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1. The community is an integral part of any given society. This means the ff.

A. Community problems are often reflections of societal problems.
B. Culture shapes people as people shape culture.
C. A community can become self-reliant while an adjacent one is not.
D. Societal factors may have direct effects on the community's situation.

2. The community is always in a state of continuous movement and change. This means
A. Change in the community is inherent.
B. After a particular period of time, community's situation becomes predictable.
C. The condition in the community is static.
D. Traditional interventions are always applicable at any given time and situation.

3. If the condition in the community is always changing, it is necessary to

A. isolate community problems from societal problems
B. develop a community health plan
C. identify sources of conflicts in the community
D. continuously assess community situation

4. The CH Nurse recognizes the roles of community leaders because

A. the nurse as a leader can dictate on the people.
B. leadership is borne out of love for people.
C. community members are dependent on their leaders.
D. community participation must be upheld at all times.

5. The CHN services provided by the nurse must be based on

A. needs and problems identified by the nurse
B. plan of action
C. those identified needs in community diagnosis
D. objectives of the plan

Situation 1B: The community health nurse must be adept with the concepts of Community Health
6. The community is an integral part of any given society. This means the ff. EXCEPT
A. Solutions to community problems may require societal level interventions.
B. Set norms guide people’s way of life.
C. Segmented development is possible in archipelagic states.
D. Individual’s condition is determined by the situation of his family in a given community.

7. The community is always in a state of continuous movement and change. This means
A. Time-tested strategies must be implemented.
B. Correct decisions must be made based on concrete analysis of the situation
C. Regular assessment must be made to ensure appropriateness of plans and
D. Development is inevitable.
8. The setting in CHN practice will include the following
1 – outside of purely curative institutions
2 – Sentrong Sigla participating hospitals that incorporate health promotion and disease
prevention projects in their settings
3 – Secondary and Tertiary health Institutions that are part of the community-based referral
4 – hospitals that are considered Centers for Wellness
A. 1 only C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1 and 2 D. All of these

9. The following BUT ONE provides the socio-political perspectives in defining a community
A. people advocating for clean and honest election
B. initiation of a people’s organization.
C. people actively involved in decision-making
D. development of ethical and moral values

10. The best conflict management in the community is

A. provision of an external arbiter
B. identify possible solutions within the community
C. highlight positive perspective
D. draw lessons from the experience

Situation 2: The CH Nurse makes use of the different models of health and health care.
11. In the community, health can be defined as
1 – balance between hot and cold
2 – a social phenomenon
3 – absence of disease
4 – punishment by God
A. 2 and 3 C. 2, 3 & 4
B. 1, 2 &3 D. all these

12. The holistic perspective to health is evident in the these models

1 – Wellness-illness continuum model
2 – WHO definition
3 – Health promotion
4 – Evolutionary
A. 2 and 3 C. 2, 3 & 4
B. 1, 2 &3 D. all these
13. This health model becomes the basis of disease prevention
A. Health belief
B. Health promotion
C. Health-illness continuum
D. High level wellness

14. Environment plays a major role in health and disease. This is based on
A. Evolutionary-based
B. Epidemiological
C. Wellness-illness continuum
D. WHO definition

15. The primary goal of the evolutionary –based model is

A. adaptation
B. improvement of the species
C. survival of the fittest
D. weeding out the weakest link

Situation 3: In community health work, the nurse appreciates the theoretical foundations of CHN
16. The aims of Public Health practice include the following EXCEPT:
A. Increasing wellness level
B. Prevention of health problems
C. Individualized care
D. Management of factors affecting health

17. Community health work will mean the application of theories and principles derived from
A. community health
B. public health
C. nursing
D. public health and nursing

18. Community health services are planned based on

A. community health care plan prepared by the rural health physician
B. programs and projects of the local health board
C. priorities of the local government unit
D. needs and problems of the population
19. In CHN practice, the nurse performs the following
1 – conduct home visits to families in the community
2 – launch a women crisis center for battered wives
3 – inspect and review medical records in factory clinics
4 – participate actively in policy formulation

