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Programming Concepts in

C++ [Group Assignment]


We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the people who helped us to
accomplish this project. We owe our deepest gratitude and sincere thanks go to our
respected professor Ms Nazura and our head of the IT department Ms. Vishnupriya
Raghavan. This project would not have been completed without their valuable support and
guidance and motivation throughout the course.

In this opportunity we would also like to thank our institute, Bangalore Management
Academy (BMA), for providing us with all the required laboratory and library facilities for all
our references and for creating a very friendly atmosphere which as a whole helped us to
achieve our goal.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 1

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Table of contents



Application C++________________________________________________04

Staff Personnel System__________________________________________06


OOPs concepts_________________________________________________08



Class diagram__________________________________________________10

Test Strategies_________________________________________________13





Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 2

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]


C++ Language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories in early
1980’s. But C++ language is still used by software developers or programmers for
developing software applications, device drivers for electronic hardware. The reasons behind
this are the powerful features of C++ like the Object Oriented Features allows developers or
programmers to build bigger programs with extensibility, simplicity and ease of maintenance.
C++ is a superset of C Language where important features that add to C Language are
classes, inheritance, function overloading and operator overloading. These features help in
creation of abstract data types, inherit properties from existing data types and also by
supporting polymorphism makes C++ fully Object Oriented Language.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 3

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Applications of C++

C++ is a versatile language for handling very large programs. It is suitable for virtually any
programming task including development of editors, compilers, databases, communication
system and any complex real-life application systems.

 Since C++ allows us to create hierarchy-related objects, we can build special object-
oriented libraries which can be used later by many programmers.
 While C++ is able to map the real world problem properly, the C part of C++ gives
the language the ability to get close to the machine-level details.
 C++ programs are easily maintainable and expandable. When a new features needs to
be implemented, it is very easy to add to the existing structure of an object.
 It is expected that C++ will replace C as general purpose language in near future.

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Benefits of OOPs

Object Oriented Programming offers several benefits to both the programmer and the user.
Object Orientation helps in the development and quality of software products. The new
technology promises greater programmer productivity, better quality of software and lesser
maintenance cost. The principle advantages are:

 Inheritance helps to eliminate redundant code and extend the use of existing classes.
 Less development time and higher productivity.
 Data hiding principle helps the programmer to build secure programs.
 It is possible to have multiple instances of an object to co-exist without any inference.
 New Data and functions can be easily added whenever necessary.
 It is easy to partition the work in a project based on objects.
 Software complexity can be easily managed.

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Staff Personnel System

We have developed a Win32 console application to store, search, edit and view personnel
information of the staff in the company based on different access priority as mentioned in the
project. This application will be used by the Administrator, Human Resource personnel, and
the staff. The main purpose of this application is to store and edit the complete personal
record of each staff in the company. In addition as evidence of our project we have included,
a document to reflect the design of the implementation codes and the implementation details
that utilises the OOP concepts.


The main objective is to develop the practical ability to describe, to justify and implement an
object oriented system. The main purpose of this application is to store and edit the complete
personal record of each staff in the company.

Description and Justification

The Staff personnel management system is used to manage staff in an organisation where
different staff has different user levels to use the system. The scope of this system is that
we have three major levels of staff that is the normal staff, human resource and
Administrator. Each staff has a different permission level and actions they can perform.

The Staff can perform the following activities, where the priority of access is low

 View personal details

 Login / logout
 Exit System

The Human resource Staff can perform the ones listed below

 Exit System
 Login / logout
 Add Staff
 View staff

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 6

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

 Edit Staff
 Search Staff

The Administrator have the highest level of authority in the system, amongst the activities the
administrative can perform are listed below:

 Exit System
 Login /logout
 Add Staff and Human Resource Staff
 View Staff and Human Resource Staff
 Edit Staff and Human Resource Staff
 Search Staff and Human Resource Staff

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]


Object Oriented Programming Concepts used:

A Class binds the data and its associated functions together. It allows the data and function to
be hidden, if necessary, from external use. Class has two parts:

1.) Class declaration describes the type and scope of its members.

