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Journal of Applied Mathematicsand Physics(ZAMP)

Vol. 23, 1972 Birkh/iuserVerlag Basel

Transient Thermo-Elastic Waves in a Half-Space

with Thermal Relaxation 1)
By Adnan H. Nayfeh 2), University of California, San Diego, and Siavouche Nemat-
Nasser, The Technological Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois,

1. Introduction

In a classical paper [1], Lamb obtained the exact solution for the disturbances
that are generated by an impulsive, concentrated load applied along a line on the
free surface of a homogeneous isotropic elastic half-space. A modern treatment of
this problem has been given by De Hoop [2] who modified and used a method
originally presented by Cagniard [3]. The Cagniard-De Hoop method has been
widely used in the treatment of elastic half-space problems, and closed-form results
that are valid for all time have been obtained. Kraut in [4] examines the influence
of transverse isotropy on Lamb's solution, and Karlsson and Hook [5] treat Lamb's
problem for a transversely inhomogeneous half-space. In [5], the elastic parameters
are chosen as functions of the depth in such a manner that the propagation-speeds
remain constant. Solutions for the transient excitation of an elastic half-space,
induced by a traveling point-load on its surface, have been given by Gakenheimer
and Miklowitz [6].
In this paper, we use the Cagniard-De Hoop method to study the transient
behavior of thermo-elastic waves in a solid half-space. The motions are caused in
the half-space by an instantaneous heat source that is applied on its free surface. The
thermal relaxation time of the heat conduction is also included in the analysis. This
ensures that the thermal wave-speed remains finite. This problem, which appears
not to have been discussed before, represents an application of the authors' previous
work [7], concerning the propagation of Rayleigh's surface wave on the free surface
of a half-space that conducts heat.
Recent experiments by Ackerman et al. [8], and Ackerman and Overton [9]
on solid helium, and by McNelly et al. [10] and Jackson et al. [11] on sodium
fluoride, have shown that second sound (thermal waves) does indeed occur in solids.
However, until quite recently, fluid helium (4He) was the only substance known to
exhibit a wave-like heat flow at temperatures below 2.2 ~ (see [12]). In an attempt
to explain this phenomenon, Landau [13] suggested that the behavior of superfluid
~) This work was in part (A.H.N.)supported by the National ScienceFoundationunder Grant GK-277
at the Universityof California,San Diego.
2) Presentadress: Systems,Scienceand Software,La Jolla, California.
Vol. 23, 1972 Transient Thermo-Elastic Waves in a Half-Space with Thermal Relaxation 51

helium may be described by a gas of elementary excitations called phonons, and that
a thermal wave is the propagation of a phonon density disturbance. Landau's theory
predicts that this second sound propagates with the speed v J ] / ~ , where v v is the
velocity of the ordinary sound (first sound). This prediction has been verified theo-
retically by Ward and Wilks [14, 15], and Dingle [16], and experimentally by
Atkins and Osborne [17]. It was predicted then that second sound must exist in any
solid since all solids exhibit phonon excitations (see Chester [18]). However, since
most solids have chemical and isotropic impurities and mechanical defects, the
phonons are scattered strongly by these impurities resulting in a diffusion-like
process of heat flow. One reason for the observation of second sound in solid helium
and sodium fluoride is that these substances can be reduced to an extremely pure
form at low temperatures.
These observations have provided additional impetus for reformulating the
heat conduction equation from the classical parabolic type to a hyperbolic one.
This modification may be affected either by a microscopic consideration of the
phenomenon of heat transport, or in a phenomenological way by modifying the
classical Fourier law of heat conduction.
On physical grounds, it is observed that the classical theory of heat conduction
(Fourier's law) does not take into account the short time required to establish a
steady-state heat conduction when a temperature gradient is suddenly produced
in a solid; this neglected short time is called the thermal relaxation time. The inclusion
of the relaxation time ensures that the corresponding field equations do not imply
that thermal signals have an infinite 'speed' of propagation. In a number of efforts
this phenomenological modification is introduced in the classical Fourier law of
heat conduction, and a wave-type equation for heat transport is obtained; see for
example Chester [18], Lord and Shulman [19], Norwood and Warren [20], Kaliski
[21], and Gurtin and Pipkin [22].
In this paper we shall use, in the main, the phenomenological approach of
modifying the heat conduction equation, and make use of the existing experimental
results concerning the second sound-speed only wherever appropriate.
In using the Cagniard-De Hoop method for solution of the present problem,
we must note two additional points which were not present in the previous investiga-
tions. These are: a) The strong coupling between the thermal and the dilatational
motions, which, however, suggests that we seek solutions for small values of the
thermo-elastic coupling coefficient; b) the presence of a thermal damping term,
which makes the short-time solution meaningful.

