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Human Race Slavery And Mind Control

“Benovolent Dictator”

What Eric Scwhing does not realize is that the so-called

“Benovent Dictator” is of course not possible in the first
place, and there is a “So-Called Benovent Dictatror” in four
Dimensions that Eric Schwing ultimately worked for
(G)host and (D)evil
Scorpio and Capricorn
Neil’s Real Mother Probably SEXIE
Possibly a (no offense) prostitute
In Germany or Ireland
Building the “Baby” In Brazil
Brain Vessica Pisces
Connected to (Gemini) and the Tower of Babel
Language using tongues we developed to handle language
The Throat is Taurus
Oliver Heaviside
I don’t know anything about Josef Mengele
Partipated in doing Bi Poles in Brazil
They act like the United States is where the
“DOG’S are at, rather than the issue of evolution being the
According to the internet Josef Mengele died in 1978, but
in about 2005 his name was associated with people against
abortion clinics in the United States
According to the internet Josef Mengele was born in 1908
In 1925 he was in Brazil
Helping to break into the Mind Control machine
Adding Brain Control to the machine
Here’s how this relates to my life
In 1955 our dad and mom moved to
Ft Lauderdale, Florida, of course that does not really matter
In the big picture sense but it matter’s from the
Personal sense of the word
Mike thinks to this day that I really participate in the
Fourth dimension instead of being a HOST for
The (B)oat(G)oat
What is the Ark of the Covenant is a Boat or a
When I was about six years old, and in a new neighborhood
Our mom helped me find new friends just before I started
school at St Anthony’s
I cried the first day because I thought I was loosing our
mom, which unfortunatley we were
She had a heart condition because of Rheumatic Fever
I was born with the heart of a ONE. It took me 40 years of
my life to figure out what Neil and Pam and Eleanor knew
because they had access to training and a Tesla gate which
they brought to Florida with them.
I guess, for a Tesla gate to work, it has to be “tuned” to a
person’s resonance
I am a Vesica Pisces that has been what someone has
planned for at least a thousand years, and knew where to
find their’s when I was born. It seems though that Brain
Meld or Brain Vessica Pisces is fighting with Mind
Vesssica Pisces
So, when the Donnelly’s got to Florida they already knew
who I was, but I did not know who they were, and was not
going to know until our mom passed away.
Mike thought by being convinced by Pam to go over to
their house, when he was 11 that what he saw over at their
house with my name on it was something that he thought
would help in some way because Neil convinced him that
the fourth dimension was something I was interested in, at
five years old. So, with that heing the issue Mike, without
telling anyone, and has not told me almost 60 years later
that he purchased a tesla gate for the price of two baseballs
I had no interest in the fourth dimension
I am not a “Genius”
Neil was already using the attitude that caused the
Atomic bomb to be built in the United States because
Germany had, and I am sure that no one will accept this,
hired Albert Einstein to build the bomb. They also came up
with the equations for the bomb.
Mike thought that that was all there was to the fourth
dimenision, and they used our household and Mike, and
made a slave of me, even though human race slavery has
been around for thousands of years.
Using the SPIDER, because the baby needed a power
source. If you put it in his mouth it will be all over were
Neil’s words about using the SPIDER as his mouth
Before our mom died, with the Ark of the Covenant
document or something like that in hand, knew that me her
son was a victim of the Spider, and told Mike in some way
on her death bed. I knew nothing about what was going on
and was having enough trouble with reading in school,
because I needed glasses, which wasn’t known until I was
in fourth grade, and also, I guess, because I suggested it
from our mom reading books at nap time when I was 5
years old, and because I was born with big ears, as a birth
defect our mom was worried about that being an issue.
Since the Ark document had come to our household, and
Neil had been trained on what a ONE was, even I did not
know for another 40 years, Neil was already thinking of
ways to kill me, or get rid of me anyway he could
Neil also tricked everyone in the house into believing that I
was under some sort of investigation and convinces Mike,
one day with the flashing of CIA indentification
So, for that reason even though our mom, who had opened
the Ark document when it was sent through the postal
service, to our house, and sealed it back up.
Mike convinced her that she wasn’t to tell me about it
because I might be in trouble. I never really got to know
our mom, because I was introverted until I was almost 40
years old. Paul Gerson agreed to help Neil by calling our
mom and arranging a little trip to Miami Beach, only about
30 miles away. Just after that little trip, where I knew I was
set up at 7 years old Mike was instructed to call Paul
Gerson and that is where Mike, who really did not know
anything about what he was doing, came up with the tickle
As being what his brother Paul D Gates had done to Paul
Gerson at 7 years old, while Ruth Gerson was divorcing her
husband Paul Gerson Sr.
Why wasn’t there a real investigation in Florida?
So, because of that, and our mom frantically trying to help,
I am not sure there was really anything she could have done
that she didn’t do except in accepting that I was in trouble
at the Gerson’s. But when you live in the suburbs of Florida
it is hardly a place where you going to be able to resolve a
situation even the FBI could not deal with. I think someone
had someone build something in Brazil, and then tricked
the person into thinking they were going to get something
they were not really going to get.

