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For a better world

by Patrick Oulobo

This is the externalizing of my thought, in fact pretty much of all those who
love justice, affection and who desperately wish things to change to prepare a safer
future less problematic for our generations to come, who truly deserve to grow up in
a world where free hatred has vanished, where all the races live together in perfect
harmony,where respect is not solely a 7 lettered word which loses its way through the
linguistic labyrinth.
It's a simple philosophic lecture, succinct but profound, apolitical, neutral, that
touches hearts, precisely because generated by a pure intention.
It is thus not going to involve statistics or other socio-political calculations of some
The analysis is sheer logic, invites to an introspection and a moral recover.
Many will perceive it as a quasi-paraphrase of the Holy Scriptures, centennial
religious guides.Simply because there is not and never will exist nothing more
timeless, true, prophetic and perfect as the Holy Scriptures.
To live according to those sacred divine commandments is an everlasting guarantee
to success on all levels.

Because to love one's next, it is wanting him/her to do fine, to be happy upon

their success, wish them all things best and just this little equation would succeed at
changing the world...or at least make it more bearable...
To love one's next, it is to forget his/her racial background, because the difference of
skin color is nothing but a contrast in skin pigmentation, savantly engineered to
overcome climate conditions, tangible proof that the Creator deeply loves all His
children and desires and designed nothing but happiness for them.
And the same way a child prooves his/her love for their parents by bringing back
excellent grades at home and thus make them proud and providing them with
contentment, same applies to our Father who lovingly exhorts us to worship Him and
make Him proud, by following His sacred commandments which are intended for
only but our total happiness.An astonishing simple logic...
True Love never fails.It is the most noble and treasured quality that ever exists.
To love is to simplify things when they unnecessarily burden us.
While hatred -most often bred by fallacious and futile rationale- rottens the heart on
a long term-litteraly and metaphorically- and worsen yet existing problems
exponentially, Love on the other hand produces only but rejoice for those who
propagate it.
Hence, to love is being joyful. And Happiness, supreme good, is what every single
human being seeks all their little life through.To share this spiritedness makes it even
more priceless and irreplaceable because there is more gratifying in giving as to
To work feels one's heart with content because we feel useful to the community
through it, so we offer it something valuable which is in return gratified with a well
deserved salary.We come sometimes excruciated home from work but things are
balanced back with the mere thought that we produced a worthwhile service-
regarding all types of jobs- and that people were or indeed are well taken care of
through our affectionate efforts.

Love is a synonym of altruism.Because solidarity means agreement and

support resulting from shared interests,feelings or opinions.
A powerful lesson can be given to us here with the example of the ants.
Those little fellas flabbergast us with their ability to commited cooperation when it
comes to transport their 'loot' in a rather perfect manner and shared discipline.
Are ants smarter than mankind?
Well, eventhough surrounding complex problems trigger us to sometimes go off the
rock, we should never forget that Love indeed moves mountains and helps unraveling
our toughest issues.
To love is to successfuly practice self-control.When daily burden swamp us and make
us loose sleep, Love is there to calm us down and helps us contemplating problems
Love soothes afflicted hearts and comforts overloaded souls.
Love forgives, longs for tolerance.Eventhough we are indeed unlawfully persecuted
on a daily basis for whatever reasons, we dismiss somebody else's wrongdoings and
are indeed ready to outstretch our arms and show them compationate magnanimity.
We could tirelessly keep on mentionning such endless mental and therefore physical
blessings that Love has undoubtly in store for us, but the chief point is to bear in
mind that to love is a sine qua non prerequisite to a welfare that is leveled upon our
imperfection, thus unstable but nonetheless a palpable liveliness.
Unfortunately, a great proportion of Mankind has purposely chosen to convene on
the opposite path, hence, has forgotten that there is indeed not anything more
valuable in this world as a human life.
Existences are wiped out without remorse, for immoral and greedy acquisitions.
Eventough imperfection sticks to our skins and inevitably leads us to inescapable
death, and that the hunting for even more wealth is therefore vanity, many keep on
being fed from carcasses like vultures and walk on dead bodies, thus, glorifying the
power of evil.
Knowing for a fact that imperfect human beings are destined to return to dust from
where they once came from, why not contemplating the devotion to lofty ideals for a
lifetime, hence, spreading wholehearted Love which will provide happiness that is
indeed more valuable that any kind of riches?
Question that deserves attention and reflection...
I contemplate a world where all ethnic groups-and God knows how many are out
there and how beautiful and precious they all are!- reach hands together, embrace,
help each other, love one another...Wouldn't it be the most exquisite thing ever
Wouldn't it be much simplier as to rip apart each other like beasts?

