilton and
trode is considered to be the electrochemically active sur- Woods, 1981; Giannetti et al., 2001).
face area that affects the kinetics of reactions at electrodes. Comparing the results for the two kinds of electrodes,
In the present study, the effective surface areas of the pyr- the overall shape of the curve obtained from the C paste
ite solid electrodes and the pyrite C paste electrodes were electrode of each pyrite sample was very similar to that ob-
estimated by varying cyclic voltammetric scan rates in tained from its solid electrode, with little difference in the
2 mM ferrocene carboxylic acid solution and calibrating values of the oxidation and reduction currents. Comparing
against a glass C electrode with known surface area. (Ferro- the three pyrite materials, the shape of the voltammo-
cene carboxylic acid exhibits reversible oxidation–reduc- grams for Sed_coal_1 differed from those for Hy_3 and
2728 R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734

Fig. 3. The current due to the oxidation of Hy_3 pyrite as a function of

applied potential in 33 mM Na2SO4, at 35 °C, N2 sparged: (a) Hy_3 SE, and
(b) Hy_3 CPE.

porates the number of electrons transferred in reaction (1))

of the oxidation reaction can be calculated from the Tafel
slope via the following relationship:

Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammograms of solid electrodes (SE) and carbon paste

Tafel slope ¼ ð4Þ
electrodes (CPE) in 20 mM H2SO4 and 33 mM Na2SO4, pH = 2.02, at 25 °C aFeS2 F
and scan rate 20 mV/s: (a) Hy_3, (b) Sed_2, and (c) Sed_coal_1.
where R is the gas constant, T is temperature (308 K in this
study) and F is the Faraday constant. Average aFeS2 values of
0.53 and 0.50 were obtained for the Hy_3 solid electrode
Sed_2, which will be discussed later. Despite the differ- and C paste electrode, respectively. These results are in
ences noted, in general the results obtained with the C agreement with those in the literature (Peters and Majima,
paste electrode for each pyrite material successfully repro- 1968; Biegler and Swift, 1979; Meyer, 1979; Holmes and
duced the electrochemical behavior obtained with the con- Crundwell, 2000). The current–potential behaviors of the
ventional solid electrode constructed with the same oxidation of Sed_2 and Sed_coal_1 solid electrodes and C
material. paste electrodes exhibited similar characteristics as Hy_3
(additional figures in Liu (2007), Appendix F).
3.2. Oxidation of pyrite Table 2 summarizes the Tafel slope range and average
aFeS2 for all the electrodes of the three pyrite materials.
The current–potential characteristics of the oxidation of The apparent transfer coefficients aFeS2 for Sed_coal_1 solid
pyrite Hy_3, given by Eq. (1), are presented in Fig. 3 as a and C paste electrodes were smaller than those of Hy_3
function of applied potential under various pH conditions. and Sed_2.
These results show that the current increased exponen- The effect of pH on the oxidation of the Hy_3 solid elec-
tially with applied potential, with a Tafel slope range of trode and C paste electrode is shown in Fig. 4, in which the
0.103–0.131 V/decade for the solid electrode and 0.094– dependence of anodic current density on pH is depicted.
0.184 V/decade for the C paste electrode. The exponential The slopes of the log current density vs. pH plots indicate
relationship between the current and the applied potential that, for the Hy_3 SE, an increasing order of 0.28 to
indicates the oxidation of pyrite is controlled by chemical 0.12 with respect to H+ as the applied potential varies
kinetics (Holmes and Crundwell, 2000; Bard and Faulkner, from 0.6 V to 0.7 V vs. SCE. These results are not consistent
2001). The apparent transfer coefficient, aFeS2 (which incor- with the results of Holmes and Crundwell (2000), in which
R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734 2729

Table 2
Summary of the Tafel slope range and the apparent transfer coefficient values for all the pyrite electrodes

Electrode ID Oxidation of FeS2 Reduction of ferric ions Reduction of dissolved oxygen