2. Formulation of the Problem and Basic Equations

In the following we consider the thermal and elastic wave motion of small
amplitude in a homogeneous, isotropic elastic solid. The motion is caused by a
time-dependent temperature and temperature gradient line-load which is suddenly
52 Adnan H. Nayfehand SiavoucheNemat-Nasser ZAMP

applied on the free surface of the initially undisturbed elastic solid that occupies
the half-space y_>0. This load is applied symmetrically with respect to the z-axis,
which implies that the z-component of the displacement vector vanishes everywhere
and the remaining quantities are independent of z.
Using a fixed rectangular Cartesian coordinate system with coordinate axes xg,
i--1, 2, 3, we summarize the basic field equations of linear thermo-elasticity as
follows: a) The balance of linear momentum leads to

Tij, j=-pi]li, i,j=1,2,3, (1)

where body forces are excluded, T~ are the Cartesian components of the linear
stress tensor z), a comma followed by a subscript denotes partial differentiation with
respect to the corresponding coordinate, p is the constant mass-density, ui denote
the components of the displacement vector, and superposed dots stand for partial
time-derivatives; b) the angular momentum implies that T~j= Tji, since no body
couples and couple stresses are included; c) the local energy balance yields

-hi, i=pGO+ ?Ook, (2)

where h i are the components of the heat flux vector, c,, is the specific heat at constant
volume, 0 denotes the change in the absolute basic temperature 0 o, e=uk, k is the
dilatation, and ? = ~ (3 2 + 2/,), where c~is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion,
and 2 and/~ are the Lain6 constants; d) the stress-strain-temperature relation may
be written as

T~i= 2 e 6ii + l~l(ui, j-}- N j, i) -- Y 0 6ij , (3)

where 5ij is the Kronecker delta; e) finally, the constitutive equation for heat con-
duction with thermal relaxation will be assumed to have the form

z o h i + h i = - ~cO, i, (4)
where z o is the thermal relaxation time, and K is the coefficient of thermal conduc-
tivity. Eliminating T/j and hi in equations (1)-(4), we obtain
p ~i=(2 + ~t) e ~+/~ V2 u~-~, 0 i, (5)

p G(O + % 0 ) + 7 0 o ( ~ + z o ~')= ~r O, ii, (6)

where V2 denotes Laplace's operator. Equations (5) and (6) are now our basic field
For the convenience of analysis, we introduce the following notation 4):

2 2+2/~
, 8 =
?200 ,
, "C = "C0 ( D * ~
~ * = p c~ v~/g, vp P B 2 S to c~ S

3) Since small deformationsfrom an initially undeformed(virgin)state of linearly elastic body is con-

sidered, no distinction needs to be made between Cauchy's and the Lagrangian stress tensors.
4) Note that, in terms of Poisson's ratio v, fi2 is given by 2 (v+ i}/(l - 2v).
Vol. 23, 1972 TransientYhermo-ElasticWaves in a Half-Spacewith Thermal Relaxation 53

1 vp p c v vp and 0 o as the units of time, length, displacement, and

and use co*' co*' yco* '
temperature, respectively. We then arrive at the following set of dimensionless field

O+'cO-O ~i+~+z~=O, (7)

f12/~i =(/32 _ 1) e ~ + v ~ u~-fi2 ~ 0~, (8)

where the same letter is used to denote the corresponding dimensionless quantity.
In the sequel, unless otherwise stated explicitly, we shall use the dimensionless
quantities exclusively.
The quantity 'c = % co*= % p c,~ v2/~: may be regarded as the thermal relaxation
parameter, Lord and Shulman [19], or it may be viewed as a measure of heat con-
ductivity of the material, Achenbach [23]. According to this latter interpretation,
small values of "c correspond to highly conductive materials, while when -r is very
large we are dealing with a highly non-conductive substance. However, this argument
implies that the relaxation time r o is independent of the thermal conductivity ~c.
Chester [18] argued that, since % is the time needed to establish a steady-state
resistive flow, the rate 1/To must then be connected with the thermal resistance,
and hence % must be proportional to ~c. Furthermore, the exact relation between %
and • can be found once the second sound-speed in the solid is determined.
According to Ackerman and Guyer [24], a second sound pulse in an isotropic
crystal travels with the velocity vp/lf3, i.e., r = 3. Theoretically, we can arrive at this
expression which corresponds to the second sound-speed in superfluid helium, if
we note that a thermal wave represents the same microscopic phenomenon whether
it exists in superfluid helium or in a solid, since both may be represented at low
temperatures by a phonon gas. Thus for 'c= 3, "co can be expressed in terms of the
other parameters (in particular the conductivity ~c) as "co = 3 ~:/p c,, vZp.
The two-dimensional system of equations needed in our study now are

