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They wonder the galaxy with no home no grand history.

For over
seven millennium they have suffered. Banished by their own choice
they wonder the stars, they are called the Emperor's Ronin.

Records of their history is small and what is know of them is little. It is

said that they are dependance of the Imperial Fists, forced out of the
chapter as if they were a disease that needed to be removed or
cleansed. Supposedly their first Chapter master or Grand Father was
Apothecary Meric Voyen, but that is impossible. There are no records
of an Apothecary from the Imperial Fists records called Meric Voyen.

What ever their past or who ever made them does not matter,
because they are here. It's because of their existence that the we
speak of them. They are a chapter that has a very unstable gene-seed.
This is very strange because they were discovered so early (the Fifth
Founding to be exact). Their gene-seed lacks the Oolitic Kidney and
the Preomnor organs. The Betcher's Gland has in creased and all gene-
seeds are infected by a bacteria that kills all poisonous diseases that
try to harm their bodies, but it comes at a costly price.

Their armor morphs into their skin, slowly but surly it is inevitable. All
who take the seed will become mere bodies morphed into the holy
Cerimite armor. Also when they die the bacteria within them takes
they're souls and are given to the Chaos God Nurgle and are
devoured. It is the chapters duty to hunt down all of their fallen

This is a very special and unusual disease, but is the very reason why
the chapter has banished themselves. Now alone in a fight to slay their
own brothers and to restore honor, they do what ever is necessary to
cleanse their gene-seed of this taint before it consumes them all.

As their war cry says, “Fight today, for tomorrow you Die!!!” It is
the undeniable truth. Unfortunately the truth is worse for them. When
they die they become one with the ranks of the vile plague marines.

They fear death more than any other chapter, but that does not mean
they will not fight. They are well know in the art of tactical combat.
Even thought they dislike the use of motorbikes and drop pods, they
are still known for their swift and precise combat.

You will commonly see their thunderhawk gunships roaring down

beside orbital bombing precision missiles, and as hell rains down upon
you, so do they. Withing these thunderhawks will be many assault
marines and under the belly of their hulls will be land raiders made to
be dropped from 200-300 feet up. As you meet the might of the
chapters claws and poisoned blades, drop ships will descend upon you
with hundreds of neophytes and rhino transports.

The chapters faith is coordinated by the eleven masters of Faith. They

are the chapters Chaplains and supreme council of the Grand Father.
Their beliefs are much different than other chapters. Believing that the
Emperor was the very father of their chapter, through their Primarch
of coarse. They believe that the Emperor died for all of humanity, and
through eternal suffering he continues to serve his people.

They also believe that it is the Primarchs fault for the Emperor's
demise. So they do not worship a Primarch, and believe that no one
should worship those who have the Emperors blood on their hamds.

Since the Emperors Ronin see death differently than others, they
believe it is possible to find their beloved Emperor stuck in the warp.
They believe that the only way to redeem themselves of their black
mark is to rescue the Emperor from painful oblivion and free him of his

The chapter has a force of around 2,000 strong (neophytes included),

20 companies, and here are the numbers.
20 companies. 30 thunder hawks, 13 land raiders, 29 Tech marines,
24 apothecaries, 25 Dreadnaughts, 11 Chaplains, 40 minestronium
Priests, 80 Tech priests, Emperor Class battle barge,

First company, Battle Master (1st capt.), Master of Sanctity, 10 other

chaplains, 5 Doom Guard (term,) 50 assault terminators, 50
terminators, and 16 apothecaries.

Second through Sixth companies, Father(2nd-6th Capt.), Command

Squad, 60 Tactical marines, 30 Devastators marines.

Seventh through Ninth Companies, Raptor(7th-9th Captains), 10

vanguard, 1 apothecaries, 90 assault marines.

tenth through twelfth companies, 100 pilots and drivers in scout


Thirteenth through fifteenth companies, Grand Teacher (13th-15th

Capt.) 5 minestronium priests, 10 tech priests, 100 neophytes in
storm trooper armor.
Sixteenth through twentieth companies, Teacher (16th-20th capt.), 5
minestronium priests, 10 tech priests, 100 neophytes in carapace

That is as much as I got for now. This is not a troll and I need help.

The only way that they sustain such a large force is due to their
recruiting style. For every one that falls 10 newborns must be taken.
From there they will be trained from the moment that they can crawl.
Their entire lives will be devoted to their training. Since they have no
home world all training is in a section of their flagship, the Undead
Eisenstein. From the moment they are within the ships hull they are
put into groups of 5.

By the time they become a neophyte there will only be 2 left. You see,
only the toughest and best trained can even be considered to become
a neophyte of the Emperors Ronin.

