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Terrell Owens & Bodylastics International Inc.


Terrell Owens’ Workout & Diet Guide

for the Terrell Owens Super Strong Man Home Gym

Dear Bodylastics Terrell Owens Super Strong Man

Edition Owner,
Congratulations! You have acquired the premier
Home Gym System to ever hit the market.
Now that you have it, don't be shy, take it for a test
drive. Start wi th a classic exercise like the
Standing Biceps Curl. For this exercise your will
need an orange elastic and two handles.
First clip each end of the elastic to a handle.
Now, grip a handle in each hand, lay the elas-
tic on the floor, and step on the elastic wi th
your feet, hips wi d th apart. Wi th your
palms facing up and your elbows station-
ary at your sides, raise the handles until
they are at chest height.
Feel that tension? Smooth ,
right? Difficult, right? Now
imagine the type of ten-
sion that you can create
by clipping all 7 elastics
on the handles or ankle
For tons more exercises and
programs refer to this booklet,
the included Bodylastics User
Book, and of course strength-
banduniversity.com (you
should have received your
username and password
via email).
Terrell Owens &
Blake Kassel
Thank you for taking the first step at training T.O. Style. In order to train like me it's
important to know that the best way to achieve the results you want, you have to have a
proper balance both inside and outside the body.
Below are a few tips, to help you along the way. Training T.O. Style consists of a healthy
and disciplined diet, that will compliment a few core exercises using your Terrell Owens
Strong Man Bands.
If you follow this, you will be a champion just like me. Please note, my workouts are not
about instant results. I didn't become a Pro-Bowl, Star Wide Receiver over night! My diet
and exercise plan is about a life-style of change. You can do it.
Good luck, and getcha popcorn ready!
Terrell Owens


Caring for your Bodylastics

Terrell Owens Super Strong Man Edition

Your brand new system is designed to be ultra durable and will last for years. However,
please be sure to follow the guidelines below:
1. Only clean your elastics with water. Never wipe the elastics with any type of solvent,
cleaning fluid, or oil.
2. Always wear athletic shoes when you are stepping on the product and try to wear
shoes that have smooth surfaces (no dress shoes, cowboy boots or cleats please!)
3. NEVER overstretch the elastics. This guideline is super important. Your elastics are
made to stretch healthfully at 2 times their length. If you stretch them way beyond 2
times their length, you will overstretch them and damage them. Please look at the
pictures below for a better explanation:

Good: Bad:

Attached to Attached to
door here door here

Terrell's Recommended Diet Plans
Before we get into the actual diet plans please read this first:

Rules for cooking and consumption of food:

1. No processed foods
2. All vegetables are either raw or steamed
3. All fruits are fresh
4. No fried foods
5. Do not go over 3 1/2 hours without eating

Reasons for above:

1. Preservatives in food slow down all natural processes in the body: strength,
endurance, and recovery.
2. Fresh vegetables reverse the effect of #1 above.
3. Fresh fruits because anything out of the ground contains live enzymes, which the
body responds to immediately, and more efficiently.
4. Fried food has been stripped of its benefits so it lies dormant and drains the body
of energy.
5. To burn fat and maintain or build muscle, food should be ingested on this schedule.
This promotes total physiological balance: energy, alertness, and feeling of well being.

In order to look like me, you have to eat exactly like me. This ain't for the ordinary!
3 meals / 3 snacks
Breakfast: 10 egg whites (P) and 1 bowl of oatmeal (G)
Snack: bowl of fruit (F)
Lunch: 2 grilled chicken breasts (P) and 1 sweet potato (V)
Snack: bowl of fruit (F) or salad (V)
Dinner 12 oz. of sea bass (P) with brown rice (G)
Snack large salad (V) and assorted vegetables (V)

Terrell's food choices:

(P) Protein: Chicken, fish, turkey, tuna, steak, egg whites, protein shakes
(V) Vegetables: Asparagus, celery, spinach, squash (yellow), broccoli
(F) Fruit: Cantaloupe, green apples, bananas, honeydew melon, red grapes
(G) Grains: Brown rice, oatmeal
Drinks: water and fresh fruit juices



3 meals / 2-3 snacks
Breakfast: 2-4 egg whites (P) and bowl of oatmeal (G)
Snack: 1 medium apple (F)
Lunch: 1 chicken breast 6-8 oz. (P) and 1 medium baked potato (V)
Snack: 1 medium pear
Dinner: 6-8 oz. tuna fish (P) and medium salad (V)
Snack: (optional) Couple slices of Cantaloupe (F)

Adult Male food choices:

