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Hawassa University

Department of Mathematical and Physical science

specialzation in Materials science
Seminar on Magnetic Materials

by Dinsefa Mensur
may 18/2011
Out line

Key words

History of magnetic materials

How Magnetic behavieour arise?

Clasification of magnetic materials

Properties of magnetic materials

Application of magnetic materials

I. History of magnetic materials
- The term Magnetism comes from the ancient
Greek city of Magnesia, at which many natural
magnets as lodestones (also spelled load
stone; lode means to lead or to attract) which
contain magnetite, a natural magnetic material
- Serieous efferts to use the power hidden in
magnetic materials were made much later.
- In 18th century smaller pieces of magnetic
materials were combined in to a larger magnetic
body that was found to have quite a substantial
lifting power.
-In 1820 Oersted discoverd that magnetic field coud
be generated with an electric current.
-In 1825 sturgeon successfully used this knowledge
to produce the first electromagnet.
-Gauss, Maxwell and Faraday(1831) has
contribution on magnetism from the theoretical
- Curie and Weiss succeeded in clarifying the
phenomenon of spontaneous magnetization and
its temperature dependant
-Weiss postulated the existence of magnetic
-The properties of the wallss of such magnetic
domains were studied in detail by Bloch, Landua
and Neel
II How Magnetic behavieour arise?

The motion of electron in an atome causes
magnetic field

Two kinds of motion carry on the electron
1)moves around the nucleus
2) spins about its axis
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There fore an atom has two magnetic moment

When we observe the electronic structure and
quantume number each discrete energy level
could contain two electron, each having opposite
spin hence the magnetic moments of each
electron pair in an energy level are opposed,
consequantly whenever an energy level is
completely full, there is no net magnetic moment.

Besed on this reasoning we expect any atom of
an electron with an odd atomic number to have
net magnetic moment from the unpaired
electron but this is not the case.

How ever certain elements such as the transition
metals have an inner energy level that is not
completely filled that are the element scandium
through copper

The Atomic structure of Sc-Cu

Excpt for cr and cu the valance electron in the 4s
level are paired.the unpaired electrons in cr and
cu are caceled by interactions with other atoms.
Cu has completely filled 3d shell and thus
doesn't display a net moment
●The elements in 3d level of the remaining transition
elements do not enter the shells in pairs hence they
have net magnetic moments so behaves as a
magnetic dipole
III Clasification of magnetic materials

Inorder for a material to exhibit magnetic
properties /behaveour there must be some form
of ordering amongst the magnetic moments

Besed on this magnetic moment ordering we can
clasifay magnetic materials mainly as follows:-




● Ferrimagnetic

1) Diamagnetic materials

A magnetic field acting on any atom induces a
magnetic dipole for the entire atom by
influencing the magnetic moment caused by the
orbiting electrons. These dipoles oppose the
magnetic field,causing the magnetization to be less
than zero

Gives a relative permebility of about less than one
or -ve susceptibility

Cu,Ag,Au alumina are Diamagnetic at room temp
2) Paramagnetic materials

When materials have unpaired electrons a net
magnetic moment due to electron spin is
associated with each atom.

When a magnetic field is applied, the dipoles line up
with the field, causing a +ve magnetization.

Extremely large magnetic fields are required to align
all of the dipoles

The effect is lost as soon as the magnetic field is

Al,Ti and alloys of copper

The relative permeability of paramagnetic materials
lies b/n 1 and 1.01
3) Ferromagnetic materials

Ferromagnetic behavior is casued by the unfilled
energy levels in the 3d.The permanent unpaired
dipoles easily line up with the imposed magnetic
field due to the exchange interaction

Large magnetization is obtained even for small
magnetic field,relative permeabilities as high as
● 106
Fe,Ni,Co also Gd(at room temperature)
4) Antiferromagnetic materials

The magnetic moments produced in neighboring
dipoles line up in the opposition to one another
in magnetic field,even though the strenght of
each dipole is very high.

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5) Ferrimagnetic materials

Different ions have different magnetic moments.In

magnetic field,the dipoles of ion A may line up

with the feild, while dipoles of ion B oppose the
field.but b/c the strength of the dipoles are not
equal, a net magnetization results

Ferrimagnetic materials can provide good
amplification of the imposed field.

A group of ceramics called ferrites display this

Ferrites are ceramic materials containing compounds
of iron (used as atransformer cores at radio

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