Tafel slope (V/decade) Average aFeS2 Tafel slope (V/decade) Average aFe3þ Tafel slope (V/decade) Average aO2
Hy_3 SE 0.103–0.131 0.55 ± 0.05 0.091–0.145 0.52 ± 0.10 0.106–0.153 0.52 ± 0.08
Hy_3 CPE 0.094–0.184 0.52 ± 0.13 0.086–0.142 0.53 ± 0.11 0.082–0.182 0.57 ± 0.17
Sed_2 SE 0.148–0.203 0.35 ± 0.05 0.084–0.185 0.52 ± 0.15 0.101–0.113 0.57 ± 0.03
Sed_2 CPE 0.104–0.174 0.52 ± 0.10 0.094–0.166 0.52 ± 0.11 0.132–0.147 0.44 ± 0.02
Sed_coal_1 SE 0.257–0.295 0.23 ± 0.01 0.080–0.212 0.49 ± 0.20 0.120–0.136 0.48 ± 0.03
Sed_coal_1 CPE 0.246–0.268 0.24 ± 0.01 0.092–0.171 0.52 ± 0.17 0.101–0.142 0.51 ± 0.07

where kFeS2 is the rate constant. The effect of pH on the oxi-

dation (parameter a) of all pyrite samples is summarized in
Table 3. The Hy_3 C paste electrode, Sed_2 solid electrode
and C paste electrodes exhibited characteristics similar to
those of the Hy_3 solid electrode: as the applied potential
increased, the oxidation half-reaction order with respect to
pH decreased. However, the effect of pH on oxidation of
the C paste electrodes was about three orders of magnitude
higher than on the solid electrodes for Hy_3 and Sed_2. For
Sed_coal_1, both the solid and C paste electrodes exhibited
a weak pH effect on their oxidation, and the pH depen-
dence did not vary much with the applied potential. XRD
analysis indicated that Sed_coal_1 material contained a
small amount of quartz, and this impurity could affect its
oxidation reaction rate, thus resulting in the discrepancy
in the observations.

3.3. The reduction of ferric ions on pyrite

The observed current–potential relationships for the

reduction of Fe3+ ions on Sed_coal_1, given by Eq. (3), are
shown in Fig. 5 as a function of applied potential and at
various Fe3+ concentrations. In order to avoid the contribu-
tion of the oxidative dissolution of pyrite to the total cur-
rent, the reduction of Fe3+ ions was studied at potentials
that were always more negative than 0.55 V vs. SCE. At
Fig. 4. The effect pH on the oxidation of (a) Hy_3 SE and (b) Hy_3 CPE
low values of the cathodic current, the current was expo-
pyrite at different applied potentials in 33 mM Na2SO4, at 35 °C, N2
sparged. nentially dependent on the applied potential, indicating
that the reaction was controlled by kinetics. As the catho-
dic current increased, the current became independent of
a constant dependence of 0.50 on H+ across the similar the applied potential (especially at low Fe3+ concentra-
applied potential range was obtained. The pH-dependent tions), indicating that the reaction becomes mass transfer
variation indicated that the observed current densities controlled, which is in agreement with the results of
(as well as the pyrite oxidation rates) were more sensitive Holmes and Crundwell (2000). The Tafel slopes for the
to the applied potentials for lower pH solutions compared reduction of Fe3+ ions on Sed_coal_1 ranged between
to higher pH solutions. As shown in Fig. 3 for the pH 1.27 0.080–0.212 V/decade for the solid electrode and 0.092–
solution, the current densities increased about 3–4 orders 0.171 V/decade for the C paste electrode. From the Tafel
of magnitude as applied potential increased from 0.4 V to slopes for each electrode, as shown in Eq. (4), the overall
0.7 V vs. SCE; while in the pH 3.64 solution, the current average aFe3þ values of 0.49 and 0.52 were obtained for so-
density only increased about 1–2 orders of magnitude over lid electrode and C paste electrode, respectively.
the same potential range. The current–potential characteristics of the reduction of
The results presented in Figs. 3 and 4 indicate that the Fe3+ ions on the other two materials, Hy_3 and Sed_2, were
current density due to oxidation of pyrite, iFeS2 , is depen- similar to those of Sed_coal_1 (data provided in Liu, 2007,
dent on the applied potential, E, and the concentration of Appendix F). The Tafel slopes and the average values of
H+ and is given by the general current–potential aFe3þ for each electrode are summarized in Table 2. All
relationship the values of the apparent transfer coefficient aFe3þ were
  close to 0.5, consistent with the results of Holmes and
ð1  aFeS2 ÞFE Crundwell (2000). As the reduction of Fe3+ ions is the reaction
iFeS2 ¼ kFeS2 ½Hþ a exp ð5Þ
RT of aqueous solution species (Fe3+) on the pyrite electrode
2730 R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734

