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Lady in Waiting

Chapter 3
Lady of Faith
I. Read Psalm 34:8-11.
1. What do these verses say? _______________________________________________
2. What do they mean to you? _______________________________________________
3. Are they true? ____________________________________________________
4. Can God provide for those who seek Him? Why or why not? _____________________________
5. What is the good thing that you desire most? _____________________________________
6. If it is good for you, will it come? How? _______________________________________
7. What do you need to do while it is coming? _______________________________________

“Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” --- Elisabeth Elliot

Lady in Waiting
II. “How can I be a Lady of Faith when I feel so insecure deep in my heart that God will deliver the goods? What if
I have faith in God and end up being 98 and unmarried?” God knows what your heart aches for. But He also
knows that earthly things will not make you secure.
1. Are you in what seems to be a “no-hope situation”? ___________________________________
2. What were the situations Ruth and Naomi faced in Ruth chapter 1? __________________________
3. How would you react if you have faith in God and still end being 48/58 and unmarried? _______________
4. Is it sometimes hard to trust God for a future that you cannot see? Why? ______________________
5. Will worry and fret help or hinder your future? How? ________________________________
6. How would you feel when, after making plans for God with your limited sight, you find out that you have delayed the
perfect plan He had designed from His eternal perspective? _____________________________

“A Lady of Faith has not numbed her longing to be married; instead, she has embraced her Lord so tightly that she
faces her prolonged singleness with peace, not bitterness.”

III. Read Psalm 138:8, Psalm 139, and Romans 8:32.

1. Who created you with the longings of your heart? How do you know? ________________________
2. Who knows the future? Include a Scripture reference that backs up your answer. __________________

Lady in Waiting
3. Who wants you to have the very best? How do you know? _______________________________
4. What should you do to cooperate with His plan? Include a Scripture reference. ____________________
5. Can you really trust God with all your hopes and dreams? Why or why not? List some practical steps you can take to
show your trust in God. ________________________________________________
6. How will you ever meet Mr. Right if you have “eyes of faith” and don’t work at finding him? ____________
IV. Don’t fear or resent the waiting periods that appear in your life. Rather, think of them as gardens where the
seeds of faith blossom. Whenever circumstances stimulate you to depend your faith, embrace them willingly
(Heb. 11:6)

“I do know that waiting on God requires the willingly to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered
question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one’s thoughts.” --- Elisabeth Elliot

1. How do you feel about waiting on God? _________________________________________

2. What do you think about why God is making you wait? _________________________________
3. What is true about the reasons He may have for you to wait? _____________________________

Lady in Waiting
4. Do unanswered questions capture your mind? How and when? ______________________________
5. Are you overtaken by restlessness of singleness? When? _______________________________
6. What do you do when you feel restless? ________________________________________

If I work…God will wait. If I wait…God will work.

For from of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides Thee, who acts on
behalf of the one who waits for Him (Isaiah 64:4)
7. What does this verse say to you? ___________________________________________

V. “You make the most important decision in life, giving your life to Jesus Chris, ‘by faith.’ The second most
important decision concerns your life-mate. This decision also demands the element of faith. Waiting for one’s
life-mate and then saying ‘I do’ to him demands secure faith, like Ruth’s faith in the God of Israel.”
Only fear (“I’m afraid I missed, will miss, will never…”) will block faith. Romans 10:17 shows one how to develop
faith. If you have been full of fears, doubts, and anxiety about your future, take a few moments to confess these
things to God and ask Him to develop faith in your life. (“I will, I can, I must wait and trust a God who sees, knows,
and cares about my future.”) ______________________________________________
“Your faith during the ‘waiting period’ pleases God. Don’t fear or resent the waiting periods in your life.”

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