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Management Process & Organization Behaviour

MB0022 – Management Process & Organization Behaviour (For answer refer Page-11)

Q.1. Planning is concerned with __________?

a. Influencing people behaviour through motivation & leadership
b. Recruitment, selection & hiring of employees
c. Establishing internal organizational structure of the business
d. Future impact of today’s decision

Q.2. What are functions of management

a. Organizing
b. Staffing
c. Controlling
d. All of the above

Q.3. ________ skills involves the formulation of ideas, conceptualization

a. Technical Skills
b. Conceptual Skill
c. Innovation Skill
d. Human Skill

Q.4. Informational role of managers are?

a. Figure Head
b. Disseminator
c. Disturbance Handler
d. Negotiator

Q.5. _________ is the systematic study of actions & attitude that people
exhibit within organization.
a. Organization behaviour
b. Monitor
c. Budgeting
d. Coordinating

Q.6. __________ is the science of human learned behaviour & important to

understand organizational culture.
a. Social Psychology
b. Anthropology
c. Sociology
d. Psychology

Q.7. __________ abilities require doing tasks demanding stamina, dexterity &
a. Physical abilities
b. Intractual abilities
c. Learning abilities
d. None of the above

Q.8. __________ is learning achieved by thinking about perceived relationship

between events and individual goals
a. Social learning
b. Classical conditioning
c. Cognitive learning
d. Operant learning

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Management Process & Organization Behaviour

Q.9. Negative reinforcement is also known as _________

a. Extinction
b. Escape conditioning
c. Punishment
d. None of the above

Q.10. _________ is the attempt to eliminate undesirable behaviour

a. Reinforcement
b. Individual Difference
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Punishment

Q.11. Using work hours for conducting personal business is example of

a. White collar crime
b. Employee rights
c. Organizational justice
d. Romantic involvements

Q.12. ________ is a process in which a person learns something through the

observance of others
a. Vicarious learning
b. Attitude
c. Cognitive learning
d. Social learning

Q.13. ______ are employees who inform authorities of wrong doing of their
a. Supportive colleagues
b. Whistle Blowers
c. Moral management
d. Immoral management

Q.14. In determinants of personality biological factors are _________

a. Brain
b. Biofeedback
c. Physical Features
d. All of the above

Q.15. ________ theory of personality emphasize the unconscious determinants

of behaviour
a. Trait Theory
b. Intrapsychic theory
c. Type theory
d. Self theory

Q.16. ______ is the keystone of ayurvedic medicine

a. Constitution
b. Capha
c. Pitta
d. None of the above

Q.17. An individual’s generalized belief about internal verses external control is

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Management Process & Organization Behaviour

called as ___________
a. Extraversion
b. Neuroticism
c. Locus of control
d. Self efficacy

Q.18. The major characteristics of perceiver influencing perception are

a. Attitude
b. Self Concept
c. Interest
d. All of the above

Q.19. ________ is barrier to perception, which means generalization about

group of people
a. Halo effect
b. Selective Perception
c. Stereotype
d. First impression

Q.20. ‘Hierarchy of need theory’ was developed by __________

a. Herzberg
b. Henry fayol
c. Abraham masslow
d. Edward E. Lowler

Q.21. In ERG theory of motivation R stands for

a. Reporting
b. Relatedness
c. Research
d. Relationship

Q.22. ____ are small groups of employees who work voluntarily on company
time to address quality related problem
a. Quality circle
b. Representative management
c. Participative management
d. Teams

Q.23. _________ theory is also known as motivation-hygiene theory of

a. Maslow needs hierarchy
b. Mc Celland need
c. Herzberg two factor
d. Vroom’s Expectancy theory

Q.24. Formal group means __________

a. Group that evolve to meet social needs by bringing people together
b. It is made up of employee who work together to complete
particular task
c. A designated work group defined by organizational structure
d. Both b) & C)

Q.25. In ______ stages of group relation close relationship developed & group
demonstrate cohesiveness

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Management Process & Organization Behaviour

a. Forming
b. Performing
c. Norming
d. Adjourning

Q.26. Technique of group decision-making restricts discussion interpersonal

communication during decision-making process
a. Nominal group technique
b. Brainstorming
c. Delphi Technique
d. Electronic meeting

Q.27. Money cost is high in which type of group?

a. Interacting
b. Brainstorming
c. Delphi
d. Electronic meeting

Q.28. ______ is a situation in which an individual is confronted by divergent role

a. Role
b. Role conflict
c. Role Overload
d. Role ambiguity

Q.29. _________ power that is based position and mutual agreement

a. Reward Power
b. Coercive Power
c. Legitimate Power
d. Referend Power

Q.30. ________ conflicts that hinder group performance

a. Functional conflict
b. Dysfunctional Conflict
c. Intrapersonal Conflict
d. Interpersonal Conflict

Q.31. Which conflict management strategy is suitable when quick decision action
is vital?
a. Competing
b. Collaborating
c. Avoiding
d. Compromising

Q.32. Is the process though, which the parties to conflict defined what they are
willing to give and accept in an exchange
a. Negotiation
b. Stress
c. Frustration
d. Bargaining