Table 3
Summary of the effect of pH on the oxidation of pyrite (parameter a in Eq. (5)) for both the solid and carbon paste electrodes at different potentials

Applied potential Parameter a

Hy_3 SE Hy_3 CPE Sed_2 SE Sed_2 CPE Sed_coal_1 SE Sed_coal_1 CPE
0.70 V vs. SCE 0.12 0.36 0.13 0.27 0.21 0.17
0.65 V vs. SCE 0.23 0.55 0.16 0.48 0.20 0.17
0.60 V vs. SCE 0.28 0.70 0.21 0.64 0.18 0.16
Average 0.21 ± 0.08 0.54 ± 0.17 0.17 ± 0.04 0.46 ± 0.19 0.20 ± 0.02 0.17 ± 0.01

Fig. 5. The reduction of ferric ions on Sed_coal_1 pyrite as a function of

applied potential at various concentrations of ferric ions in 200 mM
Fig. 6. The reduction of dissolved oxygen on Sed_2 pyrite as a function of
H2SO4 and 100 mM FeSO4, at 35 °C, N2 sparged, 250 rpm: (a) Sed_coal_1
applied potential at various concentrations of dissolved oxygen in
SE, and (b) Sed_coal_1 CPE.
200 mM H2SO4, at 35 °C: (a) Sed_2 SE, and (b) Sed_2 CPE.

surface, it appears that the different pyrite materials and tween 0.101 and 0.113 V/decade for the solid electrode and
the different kinds of electrode preparations did not affect between 0.132 and 0.147 V/decade for the C paste elec-
electrochemical reduction behavior. Similar ranges of Tafel trode under the dissolved O2 concentration range of 3.5–
slopes and similar transfer coefficients were obtained for 13.5 mg/L. An average value of 0.57 for the apparent trans-
all the pyrite electrodes. fer coefficient, aO2 of the dissolved O2 reduction on the so-
lid electrode was obtained from the Tafel slopes using Eq.
3.4. The reduction of dissolved oxygen on pyrite (4), and a value of 0.44 for the C paste electrode.
The current–potential characteristics of the reduction of
The current–potential characteristics of the reduction of dissolved oxygen on the other two materials, Hy_3 and
dissolved O2 on Sed_2 pyrite, given by Eq. (2), are pre- Sed_coal_1, were similar to those of Sed_2 (data provided
sented in Fig. 6 as a function of applied potential under in Liu, 2007, Appendix F). The Tafel slope range and the
various concentrations of dissolved O2. Results indicate average values of aO2 for each electrode are summarized
that the reduction reaction is controlled by reaction kinetic in Table 2. All the values of the apparent transfer coeffi-
considerations at low cathodic currents, and by mass cient aO2 were close to 0.5, consistent with the results of
transfer processes at high cathodic currents on both the so- Holmes and Crundwell (2000). These results showed that
lid and C paste electrodes. In the region of potentials in the different pyrite materials and the different kinds of
which pyrite dissolution occurs, the reduction of dissolved electrode preparations did not affect the electrochemical
O2 at the pyrite electrode is described by kinetically con- reduction behavior of dissolved O2 in water.
trolled reactions (Holmes and Crundwell, 2000). The Tafel The reduction of dissolved O2 on Sed_coal_1 C paste
slope for the reduction of dissolved O2 on Sed_2 ranged be- electrode was weakly dependent on the pH, as shown in
R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734 2731

