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SCIENCE, Engineering
Technology 41 2008
VOLUME 31 JULY 2008 ISSN 1307-6884

Analysis of Public-Key Cryptography for

Wireless Sensor Networks Security
F. Amin, A. H. Jahangir, and H. Rasifard

Abstract—With the widespread growth of applications of habitat monitoring scenario [5]. Other requirements appear
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), the need for reliable security in the operation and control domain. Sensor nodes must be
mechanisms these networks has increased manifold. Many security reconfigured, calibrated, and reprogrammed [6]. Such
solutions have been proposed in the domain of WSN so far. These operations are very sensible to possible attacks. Finally, it
solutions are usually based on well-known cryptographic must be mentioned that they ignore the problem of key
management. Several solutions that address this issue have
In this paper, we have made an effort to survey well known
security issues in WSNs and study the behavior of WSN nodes that been proposed so far (see for example, [7]).
perform public key cryptographic operations. We evaluate time In Section II we will survey the security requirements in
and power consumption of public key cryptography algorithm for WSNs. Section III and IV deal with Public key
signature and key management by simulation. cryptosystem and Key management issues in WSNs,
respectively. Section V presents an evaluation of energy
Keywords—Wireless Sensor Networks, Security, Public Key consumption in public key cryptosystem. Section VI
Cryptography, Key Management.
concludes the paper and proposes some future work.


W IRELESS sensor networks consist of small nodes that

sense their environment, process data, and
communicate through wireless links. They are expected to
The security of WSNs can be classified into two broad
categories: operational security and information security.
The operation-related security objective is that a network, as
support a wide variety of applications, many of which have a whole, should continue to function even when some of
at least some requirements for security. its components are attacked (the service availability
Cryptographic algorithm for authentication and requirement). The information-related security objectives
encryption can be implemented in two ways: using public are that confidential information should never be disclosed,
keys or private keys. When using public keys, the key value and the integrity and authenticity of information should
of every node is public information, and is therefore known always be assured. These objectives are marked with a cross
by all other nodes. When a node wants to communicate in Table I if they are violated in the corresponding scenario
privately with another node, the source node simply [9].
encrypts data using the public key of the sink node. In this TABLE I
case, only the sink node can correctly decrypt the data. This POTENTIAL SECURITY THREATS, GROUPED ACCORDING TO APPLICATION
method is called asymmetric key encryption because the two DOMAINS [9]
communicating nodes use different keys during the session. Properties
Potential security threats violated
When using private keys, nodes must first agree on a key domain
before they can communicate securely. One possibility is to Denial-of-service attacks × ×
use public keys to encrypt data from which private keys can Eavesdropping of classified ×
be derived. Private Key algorithms are based on symmetric
Supply of misleading information ×
key encryption because both communicating nodes use the Disaster ×
Supply of misleading information
same keys for encrypting and decrypting data. Detection
In wired data networks, nodes rely on pre-deployed Suppose government-endorsed ×
environmental sensors are
trusted server to help establish trust relationships but in installed near a factory to monitor
WSN, these trusted authorities do not exist because sensor air/water quality to make sure the
nodes have limited memory, CPU power, and energy, hence Monitoring
factory’s emission lies beneath the
pollution threshold, however by
cryptographic algorithms must be selected carefully.
feeding the sensors with wrong
A survey of security issues in ad hoc and sensor networks information, the factory allows
can be found in [1]. Related work in the security area, itself to escape detection and let its
focused on WSN, is summarized in [2,3]. polluting emission go unchecked.
Biometrics-based access control × ×
All approaches for enabling security in WSNs are very mechanisms are compromisable if
scenario dependent. There exist different requirements, for the biometric sensors can be
example, in an agriculture application [4] compared an bypassed or fooled.
Token-based access control ×
mechanisms are compromisable if
Authors are with Sharif University, Tehran, Iran (e-mail:
the token authentication protocol
f_amin@ce.sharif.ac.ir, jahangir@sharif.ac.ir, rasifard@ce.sharif.ac.ir).