3 2 U=3 2 U,xx@(3 2 -- 1) V,xy + u yy-/3 2 e 0 x , (9a)

/32/5=/3 z v, ry +(/3 2 - 1) u, xy+ V xx-/3 2 e O,y, (9b)
"c0+0=0 ~+0 , , - ( ~ i , ~ + ~ ,)-'c(/i ~+~ ,). (9c)
The boundary conditions at the surface y = 0 become

Txr = O, Tyy = O, h a 0 + h 2 O, y = F o ~ (x) f ( t ) , (10a, b, c)

where the parameters h a and h 2 take the values of zero or one (but both are not
zero at the same time) depending on whether an instantaneous temperature or
temperature-gradient is defined on y = 0, F o is a constant, and f ( t ) is an arbitrary
but a sufficiently well-behaved function of time. Equations (10a, b) may also be
54 Adnan H. Nayfeh and Siavouche Nemat-Nasser ZAMP

written as
U,y+V,x=O, (11 a)
(132 - 2 ) u,x+fl 2 v r - f l 2eO=O. (llb)

The condition at infinity requires that the solutions be bounded as y becomes large.
Finally, the initial conditions are such that the medium is at rest for t < 0.

3. A Formal Solution
To determine the solution of this problem, we apply to the system of equations
(9)-(11) the one-sided Laplace transform with respect to time, and the exponential
Fourier transform with respect to the x-coordinate. The appropriate solution of
the resulting equations is then constructed and subsequently inverted.
The one-sided Laplace transform and the exponential Fourier transform are
defined, respectively, as

5¢ [(p (x, t)] = ~ (p (x, t) e - p t d t = ~ (x, p), (12 a)


~-[~(x,p)]= ; (o(x,p)e-iCXdx=~o(~,p). (12b)


With this, a formal solution of equations (9)-(11) is given by

(U,v,O)=~ -1 ~ ~(alk, a2k,a3k)e-~kY+i~Xd~, (13)


where 5 o- 1 designates the inverse Laplace transform, and where we have set

2i{ f(p) Fo e ~1(~2 _~3)(2~2 + p2 f12), (14a)

all - A

i ~ f(p) Fo M e
a 1 2 -- A ' (14b)

i~ f(P) FoDe
aa3 = A ' (14c)

2~2f(p) F o e (~2 --a3)(2~ 2 +p2 f12), (15a)

a 2 1 -- A

f(p) Fo ~ M~
a22 = A ' (15b)

f (P) Fo ~3 De
a2 3 = A ' (15c)
Vol. 23, 1972 Transient Thermo-Elastic Waves in a Half-Space with Thermal Relaxation 55

a31 - - 0 , (16a)
f(p) Fo M (a2 _ ~2 _p2), (16b)
a32 -- d

f(p) Fo D
a33-- Z1 (c~2 _ ~ 2 _ p 2 ) , (16c)

,4 = (~3 - ~2) {hi [(2 {2 + p2/?2)2 (~2 + ~ - 4 cq ~2 (c% c% + ~2 + p2)]

+ h 2 [4~, c~2 ~3 (~2 + ~3) ~2 __(2 ~2 + p2 fl2)z {~2 + ~2 + 0~2 ~3 --~2 __p2}]},

D=(2#2 +p2 f12)2_4e 1 e2 ~2, (17b)

m---4e~ ~3 Ca --(2~ 2 +p2 fl2)2 (17c)
0~2= ~2-Ff12 p2, (18)
~2 + ~2J ---- -3/~2.4-
- - - vn2 + p 2 z*(1 +e), (19a)
~22 0(3
2 = ~4 + p4 Z*+ p2 ~2 .~_p2 ~2 2"*(1 -~ g), (19 b)
r*=z+--. (19c)
In order to have solutions that are bounded as y ~ , we require that ~k have positive
real parts.
To obtain the solution (13), we use the Cagniard-De Hoop method. This method
consists of recasting each integral in (13) into the Laplace transform of a known
function, thus allowing ourselves to write down the inverse transforms by inspection.
Mathematically, this procedure is based on a rather elementary observation that

~ - t ~( z~z
p~to;f(t)e-pt dt-p"-l f ( O ) - f - 2 f'(O) . . . . ft"-l)(0)}
d"f(t) (20a)
- ~ Hdt( t - t o ) ,
and that

~-t f(t)e-Vtdt = ~ ~ ...~f(t)H(t-to)dt, n=0, 1,2 ..... (20b)