Now out of the 2,000 warriors in the Chapter, 800 of them are
neophytes and 300 are considered at scout level. Only 900 plus others
are truly considered to be Space3 Marines.

Now the Curse of the Unclean might sound pretty bad, but it is the
only thing that keeps the chapter running. Just as it is their curse, it is
their strength. With the ability to withstand any disease that could be
harmful to them and have enhanced acid spitting powers, they can
pretty much fight Tyranids with their bear hands. The poisons in their
Betcher's Gland are able to cut through the toughest of metals and the
hardest of skins. Incredibly it does not damage a certain level of
purified steel.
This steel is what they use for the production of their chainswords.
Each must be hand crafted by people with incredible skill. Only those
of the Adeptus Mechanicus know how to create such chainswords. That
is why there are 30 Techmarines and 80 neophytes that have the rank
of Techseers (Techpriest Engineseers) that work day and night to
repair and construct weapons and vehicles for the chapter.

Speaking of which, the chapter is very close to the Adeptus

Mechanicus. Since there has been no sight of the Emperor's Soul for
quit some time, the Emperor's Ronin have chosen to look for other
alternative. While the Emperor might be able to remove the taint from
the chapter. The Adeptus Mechanicus might be able to remove the
disease itself.

With that possible the Emperor's Ronin keep the Sicons of Mars close.
Every ten years they meet, every ten years the chapter finds gifts to
give the false machine god, and in return the Sicons of Mars give the
chapter their unique gene-seed, she Sicons also train the Tech marines
from birth, but most importantly the Adeptus Mechanicus arm and
rebuild the chapters ships, weapons, and vehicles.

It is rumored that most of the Techmarines don't even have the same
genetic code and have special adrenalin glands and clean gene-seeds
instead of what the rest of the chapter has.

The only one who knows is the Grand master Ragnorroc (Rag-nor-
rock), who is also Master of the Forge
PS. The name is not changing. If Mongols, werewolves, and vampires
are allowed to be Space Marines, why not Ronin? It is all how you look
at it.

May your god have mercy on your soul, for I shall not!
Thank you all for your advice. Yes, I have officially finished reading the
WHOLE DIY. I must say, it's pretty huge.

Anyways, I like the name that Fire Lord thought up, The Masterless.
Quit a nice name for this chapter. I guess I didn't explain why they
seem so awesome (Which they shouldn't be), and why they have so
many Neophytes.

You see, they are considered to be by the High Lords of Terra as

monsters. They see that the chapter is not what it once was. They only
see taint and corruption. Now the chapter is not just banished by
themselves, but if they tried to stay in one place they would die. They
are targeted for Exterminatus.

This forces the Chapter to have a high demand of troops to field. Their
rules firmly declare that for every Brother that dies on the field of
battle, ten newborns must take their place. Now out of those 10 only 6
will make it past the age of 12. From there they just arm the children
with anything they got and throw them into combat. Those children
are considered by the chapter as neophytes, but are not. By Imperial
standards once the chapters recruits are given gene-seed implants
then they are truly considered to be neophytes. There are only around
200 of those and they are considered as scouts for the chapter.

So there is really around 900 real Space Marines, 200 neophytes, and
1900 teenagers with guns.

Another thing, I shall change the relationship with the Adeptus


I shall change,

With that possible the Emperor's Ronin keep the Sicons of Mars
close. Every ten years they meet, every ten years the chapter
finds gifts to give the false machine god, and in return the
Sicons of Mars give the chapter their unique gene-seed

Now it is, "With that possible the Emperor's Ronin keep the
Sicons of Mars close. Every ten years they meet, every ten
years the chapter finds gifts to give the false machine god, and
in return the Sicons of Mars try to remove the chapter's unique
mutations. As long as the Chapter continues to bring gifts to
the Mechanicum, the Techpriests of mars will continue to
attempt to remove the Chapters curse."

Even with all of the problems with the chapter, it is still thriving. With
no one as their true master other than Grand Father Ragnorroc
(Chapter Master and Master of the Forge) and their great father the
Emperor, they have no one to tell them what to do. They are free to
do as they please, as long as they abide by their two books of law.
Roboute Gulliman's book called the Codex and the other... I can't
remember what it's called.

I'll get back on that, but for now. The chapter recruits from all that are
capable of giving, and many allow it. Around 300 babies in exchange
for their planets protection from the moments doom. Most see this as
a fair trade. And with the chapter having at least 200 battles a year
2,000 in a loop. That is 300,000 babies that are taken every 10 years
just to sustain an army of 900 marines. That is a lot of milk required.