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Technology 41 2008
VOLUME 31 JULY 2008 ISSN 1307-6884

is insecure. creators of SPINS [10] contend that if one sender wants to

Providing wrong physiological × ×
measurements of a patient to the
send authentic data to mutually untrusted receivers, using a
Health/Medical career or doctor, a miscreant may symmetric MAC is insecure since any one of the receivers
cause potentially fatal diagnosis know the MAC key, and hence could impersonate the
and treatment to be performed on sender and forge messages to other receivers. LEAP [11]
the patient.
There is no order in the city when × × uses a globally shared symmetric key for broadcast
Transportation traffic information can no longer messages to the whole group.
be trusted because they can easily
be spoofed. C. Integrity
Eavesdropping of commercial × Data integrity ensures the receiver that the received data
secrets by business rivals. is not altered in transit by an adversary. Lack of integrity
Intentional disruption of × ×
Industry could result in many problems since the consequences of
manufacturing processes as a
result of misleading sensor using inaccurate information could be disastrous, for
readings caused by disgruntled example, for the healthcare sector where lives are
employees or business spies.
Space agencies invest billions into × × × ×
endangered. Integrity controls must be implemented to
space exploration projects, it is ensure that information is not altered in any unexpected way.
Space only logical that they want to
exploration ensure all commands executed on D. Freshness
their space probes are authorized, One of the many attacks launched against sensor
and all collected data encrypted networks is the message replay attack where an adversary
and authenticated.
S=Service Availability, C=Confidentiality, I=Integrity, A=Authenticity may capture messages exchanged between nodes and replay
them later to cause confusion to the network. Data freshness
While it may seem that information security can readily implies that the data is recent, and it ensures that an
be achieved with cryptography, there are two facts that adversary has not replayed old messages.
make achieving the above objectives non-trivial in WSNs: To achieve freshness, network protocols must be
x As sensor nodes operate unattended they are potentially designed in a way to identify duplicate packets and discard
accessible, both geographically and physically, to any them preventing potential mix-up.
malicious party imaginable;
E. Availability
x Sensor nodes communicate through an open medium.
Availability ensures that services and information can be
A. Confidentiality accessed at the time they are required. In sensor networks
Confidentiality means keeping information secret from there are many risks that could result in loss of availability
unauthorized parties. A sensor network should not leak such as sensor node capturing and denial of service attacks.
sensor readings to neighboring networks. The availability of a sensor and sensor network may
The confidentiality objective is required in sensors’ decrease for the following reasons [12]:
environment to protect information traveling between the x Additional computation consumes additional
sensor nodes of the network or between the sensors and the energy. If no more energy exists, the data will no
base station from disclosure, since an adversary having longer be available.
the appropriate equipment may eavesdrop on the x Additional communication also consumes more
communication. By eavesdropping, the adversary could energy.Besides, as communication power
overhear critical information such as sensing data and increases so does the chance of a communication
routing information. conflict or interference.
x A single point failure exists if we use the central
B. Authentication
point scheme such as a single sink or gateway.
In a sensor network, an adversary can easily inject
This greatly threatens the availability of the
messages, so the receiver needs to make sure that the data
used in any decision-making process originates from the
correct source.
F. Secure Management
As in conventional systems, authentication techniques
Management is required in every system that is
verify the identity of the participants in a communication,
constituted of multi components, and handles sensitive
distinguishing in this way legitimate users from intruders. In
information. In the case of sensor networks, we need secure
the case of sensor networks, it is essential for each sensor
management on base station level; since sensor nodes
node and base station to have the ability to verify that the
communication ends up at the base station, issues like key
data received was really sent by a trusted sender and not by
distribution to sensor nodes in order to establish encryption
an adversary that tricked legitimate nodes into accepting
and routing information need secure management.
false data. If such a case happens and false data are supplied
into the network, then its behavior could not be predicted, G. Quality of Service
and most of times the mission of WSN will not be Assuring the quality of Service objective is a big
accomplished as expected. challenge to security designers. As sensor networks have
However, authentication for broadcast messages requires several limitations (e.g. energy, processing and memory
stronger trust assumptions on the network nodes. The capacities etc.), the achievement of quality of service

