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This first and rather hurried edition of Bbn-c°W°n-\v- Nm-\ep-Ifp-w- ]{Xßfp-
Backspace is an impatient attempt to open up w- am-kn-IIfp-ap-≈ Cu- cm-Py-Øv- "Backsp-
a space for discussing issues and ideas that ace' F∂ ]p-Xn-b {]kn-≤o-IcWØn-\v- F¥v-
usually find themselves pushed to the back of {]k‡n-bm-Wp-≈Xv-?
our collective mind; matters that, for a fleeting
moment, we recognise as needing some ap-Jy-[m-c am-[y-aßsf A´n-adn-°p-Itbm-
thought, but never come back to, for lack of td‰n-wK
- n-¬ H∂m-wÿ
- m-\w- t\Sn-sbSp-°p-Itbm-
time or a space to consider them. A√ Rßfp-sS e£y-sa∂v- BZy-w- Xs∂
]dbs´. "Backsp-ace' Hcp- kz-X{¥Iq-´m-
Now, here’s the space. In this first issue we
look at.... , and.... etc. [ will fill in after we bv-abm-Wv-. Htckabw- Cw-•o-jn-ep-w- aebm-
have finalised articles] fØn-ep-w- kw-km-cn-°p-∂ {]kn-≤o-IcWw-.
Fgp-Øp-Im-c\p-w- hm-b\°m-c\p-w- XΩn-¬
This magazine is also about being the space t\cn-´v- kw-hZn-°p-∂ Hcp- thZn-bm-hp-an-Xv-. Hm-
at the back, more like the back benches of a ¨sse≥ hm- b \°m- ¿ °v - tªm- K n- e q- s S
classroom, where one exchanges in whispers
"Backsp-ace' hm-bn-°m-\p-≈ Ahkcap-
profound trivialities that are more novel and
exciting (no matter however short-lived) than ≠m-Ip-w-.
the loud, repetitive and well-planned lecture A®Sn- a m- [ y- a Øn- \ p- w - A£c߃°p- w -
on matters of great importance. C∂p- w ,- F∂p- w - {]k‡n- b p- w - i‡n- b p- a p-
Make the time to read Backspace, and we’re s≠∂v- R߃ hn-iz-kn-°p-∂p-. \n-߃°p-
sure you’ll find it engaging enough to respond, \¬Im-≥ Rßfp-sS ssIbn-¬ t{_°n-wK - v- \y-
with your appreciation, laughter or indignation. q-kp-Itfm- FIv-kv-¢q-kn-hp-Itfm- C√.
Write to us or comment on our blog, and we’ll
kz-¥w- "CSw'- AXv- F{XXs∂ sNdp-Xm-

8 Backspace

8 Backspace
take these discussions forward and have fun
with them. sW¶n-ep-w- AXp-Is≠Øm-\m-Wv- "backsp-
ace' {ian-°p-I.
Meanwhile, we expect Backspace would be
coming out less hurried and slightly more hm-bn-°p-I, t{]m-’m-ln-∏n-°p-I. Cu- ]p-
voluminous over coming issues. Xn-b ]co-£WØn-¬ ]¶m-fn-bm-hp-I
-Editor ˛FUn-‰¿
and speech balloons (be-
Finding sides passing over what
they’re trying to say), not
considering the effort that
goes into producing them.
And this may sustain the

bp-hXn-c°Ym-Ir-Øp-Ifn-¬ {it≤b\m-b
kRv-Pbp-am-bn- \SØn-b sSen-t^m-¨ A`n-ap-Jw-
Javed Imthiaz

idea that comic strips are not

worth responding to, or en-
gaging with.
But at the level of media
production, and considering

