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Second International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

A Practical VCR Technique of Preventing Computer Viruses’

Creeping in Networks
YE Qiu-Sun
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
Wuyi University, 354300
Wuyishan, China

Abstract—In information system of Computer Networks, viruses of which are harmful to health of living beings. Not
there are many computer viruses can do fatal damage to sufficient development of Medicine, i.e. the mechanisms of
some individual computer systems; the ability to damage is these viruses’ reproducing & their creeping are still
basically decided by their mechanisms of regenerating, not unknown, we cannot chose but make great efforts that: to
decided by the longer computer viruses’ program or the find them as soon as possible, to excise them in time. To do
shorter ones. Today, many of mechanisms and much of
computer viruses’ ability to damage that, quite an initial
surgical operations of Excising for living beings, it will do
knowledge of people’s for new computer viruses are still to harm to health of living beings more or less. So the work to
take much time to research and solve. So all anti-viruses find viruses as soon as possible is very important. We
software already existed are too difficult to kill a variety of cannot research all mechanisms of computer viruses’
computer viruses. This paper will introduce a new practice program, and make out relevant anti-viruses’ program to
technique of preventing a variety of computer viruses’ keep our securities of computer systems or networks.
creeping in networks based on AI-Properties of VCR Similarly, it is OK that, we can find the computer viruses as
(Variable Carrying Rules). It is also called technique of that, soon as possible, and excise them off our systems.
while in Rome, do as the Romans do; or technique of Like that, how to finish the work to find computer viruses
interrogating & kidnapping.
as soon as possible? Some computer anti-viruses’ soft wares
of diagnoses have been published for many years. For
Keywords—Information System; Computer Viruses; AI-
example, the computer viruses’ Doctor Version 1.10 made
Properties of VCR; Cipher Book/Table.
by Shanghai Special-Shaped Steel Factory, it can diagnoses
and kill the BALL virus and STONE virus of which were
ĉ. PREFACE the most prevalent in the nineties of the 20th century, in
China. Besides, it can also deal with the BRAIN virus from
Recently, there are many computer information systems
Pakistan. The computer viruses’ Doctor V1.10 can diagnose
happened to be damaged from computer viruses constantly,
viruses quickly, when the BRAIN virus, the STONE virus
especially, the problem of networks’ security. The computer
or the BALL virus are diagnosed in your disk, Doctor V1.10
viruses can do fatal damage to your information system. So
will ask a question whether you want to detoxify your disk
the important problem of computer networks’ security is
or not. If you want to detoxify your viruses’ disk, the
urgent need of dispelling computer viruses.
relevant detoxifying program will be in motion, in the
We know Computer viruses are some hidden micro-
meantime, vaccine of the BALL virus will be poured into
programs of which are harmful to computer system security.
your disk. Henceforth, your disk will never happen to be
They often hide in some program files or data files, usually;
damaged by the BALL virus again.
they own three very much important properties of that: Ł
Peking University Press of China has published another
Contagiousness/Infectiousness; łPotentiality/Concealment; example, the software tools for computer viruses’ checking,
ŃExcitability/Mutability. dispelling and immunity for many years. It can check, dispel
Computer viruses’ ability to damage is basically decided and be immune from 5 kinds of computer viruses as
by their mechanisms of regenerating, not decided by the follows˖ŁBALL virus(A Type)˗ł684 virus(B Type)˗
longer computer viruses’ program or the shorter ones. ŃMarijinuna virus(C Type)˗ńBoot virus(D Type)˗Ņ
Today, many of mechanisms and much of computer viruses’ dBase virus(E Type).
ability to damage that, quite an initial knowledge of Besides, there are many computer viruses reports about
people’s for new computer viruses’ are still to take much their methods of kill computer viruses, they are too
time to research and solve. Therefore, now it is not numerous to mention individually.
excessive that, someone regards computer viruses as the Obviously, we know, there are still many kinds of
Cancer or Aids in computer systems. computer viruses in the world; even the new viruses we
In living beings, there are many kinds of Cancer, Aids, don’t find will make vast computer users be impossible to
etc., they are very difficult to be ascertained, so we cannot defend effectively. An outstanding expert who has rich
control them. All kinds of Cancer, Aids, etc., are some experiences in computer viruses, it is not so easy for him to