12 n
A complete description of the method is found in [2, 3, 25]. For this technique to
apply, it is therefore essential that we obtain explicit expressions for ek, and that
we isolate the Laplace transform parameter p, as shown in (20 a, b). To this end, we
observe that equations (19 a, b) pertain to the coupled dilatational and thermal
waves. To find explicit solutions for ~2 and e3, we seek solutions of(19a, b) for small
values of e.
Assuming that e is sufficiently small, we set
0(2 = ~2 .~ p2 [1 + ~1 e + ~2 e2 -+"" "], (21 a)
~ + z*p2[l +rll~+rlze2 +'"], (21b)
56 Adnan H, Nayfeh and Siavouche Nemat-Nasser ZAMP

substitute into (19 a, b) and, equating the coefficients of like powers of e, obtain
[ -c* ~c.3 ]
o~=~2+p 2 1 z*-I ~-t (.c, 1)3 ~2+... , (21c)

c~=~2+~*p 2 1+~25-_1 ~ (~,_1)~ e2 + ' " . (21 d)

The solutions (21c, d) constitute a good approximation to the exact results as long as
(z*-l)Z+O(e), see [7-1 for detailed discussion. To obtain solutions when this
condition is violated, we set
z* = 1 - 6 e-~, (21 e)
where ~ = 0(1), and write
c~z=~Z + pZ(l + ~l e~ + ~z g + ... ), (21t)

and obtain
1 (1 ,5(62 + 3)

c] (c52 -I- 3)
oc~=~2+p2 [ 1 - 2 ( 6 - ~ ) * 1 (1+~ ~ ) ~+...]. (21h)

To ensure that (21c, d) and (21g, h) define the complete solutions, we must
show that (21g, h) match (21c, d). To this end, we fix r*, substitute for 6 from (21e)
into (21g, h), expand the resulting equations in terms of ~, and to the second-order of
approximation in ~ obtain equations (21c, d). This shows that the expressions (21g, h)
reduce to the expansions (21c, d) and hence define the complete solution for all
values of r*.
Since most existing evidences [10, 18, 24] suggests that the value of z is approxi-
mately equal to 3, expressions (21c, d) constitute good approximations to the exact
solutions, and thus will be employed exclusively in our subsequent considerations.
Taking the square root of (21c, d), using (19c), and employing the positive sign, we
obtain, to the first-order of approximation in ~,
c~2= 42 + f12p2, (22 a)

2 2 p2(t + zp) ~ (22b)

~2=r +pz l+p(z-1) '

c~2_~zq.cpZWp_~ p ( l + z p ) 2 e (22c)
3- l+p(z-1)
In the sequel, we shall consider the following two special cases of equation (17 a):
Case (a) h2 = 0 and h~ = 1 which correspond to the assumption that the temperature
is prescribed on the plane y = 0, and case (b) h I = 0 and h e =- 1 which correspond to the
assumption that the temperature-gradient is prescribed at y =0.
Vol, 23, 1972 Transient Thermo-Elastic Waves in a Half-Space with Thermal Relaxation 57

Case (a) h 2 = 0 and h 1= 1' With this restriction, equation (17 a) simplifies to

Aa= (0{3-- 0{2)[(2 4 2 + p2 fl2)2 (0{2 _~_0{3) -- 4 0{1~2 (0{20{3+ 4 2 + p2)] (23)

which together with equations (22) and (14)-(16) yield

2i4fFoe ,,, ~2
all = - (~3 + ~2)/~- 0{lt Z ~ + pZf12), (24 a)

a l 2 - (~2_~2)/3 , (24b)

i4 f Foe
al3- ~za_~2 , (24c)

2{2fVo e
a 2 1 - - (~3_.k~2)/~ (242+p2fi2), (25a)

f Vo~2eM
a22= (~2 _ ~2) D ' (25 b)

f Fo~3e
a23- (~2 _ ~ 2 ) , (25c)

a31 = O, (26 a)
f FogeM
a32 - ( ~ _ ~2) b ' (26b)

a33=Fof fFoge [ 1 4 eg] (26c)

~ = 42 +p2, (27a)
~2--= 42 +zP2 +P, (27b)
b = (2 ~.2+ p2/~2)2 -- 4 oq ~2 4 2, (27 c)
M = 4 0{t~3 4 2 -- (2 4 2 @ p2 fi2)2 (27 d)
p2(l + z p)
g= l+p(z-1) " (27e)

A comparison of the different quantities in case (a) and case (b) reveals that
case (b) can be deduced from case (a) in the following manner: Replace - - - 1 (ai)"
by (aO)b, i, j = 1, 2, except for i = j = 3 where ~3

1 2~2+ 2 22
(a33)b=--F~ F~ [~3 ~3 b jj (28/
0{3 ~3(~3 + ~ 2 ) +~2
58 Adnan H. Nayfeh and SiavoucheNemat-Nasser ZAMP