A. all of the above C. all except 3

B. all except 4 D. all except 2
20. The main intention of Community Health is centered on:
A. Enabling people to enjoy health as a birth right
B. Raise the level of health of the people
C. Enhancing level of wellness of the people
D. Protecting human worth, dignity and survival
21. Obstacles to Winslow's birthright of health and longevity are the following EXCEPT
A. Mispriorities of the government
B. Primary health care
C. Globalization
D. Privatization
22. The main concept of Hanlon is total development which pertains to
A. Dimorphism
B. Essentialism
C. Dualism
D. Holism
23. Purdom's concept of public health practice pertains to these crucial phases of human
A. Infancy and childhood
B. Mid and late adulthood
C. Adolescence and young adulthood
D. All phases of human development
24. The highlight of Freeman's definition of CHN is
A. developing a social machinery
B. organized communities
C. enhancing capabilities of people
D. singly as individual or group
25. Most implicit in CHN is the application of this process:
A. nursing process
B. problem-solving process
C. research process
D. community organizing process
Situation 4: CHN as a specialty in Nursing
26. According to Florence Nightingale, the individual must be regarded as
A. Part of the ever-changing environment
B. Capable of self-care
C. With capacity for Self-repair
D. Unique and autonomous

27. The PH Nurse can say that the community had achieved its goal of optimal health when people
A. learn self-care
B. become involved in determining health care policy
C. assume responsibility for their own health
D. all these

28. In CHN, the nurse applies a most basic intervention to address community problem
A. client teaching
B. primary health care
C. community organizing
D. risk appraisal

29. To generate subjective data, the nurse utilizes

1 – Nursing history
2 – Physical examination
3 – Laboratory exam results
4 – Process Recording
A. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 4
B. 1 and 3 D. 1 only

30. In identifying the presence of a disease in an individual, the nurse utilizes the most basic
screening format referring to
1 – Nursing History
2 – Physical examination
3 – Laboratory exam results
4 – Process Recording
A. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 4
B. 1 and 3 D. 1 only

Situation 1: The PH Nurse plans and implements nursing care services in the light of the following
concepts and objectives.
31. Health is viewed today on a more individual basis as
A. Absence of disease in an individual
B. Psychosomatic well-being of a person
C. Complete physical, mental and social well-being
D. Each person’s maximum capacity to live happily and productively

32. The level of community health is influenced by the following factors EXCEPT
A. Political
B. Cultural
C. Economic
D. None of these

33. The objectives of CHN include

A. Health promotion and disease prevention
B. People’s participation
C. Health promotion, disease prevention, early diagnosis, treatment, disability prevention and
D. Health promotion, disease prevention and community participation

34. In the community, a person’s psychosocial somatic well-being is influenced by which of the
following factors?
A. Heredity
B. Health care services
C. Heredity, person’s behavior, environmental conditions
D. Personal behavior

35. The concern of the CH Nurse is the health of all segments of the population. The priority will
always be the people. This concept pertains to
A. CHN is people-oriented
B. CHN emphasizes health of people
C. CHN is comprehensive and integrated
D. CHN utilizes multi-sectoral approach

Situation 2: The CH Nurse must have a grasp of the following theories and concepts of CHN.
36. Dr. C. Winslow advocates HEALTH as a
A. Privilege
B. Social Phenomenon
C. Birth right
D. Longevity
37. Total development is the Public Health concept of
A. Jacobson
B. Freeman
C. Purdom
D. Hanlon

38. Survival of human species is the focus of public health practice according to
A. Jacobson
B. Freeman
C. Purdom
D. Hanlon

39. The highlight of Freeman's definition of CHN is

A. Developing a social machinery
B. Organized communities
C. Enhancing capabilities of people
D. Singly as individual or group