? \n-ehn-ep-≈ \m-bI k¶¬∏ßsf

A´n-adn-®p-sIm-≠m-Wv- {Sm-^n-Iv- IS∂p-
hcp-∂Xv.- CsXm-cp- sh√p-hn-fn-bm-bn-cp-∂n-
t_m-[]q-¿∆am-b {iaw- \SØn-bn-´n-√.
the medium of the comic Xn-c°Y AXv- Bhiy-s∏Sp-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-
strip itself (note that even ∂p-. Hcp-Zn-hkw- \S°p-∂ IY. Hcp-]m-Sv-
our political cartoons are Bfp-Ifp-sS Po-hn-XØn-eq-sS IS∂p-t]m-
This could very well be a MISS- “pretentious” rather dull). on politicians and very little or noth- rarely strips), perhaps the Ip-∂ IY.
ING notice: Girl aged 20. Lazy, witty, ing commenting on other dimensions most important reason may
Imagine her plight: A late-sleeping
irreverent. Last seen in a comic strip of society and culture is perhaps be that revealed by Manjula ? cm-tPjv- ]n-≈bp-sS c≠m-asØ Nn-{Xam-
20-year old making a regular weekly
in India towards the end of the 20th symptomatic of a refusal to engage in her Outlook essay: news- Wn-Xv-. BZy-sØ Nn-{Xw- h≥ ]cm-Pbam-
appearances (Bombay’s Sunday Ob-
century. Variously poses as a cabaret with, and a denial of, social problems paper editors in India find bn-cp-∂p-. {Sm-^n-°n-t‚Xp-t]m-sesbm-cp-
server, 1982 - 1986; New Delhi’s Pio-
dancer, armoured tank, etc. Along and cultural crises and conundrums. publishing syndicated west- i‡am-b Xn-c°Y cm-tPjn-s‚ Iøn-¬
neer, 1992 - 1998), and in the space
with picture, captioned Suki, and ask- ern strips cheaper and more kp-c£n-Xam-sW∂p- tXm-∂m-≥ Im-cWw?
of a few panels, exposing the foibles Another reason for the absence of
ing : Have you seen this girl? convenient. It permits them BZy-sØ Nn-{Xw- sIm-≠v- Hcp- kw-hn-
and follies of a rising middle class an engaging audience — and this I
Well, I haven’t seen her — she went (mostly), shaking our society’s rigidi- think is most true for my generation to “dodge the issue of so- [m-bIs\ hn-[n-sbgp-Xm-≥ ]m-Sn-√. aWn- j≥ B≥{Uq-km-Wv-. Rßfp-sS ASp-
missing in Bombay the year I was ties, and allowing us to confront un- — is that people get the jokes, talk cially relevant humour.” cXv-\Øn-s‚ BZy-sØ Nn-{Xw- "DWcq'- Ø c≠v- s{]m-PIv-Sp-Ifp-w- At±ltØm-
BWv-. B Nn-{Xw- I≠ Bcp-w- At±lw- sSm-∏am-W.v- (ap-ss_ t]m-eo-kv,- Im-kt\m-
born, 1986. Much later, I came to comfortable truths with a laugh. This, about it, perhaps, and leave it at that, In an exceptional move,
Ccp-htcm- tdm-Ptbm- t]m-ep-≈ Hcp- Nn- h). Hcp- kn-\n-abp-sS t_m-Iv-kv- Hm-^o-
know that she had made a brief ap- without the help of politicians and because they simply can’t be both- The New Indian Express
{Xw- kw-hn-[m-\w- sNøp-sa∂v- ]dbn-√. cm- kv- hn-Pb]cm-Pb߃ Cu- _‘ßsf
pearance in Delhi in the mid 90’s, other staple buffoons of our cliched ered to to do more. At one level, they had recently experimented
tPjv- \√ kp-lr-Øm-Wv-. Cu- kn-\n-abp- _m-[n-°m-dn-√.
only to disappear again and never and conventional public expressions with featuring indigenous
come back. of humour. Her “neurotic obsessions” strips in their weekend sS Xn-c°Y cq-]s∏Sp-Øp-∂Xn-¬ sNdp- ? {Sm-^n-Iv- t{]jI¿ kz-oI- cn-®p- Ign-™p.
and “inconsequential views” were supplement. However, in X√m-sØm-cp- ]¶v- cm-tPjn-\p-ap-≠v-. ]s£ CXn-ep-w- an-Is®m-cp- hn-Pbw- {Sm-
Through Manjula Padmanabhan’s
our own — or shared by many around January this year, they an- ? c≠p-t]¿ tN¿s∂m-cp- Xn-c°Ysbgp- ^n-Iv- A¿ln-°p-∂p-≠v-. IYbp-w- Im-ºpw-
Suki collections published over the
us, and she gave them a voice in pub- nounced the folding of the Xp-∂p-. CsXßn-s\bm-Wv- km-≤y-am-Ip- C√m-™n-´p-w- ]e aƒ´n-Ãm-¿, kq-∏¿Ãm-
last few years (Double Talk and This
lic. But Suki’s Bombay readers pro-

