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Even if you take notice of My act of Salvation, of the act of mercy I accomplished on your behalf…. you will be
incapable of grasping its full depth and significance, since on account of your imperfection your spirit is still
unenlightened and only allows for occasional rays of light to flash up, which enable you to exchange the darkness with
a dim light if you empathise with this greatest act of mercy…. if you deeply and inwardly look at the individual stages
of My path to the cross and My suffering and dying of the crucifixion and accompany Me on this path with profoundly
heartfelt love…. This will enable you to somewhat sense, if only momentarily, My immeasurable love for you which
made Me make this sacrifice and you will, as it were, participate in it if your soul puts itself in this position and tries to
understand what is incomprehensible to you as a mere human being. I shed My blood for you…. These Words are
casually recited and truly not grasped in their profundity…. I bought back the life you lost to My adversary with My
blood, with My life, and I truly paid the highest purchase price a human being is capable of paying, for the fullness of
love within Me until the hour of death gave Me the strength to patiently suffer all pain and accept the most bitter
affliction in order to give you humans the life you had lost back again. I died for you…. For you had deserved this death
yourselves due to your past sin of apostasy from God…. that is, you stood in the midst of death, you lacked the life for
which you were created…. Therefore you also lacked the bliss, for only ‘life’ is bliss. And I wanted to return this bliss
to you and thus had to purchase your life with the greatest sacrifices only a loving human being was capable of making.
However, even I found this sacrifice inconceivably difficult, for My human body was no differently natured than that of
any other human being, but the burden of the cross was so heavy that I was only able to carry it with tremendous effort
and love and indeed have carried it for you, My fallen brothers…. But words alone cannot describe this burden, and
neither can the human being’s intellect grasp the magnitude of the sacrifice; only a heart with an abundance of love is
able to put itself in this position, and this heart will suffer vicariously and take the path to the cross with Me and make
Me immensely happy, because a heart like that is a redeemed victim from My adversary and belongs to Me forever and
because it is truly a greater than great joy for Me to know that the sacrifice on the cross was not made in vain for such
souls who love Me and endeavour to follow Me. They will indeed be enlightened by a small light, they will have
stepped out of the spiritual darkness and passed through the first degree of realisation, even though they will only
realise the whole significance of My act of Salvation in the spiritual kingdom, but its rays of light already shine and
blessed is he who can already live in its radiation while he still exists on Earth…. blessed is he who thus belongs to the
redeemed and has become My child through My crucifixion…. Amen

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