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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E- 111

and understanding. So be it given unto thee to sustain thee in the light of eternal perspective which accompanies the
righteous in the cleansing attributes of righteousness which are for all those who hearken to the call of righteousness seen
upon their brow and are feasted upon in the name of righteousness unto the further light and wisdom clarifying the particles
of spirit unto a new day of righteousness. So be it written to give thee sustenance and dominion in the name of Jesus Christ
and upon whose name ye call in the holy brightened- discipleship walk of further light and knowledge attending thee in the
forefront of the attacking- worldly focus which provides no lasting sustenance for those who seek the face of righteousness
in the name of Jesus Christ the article of righteousness found in the blood of righteousness abiding in the disciple of
righteousness in the further deliverance of evil from the heart and mind of the initiate intent in the focus of obtaining the
further light and comfort of new light as the words of new light are found upon the countenance in the name of clarified
obedience to the way of righteousness. So be it written to obtain the degree of facility to overcome the world and feast upon
the new birth- redemption feasting at the table of righteousness and forgiveness encompassing the walk and talk of
righteousness found prepared to stand in the defense of pure righteousness even that pure righteousness abides upon the
brow of the single- hearted desire for clarified obedience and vision surrounding the things and season of extended light and
dominion. So be it granted unto thee to understand the things of an eternal perspective even as ye find clarity abounding
upon thy brow in the focus and determination of seasoned righteousness. So be it written to grant unto thee the way opened
before thy face as ye speak face to face understanding the principles of righteousness set before thy view. Amen and amen
and everlastingly spoken to thy heart as righteousness unto the further light and knowledge granted the faithful who cleanse
their heart and mind with the doctrine of the new- heart song of everlasting righteousness. So be it given to thee this day as
ye find the wholeness of the living light of obedience to the voice of purified fire and dominion granted thee as greater
understanding descends upon thy brow to remove the focus of the world and grant unto thee the clarified circumference of
greater light and understanding placed in the hearts of the righteous who find the clarifying focus of righteousness delicious
to the taste and desired above all the fruits of the field even that righteousness is granted to forestall the effect of the world
which hampers eternal vision and dominion gathered as greater understanding given in the purified name of holiness and
feasted- upon deliverance abiding upon the heart of the righteous who seek the abundance of the purified heart unto the
further deliverance from the world and focus of unrighteousness infesting the way and focus of the things of the world. So
be it written to grant thy heart solace in the overcoming measure of righteousness imparted unto thee because of thy
deliverance from the focus of the things and practices of the world which seek to overshadow faith in the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen and amen unto a clarified cycle of further light and dominion inhabiting the thought focussed on the literal
blood of the Son of Redemption even the literal blood of righteousness that the season of deliverance from evil encompasses
the stance planted in the garden of righteousness as the fruit of everlasting harvest fills the soul with the innumerable
particles of glowing symbols of overcoming in the name of Jesus Christ even that the way to an inheritance of righteousness
brings forth the venue and vision of greater obedience to stay the hand of darkness and to encourage the attitude of rejoicing
and long- suffering dealing with the cleansing properties of the feast and focus of righteousness. So be it granted unto thee
to gain the tribute focus of righteousness upon the brow even as ye stand in the clarified obedience of the pure blood of
righteousness and partake of the blessings of eternal- life focus in mortality even as the focus of righteousness is the focus of
eternal life. So be it written to thine understanding as ye find sustenance and deliverance in the holy name of righteousness
that ye be found worthy to have thy calling clarified in the holy name of righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ that ye
find wholeness and dominion granted unto thee as ye pursue the way outlined before thy face as the way and season of
righteousness abides in the sacrifice extracted of thy willingness to submit to the ridicule from those who understand not
neither do they see the face of extracted righteousness found upon their heart in a pure desire to suffer the hand of the Father
in all things even that the hand of righteousness would be upon thee even as ye overcome the world and find the things of
everlasting life sweet and delicious to the taste as the focus of extended- sacrificial writing in the name of Jesus Christ
stands as an extracted sacrifice to hear the word of the Lord and record the word of the Lord unto a greater willingness to
overcome the world and find deliverance from the world in the holy name of righteousness. So be it written to give thee the
clarification necessary to enjoy the fellowship of deliverance to stand as a sentinel of righteousness in the way and path open
before thy view even as ye speak the words spoken to thee in thy mind and heart even as ye overcome the world and find the
pure light of deliverance opened before thy view in the holy- redemptive arena of perfected light and knowledge bestowed
upon thy mind and heart to seal upon thee the things of an eternal- life perspective. So be it written to grant thee the face of
righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ that ye stand prepared to administer righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ.
Amen that ye do find thy mind enlightened with the fear of the Lord meaning that ye speak as ye hear and ye chastise as ye
hear and ye comfort as ye hear and ye do all these things in the holy- redemptive name of Jesus Christ that ye find thy
sustenance and deliverance granted in the holy name of righteousness even that ye find thy face restored of thy premortal
countenance that ye be recognized in the holy name of righteousness and do administer in the sacred name of righteousness
even that ye are granted dominion and understanding to overcome any situation given unto thee that ye are strict in thine
understanding of righteousness even that ye speak— and ye speak not according to the hardness of the heart unto whom ye

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-l 11

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