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Crop Rotation: Related to beets and Swiss

Growing Tips: A fertile soil, plenty of moisture,
a neutral pH, and cool temperatures will grow
the best crop. Spinach is more resistant to warm
weather bolting in heavier than in lighter soils.
Storage Tips: Will store for a week in the refrig-
erator but always best eaten fresh.
Variety Tips: ‘Space’

Spinach is a key contributor to the fall, winter, and

spring harvest. This hardy green will germinate and
grow at temperatures only slightly above freezing.
Spinach is at its best when grown in a well-compos-
ted soil. The balanced nutrient release from mature
compost makes a difference in its flavor and nutri-
tional value. Spinach grown with excessive nitrogen
from imbalanced fertilization has a flat, metallic fla-
vor and often has high levels of nitrates.
The spinach season begins in the fall. In Zone
5, we start planting between August 1 and 15. The
first spinach is ready to harvest in September, and
the cool temperatures and short fall days keep it
in prime condition until hard freezes. We continue
planting for continuous harvest according to the
schedule in table 15.


Spinach  Spinacia oleracea

Planting Distance: Rows 8 inches apart; seeds 1
inch apart; thin to 4 inches.

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T abl e 1 5

Spinach Planting Dates

Date Site Use
September 15 Cold frame For late-fall
September 25 Outdoors For wintering
over, cover
with straw in
late November.
October 1 Cold frame For wintering
October 15 Under double For winter
coverage consumption.
January 15 to Under double For an early
March 1 coverage spring crop.
April 15 Outdoors For an outdoor

Since young spinach thinnings are a delicious

addition to green salad mixtures, we sow the seeds 1
inch apart in rows 8 inches apart and get many salad I
servings by progressive thinning before the leaves
reach cooking size.
During the dog days of summer when spinach
goes to seed quickly (especially in our sandy soil),
we plan to enjoy other greens until the fall crop be-
gins. Some of those other greens have “spinach” in
their names, even though they are not related. New
Zealand spinach (Tetragonia expansa) and Malabar
spinach (Basella alba) are excellent warm-weather
vegetables for those who wish a spinach-type leafy
green. Even in cool climates you can grow them on
trellises in the tunnel during the summer, since they
are vinelike and appreciate the extra heat.

The Cast of Characters 

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