978-0-7695-3543-2/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE 676

DOI 10.1109/WKDD.2009.173
master each working mechanism of the viruses suddenly analysis, computer viruses are a series of micro-programs
appearing. Therefore, to find computer viruses as soon as owning many commands to be able to execute, it is also
possible, we had better find another way of diagnosing called soft ware, its damage must depend on that, computer
viruses. can execute command. If computer is not so obedient to
In 1995, a novel VCR theory & technology was firstly words of all commands of computer viruses micro-programs,
created by YE Qiu-Sun in the 3rd Conference on Fuzzy then, even viruses’ micro-programs enter your computer
Mathematics & System Science in middle-south area of system, at most, some RAM will be occupied, but it is too
China, and the IEEE International Conference On Neural difficult to damage your system.
Networks & Signal Processing[1]. In everyday life, the The core frailties’ origin of computer system is heart of
Fixed Carrying Numbers(FCN) of which we encounter are computer, we call it CPU(Central Processing Unit).
all varying according to a SAME rule we call it FCR(Fixed Different computers with different CPU and different
Carrying Rules). For example, Decimal numbers, Binary system of instructions, and the core frailties of whole
numbers, Octonal numbers, Hexadecimal numbers, etc. But computer system are decided by the relevant instructions’
sometimes, the CN of which we encounter is not all is frailty of CPU. Now, we can make an analysis of frailty on
varying according to a SAME rule. For example, in Z80cpu system(word size is only equal to 8Bits) of
variations of years, there are 12 months in a year, sometimes, instructions as follows: we know that, there is a common
there are 13 months in a year, an appending month we call it arithmetic instruction of DAA in Z80cpu system. The DAA
leap month (in the lunar calendar of China); in variations of can finish a work of adjusting data into Decimal numbers in
months, there are 30 days in a month; but sometimes, there Accumulator, but DAA must be only used in case as follows:
are 31days, 29days or 28days (such as February of the none 1)An outcome of operating data must be in Accumulator;
leap year in China) in a month; time of seconds, minutes, 2)After instructions of affecting the carrying bit CY, half
hours and days, variations from seconds to minutes and to carrying bit H and plus/minus Flag bit N in Flag Register F,
hours, are all varying according to a SAME rule of 60- such as the ADD, ADC, SUB, SUBC, etc..
carrying numbers. Hence the numbers of which express how
1 E (H) 1 F (H)
long the time such as days, months and years are, essentially,
a kind of VCN (Variable Carrying Numbers) ˈits rule of + 0 6 (H) + 0 6 (H) affect CY(once)
variation we call it VCR(Variable Carrying Rules). 2 4 (H) 2 5 (H)
The VCN was a novel broad concept of numbers, there + 0 6 (H) +0 6 (H) affect H (once)
would be indeed too much potential science value of 2 A(H) 2 B (H)
researches & applications on VCN. The world famous
Mathematician, Mr. Went-Sun Wu and Professor Xu-Yan Fig.2 DAA’s Adjusting Data in Accumlator
TU (AI Expert, the Advisory Committee Chairman of CAAI, DAA adjusting program may be compiled as follows:
the Pre-President of CAAI, the Honor President of CAAI) ORG 2000H DJNZ D1
thought that, to research the VCN & its applications, and Start:LD HL, 2040H LD (HL), A
create Mathematics Theory & Methods of the VCN, it owns LD A, (HL) HALT
very important meanings of academy and very wide value of D3: SRL A D0: LD A, (HL)
applications, it may be used not only in Cyphering Science, SRL A SUB 0AH
Communication and Safety of Information, but also in all SRL A JP P, D2
kinds of variable constructions, variable parameters, SRL A HALT
constructing models of complex systems and analysis & JR Z, D0 D2: LD A, (HL)
synthesis, researching & development of new theory or LD B, A ADD 06H
methods & new technology in AI. LD A, (HL) DAA
This paper will introduce a new practical technique of D1: ADD 06H LD (HL), A
preventing computer viruses’ creeping in networks based on DAA HALT
AI-Properties of VCR, it is also called technique of that:
The functions of DAA ought to be very powerful, the
While in Rome, Do as the Romans do; or technique of
interrogating and kidnapping. great majority of programs used to use it. Because it only
occupies one Byte of RAM, one Machine time of fetching
instruction, four periods time of clock(namely, t=4T, T is
time of computer system clock, T=0.5ns). In the whole
We can describe the core frailties of computer system in Z80cpu system of instructions, merits of DAA are very
nature as follows Computer is a very well behaved child, he obvious, but seldom or never find its demerits that:
is the suffer injured of a computer virus as well as adjusting data into Decimal number is only once, as of this
accomplices of the computer virus, in other words, he is a adjusting data, perhaps the carrying bit CY or the hail
piece of lamb in a wolf mouth as well as the wolf teeth of carrying bit H will be affected again, but DAA won’t
biting off the piece of lamb. Because of it, in the final adjusting the data again. For example, the following