Jungle Law belongs to intellect-free animals, to us sagacious human beings

belongs the Law of Love, thus, that of civilization and consequent Peace.

I contemplate a world where the flout of minorities rights has once and for all
vanished, a world free from treating the less numbered as underclasses.The concept
of rating, judging or indeed prejudging social classes and allowing or granting them a
proportioned significance is pointless in the first place because we are all equal
before our loving Creator and should also be before any law in force in each and
every country throughout the whole earth.
Why pointing at certain minorities and punish or blame them for unexplicable and
rude reasons?
It is indeed a direct and inexcusable offend to our Holy God who created all existing
races equal.
Why being so eager at hurting others, which cause does it serve, if not to prove to the
god of evil that human beings are nothing but puppets which can be manipulated and
commited to any atrocious purpose?
Why not, once and for all, try to outfox this damned and appalling dismissed angel
and prove to him that we are indeed more intelligent than him because we were
created with inbred lofty qualities by the Architect of the Universe, our caring and
protective Father, perfection of infinite Love?
Why not, once and for all, show and indeed prove to God that we are forever thankful
to Him just for the fact that He created us and that we are therefore entitled to benefit
from all tasteful things in Life which are provided by an existence guided by His
loving counsel and tenderness to us, insignificant human beings?
Who do we think we are to allow His Holy Name to be tarnished, to embarass and
chagrin Him like this? Who are we? Why keeping on disrespecting Him, dust atoms
that we are?
Who are we to persistently shed blood in His Name? Why keeping on annoying and
discomfort Him on a daily basis? Who are we?
Why is it so impossible or out of reach to love each other, thus glorifying the Holy
Power of our compassionate Creator and after all those millenia of sheer human
failure in any manner on all scales imaginable, recognize once and for all that He is
indeed the One to guide Mankind to supreme Happiness consisting of praising Him
and only and therefore benefit from all consequent privileges?
Men sent astronautes conquer space, enabled tons of metal to float in air and over
deep seas, sometimes defying physics principles of Nature, but to love one's next
represent for many an unbelievably unworkable task to achieve, or hurdle to jump
upon, a duty that challenges the complex nexus of feasibility and outclass our
intellectual capacities.
I contemplate a world where black people cease to be labelled primates or such sheer
idiotic depictions that besmirch their dignity and are indeed an insult to their genuine
intelligence and unquestionnable talents.A world in which stupidity and childich,
indeed immature adults' behaviour is once and for all dismissed, a humanity where
pursuit and alacrity of perpetrating heinousness has vanished, this vile, amoral,
selfish and disgusting passion of enjoying the sight of people's sufferings.
I contemplate a more tolerant world, which accepts that some countries are not yet
developped and that instead of turning them in derision, lovingly helps changing
things and contribute to their capability of becoming financially independent.
To help, to love, instead of to hate and promote evil...
To reach out hands, instead of pointing at...
Isn't it a source of plain joy to provide aid for development to a less favored country,
to help it with love and solicitude to stand up and walk in the same way we would be
of guidance to a cute little baby who practices his first stumbling steps?
Yes, it is indeed immensely beautiful and noble...
This is precisely the reason why human beings are different from animals because
we have intrisic love deep inside our hearts, precious quality that just demands to be
brought in action in an intelligent way, thus, benefiting to all parties involved.
Many efforts have been accomplished on these occasions, in humanitary actions