Q.33. _________ is a third party with the authority to dictate an agreement

a. Consultant
b. Mediator

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c. Arbitrator
c. Delegator

Q.34. Causes of environmental stresses are

a. Task demand
b. Role demand
c. Perceptual influences
d. Both a & b

Q.35. Physiological symptoms of individual distress are

a. Heart disease
b. Depression
c. Fatigue
d. Low morale
Q.36. How to manage stress at individual level
a. Time management
b. Non competitive physical exercise
c. Relaxation
d. All of the above

Q.37. A ________ is defined as an unexpected event that threatens the well

being of a company
a. Public relation crises
b. Crises
c. Tertiary
d. Ethics

Q.38. Sources of organizational resistance to change are

a. Fear of unknown
b. Resource constraint
c. Structural inertia
d. Economic reason

Q.39. How to managing resistance to change?

a. Education & Communication
b. Participation
c. Negotiation
d. All of the above

Q.40. ____ is a systematic process for applying behavioral science principles to

increase organizations effectiveness
a. Organizational change
b. Organizational Development
c. Transactional Analysis
d. Both a & b

Q.41. _____ and _____ are contributing discipline to organization behaviour

a. Psychology | Sociology
b. Planning | Organizing
c. Engineering | Innovation
d. Representation | Anthropology

Q.42. The major determination of personality is ________ & __________

a. Age | Family
b. Heredity | Family
c. Environment | Marital Status

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d. Gender | Socialization process

Q.43. According to ROBBINS define learning

a. It is a process of having one’s behaviour modified permanently
b. It is any relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as
result of experience
c. It is defined as permanent change in behaviour potentially that
result from reinforced practices
d. Both b & c

Q.44. IVAN PAVLOV has given which theory?

a. Classical conditioning
b. Operant conditioning
c. Cognitive learning theory
d. Social learning theory

Q.45. _________ conditioning argues that behaviour is function of its

a. Cognitive learning theory
b. Classical conditioning
c. Operant conditioning
d. Social learning

Q.46. ‘Employee will work hard for a raise or a promotion’ is e.g. of

a. Negative reinforcement
b. Extinction
c. Punishment
d. Positive reinforcement

Q.47. The most important factors conductive to job satisfaction are __________
& __________
a. Mutually challenging job, equitable reward
b. Supportive working condition, Whistle blowing
c. Social responsibility, Personality job sift
d. All of the above

Q.48. It is defined more or less stable set of predisposition of opinion, interest-

involving expectancy of certain kind of experience with an appropriate
response is known as ________?
a. Management
b. Learning
c. Attitude
d. Motivation

Q.49. In William Sheldon, theory of personality, ectomorphic body type of people

are ______ & _________
a. Soft body & round shaped
b. Hard & muscular body
c. Tall & thin
d. Matured & Thick skin

Q.50. 3 Components of personality are ID, _____ & ______

a. Ego, Super Ego
b. Locus of control, Self Esteem
c. Self-efficacy, Self esteem
d. Self monitoring, Risk taking

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Q.51. High Machiavellians believes than ________?

a. Maintain emotional balance
b. End can justify means
c. They posses more of ability they need in order to succeed at work
d. Both a & b

Q.52. Application of perception in organization are _________

a. Employment interview
b. Performance expectations
c. Performance evaluation
d. All of the above

Q.53. Is systematic & organized approach allows management to process on

achievable goals & to attain best result from available resources.
a. Management by objective
b. Motivation
c. Emotion
d. Perception

Q.54. Motivating factors are _________ & _________

a. Supervision, company policy
b. Working condition, salary
c. Achievement, recognition
d. Responsibility, security

Q.55. Need for power, need for affiliation is concerned with which theory of
a. Maslow theory
b. Herzberg
c. ERG Theory
d. Mc McClelland

Q.56. Intrinsic reward are _________?

a. Pay & promotion
b. Responsibility
c. Challenging Assignment
d. Both b & c

Q.57. Technique originated at the rand corporation together the judgments of

experts for use in decision-making
a. Brainstorming
b. Nominal Group tech.
c. Delphi Technology
d. Electronic Meeting

Q.58. _______ conflict management strategy is appropriate for gaining goodwill

a. Avoiding
b. Accommodating
c. Compromising
d. Competing

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Q.59. GAS expand for

a. General adaptation syndrome
b. General approach system
c. General alarm syndrome
d. Group alarm syndrome

Q.60. A method of changing behaviour through constructured group interaction

is known as which technique of OD
a. Team building
b. Intergroup development
c. Survey feedback
d. Sensitivity training

Q.61. Match the following

Set A Set B
a. Internal 1. Social & Political change
b. External 2. Working Diversity
3. Technological change
4. Change in managerial personal
5. Change in work climate

A. a – 1, 2, 3 & 2 – 4, 5
B. a – 3, 4, 5 & b – 1, 2
C. a – 4, 5 & 2 – 1, 2, 3
D. a – 2, 1 & b – 3, 4, 5

Q.62. Arrange the steps for group development

1. Norming
2. Forming
3. Storming
4. Performing
5. Adjourning
A. 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
B. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
D. 5, 4, 1, 2, 3