So, when our mom passed away, and it was one of hardest
day’s of my life, and after, behind my back Neil had tricked
Mike into making bets, because he had called Pam and Neil
and told them that “he was boss” This was all timed when I
was not in the house, for one reason or another. At 9 years
old our mom was shown how it was that I was not in the
house when the calls were being made to Mike, and our
mom. They could stalk me, and know where I was at with
the telephone system, that is still being done to this day.
Mike, for some reason did not even notice that day that I
was not the problem, but our mom did.
Mike had already said to someone that he did not believe in
Mind Control, and I guess those were his exact words to
someone in Australia. I have never been anywhere near
Australia, or any other country for that matter, other than
the United States. Mike saw a hologram of me with the
laser related to the hologram, and for that reason thought
that I was a holographic image and I was also the physical
self at the same time. I guess Mike was shown the laser
created image of me, which accoding to the internet is more
like Harry Grindell Matthews of a death ray than Tesla’s
Supposedly the CIA has tested Tesla technology in the last
30 years. What someone does not realize that the tesla
technology or any other similar technology is still based on
resonance of a ONE person.
Neil, through Mike, tricked our dad into marrying Eleanor
M Austin Donnelly. I think part of the reason that that
happened was something that caused my dad a lot of
trouble at his place where he was an engineer.
So, with the “bets” Neil had tricked for several days to
make bets because Neil knew something that was not
printed on the copy of the Ark document that we had and it
was related to our mom’s name being on the document
Bet(ty) Could they make appear as though I did that?
I am vesica Pisces )(. All they have to do is spread the sign
pisces apart and fit themselves into the symbol in four
dimensions which the training that Neil got included.
See )( spread apart (G) host I am the host that (G) uses.
So, Neil used Bets to cover up the fact that he was killing
our mom. Mike did not believe in mind control so Mike
called Las Vegas and made a bet in the physical sense
because he thought the bets in which Neil was always right
were going to cause trouble. Mike did even realize that in
fact Neil had me as though I was his (D)evil and (G)host or
What Neil thought was about animals instead of realizing
that the word DOG is just the mirror image of the word
GOD. So, Mike wearing a high school football helmet, not
to be confused with a person bv the name of HELMITT, or
leap frog helmit tricks Mike into doing something he
probably should not have done, but I think Neil even
wanted that to happen
Neil then tells Mike, after our mom has passed away, and
we are living in the same house together, in Plantation that
I killed our mom. Then he proceeds to tell Mike that the
tesla technology that Mike bought for two baseballs could
be used right now to torture me to death or close to it
anyway. Mike, of course, asks how so Neil proceeds to
torture me physically for about 5 years. For some reason,
and might due to the way people see, no one, including me,
at the time, saw what Neil was doing to me as torture.
I did not even know that the note that requested that Mike
wake me up for school even existed.
So, with Neil laughing at me, and Mike, even though he
made it look like Mike was bossing him around when it
was convenient to do so, Neil proceeded to torture me
everyday physically. Used the telephone calls Mike was
taking from Australia, or somewhere like, to supposedly
find something out about Mike by listening to the calls
from another bedroom. When Neil had tortured me about a
year he knew, and he knew with 4 dimensions that “I was
Ready” I gave up in four dimensions. With that Neil caused
my life in that house and another house to be living
nightmare. I felt like I was dead inside the day Neil set up
the issue of Mike’s fly as being the issue instead of the fly
he made of me with the spider machine
You see the fly is a joke. Because it is has been changed
from the word INCEST to INSECT. Then what is the type
of insect a spider would eat? It would be flies of course.
The torture started again in 1994, just after I started at the
IRS. I would be 2 years before I would desperately find out
what was going on was related to the fourth dimension