program(Org2000H) will change the hexadecimals(0~63H) compressible, and its overflowing property of numbers is
in address RAM of 2040H into the relevant Decimal variable, it is called VCO (Variable Capacities of
numbers(0~99H). The change of adjusting data is as Fig.2. Overflowing). When the characters of that A,B,C,Ă,X, Y, Z,
In the above-mentioned program, the changing of the data etc. are in orderly used extensively as the numbers of that
1E(H) and 1F(H) are not success for the demerits of DAA as 10,11,12, Ă ,33,34,35,etc., it can get an optional integer
Fig.2. To solve this problem, the two special data of 1E(H) number of VCN/FCN selecting Figures’ Modules from 2 to
and 1F(H) must be dealt with adding a few instructions. If 36. For example, the decimal 255 can be varied as follows:
you don’t modify the above- mentioned program, the 11111111B˙377Q˙255D˙FFH˙(17F)10,8,16˙
program has not much influence upon itself, but it may be
big snake in the grass!
b. Fuzziness/Properties of keeping a secret
We know, in the whole Z80cpu system of instructions,
In an optional integer carrying numbers, an optional
there are 8 instructions containing directly commands’
figure’s power value is equal to the multiage of rolling all its
Byte code of 2A or 2B ˗ There are 35 instructions lower neighbor Figures’ Modules. For the all neighbor
containing the later half of Byte code in shape of “*A”˗ Figures’ Modules are different, or not completely same. The
There are 322 instructions containing the later half of Byte value of integer carrying numbers are both fuzzy [1] very
code in shape of “*B”. much and unknown clearly. Because of the fuzziness in data
A brilliant master of computer viruses micro-programs’ of VCN, it can be used in ciphering technology.
making, if he can make a virus’ micro-program requiring
a condition that, 3 instructions to be selected separately c. Intellectuality/Properties of making a secret
from one of above-mentioned 8 instructions, 35 In an optional n-figures integer carrying numbers, the all
instructions and 322 instructions. In that way, he will get neighbor Figures’ Modules may be designed by artificial
90160 techniques of activating his computer viruses’ intelligence [3~8], so both the data of VCN are intelligent
micro-programs. Namely, the activation techniques M and their value are known clearly.
may be calculated as follows˖ 2) Computing of an optional n-figures integer
M C81 u C 35
u C 322
90160(kinds) numbers in VCN
In the above-mentioned program, there is a little demerit a. Computing of an optional n-figures integer VCN
of existing through “JP P, D2” instruction, i.e., when the According to the concept and definition of VCN, suppose
data in Register is equal to zero, this program will also jump that: the FnFn-1ĂF1 is an optional integer numbers of VCN
to address D2. So the original instruction “SUB 09H” before for n-Figures, FnęRn,Fn-1ęRn-1,ĂˈF1ęR1˗rnęN,rn-1ę
instruction “JP P, D2” cannot chose but be modified into N, Ă ˈ r1 ę N ˗ N={1,2,3,4,5, Ă Ă } ˈ Rn={0,1,2,3, Ă ˈ
“SUB 0AH”.
rn},Rn-1={0,1,2,3, Ă ˈ rn-1}, Ă ,R1={0,1,2,3, Ă ˈ r1}; rn
To sum upˈthe core frailties of computer system are a set
=Max(Fn), rn-1=Max(Fn-1), Ă ˈ r1=Max(F1). Then, an
assembly of instructions from the heart of computer, we
optional integer numbers of VCN for n-Figures may be
often call it CPU.
computed as the following formula [10]:
COMPUTER VIRUSES’ CREEPING IN NETWORKS (n-Figures)+Fn-1(rn-2+1)(rn-3+1)Ă(r1+1)
A. VCN & its properties
n 1 n2
The VCN are some CN where all variation of numerical
value between their neighbor figures won’t be eternal
Fn – (ri  1) +F n1 – (ri  1) +Ă+F 1 (r 1 +1) 0 ˙
i 1 i 1
according to a SAME rule in same CN. For example, 1hour n k 1
35 minutes 40 seconds, 1994 years 2 months 31 days, 1995
years 3 months 28 days, 16 Jins 15 Liangs(a Chinese ¦ F – (r  1)  F ĂĂ(3.2a)
k 2
i 1
i 1

