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Abuse of Power

Edmund Burke an Irish statesman, author and philosopher stated

“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse”
Abuse of power is the illegitimate use of power. It is one thing to use power to
guide those whom you suppose to control, but it is another thing to take that power and
use it for your own benefit. Abusive power is experienced in life through dictatorships,
centralized power structures. Using the power one may hold over another to benefit
oneself brings only hatred and anger.
Abuse of power is now seen in every field of life. In public offices, at work
places, at public places wherever the power exists it is used in negative ways. Corruption,
bribery, violation of human rights is also major parts of abuse of power.
Abuse of power most often occurs in the context of supervisor-subordinate
relationships. However the abusive party can be a direct supervisor, a colleague of equal
rank, a subordinate or anyone in daily life. Abuse of power includes insulting behavior of
boss, to keep anyone isolated from others, to threat anyone and discriminating behavior.
Examples of abuse of power are physical attacks, repeated shouting or swearing at
staff both in public and in private, public humiliation, personal insults, constantly
undervaluing effort, punishing for no reason.
Abuse of power in the workplace is has become a major problem now. According
to the Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute just in USA, 54 million employees
surveyed in September 2007 reported being victims of abuse in the workplace. The
employees have to face extra criticism, foul language, discrimination, sexual harassment,
threatening, paycheck reductions and loss of promotion etc.
The abuse of power has very bad impacts for society. It reduces the efficiency of
employees and hence organization. It promotes extremist thoughts, anger. It encourages
violence, crimes, instability in society.
Abuse of power should be taken in as a crime. Victims of abuse of power should
not easily go with it but to take their power back. Strong judicial system can help
preventing negative use of power.
Is academic rivalry productive or does it promote jealousy?

Pairs of institutions, organizations especially when they are close to each other
either geographically or in their areas of specialization, often establish an academic
rivalry with each other over the years.
Academic rivalries are natural and can not be avoided. These are productive in
many ways but when in a limit. Academic rivalries are good source of competition and
competition brings improved results. When people in an organization are in a competition
they become more ambitious and innovation. Academic rivalries bring more loyalty. We
can see that organizations that are rivals have more unity among their own employees
because the desire to achieve victory over rivals brings more unity among the people
within that organization.
But when Academic rivalries cross limits it brings much more problems.
Competition brings jealousy when it becomes too personal and intense. Jealousy leads
towards wrong and unethical ways to defeat others. It leads towards destruction.
Academic rivalries sometimes don’t bring fair competition but an intense desire of being
superior to rivals.
The general fact is that most effective way of utilizing human energy is an
organized rivalry which by social control can also be called organized cooperation at the
same time. So academic rivalry is productive when it is used to promote more hard work
and to establish a fair competition. And it is seen that sometimes rivalries are produced
for some other purposes by the authorities or officials of an organization for example
some rivalries have been created by organization officials in efforts to support their own

programs. Like in colleges sometimes rivalries are produced to sell more tickets of
functions or others things like that. So rivalry is necessary as well as it should be under

Elbert Green Hubbard an American writer, philosopher said about rivalry

“Rivalry is the life of trade, and the death of the trader”
To What Extent Has Western Music Influenced Sub-continental Music