Short- Time Expansions

So far we have been able to find explicit values for c~k. The next step is to isolate p
into the form required by equations (20). Due to the existence of a damping term in
the temperature field, equation (9 c), no such isolation of p is possible. However,
this isolation may be achieved if we assume large values of p. Hence, an expansion
in the inverse powers of p, followed by the change of the variable ~ = p q, reduce 7k
and ~k to

eI=PS*' ~2=ps* 2(z-1)s~ pz-(z_l) ' (29a, b)

, 1 ze [ z-2]
e3=PS3+~-s~42(z-1)s~ PZ+~-I ' (29c)

~2=ps *, ~3=ps~-t - 2s-~3 , (29d, e)

2 2 89
s*=(n +Sk) . (30)
In equation (30), sk, k = 1, 2, 3, define

Sl=fl, s 2 = l , and s3=l/z, (31a, b,c)

which represent the slowness of the transverse, the dilatational, and the thermal
waves, respectively.
Substitution from equation (30) into (24)-(27), and then into (13), yields

{ 31
_ L(Alk p Blk
q p2 ,
A2k B ~ B3k 'X
p ~-7 - ' A3k q - T )
(32a, b,c)
9 e-P(s~,y-inx)drl~,

where we have assumed that the surface of the half-space is subjected to a step in
temperature of magnitude F 0, i.e., f(p)= 1/p, and where

Aal= 2iF~ Axa (33a, b)

(s* + s~) D* e' BH= 2s*(s~ + s~) '

A l z - ( z - 1 ) D * e' 2r/2S~
BI2 = s~M* ( r -1l ) A12' (33c, d)
A1 3 - iFotle ~7f3 A13 (33e, f)
(z-l) e, B13=- 1 - z '
Vol. 23, 1972 Transient Thermo-Elastic Waves in a Half-Spacewith Thermal Relaxation 59

2F o q2 (2t/2 -[- f12) A21

Azt- (s~ +s~)D* e, B2'= 2s'~(s~ +s*) ' (34 a, b)

A22- ( z - 1 ) D * 8, B22 = 2q2s *

s~M* ( z -1l ) A22'
(34 c, d)
Fo s~' e 2~ (s~' 2 + s~ 2)
A23-- (z-l) e, B23-- 2 s ~ 2 ( z _ 1) A23 , (34 e, f)

A31 = 0 , B31 = 0 , (35 a, b)

Fo zM* B3e=[2rlZs* (z+l) ]
A32 -- (Z-- 1)2 D* e, (35 c, d)
s;M* z(Tz-i-)j A,2,
Y I-1 zG* -I B33 __ F 0 [ z ( z - 1) Q* - G*] -~ e,
A33=Fo e ~Tf3[ + ~ _ ~ ; 1 , ('c - 1)2 e (35 e, f)

D*=(2r/z+flz)2_4r/2 S*1 S,2 (36a)

M* = 4q2 s~ s* - (2/,]2 + fl2)2 (36b)
Q * - -1 2S~t/2
(z - 1) s 3 (S2 + S~) 2 D*
G*- 4s*/7 2 1
(s~ +s*) D* ( v - 1)"

Dilatation- and Temperature-Solutions

Before proceeding to find the displacement solutions, we shall seek in the
following section solutions for the dilatation and the temperature fields. The
dilatation e is given by

e=U,x+V,y (37)

which, by virtue of (12) and (32), may be written as

_ ~ A4k+ e-p(s~'Y-i~X)drl , (38)

A41 = 0 , B41 = 0 , (39 a, b)
FoM* [ 2t/2 s~' 1 ]
A 4 2 - (z-1)D* e, B42=[s*M~ (z--l) A42' (39 c, d)

F0 Z -~ A43
A43= z ~ ] _ g e zsa, B 4 3 = - - z(z--1) " (39 e, f)
60 Adnan H. Nayfehand SiavoucheNemat-Nasser ZAMP

The vanishing of A4i and B41 implies that there exists no dilatational (volume change)
motion behind the transverse wave-front. The expressions for the dilatation, (38),
and the temperature, (32c), may be written in full as

rt(z-1) e _ ~ _ l
"c p ( z1- 1 ) e 21/~g_ze_p(~lZl/5~TTy_iqX)dr/}
9 e -p(V~+-i-y-inx) dr/},

-2Foz~_,fi~[M * 1 ( 2/I 2 ]/~+f12 (z + 1) M*

0- )1
I e -p(~al/~f~fy-i"x) dr/} (41)

+ n _ 1 4 p(z- 1) (z - 1) e Cg~gn~e - p ( V ~ y - i , x ) dr/ ,

M* = 4 t]2 ~ l / ~ + z - (2 r/2 + fl2)2, (42 a)
D* = (2 r/2 + fi2)2 _ 4 r/21//~ 1/%2 + 1, (42 b)
e,= __1 2 r/2 ]//r/2 -1- fl 2 , (42c)
z-1 + 132 D*

G* - 4r/2 Vt/~ + fi2 1 (42d)

Since we have assumed that the value of ~ is far from 1, the integrands of (40)
and (41) are well-behaved except at the zeros of D* and where r/= +i]~. As will be
shown below, these singular points lie on the branch-cut of a new path of integration
required by the Cagniard-De Hoop method, and hence constitute no difficulty in
calculating the integrals. A special consideration of these singular points is necessary,
however, if one seeks solutions at the surface y = 0 , in which case the zeros of D*
lie on the new path of integration.