weight of an old steelyard), etc., all of these are typical

examples of VCN. b. Computing of the biggest n-figures integer VCN
Obviously, the biggest integer number of VCN for n-
1) Properties of an optional n-figures integer numbers
Figures in (r+1)-carrying numbers may be computed as the
in VCN
following formula:
a. Extensibility/Compressibility
A certain number of being varied from lower carrying rn rn-1 Ăr1˙1000000Ă0ˉ1
number to higher carrying number, the expression of the (n-Figures) (n-Zeros)
number will be compressed very much, so that a lots of ˙rn(rn-1+1)(rn-2+1)Ă(r1+1)
RAM which of storing data in computer will be saved. So +rn-1(rn-2+1)(rn-3+1)Ă(r1+1)
an expression data of VCN are both extensive [2] and +Ă+r1(r1+1)0˙

n 1 n2 Expressions of the BASIC program file in 2-Figures
̎n – (r  1) +̎ – (r  1) +Ă+̎
i 1
i n 1
i 1
i 1 (r 1 +1)
˙ VCN ˖
n k 1 n W1c1c1d2b0c0X1D1G1F0I0X0Y2W1c0W1X0c2X2c0c1D
¦ rk – (ri  1)  r1 ˙ – (ri  1)  1 ĂĂ(3.2b)
k 2 i 1 i 1
B. FCN & Its Expressions of Information in Computer G1H2A2O1N1A2M1O1Q2O0N0R1K1Q2T0A2S0O0N0
System Q0A2N2Q1R2S1M0A2P2L2O1Q0F1M0L2R2
Now all computers system in the world, all information G2G0A2 O1Q0Q2S1S0A2B1T0c0b0a2Y1A2
data in them would be in an expression of FCN. For b1W1c1c1d2b0c0X1E2A2N0a2c2X2c0A2Z0c2A2W1Y1
example, they may be 2-carrying numbers(Binary numbers), W1Z0a2J1B1J2Q2T0
8-carrying numbers(Octonal numbers), 10-carrying G2H2A2 S0R1T2K1 S0R1T2E1G1
numbers(Decimal numbers), 16-carrying H0G0A2O1N1A2 S0R1T2K1H0A2S0O0N0Q0A2H1G0
numbers(Hexadecimal numbers), etc. But binary numbers H0H2A2N2Q1S0Q1A2G2G0
are mainly expression in all of corners in computers, H1G0A2Q2R1O1Q0S0A2B1T2b0d0A2X0W1a2W0c2A
including all program files and document files. 2d0c1X2A2c2Y2X2A2c1e1c1c2X2a1B0A2N2b0b0X1W2
C. Mathematics Variations of FCN & VCN H1H2A2N0Q0M2
When we make number value of a FCN be equal to that of ExampleĊˈASCII data file as follows[9]˖
a VCN, the VCN is the FCN, it is called Mathematics A great deal of researches on numbers has been shown
Variation of FCN & VCN. Mathematician is sure that, a recently in International Mathematics & Computer Science,
FCN may be optional expressions of VCN, a VCN may be much of the attraction of such a FCN (Fixed Carrying
optional expressions of FCN. For example, Numbers) of n-figures is that it offers an alternative to the
11111111B=377Q=255D=FFH=(17F)10,8,16=(1771)2,8,8,2= growing problems of regularity & movement in calculating
(73)36=(43)63=(30)85=(10)255=Ă for the more.
Expressions of the ASCII data file in 2-Figures VCN˖
D. VCN & Its Expressions of Information in Computer L2A2W1a0V2U1a2A2V1V2U1Y0A2Z0W0A2a0V2a1V2
System U1a0V0W2V2a1A2Z0Y2A2Y2b0Y1U2V2a0a1A2W2U1a1
Now all computers system in the world, all information A2U2V2V2Y2A2a1W2Z0b2Y2A2a0V2V0V2Y2a2Y0c1A2
data in them would be in an expression of VCN. For X0Y2A2O1Y2a2V2a0Y2U1a2X0Z0Y2U1Y0P2U1a2W2V2
example, if they may be 4-Figures VCN(its FM1=2, Y1U1a2X0V0a1A2C2A2M1Z0Y1Z1b0a2V2a0A2R2V0X0
FM2=FM3=8, FM4=2), and makes it be all expression in all V2Y2V0V2E2A2Y1b0V0W2A2Z0W0A2a2W2V2A2U1a2
of corners in computers, including all program files and a2a0U1V0a2X0Z0Y2A2Z0W0A2a1b0V0W2A2U1A2N1M
document files, then, it is impossible to run all program files 1Q0A2D1N1X0c0V2V1A2M1U1a0a0c1X0Y2W1Q0b0Y1
in your computers! Of course, it is impossible for sharing all U2V2a0a1D2A2Z0W0A2Y2E2W0X0W1b0a0V2a1A2X0a1
document files in your computers! Before you want to run A2a2W2U1a2A2X0a2A2Z0W0W0V2a0a1A2U1Y2A2U1Y
the program files, and share the document files, you must 0a2V2a0Y2U1a2X0b1V2A2a2Z0A2a2W2V2A2W1a0Z0b2
make a Mathematics Variation of which from 4-Figures X0Y2W1A2Z1a0Z0U2Y0V2Y1a1A2Z0W0a0V2W1b0Y0U
VCN to 8-Figures FCN(its FM1=FM2=Ă=FM8=2). 1a0X0a2c1A2C2A2Y1Z0b1V2Y1V2Y2a2A2X0Y2A2V0U
We supposed that˖A=10ˈB=11ˈC=12ˈĂˈY=34ˈ 1Y0V0b0Y0U1a2X0Y2W1A2W0Z0a0A2a2W2V2A2Y1Z0
ƽ=63ˈWhen each character of information data file to be a Č. CHANGING EXPRESSIONS FOR INFORMATION
substitution of 2-Figures VCN(FM1=3,FM2=64) which is IN THE COMPUTER SYSTEM
equal to their value of ASCII. Then, the BASIC program file Nowadays, to avoid computer viruses’ existing
and the data file of ASCII will be changed separately as completely, functional demerits of CPU must be rooted out,
follows. but it is impossible. The best method is to let computer
ExampleĉˈBASIC program file as follows˖ system accept nothing from the computer viruses micro-
5 INPUT “Enter your password(1-6characters)˖”˗PW programs, so the CPU of computer system will do nothing
10 TRY=1 for the computer viruses programs. Because computer
15 IF CIPHER=PW THEN GOSUB MAIN.BAS viruses’ damage is in nature that, a well-behaved child
20 INPUT “Wrong passwordˈEnter it again˖”˗PW believes some words of a computer virus’ micro-program,
25 TRY=TRY+1 and acts as an accomplice of virus’ program, the well-
30 IF TRY=3 THEN 40 behaved child is the CPU of computer itself, an instigator to
35 GOTO 20 say the words is the computer virus’ program. So long as the
40 PRINT “You can’t use the system! Goodbye!” CPU of computer turns a deaf ear to the instigator’s words,
45 END damage incident isn’t occurred in your computer system.

