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I approach tlewb orn ses sions (an d all my sessions for that matter) In aJI "as-is" way. When I came- to yoOm home- 1 am not lookrnq to set up elaborate sets I am lookmq to photograph ~NU and yow litt e one in a docurnenta y stye, 'I-'Yhile lhrowtnq some "posed Images" in using a 'II a II a b 10 Ilg h t Til 0::;::0 irn a ge So woo n 't Just be rrna ges to th row o n y() u r wall. til ey wtll be imaqss you can cherish for lite

We c an book yO u r ees si on as SOOI'l as you are ready. WhF.::::f1 you book your session 1 wIll put your due: date: on my calendar and then we: will wa t it out I do newborn sessions In your horne anytime f om the first day baby comes home to 14 days. That way lhey ere still fresh. You won't have: to bring haby out, e: v cry thing IS dona In tile comfort of your horne

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V't{J1en we scJ1eciule your session we v"ill choose a time of day that works best 'for your family and lighting purposes. 1 will ask you lo look around YClur horne al various times of day and see when there IS the most light In the rooms you would Ii e to be photoqraphed n (nursery. your bedroom etc) Thts time will depend on the side of your house, but in general mo ning or mid-afternoon is best

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11 is best to have baby sleepy (i.e. fed) when l arrive. Sleeping newborns make tile pcsen portion of their session much easier. 1 will U!'3e your blankets because I don't like 10 bring in any foreign gerrn!'3, dote rqonts, etc. So h a lie: 3 or 4+ b I a n kots ro,'SI dy. Apia I n wh rto b I ,'SIn kot IS always 9 rn a t a Ion 9 wit h so mepatterns (stripes, polka dots, minimal patterns are best), Have any outfits, (diaper covers, headbands, etc, ready to '00. The less fabric Oil the clothes the better (i.e. no vests, coats. etc). Sleepers. onesies, diapers. etc are the eesiest lo chariqe into and out of and pholoqreph best. I witt U5e your blankets 10 crcato little: mini photo sots in front of windows, like this photo. I like to I]sO Soppy's if YOll h,1I'!lO one. Aftor some posed shots, we can take photos of tile family together, Keep it natural, you don't have to match, .)

Sessions generally last 40-90 minutes, but are sornelirnea shorter or lunger. l start photographIng as soon as I am sed up and the amount ot time the session will last will really. depend 01'1 how much baby. can handle. Some newborns WJn sleep a [ the way through a 90 rnmu 0 SOSSlon, others will be awake and content tor gO rrvnutes. and some will gi ..... e us 20 minutes of time and scream lhe res! or the time. NQ matter how much nrno your little ono IS willing to give us, we will make it work'

Afte r you r se ssion you will recs \ .. e a link lo a password protected gallery with ym r Images within 7 - 0 days (csrtam times ot the year will taks sligl1tly ~ongerl. From that gallery you

can order prints. discs, canvas prints. etc You will be able to share this gallery with tarm y and triands and they can feel free to place sepe ate orders. If you buy you I disc wrth your S o SS 10 n (sc-c- pac ka ge s) YOlJ r dISC INlll be mailed out withIn 7-21 days

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If you would hke to document your journey startinq with your ereqnencv. scheduling a maternity session IS en ernazu 9 way to do Ji!

Maternity snssions arc- done: at the location of your choice and willi capture either just you, Or the whole family!


We will schedule your session for any ime between 6-8 months 'nto yo precnancv. Sometimes women prefer to be pholoqraphed in their eth month before t hey fcc I too LJ n c ornlortan 1(:, b LJt It IS totally lJ p to you! Matem~ty sessions are low key and you will only be posed in ways that you teel comtortable wilh. If you don't wanL to show your bel y, you don't h.'1VO to! If yo J do. want o show your belly but you are uncomtortable with stretch marks, e c, you will get natural retouching :)


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You have seve ral 0 pn on s when boo ing maternity and n ewbo rr1 seas i or, 5 wi ttl rn e. E vt: ryt h In 9 IS C IJ sto m 170d to your wants/needs No one srze fits aU packages that leave you wl~h un-needed prints, or not enough of what you want


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The belly to baby package includes .

• maternity session ,. newborn session

• DVD with Iligh resolution images and release rot unlimited self printing.


(saves $100)

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• maternity session

• on HIe vIewIng and Ollie ing


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• newborn session.

iii or-lillie viewIng and ordering



Hlqh .resolution. disc and a release to

p nnt whe re. when. an d how much yo u please Packaged In a tin and wrapped 'wi h a bow')


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4:-:6 $4.00
5x7· $6,00
8x10 $10.00
11:-:14 $35.00
16:.:20 $50,00 1\/ ~ J

3x3 Mini Accordion

• Up to 9 photos + babies name birthdale

'I! Comes In sots of ]. albums !Ii Canvas. cover


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8;;:10 11::(14 1 6M1 o

$15Q $170 $200 $25'0


Bx8 I eat 11 e r I aytl at C oUee tab I e book Premium leather cover WitJ1 20

srd e'd/1 0 spread 'd. C U st ern desiq n. $3~()

-1x1 Mini LayFlat

• 20 Sides/lO Spreads .. Leather covers

'I! Comes insets of ?


You can book your session 1 3 easy steps!

,. Con tact rno and lot rno what typo of session you would like to do and when

• SeL the date (or In Ihe case of a newborn session. ot me know your due date)

.. I win send alonq 8 PDF or a portrait agreement. print It out, fill it out, and mait rt to me along with a $50

non- e undabie deposit to ho d ~/olul dale. (applied lo your session fee).

See, I tol d you it was easy I

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I love to travel and even if you are not in the Pitts bur gh area, l \ v oiJ~d love to corne to you fOI your 5e:SSH .. m .. Contact me about ravel packages and cos

If you would like to give a session, or a print/product credit as a gift for a shower or just for fun. leL rne know! I offer printed gift C Ntl icatos

I frequently visit Sarasota, FL, Akron, OH and New Jersey ..


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