The Cagniard-De Hoop Transformation

The Cagniard-De Hoop scheme consists in seeking the path of integration in
the complex q-plane that makes the quantities s* y - i r/x, k = 2, 3, which appear in
the exponentials of (32) and (40), real and positive. The integrands in (32) and (40)
have the branch-points r/= _+i sk, k = 2, 3. A necessary condition for the convergence
of these integrals is that s~, k=2, 3, be single-valued functions, with positive real
Vol. 23, 1972 TransientThermo-ElasticWaves in a Half-Spacewith Thermal Relaxation 61

parts on the path of integration. To allow for subsequent deformation of the contour,
we insure that this condition on s*, k = 2 , 3, holds everywhere in the t/-plane by
introducing branch-cuts along the imaginary axis from each branch-point to infinity.
Moreover, the integrands in (32) and (40) have poles where D* vanishes and at
= +_i 1/~. If we make the substitution tI = i/c, the equation D*--0 yields the classical
Rayleigh frequency equation which has the two real roots, c = __cR, where cR is the
Rayleigh surface wave-speed. Hence the integrals have two poles at the points
t/R = _+ . If we consider the ideal case where s 2 = ~ ~ 3, the relative positions of
the branch-points i sk, k-- 2, 3, the pole i r/R and the branch-cuts are shown in Figure 1,
where, from symmetry, we have considered only the upper half-plane.
Following De Hoop, we set

s~y-irlx=t, k=2,3, (43)

and solve for t/k to obtain the new path of integration

t )~ it
~ [ = + ~ - - s k 2 sin q) + - -r cos 4J, k = 2, 3, (44)

where r 2 = x 2 + y2, and ~ = t a n - 1 Y

Since the integrands in (32) and (40) approach zero exponentially as t/ tends
to infinity, the contribution from the arcs of t/k at infinity vanishes. Moreover, as t
varies from r s k to o% t/k traces a hyperbola with vertex t/= / s k cos 0 and asymptotes
arg r/= +_tan 0-
Referring to (43), we deduce that, for k = 2, the relevant contour in the t/-plane
has one possible configuration as shown in Figure la. For k = 3 , the particular
contour has two possible configurations in the t/-plane, depending upon the value
of O, i. e., if s 3 cos ~ < s2, the relevant contour is simply given by t/3 in (44) and similar
situation prevails for that of Figure 1. However, if s a cos ~,>s2, the vertex of the
hyperbola r13 lies on the branch-cut between i s 3 and i s2, and the appropriate contour
is as shown in Figure 1 b. This contour is given by t/3 of (44) plus an additional path


(oi (bl
Figure 1
Contour integration in the tl-plane for the dilatation and the temperature.
62 Adnan H. Nayfeh and Siavouche Nemat-Nasser ZAMP

that consists of a circle of radius ~"2, ~2 ~ O, centered at i/= i $2, and two segments
represented by

.;--, 4 ; s,o (45)

with ranges of t given by

t~-s2rcosO+~(s~ --$2)
2 ~-
, Sln
. ICr _ _ .(2) (46)

Substitution from (44) into (32) and (40) yields

(;)__~.~,, (A4k) (~lk(t))~k H(t_Skl,.)

k=2 , A 3 k , Ti-

(47 a, b)
( A43~
+ ~A3J (,~-(t)) ~32
_~._i(B4.3~ Gq + __
o \B33] (r/~-(~)) ~ n3z(~ ) d~,
n~2=l-I(r 032=cos-'-- (48 a, b)
The wave pattern associated with the solutions (47) is shown in Figure 2 for
0 _ r n/2, since the solutions are symmetric with respect to the x-axis. The dilata-
tional wave-front moves faster than the thermal wave-front if 9 > 1.
Inspection of the solutions (47) reveals that the first two terms correspond to
the dilatational and the temperature motions behind the longitudinal wave-front
for k = 2, and behind the thermal wave-front for k = 3. The last two terms correspond

t/s~ t/sz
O['x~ /~~ff hel'ma,wavB-fronl

Figure 2
Wave geometry in the interior of the half-space
~ Dilatalional wave-fronl

