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Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79

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An evolutionary model of social change in the Middle Ohio Valley: Was social
complexity impossible during the late woodland but mandatory during
the late prehistoric?
Kevin C. Nolan *, Robert A. Cook
Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University, 4034 Smith Laboratory, 174 W. 18[th] Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1106, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We present an evolutionary model of social change in the Middle Ohio Valley during the Fort Ancient per-
Received 1 May 2009 iod (AD 1000–1650), primarily relying on an application of Winterhalder’s (1986) and Kelly’s (1995) evo-
Revision received 19 October 2009 lutionary ecology model of cultural responses to environmental variability. We predict changes in social
Available online 25 November 2009
organization, political complexity, and patterns of stylistic similarity. As the environmental background
for our model we employ recently published moisture data. By iteratively applying the synchronic Win-
Keywords: terhalder–Kelly model we are able to predict a sequence of general trends that agree with much current
Evolutionary ecology
interpretation of Fort Ancient development. Specifically, the model leads us to expect increasing village
Social evolution
Environmental variability
size, the development of regional traditions, and the development of leadership roles and a region-wide
Fort Ancient style Horizon around AD 1400. However, our model provides the ability to make testable predictions that
Late Prehistoric period deviate from the accepted cultural history and predicts that the Middle Ohio Valley and the groups
Madisonville Horizon referred to as Fort Ancient were far from homogenous.
Middle Mississippian Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Social complexity
Middle Ohio Valley

Introduction and Shane, 1970). While climate and other environmental param-
eters have factored into a few analyses (Graybill, 1981; Greenlee,
We present an evolutionary1 model for the development of the 2002; Kennedy, 2000) it has not often been approached from the
Middle Ohio Valley village agricultural societies collectively referred integrated framework offered by evolutionary ecology (EE). In con-
to as Fort Ancient (ca. AD 1000–1650) (Carskadden and Morton, structing our model we draw primarily upon models built under
1977; Essenpreis, 1982; Graybill, 1981; Griffin, 1966; Henderson, the umbrella of EE (e.g., Dyson-Hudson and Smith, 1978; Kelly,
1992; Mills, 1906; Prufer and Shane, 1970). Our focus is on explain- 1995; Winterhalder, 1986, 1990; Winterhalder and Goland,
ing increases in social complexity, variability in inter-community 1997), but also incorporate insights from evolutionary archaeology
interaction, and changing patterns of material culture similarity (a.k.a., selectionist archaeology) (e.g., Dunnell, 1996a, 1999; Dun-
leading up to the Madisonville Horizon (ca. AD 1400/1450), a re- nell and Greenlee, 1999; Madsen et al., 1999; Lipo et al., 1997; Rin-
gion-wide increase in trade and interaction represented by homoge- dos, 1980, 1984) and Gene-culture Coevolution (e.g., Boyd and
nization of style and increasing Mississippian influence (Henderson, Richerson, 1985; Soltis et al., 1995; Richerson and Boyd, 2005).
1992). We suggest that by using EE to analyze Middle Ohio Valley Fort An-
Ecological and evolutionary theory is absent from most previ- cient development we can integrate many of the previous models
ous analyses of Fort Ancient social change. Most explanations have of Fort Ancient social change and provide specific, testable predic-
not specifically taken environmental constraints into account in tions that can account for not only the central tendencies (norms),
their models (e.g., Cook, 2008; Pollack and Henderson, 1992; Prufer but also the spatial and temporal variability that tend to be under-
emphasized in previous models.
The study of behavioral variability is crucial to an evolutionary
* Corresponding author. Fax: +1 614 292 4155. approach to culture, and patterns of environmental variability can
E-mail address: nolan.117@osu.edu (K.C. Nolan). significantly affect cultural responses. In order to model the social
Throughout this paper we use the term evolutionary to refer to the broad array of
response of the prehistoric Middle Ohio Valley village agricultural-
approaches that are derived from Darwinian Theory. Under this umbrella we include
Evolutionary Ecology, Evolutionary Archaeology, Gene-culture Coevolution, among ists, we must first reconstruct the environmental context. To be
others. Our presentation relies on each of these to varying degrees. successful, we need high temporal and spatial resolution. Climate

0278-4165/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79 63

proxy data for the Middle Ohio River Valley is limited. The avail- ing culture change. Instead of invoking diffusion and migration the
able data often have coarse temporal resolution (150 years or emphasis was on fit with the local environment, continuity with
greater Shane et al., 2001). However, recently a source of high-res- preceding groups, and the functional dynamics of settlement sys-
olution climate proxy data has become available. This resolution is tems (Trigger, 2006). Increasing knowledge about the Late Wood-
provided by the Palmer Drought Severity Index reconstructions of land period also helped refine explanatory accounts. The fullest
Cook et al. (1999, 2004). We use these data as the environmental articulation of the internal-only model of Fort Ancient develop-
background for our model. By aggregating these data into 50-year ment was provided by Pollack and Henderson (1992), but the mod-
periods we can model not only trends in central tendency (mean), el had been developing for some time (e.g., Essenpreis, 1978;
but also trends in environmental variability (spatially and tempo- Graybill, 1981; Rafferty, 1974). Pollack and Henderson (1992) pos-
rally, i.e., inter-group correlation and standard deviation). ited that Fort Ancient was an entirely in situ development repre-
With this environmental background, we apply Winterhalder’s senting a gradual increase in social complexity (based partially
(1986) model as modified by Kelly (1995) to predict changes in on a model outlined by Johnson and Earle (1987)). Though their
the prehistoric record. Winterhalder’s (1986) model uses temporal stated aim was to construct a model of social development for
variation (standard deviation) and spatial variation (inter-group northern Kentucky, this has come to be the most widely cited se-
correlation) in resource abundance. By mapping both means and quence for the whole Fort Ancient territory and their model incor-
standard deviations we can visualize the two axes of Winterhal- porates Ohio Fort Ancient data. Kennedy’s (2000) internal
der’s model for the entire Ohio Valley. examination of the general contraction of the entire Fort Ancient
area over time concluded that with the onset of the Little Ice Age
(LIA) and the attendant reduced agricultural productivity, with
Previous models of Fort Ancient social change populations aggregating in areas with the most productive soils
and access to reliable trade routes along the Middle Ohio River.
The term ‘‘Fort Ancient” was coined by Mills (1906, p. 135) to Internal/external models have been applied to Fort Ancient
connote the similarity of material culture among sites in southern intermittently from the late 1970s and early 1980s (Essenpreis,
Ohio (Baum, Gartner, and Fort Ancient specifically), particularly in 1978; Graybill, 1981). These approaches are generally non-typo-
contrast with Hopewell artifacts from the same region. Fort An- logical and are rooted in what could be considered a more mature
cient currently also serves to connote contrast with Middle Missis- form of Processualism, that consider cultures as systems that do
sippian societies. Middle Mississippian refers to those groups that not develop in isolation (e.g., Crumley, 1979). The most recent
are often interpreted as ‘‘chiefdoms,” occupying the Middle and internal/external model (Cook, 2008), builds on these studies by
Lower portions of the Ohio Valley (initially defined by Holmes further taking into account that general processes can couple with
(1886), and refined for the Fort Ancient region by Griffin (1966)). approaches that examine what elements are unique to a society
Fort Ancient has come to be used in reference to village-based, tri- and the significance of migration in more current sociocultural
bal, maize agriculturalists of the Middle Ohio Valley during the models (see Cobb (2005) and Pauketat (2003)).
Late Prehistoric period (Carskadden and Morton, 1977; Essenpreis, The initial internal/external model of Fort Ancient social change
1982; Graybill, 1981; Griffin, 1966; Henderson, 1992; Prufer and was developed by Essenpreis (1978), who argued that Fort Ancient
Shane, 1970). represented different responses to internal and external stimuli,
Most previous models of social change among Fort Ancient soci- with some groups adhering more closely to their Late Woodland
eties in the Middle Ohio Valley (ca. AD 1000–1650) can be grouped forebears while others shifted their settlement system toward that
into three general categories: (1) external (Griffin, 1966; Prufer and of Middle Mississippians with whom they more intensively inter-
Shane, 1970); (2) internal (Pollack and Henderson, 1992; Rafferty, acted. The latter was represented by the Madisonville Phase, for
1974); and (3) internal/external (Cook, 2008; Cowan, 1987; which a key piece of evidence was the platform mounds at the
Essenpreis, 1978; Robertson, 1980). Each type of model calls on Marietta site (Essenpreis, 1978). When one of these mounds was
different types of causal agents and they were generally formu- shown to be Middle Woodland in age (Pickard, 1996), many
lated within different paradigms ranging from Culture History to researchers abandoned this model; however, there is at least one
Processualism to recent approaches reconsidering migration and case of a Fort Ancient temple-style mound (Baum; Mills, 1906). A
other historical dimensions alongside general evolutionary models. combination of Late Woodland and Middle Mississippian ‘‘influ-
External models attributed Fort Ancient social composition to ences” on Fort Ancient development has been discussed by various
migration and diffusion, explanations which were commonplace other researchers as well (e.g., Brose, 1982; Cowan, 1987; Robert-
in the Culture Historical period (Trigger, 2006). Initial understand- son, 1980).
ing of Fort Ancient origins relied primarily on migration (Griffin, Working in the eastern portion of the Fort Ancient region, Gray-
1966), a trend that continued until the end of the Culture Historic bill (1981) utilized an internal/external model of social change
period (Prufer and Shane, 1970). Griffin (1966) argued that Fort when he argued that larger settlement sizes and the appearance
Ancient began as an adaptation originating in the lower Ohio and of palisades in Late Fort Ancient sites on the eastern periphery of
Middle Mississippi River valleys that was adapted to a less agricul- the Fort Ancient region was in part caused by the effects of the
turally productive environment (i.e., the Middle Ohio Valley). Pru- LIA on northern Iroquoian farmers. Iroquoian populations experi-
fer and Shane (1970) furthered this argument by asserting that Fort encing decreased agricultural productivity associated with a dete-
Ancient material culture was distinct from Late Woodland groups riorating climate were argued to have initiated raids on their
who were argued to have occupied a different part of the local southern neighbors triggering changes in settlement organization
landscape, mainly uplands and rockshelters as opposed to flood- and distribution, such as consolidation into larger villages sur-
plains. With limited material for comparison, it was easy to see rounded by palisades (Graybill, 1981, p. 168).
major distinctions between Late Woodland and Fort Ancient mate- In the most recent example of an internal/external Fort Ancient
rial assemblages (see Essenpreis (1978)). There are some marked development model, Cook (2008) focuses on interactions among
differences between Late Woodland and Late Prehistoric assem- people across culture–historical taxonomic boundaries as influenc-
blages, which are still poorly understand, but all current models ing the development of social complexity in the Middle Ohio Val-
now recognize various degrees of local contributions. ley, specifically in the Miami Valleys of southwestern Ohio in
Internal models of Fort Ancient development were common relation to neighboring Middle Mississippian groups. The internal
among Processualists and marked a fundamental shift in interpret- part of the model looked at the growth of populations and the need
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64 K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79

