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Parshat Metsorah April 9, 2011 5 Nissan, 5771

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on Parshat Metsorah
Artscroll, 620 bad as all three combined. Christians burned all the
Hertz, 470 The rabbis moralized the
condition of tzara’at – They also said: whoever copies of the Talmud they
often translated as speaks with an evil tongue is could find. It was one of
Artscroll, 1172 leprosy – the subject as if he denied G-d . . . Evil the great tragedies of the
Hertz, 477 that dominates last speech kills three people – Middle Ages.
week’s sedra and this. It the one who says it, the one
BAR MITZVAH was, they said, a who accepts it, and the one What was the connection
ORI RAN punishment rather than about whom it is said. between the internal
a medical condition. (Hilkhot Deot 7:3) Jewish struggle and the
Their interpretation was Christian burning of
based on the internal Is it so? Consider just two of Jewish books? Did the
evidence of the Mosaic many examples. In the early Dominicans take
books themselves. 13th century, a bitter dispute advantage of Jewish
Candle Lighting 7:09 pm broke out between devotees accusations of heresy
Moses’ hand became
Friday Mincha 7:00 pm leprous when he and critics of Maimonides. against Maimonides, to
expressed doubt about For the former, he was one level their own charges?
Hashkama 8:00 am the willingness of the of the greatest Jewish minds Was it simply that they
Youth 8:30 am people to believe in his of all time. For the latter, he were able to take
mission (Ex. 4: 6-7). was a dangerous thinker advantage of the internal
Parsha Shiur 8:30 am Miriam was struck by whose works contained split within Jewry, to
leprosy when she spoke heresy and whose influence proceed with their own
Main Minyan 9:00 am led people to abandon the persecutions without fear
against Moses (Num. 12:
Beit Midrash 9:15 am 1-15). The metsorah commandments. of concerted Jewish
(leper) was a motzi shem reprisals? One way or
Intermediate 9:15 am ra: a person who spoke There were ferocious another, throughout the
Minyan slightingly about others. exchanges. Each side issued Middle Ages, many of the
Gemorah Shiur 6:00 pm condemnations and worst Christian
Evil speech, lashon ha- excommunications against persecutions of Jews
Mincha 7:00 pm ra, was considered by the other. There were were either incited by
the sages to be one of pamphlets and counter- converted Jews, or
Shabbat Ends 8:18 pm
the worst sins of all. pamphlets, sermons and exploited internal
Sunday Here is how Maimonides counter-sermons, and for weaknesses of the Jewish
April 10 7:30/8:30 am summarizes it: while French and Spanish community.
Jewry were convulsed by the
Mon., Thur. 6:35/7:45 am
The sages said: there are controversy. Then, in 1232, Moving to the modern
three transgressions for Maimonides’ books were age, one of the most
Tues., Wed., Fri. 6:45/7:45 am
which a person is burned by the Dominicans. brilliant exponents of
Mincha Sun/Fri. 7:15 pm punished in this world The shock brought a brief Orthodoxy was R. Meir
and has no share in the respite; then extremists Loeb ben Yechiel Michal
Latest times for world come – idolatry, desecrated Maimonides’ Malbim (1809-1879),
illicit sex, and bloodshed tomb in Tiberius. In the early Chief Rabbi of Rumania.
Shema/Shmoneh Esrei
April 9 9:41/10:46 am – and evil speech is as 1240s, following the An outstanding scholar,
Disputation of Paris, whose commentary to

April 16 9:35/10:41 am Kiddush Is Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by

Sponsored by Michele & Howard Wolf
Tamar & Assaf Ran in memory of her mother
Next Shabbat
Ruth Berman, z”l
Acharei Mot In Honor Of The and his father Julius Wolf, z”l
Candle lighting 7:16 pm Bar Mitzvah of their Son and by Carol & Jeff Kaufman
Ori in memory of his Father
Mincha 7:00 pm Martin Kaufman z”l.
26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shabbat Announcements Parshat Metsorah 5771