Manjula Padmanabhan
supplement, and the fate of ∂Xv-? km-[y-XIƒ, ]cn-an-Xn-Iƒ? ¿ Nn-{Xßfp-w- t_m-Ivk - v- Hm-^o-kn-¬ ln-
is Suki), and more recently, through
tested, and the nice people of New the cartoonists is not known. ‰m-Ip-∂p-. CsX¥p-sIm-≠-v kw-`hn-°p∂p?
an article she wrote in Outlook Xn-c°YIƒ cq-]s∏Sp-∂Xv- \n-c¥cam-
Delhi silently cold-shouldered her — Although laudable for cre- c≠v- XcØn-ep-≈ t{]jIcp-≠v.- shdp-
magazine’s 15th anniversary edition b N¿®Ifn-¬\n-∂m-Wv-. BZy-w- AsXm-
with not a single letter of response ating such a space itself, the sX kn-\n-a I≠p-t]m-Ip-∂hcp-w- kn-
(November 2010), I came to learn of cp- {Im-^v-‰m-Wv-. ]n-∂o-Sm-Wv- B¿´m-bn- am-
during her six year stint. strips have been mostly un- \asb°p-dn-®v- A`n-{]m-bw- tI´tijw-
Suki’s fate, and the reasons for her dp-∂Xv-. c≠p-t]¿ tN¿∂v- Xn-c°Ysbgp-
disappearance. Unlike I had guessed, Why such responses to this comic remarkable, and, I would Xp-∂Xn-¬ km-[y-XIƒ Gsdbp-≠v-. ]cn- kn-\n-a Im-Wm-≥ hcp-∂hcp-w-. BZy-
however, the girl hadn’t eloped with strip? India’s public figures and main- say, haven’t yet met the stan- an-Xn-Iƒ CXp-hsc A\p-`hs∏´n-´n-√. KWØn--¬ s]´h¿°v- c≠v- aWn-°q-¿
the alien who wooed her incessantly stream media lack a sense of humour, dards Suki set long ago. F‚¿‰bn-≥sa‚m-Wv- Bhiy-w.- Chcm-Wv-
? ]ecp-w- Htc kw-hn-[m-bI\p-th≠n- Xn- `q-cn-]£hp-w-. c≠m-asØ KWØn-¬
in the comic strips. She had done notes Mitali Saran (The Caravan, Au- This is not to say that c°Ysbgp-Xp-tºm-ƒ \n-ßfp-sS aq-∂v- Nn-
something more drastic. gust 2010), rightly stressing “the im- comic strips and cartoons s]´h¿ kn-\n-asb _u-≤n-Iam-bn- tNm-
{Xßfp-w- aq-∂v- hy-Xy-kv-X hy-‡n-Ifm-Wv- Zy-w- sNøp-∂p-. \Ωp-sS t{]jI¿ I≠o-
portance of not being earnest.” And are meant to be always seri-
Suki walked out on us, the English- do not proceed further and introspect kw-hn-[m-\w- sNbv-XXv-. CXv- F¥p-sIm- j\n-w-Kn-\p- Xøm-dm-Ip-∂p-. c≠v- aWn-°q-
this is true for much of the English- ously engaged with or to de-
reading Indian public, because we after the joke, at another, they wish ≠m-Wv-? ¿ Nn-cn-°Ww,- BtLm-jn-°Ww-. _p-≤n-
speaking public as well. Saran’s di- mand that they always make
never had a engaging conversation for the pleasure of being entertained AXv- kz-m-`m-hn-Iam-bn- kw-`hn-®n-´p- sIm-≠v- kn-\n-asb tNm-Zy-w- sNøm-≥
agnosis of the problem is telling: our profound social-cultural
with her. Some of us took ourselves week after week, but are too compla- ≈Xm-Wv.- Rßfp-sS thhve - ßvØ
- p-am-bn- Ah¿°v- kaban-√; As√¶n-¬ Ah¿
socialisation is still strongly hierar- statements. Their sheer joy
too seriously and bluntly found Suki cent to contribute anything them- Iq-Sp-X¬ tbm-Pn-®p-\n-¬°p-∂ kw-hn-[m- AXn-\v- Xøm-dm-Ip-∂n-√. {Sm-^n-Iv- Hcp- ]co-
chic and we are incapable of looking notwithstanding, the disap-
insulting, or we were too caught up selves — not even a letter of re- bI\p-am-bn- kn-\n-a sNøp-∂p- F∂p-am- £Wam-bn-cp-∂p-. CXv- ]cm-Pbs∏´n-cp-
at ourselves with a dispassionate eye, pearance of a strip like Suki
with our ambitious causes and careers sponse. The point that culture is col-

