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Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst

A hemorrhagic renal cyst is a condition characterized by hemorrhage or

bleeding into a renal cyst. Since this condition increases the risk of a blood
infection, it must be taken seriously. In this article, we will try to gain an insight
into the repercussions of a hemorrhagic renal cyst on one's health.

Renal cysts, which are commonly known as kidney cysts, are fluid-filled
sacs that develop within or on the surface of kidneys. These are
categorized into simple renal cysts and complex renal cysts. A simple
cyst is a thin walled cyst with clear fluid or blood enclosed within. It is
not uncommon for people above the age of 60 years to develop a
simple renal cyst. At times, bleeding might occur within the cyst. When
that happens, one is said to suffer from a hemorrhagic renal cyst. Such
a cyst may or may not give rise to symptoms. If the cyst is symptomatic,
then it's best to let the medical experts decide what's best for the
patient. Here's some information on diagnosis and treatment of renal

Symptoms of a Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst

As mentioned earlier, simple cysts are fluid-filled sacs that have clear
fluid or blood enclosed within their walls. Simple cysts that are filled with
blood are referred to as hyperdense renal cysts. At times, a renal cyst
might hemorrhage or even rupture. What ensues after such a
hemorrhage will depend on the size, location and the nature of the cyst.
Wondering what might cause a renal cyst to hemorrhage? Well, an
enlarged and growing cyst present on the surface of the kidney might
come under pressure from the surrounding organs. This can lead to
rupturing of the cyst. Trauma during surgery might also cause cyst to
hemorrhage or rupture. In severe cases, one might experience
hemorrhagic renal cyst symptoms such as flank pain, pain in the
abdomen and blood in urine. Medically referred to as hematuria, blood
in urine, is one of the common symptoms of hemorrhagic cyst. While
hemorrhage of a simple cyst might resolve on its own, this might not be
the case with complex cysts or malignant renal masses. If the fluid
inside the cyst was infected, then a cyst hemorrhage could lead to
sepsis. The pain one might experience might be a result of blood
infection. If not treated soon, a life-threatening situation might arise.

Diagnosis of a Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst

Most of the time, parenchymal lesions or cystic renal masses are

incidentally found during medical checkups. It is the number of cysts as
well as their nature that holds a lot of clinical significance. These days,
doctors use the Bosniak renal cyst classification system to differentiate
simple renal cysts from the complex cysts or malignant masses. Simple
renal cysts are not really a cause of serious concern, however, multiple
cysts in one or both kidneys cannot be ignored. This is a situation that
warrants a proper medical examination. Doctors generally seek the help
of imaging procedures in order to take a closer look at the
characteristics of renal cysts. Morphological and enhancement
characteristics on CT scans form the basis of this classification. When
the imaging studies reveal irregular characteristics, it becomes
important to assess whether the renal cyst is malignant or not. These
imaging studies can also help in the diagnosis of a hemorrhagic renal
cyst. Besides a renal ultrasound, CT scan, MRI and urinalysis are
conducted for formulating a diagnosis.

Treatment of a Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst

As mentioned earlier, simple cysts are generally asymptomatic. It's

usually rare for one to experience severe symptoms due to the
presence of a simple renal cyst, but if the cyst has become enlarged
and has ruptured, one cannot rule out the possibility of complications. A
mere painkiller will not suffice in such cases. A blood infection is one of
the biggest complication that can arise. Once the doctors have analyzed
the condition of the patient, they can suggest the most suitable
hemorrhagic renal cyst treatment options. Percutaneous aspiration is
one of the most common procedures that is used for the treatment of
symptomatic cysts in the kidney. This is a minimally invasive procedure
which involves draining out of the fluid by using a needle. At times, the
fluid might get filled up again, therefore, this procedure is often followed
by injection of a sclerosing agent. Generally alcohol is used as
sclerosing agent. Since it scars the space within the cyst, there is less
likelihood of the cyst getting refilled. The contents of the cyst can also
be studied so as to confirm the diagnosis about the nature of the cyst. If
percutaneous aspiration and sclerotherapy don't seem to help, doctors
might consider laparoscopic cyst decortication. Under this procedure,
the doctor makes small incisions, inflates the space with gas, and
removes the walls of the renal cyst. If laparoscopic deroofing of the renal
cyst doesn't seem to work, surgical drainage and removal of the cyst
through laparoscopic cyst ablation or open surgery might be
recommended. If the cyst is proved to be malignant, it's advisable to
have it surgically removed and have one's kidney function monitored at
regular intervals with the help of imaging studies.

A hemorrhagic renal cyst may or may not be a cause of serious

concern. It all boils down to the nature and size of the cyst. Whatever be
the reason behind development of a symptomatic hemorrhagic renal
cyst, if not detected on time, the risk of sepsis looms large. If you notice
even the slightest tinge of redness in urine, get a urinalysis done. A
timely diagnosis and treatment will facilitate a speedy recovery.
By Smita Pandit
Published: 3/8/2011

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