40. Most implicit in CHN is the application of this process:

A. Nursing
B. Problem-solving
C. Research
D. Community organizing

Situation 3: Roles of the CH Nurse

41. When the nurse actively participates in the development of the community health plan by
providing the nursing component, she is practicing her role as
A. manager
B. planner
C. provider of care
D. supervisor

42. What is the basic purpose of research in CHN?

A. test CHN theories
B. develop new theories in CHN
C. improvement of health care
D. deepen theoretical foundations of CHN
43. The CH Nurse sets up a support program for teen-aged pregnant women in relation to her role
A. provider of care
B. health educator counselor
C. health monitor
D. coordinator

44. The CH Nurse ensures people’s participation in decision-making process. This is in relation to
her role as
A. supervisor
B. health educator counselor
C. community health organizer
D. participant observer

45. The CH Nurse utilizes every opportunity to change behavior towards healthy lifestyle in relation
to this role:
A. health promoter
B. health educator-counselor
C. health advocate
D. health monitor

46. Given the Guyamin family: Honesto and Susan and their children (Ryan, Sonny and Leo). What
will be the priority problem of the family?
A. Poor home environment
B. Unemployment of the head
C. Scabies of Ryan
D. Anemia of Susan, G4 P3, 3 months pregnant

47. Honesto is “under the saya” of Susan. According to type, the Guyamin family is
A. Nuclear and patriarchal
B. Nuclear and matriarchal
C. Extended and patriarchal
D. Extended and matriarcha

48. Which of the following is a health threat?

A. Death of a family member
B. Inadequate immunization
C. Poor eyesight
D. Menarche
48. Given problem: Inability of the family to recognize poor home environment as a health threat r/t
knowledge deficit, the salience of the problem is
A. High
B. Moderate
C. Very low
D. Data not sufficient

Situation 1: Individual as a level of clientele in CHN.

49. An individual will take preventive health actions if he believes
A. The disease/illness entails lot of expenses
B. He is susceptible to the disease
C. He may have a relapse of the disease
D. There is no cure for the disease

50. Patrice made a home visit to a post-partum client, Elida, G4P4. She hasn’t taken a bath for three
weeks now. How can the nurse encourage her to take a bath?
A. Make an aromatic bath consisting of the boiled mixture of plants with volatile oils
B. Discuss with her the importance of personal hygiene
C. Respect her decision
D. Give a sponge bath

51. Mang Karyo complained of severe abdominal pain. As a nurse, one will do the following EXCEPT:
A. Make a nursing history
B. Conduct physical exam, inspect, palpate, percuss, auscultate
C. Refer to hospital if necessary
D. None of the above

52. Ben wishes to undergo HIV anti-body test. The nurse can assist Ben through the following
A. Conducting the test in the center ensuring anonymity and confidentiality
B. Making an initial risk assessment on possible exposure and infection
C. Explaining window period of the infection
D. Referring Ben to the appropriate health facility

Situation 2: Being the Public Health Nurse, Patrice provides nursing care to the family.
53. The nurse performs the following to determine about the family’s nursing problems/needs:
A. Family health care plan information
B. Goal setting
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation

54. An appropriate source of information about the family are the following:
A. Interview results with members of the family
B. Review of Family service and Progress Records
C. Study of the family situation
D. Actual observation of family situation

55. The family presents several problems, which of the following criteria is considered in
determining the priority health problem:
A. Involvement of the members of the family in the problem
B. Cooperation and support of the family
C. Preventive potential of the problem
D. Expected consequences of the problem

56. An important factor that serves as basis in preparing the family health care plan.
A. Data gathered from the health center
B. Needs and problem as seen and accepted by the family
C. Needs and problems gathered and recognized by the nurse herself
D. Needs as expressed by the midwife assigned in the area where the family resides

57. The family health care plan includes the following components listed in sequence:
A. objectives, statement of problems, intervention and evaluation
B. evaluation, statement of problems, objectives and intervention
C. statement of problems, objectives, intervention and evaluation
D. objectives, intervention, evaluation and statement of problems