8 Backspace

8 Backspace
“we react badly to perceived does make one wonder if {Xw-. AØcØn-¬ Rßfp-am-bn- G‰hpw- s∂¶n-¬ R߃ I¨^y-q-kv-Uv- BIp-
in ‘liberal’-ised India to get the jokes. laborative and good fun requires en- ASp-Øp-\n-¬°p-∂ kw-hn-[m-bI≥ tdm- am-bn-cp-∂p-.
disrespect...[and] there are penalties, there’s something amiss in
Some of us, I guess, laughed (with gagement to-and-fro is lost on them.
both threatened and actual, for irrev- our society, in our reading
Suki, and at her) but just couldn’t be
bothered to write her a little letter of
appreciation or pick an interesting
erence” in this image-obsessed soci-
The perceived ‘lowliness’ of the
comic strip may be yet another ex-
public. Suki, or at least the
spirit of Suki, would return,
planation for the public apathy. It may if only we’d be more engag-
quarrel with her (of course, she Humour potently cuts to the unspo- Aßs\ samss_¬ \º¿ t]m¿´_nen‰n knÃw \nehn¬ h∂p.
be that the public takes for granted ing and yet, dispassionate
must’ve found the simplistic and un- ken and unspeakable truths in soci- C\nsb∂mWmthm aXw, PmXn t]m¿´_nen‰n {]Wb߃ km[yamIp∂Xv?
the little black and white illustrations enough to laugh and be
thinking complaints of “boring” and ety. That we have plenty of cartoons Muhammed Afzal, samaanamanaskan.blogspot.com
ready to be laughed at.
SIØn-s‚ G‰hpw- hen-b km-[y-X AXv-
t\cn-´v- t{]£II\pam-bn- kw-hZn-°p∂p.-
t{]£IcpsS {]Xn-IcWw- t\cn-´dn-bm≥- km-
[n- ° p∂p.- \m- S IØn- s ‚ ]cn- a n- X n- I ƒ-
]et∏m-gpw- km-[y-XIƒ- Xs∂bm-Wv.- kn-\n-
a dn-ben-kv-‰n-°mWv- \m-SIaßs\b√.- GXv-
XcØn-ep≈ ]co-£WØn-\pw \n-c¥cw- \m-
SIw- thZn-bm-Ipw.-
hn-ip≤ {]WbØn-s‚ ktµihpam-bn- Iq-\≥- F∂ GImw-K \m-SIw- Bbn-cw- thZn-Iƒ- ]n-∂n-Sp∂p.... tNm-: tIcfØn¬- Acßn-s‚ km-[y-X
s]m-Xpsh tIcfØn¬- Acßn-s‚ km-
Iq-\≥- aRv-Ppf≥- [y-XIƒ- Ipdhm-Wv.- Chn-sS Hcp]m-Sv- ]co-
£W߃- \S°p ∂p≠v . - ]t£ am-
[ya߃- CXv- Gs‰Sp°p∂n-√ F∂XmWv-