for higher forms of management to emerge. To this end, it was only Line in particular) contain more Mississippian-style houses (wall
when the SunWatch site doubled in size that a clear authority po- trenches) and trade items (pottery) than the smaller ones, leading
sition emerged in the village (Cook, 2008). Cook (2008) links this Cook (2008) and Cook and Fargher (2008) to conclude that the
internal development with a broader consideration of Middle Mis- State Line site may have served as an entrepot through which Mis-
sissippian forms of complexity with some being comparable on a sissippians moved. Protective palisades have also been noted for
scale previously not considered. Fort Ancient village to Middle Mis- some sites in southwestern Ohio. During the Middle Period, pot-
sissippian village interaction is set within a ‘‘periphery peer” tery is typified by Anderson wares, which are often decorated with
framework, which adheres well to expectations derived from an a variety of guilloche and line-filled triangle motifs (see Fig. 1).
expanded version of Renfrew’s (1986) peer polity interaction mod- Cowan (1987, p. 12) aptly describes the Middle period in this re-
el with the incorporation of subsequent research (see Cook (2008, gion as being ‘‘baroque” in comparison with the initial pottery
p. 3–6)). Cook shows that the structure of Fort Ancient villages is styles.
very similar to small Middle Mississippian villages and forms asso- In northern Kentucky, focused on the Kentucky and Licking Riv-
ciated with ‘‘emergent Mississippians” in the American Bottom ers, the Early period is characterized as a landscape dotted with
(Kelly, 1990). It is these types of Mississippian sites that Cook small hamlets (Turnbow and Sharp, 1988) – similar in this sense
(2008) argues evolved during peer interactions. with late Late Woodland sites – that aggregated into (sometimes
circular) villages during the Middle period (Pollack and Henderson,
1992; see also Henderson (1998)). There are, however, few recog-
Extant evidence for regional diversification and integration nized early sites. There is no evidence of palisades. There is limited
evidence for external trade during the Early and Middle periods
Two developments across the Middle Ohio Valley and directly (Pollack and Henderson, 1992, 2000a). Pottery styles include
preceding the Fort Ancient period proper occurred during the late Anderson, Fox Farm, and Jessamine types (Pollack and Henderson,
Late Woodland period (AD 800–1000). During this time maize in- 2000a; Turnbow and Henderson, 1992).
creased in dietary importance (e.g., Greenlee, 2002, Fig. 24; Hart, Central Ohio, focused on the Scioto and Hocking Rivers, includes
1999, Fig. 4) and the large fortified villages of the early Late Wood- several well-known villages (Blain, Baum, Feurt, Gartner, and
land (AD 400–800) largely disappeared to be replaced by small, Voss). The Late Woodland-Fort Ancient transition, AD 1000–1200
dispersed settlements; unfortunately, domestic architecture has has been interpreted as reaction to the increased risk associated
rarely been discernable (Church, 1987; Church and Nass, 2002; with maize agriculture and an increasing need for integrating
Pollack and Henderson, 2000b; Seeman and Dancey, 2000, p. mechanisms (Church, 1987; Church and Nass, 2002). During this
597; Redmond and McCullough, 2000). Several researchers have period several typical Fort Ancient characteristics emerge: struc-
indicated that some early Late Woodland sites were circular vil- tured and nucleated settlements; shell-tempered pottery; deco-
lages with central plazas (Cowan, 1987; Pollack and Henderson, rated ceramics. There is limited evidence of Middle Mississippian
2000b; Rafferty, 1974). There are examples of large villages in trade items. Evidence of inter-community interaction has been lar-
the late Late Woodland (these appear to be concentrated in south- gely derived from decorated ceramics. The Scioto Valley was the
western Ohio; e.g., Turpin; see Cowan (1986) and Church and Nass heart of Griffin’s (1966) Baum phase; however, there are marked
(2002)), but there are no clear cases of plazas. During the late Late stylistic similarities between Griffin’s Baum and Anderson ceram-
Woodland pottery is mostly undecorated. ics (Brady-Rawlins, 2007; Graybill, 1981, Fig. 1; Prufer and Shane,
We present subregional/drainage summaries of extant data and 1970, Fig. 1). Prufer and Shane (1970, p. 259) characterized the
interpretation relevant for evaluating our model, namely village Baum phase as the most ‘‘Mississippified” (shell temper and stylis-
structure, clear indicators of conflict (palisades), evidence of status tic elaboration) of all Early period phases, but the dating of these
differentiation, stylistic distinctions (e.g., pottery design), and characteristics is later than originally thought (see also Scham-
interactions with ‘‘outsiders” (Middle Mississippian- and Iro- bach’s (1971) criticism of their use of chronology). Thus the in-
quoian-style house forms and trade items). There are two issues creased Mississippification of the Scioto Valley appears around
greatly hampering this exercise. First, site structures are poorly the time of increasing elaborative cultural material in other valleys
understood (with a few important exceptions) as few sites have (Church and Nass, 2002).
been extensively excavated. Second, and equally vexing, is that Site structure is minimally known for Scioto Valley Fort Ancient
most sites have very few radiocarbon dates leaving us with a very sites. Some Early period sites (e.g., Howard Baum) exhibit a linear
poor control over chronology (e.g., most of the Fort Ancient sites in pattern similar to the dispersed household clusters of the late Late
southwest Ohio have only a few radiocarbon dates), and the ones Woodland (Church and Nass’s (2002) ‘‘Transitional Period”). Some
that are well dated often span the entire Fort Ancient temporal later (Middle/Late period) sites are known to exhibit the typical
spectrum (e.g., Cook, 2007; Drooker, 1997). The following consid- Fort Ancient ‘‘doughnut” shaped structure (e.g., Blain (Prufer and
ers Fort Ancient in commonly agreed upon time periods: Early Shane, 1970), Voss (Brady-Rawlins, 2007)). The pottery styles of
(AD 1000/1050–1200/1250), Middle (AD 1200/1250–1400/1450), the Early and Middle Period, especially from the northern sites,
and Late (AD 1400/1450–1650/1670), though we recognize the are characterized as Baum with stylistic affinity to the Anderson
need for better resolution for fully realizing the model we put for- wares of the Miami and Licking drainages. Later and more south-
ward later (Table 1; see also summaries in Carskadden and Morton, erly sites are often characterized by Feurt wares. Hocking Valley
2000, Fig. 5:3; Drooker, 1997, Fig. 4-3). Fort Ancient pottery exhibits little variation in style (see discussion
In southwestern Ohio, focused on the Little and Great Miami in Prufer and Shane (1970) of Baldwin) and maintains greater sim-
Rivers, well-structured circular villages with plazas are present ilarity to the late Late Woodland the Fort Ancient ceramics are
from the beginning of the Fort Ancient period (Cook, 2008; Cowan, characterized by Baum and Baldwin types.
1986, 1987; Drooker, 1997; Essenpreis, 1982), though the timing of In Eastern Ohio/West Virginia, focused on the Monongahela
these may be closer to AD 1100 than AD 1000 (Drooker, 1997; see River, circular villages were also present from the beginning of
also Church and Nass (2002)). There is significant variation in vil- the sequence (ca. AD 1050) (at least along the Ohio River). These
lage sizes. At 3.2 ha the State Line site is more than double that villages occur in a similar range of sizes as other regions, but they
of the ‘‘typical” village sizes (e.g., SunWatch at 1.4 ha) and four are more variably structured than in other regions (Graybill, 1981).
times the size of smaller villages (e.g., Horseshoe Johnson at In the upper Muskingum Valley the period AD 1275–AD 1350 is
0.4 ha) (see Cook and Schurr (2009)). The larger sites (and State characterized as a ‘‘Late Woodland-Fort Ancient transitional stage”
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K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79 65

Table 1
Summary of model and extant regional database.