That might seem wrong and sickening, but that is what the chapter
does in order to survive.
As the topic motto says, "Purity, is of ones opinion."

This chapter has no loyalties to the Imperium’s “High Lords” Their

loyalties are to the Emperor then Chapter. They really only have 900
armed teenagers (the 1,900 was a typo), and they are well trained in
the art of combat.

All of their lives have been devoted to what the Eldar call, “The Art of
War.” They are essential to the chapter, and yes there will be models
for them.

They are equal to any when it comes to long ranged combat. Many are
able to strip a Hot-shot Lasgun, rebuild it, and vaporize an iron nail
from 300 meters in les than a minute. So their BS is 4.

Due to the fact that they are still human and only children, they do
not have the skill that most warriors need in order to fight will in hand
to hand combat. If it was a battle between Kroot barehanded, and
them with swords… They would die, and because of that they have WS
3, I 2/3, S 3, T 3.

Moral will be 8, due to the fact that they have been trained and
“convinced” that they are fighting for the right and for humanity.

Their Weapons shall be snipers that have been shortened, and made
for auto-firing. This is due to the fact that the chapter believes that
lasguns to be to weak, and their “Children” to be to inaccurate to use
snipers weapons. So, their weapons are S 4, AP – Autorifles

The model itself will be made out of a storm trooper suit and
shortened IG sniper rifles. They are considered as fresh meat for the


PS. Did I mention that the chapter dislikes all Warp powers and
plasma weapons? Anyways, they chapter has no phykers (aka
Librarians), or anything that has to due with plasma.

That stuff just blows up in you face

The chapter is the Masterless, but that does not stop one from calling
himself nomad, vagabond, or wanderer.

They are simply a chapter that believes their true master, the
Emperor, is dead.

With the belief that the true leader of humanity is missing and no one
else is to be trusted with the role, they became the Masterless.

The chapter was not always this way. There are dreadnoughts in the
chapter. Grand Father Voyan is still watching his brothers. In fact, he
is the only person known to the chapter to personally prepare their
body and place it into the Dreadnought's coffin.

With the fact that the chapter was and sill can be free of the Curse of
the Unclean. This of coarse brings up the question of how the curse
came to be.

I will tell you when I finish my homework.

You all know of their curse and how the High Lords and the Chapter
disapprove each other, but it wasn't always this way. The chapter was
founded in M32 during the fifth founding. At first they were only one
hundred strong, but it was enough. Led by their new Grand Father
Meric Voyan, the chapter stood tall. All was going well, they were
given a home world, a couple of destroyer class ships and many
servants of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

The Masterless were placed on a volcanic world called Cordana. Rich

with raw materials, it was considered to be a perfect world to start a
new chapter. Many of the materials brought to start the chapter were
to create manufacturiums across its surface. As the Mechanica were
building the factories, The Masterless were recruiting from the local
populous. It was a great time. Many manufatorums were made, and
the Chapter flourished. It would not be long until the chapter would be
able to fight and serve.

All seemed to be going their way, except of the new disease. Even
from the start there was this strange bacteria that seemed to protect
the body from harm, but it was eating away vital Gene-seed organs.
There were a hundred in the Imperial Fists. So the Chapter Master at
the time decided to remove them, and quarantine them. Little did the
Masterless know that they were merely prisoners of the Imperium.

That all changed when the chapter had reached full strength. When
the Chapter was complete, they asked for a Battle Barge that the
Chapter could use to assist the those in need. That is when Meric
Voyen and his brother marines realized why they were sent to the
planet in the first place. They had been placed on a Quarantined world.

This was disgraceful after all that they went through, the Chapter was
considered a fake. They were to remain on a barren planet until they
withered away or their in prisoners figured out what to do with them.
This was a considered by Grand Father Voyen to be as dishonorable as
treachery. There would be no obedience from the Space Marines of
this Chapter. They would not bow down, and will never serve as
denials. That is when the became the Masterless.

For the next five hundred years, they planned their escape. For five
hundred years they prepared. Using the local workers and the
Techpriests, the Chapter hollowed out the core of Cordana, and out of
the molten materials they built three ships. One was of Battle Barge
design, but much bigger. The ships would be known as the Undead
Eisenstein. The other two were strike cruisers, they were designed
with thicker plaiting, and instead of drop pod bays they had orbital
bombardment cannons. They would be named Atrum luna (dark
moon) and Warped Fury.

Finally the day before the escape, the planets population attempted to
cause mutiny on multiple blockading ships. Amazingly they were able
to successfully commandeer 12 ships. One was a Retribution class
Battleship that was later named the Cordana's fall, which was the
planet that the Masterless were escaping from.

