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Explicit Instruction Implementation Log

Warren G. Harding Middle School
Time Frame of Implementation Study: September 30, 2010

Name: Jenna Lindvall Grade Level/Role: Demonstration

Lesson Focus/Goal: Comprehension- Visualizing
Instructional Technique:
Briefly describe the instructional technique, strategy, or activity you will be using.
Visualizing is critical because it is often the image that makes the text
vibrant and alive. Visualizing requires readers to use prior knowledge. The
emotional responses (seeing, hearing) often hook kids.

Students must understand:

• That comprehension requires proactive effort
• That authors want readers to see, hear, and feel certain things in the text
they write.
• That we can use our sense of sight, hearing, and feeling as we read.

What is the secret to imaging?

Student’s must:
• Identify words the author is using that are descriptive
• Use prior knowledge about those words and about our senses to create an
image in the mind.

By the end of the lesson, you will be able to visualize

Lesson Introduction:
Include an introductory statement about what students will be learning to do and a brief
explanation of how this strategy will be useful to them as readers.
Today we are going to be using visualizing to help us remember the 2 types of cells and
their shapes. Good readers visualize when they read. If we take the time to get a
picture of what our textbook is telling us, we can remember it better and it will help us
comprehend (understand) the main learning goal. When we visualize, we use the words
in the text and try to draw a picture in our head. Often our personal picture is
different than others because we connect words in the text with our own experiences.
The important thing is that we look for words in the text that help us create our own
picture because that will help you, as a reader, better understand and remember what
the text says. Your job as a reader is to read the text, look for words that help
describe, and then combine those clues to draw a picture in your head. A good reader
uses the picture to better understand what he/she reads.
Instructor Models and Demonstrates: (I do)
Include key statements you will use to model comprehension thinking.
Let me show you an example. Pay attention to what I do because when I am done, we will
work together to visualize. I am going to use a short section from our Cells, Heredity,
and classification science text. I have given each of you a hand out so that you may
follow along. As I read today, I want you to pay attention to how I use the author’s
words and my background knowledge to create a picture in my head of the author’s
message. I will then keep track of my thinking on a graphic organizer.

Begin reading aloud with text in view of students. Stop after the first section. As I
read this, I think the cell membrane sounds like a wall. When I hear the word barrier I
am thinking of a something that stands in my way. I picture a wall around a castle.
When the text talks about letting things in and out I am picturing a dog door that allows
the dog to travel freely from inside and outside of the house. The text says that
cytoplasm is a fluid, this makes me think of water so I am now visualizing that inside my
wall it is full of water, maybe similar to a water balloon. So now I think, “What does a
cell look like?” I draw that picture in my head. Then I am going to draw it on my
graphic organizer. Now I think, what did I read about cells that I could add to my
picture in my mind and on my paper? The text said that the fluid was called cytoplasm
and the wall was called a cell membrane. Let’s label our picture.

Guided Practice: (We do)

Include opportunities for students to engage in guided practice with the comprehension strategy.
Now I want you to follow along as I read the next section of the text. I will read the
next two sentences and then we will turn and talk to a neighbor about the
Archaebacteria. Pay attention to words that help you draw a picture in your mind.
Remember, we each may pick up on different clues. When you are done sharing, I want
you to discuss how you would fill out the next section of our graphic organizer.

Collaborative Learning: (You do it together)

Include opportunities for students to engage with a partner or triad while teacher observes small
group interaction and understanding of lesson focus.
Have students share out ideas for the graphic organizer. Ask students to share their
ideas and then add their drawing to their own graphic organizer. Continue in this
scaffolded practice until the end of the text. In this part of the lesson, students do
the reading and discussion.

Independent Practice: (You do)

Include opportunities for students to engage in independent practice with the fluency instructional
As you are reading today especially in your content areas, I want you to pay attention to your
visualizations. Make sure you think about the clue words in the text that help you create your own
picture. If you cannot picture the main message from the text you are reading, you should go back and
reread for clarification.

Student Response Data (This can be a whole group or small group data set.)
What data will you collect to determine student progress?

_100%____ Number of students who have performance and cognitive control

_____ Number of students who are making good progress

_____ Number of students who are struggling

Reflection: After discussion with collaborative partner, please record

your thinking.
1. What made the lesson work well (strategies, materials, lesson organization, student grouping, etc.)?
When we actually did the lesson I modeled more than just one section I think this helped the students
get a better understanding. The visual aid for them to draw in was very helpful. It was also helpful
to type up the information rather than have them read out of the book so that they were forming
their own visual and not just copying the pictures from the book.

2. How might you change your lesson when you teach it again?
I really felt that this lesson went well. I would take out some extra information that did not help the
students to visualize what the cell looked like.
Collaboration Data
In the last five school days, have you worked with your collaborative partner to practice your explicit
instruction lessons?* _x___ Yes ____ No

In the last five school days, have you demonstrated an explicit instruction lesson (with students) for
your collaborative partner? __x__ Yes ____ No

I practiced my lesson with: Lori Frericks

I demonstrated my lesson for: 6th grade advanced science
I reflected my lesson with: Justin Gill

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