saving priceless lives and gave smiles back to millions of people in need throughout
the planet.
Were equally gratifying, all endeavors consent to victims of natural catastrophes all
over the world.
What a great source of happiness it must be to see and feel the afflicted ones or
tsunami victims regain taste of life and inhale freshness of recovered dignity!
There is indeed more gladness to give as to receive...
However, due to his imperfect constitution, man is sometimes prone to use means of
shortcuts when it comes to social climbing and focuses exclusively on his own
problems, often putting the blame on the whole world when things go out of hand.
This self-centered pursuit of riches ends usually in an emotional state of emptiness
which is falsely compensated by a fierceful chase of depraved and self-destructing
vices.Eventough low-age kids die of starvation every second, lips and hair dried by
dust, their innocent bodies shievering from helplessness, just asking for a plate of rice
to survive the day, some organize at the other far end of the world 'show-off' parties,
weighing millions, just to flaunt the latest sports convertible car, or to show to the
envious eyes how many carats the diamond watch weighs...
A famous saying states: 'The wealth of a man is to be seen on his wrist'.
It does not exist more vain and false judgment as this man was ever allowed to utter.
We say:'The wealth of a man is to be found in the purety of his heart'.
Somebody immensely rich who does not share (with sincere love) is comparable to a
river without water, he is of no value...
But, come to think about it, the major issue of our civilization leans chiefly on the
fact that, unfortunately, for many, there is no God and that religions were created only
but to sedate the masses.
This mentality is of course synonym to complete laxity, moral detours and a
ridiculous and outrageous quest for always more by any means necessary, most often
to the detriment of other human lives.
But it is first and foremost synonym to a total irreverence to the only One who
deserves to be pleased, our loving God.
The poor is outcasted,thrown away like dirty stinky socks although most of the
time victim of the system.He is ugly, guilty of his precarious condition, he most
definitely deserves what he is going through...His heart could be pure, immaculate, he
could if only he had the means to, help others likely to fall down the social pit,
nobody cares...
The selfish and heartless opulent on the other hand who drives showy limousines,
everybody glorifies.Everybody is proud of the fact he made it, not even knowing how
he did it...
It is an unfair world, utterly grimy, hideous, repugnant, superficial, egocentric,
enslaved from infatuation with perpretating evil, worshipper -exactly for which
purposes we have yet to comprehend- of superior races.
The other deplorable fact that everybody knows is that Peace, in this sick world in
which we are living, is a low-profit 'industry'.And so, War is of course preferred, fed
by odious brainchild like divide and rule, ancestor of tribalism and other absurdities
that cost unnumbered innocent casualties.But since human life has increasingly lost
value overhere, why bother wasting time on countless generations whiped out, why
bother enumerating cases of entire tribes annihilated, because they were taught that
the other is inferior therefore unentitled of life on earth.Why bother relating stories of
decimated ethnic groups through genocides, butchered like beefs at the
Human perversity has gone so far that malthusian politics are deployed to control
demographic expansion of less advanced populations or racial groups rated
inferior.What could have been dismissed back then as excentric conspiracy theories
become sad reality today.
Truth always prevails and you cannot endlessly fool the peoples.
Everybody is acting outraged by so much atrocities,wide-open their eyes, such as to
say:'Oh my God,can you believe it!...', but strangely enough, nothing changes, we
always end up at square one, people are still being slain.