kXyw.- am-[y-a߃- F∂pw- sk≥-tkj\¬-
Iq-\\m-bn- Acßn¬- XI¿-Øm-Sp∂ aRv-Ppf≥- \m-SIØn-s‚ km-[y-XIsfbpw- hm¿-ØIƒ-°v- ]pdsIbm-Wv.- DZm-lcWØn-
]cn-an-XnIsfbpw- {]Xo-£Isfbpw-]‰n- kw-km-cn-°p∂p.- \v- Fs‚ {Km-aØn¬- Hcp B{iaØn¬- lcn-
{]km-Zv- Nu-cky-bpsS ]p√m-¶pg¬- It®cn-
tNm-Zyw-: kvt- ‰Pv- tjm-IfpsSbpw- dn- ssIIm-cyw- sNøp∂hbm-bn-cp∂p.- \≥- Hcp GImw-K \m-SIam-bXpsIm- bp≠m-bn-cp∂p.- ]n-t‰Zn-hksØ ]{XØn¬-
bm- e n- ‰ n- tjm- I fpsSbpw- kn- \ n- ]≠pIm-eØv- \m-SIØn-\v- P\߃- ≠m-Wv- Bbn-cw- thZn-Iƒ- ]n-∂n-Sm≥- tem-°¬- t]Pn-em-Wv- lcn-{]km-Zv- Nu-cky-
abpsSbpsam-s° AXn-{]kcw- \m- °n-Sbn¬- kzm-[o-\w- sNepØm≥- Ign- ™ Xv . - Xm- c Xtay- \ hfsc ÿm-\w- ]n-Sn-®Xv.- AtX Zn-hkw- IÆq¿-
SIØn-\v- thZn-Iƒ- \„s∏Sm≥- Im- Ign-™n-cp∂p.- C∂v- \m-SIØn-\v- sNehpw- Ipdhm-Wv.- Su¨-kv-Iz-bdn¬- \r-Øw- sNøp∂ tim-
cWam-bn-´pt≠m?- P\߃- ° n- S bn¬- bm- s Xm- c phn- [ `\bpsS If¿-Nn-{Xw- H∂mw-t]Pn-epap≠m-bn-
tNm-: ]pXn-b \m-SI߃- Fs¥¶n-
kzm-[o-\hpan-√.- Hcp Iem-cq-]w- F∂ cp∂p.- FÆØn¬- Ipdhm-sW¶n-epw- \m-
Cu- hm-Zw- icn-b√,- ]q-c]dºn-epw epw- a\kn-ept≠m?-
co-Xn-bn¬- am-{Xam-Wv- t{]£I¿- AXn- SIsØ hfsc Ku-cham-bn- hn-ebn-cpØp∂
]≈n-s]cp∂m-fn-epw- Dd°sam-gn-™v- Iq-\≥- Bbn-cw- thZn-Iƒ- ]n-∂n-
s\ t\m-°n-°m-Wp∂Xv.- Hcp t{]£Ikaq-lw- Chn-sSbp≠v.- A¥m-
a™psIm-≠v- ]m-d∏pdØpw- a‰pw- Sptºmƒ- Xs∂ ]pXpXm-bn- Fs¥¶n- cm-jv-{S \m-StIm-’hØn-\v- Kw-`n-c hcth¬-
Ccp∂v- \m-SIw- Im-Wp∂ Hcp kw-kv- tNm-: Iq-\\n-te°v- hcmw..- Fßs\ epw- sNøWsa∂ B{Klw- a\kn- ∏m-Wv- Xr-»q-cn¬- e`n-®Xv.-
Im-cw- \ap°v- Ft∂ \„am-bn.- GXv- bmWv- Iq-\≥- cq-]s∏Sp∂Xv-?- ep≠v.- t{]£Icpw- AXv- B{Kln-
IebpsSbpw- hn-PbØn-\pw-- IpSpw- tNm-: \√ \m-SI߃- P\ßfn-tes°Øn-
Hcp \m-tSm-Sn-IYbn¬- \n-∂m-Wv- °p∂p≠v.-H∂p c≠v- kv-{In-]v-‰pIƒ-
_t{]£IcpsS km-∂n-[yw- AXym- °m≥- F¥m-Wv- sNtø≠Xv- ?-
Iq-\≥- cq-]s∏Sp∂Xv.- Pb{]Im-iv- Iq- N¿-®bn-ep≠v.-
hiy-am-Wv.- IpSpw-_tØm-sS FØn- fq-cm-Wv- Iq-\s‚ cN\ \n¿-hln-®n- \ΩpsS \m-´n¬- Xo-b‰¿- F∂m¬- kn-