Sed_2 have n-type semiconductor characteristics (Morim-

oto, 1992). Because the carriers of electric currents are
different for different types of semiconductors (electrons
for n-type and positively charged holes for p-type), the
semiconducting properties of a pyrite sample may affect
the pyrite oxidation pathways and are likely responsible
for the different electrochemical behaviors between
Sed_coal_1 and the other two pyrite materials.
Previous batch dissolution studies (Liu et al., 2007) on
these pyrite samples showed that the dissolution rate of
Sed_coal_1 was an order of magnitude higher than those
of Hy_3 and Sed_2. Although the three materials were all
obtained as massive pyrite samples, Sed_coal_1 was ac-
quired from within a coal seam and found to have a much
Fig. 7. The effect of pH on the reduction of dissolved oxygen on
larger specific surface area and a darker color than the
Sed_coal_1 (CPE) pyrite electrode at various applied potentials in
33 mM Na2SO4 and 9.5 mg/L dissolved oxygen at 35 °C. other two pyrites. The presence of quartz in the Sed_coal_1
pyrite may help produce more surface defects in the disso-
lution process, thus resulting in a faster dissolution rate.
Fig. 7. The current density due to the reduction of dissolved The larger specific surface area and presence of impurities
O2 on the pyrite surface, iO2 , is described by in Sed_coal_1 pyrite may also have contributed to produce
  more Fe(III) hydroxide production during the in-reactor
aO2 FE
iO2 ¼ kO2 ½O2 ½Hþ c exp ð6Þ electrode preparation period, resulting in a noticeable
Fe(III) hydroxide reduction peak on Sed_coal_1 cyclic
where kO2 is the rate constant. The order of the reduction voltammograms.
half reaction with respect to H+ (parameter c) was from The differences between Sed_coal_1 and the other two
0.66 to 0.69 as the applied potential increased from 0.00 pyrite samples were also reflected in their oxidation pro-
to 0.15 V vs. SCE. The summary of the effect of pH on the cesses. Sed_coal_1 exhibited larger Tafel slopes and smal-
reduction of dissolved O2 on all the electrodes at 9.5 mg/ ler values of average apparent transfer coefficient, aFeS2 .
L dissolved O2 concentration is presented in Table 4. For a redox elementary reaction, the formal charge transfer
coefficient a is the basic electrochemical parameter char-
4. Discussion acterizing the mechanism of an electrode reaction or elec-
tron-transfer step and typically is found to have a value of
4.1. Electrochemical behavior of the hydrothermal and 0.5 (Bard and Faulkner, 2001). The formal transfer coeffi-
sedimentary pyrite samples cient a provides insight into the way the transition state
is influenced by the applied potential. A value of 0.5 means
As shown in Fig. 2, the shapes of cyclic voltammograms that the transition state behaves midway between the
obtained for Hy_3 and Sed_2 pyrite materials were the reactants and products in response to applied potential.
same in H2SO4 solution under the applied potential range The formal transfer coefficient is related to properties of
of 0.6 to 0.8 V vs. SCE. Only one reduction peak between the electrode (Rice et al., 1983), reaction mechanism
0.4 V and 0.2 V vs. SCE appeared, and it can be assigned (Zakharchuk et al., 2000), and phase composition and crys-
as the reduction of S or the decomposition of pyrite yield- tallinity of the sample (Grygar, 1997; Domenech-Carbo
ing H2S (Giannetti et al., 2001). Sed_coal_1 exhibited a et al., 2001).
slightly different electrochemical behavior as a second Pyrite oxidation involves a complex series of elemen-
reduction peak occurred around 0.0 V vs. SCE. This peak tary reactions. Basolo and Pearson (1967) pointed out that
could be due to the reduction of Fe(III) hydroxide, pro- elementary steps of redox reactions almost always involve
duced during polishing/grinding (Giannetti et al., 2001). the transfer of only one electron at a time, so that the oxi-
Previous studies (Liu et al., 2007) on the trace element con- dation of pyrite must require up to seven elementary steps,
tent in these pyrite samples have shown that Sed_coal_1 depending on how elementary steps are defined (Rimstidt
has p-type semiconductor characteristics, while Hy_3 and and Vaughan, 2003). In this study, non-elementary pyrite