On the day that the Chapter escaped, the planet Cordana imploded. It
was a terrifying sight. An entire red and black planet just collapsed,
and out of it came three large warships. It looked as if the Warp had
released hell.
At the same moment, all the commandeered ships fired upon the
engines of the blockading ships. This caused confusion throughout the
remaining ships of the blockade fleet. Through the chaos, the Undead
Eisenstein and it's sister ships Atrum luna and Warped Fury,
charged straight through the Imperial lines and crippled all ships that
stood in their way. The battle lasted for fifteen minuets, and there
were no severe casualties.

You see, it was the Chapters plan to escape and have no one follow in
pursuit, but Grand Father Meric Voyen told all under his command not
to destroy any vessels. Even though they were their enemy and their
prison keepers, they were still humans. Both sides had red blood, and
to Grand Father Voyen that means something.

And so the chapter escaped with their first and only Battle Barge and
it's sister ships, without a single scar. Not much could be said about
the men and women who gave their lives and commandeered the 12
ships. Out of the twelve only the Retribution class Battleship and two
Mars class Battle Cruisers survived, all of them with extreme battle

Six hundred years Later the first Grand Father Meric Voyen and others
encased themselves in dreadnoughts, hidden in secret chambers
within the Undead Eisenstein. There they would wait for the time when
the chapter would need their experience.
They had the assistance of the Adeptus Mechanicus, besides the ships
were built in the core of Cordana.

The Chapter thought it was a Space Marine Chapter due to the fact
that the Imperial Fists tried to hide it so. The Imperial Fists did not
want the Inquisition to look at their chapter and exterminate it. They
founded the chapter later on know as the Masterless, in order to save
their own.

Due to this fact the Chapter was able to recruit to strength of 786
marines. Why would they be allowed? It was to delay and possibly
avoid the possibility of them knowing that they were prisoners.
Now if you read you history (Horus Heresy) you would complain about

Meric Voyen. He is the only reason why this chapter would

work. Think about the Blood Ravens. Yah, the Masterless have a
history similar. Their gene-seed is not of Dorn.

The Inquisition did chase after them, but they had many years to have
head start. The distress call was not answered for a long time. It is
also part of their fluff that there is at least three Inquisitors after them.
A hunter, a phyker and a commander.

Over seven regiments with two Imperial Fleets are after them. The
only thing is, the Masterless are very random in their search for the
Emperor. The only reason the Chapter enters the Warp is to search for
the Emperor. The only reason they come out is because of dwindling

How hard is it to find a ship at sea, when the ship is looking for

Atlantis? It is hard to find right?

must ask. Do you think the Dawn of War series could have been as
great if it was any other Chapter?

The answer is no. The reason why? Because the Blood Ravins chapter
has the largest twist in it than any other chapter. Yes, even more than
Dark Angles.
I mean how many chapters have the fluff of comming back onto the
Imperial side, and also have a chance to still have corruption.

I'm just mixing the idea with the Soul Drinkers Chapter. (which also
made money)

Creative is Cool. Old is Boring. Besides all of that, they are all Ronin.
don't you remember? They might be loyal, but the Imperium wants
them to die. Can't really place them as a new Chapter, but why can't
they be the product of new ideas?

The only reason things make money is because people want to buy
them. Soul Drinkers, Horus Heresy series, and Dawn of War... All
made money. Are they exact on the Fluff of others? No. Do people
really care? Well, not really.

Do you see my point?

They had the assistance of the Adeptus Mechanicus, besides the ships were built in the
core of Cordana.

The Chapter thought it was a Space Marine Chapter due to the fact that the Imperial Fists
tried to hide it so. The Imperial Fists did not want the Inquisition to look at their chapter
and exterminate it. They founded the chapter later on know as the Masterless, in order to
save their own.

Due to this fact the Chapter was able to recruit to strength of 786 marines. Why would
they be allowed? It was to delay and possibly avoid the possibility of them knowing that
they were prisoners.

Now if you read you history (Horus Heresy) you would complain about Meric Voyen. He
is the only reason why this chapter would work. Think about the Blood Ravens. Yah, the
Masterless have a history similar. Their gene-seed is not of Dorn.
The Inquisition did chase after them, but they had many years to have head start. The
distress call was not answered for a long time. It is also part of their fluff that there is at
least three Inquisitors after them. A hunter, a phyker and a commander.

Over seven regiments with two Imperial Fleets are after them. The only thing is, the
Masterless are very random in their search for the Emperor. The only reason the Chapter
enters the Warp is to search for the Emperor. The only reason they come out is because of
dwindling supplies.

How hard is it to find a ship at sea, when the ship is looking for Atlantis? It is hard to find

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