What, I think someone had done is create Temple of the
Screaming Electron using the death ray, and actually used
what Neil had told Mike he could use in Florida about 40
years prior to that. So, they are using the machine, to this
day, to torture me with Brain torture, and my physical self,
and using also mind control torture to torture me.
That is about 23 years of physical and mind control torture
that I have been a victim of
Neil pointed to a letter (u) on the Ark document, for which
I have not seen to this day, even Eric Schwing had the
doeument when he came to Columbus, and they sent it,
because they knew I would end up in the Condo building to
John Fine and two other people for which I do not know. I
don’t know how that is done, but Mike just not see that that
is possible. They had my life planned out for me and Neil
was dragging me like a dog on a leash all around
Cincinnati. The dog of Jim Travisis, who had been in an
insane asylum in Columbus had a dog named ENIF.
If you change the word ENIF around it becomes FINE.
That’s how they got the name JOHN FINE 30 years before
I bought a condo in the building where JOHN FINE lives.
The only reason I know that is that he, and the other two
crazy ass people that had the document in another condo
held it out in their hands on the front sidewalk laughing at
me as though I was Mike, and I was still 11 years old
17 years of sleeping pills as a result of the torture I have
been through in the last 20 years of my life. Eric Schwing
is in Virginia today with that document. Eric Schwing was
hired to come to Columbus, and knew where I lived at the
time skipping over me even though I, as a vesica pisces, am
the power behind the machine Where is the Cross?
I guess all that doesn’t matter but what about the issue of
duality. As human beings we are born with craniums today,
and have been for who knows how many thousands of
years. The cranium is divided into left and right
hemispheres. The physical planet that we live on is divided
into Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The duality that we
are born with is the cause of all the wars for at least 200
years or more. The first,second and thrid world wars were
in reality, I think started by Germany. I think Germany
owns ISRAEL in one way or another. What they tell you in
college about our brains being, possibly, a problem of the
earth being divided up exactly like our craniums. But they
don’t mention that Mind Control is also an issue.
So, what could mind control be doing on top of our
craniums being split. Could the mind control be causing the
war because we, without knowing it, are slaves to mind
control. Mind Control has been around for thousands of
years the Ark’s of the Covenant are based, I think, on that
being the issue. Magnet boy. The show LOST mentions our
mom’s orchids in the show. How did that happen. I have
nothing to do with HOLLYWOODLAND, Ca. Only
hollywood, florida
The other question is this what about the pineal eye or
gland some rement of the time we had a third eye. There is
also a sort of identation on our heads realated to the third
eye. What someone doesn’t realize is that our nervous
systems and all things related to building circuits that were
in existance 5000 years ago, are being built now.
What about the third eye? Could the idea that someone
planned, when they planned the zodiac, with AIR signs as
being the intellectuals of the zodiac, and the only signs with
human symbols planned the use of hands as a way to build
what was not made before because someone is pulling all
of the strings. Air signs are the “geniuses” of the zodiac.
What about ONENESS? What about Vessica Pisces and the
third eye? I was born a ONE, and I would wish what I have
been through on anyone, but what about the third eye?
Could it be that for some reason what we have lost is
causing all the wars that have happened in the last few
thousand years. Could it be that rather than give back to us
What someone has taken away, because they are pulling all
the strings, we are still victims of the four dimensional
benovelant dictator. Why can’t we just evolve back to what
we were? There would be no more wars that way.The
There is also the issue of Caduceas and the health of us and
how viruses, that we are all born with, can attack our
immune systems, because the immune system thinks they
are something other than viruses.

Father, The Son, and the (W)holly (G)host

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