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SCIENCE, Engineering
Technology 41 2008
VOLUME 31 JULY 2008 ISSN 1307-6884

becomes even more constrained. Security mechanisms must a) G ( 1k ) corresponds to the following algorithm: p
be lightweight so that the overhead caused, for example, by and q are random primes of k bits, n=pq;
encryption be minimized and do not affect the performance em
 = *M ( n ) , d e 1 mod M ( n ) , M k = n* .
of the network. Performance and quality in sensor networks
involve the timely delivery of data to prevent the loss of Set PK= (n, e), SK=d.
critical data or events, and the accuracy with which the data b) c E( m;( n ,e )) m e mod n.
are reported compared to what is actually occurring in their c) ~ D( c;( d , n )) c d mod n.
environment [13].
More generally, we could construct a PKE from any TDP.
III. PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOSYSTEM Suppose we have a TDP ƒ with trap-door information t k
A public key cryptosystem employs a pair of different but and algorithm I for inversion. Here is the induced PKE:
associated keys. One of these keys is released to the public a) G( 1k )  o( ƒ ,t k ,^0 ,1`k ) , and ƒ is the PK and
while the other, the private key, is known only to its owner. trapdoor t k is the SK.
It is designed to be computationally intractable to calculate a b) E( m; PK ) ƒ( m ).
private key from its associated public key; In other words, it
c) D( m; SK ) I ( c ,t k ).
is believed that any attempt to compute this key will fail
during the lifetime of the network or the duration of an B. RSA Cryptosystem
operation even when up-to-date technology and equipment The RSA-system is based on the difficulty of factoring,
are used. P = C = Z/nZ for an integer n = p.q, where n (the modulus)
With a public key cryptosystem, the sender can encrypt a is known to everybody, but the prime factors p, q are known
message using the receiver’s public key without needing to only to receiver. We need in practice p and q to be very
know the private key of the receiver. Therefore, they are large. We take K to be the set of positive integers relatively
suitable for communication among the general public. prime to lcm(pí1,qí1). The encryption key e  K is known
Today, three types of systems, classified according to the to everyone, but the decryption key d  K is known only to
mathematical problem on which they are based, are receiver. Then sender encrypts:
generally considered both secure and efficient. They are
E : Pu K 
o C , E ( a ,e ) a e mod n
classified as follows:
x The integer factorization systems. To decrypt the cipher text, receiver:
x The discrete logarithm systems. D :CuK  o P , D( b ,e ) b d mod n
x The elliptic curve discrete logarithm systems. where ed { 1 (mod lcm(p - 1,q - 1)) .

A. Public-Key Encryption (PKE) C. Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC)

A PKE is a triple of PPT algorithms E = (G; E; D) where: Elliptic curves are an algebraic structure, and their use for
a) G is the key-generation algorithm. G ( 1k ) outputs cryptography was first mentioned in [14] and [15]. They
(PK; SK; M k ), where SK is the Secret key, PK is feature properties which allow the setup of a problem
the public-key, and M k is the message space similar to the well known discrete logarithm problem of
finite fields – also known as Galois fields (GF).
associated with the PK/SK-pair. Here k is an
The subsequent section gives a brief and rough
integer usually called the security parameter, which
determines the security level. mathematical background to understand our implementation.
b) E is the encryption algorithm. For any m  M k , E In recent years, ECC has attracted much attention as the
security solutions for wireless networks due to the small key
outputs c m  E( m; PK ) the encryption of m. c is size and low computational overhead.
called the cipher text. We sometimes also write
E( m; PK ) as E PK ( m ) , or E( m; r ; PK )
and E PK ( m; r ) , when we want to emphasize the
randomness r used by E.
c) D is the decryption algorithm.
r ~
o m  { invalid } * M is called the
D( c; SK ) 
decrypted message. We also sometimes denote
D( c; SK ) as DSK ( c ) and remark that usually D is
d) We require the correctness property, i.e. everybody
behaves as assumed:
m  M k , m m , that is DSK ( E PK ( m )) m
Let us check that RSA satisfies the above definition. Notice,
both E and D are deterministic. Fig. 1 Comparison of Security Levels

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VOLUME 31 JULY 2008 ISSN 1307-6884