Hassidic movement by their opponents, the

Tenakh is one of the glories of the nineteenth century,
mitnagdim, which saw many Hassidic leaders (among
he was at first welcomed by all groups in the Jewish
them the first Rebbe of Habad, R. Shneur Zalman of
community as a man of learning and religious integrity.
Ladi) imprisoned on false testimony given to the local
Soon, however, the more ‘enlightened’ Jews discovered
authorities by other Jews.
to their dismay that he was a vigorous traditionalist, and
they began to incite the civil authorities against him. In
For a people of history, we can be bewilderingly obtuse
posters and pamphlets they portrayed him as a
to the lessons of history. Time and again, unable to
benighted relic of the Middle Ages, a man opposed to
resolve their own conflicts civilly and graciously, Jews
progress and the spirit of the age.
slandered their opponents to the civil authorities, with
results that were disastrous to the Jewish community
One Purim, they sent him a gift of a parcel of food which
as a whole. Despite the fact that the whole of rabbinic
included pork and crabs, with an accompanying
Judaism is a culture of argument; despite the fact that
message: ‘We, the local progressives, are honored to
the Talmud explicitly says that the school of Hillel had
present these delicacies and tasty dishes from our table
its views accepted because they were ‘gentle, modest,
as a gift to our luminary.’ Eventually, in response to the
taught the views of their opponents as well as their
campaign, the government withdrew its official
own, and taught their opponents’ views before their
recognition of the Jewish community, and of Malbim as
own’ (Eruvin 13b) – despite this, Jews have continued
its Chief Rabbi, and banned him from delivering
to excoriate, denounce, even excommunicate those
sermons in the Great Synagogue. On Friday, 18 March
whose views they did not understand, even when the
1864, policemen surrounded his house early in the
objects of their scorn (Maimonides, Malbim and the
morning, arrested and imprisoned him. After the
rest) were among the greatest-ever defenders of
Sabbath, he was placed on a ship and taken to the
Orthodoxy against the intellectual challenges of their
Bulgarian border, where he was released on condition
that he never return to Rumania. This is how the
Encyclopedia Judaica describes the campaign:
Of what were the accusers guilty? Only evil speech.
And what, after all, is evil speech? Mere words. Yet
M. Rosen has published various documents which
words have consequences. Diminishing their
disclose the false accusations and calumnies Malbim’s
opponents, the self-proclaimed defenders of the faith
Jewish-assimilationist enemies wrote against him to the
diminished themselves and their faith. They managed
Rumanian government. They accused him of disloyalty
to convey the impression that Judaism is simple-
and of impeding social assimilation between Jews and
minded, narrow, incapable of handling complexity,
non-Jews by insisting on adherence to the dietary laws,
helpless in the face of challenge, a religion of
and said, ‘This rabbi by his conduct and prohibitions
anathemas instead of arguments, excommunication
wishes to impede our progress.’ As a result of this, the
instead of reasoned debate. Maimonides and Malbim
prime minister of Rumania issued a proclamation
took their fate philosophically. Yet one weeps to see a
against the ‘ignorant and insolent’ rabbi . . . In
great tradition brought so low.
consequence the minister refused to grant rights to the
Jews of Bucharest, on the grounds that the rabbi of the
What an astonishing insight it was to see leprosy –
community was ‘the sworn enemy of progress’.
that disfiguring disease – as a symbol and symptom of
evil speech. For we truly are disfigured when we use
Similar stories could be told about several other
words to condemn, not communicate; to close rather
outstanding scholars – among them, R. Zvi Hirsch
than open minds; when we use language as a weapon
Chajes, R. Azriel Hildesheimer, R. Yitzhak Reines, and
and wield it brutally. The message of Metsorah
even the late Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik of blessed
remains. Linguistic violence is no less savage than
memory, who was brought to court in Boston in 1941 to
physical violence, and those who afflict others are
face trumped-up charges by the local Jewish
themselves afflicted. Words wound. Insults injure. Evil
community. Even these shameful episodes were only a
speech destroys communities. Language is G-d’s
continuation of the vicious war waged against the
greatest gift to humankind and it must be guarded if it
is to heal, not harm.
Great Neck Synagogue
Shabbat Activities Program
Great Neck Synagogue
Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi

Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi
Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus
Michael Bleicher, Daniel Schwechter, Rabbinic Interns
Zeev Kron, Cantor
Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus
Mark Twersky, Executive Director
Joseph Hecht, President
Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board
                                  SISTERHOOD  Great Neck Synagogue Men’s Club 
We will be collecting the following new items to    
use in “baskets” for the clients of the Nassau County    
Coalition against Domestic Violence. When a survivor   Do you OR your parents live part‐time or full‐time in Florida?  
enters a new home or apartment, many times she is left   The challenges faced by the “sandwich” generation, individuals 
without necessary items.  Anything you can donate to   in their 40‐60's, who are responsible for the care of a parent or 
help us fulfill this mission would be greatly appreciated.   parents who live in   Florida, can be daunting.  
WISH LIST INCLUDES (new items only):  No matter how prepared you think you are to handle problems, 
NEW HOME BASKET  it is a different ball game when they hit close to home.   
Carbon monoxide detector 
Clock radio 
On Thursday, APRIL 7th, at 8:00 pm                                
Coffee pot and filters  At Great Neck Synagogue                                                     
Dish soap and other cleaning products  26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck. 
Dust pan and broom   
Flashlight  Come and learn about Senior Solutions, a private care                     
Iron  management service, who deal with the geriatric  population in 
Kitchen trash bags  Florida [from Miami to the Palm Beach area], overseeing their 
Mop and bucket  care, and who understand their culture, mentality and needs.  
Sponge and scrubbers  Senior Solutions does everything in their power to keep their 
PERSONAL CARE BASKET   clients safe, to maintain or enhance their quality of life, and to 
(full size products please) Shampoo and conditioner,  enable them to stay in their own home for as long as it's  
Dental floss, toothbrush, toothpaste, Deodorant, Soap   affordable and appropriate.  In virtually every situation or 
bars, body wash, Slippers (women and children)   problem that follows, a knowledgeable local geriatric care    
Underwear, socks (women and children).  manager can make a significant contribution to achieving the 
  desired resolution. They do it all, from managing medication 
  schedules and nutritional intake, to arranging grocery                 
  shopping and home repairs.  From arranging and overseeing          
GNS Passover Food Drive  doctors’ visits, social activities and outings to coordinating 
In conjunction with the GNS Monthly Chesed Collection  home health visits, they make it  happen.   

Food can be dropped off anytime before 
April 13, at the Frumkin garage 
31 North Clover Dr.  
(All items should be marked OU Passover & dated 
2011)  Chometz Collection: 
Please do not bring any items in glass jars!   
Canned Soups   
Canned Vegetables and Fruits  Please donate your Chometz  
Jelly  by dropping it off  
Matzah Meal  at Rebbetzin Katie Lichter’s  
Coffee and Tea  garage at 76 Berkshire Road. 
Sweets: e.g. Marshmallow Twists,   
Jelly Rings, Macaroons,   Please put all chometz in the box in her garage which is located 
and other Kid Friendly Snacks  on the side of her house on Margot Place.  
Pancake Mix and Syrup   
Sponges & Dish Soap  There will be two drop off  
(Also must be OU Passover)  collection days‐  
Tinfoil, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper  Wednesday April 6th  
Napkins & Tissues 
Matzah   and Wednesday April 13th.  
Thur, April 7, 8:00pm: Do you or your parents live part-time or
full-time in Florida? Come and learn about Senior Solutions—a Mazal Tov to Janet & Iraj Kashani on the birth of a grandson,
private care management service company, who deal with the born to their children Sarah & Michael Kashani.
geriatric population in Florida, overseeing their care, and who Mazal Tov to Tamar & Assaf Ran on the Bar Mitzvah of their
understand their culture, mentality and needs. son Ori.
Sun. May 22: Israel Bond breakfast honoring
Howard & Florin Silberstein. FIRE DRILL
Sun, June 12: The semi-annual Blood Drive. Please review fire escape plans that were mailed to you and that are around the
Tues & Wed, June 28 & 29: The Annual Defensive Driving seats in the Synagogue. We will be holding a Fire Drill in the next month or so.
Sun. July 17: Trip to NYC Jewish Heritage Museum. YOM HAATZMAUT
Those interested in joing a Yom Haatzmaut planning committee, please contact
SAVE THE NEW DATE Rabbi Lichter by email at ilichter@gns.org. We would like your input and ideas
to keep this important program energized.
Great Neck Synagogue Family Luncheon in memory of
Sharon Sokol-Heisler will take place on Shabbat, May 14. SAVE THE DATE:
Prof. Lawrence Schiffman will be our featured guest speaker at Lag Ba Omer Family Day to Benefit Ohel. We are planning a family outing on
the luncheon. Details to follow. May 22nd with games and activities for children of all ages. More details to
follow. If you would like to join the committee to help plan the event please
SAVE THE DATE email Sara Feldschreiber at sarafeldschreiber@hotmail.com.
The Combined Sisterhoods of Great Neck is launching the first pro-
gram of the "Great Neck Sisters' Project", a hands-on charity event BOOKS BY OUR MEMBERS
Mazel Tov to William Helmreich on the release of his new book:
to bring together Great Neck Jewish women. We will be collecting
What Was I Thinking?: The Dumb Things We Do and How to Avoid
products to donate to the Nassau County Coalition against Domestic
Them, available on Amazon. For more info, see website:
Violence which helps women and children who are victims of violence williambhelmreich.com.
and/or sexual abuse. We will collect products from their wish list and Why is this night different from other nights? Because this Passover, Cookie
work together to make packages for these victims. Please join us on the Seder Cat and her sister Oreo the Cat are coming to our Seder. Mazel Tov
Thursday, May 12th from 10:00am-12:00pm at Temple Israel of to Nechama Liss-Levinson, award winning author, on publishing Cookie the
Great Neck. Please come dressed comfortably and be prepared to Seder Cat, a new children's book, just in time for Passover. Available at
work. A light breakfast will be served. Please drop off donated items Amazon and Judaica in Great Neck.
in the box outside the synagogue office - thank you very much! See
Aaron Askowitz is raising money to purchase wheel chairs for the Israel Sport
Center for the Disabled, as his Bar Mitzvah charity project.
INTERMEDIATE MINYAN Kosher Tailgate Party at 3PM. First pitch 7:10 PM. Individual Game
The Minyan with Rabbi Skydell will meet this Shabbat on the tickets, including BBQ range from $150 Better Field level, $100 Field Level, $50
second floor of the NSHA wing at 9:15 am. Upper Level. Purchase Online at www.ISCD.com Please state the purpose of
your donation in the comments line (Mets-Giants fundraiser). Tickets must be
purchased by April 15, 2011 to guarantee delivery. For more, see Aaron or
Reuben Askowitz.
April 5, 2011, at Great Neck Synagogue, Tuesday, 7:45 pm
“When They Come For Us, We’ll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle To Save
Soviet Jewry” By Gal Beckerman.
Also, a scene from a new play “THE TRIANGLE” by Barry Libin Saturday, 5 Nissan
where our own Robyn Blumner and Maxine Wiesenfeld will do Lorraine Domnitch for Sidney Spiesel
Jacques Fouladi for Azam Fouladi
dramatic readings from the play commemorating the 100th
Mark Gersten for Richard Gersten
anniversary of the Triangle Shirt Factory fire.
Mindy Hercman for Bernard Grosser
Jeffrey Kaufman for Martin Kaufman
Roselin Wagner for Miriam Seider
Thanks to Farla & William Frumkin for leading this months
Howard Wolf for Julius Wolf
collection. Please bring Passover products, including Matzah to their Michele Wolf for Ruth Berman
garage at 31 North Clover Drive. Please do not bring anything in glass Sunday, 6 Nissan
jars or anything chametz. Chametz will be collected on 4/6 and 4/13 Alina Dynkin for Reuven Chernyavsky
at the Lichter garage. See page 3 for details.
Y Pearl Ginsburg for David Ginsburg
Gedale Horowitz for Florence Horowitz