Table 4
Summary of the effect of pH on the reduction of dissolved oxygen (parameter c in Eq. (6)) on both solid and carbon paste pyrite electrodes at different potentials
with 9.5 mg/L dissolved oxygen

Applied potential Parameter c

Hy_3 SE Hy_3 CPE Sed_2 SE Sed_2 CPE Sed_coal_1 SE Sed_coal_1 CPE
0.15 V vs. SCE – 0.53 0.20 0.65 0.33 0.69
0.10 V vs. SCE 0.44 0.40 0.20 0.27 0.23 0.67
0.05 V vs. SCE 0.08 0.35 0.22 0.27 0.18 0.65
0.00 V vs. SCE 0.15 0.29 0.21 0.10 0.12 0.66
Average 0.22 ± 0.19 0.39 ± 0.10 0.21 ± 0.01 0.32 ± 0.23 0.22 ± 0.09 0.67 ± 0.02
2732 R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734

oxidation and reduction (Eqs. (1)–(3)) were considered, transfer of the oxidation products (Fe2+ and H+) from the
and the apparent transfer coefficient obtained thus incor- electrode/solution interface to the bulk solution. Therefore,
porated the numbers of the corresponding electrons trans- the surface roughness might be responsible for the stron-
ferred in each reaction. There appears to be an inverse ger pH effect (parameter a in Eq. (5)) on the oxidation of
relationship between average apparent transfer coefficient, C paste electrode than on the solid electrode, as observed
aFeS2 of the solid electrode obtained in electrochemical for Hy_3 and Sed_2 (Table 3). For Sed_coal_1, the presence
experiments and the dissolution rate observed in batch of non-conductive quartz as an impurity might affect the
reaction dissolution experiments (Liu et al., 2007): as the surface morphology and the distribution of the electric
dissolution rate increases (Hy_3<Sed_2<Sed_coal_1), the field across the surfaces of its solid electrode as the decom-
average apparent transfer coefficient, aFeS2 , decreases position continues, rendering its performance comparable
(Table 2). to the C paste electrode and resulting in a pH effect on
the oxidation reaction similar to that observed for the C
4.2. Electrolytes and electrode construction methods paste electrode (Table 3).
The reduction of dissolved O2 or Fe3+ ions on the pyrite
As shown in Fig. 2, the same shape of cyclic voltammo- electrode can involve multiple steps, and the resulting cur-
grams was obtained from the solid and C paste electrodes rent can be governed by the rate of several processes (Bard
for each pyrite sample in 20 mM H2SO4 solution, as well as and Faulkner, 2001) such as mass transfer of molecular O2
in the other concentrations of H2SO4: 0.5–50 mM (data from the bulk solution to the electrode surface, adsorption
provided in Liu, 2007, Appendix D). These results indicate of molecular O2 on the electrode surface, electron transfer
that C paste electrodes can successfully reproduce data ob- at the electrode surface, and desorption of the reduction
tained from conventional solid electrodes under the H2SO4 products from the electrode surface. All of these processes
solution conditions used in this study. In similar experi- will be affected by the pH at the electrode/solution inter-
ments conducted in 10 mM HCl solution, however, the cyc- face as well as by the bulk solution composition. However,
lic voltammograms obtained from the C paste electrode the surface properties of the pyrite electrodes will remain
failed to reproduce the data obtained from the solid elec- unchanged during the reduction processes because the
trode (details given in Liu, 2007, Appendix D). Almeida reactants are only from the bulk solution, not from the
and Giannetti (2002b) reported the same shape for cyclic electrodes. Thus the pH effects on the reduction of dis-
voltammograms measured with C paste electrode and so- solved O2 for the three solid electrodes are almost the same