Fig. 1 compares the time required to break ECC with the x How does any pair of nodes or a group of nodes
time required to break RSA for various modules sizes and establish a secure session? This is a problem of
using the best general algorithms known. The running times key establishment.
are computed in MIPS years. x How should a node be added to the network such
From Fig. 1, we see that to achieve reasonable security, that it be able to establish secure sessions with
RSA should employ 1024-bit module, while a 160-bit existing nodes in the network, while not being
module should be sufficient for ECC. Moreover, the security able to decipher past traffic in the network? This
gap between the systems increases dramatically as the is a problem of member/node addition.
module sizes increases. For example, 160-bit ECC offers the x How should a node be evicted from the network
comparable security to 1024-bit RSA. such that it will not again be able to establish
ECC includes key agreement, encryption, and digital secure sessions with any of the existing nodes in
signature algorithms. The key distribution algorithm is used the network, and not be able to decipher future
to share a secret key, the encryption algorithm enables traffic in the network? This is a problem of
confidential communication, and the digital signature member/node eviction.
algorithm is used to authenticate the signer and validate the The major advantages and drawbacks of different key
integrity of the message: distribution and management schemes are summarized in
Key Agreement: Table II.
x ECMQV: Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone
x ECDH: Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman A. Key Establishment Protocols
Encryption: Key establishment in sensor networks can also be realized
x ECIES: Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption with protocols where the nodes set up a shared secret key
Standard after deployment, either through key transport or key
Digital Signatures: agreement [16]. A key transport protocol is a protocol where
x ECDSA: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature one entity creates or otherwise obtains a secret key and
Algorithm transfers it securely to the other entity. Key agreement refers
x ECPVS: Elliptic Curve Pintsov Vanstone to a mechanism or protocol where all participating entities
Signatures contribute a random input which is used to derive a shared
x ECNR: Elliptic Curve Nyberg Rueppel secret key. The advantage of key agreement over key
Let K be a field. For example, K can be the finite (extension) transport is that no entity can predetermine the resulting key
field Fq r of Fq , the prime field Z p where p is a large prime, as it depends on the input of all participants.
the field R of real numbers, the field Q of rational numbers, TABLE II
or the field C of complex numbers. THE MAJOR KEY MANAGEMENT SCHEMES
An elliptic curve over a field K is defined by the Key
Weierstrass equation: Management Advantage Drawback
2 3 2 Schemes
y  a1 xy  a3 y x  a 2 x  a4 x  a6 One of the simplest An adversary can extract
Where a1 ,a3 ,a2 ,a4 ,a6  K and ai are the parameters of Network Wide schemes, in which a single the network wide shared
the curve. Shared Key network wide symmetric key by capturing a single
key is used by every node. node.
The elliptic curve E over K is denoted E(K). The number -This is resilient to a
of points on E is denoted #E(K) or just #E. Every node is single node compromise
Since the field Fq is generally used in cryptographic preconfigured with a attack.
master key; every node -Addition of new nodes
applications, Weierstrass equation can be simplified to: Master Key
fetches a set of link keys is not possible.
and Link Keys
y 2 x 3  ax  b corresponding to its each -The link keys cannot be
Where a ,b  Fq and 4 a 3  27 b 2 z 0 , together with a special communication link with securely transmitted over
other nodes. the network.
point ’ called the point at infinity.
The memory and
Very good solution for
IV. KEY MANAGEMENT Public Key key management and
processing constraints of
these tiny devices rule
Key management is a fundamental security issue in Cryptography distribution in traditional
out the possibility for
sensor networks. It is the basis to establish the secure using this scheme.
communication using cryptographic technologies between Every node in the network This is not scalable as
Preconfigured is preconfigured with a set every node has to store
sensor nodes in a sensed area. Symmetric of link keys with which it n(n - 1)/2 keys, if n is the
Key management is the process by which cryptographic Keys will establish secure links number of nodes in the
keys are generated, stored, protected, transferred, loaded, with other nodes. network.
Suffers from single point
used, and destroyed. There are four principal concerns in a Allows an on-demand key
of failure as base station
key management framework: Bootstrapping generation for a secure
has to maintain a
Keys connection established
x How many keys are needed and how should the between the nodes.
database for the link
keys be distributed before the nodes are keys.
deployed? This is a problem of key
deployment/pre-distribution. Key agreement problem is a part of the key management
problem, which has been widely studied in general network

