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Arudha and Upapada Chapter

Compilation from BHPS

by Rafal Gendarz
• Arudha Lagna Chapter
o 11 from AL – some planet influencing – nappy and rich
 benefic – virtous
 malefic – questionable means
 exaltation or friend – many gains
 If all planets are aspecting then one will be king
 Argala also should be checked
 11 from AL aspected by all planets while 12 from AL – none – uninterrupted
o 12 from AL – if recieves aspects by benefics and malefics – plenty of expenses
 benefic – fair means
 malefic – foul means

Yoga (in 11 or 12 from AL for gains and Indication (*Gains/Expenses from)

expenses respectively)
Venus, Sun, Rahu Through King
Mercury and influence of benefic Relatives of mother
Mercury and influence of malefic Disputes
Jupiter and some aspect Taxes and for self
Saturn and Mars Brothers

7 from AL Indication
Rahu / Ketu Stomach diseases
Ketu+Malefic Adventurous, grey hair and sign of old age
Jupiter, Venus, Moon (or one of them) Wealthy
Exalted benefic or malefic Great name and fame
o This can be also checked from Karakamsa
o This can be also checked in 2 from AL

2 from AL Indication
Mercury Lord over country
Venus Poet or orator

If A7 is in Kendra Kona to AL and A7 occupied by strong planets the native will be wealthy and
famous, if the A7 is in Dushtana from AL native will be poor.
• Upapada Charter

o UL
 If influenced by benefis – full hapiness from wife and sons
 If influenced by malefics – ascetic, mendicant, without wife
 Sun is not malefic (if not in bad avastha)
o 2 from UL
 Benefic influence – hapiness from wife and son
 Debilitated / Debilitated Amsa / Malefic planet – destroyer of wife
 Exalted / Exalted Amsa / Exalted benefic –many charming and virtous wives
 Gemini – many wives
 If UL Lord or 2 from UL Lord is in own sign – death of wife in advanced age
o Family of wife
 Noble family – lord of UL exalted
 Poor family – lord of UL debilitated
o Beauty
 Benefic in 2 from UL
Yoga (in 2 from UL) Affliction
Saturn and Rahu Give up wife due to calumny or she will be
Venus and Ketu Bleeding and Leucorrhea
Mercury and Ketu Breakege of bones
Rahu, Saturn and Sun Bone fever
Mercury and Rahu Stoud bodied wife
Sun and Mars in Mercury or Mars Rasi Nasal disorders
Jupiter and Saturn Ears/eyes disorder
Mars and Mercury (not in own) Dental disorders
Rahu and Jupiter Dental disorders
Saturn and Rahu in Saturn signs Windy disorders or lameness
If benefics aspects This above will not come to pass

o The same affects should be known from 7 from AL, UL from its Lord and its Amsa.
• About Sons:

9 from UL Indication
Saturn, Moon and Mercury No son at all
Sun, Rahu, Jupiter Many sons
Moon One son
Mars Saturn No son or adopted one
Odd sign Many sons
Even sign Few sons

o If there is UL in Leo and influenced by Moon – few issues

o And Virgo there – many daughters
• About Siblings
Graha’s in 3H/11H from AL Indication
Saturn and Rahu Destroyer of brothers
Venus (or in 8 from L/AL) Abortion
Moon Jupiter, Mercury,Mars Many brothers
Saturn No brothers
Ketu Hapiness from Sisters

Other indication:

• 6 from AL malefic – native is a thief

• Rahu in 7 or 12 from AL – learned & fortunate
• Mercury in AL – king of whole country
• Jupiter in AL – have all knowledge
• Venus in AL – poet
• 2 from UL or AL benefic – wealthy & intelligent
• 2 from L in 2 from UL with malefic – thief
Graha in 2 from the 7L from UL Indication
Rahu Projected teeth
Ketu Dumb
Saturn Ugly

Om Tat Sat

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