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t’s tough when you

want to be a witness to
your friends and peers,

influence by Example
but you feel at a loss as to
how to go about it. Maybe
you don’t feel that you’re a
good conversationalist, so
you worry that you won’t
know what to say or how
to say it. Or maybe you’re
still learning about God and
His Word, so you don’t feel
knowledgeable enough to
talk with others about it.
How can I be a witness The good news is
that none of those things
to all these people? matter, because the most
powerful witness that you
could ever give or be is
through your example. In

Art Class
other words, it’s what you
do rather than what you say
that has the biggest impact
on others.
The best place to start
is by being an example
of Jesus’ number-one
quality—love. That takes a
lot of humility, because it
means being kind, caring,
and generous, even when
there’s no response; in fact,
even when there’s rejection.
It means showing love even
when the other person
doesn’t seem particularly
deserving of love, or is
difficult to be around or
interact with. It means
showing love even to those
who seem to not need love,
because you understand
that in many cases that’s
just a front to hide the fact
that they are needy.
Hey, how’s it going? Um, ah, no! Oh, okay.
Need any help? I think I can handle Just thought
this. … I’d ask!
Every encounter that God brings in your life is for
a purpose, and His love reflected in you is meant to
touch every person you interact with. He can give
you supernatural love, which sees the good and the
possibilities in every person. He can also give you the
wisdom to know how to show love in ways that will be
e! winsome and touch people’s hearts.
r as
E e! ! Ask Jesus to give you a big dose of His love for others,
s e
E a ras
r and to help you to pass on that love in humility. As you
E reflect Jesus by being loving and humble, you can’t help
but be a powerful witness that will influence others.

Hey, thanks a lot for your help in

Well, actually I could
? use some help!
art class. I’ve noticed that you’re
like that with everyone and I’ve been
meaning to ask you, what makes you
Sure! I’d
so different?
love to


Love and humility go hand in hand, and in some ways are synonymous. Your witness needs to be humble. It won’t
be effective if you come across in a superior “I’m better than you” type of way. That will only turn people off, even if your
intentions are sincere. You not only have to be doing the right thing, but you have to be doing it in the right way.
If your attitude is one of “I have as many problems as anyone else, but thankfully I’ve found Jesus and He’s my source
of strength and love,” then your spirit will transmit love and humility. Jesus will be able to shine through you.

Updated from a message from Jesus. Originally published May 2009.

Illustrations by Zeb. Design by Stefan Merour. Copyright © 2011 by The Family International

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