2.) Class function describes how the class functions are implemented.

class Menus
private :
char choice;
char name[30];
char icNum[3];
char sName[30];
char gender[10];
char maritalstatus[20];
char nationality[20];
char department[20];
char designation[20];
char joinDate[10];
char sPassword[10];
char key;
public :
void mainmenu();///////////////////////Main Menu
void managesdata();////////////////////Manage Module
void searchModule();///////////////////Search Module
void linModule();//////////////////////Log In Module
void loutModule();/////////////////////Log out Module

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 8

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

void exitModule();/////////////////////Exit Module

void addStaff();///////////////////////Add Staff Module
void updateStaff();////////////////////Update Module
void getStaff();
void putStaff();



Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of objects of
another class. It supports the concept of hierarchical classification. The principle behind this
sort of division is that each derived class shares common characteristics with the class from
which it is derived. Here in OOP, the concept provides the idea of reusability of code, so the
programmer or the user doesn’t have to write the same code repeatedly.

Inheritance involves subclasses and super classes. Subclasses are more specialized
versions of a class, which inherit attributes and behaviors from their parent classes, and can
introduce their own. Each subclass can alter its inherited traits.

class HumanResource : public Menus

public :
void hrmain();
class OStaff : public Menus
void stfmain();

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]


The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit is known as encapsulation. Data
encapsulation is the most striking feature of the class. The data is not accessible to the outside
world, only the functions wrapped in the class can access it. These provide the interface
between the object’s data and the program. This insulation of the data from direct access by
the program is called data hiding or information hiding.

void Menus::getStaff()
char gSchoice,gDchoice;
Menus gStaff;
cout<<"Add Staff"<<"\n";
cout<<"Staff Name__________: "; cin>>name;
cout<<"IC_Number___________: "; cin>>icNum;
cout<<"Gender______________: "; cin>>gender;
cout<<"Marritial Status____: "; cin>>maritalstatus;
cout<<"Nationality_________: "; cin>>nationality;

cout<<"\nSelect Department"<<"\n";
cout<<"1. IT "<<"\n";
cout<<"2. HR "<<"\n";
cout<<"3. Finance "<<"\n";
cout<<"4. Other "<<"\n\n";
cout<<"Enter your choice :";

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 10

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

else if(gSchoice=='2')
else if(gSchoice=='3')
else if(gSchoice=='4')

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Class Diagram

Test Strategies

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 12

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]


Invalid username
Access denied. As expected
and password.
Valid username and
Enters to the System As expected

System stays in the

Invalid input As expected
same page

Enter 1 for Manage Enters to a menu for

Staff Data adding, searching

As expected
and updating of staff

Logs out to the login

Enter 2 to Logout As expected

Exits the system

Enter 3 to Exit As expected
with a confirmation

System stays in the

Invalid input As expected
same page

Displays a menu
where staff data is
Enter 1 add staff As expected
entered with
different details
Manage Staff Data
Enters another menu
(HR and where a particular
Administrator) staff data is viewed
Enter 2 to Search As expected
and can be edited or
all staff data can be

Go back to the
Enter 3 to Go back As expected
previous menu

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 13

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

System stays in the

Invalid input As expected
same page

Enter 1 to search
staff by name,
IC_Number, Display Staff Files
according to the As expected
Search and Update search selected
Staff Data()
Department etc

Enter 2 to search
whole staff data and Display all staff files As expected
update if needed which is stored

Go back to the
Enter 3 to go back As expected
previous menu


Validation of password

if(strcmp (sName,"admin") == 0)
if(password==sPassword /*&& strcmp (name,sName) == 0*/)
cout<<"admin inside now\n";

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 14

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

cout<<"Incorrect Password";

Validation of Search

fstream Myfile;
Myfile.open ("Staff_Dat.txt",ios::in|ios::out);


while((offset = line.find(search,offset)) != string::npos)

int g=Myfile.tellp();

Myfile.read((char *)&SA_Data, sizeof SA_Data);


offset = offset++;



Add Data

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 15

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Confirm Exit

Main menu

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 16

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Main Screen 1

Manage Staff

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Search By Name

Search by Main

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Update Data

Updated Data

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

User Name Password


Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 20

Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]

Software technology has evolved through a series of phases during the last five decades.
Object Oriented Programming was invented to overcome the drawbacks of Procedure
Oriented Programming.

Staff Personnel System development has helped us to learn about various aspects of OOP
concepts in C++. Throughout this project we have gained a broad horizon of knowledge
about the process of developing, designing and implementing a system through C++. The
project as a whole has helped us build our knowledge in all the stages, procedures and rules
involved developing the system.

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Programming Concepts in
C++ [Group Assignment]



Balagurusamy 4rd Edition, 2010, Object oriented programming with C++ Tata McGraw Hill
India .


C++ - OOPs Concepts ,http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/[accessed on 06th March 2011]

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 2 22

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