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Worksheet - 5th grade Name: _____________________

1. Complete the sentences with never/always:

a. I __________drink milk in the morning.
b. I __________drive a tractor.
c. I __________do my homework.
d. I __________ have lunch at school.
e. I __________eat ice cream and sweets.
f. I __________clean my teeth.

2. Write about your school. Use always/never.

a. We _______ have Maths on Monday.
b. We _______ have English on Tuesday.
c. We _______ have History on Wednesday.
d. We _______ Sports on Thursday.
e. We _______ Arts on Friday.

3. Write and circle. Use these words: to clean – a curăţa, to drive – a conduce, to fly – a zbura, a
pilota, to give –a da, to teach – a învăţa, to sing – a cânta, to water – a uda.
a. A teacher __________ elephants/children.
b. A doctor ___________ medicine/carrots to children.
c. A tractor ___________ tractors/planes.
d. A singer ___________ songs/books.
e. A zookeeper ____________ the school/the elephant house.
f. A taxi driver ___________ a plane/a taxi.
g. A gardener ____________children/flowers.

4. Complete with get up/ gets up:

a. I ______ at ______________ (7:00).
b. My brother ________ at __________ (9:30).
c. You ___________ at ____________ (7:45).
d. Ben and Alice ___________ at _____________ (8:15).

5. Choose and circle:
a. Cats sometimes/never swim in the sea.
b. Lions never/often sleep.
c. Snakes usually/never fly.
d. Whales always/sometimes swim.
e. Elephants always/never play in the snow.

6. Write do/does:
a. _______ your friends sometimes wear pyjamas to school?
b. _______ your friend usually watch TV after school?
c. _______ your teacher sing songs?
d. _______ your dog like biscuits?
e. _______ they like English?

7. Write sentences using the prompts:

a. a/Saturday/do/evening/on/usually/Where/you?
b. always/bus/is/late/Brighton/The/to.
c. afternoon/a hockey/is/match/often/on/Saturday/There.
d. I’m/in/morning/hungry/never/the.
e. after/football/plays/Daniel/school/sometime.
f. funny/is/maths/often/Our/teacher/very.
g. I/my/never/on/pizza/put/salt.

8. Which sentence comes first?

a. you repeat them/you listen to the new words
b. let’s have a coffee here/we can go home
c. clean your teeth/go to school
d. do your homework/you can watch TV
e. answer the questions about it/ read the story
f. you can have an ice cream/have your lunch

9. Complete the paragraph using the verbs: play, have, watch, leave, cycle, go, start, get up, do.
I _________ at half past six and __________ breakfast. I ________ TV for about a quarter
of an hour and then ________ home. I always _______ to school. Lessons ________ at eight
o’clock. After school I ______ basketball with my friends. Then I _________ home and
_________ my homework.

10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs:
a. He ________ a shower every morning. (have)
b. She always _______ (read) before she _______ (go) to sleep.
c. We _________ (get up) at 6:30.
d. He ________ (do) his homework on the bus.
e. She ________ (watch) TV every evening.
f. She ________ (go) to school by train.
g. He _________ (work) in a restaurant every summer.
h. Dad ________ (clean) his car every Sunday.

11. Write the adverb of frequency in the correct place:

a. My mother goes shopping after work. (always)
b. My brother is late for college. (usually)
c. We go to the beach after school. (sometimes)
d. She goes to school by bus. (never)
e. Luke has an egg for breakfast. (often)
f. In cities people travel by underground. (often)
g. I meet my friends at the café. (sometimes)
h. He is not very happy. (always)
i. They visit their grandmother. (often)
j. He is prepared for the worst. (always)
k. Mary and Nora buy very expensive clothes from the boutique. (often)
l. Mike and Sam play video games after school. (usually)
m. Charlie goes to bad early. (never)
n. We write our homework before dinner. (sometimes)

12. Read the article:
A day in the life of Megan Nolan
Megan Nolan, the star of the TV comedy Best Friends, gets up at 5:30. Then she goes for a
run with her dog, Blanco. After that she has a big breakfast.
Megan usually goes to the TV studio by motorbike. Sometimes there are fans outside the
studio. She loves her fans but she never speaks to them in the mornings. There isn’t time. Megan
starts work at 9. She works on the show from 9 to 12. Then she has lunch with the other actors.
After lunch, the Best Friends team record the rest of the show.
Megan often has dinner at a pizza place near her home. Then she takes Blanco for a walk
again. She usually goes to bed at 9 p.m. but she doesn’t go to sleep. She watches old films on her
video. She loves Humphrey Bogart films.

Now write the interviewer’s questions to Megan. Use the verbs in the list: do, eat, get up, go, go,
like, speak, start, have.
1. Q: What time do you usually get up?
A: At half past five.
2. Q: How ______________________________________
A: Usually by motorbike.
3. Q: Do ________________________________________
A: No, never in the morning.
4. Q: When _________________________________
A: At nine.
5. Q: ____________________________________________ lunch?
A: At twelve.

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