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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft__E-64

Father to the Son born of noble heritage to overcome the world and the doctrinal philosophies of the world. So be it written
that ye might give thanks unto God for the reconveying of the rights and privileges to thee as ye obtain the sentinel approval
within thine own mind and heart and walk past the gates wherein is stored this remembrance even as ye in purity inhabit the
capacity to overcome the world of perfected faith and righteousness even that ye would abide in the transfer of perfected
| knowledge even in the transfer of the pure blood of the Father through the righteousness of love even the pure love of Christ
that ye would abide in the doctrine restored unto thee in that ye would abide the time and sequence of righteousness upon
thy mind and heart even that the way and orifice of eternal longevity and bestowed communication might attend thee in the
way outlined in the doctrine of transfigured knowledge as a blood of righteousness, even the knowledge of eternal
righteousness, even the way outlined in the revealed way of Christ that the doctrine of regeneration and spiritual wholeness
might be found upon thy mind and heart in the holy name of righteousness in the name of the beloved and Only Begotten of
the Father even the Father of the flesh as well as the Father of the eternal spirit even the Father of the holy- redemptive Son
of God who redeemed all mankind through an infinite atonement brought forth to stand throughout eternity in the name and
blood of the Father who brought forth the knowledge of the redemption that the inhabitants of the earth might partake of the
holy offering of the Father in the name of the Son who bringeth forth the immortal elements of the Father to the transfigured
knowledge of the Son who redeemeth the elements of the repentant and believing of Christ who bear the name of Christ and
who overcome the world in the name of Christ to the confounding of all false doctrine found in the world to the
transfiguring upon the earth of perfect righteousness of the Father to the elements found in faith in the name of Jesus Christ
even the elements of redeemed receivership of the name and blood of Jesus Christ even the redeemed- atonement knowledge
of progression and of perfected obedience even the redeemed way to abide in the way of truth and uprightness. So be it
given unto thee to know of the elements in thy blood which are the elements of the transfigured knowledge of perfected
righteousness. So be it of the Father through the Son Jesus Christ unto thee as the element of perfected righteousness doth
abide in thee to the configuring of the way opened before thy view as ye walk into the presence of the Father in the name of
the Son Jesus Christ who is Christ according to the atonement made with the blood of the Father upon the brow unto the
knowledge and way of righteousness revealed in the sacred name of delivered knowledge of the pure blood of the Father. So
be it written to stand throughout eternity testifying of the transfer of the blood of righteousness even as ye heard the words
. cut into thy heart as spirit descended to cut a covenant of compliance to the voice of living righteousness even the living
righteousness of the pure blood of the Son of God to redeem thee from the blood and sins of the world which inhabiteth the
earth in a corrupted state and upon whom is given the command to overcome the world to the transfiguration of the pure
blood of the Father through the redemption of the Son of God which abideth upon thy head in the transference of the
covenant of everlasting days and the covenant of everlasting nights even the eternal covenant of regeneration and renewal
through the pure blood of the Father to abide in the knowledge of the pure blood of the Son even Jesus Christ who
redeemeth thy blood to partake of the pure blood of the Father in the holy name of the Redemptor Jesus of Nazareth. So be
it written and given unto thee to obtain the sequence of life everlasting through the redemption process of the blood of
Christ placed upon thee in the holy name of Elohim who transfigures the blood of redemption through the redemption
sacrifice and atonement of the Son even Jesus who maketh restitution for thee even by his blood and requireth of thee to
refrain from the ways and pernicious attitudes abiding within the world even as ye give of the pure ye shall abide the pure
knowledge of discipleship even abide the day of the face of the Lord Jesus Christ within thy remembrance that ye would
obtain the remembrance of the blood of Jesus Christ spilt for thee in the holy ground- discipleship offering of the sacrificing
Savior of the World, even that thy name has been inscribed in the Book of the Lamb's gift of eternal life, even the Book
displaying the names of the sanctified and the pure and holy individuals who come with out- reached hand to receive of the
pure blood of the sacrificial endowment of power and knowledge to overcome the world even the carnal approach to the
way of deception which would block the transfusion of spirit to one caught in the world unto a losing of one's way and
foreordained remembrance of the transfer of the blood of the Holy Christ to the initiate found prepared to be a propitiation
for sin in the discipleship knowledge of the overcoming doctrine of love and forgiveness which designates those of pure
heart to the way and season of righteousness. [October 16, 1996 (2)]
October 22, 1996 (1)
October 22, 1996 (1) Inasmuch as ye seek the Lord, ye shall be answered to fulfill the covenant of fullness made with thee
that ye shall abide in the time of tribulation with the comfort given of the Lord thy God; for ye shall put on thy beautiful
garment of faith given unto thee that ye learn the voice of the Almighty, and distinguish the voice of many waters and learn
the things of the everlasting covenant that ye be strengthened to withstand all persecution and abide in the season of testing.
Be at peace, my daughter of the everlasting covenant. Be still and command the elements of thy mortal frame to abide the
word of the Lord in peace. Be it written this day that ye would remember the stillness of the sacrifice of thy sins; for ye
forsook the fear in the face of persecution and ye spent thy hours in service to thy God to find the exact measure of humility
needed to be forgiven of thy sins; for ye do the work of repentance even as ye stray from the faith necessary to have the
personhood and comfort given of the Holy Spirit of promise to bind thy faith sufficient to keep the Comforter of love and

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-64

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