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war crimes wikileaks evidentiary digital hearing--the evidence

Wikileaks you have my support note the irmeli krans prime pr karl rove wallenberg group 4 sec claes borgstrom thomas bodstrom cia refoulement human rights violations a poorly concocted scandal and the collusion of prime pr's primegate kronors to the social democrat cultery for total obeissance to the social rove order and bush war empire gives force of understanding to the new future of how we speak wikileaks no more might there be ultra obeissance granted for the purveyors of lies and scandals as women burn on the pyre of economic enslavements and the holy roman empire rape might be set free, as a concept of daily terror as we ambient dehumanized demonetized intellectuals float through oceans of cruelty hoping for our personal security might the future of wikileaks disavow RAPE AS A WEAPON OF WAR as rape accusation mildly perfumed the braindead idiocy known as media, then might we refrain from our blind subservience to total tabloid propaganda as conspiracy cannot be spoken of without a breath of air, it is with a breath of air we puff through our lips either lies of the worlds we have known in digital kabbalah the with-breathing of the dialogue of the digital courts the twitter courts and of domains or whether our words as spoken with or breathed with other humans might trend towards a place of maximum truthgiving

as government was a business of truthhiding and you, wikileaks have conspired money, and lawyers, technology, and information to a momentum of praxis, we the purely theoretical as we fantastically weigh out the nothingness of the digital screens in our transnational digital totalitarianisms might uproot the plant through a flash presentation of the lyingness of all things in the ambient circulation of the atmosphere in which our breath is made of smog and our words so too. As we speak words of value and the hey hey of che guevera rings in a currency of value propounding we might have upon marketplace of zeitgeist the samisdat and prisonwall writings will have cablegate memorized and the war diaries for scrawling on the walls at end of days as each mind is a hard-drive unto itself the replicating exponential nature of kultur and consciousness contains a DNA or moral imperative of sharing p2p equals to con-spiro as wikileaks is species bonding as wikileaks is evolutionary progress from the stone age of social control wikileaks affirms the cohesiveness of our species narcissism such that it cannot be contained in one word it is darwinian intelligence asserting right in the primal slime of BUSHery

when we, highly evolved technocratic cyborgs seek technologies to bridge the air waves in the spaces inbetween these illusions of self and other it is in this magnificence of human understanding and our digital heiroglyphs we might make meaning out of power as the same stone etched with the code of power might be the blunt instrument of our own particular death so therein the annihilation of the psychological eminence of intellectual freedom and natural law state themselves into the coils of sound in which wrap themselves the refrain human rights when you speak, julian assange of such things and fantasies and so we might see that the conspiracy of value in which resides a collective consciousness of human rights relies on the many mechanisms of wikileaks and nuremberg places where humans might communicate in words and prose and evidence the immensity of human rights violations and when whole heartedly I express my total support I speak from the illusion of self or state or other I under the common illusion of american citizenship

assert the immense benefit for humankind of the transmission of life saving information that should you have released the tokyo cable prior to the disaster then might have been saved human life as death then takes away the illusion of rights there is a divine right of Internets supranational. The ficticity of the nationstate will be abolished by our unity and disunity of purpose. The holes punctured in the sweden case, by anna ardin express the doubleness of the doubleness of all things. If she was merely a bad hire or a double agent as a double agent better now we know the lying incompetence of sweden the servile obeissance and the decay of the rule of law the assassination orders codified against this right of life to strike fear and more we might feel the will to power independent of all extrinsic post factum applications power is in the hands of the existential bees we, wikileaks we, the people who will buzz in the hive of our making when I support wikileaks it is for the children they born into this apocalypse of war and greed and ecocide that they might learn to overthrow the tyrranies of affluence and greed which perpetuate the slave trade, the ecocrimes against africa, the islamophobia endemic to the oil wars and the lyingness of EMPIRE and therein all language must be scrapped we cannot speak of wikileaks as wiki as conspiracy as a musical word encapsulating meaning or end of meaninglessand a call to action

wikileaks has transcended itself and its domain and infected humanity with suspicions and distrust such that now ordinary humans might understand the realms of social control which have delimited their superhuman potential and the depths of racism deep inside the colonial warcraft the swedish arms industry the american propaganda ministry uncover more deeply the guantanamo suicides civilian casualties collateral murders fallujah massacre ellsberg arrest julian assange is a political prisoner. His lawyers are watched. My grandfather, who was scientific intelligence head of CIA, made a suspicious portrait of sedition. Titled merely, the watchers. as he worked with imported nazis in the atomic energy comission, accepting money from government, and the hope of not being killed, I can endure his legacy, as a political prisoner. As famously, scientolgy has made plain, the threat of assassination entraps the peons of industrialized bureaucracy and murder machines, such that life, after all is something towards which we go. In the face of a proassassination american nationstate and monkey court infrastructure. As the higher mind knows the lying life, is no life, better than the political suicide, is the information revolution, in which we now find ourselves. Such that we are converting blood money and petrol-based technologies, into more honest governance.