The secret of harmony in society resides logically in a better education of

future generations.To eradicate all the ancient prejudgments and absurd clichés and
base everything on mutual respect and love.To hunt down and sweep all those
nonsensed idées reçues which mentally enslave, oppress and dehumanize
Mankind.To bin this shameful racism and its cousin 'the racial superiority', ridiculous
and irrational abstractions, creators of divisions and putrefying souls.To abolish them
forever for the well-being of everybody.
To love our children, it is to inculcate them that all races are worthy before God,
beyond any differences of righteous customs and beliefs that characterize them.
To feel compassion for our progeny, it is to inculcate them that the irreplacable
beauty of our civilization is to be indeed found in its rich diversity of kinds, because
each and every human group brings its blessing eclectic touch to the magnificient
painting. Isn't it delightful to be able to travel around and get to know other ways of
life throughout the globe, without any qualitative-rating thought?Isn't it just beautiful
to whitness different races cohabit peacefully, showing solidarity to each other, taking
care one another, each of them familiarizing the other with the richness of their
traditions and experiences?
What is more precious in this world as caring Love?

We should rethink a world in which everybody has a fair chance, where the
values of individuals are measured upon their capability of helping others and not
over their skin color, pedigree or their porte-feuille.A society where affluence is
secondary, in which one does not work solely for money making, but chiefly to the
contribution of building up and establishing of a community where solicitude towards
the less fortunate is paramount.
It is unlikely to happen anymore because of the thickness of greedy stakes that have
strongly been embedded throughout the centuries, thus becoming integral part of
cultures and mentalities, but we can slowly reverse the tendency and allow us some
daydreaming, eventhough many perceive it rather as a nightmare, because of the
progressive loss of illegal wealth that is involved in the process.
It would only take for us to, for instance, withdraw an infinitesimal amount of money,
not even detectable on workers wages throughout the rich nations and allocate it in a
trust fund designed to develop poor countries.It would be far enough sufficient to
operate countless miracles, everybody knows it and that's what is tragic about it...
But maybe to help less advanced countries to become gradually financially
independent would involve a loss of greedy commercial monopoly, go figure...
Some would of course counter contending that industrializing impoverished areas
would mean more harm to environment but who is to blame here in the first place,

Violence is nowadays utterly glorified, on tv, in music, in trends, everywhere,

as far and as deep as the eye can see.And we have the audacity to adjoin echelon of
ratings or parental advisories to hide the guilt of barbarism displayed each and every
day on screens found in almost every family livingroom all over the world.
When a deranged kid on a bad day someday decides with in his possession a guerilla
artillery to shoot dead all his classmates, just for the thrill of it or because of incessant
senseless bullying, the first ones incriminated are most often the parents who should
have been there for their kids.
But the source of such issues are vaguely talked about.Like for instance shoot-em-up
video games, diabolic horror movies, you name it...all those desensitizing widely-
spread popular entertainments... Because such powerful industries are of course
immaculate and free of any sins.Let's put the blame on the poor kid, too immature to
build up his own moral barriers...
Everything is to be ascribed to the sacrosanct notion of free choice, always
somebody else's fault, strangely for all the addictions that lead the subject to an
inevitable self-destruction.Nah....It's just... circumstancial coincidence, who knows....
Masses are fooled, people are betrayed over and over again, they are manipulated for
wicked penchant.Folks are molested, tortured, the dignity of entire populations are
withdrawn right before them, just to fill up pockets down to the lint...
Innocents are sent to butcher innocents.Entire genealogies are written off.
Who gave man the right to kill others in the first place?

If everybody followed-or at least tried to- the 10 sacred divine commandments,there

would be no more wars-therefore no extravagant sums wasted on weaponry sytems
and other budgets dry-uppers, no more passionate crimes, no more venereal diceases,
you name it...nothing but absolute happiness.
These rules are perfect, hence to live guided by them is the guarantee for success on
all fronts and complete blossom.
Despite of failures and barbarism of all sorts, that last for millenia, man keeps on
thinking that he could be better off without divine guidance, but we experience on a
daily basis rather the opposite, meaning his condition deteriorating and perversity

It is indeed painful to see successive governments struggle, muddle, stagnate, not

knowing how to proceed next..., try, experiment endless economics, politics, social
theories...whereas only 10 laws are sufficient to obtain harmony, a totally happy and
civilized society.10 commandments for each and everyone to follow.For a better

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