Time Model summary Drainage summaries

Spatial Temporal Moisture Response Miami (eI) Kentucky (cK) Scioto (cO) Monongahela Cultural
(wP) period
801 Low/ Moderate Low Small site, residentially mobile, little Some large Some large Mostly small Mostly small Late
moderate exchange sites sites dispersed sites dispersed woodland
851 Low/ Low/ Low Continuation of previous some Increased Increased Increased Increased
moderate moderate exchange south of Ohio River maize maize maize maize
901 Low/ Moderate/ Low/ More rigid boundaries: conflict north, Little Little Little decorated Little
moderate high moderate social control south; increased decorated decorated pottery decorated
residential stability and site size pottery pottery pottery
951 Low/ Low/ Low/ More style and exchange, increased
moderate moderate moderate storage and community pooling
(esp. cK, eI)
1001 Low and Moderate Moderate Conflict (wI, wK), exchange (eI, cK, wP, Circular Small hamlets Linear sites; Circular Early FA
high wV); bifurcated Fort Ancient region villages; large some villages
and small sites structured
1051 Moderate Moderate/ Moderate increased exchange, integration of Fort Mississippian Little evidence Little evidence Little
high Ancient region, conflict in high traits of external of external evidence of
temporal variability regions trade trade external
1101 Low and Moderate Moderate/ cK, eI, wK, wI favor exchange; cO and Little Little Little decorated Little
high low eK some conflict and limited exchange decorated decorated pottery; Baum/ decorated
pottery pottery Baldwin pottery
1151 Moderate/ Moderate/ Moderate Lower valley increased complexity, Palisades (?)
high high increased exchange Mid-upper valley
1201 Low and Moderate/ Moderate Formalized east–west exchange Circular Circular Circular Circular Middle FA
high high villages; large villages; villages villages
and small sites
1251 Variable Moderate/ Moderate Lower valley conflict, Middle valley Anderson wares Anderson, Fox Anderson, Philo, Feurt
high focus on exchange, decrease conflict cO Farm, Baum, Feurt wares
and eK Jessamine wares
1301 Low Moderate/ Moderate Increased conflict and/or larger Mississippian
high exchange networks and increased traits
1351 Low and Moderate Moderate/ Decreased conflict and increased Palisades Palisades
high low exchange, north–south trade becomes

with small villages or hamlets and mixed stone and shell-tempered relate to changes in social structure brought on by integrating lar-
pottery (Carskadden and Morton, 2000, p. 160). Carskadden and ger local groups. Incipient ranking developed in some villages dur-
Morton (2000) argue that during this period local groups in the ing the Late Fort Ancient (AD 1400–1650) (Cook, 2008; Drooker,
upper portion of the Muskingum valley were ‘‘supplanted” by Fort 1997), and there are considerably more instances of secondary
Ancient villagers who constructed circular villages around plazas and mass burials (maybe due to fusing of disparate populations)
in a fashion similar to those downstream. Philo Punctate pottery be- and a more regular occurrence of pottery in graves. Pottery in
came the norm in this region and is quite distinct from other Fort graves and mass burial could have developed locally but these
Ancient wares (Carskadden and Morton, 2000) (see Fig. 1). There are also common occurrences in neighboring Middle Mississippian
are few indications of interactions with Middle Mississippians. and Iroquoian communities, respectively. House form at some sites
After approximately AD 1400/1450 there are fewer known sites includes both longer houses in the eastern portion (e.g., Hardin
across the Fort Ancient region and they are focused closer to the Hanson, 1966) and wall trench houses in the western portion
Ohio River and exhibit a far more consistent pattern of pottery (e.g., SunWatch Cook, 2008, Stateline Vickery et al., 2000) of the
attributes (see Fig. 2). These sites are indicated by the presence Middle Ohio Valley. The former is suggestive of extended families
of Madisonville Horizon Pottery, which is composed mainly of shell replacing nuclear ones (and possibly coincident with Iroquois
tempering with minimal decoration, large strap handles and a influence) (Cowan, 1987, 1988), while the latter has been used to
more diverse set of vessel forms than during the preceding periods support an influx of Middle Mississippian migrants (Cook and
(Drooker, 1997; Essenpreis, 1988; Henderson, 1992). It has been Schurr, 2009).
argued that village sizes increased significantly by the Late period Palisades have been positively identified at six sites (Bosman,
and became less organized (e.g., Cowan, 1987; Pollack and Hender- Buffalo, Neale’s Landing, Slone, South Fort, SunWatch), though
son, 1992, 2000a); however, recent studies have questioned this researchers have not often looked for them so we cannot know
conclusion. Many Late Fort Ancient sites were reoccupied several how representative this is for the region. If palisades were primar-
times, some of which were villages of the same size and structure ily for defense from threats of violence (real or perceived) it is
as those common in earlier times (Drooker, 1997; see also Cook interesting to note that they are only present in peripheral areas
(2008)). Some villages undoubtedly grew in size, but how common suggesting defense from non-Fort Ancient neighbors. The only
the trend was and the precise organization of these settlements is clear exception is that they are absent from the lower Miami val-
not known. leys and central Kentucky – areas bordering Mississippians to the
Two trends occurred along with the posited increase in village west, which is perhaps related to a more ‘‘open” stance vis a vis
size: changes in mortuary patterns and house form, both of which those neighbors in contrast to the Iroquois (Fig. 2). It has been
Author's personal copy

66 K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79

Fig. 1. Regional pottery styles from the early and middle Fort Ancient periods. (A) Anderson the Little Miami Valley (copied from Drooker, 1997:Figs. 4–8; see Graybill (1981)
and Griffin (1966)). Anderson-like pottery is common to the Miami and Scioto Valleys (Graybill, 1981; Prufer and Shane, 1970). (B) Feurt Incised sherds from the lower Scioto
Valley (copied from Griffin, 1966: Plate XXII). (C) Philo Punctate sherds from the Muskingum Valley (Carskadden and Morton, 1977). Philo Punctate photos used with
permission of James Morton.

argued that palisades are a later phenomenon (e.g., Buffalo Hanson, make the investigations of [environmental] variability and buffer-
1975; see also Graybill (1981)) but clearly began earlier and were ing so significant.” Additionally, the investigation of cultural vari-
often rebuilt as villages grew in size (e.g., Slone (Greenlee, 2002), ability is crucial to a Darwinian evolutionary perspective on
SunWatch (Cook, 2008)). cultural change (Dunnell, 1996a; Dunnell and Greenlee, 1999;
Some argue that Middle Mississippian influence occurs mainly Greenlee, 2002; Madsen et al., 1999; Truncer, 2006). The emphasis
at the onset of the Madisonville Horizon (Pollack and Henderson, on cultural variability is derived from a population perspective
1992, 2000a; Pollack et al., 2002) but others suggest that while cur- (materialism) as it relates to Natural Selection. For Natural Selec-
rent evidence most strongly supports this claim, earlier occur- tion to operate there must be heritable variability in the popula-
rences are likely, albeit perhaps fewer in number (Cook, 2008; tion. From this perspective variability is the data (see Lyman and
Cook and Schurr, 2009; Cowan, 1987; Vickery et al., 2000). There O’Brien (1998) and O’Brien and Lyman (2000)).
are simply far too few dates associated with Middle Mississippian
features and artifacts to clarify this important question. The Winterhalder–Kelly model

Winterhalder (1986) has emphasized the importance of envi-

Evolutionary and ecological perspectives on variability and ronmental variability in the structuring of cultural responses and
interaction he specifically isolates two major axes along which environmental
variation influences cultural response: spatial variability (a.k.a.,
In this section we discuss the general role of environmental and interforager correlation) and temporal variability (a.k.a., intrafor-
cultural variability in evolutionary analyses of culture and the spe- ager variability; standard deviation). Winterhalder (1986), Fig. 6
cific models and logic upon which we build our model. Halstead arrives at a four class paradigmatic classification of cultural re-
and O’Shea (1989, p. 5) state that environmental variability ‘‘ex- sponses to variation along these axes. Winterhalder is careful to
ert[s] a strong influence on culture at large, shaping societal orga- note that his axes are not composed of two discrete states, but
nization and providing the crucial conditions that give rise to social are instead continuous variables and therefore his four classes
change and transformation. It is these wider ramifications that are idealized responses and reality will be much messier.
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K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79 67

Fig. 2. Location of known fortified villages and Madisonville Horizon sites. Base map after Drooker (2000): Fig. 7:15.