Q.63. Arrange the Maslow hierarchy of needs

1. Esteem needs
2. Safety needs
3. Social needs
4. Physiological needs
5. Self-actualization needs
A. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
C. 4, 2, 3, 1, 5
D. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5

Q.64. Match the following barrier to perception

Set A Set B
1. Stereotype a. Its lasting impression
2. First impression error b. The person is perceived on the
basis of one trait
3. Projection c. Its generalization about group of

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d. Tendency to attribute ones own

characteristics to other people

A. 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – d
B. 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a
C. 1 – a, 2 – b, 3 – c
D. 1 – d, 2 – b, 3 – c

Q.65. Determine which are terminal & instrumental value

Set A Set B
1. Terminal a. An exciting life
2. Instrumental b. Cheerful
c. Courageous
d. A world of peace
e. Honest

A. 1 – a, d & 2 – b, c, e
B. 1 – d, e & 2 – b, c, a
C. 1 – a, c, d & 2 – b, d
D. 1 – c, d & 2 – a, b, e

Q.66. Match the managerial role

Set A Set B
1. Interpersonal role a. Disseminator
2. Informational role b. Resource allocator
3. Decisional c. Negotiator
d. Figure head, leader

A. 1 – b & c, 2 – a, 3 – d
B. 1 – d, 2 – a & b, 3 – c
C. 1 – a, 2 – b & c, 3 – d
D. 1 – a & d, 2 – b, 3 – c

Q.67. Group structure includes

1. Norms
2. Leadership
3. Tasks
4. Cohesiveness
5. Roles
A. 1, 4, 5
B. 2, 3, 1
C. 3, 4, 1
D. 2, 4, 5

Q.68. Arrange steps in negotiation?

1. Identifying interest
2. Making tradeoffs
3. Evaluative of alternative
4. Preparation
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 2, 4, 1, 3
C. 4, 3, 1, 2

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Management Process & Organization Behaviour

D. 3, 1, 2, 4

Q.69. How to manage stress at organizational level

1. Role negotiation
2. Employee wellness programme
3. Organizational communication
4. Development of social support
5. Adjustment of perception
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 3, 4, 5
C. 1, 4, 3
D. 5, 2, 1

Q.70. Why individual resist to change?

a. Fear of unknown
b. Resource constraints
c. Fear & Loss
d. Both a & c

Q.71. To bring about system of organizational renewal that can effectively cope
with environmental changes?
a. Organization development
b. Organizational change
c. Crising management team
d. Emotion

Q.72. Match the following

Set A Set B
1.Team building a. An outside consultant help manager
understand how interpersonal
process are affecting the work
2. Sensitivity training b. Changing the attitudes stereotype &
perception that work group
have about each other
3. Process Consultation c. A method of changing behaviour
through unstructured group
d. Activities that help team members
learn how each member thinks & works
A. 1 – b, 2 – d, 3 – a
B. 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – a
C. 1 – a, 2 – b, 3 – c
D. 1 – c, 2 – d, 3 – b

Q.73. Match the following

Set A Set B
1. Training for development a. Organizational development
2. Empowerment b. Organizational learning
3. Team learning c. Organizational effectiveness

A. 1 – a, 2 – b, 3 – c
B. 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a
C. 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a

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Management Process & Organization Behaviour

Q.74. Match the following

Set A Set B
1. Planning a. Its concerned with recruitment,
selection & hiring
2. Organizing b. It establishing the internal
organizational structure
of the business
3. Controlling c. It establishing performance standard
based on firms objective
d. Its concerned with future impact of
today’s decision
A. 1– c, 2 – d, 3 – a
B. 1– d, 2 – b, 3 – c
C. 1– a, 2 – b, 3 – c
D. 1– b, 2 – a, 3 – d

Q.75. Match the following

Set A Set B
1. Psychology a. Its science of human learned behaviour &
understand organizational culture
2. Anthropology b. Its science of human behaviour that seeks to
measure and change behaviour of human
3. Sociology c. Its knowledge about group & inter group
dynamics in the study of OB
d. Its area of measuring, communication pattern
& group decision making process
A. 1 – a, 2 – d, 3 – b
B. 1 – c, 2 – b, 1 – a
C. 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – c
D. 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – b
1–d 2–d 3–b 4–b 5–a 6–b 7–a 8–c
9–b 10 – d 11 – a 12 – a 13 – b 14 – d 15 – b 16 – a
17 – c 18 – d 19 – c 20 – c 21 – b 22 – a 23 – c 24 – c
25 – c 26 – a 27 – d 28 – b 29 – c 30 – b 31 – a 32 – a
33 – c 34 – d 35 – a 36 – d 37 – b 38 – b 39 – d 40 – b
41 – a 42 – b 43 – b 44 – a 45 – c 46 – d 47 – c 48 – d
49 – c 50 – a 51 – d 52 – d 53 – a 54 – c 55 – d 56 – d
57 – c 58 – b 59 – a 60 – d 61 – a 62 – b 63 – c 64 – a
65 – a 66 – b 67 – a 68 – c 69 – a 70 – d 71 – a 72 – b
73 – b 74 – b 75 – c

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