(P) Protein: Chicken, fish, turkey, tuna, steak, egg whites, protein shakes
(V) Vegetables: All green or yellow are acceptable
(F) Fruits: All fruits
(G) Grains: rice (brown or white) breads
Drinks: Skim milk, water, coffee, tea


3 meals / 2-3 snacks
Breakfast: 2 egg whites (P), 1 cup of oatmeal (G)
Snack: 1/2 cup strawberries (F)
Lunch: 4-6 oz chicken (P), 1/2 cup sweet potato (V), small salad (V)
Snack: 1/2 cup pineapple (F)
Dinner: 4-6 oz turkey (P) and 1 cup spinach salad (V)
Snack: (optional) 1 cup raw vegetables (V)

Adult Female choices:

(P) Protein: Chicken, fish, turkey, tuna, steak, egg whites, protein shakes
(V) Vegetables: All green or yellow are acceptable
(F) Fruits: All melons, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, peaches, grapefruit and tangerines
(G) Grains: Cereal and brown rice
Drinks: Water tea, coffee, skim milk



3 meals / 2 snacks
Teen Male:
Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (P) and 1 bowl of oatmeal (G)
Snack: 1 banana (F)
Lunch: 1 chicken breast (P), 1 baked potato (V), medium salad (V)
Snack: 6 oz. grapes (F)
Dinner: 10 oz. turkey (P) and 2 cups brown rice (G)

Teen Female:
Breakfast: 1-2 egg whites (P) and 1 cup of oatmeal (G)
Snack: 1 apple (F)
Lunch: 1 chicken breast (P), 1/2 baked potato (V), large salad (V)
Snack: 3 oz. grapes (F)
Dinner: 5 oz. turkey (P) and 1 cup brown rice (G)

Teen food choices:

(P) Protein: Chicken, fish, turkey, tuna, steak, egg whites, protein shakes
(V) Vegetables: All green and yellow
(F) Fruits: All fruits except only 1 banana per day for females
(G) Grains: Breads, cereals, brown rice
Drinks: Skim milk, water, coffee, tea


It's my belief that diet is key in order to achieve winning results. But it's not the only thing
that matters. People assume that I workout about twenty hours a day to get this bod y, but in all
actuality by eating right and consistently working out about forty-five minutes each day, you'll
have a winning bod y. Here are just a few exercises that you can do (using your Bodylastics
Terrell Owens Strong Man Bands) and that way you too can say, “I loves me some me.”


Exercises — Some of My Favorite Moves

to Get You Started. Form Is Everything!
Exercise: Seated Upper Back Row
Sets: 4
Reps: Between 9 and 13 reps
Set up: Secure the elastic(s) to the door with the door anchor at neck height and attach
each end of the elastic(s) to a handle. Now sit in chair approximately 2 feet away from
the door, facing it. Next, reach up and grab the handles at shoulder width with palms
down. Arms should be extended with a slight break.
Movement: For this exercise keep a slight bend in your waist, chin tilted slightly up a
slight arch in the upper back. Now with shoulder blades coming together and elbows
slightly flared, pull the handles back until they touch the lower chest.

Exercise: Seated Biceps Curl (Low)

Sets: 4
Reps: Between 9 and 13 reps
Set up: Secure the elastic(s) to the door with the door anchor at the bottom of the door
and attach each end of the elastic(s) to a handle. Now sit in chair approximately 1 foot
away from the door, facing it. Next, reach down and grip a handle in each hand at shoul-
der width. Arms should be extended, parallel with the floor with palms up.
Movement: For this exercise keep your back straight and chin down. Now, with feet sta-
bilized on the floor, engage shoulder blades and pull handles until your forearms are
just past perpendicular with the floor.

Exercise: Seated Arnold Presses
Sets: 4
Reps: Between 9 and 13 reps
Set up: Attach each end of the elastic(s) to a handle. Now lay the elastic(s) across the
chair and sit on the elastic(s) right where your hamstrings tie into your buttocks. Now
take a handle in each hand and raise your arms so that your upper arms are parallel with
the floor, forearms are perpendicular with the floor and palms are facing towards you.
Movement: For this exercise keep your back straight and head straight. Now push the
handles toward the ceiling, over your head while rotating your hands and wrists so that
your palms are facing away from you when your arms are fully extended. The return motion
is lowering the handles and returning your palms and arms to their original position.

Exercise: Seated Shoulder Press (elbows in)

Sets: 4
Reps: Between 9 and 13 reps
Set up: Secure the elastic(s) to the door with the door anchor at knee height and attach
each end of the elastic(s) to a handle. Now grip a handle in each hand and sit in chair
facing away from the door frame approximately 2 1/2 feet from the door. Start move-
ment with elbows bent 90 degrees, shoulder blades together, hands approximately over
hips with palms facing each other.
Movement: For this exercise keep your back straight and head straight. Now Squeeze
and push the handles forward until your arms are almost totally extended.