lid electrode for pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite in pH (Table 4). The rougher surface of the C paste electrodes,
4.5 acetic acid/acetate buffer solution. Thus, electrolyte however, will influence the electric field distribution on
composition affects the electrochemical behavior of pyrite the electrodes, thus yielding a larger pH effect on the dis-
C paste and solid electrodes. When using a C paste pyrite solved O2 reduction (Table 4).
electrode to reproduce the data of a conventional solid elec-
trode, pre-testing is needed to choose a proper electrolyte. 4.3. Development of rate expressions for the dissolution of
As described previously, the oxidation of pyrite on both pyrite
the solid and C paste electrodes of the three pyrite samples
exhibited Tafel behavior for the applied potential range of The rate of oxidation of pyrite is often obtained from
0.4–0.7 V vs. SCE, indicating the reaction was controlled by batch reaction experiments by monitoring the aqueous
chemical kinetics. Because the oxidation of pyrite involves dissolution products with time and fitting the experimen-
decomposition of the working pyrite electrode itself, the tal data to a rate law. Different empirical rate expressions
changing surface properties of the electrodes during the have been proposed for pyrite oxidation by dissolved O2
oxidation process may affect the kinetics of the reaction. (Smith and Shumate, 1970; Williamson and Rimstidt,
Microscopic examination by Meyer (1979) revealed that 1994; Ciminelli and Osseo-Asare, 1995), and the rate of
during pyrite oxidation, portions of the solid electrode sur- pyrite dissolution is found to be weakly dependent on
face are rapidly attacked to form pits and crevices while the solution pH (Table 1).
the rest of the surface is comparatively unmarred. SEM Pyrite dissolution is an electrochemical process and oc-
studies by McKibben and Barnes (1986) on pyrite particles curs as a combination of the oxidation of pyrite and the
showed that chemical oxidant attack occurs preferentially reduction of Fe3+ ions or O2 on the surface as given by
at specific sites of high excess surface energy, such as de- Eqs. (1)–(3). These three half reactions take place simulta-
fects, cleavage and fracture traces. According to Eq. (1), neously on the entire surface of the dissolving pyrite at
H2O molecules in bulk solution need to be adsorbed on rates that satisfy the condition that the net production of
the electrode surface for electron transfer to take place electrons is zero. The potential at which this condition is
on the electrode surface. It is possible that H2O adsorption met is called the mixed potential. Holmes and Crundwell
and the subsequent electron transfer also occur preferen- (2000) proposed an electrochemical approach to develop
tially at those specific sites with high excess surface en- a rate expression for the dissolution of pyrite based on
ergy. Surface analysis has shown that H2O molecules mixed potential theory (Bard and Faulkner, 2001). With
bind specifically to defect sites on the FeS2(100) surface use of mixed potential theory, the kinetic expression for
(Strongin et al., 1997). The C paste electrode has a rough the rate of the overall pyrite dissolution reaction can be
surface, suggesting more specific sites, perhaps with high derived from the rate expressions for the individual half
excess surface energy compared to the polished solid elec- reactions using the condition that the net production of
trode (Fig. 1). The rough surface will also affect the mass electrons is zero at the mixed potential.
R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734 2733