Situation 3: School Health Nursing

58. PH Nurse Patrice establishes a working relationship with Marian, the School Nurse. This is
emphasizing the component of School Health Nursing called:
A. School health services
B. Healthful school living
C. School health instruction
D. School-community linkage

59. On September 23, there will be a fire drill in the school. This is an activity of this component of
school health nursing
A. School health services
B. Healthful school living
C. School health instruction
D. School-community linkage

60. Isolation of communicable diseases, referral and follow through are being performed by the
School Health Nurse in relation to
A. School health services
B. Healthful school living
C. School health instruction
D. School-community linkage

61. Which of the following is NOT an activity of the School Nurse in implementing the component of
healthful school living
A. Drug watch committee
B. Environmental sanitation
C. Rehabilitation of substance abusers
D. Food sanitation

62. What is the role of the nurse in the component of healthful school living
A. health educator-counselor
B. provider of care
C. health monitor
D. community health organizer

Situation 4: Patrice also visited Maxine, the factory nurse and talked abut Occupational health nursing.
63. The most basic concern of Maxine is
A. Health of all workers
B. Industrial peace
C. Dignity of labor
D. Harmony between management and workers

64. A major physical health problem in the spinning section of this textile factory is
A. occupational asthma or bysinossis
B. tuberculosis
C. security of tenure
D. urinary tract infection

65. Women workers are often complaining about UTI and varicosities. Maxine must recommend to
management this (these) intervention (s)
A. Breaks every two hours
B. Faucet for drinking water
C. Additional fixtures like chairs in the work area
D. All of these

66. Maxine noted that there were two cases of malignant lymphomas in the dye section of the
factory. She is conducting a series case study. This is an activity in what level of disease
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Intermediate

67. In applying concept of primary health care, Maxine will do the following
A. Establish a referral network with the company hospital
B. Strengthen clinic services
C. Train workers on first aid
D. Spend a segment of duty hours on the hospital to ensure care of confined workers

Situation: Community Diagnosis

68. The most common method for community diagnosis that accounts for the bulk of data yet very
practical is
A. census
B. records review
C. interview
D. sample survey

69. The following are steps in processing the data

1 – data analysis 3 – data presentation
2 – data collection 4 – data collation
A. 2, 4, 1 and 3
B. 2, 3, 4 and 1
C. 2, 4, 3 and 1
D. 2, 3, 1 and 4

70. Major factors affecting population include the following EXCEPT

A. births
B. deaths
C. migration
D. morbidity
71. A population pyramid with triangular shape and broad base indicates the following EXCEPT
A. high death rates
B. poverty
C. young population
D. more females

72. The sampling method used for a reliable community diagnosis is

A. simple random
B. multi-stage
C. cluster
D. systematic random

Situation : Vital Statistics

73. The crude birth rate of X Community is 30.5. This means
A. 30.5 births in every 1000 population
B. 31 births in every 1000 population
C. 30 births in every 1000 population
D. 30 births in 1000 population of women 15 to 44 years old

74. Infant mortality rate refers to deaths in every 1000 births belonging to
A. 0 – 28 days
B. 0 – 1 month
C. 0 – 1 week
D. 0 – 12 months

75. There were 20 cases of measles in a community and 5 died. What is the case fatality rate of
A. 0.025
B. 2.5
C. 25%
D. 250

Situation 16: The Population Group

76. The constant presence of en etiologic factor and a disease in a particular area is called

A. sporadic B. endemic C. epidemic D. pandemic

77. To establish new cases of a disease by studying those exposed not exposed to a risk factor, the
nurse must conduct this study

A. Case control B. cross-sectional C. prospective D. experimental

78. The primary aim of occupational health nursing is

A. reduction of hazards in the work area

B. maintenance of a healthy work environment
C. promotion of optimum health and prevention of diseases and injuries
D. industrial peace among workers and management