Exercise: Standing Two Arm Chest Press (Low)
Sets: 4
Reps: 15 reps working up to 25 reps
Set up: Secure the elastic(s) to the door with the door anchor at the bottom of the door
and attach each end of the elastic(s) to a handle. Now grip a handle in each hand, face
your palms down and stand 3 to 4 feet away from the door with your back to the door.
Movement: For this exercise stand with one foot in front and keep your back straight,
chest up and head straight. Now, while holding the handles so that the elastic(s) are
below your wrists push forward, up and together until your hands are at eye level.


Exercise: Chair Squats
Sets: 4
Reps: 15 reps working up to 25 reps
Set up: Secure the elastic(s) to the door with the door anchor at chest height and attach
each end of the elastic(s) to a handle. Now grip a handle in each hand and sit in a chair
3 feet from the door, facing the door.
Movement: Start this exercise sitting in the chair. Now, with your chest up, stomach
tight and arms straight out, parallel with the floor, stand up until your legs are almost
totally straight.
Note: The depth of the movement is controlled by the chair.

Exercise: Seated Chair Or Stability Ball Back Row

Sets: 4
Reps: 15 reps working up to 25 reps
Set up: Secure the elastic(s) to the door with the door anchor at waist height and attach
each end of the elastic(s) to a handle. Now grip a handle in each hand and sit in a chair
or on a stability ball, 3 feet from the door, facing the door.
Movement: For this exercise keep your back straight, head straight and chest up. Now,
with a loose grip, pull the handles back, moving your hands towards your hips until the
handles are by your sides.

Exercise: Two Arm Triceps Kickback

Sets: 4
Reps: 15 reps working up to 25 reps
Set up: Secure the elastic(s) to the door with the door anchor at stomach height and
attach each end of the elastic(s) to a handle. Now take a handle in each hand and stand
3 to 4 feet away from the door, facing th door.
Movement: While performing this exercise keep your back flat and a slight bend for-
ward at your waist. While keeping your upper arm parallel with the floor and your
elbows stationary, push back and straighten your arms.
Note: To isolate the muscle it is important that your elbows do not move up and down.


Again, those are just a few of my favorite movements. Now let's take a look at my actual
off season workout schedule/program:

Exercise Sets Reps
Resisted Crunch 2 30
Standing Ab Twist 2 20 per side
Lunge 4 30, 28, 26, 26 per side
Standing Calf Raise 4 20
Standing Upper Back Row 4 12
Seated Floor Back Row 4 10
Shrugs 4 11
Seated Two Arm Triceps Extension 4 13
After Standing Ab Twist, jump rope for 30 seconds between all sets

Exercise Sets Reps
Kneeling Ab Crunch (ankle straps) 3 25
Laying Two Legged Hip Flexor 2 30
Standing Calf Raise 3 30
Two Legged Laying Hamstrings Curl 4 11
Standing Two Arm Chest Press (Low) 4 15, 14, 13, 13
Standing Hammer Curl 3 15
Standing Biceps Curl 3 10
Bodyweight Lunge (without elastics) 6 15 per side
After Laying Two Legged Hip Flexor, jump rope for 30 seconds between all sets

Exercise Sets Reps
Resisted Side Bends 2 20 per side
High Low Wood Chop 2 30 per side
Laying Two Legged Hip Flexor 2 30
Leg Extension 4 13 per side
Chair Shoulder Press 4 13
Standing Lateral Raise 4 13
Chair Wide Rear Shoulder Pull 4 13
Standing Biceps Curl 4 13
After High Low Wood Chop, jump rope for 30 seconds between all sets

Exercise Sets Reps
Resisted Side Bends 2 20 per side
Resisted Crunch 2 30
Standing Calf Raise 4 12
Two Legged Laying Hamstrings Curl 4 12
Seated Floor Back Row 4 13
Shrugs 4 13
Bodyweight Lunge (without elastics) 6 15 per side
Resisted Pushup 4 15
Standing Hammer Curl 4 10
After Resisted Side Bends, jump rope for 30 seconds between all sets

Exercise Sets Reps
Resisted Crunch 1 100
Standing Two Arm Chest Press (Low) 1 100
Leg Extension 1 100 per side
Standing Hammer Curl 1 100
Squat (bodyweight without elastics) 1 100


You can look for more exercises and programs in the included Bodylastics User Manual,
Strengthbanduniversity.com, and my new upcoming Fitness Book.
Teaming up with Bodylastics was one of the smartest moves I've made. I'm excited that you
too can share in that decision, as you experience strength training like never before.
Terrell Owens


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