In the light of this thinking, so long as the main monitor techniques of securities are very weak on preventing
program of local computer is inserted some instructions to computer viruses micro-programs’ invading, they will be
treat with that: as soon as some information files enter local bound to join the networks bravely one after another.
computer system, the main monitor program jumps to an The demerits of this method are that: 1)It is necessary that
interrupting service program of ZDF. Here, ZDF program you must gain another same computer(or the compatible
must be used with an Artificial Intelligence problem-solving computers with a same CPU) to be taken as interrogating
method of pure breadth-first search. The method in details, Room in secret; 2)The interrogating Room of secret is
please refer to another paper [7] of this paper’s author. always working off networks; 3)The replacement
The ZDF programs’ function is as follows: let all instructions cipher Book/Table in a ROM must be replaced
information files, no matter program files or data files, so at regular intervals. Otherwise, as soon as the cipher
long as they are from networks or disks, and there are some Book/Table has been stolen by a brilliant master of
instructions(even if there is only one command!) can be computer viruses’ making, the new demerits hidden in the
executed in files, all of them will be replaced with relevant cipher Book/Table will be used again, so the cipher
instructions ciphers, all of ciphers will be a fixed length of Book/Table must be keep in secret; 4)The technical
VCN, and VCR in the VCN will be artificial intelligent personnel of making the cipher Book/Table must know of
selection as you like, finally, return to the monitor program. the local computer CPU instructions’ codes very well.
Of course, we cannot refuse all files of which are from However, we cannot chose but say that, increasing some
networks or disks, otherwise, we shall miss very important expenses for gaining another same computer is very
aims and significances which of linking local computer economic and worthwhile, because it can bring a security of
system to networks. To get information files in security, we your computer system.
can copy the files having been out of shapes to another(or ACKNOWLEDGMENT
other compatible computer with the same CPU) computer
This work is supported by the Natural Science
without linking to networks, and then we can have a check
Foundation of Fujian Province of China (No. A0640015)
up the files. Before checking up the files, data codes of the
and University Natural Science Foundation for Education
files must return to the past, namely, the relevant instruction
Dept. of Fujian Province of China (No. JA08246)
codes must be replaced with the before ones.
There is something of the taste like that: while in Rome, REFERENCES
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Č. CONCLUSIONS Proceedings of CAAI-10, pp.64-71, Nov.18-23, 2003, Guangzhou,
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networks’ technique of securities to a bright future. Large
quantities of computer users, specially, the users of that,


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