A Samuel Levitt for Benjamin Levitt
Amir Mardkha for Nasrollah Mardkha
Please join us on Tuesday evening, May 3rd at 8:00pm in the H Monday, 7 Nissan
Joyce Swartz for Seymour Zeff
Braun Youth Center for a Sisterhood meeting to discuss and plan our
calendar for next year. We are expanding and organizing Sisterhood R Tuesday, 8 Nissan
Joan Braun for Rose Shwartz
to create new responsibilities and implement new ideas. We invite
everyone to come and participate in our new endeavor! Z Ronald Braun for Renee Braun
Mark Bunim for Gladys Bunim


E Benjamin Greszes for Moises Greszes
Lyda Hakimi for Esmail Hakimian
The Sisterhood of Great Neck Synagogue would like to thank I Nechama Liss-Levinson for Morris Liss
co-chairs Lisa Kagan and Susan Sheena for all their time and energy Wednesday, 9 Nissan
organizing a hugely successful Gold Sale and Pre-Pesach Boutique this T Elie Cohen for Michael Cohen
week. Everyone had a wonderful time shopping, enjoying delicious Jack Cohen for Bessie Poretsky
food provided by Everfresh and sampling wine provided by the Kosher Samuel Levitt for Sadie Lederman
Wine Society. Many people took advantage of trading in their valuable Thursday, 10 Nissan
Sheila Bachman for Mildred Lewit
gold and silver items for cash – and Sisterhood benefitted greatly from
Iraj Kashani for Yousef Kashani
this fundraising opportunity We are grateful to the following people
Friday, 11 Nissan
for volunteering to help us: Debbie Hollander, Samantha Hollander, Paul Brody for Harvey Brody
Vivian Kron, Shahnaz Malekan, and Anida Rosman. Gold and silver are Lev Dykin for Meishe Ber Shifman
at an all time high!! Buy-Bye Bling Inc. is available to trade in your Semyon Dynkin for Meishe Ber Shifman
valuables for cash and they will donate a percentage to Sisterhood. Sharon Goldwyn for Belle Goldwyn
Please contact Susan Sheena at susheena@aol.com or Phyllis Jadidian for Diana Shapiro
(516) 353-6158 so that you don’t miss this great opportunity!! Steven Zuckerman for Evelyn Zuckerman

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