for the dilatation and the temperature. Y

Vol. 23, 1972 Transient Thermo-Elastic Waves in a Half-Space with Thermal Relaxation 63

to those motions behind a truncated wave-front given by t=t(l) ~32" This truncated
wave-front which is also called the head wave-front is represented in the x, y-plane
by a straight line. The motions behind this head wave-front are generated by the
surface interactions with the faster wave-front (i.e., the dilatational wave-front).
It is of interest to notice that these head waves are not distinguishable from the
longitudinal and thermal waves at the surface y--0(~k = 0).
The behavior of the temperature and the dilatation behind the dilatational
wave-front are quite similar. As a matter of fact, except for the last term in (35 d),
the temperature wave-amplitude can be found by multiplying the dilatation wave-
amplitude by the constant factor ~ _ . On the other hand, no such similarity exists
behind the thermal wave-front. This is due to the existence of the dominating part
in the temperature wave-amplitude for vanishing 6. For the special case 5=0 (no
thermo-elastic coupling), the dilatation vanishes and the temperature reduces to

0 ~---A33(~]3) ~ t 3 H(t--]//~x), (49)

where A33 is found from (35e) by setting 5=0, and r/3 is given by (44). Moreover,
since the relations (39e, f) are independent of s~, it can be easily shown that there
exists no contribution to the dilational motion behind the head wave-front.

Displacement- Components
In order to find the displacement-components, u and v, we must invert (32a, b)
as in the case of e and 0. However, the procedure becomes much more complicated
due to the non-vanishing of the dilatational and transverse motions behind the
transverse wave-front. This introduces an extra branch-point, i st, in the q-plane.
The relative position of i s 1 with respect to i s2 and i s 3 depends upon the values of/?2
and r. Since we have adopted the ideal case where s~ = r,~ 3, in order to have distinct
positions for is I and is3, we assume that fl2=4 which corresponds to the Poisson


Figure 3
Contour integration in the q-plane for the
displacement and the temperature.
64 Adnan H. Nayfeh and Siavouche Nemat-Nasser ZAMP

ratio v----0.3. This leads to the path of integration given by (44) which also includes
the case k = 1. The relevant contours in the q-plane are shown in Figure 3.
The remaining details of the inversion are analogous to those for e and 0; the
solutions of u and v thus become

' /~(Blk~u(t ' , ~qk }

! ~/f( 11~ H 1 2 ~ }] d~ (50a, b)

~t [o \Bal/ ~1 dr1

-1-!t L\A23][/AI3~
~q~ , ff/Bt3, ~ 3 2 ~ d t l }
H32~-l-T2 ~B23) 1
)'o Lo at1 d),

Hlk = H(O - 01~) H ( t - ~lkJ"
t t ( t )utt(2)
~ t), k=2,3,
H32 = H ( 0 -- 032) H(t--t32)
(1) H ( /7(2)
1) _ s k r c o s O + r ( s Z _ s ~ ) 4 s i n ~ <--t < s--t r = t--( 2 )lk~
lk k = 2 , 3,
~32 _ s 2 r c o s O + r ( s 2 s ~ ) { s i n 0 <--t <--s a r = ~ 3.(2)

013 =COS-1 V ~ ~132=Cos_l 1 1

012=__COS_1 2"
2 ' ]f3'
The wave geometry is shown in Figure 4. For a fixed position r, the instants
s 2 r, s 1 r, s 3 r, and r/c R designate the arrival of the dilatational, transverse, thermal,
and Rayleigh wave-fronts, respectively. The times t]~=r(cos O + ] / ~ s i n 0), ~32t(1)----
r (cos ~ + If2 sin 0), and t]~ = r (cos ~ + ~ sin 0), indicate the arrival of the different
head wave-fronts. t/s~ t/s~ t/sz
0i~ ~ x

\ ~ = (I)

Figure 4 "tll~t
Wave geometry in the half-space for the displacement
and the temperature.
Vol. 23, 1972 Transient Thermo-Elastic Waves in a Half-Space with Thermal Relaxation 65

oI oo 104 108 LI2 116 i~
i i i i q i i i , i6
I0 deg

~" B 80 de9

0. ~ " ;
L732 1.79 1.87 195 203 211

Figure 5 Figure 6
Dilatation versus time at the dilatational wave-front Dilatation versus time at the thermal wave-front
for r = 10, 50, and 80 deg, and z =3,//2 = 3 , Q1 =0.1, for 0 = 1 0 , 50, and 80deg, and ~=3, //2=3,
e = 0.05, and r = 1. Q~ =0.1, e,=0.05, and r = 1.