Winterhalder’s (1986) model is (as are most EE models) con- A is characterized by high inter-group correlation of return among
structed at the conceptual level of the ‘‘individual” forager. How- individuals (e.g., foragers, farmers, communities) and high intra-
ever, there is no theoretical reason that this model could not be individual variation (standard deviation). Case A results in carry-
applied to both agriculturalists and groups of organisms. The mod- over averaging (household storage) and non-local exchange and/
el makes no assumptions about subsistence strategy. The key vari- or migration. Kelly (1995) adds perimeter defense and warfare
ables are variability of resource productivity over time (intra-group (Fig. 3). Under these circumstances we expect little evidence of ex-
standard deviation) and spatial variability in resource productivity change (either in traceable non-perishable goods or in stylistic
(inter-group correlation). For most EE models, the major difference elaboration). Additionally, stockades and other signs of direct con-
between a forager and an agriculturalist would be in the abun- flict (e.g., skeletal evidence of violent death) would be more
dance of and distance to certain resources. Agricultural decision prevalent.
making can be modeled using the same quantitative and qualita- Perimeter defense becomes more likely in cases of resource
tive models that have more often been applied to foragers (e.g., abundance (Dyson-Hudson and Smith, 1978). It seems counter-
Keegan, 1986; Keegan and Butler, 1987; Reidhead, 1981; Winterh- intuitive that abundance of resources can lead to increases in theft.
alder and Goland, 1997).2 However, theft is only a high return activity if there is someone
(Kelly (1995): Chapter 5, Fig. 5-6) has shown how Winterhal- with a lot of resources. This is related to the justification for sharing
der’s (1986) model could be adapted to the group level. We refer (a.k.a. tolerated theft) of large game meat (for example) among
to the collective model of group level decision making as the Win- hunter–gatherers (e.g., Kaplan et al., 1990). In cases characterized
terhalder–Kelly (W–K) model (Fig. 3). Winterhalder’s (1986) Case as tolerated theft, the cost of defense is too high for the benefits re-
tained by putting effort into exclusion. With storable agricultural
produce (or livestock Dyson-Hudson and Smith, 1978), protecting
We realize this is a simplistic view of the differences in modeling foragers versus resources and excluding others becomes a viable alternative. If
farmers; however, it is beyond our scope to entertain a full discussion of the there are individuals with an abundance of resources, there is the
applicability of these types of formal models to non-forager situations. We refer the
reader to the cited references for this discussion, especially Winterhalder and Goland
possibility of a high pay-off for the energy invested in theft (en-
(1997). The point is that the same logic can be applied regardless of ‘‘type” of ough to compensate for the risk involved). Additionally, the bene-
subsistence system. One anonymous reviewer specifically referenced the amount of fits of exclusion increase if the resources are storable (Kaplan et al.,
energy invested in clearing and planting by agriculturalists. This can easily be 1990). Therefore, in situations characterized by W–K Case A and
incorporated in the calculations of costs versus return. Specifically, the costs of
abundance, the development of hostilities will be most pro-
tending the garden would be added to the handling cost (c.f. search time (Keegan,
1986)) for the cultigens making them more expensive. However, the action of nounced because of the co-occurrence of a time-transferrable sur-
preparation significantly affects predictability, abundance, and therefore decreases plus and high likelihood of any one individual falling short of
search time for these resources. Once the cultivated resources join the optimal diet required resources at a given time (i.e., high intra-group standard
set they are almost guaranteed to make up a large portion of the diet as the encounter deviation).
rate spikes (see Winterhalder and Goland (1997)). This is just a sketch of how to begin
dealing with the changes in resource cost and distribution brought about by a change
Winterhalder’s (1986) Case B is characterized by a high intra-
in subsistence strategy; however, the main point, that these models are applicable to group standard deviation and low inter-group correlation among
farmers, stands. individuals. The predicted response is sharing and/or exchange
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68 K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79

When examining diachronic change in archaeological contexts

we cannot simply rely on the W–K model to tell us what to expect.
The W–K model is timeless (i.e., space-like sensu Dunnell, 1996c, p.
74); that is, it does not take account of history in its predictions.
The W–K model is intended to predict cultural response at a single
point in time, or over a short span based on knowledge of the sta-
tistical probability distribution for food returns. While it is true
that use of the standard deviation requires temporal data, the scale
of observation is quite different from the time scale of the archae-
ological record. The W–K model will make a static prediction
regardless of the historical trajectory of the group under consider-
ation. By applying the model iteratively, we create a modeled his-
torical context within which to consider cultural response and
inertia (not considered in the original model). Therefore, we do
not rely solely on the predictions of the W–K model when detailing
our expectations for cultural responses, but draw on a few general
evolutionary models in presenting expectations for prehistoric cul-
tural change in response to changes in environmental variability.

