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I BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-63

| Christ because of his pure deliverancefromevil that he would inherit with the Father all things found purified and sanctified
to the way and belief in the Father who was the Father of his mortal elements undiluted from the race of men who had no
degree of overcoming except an atonement be made with the elements of mortal flesh bound to the element of the immortal
spirit. And the charge is given of the Father Elohim even the Father of the mortal elements of the Christ who overcame all
mortal element inherited from his mother Mary who espoused to Joseph never partook of the seed of Joseph, but partook of
the seed of the God of Heaven even Elohim who was transfigured in the flesh to inhabit a dominion with the girl- woman
Mary who in purity as the guest of eternal righteousness was found pure and holy of mortal virginity to the pure- untainted
blood of inheritance even the blood of righteousness of spirit abide with her in the purity of thought and eternal knowledge
as her spirit overcame the world to the transfigured appearance of the Father Elohim in the flesh penetrated the veil of the
temple unto whom was given the covenant to partake of the sacred covenant of dominion to enter the flesh to abide the
sacred ordinance and sacred overcoming of the world to transfer the seed of perfection dominion to the woman Mary in an
holy transfer of righteousness to abide in the way and foreordained knowledge whereupon was given the way and eternal
vision to provide a Redeemer to the world even that the Redeemer of element would abide in a mortal framework to the
sacrificing of the things of righteousness to be granted to the world who come to the knowledge of the perfected ordinance
of transfigured dominance to find the peace in the knowledge of righteousness even as the Father inhabiteth the way to
obtain the perfect union on the earth to bring the elements of rebirth to the mortal elements of corruption even that the blood
of the Father might abide in the blood of the Son Jesus Christ to be found an overcoming propitiation for righteousness
upon the earth even that the Father doth prepare the way that the Son Jesus might inherit of the quality of eternal
righteousness even the blood- atonement capacity to overcome the world even as the Father brought forth the sacred blood
of union through the implantation of the marriage seed of covenant to bring a knowledge of all righteousness— and the
overcoming elements of perfected righteousness might be found in the Son who is called Son because of the eternal seed of
the Father who delivereth his Son of his flesh to overcome the mortal boundaries of corruption inherent in the mortal blood
upon the earth to find the way of obeying and the way of listening to the voice of everlasting dominion even as the voice of
the Father is heard in the blood of the Son even that the overcoming element might be found purified in the Son Jesus and
found purified in the flesh of the Son Jesus and purified in the mind of the Son Jesus and purified in the overcoming ear of
the Son Jesus to the overcoming the elements of the flesh abiding upon the earth in a mortal framework and element. So be
it given to thee to understand the necessity to overcome the fear of the flesh of the mortal blood as the flesh abideth not in
perfected righteousness except it be transfigured in the perfected season of the transfer of perfect dominion in the holy name
of the Lord Jesus Christ to quicken and bring forth the name of Jesus Christ upon the body and spirit to overcome as did the
elements transfigured through the blood of the Father because of the Son Jesus who is the literal Son of God because the
blood of the mortal flesh is brought into submission as the blood of the Father is transfigured to consume the weakness of
the mortal blood to the transfer of power and the transfer of love and the transfer of perfected dominion to the abiding of the
things of righteousness found abiding within the elements of the blood of the Father who inhabiteth a knowledge and
spiritual element perfected, even perfected element of godliness, even perfected element of righteousness, even perfected
element of dominion, an everlasting dominion abiding in the name of the Father and placed upon the Son in the transfer of
mortal title to inherit an overcoming nature as the blood of the Father diluteth the mortal blood of the inherited- mortal
element from the mother even Mary. And the things of God are brought forth to the heart of man to quicken an intelligence
and overcoming capacity to abide in the yoke of discipleship upon whom it is given to overcome all things to the upbuilding
of the kingdom of God upon the earth. So be it written and given unto thee to understand the perfectness of the Father as
inherited by the Son Jesus who passes on the pure blood of the Father to the overcoming element found transfigured in
perfected righteousness, even as the things of God are found prepared to recall a knowledge of all things, even that thy mind
and spirit would recall the words of spirit given unto thee unto the cutting of a covenant of the Father upon thee in the name
of the Son Jesus Christ who would descend upon thy heart unto the filling of thy heart with the knowledge of eternal life
even as the words given unto thee that ye partake of the pure blood of the Father through the redeeming blood of the Son
even that thine elements partake of the capacity to overcome the world even as Jesus overcame the world even that the pure-
believing blood of the Son is the pure lineage of the Father even that the pure of Israel might partake of the pure- redemptive
blood of the Son Jesus Christ who overcame the world of sin and malaise through his divine nature as the Son of God
through the blood of the Father inherited as an offering in pure righteousness even as the Father overcame the boundaries of
the world in submission to the great plan of happiness reinstated into the world by the believing blood of the Father as
transferred to the Son Jesus by the mercy and righteousness of the blood elements of sacrificial elements residing in the
redeemed components of the righteousness element of the pure blood of righteousness abiding in the Father because of the
nature and perfected redemptorship of worlds without number in the overcoming of all obstacle in the portage pathway to
transfer to the earth through the righteousness element the things of godliness and the things of a redeemed birth even found
in the transfer of righteousness to the Son even the Son of God to a knowledge of all things even a knowledge of perfected
righteousness abiding in embryo through the virgin birth to the overcoming knowledge transferred through the blood of the

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductoryunpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E~63

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