Table 5
Derived rate expression parameter b in Eq. (7) from the electrochemical approach vs. b obtained from empirical data in batch dissolution experiments

Parameter b, the dependence of pyrite dissolution rate on H+ Hy_3 SE Hy_3 CPE Sed_2 SE Sed_2 CPE Sed_coal_1 SE Sed_coal_1 CPE
b values from the present study 0.01 ± 0.10 0.08 ± 0.10 0.02 ± 0.02 0.07 ± 0.15 0.01 ± 0.05 0.25 ± 0.01
b values from batch dissolution experiments (Liu et al., 2007) 0.102 ± 0.028 +0.144 ± 0.013 0.002 ± 0.002

In this study, the rate expressions for the three pyrite the overall dissolution rate constant in Eq. (7) cannot be
materials were developed following the approach of obtained directly from steady-state voltammetry studies.
Holmes and Crundwell (2000) given by Therefore, the actual dissolution rate of each pyrite sample
cannot be obtained and compared with each other as can
r FeS2 ¼ k½Hþ b ½O2 0:5 ð7Þ be done with batch reactor results. In a companion study
where k is the overall dissolution rate constant and b is the (Liu, 2007), controlled pyrite dissolution was performed
overall pyrite dissolution rate dependence on solution pH. by fixing the applied potential on the pyrite electrodes,
The parameter b can be calculated from the parameters a and measuring the pyrite dissolution rate for each sample
and c (b = [a + c]/2) in Tables 3 and 4 (detailed derivation by monitoring the concentrations of pyrite dissolution
given in Holmes and Crundwell, 2000) and is summarized products in solution.
in Table 5 for all the materials and electrode types. The val-
ues of parameter b for the solid electrodes of the three pyr- 5. Conclusions
ites are almost equal to zero, as a and c values for the solid
electrodes don’t vary much from each other. This result is This study investigated the utility and accuracy of the
in agreement with those findings by Mathews and Robins electrochemical techniques of cyclic voltammetry and
(1974), Bailey and Peters (1976) and McKibben and Barnes steady-state voltammetry for rapidly measuring the disso-
(1986), where the pyrite dissolution rate is independent of lution rates of hydrothermal and sedimentary pyrites un-
the pH. The b values for Hy_3 and Sed_2 C paste electrodes der particular solution conditions. The electrochemical
are almost equal to each other, which is close to the find- behaviors and the kinetics of the half reactions involved
ings of Williamson and Rimstidt (1994), where b is equal in the oxidation of three pyrite samples of different geolog-
to 0.11. Sed_coal_1 C paste electrode exhibited a some- ical origins were evaluated.
what higher b value compared to all the other electrodes, For the three hydrothermal and sedimentary pyrite
probably because of the presence of quartz impurity as dis- samples studied here, in the potential region below
cussed previously. 0.60 V vs. SCE, pyrite dissolution was insignificant, perhaps
Table 5 also presents the b values for the three pyrites due to the formation of a S film on the pyrite electrode sur-
obtained from the conventional batch reactor dissolution face; in the potential region greater than 0.60 V vs. SCE,
study at pH 3 and 6 (Liu et al., 2007). The b values derived pyrite starts its active dissolution. The oxidative dissolu-
from Hy_3 C paste electrode data and Sed_coal_1 solid tion of pyrite and the reduction of Fe3+ ions and O2 was
electrode data are closer to the values obtained from batch determined to be governed by charge transfer processes
reactor dissolution results. For Sed_2 material, neither the for all the pyrite material studied, indicating that pyrites
solid electrode nor C paste electrode gave b values close to follow the same dissolution mechanism despite their dif-
those from batch reactor dissolution data. As the electro- ferent geological origins.
chemical studies were conducted at 35 °C and the batch For both sedimentary and hydrothermal pyrites, a C
reactor studies were conducted at 25 °C, temperature paste electrode constructed with fine-grained pyrite pow-
could be a cause of the differences. Considering the range der was found to be successful in reproducing the electro-
of b values (0.08 to 0.25) obtained from all the electrodes chemical behavior obtained from conventional solid
in this study, a conclusion still can be made that pyrite dis- electrodes cut from large samples of the same material.
solution is weakly dependent on the pH, which is consis- This provides a way to study the electrochemical behaviors
tent with the results obtained from investigating eight of fine-grained, disseminated pyrite materials which are
different pyrite materials from different geological loca- often found in sedimentary environments.
tions (Liu et al., 2007). The results of this study demonstrate that the electro-
The results obtained in this study show that, in general, chemical experimental approach proposed by Holmes
the electrochemical approach proposed by Holmes and and Crundwell (2000) involving independent study of the
Crundwell (2000) can give an approximate description of half reactions involved in pyrite dissolution can be used
the relationship between pyrite dissolution rate and the to estimate the dissolution kinetic parameters for both
pH, no matter which kind of electrode preparation method sedimentary and hydrothermal pyrites.
is used. Electrochemical experiments can be conducted
with electrodes made using different types of pyrite to ob- Acknowledgements
tain kinetic information for the half reactions involved in
pyrite dissolution. This work was supported by the National Science Foun-
A disadvantage of the electrochemical approach for dation under Grants EAR-0228903 (D.A.D.) and EAR-
deriving the rate laws for pyrite dissolution is that the 0229019 (R.C.C./B.W.S.). The authors thank Mr. Tom Nuh-
reaction rate constant kFeS2 in Eq. (5), kO2 in Eq. (6), and fer for help on the SEM analysis.
2734 R. Liu et al. / Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 2724–2734

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