Other evolutionary models

Fig. 3. The Winterhalder–Kelly model. The horizontal axis represents inter-group
correlation (inverse of spatial variability; i.e. low correlation equals high spatial
variability) in food yield and the vertical axis is intra-group variance (aka: temporal One of the most important shifts in the evolution of human cul-
variation) represented by the standard deviation (SD) of the yield. When an ture has been the development of complex, hierarchical societies.
individual’s (group or organism) resource productivity is highly correlated with According to Dunnell (1996a, p. 92) change in level of socio-polit-
individuals nearby there is little to be gained by exchange among individuals. That
ical complexity is characterized by a shift in the level at which the
is, low spatial variability should lead to low levels of exchange. According to the
model, people are expected to trade with individuals who experience uncorrelated selection on cultural variability is primarily focused. As the number
resource productivity. In general when temporal variability (SD) increases individ- of different, exclusive, and mutually dependent roles in a society
uals will be most successful with strategies that minimize the likelihood of falling increases (specialization), organisms no longer carry the full com-
below a critical minimum amount of resources. Storage is a common solution to
plement of information necessary to reproduce the behavioral rep-
high temporal variability. This four class plot is a generalized model and both axes
are in reality continuous. Figure reproduced after (Kelly (1995): Fig. 5-6; see also
ertoire of their cultural group (Dunnell, 1996b, p. 51). In more
Winterhalder (1986)). complexly organized groups, selection on cultural variability is, un-
der this logic, acting on the whole cultural group and not on the
information contained by individual organisms. This dichotomy
possibly supplemented with storage. Kelly (1995) adds social- is artificial. There is no quantum leap in level of organization.
boundary defense and intense, rigid reciprocal exchange. We inter- The parsing of cultural information into separate but mutually
pret Kelly’s notion of social-boundary defense to be related to the dependent bundles is likely gradual.
increase in exchange. For agriculturalists it is not simply regulating We are interested in cumulative change in cultural entities and
access to territory but regulating access to surplus. This would in- specifically the emergence of social complexity (albeit at an incip-
clude similar social mechanisms employed by the hunter–gather- ient level see Cook (2008)) in the Middle Ohio River Valley. There-
ers that are the focus of Kelly’s efforts (e.g., lineage/moiety fore, following Dunnell’s logic, our unit of analysis is the
bonds, fictive kinship). In addition we would expect to see the community. According to most interpretations, there is equiva-
use of shared, emblemic (sensu Weissner, 1983) symbols to medi- lence between a Fort Ancient village/habitation site and the com-
ate the establishment of alliances and trade relationships. Under munity (e.g., Essenpreis, 1988; c.f. Essenpreis, 1978). Smaller
Case B we expect increasing interaction among groups. This should sites may represent seasonal uses by some members of those com-
be manifest materially by stylistic (sensu Dunnell, 1978) elabora- munities (e.g., Brose and White, 1983; Purtill, 1999; Turnbow and
tion of material culture and stylistic similarities among interacting Jobe, 1984), but the possibility of satellites in a small-scale hierar-
groups (Braun, 1991; Lipo et al., 1997) and the presence of non-lo- chy remains unexplored (see Cook (2008)).
cal materials. Winterhalder’s (1986) Case C obtains when return is Pooling resources and pooling risk within a group can help en-
predictable (low intra-group standard deviation) and is very likely sure that organisms decrease their probability of failing to meet
the same as neighboring groups (high inter-group correlation); their minimal requirements (Winterhalder, 1990). Additionally,
there is, therefore, either no need or no option for inter- or intra- increasing the size of the community pooling resources can be an
individual averaging (exchange or storage, respectively). Kelly effective solution for managing high temporal variability. For farm-
(1995) predicts the development of passive territories with mini- ing communities this buffering effect can be even more pro-
mal hostilities and occasional migration. In cases characterized nounced. One strategy at the household level to minimize risk of
by these conditions there should be limited stylistic elaboration failure is to scatter garden plots across space. This strategy mini-
(see Braun (1991)) and little to no evidence for violent inter-group mizes the likelihood of catastrophic failure for subsistence agricult-
conflict (e.g., stockades, projectiles embedded in bone). Finally, uralists and takes advantage of the inherent spatial variability of the
W–K Case D is characterized by a consistent return per individual factors affecting agricultural productivity (Winterhalder, 1990).
(i.e., low intra-group standard deviation) but little inter-group cor- Increasing the size of the food producing community pooling re-
relation in production with neighbors (i.e., high spatial variability). sources increases the ability of the group to weather patches of high
In Case D, each group semi-specializes and provides their neigh- temporal variability and would also potentially increase the ability
bors with the goods they have in excess and receive in return what of community to withstand modest spatial variability on a small
is lacking locally (i.e., differentiated exchange). As indicated, each scale. Complex social organizations are well suited to accomplish
of these cases would leave a distinct signature in the archaeological this sort of risk minimization (Halstead and O’Shea, 1989).
record; however, it must be remembered that these cases are not Once a region experiences the development of group functional
discrete. Both axes are continuous in reality. behavior and natural selection on cultural variability is acting (at
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least partially) directly on aggregates, new evolutionary pressures ‘‘(n)egative (positive) PDSI values [to] indicate dry (wet) periods,
may surface. Due to the competitive advantage in defense and (di- while those near zero presume a state near the average” (Mika
rect or indirect) competition for resources, groups that have the et al., 2005, p. 224). Cook et al. (1999, p. 11,477) found that tree-
buffering mechanisms associated with larger populations (produc- ring data correlate best with summer PDSI values and therefore
tion effort adapted to stressful periods) will increase in relative fre- the reconstructed values are primarily estimations of summer pre-
quency over time. That is, communities with effective buffering cipitation for a given year. This is appropriate for our analysis in
mechanisms (e.g., social complexity, centralization, and more the temperate eastern United States as summer precipitation has
members) will produce daughter communities that are more suc- the most direct impact on agricultural productivity.
cessful in inter-village competition. We are not the first to approach the use of PDSI from an evolu-
This is similar to the reasoning of Richerson et al. (2001) regard- tionary perspective to evaluate human response to climate induced
ing the ‘‘mandatory” nature of agriculture during the Holocene. In a subsistence risk. In discussing the effects of climatic variability on
world of foragers, an energy intensive strategy like agriculture will subsistence systems, Larson et al. (1996) state that:
be selected against; however, once agriculturalists are on the scene
the selective equation changes. The increase in population associ- An ideal measure of variability would be one which fluctuates
ated with grain agriculture and the inherent instability of the adap- independently of the average. The standard deviation is
tation (see also Rindos (1980, 1984)) cause the rapid spread of appropriate for a normal distribution, but with data such as pre-
agriculture at the expensive of conservative hunter–gatherer groups cipitation amounts, for instance, standard deviation often
(Richerson et al., 2001). The more complex groups and their atten- increases with increasing averages. The Palmer Drought Sever-
dant ability to maintain production and health in bad years are anal- ity Index (PDSI) is calculated in such a way as to make it nor-
ogous to Richerson et al.’s (2001) higher reproducing farmers. The mally distributed with a mean of 0. As a result, we feel that
less complex groups are analogous to the foragers with lower popu- the standard deviation provides a good summary of overall var-
lation densities and lower reproductive rates. This competitive iability. From an anthropological viewpoint, the standard devi-
ratchet (sensu Richerson et al., 2001) would apply pressure towards ation can be interpreted as a coefficient of high-frequency
complexity (or buffering mechanisms of equivalent function) inde- subsistence risk. Periods with the highest standard deviations
pendently of fluctuations in the physical environment. Therefore, will have the greatest variability, implying the greatest amount
social–political complexity may have been ‘‘mandatory” in some re- of unpredictability for human populations (Larson et al., 1996,
gions adjacent to areas where complexity developed out of need for p. 225).
high order buffering mechanisms due to environmental variability.
The nature of the PDSI scale and especially the relationship be-
An evolutionary model of Fort Ancient social change tween the long-term mean and the standard deviation make the
standard deviation of PDSI the most appropriate measure of tem-
The basis for our regional analysis of environmental variability poral variability for the W–K model as used here.
is set largely within an evolutionary ecology framework. After pre- The current PDSI reconstructions consist of a 2.5°  2.5° grid of
senting the theoretical context, we present our methods (which fo- interpolated (inverse distance weighting, IDW) PDSI values (Cook
cus on fine-grained moisture data), then present the model for the et al., 2004). This data is available for querying and download on
region of interest. We concluded this section by assessing the fit NOAA Paleoclimatology’s World Data Center for Paleoclimatology
with the data outlined above. and the Applied Research Center for Paleoclimatology (http://
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) reconstruction cre- www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/pdsi.html). See Fig. 4a for the location
ated by Edward R. Cook and colleagues (1999, 2004). Cook et al.’s of grid points used (N = 24) in our analysis and the tree-ring data-
PDSI reconstructions are based on dendroclimatological analyses, sets that are the basis of Cook et al.’s (2004) reconstructions. We
and provide data on moisture availability at an annual scale for employ the PDSI values as a measure of relative precipitation.
all of North America. The PDSI is ‘‘a widely used measure of relative
drought and wetness over the United States” (Cook et al., 2004, p. Procedures
1016; emphasis added) and there is a growing archaeological liter-
ature using the index (e.g., Benson et al. 2007; Cooper, 2008; Stahle We have selected the period AD 801–1400 as our analytical
et al., 2007). The PDSI scale ranges from 6 to +6 (arbitrary) using focus, segmenting the interval into 50-year periods to consider

Fig. 4. Maps of the analytic region. (A) This figure shows the location of Cook et al.’s (2004) interpolated PDSI grid points and the locations of the extant sample of tree-ring
data upon which Cook et al.’s interpolations are based. The reader is referred to the original publications and the NOAA website for more information about how the PDSI
network is calculated and the details of individual tree-ring datasets. (B) The approximate location of relevant Late Prehistoric cultural groups after Cook (2008), Fig. 1.1.
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70 K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79

Fig. 5. AD 801–900 interpolated PDSI. The results of the IDW interpolation from Cook et al.’s (2004) PDSI grid points with data for the period. Interpolation results for AD
801–850 (A–C) and AD 851–900 (D–E). Subfigures A and D present average PDSI distribution for the first and second 50 year period, respectively. The scale for A and D is
based on the scale provided on the data download site (http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/pdsi.html; subfigure 3g below). Spatial variation is represented by the steepness of
the isopleth gradients (A and D). That is, tightly packed isopleth lines indicate high variability across space. This allows us to see in which directions from any given point
returns will be correlated. The standard deviation of PDSI for the first and second fifty year period are presented in subfigures B and E, respectively. The resulting W–K model
plot for each period is presented in subfigures C and F. The grid points are represented in the W–K plot as abbreviations for the location of the grid point. Grid point 218 is in
western Indiana (wI); 219 is in western Kentucky (wK); 227 is in eastern Indiana (eI); 228 is in central Kentucky (cK); 236 is in central Ohio (cO); 237 is in eastern Kentucky
(eK); 246 is in western Pennsylvania (wP); 247 is in western Virginia (2). It is important to note that C and F only plot the relative spatial variability and temporal variability
(standard deviation) for the actual grid points. This does not tell the whole story of regional variability on either axis. Quite often peak spatial variability will be found
between the PDSI grid points and it will be necessary to examine subfigures A and D to fully understand the nature of the predicted relations in any one area. It is possible to
create a W–K plot for any point within the interpolated region. The scale for the mean PDSI (A and D) and temporal variation plots (B and E) is the same for each of the
following figures for ease of comparison. Isopleth intervals for all maps is 0.05 PDSI units.

patterns of spatial and temporal variability. Changes in the precip- extent of inputs was used to limit analysis for the remaining peri-
itation regime will be used to predict responses by prehistoric soci- ods. The data contained in the point shapefiles for each period
eties based on the models discussed in the previous section. We were then interpolated (IDW) to predict the expected PDSI values
focus our efforts in the Middle Ohio River Valley portion of the re- for areas between the grid points. Interpolations were performed
gion (Grid Points 218, 219, 227, 228, 236, 237, 246, 247 in Fig. 4a). for both mean and standard deviation for each period. The result-
However, to avoid unnecessary edge effects the surrounding region ing 50-year average and standard deviation maps are displayed in
was included in the analysis. After the appropriate grid points were Figs. 5–10. In what follows we discuss the key aspects of distribu-
selected and the data downloaded, the raw PDSI files were com- tion and variability in precipitation and the predicted cultural
piled into separate Excel spreadsheets for each 50-year period. responses.
The tree-ring data and the reconstructed PDSI values do not cover
the whole time period for all grid points. If the data was not avail- The model
able for the entire 50-year period the grid point was omitted from
the analysis for that period. For the data points used in this analy- In this section we detail our model for prediction of social
sis, the result is the gradual westward then northward expansion change in the Middle Ohio Valley. We start 200 years before the
of the area covered to eventually encompass the American Bottom Fort Ancient period to provide a modeled historical context within
and parts of the Mississippi River Valley. The Middle Ohio River which to view subsequent developments, and we stop before the
Valley is covered for the entire period of analysis. end of the Fort Ancient period because there are no further clear
An average and standard deviation were computed for each 50- shifts in social development. Two concerns (other than the theoret-
year period at each grid point used. The spreadsheets were then ical concerns raised above) should be kept in mind when process-
imported into ESRI shapefile format using the coordinates provided ing this information and turning it into a diachronic model for
with the data download. An analysis mask was used in the time expectations of social responses. First, as we are talking about
periods that did not have data for all grid points, and the maximum the action of selection in response to changes in the modeled
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K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79 71