\m- S Iw Im- W p∂hcpsS FÆw- tNm-: \m-SIw,-- sSen-hn-j≥,- kn-\n-a \n-am-im-e Fs∂m-c¿-∞tabp≈p F∂m¬-
cn-°p∂Xv.- Ign-™ Ggv- h¿-jam-bn- Cu- aq-∂v- am-[y-aßfn-epw- Xm-¶ƒ-
\t∂ Ipd™p.- kv-t‰dPv- tjm-bpw- Iq-\≥- Acßn¬- kPo-ham-Wv.- a‰p cm-Py-ßfn¬- Xo-b‰¿- \m-SIim-eIq-Sn-
dn-bm-en-‰n tjm-bpw- kPo-ham-Ipw- {]h¿-Øn-®n-´p≠v.- CXn¬- G‰hpw- bmWv.- a‰v- cm-Py-ßfn¬- hsc t]m-tI≠
aptº CXv- kw-`hn-®n-´p≠v.- C∂v- tNm-: Iq-\≥- \¬-Ip∂ ktµiw?- kwXr-]vX- n- e`n-®Xv- GXn¬- \n-∂m-Wv.- \ΩpsS Ab¬- kw- ÿ m- \ am- b I¿- Æ m-
t{]£I¿- dn-bm-en-‰n-tjm-bv-°pw- kv- Iq-\≥- \¬-Ip∂ ktµiw- kv- \m-SIam-Wv- Iq-SpX¬- Xr-]v-Xn- SIbn¬- C∂v- ÿn-cw- \m-SIthZn-Ifp≠v.-
t‰Pv- tjm-bv-°pw- Iq-SpX¬- kabw- t\lamWv.- kv-t\ln-°pI.- D]m-[n- \¬-Ip∂Xv.- \m-SIw- kn-\n-atb°mƒ- k¿-°m-dn-\v- Nn-eXp sNøm-\m-hpw.- A¥m-cm-
Is≠Øp∂p F∂Xv- hm-kv-Xhw.- Ifn√m-Ø kv-t\lØn-s‚,- hn-ip≤ t{i„am-bXpsIm-≠√ adn-®v- F\n-°v- jv-{S \m-StIm-’khw- Xn-I®pw- \s√mcp
tNm-- : Hcp kabØv- \m-SI߃- {]WbØn-s‚,- X - ym-KØn-s‚ IYbm- Iq- S pX¬- A\p`hkºØpw- {iaam-Wv.- F√m- Pn-√Ifn-epw- Bgv-Nbn¬-
km-aq-ln-I A\o-Xn-Isfbpw- km-aq- Wv- Iq-\\p ]dbm-\p≈Xv.- hg°hpap≈ taJe \m-SIam-Wv.- Ipd™Xv- c≠v- Zn-hksa¶n-epw- \m-SIw-
ln-I hy-hÿIsfbpsam-s° tNm- tNm-: Iq-\≥- Hcp GImw-K\m-SIam- kn-\n-abn-epw- sSen-hn-j\n-epw- {]Xy- sNøm-\p≈ Ahkcap≠m-IWw.- \m-SIw-
Zyw- sNbv-Xn-cp∂p.- P\Io-b {]iv- Wt√m GImw- K \m- S IØn- s ‚ £s∏Sm-dps≠¶n-epw- Fs‚ X´Iw- shdptX Im-tW≠ H∂m-sW∂ [m-cW
\߃- ssIIm-cyw- sNbv-Xn-cp∂p.- {]k‡n- F¥m-Wv?- \m-SIw- Xs∂bm-Wv.- ]q¿-Æamm-bn-] \ap°n- S bn- e p≠v . - AXpamdWw.- Rm≥-
C∂v- \m-SIw- CXn¬- \n-∂pw- ]n-t∂m- \m-SIthZn-bn¬- kPo-hambn- Xs∂ F√mbn-SØpw- ]dbp∂ Hcp Im-cyw- bYm¿-
GImw- K \m- S IØn- \ v- Xo¿- D≈ hy-‡n-bm-Wv- Rm≥.- ∞ \m-SIw- hn-e sIm-SpØp Xs∂ Im-WWw.-
´v- t]m-bn-´n-t√?- ®bmbpw- {]k‡n-bp≠v.- Hcp {Sq-∏v-
tNm-: kn-\n-abpam-bn- Xm-cXayw- AºXv- cq-] sIm-SpØv- Hcp \m-SIw- Im-
P\Io-b {]iv-\߃- ssIIm-cyw- \m-SIw- sNøptºmƒ- AXn¬- {]m- Wptºmƒ- Itkcbv° - pw- sshZy-pXn-°psa¶n-
sNøptºm-ƒ- \m-SIØn-s‚ km-[y-