124 1.4B 172
~_, ~ ,
,6 I
IO deg

50 deg 124 L4B I?2


I I ~ 1.108 I I
0 I00 102 104 106 1,10 112

Figure 7 Figure 8
Temperature versus time at the dilatational wave- Temperature versus time at the head and thermal
front for ~ = 10, 50, and 80 deg, and ~ = 3, //2= 3, wave-fronts for 0 = 1 0 d e g , and ~ = 3 , //2=3,
Q1 =0.1, e,=0.05, and r = l . Q~ =0.1, e =0.05, and r = 1.

I ~ 1 7 6I 1 7~6 / 8 o de(l
J ii \\ / 0~
z 500 ",C./
1,729 1.731 1735
i~ 1727

0 I I i
I.Z32 I.?34 [.736 I?i38 LNO
Figure 9 Figure 10
Temperature versus time at the head and thermal Temperature versus time at the thermal wave-
wave-fronts for 0 = 5 0 d e g , and T=3, fl2=3, front for qJ = 10, 50, and 80 deg, and T = 3, f12= 3,
Q1 =0.1, e =0.05, and r = 1. Q~ =0.1, e =0.05, and r = l .

ZAMP 23/5
66 Adnan H. Nayfeh and Siavouche Nemat-Nasser ZAMP

Numerical Results
The solutions (47a, b) for the dilatation and the temperature were evaluated
numerically using the Gauss-Legendre integration scheme. Since only short-time
solutions are obtained, we expect that the corresponding expansions are valid in the
neighborhood of the wave-fronts. For this reason, the parameter Q2 was introduced
to designate the ratio of the first-order term to the zeroth-order term (p~ee) in
each expansion.
The computations were done for fi2=3, (v=88 r=3, Qz<Q1 =0.1, and s=0.05
at the station r = 1, and for the angles 10, 50, and 80deg. For z=3, ~b32~54.7 deg
which implies that head waves are observed at the angles 10 and 50 deg.
In Figures 5 and 6, time histories of the dilatation for ~b= 10, 50, and 80 deg,
are shown behind the dilatational and thermal wave-fronts, respectively. Figures 7
and 10 indicate similar results for the temperature. In Figures 8 and 9, time histories
of the temperature are shown behind the head wave and at the thermal wave-front for
~b= 10 and 50 deg, respectively. Finally, for comparison, calculations similar to those
illustrated in Figures 5 and 6, are shown for the station r = 10 in Figures 11 and 12.
Inspection of the foregoing figures reveals the following conclusions:
a) The time range of valid expansions varies inversely with the magnitude of
the angle;
b) the dilatational motion does not exist behind the head waves;
c) the expansions are valid for all time ranges, starting from the onset of the
head waves where they break down again in the neighborhood behind the thermal
wave-front; these solutions are continuous at the thermal wave-front.
IO00 tO.04 10.08 10.[2 [0.16
0 I I ~ t I 1

[O deg o
,~80 / IO



80 deg

0 I ] I I p
17326 17.3~4 i7~342 IL350

Figure 11 Figure 12
Dilatation versus time at the dilatationat wave- Dilatation versus time at the thermal wave-front
front for ~p= 10, 50, and 80 deg, and z = 3, /~2= 3, for ~,=I0, 50, and 80deg, and z = 3 , /~2=3,
Q1 =0.1, e.=0.05, and r = 10. Q1 =0.1, e.=0.05, and r = 10.

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We use the Cagniard-De Hoop method to develop the displacement and temperature fields in a
half-space subjected on its free surface to an instantaneously applied heat source. We include in our
analysis the thermal relaxation time of heat conduction, which insures that the termal waves propagate
with a finite signal speed. We express our solution in terms of a small thermo-elastic coupling coefficient,
and obtain explicit expressions for the wave-speeds and wave-amplitudes. Due to the existence of the thermal
damping, we give only the short-time solution. We then present numerical results for the dilatation and the
temperature so as to illustrate the salient features of the problem.

Die Autoren benutzen die Methode yon Cagniard-De Hoop zur Ermittlung des Verschiebungs-
und des Temperaturfeldes in einem elastischen Halbraum unter dem EinfluB einer an der freien Oberfl/iche
68 Adnan H. Nayfeh and Siavouche Nemat-Nasser ZAMP

pl6tzlich angebrachten W~irmequelle. Sie beriicksichtigen dabei die Relaxationszeit der W~irmeleitung,
welche eine endliche Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit der W~irmewellen garantiert. Die L6sung wird in
einem kleinen thermoelastischen Koppelungskoeffizienten ausgedrtickt, und es werden explizite Aus-
drticke fiir die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeiten und Wellenamplituden gegeben. Mit Rticksicht auf die
thermische D~impfung werden nur kurzfristige L6sungen betrachtet. Schlieglich werden numerische
Resultate fiir die Dilatation und die Temperatur angegeben, um die wesentlichen Eigenschaften des
Problems zn illustrieren.

(Received: May 14, 1971)

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