selective environment (PDSI interpolations) the predicted changes falls. Perimeter defense is not likely. The shortage of water during
are expected to come at an unspecified (and unknown) lag behind this period makes it unlikely that these late Late Woodland food
the onset of new selective conditions. Second, in applying the W–K producing societies experienced an abundance of crops to the point
model it is difficult to know what constitutes a ‘‘high” and ‘‘low” that engaging in warfare and defense would have been economical.
intra-group standard deviation. Similarly with the proxy for in- The region was still dry during the AD 851–900 interval and we
ter-group correlation used here (i.e., inverse of spatial variability), predict subsistence systems continued experiencing stress
we have no interval scale measure. We use a scale of temporal var- (Fig. 5d). The regions north of the Ohio River move closer to Case
iability that overlaps the observed range of standard deviations (1– C (Fig. 5f). We expect mobility with passive territories and low lev-
2).3 The spatial variability dimension will have to remain fairly dis- els of exchange. Perimeter defense is even less likely. We expect
crete and relative with low (i.e., high correlation in returns across slightly more emphasis on trade south of the Ohio River (Fig. 5f).
space; widely spaced isopleths), moderate, and high (i.e., low corre-
lation in returns across space; closely spaced isopleths) values. This AD 901–1000
will allow us to plot our values against a two dimensional plot sim- The entire modeled region sees an increase in temporal variabil-
ilar to Kelly’s (1995) Fig. 5-6 reproduced here as Fig. 3 (see also Win- ity during the period AD 901–950 (Fig. 6b). The intensification of
terhalder (1986), Fig. 6). temporal variability amplifies the likelihood of increasingly rigid
In presenting the model we will repeatedly refer to the two axes boundaries. Inter-group conflict becomes increasingly likely during
of the W–K model. In reference to the modeled distribution of pre- this period, especially north of the Ohio River. While the region is
cipitation, subfigures A and D in Figs. 5–10 display the distribution still experiencing a moisture shortage the severity is decreasing,
of variation in average precipitation for each 50 year period. The and an increasing abundance of agricultural produce is likely. More
greater the concentration of isopleths (like contours on a topo- of a focus on defense of territories is predicted. This should be asso-
graphic map) in these maps the higher the level of spatial variabil- ciated with a decrease in frequency of residential moves and, espe-
ity or the lower inter-community correlation (see Fig. 3). The cially in Kentucky, the development of social-boundary defense
orientation of the isopleth gradients can be used to predict the and reciprocal exchange relationships. We expect to see some
direction(s) in which exchange is likely to be most beneficial. It non-utilitarian embellishments return to artifact classes such as
is most beneficial to exchange with neighbors in a direction per- ceramics. The development of stylistic embellishments should be
pendicular (up or down slope) to the isopleths (i.e., trade with relatively slow because there is not very strong selective pressure
the people whose returns are least like yours). for trade. With greater spatial variability (and therefore greater
In subfigures B and E we present the modeled distribution of ability to alleviate local shortages via exchange) focused along
standard deviation of PDSI. This is the spatial distribution of the the trunk of the Ohio River and to the south, we expect these to
vertical axis in the W–K model (see Fig. 3). What is important in be the primary areas of stylistic expression at this time.
subfigures B and E is the actual value of the standard deviation The standard deviations of PDSI have consistently been larger in
for any one point on the map. As can be seen by examining subfig- the western portions of the area (Figs. 5c, f and 6c). The temporal
ures A–E, the exact response predicted at any one location may be variability, most acute in central Kentucky (228) and southwestern
different than that predicted for the PDSI grid points. For expedi- Ohio/southeastern Indiana (227), selects for buffering mechanisms
ency, we have plotted the movement of the available grid points to adjust expenditure of energy to the lower level of carrying
on the W–K grid for each 50-year period modeled in subfigures C capacity (Dunnell, 1996a, Fig. 4.2; Madsen et al., 1999). Another
and D. Subfigures C and D do not capture all, or even the most rel- (not mutually exclusive) option is a shift in the level of social orga-
evant variability, but they can be used as a guide for the interpre- nization and/or group size. The formation of a larger community
tation of the maps in each figure. can combat an unpredictable distribution of temporal variability
by pooling their returns which would reduce the probability of
AD 801–900 individuals falling below a critical threshold (aka: risk; see discus-
The period AD 801–850 in the Middle Ohio River Valley is one of sion above). We therefore predict an increase in the frequency of
the driest intervals under consideration characterized by low pre- larger sites in the regions hardest hit by the temporal variability
cipitation with low to moderate spatial variability and moderate that are also experiencing modest spatial variability.
temporal variability (Fig. 5a and b). For the region as a whole we Temporal variability decreases during the period AD 951–1000
expect a diversified settlement-subsistence system with small (Fig. 6e). The standard deviations here are still higher than the AD
groups scattered about the landscape with only minimal exchange 851–900 period, however. The western end of the study area
and periodic relocation of settlements due to unpredictable short- would have experienced a decrease in exchange and possibly a de-
crease in residential stability. In contrast, southwestern and central
3 Ohio saw a marked increase in spatial variability. This represents a
In the W–K plots used in this presentation we do not intend the line across the
center to be exactly the same as the horizontal line used by Winterhalder, 1986; Kelly, shift to relatively higher spatial variability for most of the Fort An-
1995. The line is a convenient visual landmark for the middle of the range of standard cient region (Fig. 6d–f), favoring increases in exchange and social
deviations used. Remember that these axes are continuous and that the cultural mechanisms for the regulation of access to resources. This would
responses will not fit discretely into (for example) Case A. We do not intend this to result in greater stylistic elaboration and distinctive distributions
represent the cutoff point between the four classes of response. What must be kept in
mind for our presentation are relative positions on the W–K plot and trends through
of certain styles.
time in relative spatial and temporal variability. Our W–K plots are centered on the The temporal variability would be managed by increasing stor-
observed range of variability within the analysis period. If the choice of scale is found age (carry-over averaging; Winterhalder, 1986; Kelly, 1995), and
to be inappropriate, this would not invalidate the basis or usefulness of our model, pooling of resources among multiple economic units (Winterhal-
only the specific predictions outlined. This model can be applied with any appropriate
der, 1990). Here we expect to see increases in the size of settle-
scale to yield specific predictions about the variables discussed herein. Additionally,
at least one of the reviewers correctly noted that our spatial variability of PDSI does ments and increasing organization within settlements. This is
not cover all that is implied by inter-group correlation axis of the W–K model. We likely to be manifest in the physical footprint of the village and also
make no assertion that we have explored every possible application of the logic of the in the relationships between people within the village. We expect
W–K model in this paper. However, for agriculturalists this captures a significant to see indications of increasing organizational complexity. The
aspect of spatial variability in the environment that would condition social response.
Finally, the scale of the maps presented here is not meant to imply that the same data
pressure for increasing size and complexity of communities is fo-
cannot be used for analysis at finer scales. In fact, the promise for finer-scale analysis cused around southwestern Ohio and central Kentucky. These
is one of the most important aspects of this model. areas should be precocious in their development of social complex-
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72 K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79

Fig. 6. AD 901–1000 interpolated PDSI. The results of the IDW interpolation from Cook et al.’s (2004) PDSI grid points with data for the period. Results for AD 901–950
average PDSI distribution (A), standard deviation of PDSI (B), and resulting W–K model plot (C). Results for AD 951–1000 average PDSI distribution (D), standard deviation of
PDSI (E), and resulting W–K model plot (F). See Fig. 5 caption for full description.

Fig. 7. AD 1001–1100 interpolated PDSI. The results of the IDW interpolation from Cook et al.’s (2004) PDSI grid points with data for the period. New data becomes available
for this period, extending the region covered by our interpolations past the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Results for AD 1001–1050 average PDSI distribution
(A), standard deviation of PDSI (B), and resulting W–K model plot (C). Results for AD 1051–1100 average PDSI distribution (D), standard deviation of PDSI (E), and resulting
W–K model plot (F). See Fig. 5 caption for full description.

ity and other high order buffering mechanisms. A long period of variability would increasingly select for centralization and
temporal variability coupled with demands of increasing spatial complexity.
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K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79 73

Fig. 8. AD 1101–1200 interpolated PDSI. The results of the IDW interpolation from Cook et al.’s (2004) PDSI grid points with data for the period. Results for AD 1101–1150
average PDSI distribution (A), standard deviation of PDSI (B), and resulting W–K model plot (C). Results for AD 1151–1200 average PDSI distribution (D), standard deviation of
PDSI (E), and resulting W–K model plot (F). See Fig. 5 caption for full description.

Fig. 9. AD 1201–1300 interpolated PDSI. The results of the IDW interpolation from Cook et al.’s (2004) PDSI grid points with data for the period. Results for AD 1201–1250
average PDSI distribution (A), standard deviation of PDSI (B), and resulting W–K model plot (C). Results for AD 1251–1300 average PDSI distribution (D), standard deviation of
PDSI (E), and resulting W–K model plot (F). See Fig. 5 caption for full description.