8 Backspace

8 Backspace
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At]£n-®v- AtaNz¿- \m-SIthZn- A`nt\Xm°fpsSbpw- AWn- b d
Ifn¬- Ct∏m-gpw- CØcw- \mSI߃- {]h¿- Ø IcpsSbpw- ]q¿- Æ am- b kn-\n-abn-epw- \m-SIØn-epsa√mw- tNm-: aRv-Ppfs‚ `m-hn- ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ- ?-
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tIcfw- CStØm-t´m- hetØm-t´m-?
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Bdp-am-k߃°v- ap-ºp-hsc tIm- \m-SIo-bam-b kw-`hhn-Im-k߃s°m- tPm-bn- bp-Un-F^v- ]m-fbØn-
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D≠m-bn-cp-∂Xv-. F∂m-¬ A\p-Iq-e gbn-¬ \n-∂v- At±lw- P\hn-[n- tXSp-w-. ]cn-X]n-® kn-‘p-tPm-bn- tIm-¨{Kkn-
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{]Jy-m-]n-®p-Ign-™p-. F∂m-¬ A©p-
h¿jw- {]Xn-]£ t\Xm-hm-bn- Xn-fßn-b
ANy-p-Xm-\µs‚ \n-g¬ am-{Xam-Wv- ap-Jy-
a{¥n- b m- b hn- F kn- ¬ Im- W m- \ m- b Xv - .
F¶n- e p- w - hn- F kv - Hcp- hn- I m- c am- b n-
P\ßfn-¬ AebSn-°p-∂p-≠v.- {]Nm-cW
thZn-Ifn-¬ F√m-w- h≥ kz-o-IcWam-Wv-
kJm-hn-\v- e`n-°p-∂Xv-. F¥p-sNøm-w- 140
afießfn-ep-w- a’cn-°m-≥ hn-Fkn-\v-
DΩ≥Nm-≠n-°p- ]p-dta ssl°am-‚ n-
s‚ t\cn-´p-≈ \n-¿t±i{]Im-cw- ctaiv-
sN∂n-Øebp-w- sXcs™Sp-∏v- tKm-[bn-
¬ Cdßn-btXm-sS Bcm-Ip-w- ap-Jy-a{¥n-
ÿm-\m-¿∞n-sb∂ Bib°p-g∏w- \n-
e\n-¬°p-∂p-. Ign-™ A©p-sIm-√sØ
CSXp-`cWØn-s\Xn-sc P\߃ hn-[n-
sbgp-Xp-w- F∂p-Xs∂bm-Wv- bp-Un-F^v-
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¿Øm-\m-Ip-sa∂v- tIm-¨{Kkv- {]Xo- sI. ap-cfo-[cs‚ ]p-\{]thiw- Xp-Sßn- adbv - ° p- ap- ≥ ]n- ¬ s]m- ´ n- s ]m- ´ n-
£n-°p-∂p-. b LSI߃ X߃°p-w- A\p-Iq-eam- Ic™p-.
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Xn-b shfn-s∏Sp-Øep-Ifp-w- CSaebm- ]©m- b Øv - sXcs™Sp- ∏ n- ¬ Ncn- CsXm-s° Chscm-cp- kn-\n-abn-em-Wv-
¿ tIkn-¬ _m-eIr-jv-W]n-≈sb kp- {XØn-se G‰hp-w- hen-b ]cm-Pbw- G‰p- sNbv-Xn-cp-∂sX¶n-¬ A`n-\bØn-\p-
{]o-w-tIm-SXn- in-£n-®Xp-w- kv-am-¿´v-kn- hm-ßn-b CSXp-ap-∂Wn-°v- `cWw- \n-e\n- ≈ ]e Ahm- ¿ Up- w - Chsc tXSn-
‰n- Icm- ¿ H∏n- ´ Xp- w - Ahkm- \ am- ¿Øm-≥ Gsd hn-b¿t°≠n-hcp-w-. hn- sbØp-am-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂v- Dd∏v-. tIm-
kßfn- ¬ CSXp- a p- ∂ Wn- b p- s S Ik\tØ°m-ƒ P\t£a ]≤Xn-Iƒ°v- ¨{Kkv- hn-´ Pbm- Um-fn-bp-w- Ão-^≥
ssatePv- A¬]w- h¿≤n-∏n-®n-´p-≠v-. Du- ∂ ¬ \¬In- b m- W v - F¬Un- F ^v - tPm-¿Pp- F¬Un-F^v- ]n-¥p-Wtbm-sS
Cu- hn- j b߃ tIm- ¨ {Kkn- \ v - {]IS\ ]{Xn-I ]p-dØn-d°n-bn-cn-°p-∂Xv. a’cn-°p-w-. Pao-e \o-etem-ln-XZm-kv-
XethZ\ kr-„n-°p-∂p-≠v-. tIm-hfØp-\n-∂p- a’cn-°p-∂ dm-_v-