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VOLUME 31 JULY 2008 ISSN 1307-6884

environments. There are three types of general key any node that possesses the broadcast key may have sent the
agreement schemes: trusted-server scheme, self-enforcing message.
scheme, and key pre-distribution scheme [17].
The trusted-server scheme depends on a trusted server for V. ENERGY ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC -KEY CRYPTOSYSTEM
key agreement between nodes, e.g., Kerberos [18]. This type
of scheme is not suitable for WSNs because there is usually In this section, we will try to estimate the performance
no trusted infrastructure in sensor networks. The self- ratio between WSN nodes for energy analysis of public key
enforcing scheme depends on asymmetric cryptography, cryptosystem focusing on cryptographic calculations.
such as key agreement using public key certificates. We setup our simulations as follows: The network is
However, limited computation and energy resources of supposed to be connected. The objectives of our simulations
sensor nodes often make it undesirable to use public key are to compare the energy cost of public key algorithm and
algorithms, such as Diffie-Hellman key agreement [19] or key management schemes based on public key cryptography.
RSA [20], as pointed out in [10]. The third type of key To perform our experiments, we deploy several hundred
agreement scheme is key pre-distribution, where key nodes (250 to 640) in random topology and run the key
information is distributed among all sensor nodes prior to setup phase. The sensor node we use for our simulation is
deployment. If we know which nodes are more likely to stay MICA2DOT based on the ATmega128L microcontroller
in the same neighborhood before deployment, keys can be from ATMEL.
decided a priori. However, because of the randomness of Arvinderpal S. [21] provides detailed measurements for
the deployment, knowing the set of neighbors the MICA2DOT. They have measured power consumption
deterministically might not be feasible. for the MICA2DOT for the following cryptographic
B. Key Type x Signature generation/verification and client/server
In order to support different communication patterns, the key exchange operations(see Table III),
following types of keys are useful in sensor networks: x Calculation of SHA-1 hash value (5.9 ȝWs),
x Node keys: A node key is a key that is shared by
a sensor node and the base station. It is used to ENERGY COST OF RSA AND ECC (MW) [21]
protect unicast messages exchanged between the Algorithm
Key Key Exchange Signature
sensor node and the base station that do not need Size Client Server Sign Verify
1024 15.4 304 304 11.9
in-network processing. RSA
2048 57.2 2302.7 2302.7 53.7
x Link keys: A link key is a key shared by two 160 22.3 22.3 22.82 45.09
neighboring nodes (i.e., two sensor nodes or a 224 60.4 60.4 61.54 121.98
sensor node and the base station). Link keys
provide protection for unicast messages However, in [21] the power consumption of active
exchanged between neighboring nodes. They can MICA2DOT is said to be 13.8 mW. We used the power
be used for encryption, message authentication, consumption model presented in [21] to estimate the time
and integrity protection. They allow for in- needed by MICA2DOT. These data are used to calculate the
network processing by hop-by-hop protection of time and power consumption for all other nodes.
data packets sent from the sensor nodes to the The ATmega128 microcontroller current consumption is
base station. They can also be used to set up presented in Table IV for three different modes of operation,
other keys between neighboring nodes, such as two different clock speeds and two supply voltages [22].
cluster keys.
x Cluster keys: A cluster key is a key shared by a TABLE IV
node and all of its neighbors. This key is used to
Mode consumption
encrypt (and decrypt) local broadcast messages. 3.3V 6mA
In addition, hop-by-hop encryption of a data 5V 9 mA
packet with local broadcast keys makes passive 3.3V 10 mA
participation possible, as it ensures that the 5V 17 mA
3.3V 2 mA
neighbors of the transmitting nodes can learn the 4MHz
5V 4 mA
content of the packet. Idle
3.3V 4 mA
x Network key: The network key is a key that is 5V 8 mA
shared by all the nodes in the network. It is used Power- 3.3V 9µA
Save 5V 13µA
to encrypt (and decrypt) global broadcast
If the microcontroller is running in active mode on 8
Note that cluster keys and the network key are broadcast
MHz and 3.3 V, then the energy consumed is:
keys, and they cannot be used for message authentication.
3.3 V * 10 mA=33 mW
The reason is that a node receiving a message with a
33 mW/ 8 MHz = 4.125 nW/clock cycle (nWs)
message authentication code computed with a broadcast key,
The times elapsed for signature generation, verification
cannot identify who the originator of the message is; indeed, and key exchange for the client and server side, when the

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