Increasing the size of the pool is not the only way to protect play a role in situations like this. Selection in temporally variable
against unpredictably variable energy returns in the temporal environments favors behaviors that decrease the likelihood of fall-
dimension. Dunnell’s (1996a) waste hypothesis is also likely to ing short in the worst of times. Any behavior that ensures the level
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74 K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79

Fig. 10. AD 1301–1400 interpolated PDSI. The results of the IDW interpolation from Cook et al.’s (2004) PDSI grid points with data for the period. Results for AD 1301–1350
average PDSI distribution (A), standard deviation of PDSI (B), and resulting W–K model plot (C). Results for AD 1351–1400 average PDSI distribution (D), standard deviation of
PDSI (E), and resulting W–K model plot (F). See Fig. 5 caption for full description.

of available effort will be sufficient to feed the organism(s) when AD 1001–1100

resource returns are at their lowest will increase in frequency in The area covered by the interpolations expands past the Amer-
such environments (Madsen et al., 1999). Increasing social com- ican Bottom during the period AD 1001–1050 (Fig. 7a and b). For
plexity can be a way of accomplishing this. First, the redistribution the first time there is no moisture shortage (i.e., PDSI values zero
of surplus to a centralized store acts as a risk pooling mechanism to or greater) anywhere in the region (Fig. 7a). This increases the like-
buffer micro-scale spatial variation (Halstead and O’Shea, 1989; lihood of perimeter defense (abundance), especially in areas with
Winterhalder, 1990; see also Church and Nass (2002)). Second, high temporal variance (see Fig. 7b). Southeastern Indiana (227),
by requiring production above the normal needs of the economic central Kentucky (228), southwestern Pennsylvania (246), and
unit for tribute the centralized community will be better adapted western Virginia (247) are characterized by high-moderate spatial
to the times when production is low. Viewing increasing complex- variability. This translates into an increased expectation for ex-
ity in this way allows us to conceive of hierarchy as a form of waste change. We do not, however, expect to see well developed ‘‘rigid
behavior (sensu Dunnell, 1996a). reciprocity” or ‘‘differentiated exchange” (Kelly, 1995, Fig. 5-6;
All this combines to give us the expectation that community le- see Fig. 3).
vel activities and management of resources should begin to emerge Central Ohio and eastern Kentucky experience moderate tem-
during this period in the places experiencing high spatio-temporal poral variability and low spatial variability. This period bifurcates
variability in crop yields (i.e., southwestern Ohio, central Ken- the Fort Ancient area into eastern and western halves. When we
tucky). This is the beginning of the transition to group functional look at the interpolated surface we see that it is essentially central
behavior. It must be remembered that what is important in making and south-central Ohio that experienced decreases in spatial vari-
predictions of change in our iterative application of the W–K model ability (Scioto valley; see Fig. 7a). Most of eastern Kentucky and
is not just synchronic position on the W–K plot, but long-term western Ohio experience high levels of spatial variability. This
trends as well. For communities near the PDSI grid points in south- has significant implications for the distribution of styles within
eastern Indiana and central Kentucky, a nearly 200 year history of the Fort Ancient area. We predict there was less emphasis on ex-
higher temporal variability than their contemporaries in other change by communities in the middle and upper Scioto Valley rel-
parts of the study region makes them more likely to move in the ative to the rest of the region.
predicted direction.4 The western part of the analytical region (Fig. 7c) exhibits the
highest level of temporal variability yet seen. The history of this
variability is uncertain. However, the extreme nature of this tem-
4 poral variability would be a significant factor selecting for increas-
One reviewer pointed out that the temporal variability for the period AD 801–850
is higher than that for AD 951–1000 yet similar changes were not predicted. This is an ing levels of social organization and risk buffering mechanisms.
artifact of the choice of starting point for the model. We have no modeled history for The standard deviations continue to increase until one reaches
the first period. For all intents and purposes, the modeled responses for AD 801–850 southwestern Illinois and southeastern Missouri (American Bot-
are timeless (space-like). However, in the subsequent periods we have a modeled tom region; see Fig. 7b). It is probably no coincidence that this area
history and now our model is no longer synchronic (a contrast with the original W–K
model). As more time depth becomes available in the reconstructed PDSI record it will
saw the development of the earliest ‘‘chiefdom” level societies in
be possible to analyze the Late Woodland record in the same way we have modeled eastern North America. In this part of the study region there is lim-
the Late Prehistoric period. ited expectation of trade during this period (Fig. 7c). We must urge
Author's personal copy

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caution in running with these expectations. We have no modeled northern Kentucky (i.e., between PDSI grid points) in a north–south
historical context of precipitation for this portion of the study area gradient. This is also true of eastern Indiana and central Kentucky.
in our data from which to consider the situation in the American Again we see that central Ohio and eastern Kentucky are character-
Bottom during this period and therefore this prediction is timeless ized by different regimes of spatial variability than their western
(i.e., space-like, sensu Dunnell, 1996c, p. 76). counterparts in the Fort Ancient region. This recurrent difference
The relief of moisture stress seen in the AD 1001–1050 period would affect the frequency and intensity of interaction with others
continues to the point where the entire western half of the region outside their immediate environment. This should have stylistic
is above a PDSI of 0.5, and all but the far southeastern corner reg- ramifications: more localized styles and few styles from the west.
ister positive values during the period AD 1051–1100 (Fig. 7d). The moderate level of spatial variability experienced in the lower
Temporal variance for most sites increases during this period Scioto valley (for example) is in a north–south direction. Therefore,
(Fig. 7e). Eastern Indiana, central and eastern Kentucky and central modest trade along the course of this stream is predicted. The east-
Ohio have standard deviations greater than 1.5 and experienced ern Fort Ancient area is much more likely to devote some energy to
moderate to high spatial variation with the highest spatial varia- territorial defense than their neighbors in central Kentucky and
tion between grid points (Fig. 7e). This reverses the bifurcation of southwestern Ohio due to depressed spatial variability and a high-
the Fort Ancient region. We expect increasing levels of exchange er moisture budget (i.e., increased abundance).
throughout southern Ohio and eastern and central Kentucky. For the period AD 1151–1200 there is a relief of moisture stress
East–west trade would be the most beneficial during this time per- for the whole Ohio River Valley (Fig. 8d). The Lower Ohio Valley
iod as sites to the north and south of each other are highly corre- experienced increasing pressure on productive effort (Fig. 8e),
lated in their returns. The long-term increase in precipitation and and an increase in social complexity is the predicted solution.
therefore crop abundance again increases the benefits of theft These are continuations of trends from earlier periods. This does
and therefore perimeter defense (Dyson-Hudson and Smith, not mean that all villages instantaneously switched to a higher le-
1978). However, we expect there to be a mix of perimeter defense vel of social organization, but that organisms in those communities
and reciprocity. Any communities in the area of high spatial varia- that did adopt these behaviors would have fared better nutrition-
tion between the grid points are likely to have a high balance of ally and therefore likely reproductively. This would engage a ver-
reciprocity mediated relationships with their neighbors to the east sion of Richerson et al.’s (2001; see discussion above)
and west. Communities in central Ohio, west-central and extreme competitive ratchet. Within the Fort Ancient region, this pressure
eastern Kentucky, and southeastern Indiana are more likely to tip would be most intense in southwestern Ohio and central Kentucky
the balance towards perimeter defense due to the higher levels due both to proximity to societies of higher complexity (see Cook
of inter-group correlation with neighbors (see Fig. 5d–f). (2008)) and the consistently higher levels of temporal variability.
There continues to be a steep east–west gradient in temporal At the same time, the Middle and Upper portions of the Ohio Valley
variation, especially from southwest Ohio westward (Fig. 7e). This see an increase in temporal variability and either slight increase to
pattern culminates in extreme levels of temporal variability in the or sustained moderate spatial variability. We predict increasing
Mississippi Valley. Western Indiana into Illinois exhibits very low importance for exchange, but still pressure for a defensive posture
spatial variability of precipitation. The variation in precipitation due to much lower spatial variability than their western neighbors.
appears to be concentrated around the Ohio and Mississippi rivers
in the western portion of the region. These conditions would exert
increasing pressure on buffering mechanisms. The low-medium AD 1201–1300
spatial variability (increasing inter-group correlation of return During the period AD 1201–1250 the entire region was once
with larger areas) in the western portion of the analytic region again characterized by sufficient moisture (Fig. 9a). The highest
would put increasing pressure on societies in these areas to estab- levels of precipitation were centered on southeastern Indiana
lish trade contacts with more distant neighboring regions. More and, southwestern Ohio with steep gradients to the west. The spa-
distant trade contacts allow access to more variable (and uncorre- tial variability of the Lower Ohio Valley increased slightly while the
lated) returns through exchange and therefore greater averaging temporal variability hovered in the same range (Fig. 9b and c). The
ability. Increasing levels of political complexity facilitate long dis- communities around eastern Indiana/southwestern Ohio and cen-
tance trade. Additionally, the temporal variability would favor sys- tral Kentucky would have experienced greater spatial variability
tems that have adapted their energy expenditure capability to the than their western neighbors, but only moderately. Southwest
lowest (and now frequent) levels of production for the region. Ohio, central Kentucky, and especially south-central Indiana expe-
rienced relatively higher pressure for spatial averaging (exchange)
AD 1101–1200 along an east–west gradient. According to Kelly (1995), Chapter 5
The period AD 1101–1150 saw a return to moisture stress (aver- this calls for ‘‘intensive and rigid reciprocity between groups”
age PDSI < 0) for the western portion of the region (Fig. 8a). The and social-boundary defense. We predict more formal and formally
Middle and Upper portions of the Ohio valley remain little changed displayed relationships of exchange during this period among
in the availability of moisture. Interestingly, western Indiana and groups of the western Ohio valley.
western Kentucky exhibit less temporal variability than do eastern The long-term pattern of maximum spatial and temporal vari-
Indiana and central Kentucky (Fig. 8c). This is a relaxation of the ability focused on the Lower Ohio Valley into southwestern Ohio
temporal stress on Lower Ohio valley populations (see Fig. 8b). along an east–west gradient leads us to expect the Fort Ancient
However, these populations are experiencing very strong pressure people of southwestern Ohio were interacting most intensely with
for exchange, especially as this region was experiencing a decrease their Mississippian neighbors to the west and not with other
in crop abundance (decreased precipitation). Therefore physical groups lumped under the vaguely defined rubric of Fort Ancient.
defense of territory is less likely in this part of the region. We pre- Eastern Kentucky and Virginia see a slight increase in spatial
dict an emphasis on social mechanisms of maintaining access to variability over the previous period while central Ohio and Penn-
food (e.g., fictive kinship, reciprocity) within the western portion sylvania experience a slight decrease in spatial variability
of the Ohio Valley. Additionally, east–west trade is predicted to be- (Fig. 9c). Temporal variability is essentially unchanged. We predict
come more frequent. a steady emphasis on defense in the northern sites with an increas-
If we look at Fig. 8a we see that high-to-moderate levels of spa- ing role for exchange among the southern sites, especially around
tial variability are maintained from south-central Ohio through western Virginia.
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76 K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79