8 Backspace

8 Backspace
`q-am-^n-bs°Xn-scbp-w- s]¨hm-Wn-
ÿm-\m-¿∞n-]´n-I \n-¿Æbhp-w- tIm- `°m-¿s°Xn-scbp-w- Agn-aXn-°m-¿s°Xn- dn- tZhn-bm-hp-w-.
¨{Kkv- Iy-m-ºn-¬ {]iv-\߃ kr-„n- scbp-w- t]m-cm-´w- \bn-°p-sa∂v- ]dbp-∂ hn-hm-Zßfp-w- {Kq-∏p-hg°p-Ifp-w- Xn-
®n-cp-∂p-. LSII£n-Ifp-am-bn- ko-‰p- hn-Fkn-\v- BZy-w- sh´n-\n-ctØ≠n-hcn-I cn- ® Sn- I fp- w - ad∂v- AWn- I ƒ
[m-cWbp-≠m-°m-≥ Gsd I„s∏´p-. kz- ¥ w- ]m- ¿ ´n- b n- s e ip- { Zi‡n- I sf sXcs™Sp- ∏ v - XfØn- ¬ DW¿∂p-
A¿lcm-b ]e¿°p-w- ko-‰p-Iƒ \n- Xs∂bm-hp-w-. {]h¿Øn-®p-. Bcm-Ip-w- tIcfw- `cn-°p-
tj[n-°s∏s´∂p-w- s]bv-sa‚ v-ko-‰p- sXcs™Sp-∏p- Im-eØv- adp-I≠w- Nm- I? Ncn-{Xw- Bh¿Øn--°p-tam- AtXm-
Iƒ Ds≠∂p-w- tIm-¨{Kkv- Iy-m-ºn- Sp- ∂ Xv - ]p- Ø cn- b √. A¬t^m- ¨ kv - Xn- c p- Ø s∏Sp- t am- ? Im- Ø n- c n- ° m- w -
¬ Xs∂ Bt£]hp-w- AS°w- ]d®n- IÆ¥m-\w- F¬Un-F^n-¬ \n-∂v- _n- P\hn-[n-°m-bn-.

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