79. Workers may be exposed to different hazards of work like biological hazards exemplified by
A. stress, tenure, salary C. heat, cold, humidity
B. dust, fumes, chemicals D. fungi, virus, bacteria

80. To weed out drug users in the school, the nurse sets up a drug watch committee. This is an activity
under what component of school health nursing?
A. school health services C. healthful school living
B. school health instruction D. school-community linkage

Situation 17: Community Diagnosis

81. The most common method for community diagnosis that accounts for the bulk of data yet very
practical is

A. census B. records review C. interview D. sample survey

82. The following are steps in processing the data

1 – data analysis 3 – data presentation
2 – data collection 4 – data collation

A. 2, 4, 1 and 3 B. 2, 3, 4 and 1 C. 2, 4, 3 and 1 D. 2, 3, 1 and 4

83. Major factors affecting population include the following EXCEPT

A. births B. deaths C. migration D. morbidity

84. A population pyramid with triangular shape and broad base indicates the following EXCEPT

A. high death rates B. poverty C. young population D. more females

85. The sampling method used for a reliable community diagnosis is

A. simple random B. multi-stage C. cluster D. systematic random

Situation 18: Vital Statistics

86. The crude birth rate of X Community is 30.5. This means
A. 30.5 births in every 1000 population
B. 31 births in every 1000 population
C. 30 births in every 1000 population
D. 30 births in 1000 population of women 15 to 44 years old

87. Infant mortality rate refers to deaths in every 1000 births belonging to

A. 0 – 28 days B. 0 – 1 month C. 0 – 1 week D. 0 – 12 months

88. There were 20 cases of measles in a community and 5 died. What is the case fatality rate of

A. 0.025 B. 2.5 C. 25% D. 250

89. The relative importance of a cause of death is computed as

A. case fatality rate C. proportionate mortality rate
B. cause-of-death rate D. incidence rate

90. In estimating the rank of a cause as a common illness, the nurse makes use of

A. incidence rate B. prevalence rate C. Swaroop’s index D. attack rate

Situation 19: FP, EPI

91. The following statements refer to the family planning program EXCEPT
A. The policy program advocates partnership, participation and promotion of health.
B. The main aim of the program is birth control.
C. The program is anchored on safe motherhood and child survival.
D. Females may decide independently on choice of contraceptive method.

92. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Effectiveness or sterility will come after 25 to 40 days after vasectomy.
B. Multiparous women have high fertility post-IUD removal.
C. Pills are advisable to those who have occasional sex.
D. Condoms can be reused.

93. Life-long immunity for tetanus is achieved by a woman after

A. 3 pregnancies C. 3 booster doses
B. 2 doses during pregnancy D. fourth tetanus toxoid

94. DPT is given at

A. 0.05 ml. ID B. 0.5 ml IM C. 0.5 ml SQ D. 0.1 ml ID

95. Which of the following is a normal reaction to BCG vaccination?

A. deep abscess C. glandular enlargement
B. indolent ulceration D. Koch’s phenomenon

Situation 20: Nutrition, CARI, CDD

96. The following statements are true regarding kwashiorkor EXCEPT
A. food is the only cure
B. child is apathetic and does not want to eat
C. characterized by skin sores, edema, and moon-facie
D. usually starts when the child is less than one year old

97. The recipients of targeted food assistance program are

A. general public C. pregnant women
B. children D. children and pregnant women

98. Belen is one month old and has pneumonia. The intervention should be
A. tepid sponge bath C. refer immediately
B. provide antibiotics and see after 2 days D. assess for other signs
99. The initial sign of dehydration in diarrhea is

A. weight loss B. positive skin fold test C. comatose D. thirst

100. Ana is 1 year old and with 5 bouts of diarrhea in a day. What should be given at every bout?

A. ½ cup of rice water B. 1 glass oresol C. antibiotic D. IV fluids

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