There were dramatic changes in the distribution of spatial var- ist, but the spatial distributions of certain motifs are predicted to
iability during the period AD 1251–1300 (Fig. 9d). For the Lower have increased.
Ohio Valley we predict a shift away from exchange as the primary This leads us to what has been called the Madisonville Horizon
means of mediating shortfalls toward an emphasis on territorial (Drooker, 1997; Essenpreis, 1988; Henderson, 1992). The predic-
defense (Fig. 9d–f). The sufficient moisture budget (resource abun- tions of our model largely agree with previous interpretations of
dance) increases the likelihood of conflict in the western portion of this phenomenon and its timing. The pieces of the cultural package
the Ohio Valley. associated with the Madisonville Horizon would develop at differ-
Southwest Ohio, central Ohio, and eastern Kentucky communi- ent times in our model culminating in their recognition as an
ties likely become trading partners. Again the primary direction of aggregate package in the Late Fort Ancient (post ca. AD 1400–
trade is predicted to be east–west. We expect a decrease in the for- 1450) period (e.g., Cowan, 1986; Graybill, 1981; Pollack and Hen-
mality of exchange; however, it is possible that inertia will swamp derson, 1992).
this temporary lapse in pressure for formalized exchange. An alter- Our model has geographic implications for the development of
native option is that the western Fort Ancient communities and the Madisonville Horizon. The initial signs of the homogenization
Mississippian groups of the Lower Ohio Valley would introduce of material culture should be found in southwest Ohio and
their more rigid practices of exchange to their eastern trading part- north-central Kentucky (c.f. Prufer and Shane, 1970). We still ex-
ners. This would be the familiar competitive ratchet. We predict a pect north–south differences in the distributions of stylistic vari-
decrease in emphasis on defense among central Ohio and eastern ability since for most of the analytical period (AD 801–1400)
Kentucky groups during this period. little was gained by trading in a north–south direction. It is only to-
wards the end of the AD 1351–1400 period that we expect to see
AD 1301–1400 north and south styles begin to convergence into a region-wide
Spatial variability dramatically decreased across the region Horizon.
from AD 1301–1350 (Fig. 10a). Western Indiana, western and
central Kentucky, and eastern Indiana all experienced very high
General fit with extant data
temporal variation (Fig. 10b) in addition to their high level of in-
Examination of Table 1 reveals that the extant evidence is lar-
ter-group correlation. Again, simple reliance on the W–K model
gely in agreement with the predictions outlined above. First, on a
would be problematic here.
region-wide scale, there is limited stylistic elaboration during the
These grid points are predicted by the W–K model (based on our
late Late Woodland and Early Fort Ancient periods with markedly
scales) to transition from emphasis on exchange to emphasis on
increasing occurrence and variation of ceramic decoration in the
defense. However, we cannot forget that the previous 200 years
Middle period. As predicted by the model populations in the Scioto
have been selecting against defense in most of these regions.
(cO) and Miami (eI) valleys would be interacting with each other as
Therefore, it is unlikely that we would see a wholesale shift in such
evidenced by use of shared symbolic style (Anderson/Baum wares)
a short period of time from exchange to conflict. We do expect that
with the ‘‘Eastern Periphery” of the Fort Ancient area and beyond
inter-village conflict increased during this period. However, the
exhibiting different styles (e.g., Philo). Second, the earliest and
previously predicted east–west network of trading partners and
most obvious evidence of interaction with Middle Mississippian
the formalized nature of these connections would have opened
populations of the Lower Ohio and Mississippi Valleys is focused
up a much larger area over which to average returns. Halstead
in southwestern Ohio (Miami, eI). Third, the increasing frequency
and O’Shea (1989) argue that with limited technology for trans-
of large, organized villages in all portions of the Fort Ancient re-
port, long-distance averaging of this type is unlikely. However, this
gion, especially by the end of the Middle period, is predicted by
region has a prehistoric highway running through it: the Ohio Riv-
our model. Finally, the region-wide style Horizon (Madisonville
er. Water transport would significantly reduce the cost of long dis-
Horizon) and expansion of interaction spheres is predicted in our
tance travel in the absence of the wheel or draft animals. The
final analytical period by a shift in the orientation of spatial vari-
correspondence between the orientation of the Ohio River and
the orientation of the spatial variability gradient would have
encouraged and enabled a much wider trading network with ac-
cess to much more variable precipitation regimes than the radius Summary and discussion
reasonably exploitable by foot. The previously predicted increased
level of social complexity would also facilitate this type of spatial We have presented a model of cultural response to changes in
averaging. Along with the increasing level of complexity the selec- precipitation for a series of 50-year periods covering 600 years of
tive pressure will be acting (at least partially) on aggregate cultural prehistory. We argue that the model developed by Winterhalder
groups. (1986) and modified by Kelly (1995: Chapter 5) is a useful heuristic
Spatial variation makes a dramatic return during the period AD device for predicting cultural responses to changing environmental
1351–1400. The southern portion of the region still had the luxury conditions. This allows us to predict and investigate deviation from
of sufficient moisture, while the northern portion experienced a the norms implied by the phases so prevalent in current interpre-
deficit (Fig. 10d). This deficit is focused on southwestern Ohio. tation in the region. There has been a recent shift in this direction
The western portion of the Ohio Valley saw a decrease in temporal for Ohio Valley Late Prehistoric studies (Cook, 2008; Hart et al.,
variability during this time (Fig. 10e and f). Eastern Indiana, central 2005; Means, 2007), but variation-obscuring phases still dominate
and eastern Kentucky, and western and central Ohio saw signifi- most current interpretations in the literature. The database does
cant increases in spatial variability during this time period. This not currently exist to fully test our model, but the major patterns
was a re-application of the pressure for exchange with a simulta- of the most popular cultural–historic sequence (Pollack and Hen-
neous decrease in the pressure for defense (Fig. 10f). Interestingly derson, 1992) are largely duplicated (see Table 1). For example,
the steep gradient in spatial variability is now oriented primarily settlement patterning constituted of smaller sites from the late
north–south (Fig. 10d). This would encourage trade perpendicular Late Woodland (AD 800–1000) into the Early Fort Ancient period
to the Ohio River in addition to along its course. We predict (AD 1000–1200) fit with sufficient moisture availability and a his-
increasing homogenization along this new north–south gradient tory of low spatial and moderate temporal variability. The estab-
leading to increased stylistic homogenization across the entire Fort lishment of social complexity occurs first in southwest Ohio at a
Ancient area. This does not mean that local styles will cease to ex- time of moisture stress, again adhering to the expectations of our
Author's personal copy

K.C. Nolan, R.A. Cook / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2010) 62–79 77

model. Finally, the previously classified regional homogenization Acknowledgments

(Madisonville Horizon) is predicted by a several hundred-year his-
tory of high spatial variability and decreasing moisture availability The concept for this paper was initially conceived in Kristen
along with a shift in the orientation of spatial variability. However, Gremillion’s seminar on Paleodiet. The senior author extends his
the specifics of how regional homogenization appears by AD 1400 thanks to Gremillion for allowing him to explore these topics in
are distinct in our scenario. One reviewer pointed out that some his term paper. This paper has benefited greatly from comments
current interpretations place the stylistic homogenization of the by Gremillion and four anonymous reviewers. Any remaining
Madisonville Horizon later in time than we predict here. This raises omissions, errors, or logical faults are of course the responsibility
two important issues. First, the current interpretations are based of the authors.
on typological phases that ignore variability (e.g., Essenpreis,
1978). If our model is valid and a materialist perspective on cul-
tural variability is followed, the transition to a region-wide Horizon References
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