It can be clearly seen through history that Indian music has always been influenced by western
music. Western music “Jazz” is expressed from all kinds of subcontinent music.
The history of the typical musical fusion or the western fusion in Subcontinent (India) as it has
been named dates back to the early period of 60s. The year 1962 is indeed an important year in
the history of western fusion in India as for the very first time the musical traits of east jelled
well with melodic attributes of the west. The release of "Improvisations" (Ravi Shankar’s music
album) which is of course a classical effort of unifying jazz and sitar aided in taking Indian
music that steady step in the arena of global music. The late 1970s and the early 1980s were
however marked as the "Rock and roll" era in Indian music history. The Hindustani classical
songs coupled with its raga and taal was then not the only genre of music that enchanted a
million souls as then the western fusion developed quite rapidly to entertain millions of people.
Sometimes, `raga` and `taal` which are the most important parts of Indian music are removed
from the latest compositions to make the music fit to the modern trend.
The western style of singing performances is also influenced by western style. Style of Famous
western entertainer Micheal Jackson has been copied and used by many subcontinent singers.
Western music has got so much attention of listeners in Subcontinent that national or traditional
music is underestimated so it became a real need of local singers to fuse western music, beats in
their local music.
These days, many teenagers and youngsters are parading through the streets listening to tunes
made by Christina Aguilera, Shakira, Eminem, Beyonce Knowles and many more. There is a
diversion from the old classical element to the new age music. The western influence is also seen
in some recent Hindi movies like BluffMaster, with AB Jr. Singing a hip-hop element. More and
more music directors are adopting western music beats and contemporary style and voice.
Anu Kapoor, a music expert said “Indian music getting influenced by western music, yes, but it’s
not really western music. You need to understand what western music is.”
Rajeshwari, an Indian actress and kathak dancer said “See, world is coming closer and shrinking.
Obviously when people from different zones connect, their cultures overlap, hence music will
also overlap. What you get to see today is a result of a world that is becoming global and Indian
music is simply a part of it”
So one cannot deny the fact that western music has much influence on subcontinent music but
traditional music of subcontinent has also strong roots in local listeners.
Climate Change

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods

of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average
weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average. Climate
change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
The term sometimes is used to refer specifically to climate change caused by
human activity; For example, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change defines climate change as "a change of climate which is attributed directly or
indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere. In the
latter sense climate change is referred to as global warming.
Factors that can shape climate are climate forcings. These include such processes
as variations in solar system, deviations in the Earth's orbit, mountain-
building and continental drift, and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations.
There are certain impacts of climate change on the earth that includes higher
temperature, changing landscapes, wildlife at risk, increased risk of floods, stronger
storms, more heat related illness and diseases
Global warming is an intense affect of climate change. It is increase in
the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century
and it is still continued. Evidence for warming of the climate system includes observed
increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and
ice, and rising global average sea level. Effects of global warming include extreme
weather, oxygen depletion, temperature rise, low crop production, food shortage, extreme
events, infectious diseases like Dengue, Malaria.
According to experts current floods in Pakistan are also the result of climate change.
Many US experts emphasize that
We can contribute to prevent climate change by many ways. Some tips are to drive less,
Recycle more and buy recycled products, Use less hot water, avoid products with a lot of
packaging, Plant a tree, Turn off electronic devices when not in use.
How can we foster more common courtesy?

Polite behavior that shows respect for people in social situations may referred to
as courtesy. Being Courteous to others is not only respectful to others, but it directly
reflects on you as a person. There are many ways to foster common courtesy.

Firstly when you meet people let them know how happy you are to meet them
during the handshake usually. If you are waiting for someone than stand up when he or
she come and wait for the other person to sit first and then you should sit. When we start
talking we often forget that the other person also has a point of view and a right to talk so
we should listen to others too very politely means we should not monopolize the
conversation. “Please,” “thank you,” “hello,” “Good Morning,”, “Good-bye.” I'm sorry
are always appreciated and these phrases shows your courtesy. We should also keep our
language appropriate means to use right words with full sense of vocabulary and right
accent. Be sensitive when it is time to say good bye, for example if a person talking to
you looking at his or her watch then you should understand his intension and say good-
bye gracefully means value other’s time.

Similarly if you are on a job, it is essential to pay attention to common courtesies.

Saying hello good morning and visiting your co-workers during job time is a good
practice. Opening doors for your boss, co-workers is a good practice to foster common
courtesy. We should respond properly and in a timely manner to the phone calls, e-mails
received. Welcoming the harsh comments or suggestions by clients with courage foster
courtesy. Stay away from office gossip so as to look like professional.
Behaving gently on road

Ralph Waldo Emerson a famous American philosopher and poet revealing the
importance of courtesy said
“Life is not so short but that there is always time for courtesy”
What are some of the individual steps we can take to tackle the monster of inflation?

Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in

an economy over a period of time. Money devalues as inflation increases. It is the
responsibility of the government to make policies to control inflation through monetary
and fiscal measures but an individual can also contribute to control inflation.

• First of all one should lower consumption, cut down extra expenses and increase
savings and then to invest those savings so that money should be used for some
productive means. In this way one will contribute to increase the value of money in
the country.
• One should avoid snobbish behavior. We should not spend on luxurious things just
for show off purpose and to increase our social status.
• One should pay all the taxes that are applied by government to contribute in the
revenue generating process.
• The loans taken by banks or financial institutions should be used for productive
purposes not for unproductive purposes as in villages loans taken by banks are mostly
used to repay already taken loans or marriages etc.
• We should avoid hoarding as in to create artificial shortage of goods businessmen
start hoarding foods this creates huge demand supply difference and hence increase in
prices. So businessmen and general public should not hoard to avoid inflation.
• Public should support population policies, family planning policies so as to decrease
the population and hence the demand that will finally result in lowering of prices.
• One should help in endorsement of administrative measures taken by the government
as to stop hoarding public should help government to reach to the culprit.
How can we promote more awareness about basic traffic rules?

The importance of traffic rules needs no explanation so to create the awareness of

traffic rules is very important and it can be done through different ways Basic traffic rules
awareness campaigns should be launched at school and colleges for the students as big
number of students face traffic problems daily.

Traffic rules awareness campaigns should be launched in different community

clubs and social gatherings. Properly prepared lectures, presentations should be arranged
to create awareness for traffic rules. Except lectures modern equipments should be used
to practically elaborate the importance of traffic rules. Children should also be guided
about traffic rules like in Dubai to generate interest and build awareness amongst the
children, puppets and cartoon characters were used. Lectures should be arranged for
public transport drivers. Different sign boards and services of experts should be rendered
for traffic rules awareness campaigns.

Print media and electronic media are the primary sources of awareness all over
the world and also in Pakistan. So advertisements in newspapers, TV channels can make
a difference. Broachers and booklets containing material about traffic rules and their
importance can be distributed among different groups of people.
Awareness about traffic rules can be created through internet. Websites can be
designed especially for this purpose containing traffic rules.
What kind of attitudes, manners, verbal and nonverbal behaviors depict a person’s grooming

Grooming is an activity leading to skilled behavior. What if a person is grooming

can be judged by his or her etiquettes, manners and behavior. Etiquettes of a person like
social interaction with colleagues at office and with customers depict grooming. Dress
code and cleanliness are also the determinants of grooming. Changing attitude towards
taking thing for granted and to feel sense of responsibility also depict grooming. To be
sincere in our workplace is another prime job etiquette that is very necessary for
analyzing grooming.
Following proper table manners that include not talking when your mouth is full,
not to make noise while eating, proper handling of fork and spoon, not to cough while
eating, etc also depict grooming. Respecting the rules of workplace is also job etiquette
necessary for grooming. Adjusting ability of a person according to the environment also
depicts grooming of that person.
Verbal and nonverbal behavior also depicts grooming. If we talk about verbal
behavior than conversation style of a person is very important. During conversation
confidence, politeness, relevancy of the discussion is the factors to depict grooming.
Listening carefully and to reply when needed is very important. How a person vary his or
her tone while talking in different situations depict a person’s command over his/her
work Use of proper words is also a part of it. Pauses during conversation or speech are
also important.
Non verbal communication, behavior is also a very important determinant of a
person’s grooming. Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures are important factors in
nonverbal communication that needed to be judged to depict a person’s grooming. How a
person use his hands and facial expressions to send signals to the listeners is very
important also.
These are important factors of etiquettes, manners, and verbal, nonverbal behavior
that needed to depicts a person’s behavior.

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