As government, operates through the breathing through, of codes and transmissions of value, the many deceits of government

play before us as a comedy or tragedy of value. Such that we might say viva surrealismo down with the old make it new as wikileaks cracks open the lobotomized skull of civilization then we might infect our collective future with neurodiversity such that when we speak of human rights we minimize pain and greed and maximize kindness and bliss so that all humans, or existent life forms might more peacefully succumb to our inevitable extinctions such that we slow the ecocide for the prolongation of arts and as the new children breathe in lungs full of smog and breast milk full of dioxin and bioaccumulated pharmaceutical toxins our endrocrinologically morphing species might evolve towards a decadent poisonous compassion so as our pollution drenched bodies robotically move through time and space we act in a state of flow towards the old ideals of justice and human rights atavistically such that rights might be intellectual the rights of the mind towards increasingly widespread genius exponential shared intelligence such that cromagnon systems of gevernence with foxnews stone age rhetoriticians like hilary/obama will no longer hold relevance for the technocratic intelligentsias who hold a light to the darkness of the infinities of cruelty from which spring the present and make into the future the highest power capable in the magnitude of life after the disaster

such that justice destroys as it creates and the universe contains the mind and all information, including the cables of wikileaks and every secret email every secret bank fraud and as we anonymously hack away at the ediface of tyranny the old will die and the young will inherit this rubbish of ideology so when we boldly put forward transformative technologies all words will function differently and either humans will or will not become what we are our destiny and our heliotropic drive towards the light of actual justice enlightenment truth none of which are compatible with the lyingness of nationstate or the divine right of kings and dictator and dollars or this dangerous transnational digital totalitarianism which masquerades as faux-devitalized democracy either words will have new power or actions will ascend and the haiku of the tokyo cable will kick dust into the grimacing gargoyle of a mouth of the american empire and the empire built on lies will be disrobed and the emporer will have no clothes but an orange jumper and an eternal noose of truth in which he is incapable of committing suicide due to the mercy of his watchers which will allow for infinities of existence and meditation for all the war criminals in the present age of this shoah 2.0

in which humans massacre other humans in meaningless constant war and human rights violations Eichmann in jerusalem will have taught us the power of the war crimes tribunal the method of hannah arendt the recording of the translation the audio record the written the journalistic and the court the documentation by the best technologies of the times our war crimes tribunals are now happening on Internets and wikileaks is the evidence and firmly destruction of the evidence is the keenest desire of criminals and our criminal regimes will implode and suicide in the bunker RIP as narrative and motive is for the making of historians let them hack away at the meanings of things as we intellectuals might hack away at our many impurities of motive to cut to the core of WHY THE WORLD NEEDS WIKILEAKS why we protest and why we leak for the children and because we have bad dreams and the grip of conscience is more tyrannical than any regime conscience holds us fast to the bad dreams of AMERICA TORTURE, INC. waterboarding bush six

and as the six suicides sway from the beams of guantanamo and bradley manning sleeps some of us are hungry for something more than money hunger for justice is a whip and these bad dreams of the buddha nature of the executioner hold fast in the oceans of blood of war and what might stop the tide the telegram will not be ignored roosavelt will not return us to the gas oven diaspora the destruction of the urgency of engagement will not transpire as the light of human rights prevails we strive to free humanity in support of wikileaks and radical methods cognitive capital monetary system collapse and human dignity animal liberation human liberation earth liberation information liberation all civilization is garbage all language the future is beautiful the future will transcend the powers of speech and these digital catalysts and evidentiary hearings and freedom will be possible in eternal solitary confinement and in the guilty stockbroker suicides freedom, and truth, and justice, and love will find their way to the youth mary rose lenore eng

1 april 2011 braingarbage

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